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Sample application forms for call details from Rostelecom. Power of attorney to receive documents Form of power of attorney to receive printouts of telephone calls

From the above provision of the law it follows that any management of connected services provided by PJSC Rostelecom must be carried out by the subscriber personally.

The same conclusion can be reached by analyzing paragraph 14 of the Government Decree “On the procedure for the provision of communication services” dated December 9, 2014 No. 1342, which states that the parties to the agreement are a citizen, or individual entrepreneur, on the one hand, and the telecom operator, on the other hand.

Important! Connecting or disconnecting any service is a change to the contract, which, like termination, is possible only on the basis of agreement of the parties (clause 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It follows from this that a power of attorney will be required in any case, regardless of the name, cost and duration of the service being connected/disconnected and the type of contract being concluded/terminated.

Who can act as a principal and attorney?

In cases where a legal entity acts as a principal, a power of attorney to represent interests in Rostelecom is issued on a general basis, i.e. in simple written form.

Such a power of attorney is usually issued by the sole executive body acting on the basis of the charter of the legal entity.

However, a power of attorney can also be issued by another person authorized by a power of attorney to delegate his powers. It should be remembered that You can delegate only those powers that are specified in the original power of attorney.

The right of subrogation must be separately stated in the initial power of attorney. If there is no such indication or an indication is made that the power of attorney was issued without the right to sub-delegate, the powers cannot be delegated.

Note! In a situation where the principal is a legal entity, the attorney can be not only an employee of this legal entity, but also any other individual or legal entity.

A power of attorney issued by an individual or individual entrepreneur also does not require notarization(remember about trust) and is done in . The rules for such a power of attorney are exactly the same as for a power of attorney issued by a legal entity. The role of an attorney, regardless of who the principal is, can be an individual or a legal entity (we talked in detail about the nuances of granting the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity in).

What information is included inside?

When indicating the details of the principal and the attorney in the power of attorney, be guided by the principle of maximum identification.

In cases where one of the parties is a legal entity, be sure to indicate the full name of the legal entity as indicated in the charter, TIN, KPP and OGRN of the organization, position of sole executive body and the grounds on which it operates.

If an individual entrepreneur appears in the power of attorney, be sure to indicate the full last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the number of the certificate of state registration citizen as an individual entrepreneur.

Is the principal or attorney an individual? In this case You must indicate your full last name, first name, patronymic and passport details:

  • series and number;
  • date of issue;
  • the authority that issued the passport.

In all cases, you will need to indicate your location. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs this is legal address, for – registration address (on how to draw up a power of attorney to represent interests from an individual entrepreneur to an individual, read).

Basic rules for writing and design

Reference! PJSC Rostelecom does not present any powers of attorney special requirements not provided for by current legislation.

When preparing a power of attorney, you can use the sample located on the website or prepare a power of attorney yourself.

You can learn more about how to correctly draw up and fill out a power of attorney, as well as view sample documents.

Detailed step-by-step instructions for compiling

As stated earlier, the power of attorney should be made on the letterhead of the organization or individual entrepreneur.

  • A power of attorney that does not indicate a validity period is considered valid for one year from the moment it was committed (clause 1 of Article 186 Civil Code RF).

    Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Duration of power of attorney

    1. If the power of attorney does not indicate its validity period, it remains valid for a year from the date of its execution.

      A power of attorney that does not indicate the date of its execution is void.

    2. A power of attorney certified by a notary, intended to perform actions abroad and not containing an indication of its validity period, remains valid until it is canceled by the person who issued the power of attorney.

    In general, it is clear that the power of attorney provided by the subscriber to Rostelecom PJSC does not differ from powers of attorney provided to other telecom operators, is executed in a manner that does not require significant effort in drafting.

Typically, a power of attorney to receive documents is required in cases where the principal, for some reason, cannot independently pick up the papers he needs. Presented this document to almost any institution - both government ( tax inspectorates, passport offices, off-budget funds etc.), and in commercial structures(banks, financial institutions, enterprises and organizations). You can issue a power of attorney to receive almost any documents, be it certificates, personal papers, registration certificates, etc. Such a power of attorney can be issued by both an individual and a legal entity.

A “hot” example of a power of attorney to receive documents from the tax office, as well as an empty one general form presented below:


Who can become a trustee

The principal can choose any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority as a representative.

Organizations, as a rule, entrust such actions to their employees - secretaries, personnel officers or accounting department specialists, depending on which documents the power of attorney is issued for. A power of attorney can be issued to one representative or to several at once. In addition, a power of attorney can be one-time in nature or valid for a certain period.

Sometimes organizations include a line about the possibility of reassigning a power of attorney. If such a right is granted to an authorized person, then the initial power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

Basic rules for issuing a power of attorney to receive documents

Such a power of attorney does not have a specially developed single unified form - the principal has the right to write it in free form. Large enterprises, as a rule, write this document on company letterhead, but this is not necessary; a regular A4 sheet is also suitable for such a document. You can write a power of attorney either by hand or print it on a computer, the main thing is that there is a signature on the document official and the seal of the organization, if such a power of attorney is issued by a legal entity.

You must be very careful when filling out a power of attorney, since if certain rules are not followed, it may be invalidated.

Writing a power of attorney to receive documents from a legal entity

Registration of a power of attorney is not complicated; it is quite standard from the point of view of office work.

  • The word “power of attorney” is written at the beginning of the document. The line just below indicates locality, in which the document is drawn up, as well as the date it was completed (day, month (in words), year).
  • Then you need to enter the details of the legal entity into the power of attorney: the full name of the enterprise (indicating its organizational and legal form) and OGRN (this information can be found in registration documents enterprises).
  • Next, you should write the position of the employee on whose behalf this document is being drawn up (usually a director or CEO organization), his last name, first name, patronymic (first name and patronymic can be indicated as initials), as well as the document on the basis of which the principal acts (as a rule, they write in this line "Based on the Charter", less often “based on the Regulations”).
  • After this, personal information regarding the representative is entered. This indicates his last name, first name, patronymic, passport details (series, number, when and by whom it was issued), place permanent registration(according to passport).
  • And finally, it indicates what the power of attorney is actually written for: a list of documents that the principal’s representative should receive, as well as the name of the institution that should issue them. It is important to accurately indicate the name of the documents so that the specialist issuing them does not have any doubts or questions.

In the penultimate line you should enter the date until which the power of attorney is valid.

Here you can specify any dates; according to the law, at the moment the duration of such a power of attorney may not be limited.

After entering the above information confidant puts his signature on the document, which is certified by the head of the principal company. The latter also signs the power of attorney and puts the seal of the organization (it must be said that since 2016 legal entities are not required to use seals and stamps in their activities, however, many government and non-governmental institutions most often still requires an imprint on documents).

I wrote the power of attorney. What's next?

In some cases, such powers of attorney must be certified by a notary. This is required when, for example, you need to obtain documents to make changes to state registers or a transaction is concluded that requires a notarized form of power of attorney - it is better to clarify the need notarization directly at the notary's office.

If you are interested in a longer period, you need to contact Rostelecom, the customer service center. In order to get acquainted with general information on current expenses, you can go to the “Costs and Payments” option at the top line of the menu. 2. Call printout If you need a call printout in the usual way, i.e. in paper form, you can go to the nearest operator’s office and ask for such a service. There is one caveat: such a printout can be obtained if the number is registered in your name and you have an identity document, or if you want to receive information not about your account, a power of attorney to receive such a document, certified by a notary. If the printout is taken using a corporate number, company number - a power of attorney certified by the head of the company.

Call printout: view online or receive in the office

For Internet connections - the date, time, volume of traffic consumed and the amount of money charged for the service are indicated.


Call details may be required in different cases– someone wants to remember or find a forgotten or not recorded number, someone wants to find out or clarify the time and date of a certain call, someone just wants to calculate their expenses for certain services.

Parents, using the “call detailing” service, will be able to monitor their child’s calls, look at which numbers, from which numbers and at what time the calls were made.

Next, we will walk you through step-by-step how to order call detailing from Rostelecom and take a detailed look at existing service options.
1. Account details using “Personal Account” Getting a detailed report on your expenses using “Personal Account” in Rostelecom is very simple and free.

Rostelecom call details

In this section you can download application forms.

For individuals:

  • Application to change Internet/Telephony tariff plan
  • Application for suspension of Internet/Telephony/Television services
  • Application for renewal of Internet/Telephony/Television services
  • Application for ordering details of telephone calls
  • Application for re-enrollment Money in case of payment error

For legal entities:

  • Letter of guarantee
  • Application to change Telephony/Internet tariff plan
  • Application for suspension of service
  • Power of attorney
  • Application for transfer of connection point
  • Application for a refund upon termination of the contract
  • Application for setting up redirection

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Forms and applications for opsos and provs


How to order a printout of calls at the Rostelecom office You can order details of home telephony calls using written request to the operator's office.

To do this you should:
  • visit the nearest Rostelecom branch and write a statement indicating the period for which you need to receive a report;
  • provide documents (passport) confirming that you are an existing client in accordance with the contract;
  • upon receipt of the report, pay the cost of the service in accordance with the tariff.

Attention! If you do not have the opportunity to personally visit the Rostelecom office, you should issue a power of attorney to relatives or friends, with which they will fill out an application to receive details.


Home phone users connected to the Rostelecom network can use the call detailing service by ordering a printout from the operator.

This service allows you to obtain information about outgoing and incoming calls, their duration and recipient.

Thanks to the generated reports, subscribers can control the costs of communication services.

  • Report on completed calls
  • Order a Rostelecom printout
  • Viewing the report in the online user account

Leading operators offer their subscribers a service for independently managing services without leaving home.

Rostelecom provides existing customers with access to their “Personal Account”, using which they can enable and disable options, control expenses and much more.


If you need to find out the number of a subscriber with whom a Rostelecom client has previously communicated, use a service such as detailing home phone calls, which can be done in the form of a printout.

The list of completed connections will contain information of interest about the interlocutor. How to get a printout of Rostelecom calls via the Internet Using Personal Area Rostelecom subscriber, you can create a request to provide a generated call report to your email address.

A PDF file containing detailed information from the operator will be attached to the sent letter.

For user convenience, you can sign up for a monthly subscription to provide this type of report. Attention! The detail contains data on calls for the last 6 months and cannot exceed this period.

Printing out messages The number of SMS and mms messages sent is indicated in the call details, which you can receive either electronically or in paper form.

You will not be able to request the message texts themselves, even if you are the owner of the SIM card. Such information is provided only by court order, and is not provided to private individuals at all. It can only be obtained by law enforcement officers.

Sample application forms for call details from Rostelecom

  • 1 Account details. How to order a service?
    • 1.1 1.

      Account details using “Personal Account”

    • 1.2 2. Call printout
    • 1.3 3. Printing SMS messages

Rostelecom clients can take advantage of such a convenient service as “Conversation Detailing”.

It allows the subscriber to receive a detailed report on his account (phone number).

This report, despite its name, contains information not only about calls made. The client is provided with a detailed breakdown of the expenses on his account - expenses for paid Additional services, expenses for sending SMS, mms, paying for Internet connection, etc. Any client of the company can order detailed information in a way convenient for him.