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Instructions for labor protection during operation of electrical installations. Instructions for labor protection when operating manual and electric hoists. Increased or decreased temperature of equipment surfaces and materials

Instructions for labor protection when operating autoclaves

1. General provisions.

1.1. These instructions are intended for those working at the enterprise.

1.2. The following persons are allowed to perform work as ___________:

  • At least 18 years of age;
  • Past medical checkup;
  • Past induction training on labor protection, as well as instruction on labor protection in the workplace;
  • Trained in safe workplace practices for the work performed.

1.3. The worker is obliged:

  • Follow internal rules labor regulations.
  • Comply with the requirements of these instructions;
  • Have with you a certificate confirming your knowledge of safe methods and techniques for performing work in your main and related professions. Periodically, at least once a year, undergo regular labor safety knowledge testing according to the approved schedule;
  • Know the design and conditions of safe operation of the machines and equipment on which he has to work;
  • Inform the work manager about malfunctions that make it impossible to carry out work safely;
  • Use special clothing and by individual means protection provided for by the standards approved by the head of the enterprise.
  • Do not allow unauthorized persons to be present at the workplace;
  • Be able to provide first aid and, if necessary, provide it to victims of industrial accidents, if possible keeping the situation at the scene unchanged and reporting the incident to the manager;
  • Comply with requirements fire safety do not light an open fire without the special permission of the work manager;
  • Periodically undergo a medical examination within the time limits prescribed for this profession.

1.4. The worker must know the dangerous and harmful production factors present at this workplace:

  • Possibility of injury electric shock in the absence or malfunction of grounding devices;

1.5. When moving around the city on the way to and from work, the employee must follow the rules traffic in the part that concerns pedestrians, and when delivering to work by transport in the part that concerns passengers.

1.6. When performing any work, an employee must have a healthy sense of danger and be guided by common sense. In the absence of these qualities, he will independent work not allowed.

2. Labor safety requirements before starting work.

2.1. Before starting work, the employee must:

  • Receive instructions from the work manager on safe methods, techniques and sequence of performance of the production task;
  • Put on the special clothing required by the regulations, put it in order, fasten all the buttons so that there are no hanging ends;
  • Lead workplace in a safe state;

3. Labor protection requirements during work.

3.1. When working with the autoclave, you must stand on a dielectric mat.

3.2. Regularly after 4-5 sterilization cycles in the presence of pressure it is necessary to:

Raise the safety valve flap to prevent it from burning.

Blow through the indicator glass by slowly turning the handwheel of the lower valve, being careful not to get scalded by steam or hot water.


  • Operation of the autoclave in case of any malfunction, primarily the safety valve.
  • Leave the autoclave unattended during operation.
  • Add water to the autoclave if there is pressure in the working chamber.
  • Repair the autoclave when there is pressure.
  • Carry out repairs to the electrical part of the autoclave under voltage.
  • Operation of the autoclave with a faulty electrical contact pressure gauge or vacuum pressure gauge, as well as when their verification period has expired.
  • Operating the autoclave without grounding.
  • Open the lid when there is pressure in the working chamber of the autoclave.

4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work.

4.1. Upon completion of work, the employee must do the following:

  • Turn off the autoclave from the power supply
  • Tidy up the workplace;
  • Remove tools and accessories to specially designated storage areas;
  • Report all noticed malfunctions and deviations from the normal state to the work manager;
  • Bring the workplace into compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • Leave special clothing and special shoes in the “dirty” locker room, wash and change.

5. Action in case of accident, fire, injury.

5.1. In the event of an accident or a situation in which an accident may occur, stop work immediately and take measures to own safety and the safety of other workers, report the incident to the work manager.

5.2. In the event of a fire, stop work immediately and notify fire department by calling 01, your work manager and begin extinguishing the fire using available means.

5.3. In case of injury, go to the first aid station, if possible, keep the injury site in the same condition as it was at the time of injury, and report to your work supervisor personally or through workmates.

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Occupational safety is most important industry work at every enterprise, especially where there is production. In order for the labor protection process to be organized correctly, first of all you need to have all required package documents.

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One of the first places in this list is occupied by labor safety instructions.


The labor safety instruction is a document that regulates the process safe work with equipment, devices and mechanisms, as well as performing any work.

This document is somewhat similar to a job description, but if it pays more attention to what the employee must do, then the documents regulating labor protection describe how the employee should do this or that job.

For all positions that are in staffing table enterprises, there must be instructions on labor protection, as well as for all work that may pose a danger to the life and health of the employee performing them.


The main purpose of occupational safety instructions is to ensure the safe work of employees.

It is the main document that describes safe work practices, safety measures that need to be ensured before starting work, as well as what measures need to be taken if force majeure circumstances arise.

Are they required?

The head of any enterprise must have a set of instructions for the labor protection unit, this is directly stated in Article 212 Labor Code Russian Federation.

Their development and approval is part of the overall set of measures to ensure occupational safety at the enterprise.

Absence of this document may result in a fine being imposed on the employer.

And if his absence is discovered during the investigation work injury, then the consequences for the director of the company and the employee appointed responsible for compliance with labor protection will be very serious.


All labor safety instructions can be divided into several types.

By positions (professions) and categories of workers

These instructions contain safe work practices for certain categories of workers in the enterprise.

For example it could be job description electrician, mechanic, cleaner, driver, etc. It describes the entire work algorithm performed by a specific employee and is applied only to employees working in this position.

If there are several units of one position in the staffing table, then the job description of this type can be either one for everyone or individual for each. This is determined by the job description.


The organization has two electricians: Ivanov and Petrov, but one of them, according to the job description, has a traveling job, and the other’s responsibilities include setting up equipment and electrical networks within the employer’s territory; accordingly, their work algorithms will be different and it is better to draw up two instructions.

Note! The legislation does not clearly state that, as in the example above, the same name staffing units there should be two instructions. But the more specific and detailed the instructions are in relation to the work being performed, the more the employer will protect himself and the employee in the event of an accident at the workplace.

By type of work

This type includes instructions regulating the implementation certain works, or the use of certain mechanisms and devices.

In this document, all information relates to only one specific subject, for example:

  • computer work;
  • working on a drilling machine;
  • working with a ladder with a stepladder;
  • performing grass cutting work;
  • performing window cleaning work;
  • performing cleaning work in the charging area, etc.

These instructions can be used by any employee who is authorized and intends to perform the work specified in them.

Also, several instructions may apply to one position.


Once a month, the cleaning lady of the organization should do a general cleaning with washing windows and wiping dust on high shelving. This means that, in addition to the instructions for the premises cleaner, she must also have instructions on labor protection when handling a stepladder and when washing windows.

For office workers

To office workers in in this case will include employees whose work does not require the following features:

  • storage of raw materials and materials;
  • maintenance, operation and adjustment of mechanisms and equipment;
  • working with complex tools.

That is, these are mainly employees belonging to administrative and managerial personnel, whose work functions are not related to increased danger, but, nevertheless, they should also have labor protection instructions.

Note! In some cases, employees in this category must also have additional instructions.


An enterprise accountant works on a computer and uses an electric machine to staple documents. This means that her work will include instructions on labor protection on a personal computer and instructions on safe work on a machine for stapling documents.

At work

According to the law, all employees of the enterprise must undergo training at the workplace; its name and frequency are established for each category individually. For this purpose, labor safety instructions collected for a particular position are used.

This package of documents must be located at the employee’s workplace.

This is especially true for work positions related to production risk more than other categories.


For an electrician of an organization, the following list of instructions can be established at his workplace:

  • electrician's instructions;
  • instructions for working with electrified tools;
  • instructions for working with a stepladder;
  • instructions for working at height.

Labor protection instructions and their features

Who is developing this document?

The law obliges the head of the organization to ensure the creation and approval of instructions.

But the text of the document should be directly developed by the employees responsible for a particular area of ​​work, since it is the managers and foremen of the areas who are best familiar with the specifics of a particular type of work.

The procedure for creating instructions at each enterprise is established individually.

If the enterprise is small, then the development of instructions for working personnel may be entrusted to the chief engineer or chief power engineer, but not to the person responsible for labor protection, unless, of course, he does not combine positions.

The fact is that most often, employees who are responsible for labor protection do not have a practical knowledge base in complex production processes. But they should help with methodological recommendations and indicate which normative act is best to use to write instructions.

In addition, when the text of the document is compiled, occupational safety specialists formulate all instructions in a single format, number them, collect signatures and distribute them for further use.

What is taken as a basis when compiling?

IN government documents There are many developed standard instructions for occupational safety and health for various positions and jobs.

Therefore if there is standard instructions, then it is precisely this that is taken as the basis for a specific document, bringing it into line with the needs of a specific enterprise.

If standard document no, then you need to use industry or inter-industry Labor Safety Rules for a certain type of work, as well as operational documents (passports) of units and machines.

Design rules

In order for the safety instructions to comply with the law, it must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Details required in the document:

  • full name of the organization;
  • visa approved by the head of the enterprise, certified by the official seal of the organization;
  • approval visas for responsible employees;
  • name of the instructions;
  • date and number;
  • text with relevant sections;
  • signature of the employee who compiled the document or the specialist responsible for labor protection.

Structure and sections

Standard forms of labor protection instructions contain five sections, so when developing them at enterprises, it is recommended to adhere to the same structure.

Sections that should be in the document:

  • general safety rules for a specific type of work (position);
  • ensuring safety before starting work;
  • safe work practices during their execution;
  • safety after completion of work;
  • safety in case of emergency situations.

Example of labor safety instructions:

What are they approved by?

Safety instructions must be approved by an order signed by the director of the company.

This is done every time a change occurs:

  • in case of approval of new instructions;
  • in case of re-approval without making changes;
  • in cases of changes in one or more instructions.

The order is drawn up in any form on the organization’s letterhead.

A sample of such an order is presented below:

Employee familiarization

The fact that company employees are familiar with labor safety instructions is recorded in a special journal. You can also familiarize employees with the instructions simply against signature, especially if the employee has just started working or the instructions are new. The issuance of these documents is recorded in.

Note! This method of familiarizing employees with job descriptions does not relieve the head of the enterprise from the obligation to conduct training and briefings on labor protection in a timely manner.


The direct validity period of the instruction is 5 years, then it must be reviewed for compliance with current legislation.
If no changes have occurred, the instructions can be left unchanged by approving this by order.

Thus, it will be valid for the same amount of time unless there are reasons for making changes

Modification, cancellation and modification

There are several cases to make changes to labor safety instructions:

Reason for revision Periodicity
Expiration of validity period Once every 5 years
Instructions for work involving increased danger once every 3 years
Amendments to legislative acts As needed
As ordered by higher authorities As prescribed
When changing the production process technology When introducing new equipment
In case of accidents at work Based on the results of the investigation


These instructions on labor protection during the operation of self-propelled electric stackers are available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. An electric self-propelled stacker (hereinafter referred to as an electric stacker) is designed for lifting/removing cargo from racks, as well as transporting palletized cargo along the warehouse floor.
1.2. On the body of the electric stacker there is a table that allows you to set the capabilities of lifting the load to the desired height; violating the data specified in the table is prohibited, as this can lead to breakdown of the electric stacker, as well as injury to employees.
1.3. The electric stacker is permitted to be used in interior spaces warehouse, on a flat horizontal surface, without colliding with other objects. The surface slope should not exceed 3%.
1.4. The electric stacker can be used indoors on flat and stable surfaces. Temperature environment should be between -15°C and +50°C. The main parts of the electric stacker: 1 – manipulator handle, 2 – mast, 3 – support forks.
1.5. Persons at least 18 years of age who have no medical contraindications to this work, who have undergone introductory and initial workplace safety briefings, training in safe methods and techniques, on-the-job training, and testing of knowledge of safety requirements are allowed to operate an electric stacker. labor.
1.6. An employee authorized to operate an electric stacker must have a certificate for the right to operate it.
1.7. During labor activity the employee is required to undergo repeated instruction on labor protection - at least once every 3 months, the next test of knowledge of labor protection requirements - at least once every 12 months, periodic medical examination - in accordance with current legislation RF.
1.8. By order of the organization, the employee is allowed to operate an electric stacker and this equipment is assigned to him.
1.9. The employee is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization, work schedule, work and rest schedule, and know and comply with the requirements of these instructions. It is prohibited to begin work in a state of alcohol, narcotic or other types of toxic intoxication, in a painful and tired state.
1.10. An employee may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors while performing work:
— moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts production equipment, moving products, blanks, materials, moving goods, containers;
— collapsing stacks of stored goods;
- increased or decreased air temperature and humidity;
— sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of goods and containers;
— overturning of the electric stacker due to overloading of the forks or incorrect placement of the pallet with the load on the forks;
- insufficient lighting working area.
1.11. To protect against exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors the employee is provided with free special clothing and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the current Standards for the issuance of special clothing and other equipment personal protection.
1.12. Places specially designated for smoking tobacco are indicated by “Smoking Area” signs.
1.13. At the end of work, during breaks (including lunch), after visiting the toilet, you must wash your hands with soap.
1.14. Meals should be taken in a specially equipped place.
1.15. The employee must comply with the requirements fire safety.
1.16. An employee must be able to provide first aid to a victim in an accident at work.
1.17. Immediately report to your immediate supervisor about every accident that occurs at work, about the signs occupational disease, about a sudden deterioration in health, about all situations that pose a threat to the life and health of people, and may also lead to a violation of the condition normal conditions labor.
1.18. The employee is responsible for violation of labor protection requirements in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Make sure the overalls and other personal protective equipment are in good condition. Put them on, fasten the special clothing with all the buttons, avoiding hanging items of clothing. Do not pin your clothes with pins or needles, do not keep sharp, piercing or breakable objects in your pockets.
2.2. Explore " Technical certificate and operating instructions. Electric stacker OM CN 14". Pay special attention to the rules for safe operation of equipment.
2.3. Prepare the workplace for safe work: ensure the presence of free passages; check the stability of the container, check external inspection:
— sufficiency of lighting in the aisles, at the places where unloading works are carried out, at the places where goods are received and unloaded;
— serviceability of racks;
— no hanging or exposed ends of electrical wiring;
— absence of foreign objects in the work area;
— the condition of the floors (absence of potholes, uneven surfaces, spilled liquids) along the route of transportation of goods;
— serviceability of the equipment, devices and tools used.
2.4. Before you start working with the electric stacker you must:
— inspect the general condition of the electric stacker;
— check for mechanical damage to metal structures;
— check the serviceability and operation of the forks;
— inspect the electric stacker for oil leaks;
— check traffic signals and alarms;
— check the functionality of the manipulator handle;
— make sure that there are no signs of external damage on the wheels;
— battery charge level according to the indicator;
2.5. Make sure the forks are in the driving position.
2.6. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it clockwise.
2.7. To check the operation of the electric stacker, move the control lever to position A or C and press the “Raise”/“Down” button on the control handle to make sure that the fork lifting mechanism is working properly. Then move the control lever to position B and slowly begin the horizontal movement of the electric stacker. Then move the handle to a horizontal position to make sure that the electric stacker can move and brake normally. Move the control lever to position B and press the reverse button on the top of the control handle to check that the truck can reverse normally.
2.8. Report any identified deficiencies to your immediate supervisor. It is forbidden to start operating the electric stacker if the slightest malfunction is detected. Make a log entry about detected faults.


3.1. Perform only work that is assigned by your immediate supervisor and provided that safe methods for performing it are known. It is prohibited to use an electric stacker to perform non-core work.
3.2. When moving around the territory, production and auxiliary premises when fulfilling their job responsibilities follow the traffic rules established by the relevant signs and indicators.
3.3. When vehicles appear on the territory, you must be attentive to the signals given by drivers of moving vehicles and comply with them, not be in the path of a moving vehicle and move to a safe distance.
3.4. The employee is obliged to use the established passages and passages.
3.5. It is prohibited to touch moving parts of mechanisms, electrical wires, cables with your hands, or step on portable electrical wires lying on the floor.
3.6. It is prohibited to use electrical wires for hanging documentation, visual propaganda, clothing and other items.
3.7. It is prohibited to use electric heating devices with an open spiral or homemade ones, to repair electrical appliances, to leave them turned on unattended, to dry or place clothes and other flammable materials on them.
3.8. When performing your direct duties, you must be attentive, not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and also not distract others. Do not use headphones.
3.9. While on the territory and in production premises organizations are prohibited:
- go to bottlenecks between moving vehicles and a wall or load;
— touch the forks of the electric stacker to open and unprotected live parts of equipment, general lighting fixtures, as well as exposed and poorly insulated electrical wires;
— approach within a distance of less than 10 m to the detected broken wire;
- stand near opening doors;
- allow persons not related to the work performed to enter the workplace;
- touch objects and enter premises on the panels and doors of which there are warning signs with the following inscriptions: “PASSAGE IS PROHIBITED”, “HIGH VOLTAGE”, “DANGEROUS TO LIFE”, “DO NOT TURN ON - PEOPLE ARE WORKING”.
3.10. The worker must always operate the electric stacker smoothly, without sudden accelerations and braking, which can provoke emergency situations.
3.11. In position A and C, the electric stacker can only lift and lower the load. In position B, the stacker can move, lower and lift the load. The angle and side of the handle provide an indication of the speed of movement of the device and an indication of the direction of movement. There is a button on the control handle to slow down the lifting speed, pressing which provides a reduced speed of movement. When the mast is raised above 1.8 m, the speed drops to 3 km/h.
3.12. The electric stacker should always be moved only with the forks lowered, which should be at a height of no more than 200 mm from the floor.
3.13. The speed of movement of the electric stacker must be adjusted depending on the presence of other employees, visibility, the condition of the floor surface, workload, and must prevent collision with other employees or equipment.
3.14. The movement of the electric stacker when turning or in oversized places should be carried out at a minimum speed (no more than 5 km/h).
3.15. When operating an electric stacker, the employee must ensure that there are no unauthorized persons within a radius of 5 m from the work site who are not related to the work being performed.
3.16. If unauthorized persons enter the work area of ​​the electric stacker, the operator of the electric stacker must warn them of the danger and not begin to continue work until unauthorized persons leave the danger zone.
3.17. When operating an electric stacker, an employee must:
— do not exceed the established load capacity;
- ensure that the load is evenly placed on the forks, that the load on the pallet is laid evenly in compliance with the center of gravity, is not displaced, palletized, the height of the stored goods is no more than 1.2 m.
3.18. Failure to respect the center of gravity of the load placed on the pallet, as well as exceeding the load capacity when moving, can lead to the electric stacker overturning and injury!
— do not allow the load to protrude more than 50 mm from the length of the forks;
— sound a warning signal before starting to move the electric stacker forward or backward, lifting and lowering the load, as well as in all cases when there is a possibility of an unexpected collision with employees;
— maintain a distance from the vehicle ahead in order to avoid a collision during a sudden stop, the distance must be at least 5 m;
— do not allow movement and sharp turns at high speed;
- avoid collisions with stationary and moving objects, incl. with racks;
- during work shift Keep the electric stacker switch key with you and do not give the key to unauthorized persons.
3.19. When placing pallets with cargo on the racks, the forks of the electric stacker's load gripper should be approached carefully.
3.20. Pick up and leave the load only if there is sufficient clearance under the load, allowing free entry and exit of the fork.
3.21. Before lifting and lowering the load, first inspect the place from where the load will be lifted and where it will be placed, make sure that the pallet with the load fits completely into the space allocated for it.
3.22. After placing the load on the rack, when the electric stacker begins to move backwards, you must make sure that the pallet with the load is installed level (see pictures below) to avoid the load tipping over from the shelf of the rack;
3.23. It is necessary to lift and lower the load in accordance with the lifting capacity of the electric stacker and the diagram (the ratio of the weight of the load and the permissible height of its lifting, depending on the position of the center of gravity of the load when placing it on the forks) indicated in the table installed on the electric stacker.
3.24. If the electric stacker loses its stable position (when the wheels begin to lift off the floor), immediately lower the load down.
3.25. When operating the electric stacker, it is prohibited:
— work with the shield covering the control panel removed;
— work with faulty safety mechanisms;
— touch uninsulated, damaged wires and electrical distribution devices;
— lift and transport a load whose mass is unknown, lift a jammed load;
— lift and move the load using only one fork of the electric stacker;
— lift, lower and transport people on the forks of an electric stacker;
— allow the presence of people under the lifted load;
— run over electrical wires lying on the ground;
— during breaks in work, leave the electric stacker turned on;
— leave the electric stacker with the load raised on the forks.
3.26. Loading into the rack:
1. Approach the rack slowly. The load must be lowered. Stop the stacker directly in front of the rack.
2. Raise the load just above the surface of the required tier of the rack.
3. Slowly move the stacker forward and lift the load over the surface of the rack tier. Make sure the load can fit securely on the tier.
4. Lower the forks until the load is placed on the tier.
5. Move the forks of the stacker out from under the load, moving the stacker in the opposite direction.
6. Lower the forks of the stacker.
3.27. Unloading from the rack:
1. Approach the rack slowly. The forks must be lowered. Stop the stacker directly in front of the rack.
2. Raise the forks just above the surface of the required tier of shelving.
3. Slowly move the stacker forward and place the forks under the load. Make sure that the load can be lifted without losing stability and that it is evenly distributed on the forks.
4. Raise the forks until the load lifts off the rack tier.
5. Slowly move the stacker back until the forks of the stacker extend beyond the rack.
6. Lower the loaded forks to the lowest position.
7. After making sure that nothing is blocking the movement of the stacker, start moving.
3.28. During work it is not allowed:
— finding people in the way of cargo movement;
— move with raised forks;
— transport people on the forks of an electric stacker;
- use the pitchfork as a lever.
3.29. When working with an electric stacker:
— comply with the safety requirements set out in operational documentation equipment manufacturers;
— use lifting and transport equipment only for those works that are provided for in the instructions for its operation;
- warn nearby workers about the upcoming start-up and operation of equipment, devices and mechanisms using an audio signal;
— lifting and lowering the load when the stacker is in motion is prohibited;
— comply with equipment loading standards;
— do not use containers that have chips, cracks, or tears;
— do not carry goods on faulty pallets (see picture below).
3.30. The transported load must not block the view when the electric stacker is moving.


4.1. Operation must be stopped immediately in the following cases:
— fire occurrence;
— when identifying problems with the operation of the electric stacker;
- sudden sharp deterioration in health;
- an accident with an employee.
4.2. If an emergency occurs, stop work, exit danger zone, if necessary, remove people nearby.
4.3. In the event of a sudden sharp deterioration in health or injury, provide first aid to victims of an accident, and, if necessary, call ambulance by calling 103 or 112 and notifying management.
4.4. For further investigation of the reasons why the accident occurred, to preserve the situation if possible, if this does not pose a threat to the life and health of people and safety material property.
4.5. If signs of fire or fire are detected, act in accordance with the Instructions on fire safety measures approved general director.
4.6. If problems are detected in the operation of the electric stacker and its structural elements, immediately stop work. Notify your immediate supervisor. It is forbidden to attempt to repair the electric stacker yourself.
4.7. Immediately report any shortcomings and violations identified during the work process to your immediate supervisor.


5.1. Tidy up your workspace. Place the electric stacker on a level surface. Lower the forks to the lower horizontal position. Turn off the electric stacker. Remove the key from the ignition.
5.2. Remove debris from the working surface of the electric stacker using a brush. It is forbidden to remove garbage with your hands.
5.3. Remove overalls and other personal protective equipment. Place in designated place.
5.4. Wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap.
5.5. Report any identified deficiencies in your work to your immediate supervisor.

Thanks to Lyudmila for providing the instructions! =)

IN mandatory The employer must have instructions:

  1. About first aid.
  2. On fire safety.
  3. For each position.
  4. In the most traumatic areas of activity (when working with electricity, at heights, at vehicles etc.)

The obligation to develop this document is enshrined in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Neglect on the part of the employer is punishable by a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 5 years. For workers, ignoring occupational safety regulations can be deadly.


The development of safety instructions is carried out on the basis of inter-industry or industry standard instructions. For example, a standard instruction on labor protection for a baker was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated May 24, 2002 No. 36 “On approval of inter-industry standard instructions...”

With absence regulatory documents, approving cross-industry or sectoral requirements for safe conditions work, these regulatory documents are developed on the basis of the safety requirements set out in the operational documentation that comes with the equipment.

The procedure for developing documents is determined by the employer, who can independently deal with this issue, or can entrust it to a specially appointed employee (usually a labor protection engineer, whose job description contains the corresponding responsibility).

Standard job description for a labor protection specialist

The position of an occupational safety specialist is created in an organization if the number of staff members is more than 50 (Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the number of employees is smaller, the employer is not obliged to introduce the specified position, but this does not mean that he has less responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions for his subordinates. All responsibility lies with the employer.

Professional standard Specialist in the field of labor protection

When developing regulations governing safe work employees, it is advisable to be guided by the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations approved by the Ministry of Labor on May 13, 2004.

Documents on safe working conditions are developed for 5 years. After this time they are subject to revision.

They must be processed ahead of schedule in the following cases:

  • renegotiation of cross-industry or sectoral agreements;
  • changes in the working conditions of employees;
  • introduction of new equipment and technologies;
  • occurrence of accidents;
  • regulations of regulatory authorities.

If none of the above has happened within 5 years, the validity of the instruction is extended for the next 5 years.

Preparation of work safety documents

The regulatory act on occupational safety must contain sections with safety requirements:

  • general section;
  • before starting work;
  • during work;
  • V emergency situations;
  • upon completion of work.

If necessary, additional sections can be included.

For new capacities being put into operation, it is allowed to develop and apply temporary regulations for employees who must ensure safe operation production processes And safe operation equipment.

Sample labor safety instructions for office workers

Regulations on work safety for all positions of workers and all types of activities at the enterprise are approved by the general director (if there is a trade union, everything should first be agreed upon with it; if an occupational safety specialist believes that some instructions need to be agreed upon with any specialized institution, also need to do this).

List of labor safety instructions

All developed and approved regulations regulating work safety are subject to recording and issuance.

The first journal (accounting) is kept in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendation dated May 13, 2004, its form is as follows:

Logbook form

Employees must be familiarized with the requirements of documents regulating work safety upon signature. This does not mean that every employee needs to study all the regulations in this area. This means that the employee must be familiar with those provisions of regulatory documents that relate directly to his professional activity. However, there are documents with which all employees must be familiar - these are regulations on first aid and fire safety.

Familiarization of employees with documents on work safety must be recorded; for this purpose, a second log form is provided (Appendix No. 3 to Methodological recommendations from 05/13/2004)

Issue log form

If opportunities allow, it is advisable for employees to be given copies of regulations governing work safety.

  • Studying these documents is mandatory for employees;
  • familiarization is provided by the employer.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the employer's regulatory documents should be considered a violation of labor discipline.

Labor protection instructions
when operating electrical installations up to 1000 V

1. General requirements security

1.1. For work on the operation of electrical installations up to 1000 V (installation, lighting, heating devices, technical means training and electrical machines) persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed. Non-electrical personnel operating electrical installations up to 1000 V, who have undergone instruction and testing of knowledge on electrical safety, are assigned qualification group I of admission with registration in a journal of the established form with the obligatory signature of the inspector and the person being inspected.
1.2. Persons authorized to operate electrical installations up to 1000 V must comply with internal labor regulations and established work and rest schedules.
1.3. When operating electrical installations up to 1000 V, workers may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:
- electric shock when touching live parts;
- faulty insulation or grounding.
1.4. When operating electrical installations up to 1000 V, the following personal protective equipment must be used: dielectric gloves, dielectric mat, voltage indicator, tools with insulated handles.
1.5. Persons operating electrical installations up to 1000 V are required to strictly observe fire safety rules and know the location primary funds fire extinguishing, as well as disconnecting devices (switches) to relieve voltage.
1.6. The victim or eyewitness to the accident must immediately report to the administration of the institution about each accident. If the electrical installation malfunctions, stop working, remove the voltage from it and inform the administration of the institution.
1.7. During the operation of electrical installations, personnel must comply with the rules for the use of personal protective equipment, observe the rules of personal hygiene, and keep the workplace clean.
1.8. Persons who fail to comply with or violate labor safety instructions are subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the internal labor regulations and, if necessary, are subject to an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection norms and rules.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1 Check the absence of external damage to the electrical installation, the presence and serviceability of control, measuring and signaling devices, toggle switches, switches, etc.
2.2 Make sure that the covers of electrical outlets and switches, the electrical plug and the supply cable are intact.
2.3 Make sure that the grounding conductor of the electrical installation housing is present and intact.
2.4 Check the availability and serviceability of personal protective equipment and the absence of external damage.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. Before connecting the electrical installation to the electrical network, if necessary, stand on a dielectric mat (if the floor covering is made of conductive material).
3.2. Do not connect the electrical installation to the electrical network with wet or damp hands.
3.3. Follow the rules for operating the electrical installation, do not expose it to mechanical shocks, and do not allow it to fall.
3.4. Do not touch wires and other live parts that are live without personal protective equipment.
3.5. Check the presence of voltage in the network only with a voltage indicator.
3.6. Monitor the proper operation of the electrical installation, the integrity of the insulation and grounding.
3.7. It is not allowed to work on electrical installations if they are faulty, sparking, insulated or grounded.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If a malfunction occurs in the electrical installation, sparking. If the wire insulation is broken or the grounding is broken, stop work and inform the administration of the institution. Continue work only after the fault has been eliminated by an electrician.
4.2. If you find a broken electrical wire hanging or touching the floor (ground), do not approach it, immediately inform the administration of the institution, remain in place and] warn other people about the danger.
4.3. If an electrical installation catches fire, immediately disconnect it from the electrical network, and extinguish the flame only with sand, carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher.
4.4. In case of electric shock, immediately turn off the voltage and, if there is no breathing or pulse in the victim, give him artificial respiration or perform an indirect (closed) cardiac massage until breathing and pulse are restored, report the accident to the administration of the institution, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Disconnect the electrical installation from the electrical network. When unplugging from the electrical outlet, do not pull the electrical cord (cable).
5.2. Tidy up your workspace.
5.3. Place personal protective equipment in the designated area and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.