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Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Chernobyl is a black pain. fallen and living participants in the liquidation of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation accidents, widows and mothers, families - presentation Presentation on the topic of Chernobyl 30 years

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30 years since the CHERNOBYL DISASTER

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“Just a moment. Minute. There is no life. Chernobyl is absorbed in silence... The light of the sun is not visible through the dust, No one there is in a hurry to go home anymore.”

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Chernobyl... The name of a small Ukrainian city has become synonymous with the words “death”, “tragedy”, synonymous with the word “feat”. The fates of millions of people were divided into life before and life after Chernobyl. For many, Chernobyl marked the end of their earthly journey. The memory of the victims of the disaster, of the feat of the liquidators of its consequences, should live in our hearts as gratitude for the saved country, for our lives, for our health.

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This happened in 1986 in our country, then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
A warm spring night descended on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located near the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. The control room of the fourth power unit was in full swing. Here they were preparing to conduct an experiment, to test the operation of the reactor under unusual conditions. To create such conditions, plant workers turned off all reactor explosion protection systems. They were sure that nothing bad would happen. Many of them lacked knowledge about atomic energy, although they were considered experienced workers.

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April 26, 1986, at one hour twenty-three minutes, at dark night Several terrible explosions thundered over Chernobyl. The fourth nuclear reactor exploded.

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A huge fireball soared above him and rushed across the station, showering everything in its path with deadly radioactive ash. The explosion tore off the reactor's lid, weighing more than five hundred tons. It flew through the air and fell obliquely onto the reactor, opening a path for radiation. Everything around was covered with debris, from which deadly radiation emanated, different places fires broke out.

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The station workers did not understand what happened. They saw that a terrible accident had happened, but they hoped that the reactor was intact and that something else had exploded. Everyone remained at their posts and tried to correct mistakes and save the station. People did not spare themselves and tried to do everything possible... But it was too late: the reactor had already collapsed.

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The explosion caused dozens of fires on the territory of the station. Within a few minutes, fire brigades arrived to extinguish them.

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In five hours, the men extinguished thirty-seven fires - more than one fire for each! They were burned by the invisible radiation exposure. Their bodies turned brown - a so-called nuclear tan appeared. My arms, legs, and head, affected by radiation, ached terribly. But as long as they had even the slightest strength left, they again and again went into the fire to stop death. Only in the morning the firefighters were taken to the hospital with a fatal diagnosis: acute radiation sickness. Only a few of them survived.

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Large-scale contamination of the area around the destroyed reactor required the state to carry out an urgent evacuation of the civilian population, followed by their relocation to clean areas. Exclusion Zone. Belted with barbed wire and checkpoints, generously fertilized with radiation. 2,600 square kilometers of land from which more than a hundred thousand people were evicted thirty years ago. They lost everything overnight and forever.

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Decades have passed. A “dead zone” still stretches for thirty kilometers around the station - the land, water, and air in it are contaminated. People are prohibited from living there. The population was taken to other cities and villages. Some regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were exposed to radioactive contamination, and after the explosion, rains containing deadly Chernobyl dust fell.

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The consequences of the Chernobyl disaster affected millions of people in Ukraine, Belarus, and other European countries. Dozens of people died within weeks, hundreds and possibly thousands over the following years. Many remained disabled...

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Genetic consequences of the Chernobyl disaster

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In December 2000, the 3rd unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was finally shut down. Today, the sarcophagus erected over the burning block of the station is gradually being destroyed. Therefore, in 2004, the EBRD held a tender for the construction of a new shelter, which was won by a French joint venture in 2007.

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In 2015, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant finally and irrevocably stopped operating.

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In many cities, monuments dedicated to the Chernobyl accident have been erected.
Penza. Monument to the victims of the Chernobyl radiation disaster

From the mouth of the reactor rose, several hundred meters high, a column of combustion products, a powerful stream of gaseous radioactivity. Of the 190 tons of nuclear fuel, 90% entered the earth's atmosphere. According to scientists, the release of radionuclides is equal, according to various estimates, to four or more explosions in Hiroshima. The explosions led to the complete destruction of the reactor and its core, cooling systems, as well as the reactor hall building. Reinforced concrete and metal structures, graphite blocks and their pieces were thrown onto the roof of the turbine hall and into the area around the nuclear power plant.

There is no roof, part of the wall is destroyed... The lights went out, the phone went off. Floors are collapsing. The floor is shaking. The premises are filled with either steam, fog, or dust. Sparks flash short circuit. Radiation monitoring devices are off the charts. Hot radioactive water flows everywhere. There is no roof, part of the wall is destroyed... The lights went out, the phone went off. Floors are collapsing. The floor is shaking. The premises are filled with either steam, fog, or dust. Short circuit sparks flash. Radiation monitoring devices are off the charts. Hot radioactive water flows everywhere.

At 1 hour 30 minutes, fire brigade units for the protection of the nuclear power plant, the station itself and the city of Pripyat, under the command of lieutenants Viktor Kibenko (left) and Vladimir Pravik, arrived at the scene of the disaster. Firefighters took the full brunt of it radioactive radiation when extinguishing a fire on the roof of the turbine room. Later, fire brigades arrived from Chernobyl, Kyiv and other areas, commanded by Major Telyatnikov. By 5 o'clock in the morning the fire was localized. Both and their subordinates received high doses of radiation; they could not be saved. Both were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union posthumously. All of them are buried at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Fire and darkness are an invisible enemy, One step to death - then immortality! No shootings, no attacks, But to live only this way - at the cost of death. Our souls were emasculated by the explosion of the harsh Pripyat bridgehead - There is a cliff on the line of fate, But you did not die in vain! Fire and darkness are an invisible enemy, One step to death - then immortality! No shootings, no attacks, But to live only this way - at the cost of death. Shift 5, firefighters who saved Life at the cost of their lives. A pillar of fire shot up into the sky and the explosion scattered the block. The Earth froze in horror, raised on the rack by Trouble. Fire and darkness are an invisible enemy, One step to death - then immortality! No shootings, no attacks, But to live only this way - at the cost of death. Holy army of firefighters! My cohort of comrades! You knew: you had to die, And you became extra-grade steel.

Thousands of people from all over the former USSR were called up and sent to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Work to eliminate the accident was carried out mainly manually. They used shovels to remove the top layer of soil on the territory of the nuclear power plant, threw off pieces of reinforcement and graphite from the roof of the turbine room by hand, and washed away radioactive dirt with rags inside the station.

Some radio-controlled mechanisms performing work to remove debris could not withstand high level radiation and were beyond the control of the operators. The destroyed core had contact with the atmosphere; there everything was bubbling, making noise, humming, like fiery hell.

The government, having listened to the advice of experts, decided to close it and fill the crater with heat-absorbing materials capable of filtering fire and ash. Therefore, from April 27 to May 10, pilots of the USSR Air Force, risking their flesh and lives, made hundreds of flights over the active zone. They dropped from helicopters thousands and thousands of bags of sand, clay, dolomite, boron, as well as large packages of lead, which ranked first in terms of weight, tons.

The power of radiation emissions from the destroyed reactor decreased only after five days, amounting to approximately 15 percent of the original. Then it began to increase again, reaching (after four days) 70% of the level of the first day. The specialists, crossing themselves in horror, expected an even more severe radiation strike, which could happen when the lid of a destroyed reactor collapsed into the mine pool, and the pool was filled with water from the cooling system. Means were urgently prepared to evacuate millions of people. Hundreds of railway trains were placed on sidings. Car columns were getting ready. The evacuation was supposed to be carried out within a radius of 300 kilometers from the nuclear power plant, which included the cities of Kyiv, Gomel, Bobruisk...

Pollution coming from Chernobyl, from 1 curie per square kilometer, covers 1.7% of the territory of Europe. The main Chernobyl spot is highlighted on the summary map, then the Gomel-Mogilev, then the Plavsko-Tula in Russia. Pollution spread to the west - southwest, northwest, to the Scandinavian countries, then to the east - a very large, powerful trail with heavy precipitation. Then the clouds moved to the south and southwest: Romania, Bulgaria, west: southern Germany, Italy, Austria, the alpine part of Switzerland. The atlas indicates how much cesium fell in each country and in Europe as a whole. In Belarus - 33.5% of the total emissions, in Russia - 23.9%, in Ukraine - 20%, in Sweden - 4.4%, in Finland - 4.3%.

Decontamination It was important to prevent the expansion of the radioactive contamination zone. For this purpose, they fought against dust formation by spraying the surface with a special mixture, used polymer coatings, used the vacuum suction cleaning method (vacuum cleaners), and manually wiped objects with fabrics soaked in decontamination solutions.

WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THE ACCIDENT?.. There is a widespread version about the imperfection of the Chernobyl RBMK type reactors. There is a widespread version about the imperfection of Chernobyl reactors of the RBMK type. Their design imperfections have now become the talk of the town. We just have to agree with those who understand the nuclear energy sector better than us. And experts also note the alleged gross mistakes of operators and engineers who, while carrying out scheduled maintenance on the unit, experimented with the “Soviet atom.” The essence of the experiment was to stop all reactor mechanisms. And experts also note the alleged gross mistakes of operators and engineers who, while carrying out scheduled maintenance on the unit, experimented with the “Soviet atom.” The essence of the experiment was to stop all reactor mechanisms. Suddenly, another version appeared somehow. She, however, does not reject the first, but shows the matter in a slightly different light. The cause of the explosion, according to this version, is a fault in the earth's crust on which the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is built, and an earthquake associated with the fault, which coincided in time with the experiment. Suddenly, another version appeared somehow. She, however, does not reject the first, but shows the matter in a slightly different light. The cause of the explosion, according to this version, is a fault in the earth's crust on which the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is built, and an earthquake associated with the fault, which coincided in time with the experiment.

Sarcophagus Sarcophagus 4th power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant April 1986. 4th power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (in the sarcophagus) December 1986. Its height was 61 meters, the greatest thickness of the walls was 18 meters. The construction of the “sarcophagus” was carried out using self-propelled cranes equipped with television surveillance equipment. It has an exhaust ventilation system with air purification, a forced cooling system, and to prevent an increase in neutron activity, tanks with boron solution are installed on the roof.

Silence. Silence in a dead city. “Rossokha” is a huge field filled with rows of corroded trucks, fire trucks, bulldozers, armored personnel carriers and other radioactive equipment - and in the middle, as a symbol of complete hopelessness, helicopters drooped with their blades, which were never destined to take to the air again...

Under the influence of radiation, apples grew to incredible sizes A foal with five limbs A pine tree became gigantic due to radiation exposure (left) A pine tree became gigantic due to radiation exposure (left) This boy, from a village adjacent to Chernobyl, himself emits radiation This boy, from a village adjacent to Chernobyl, itself emits radiation. A pine tree has become gigantic due to exposure to radiation (on the left). giant (left) The pine tree became giant due to exposure to radiation (left)

Noted: excess disease indicators endocrine systems s and metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, congenital anomalies more than 4 times; mental disorders and diseases of the circulatory system more than 2 times.


Chernobyl. Chernobyl as it happened. NPP. Chernobyl accident. Accidents at nuclear power plants. Chernobyl disaster. The Chernobyl accident. Catastrophe theory. Chernobyl today. NPP of Russia. Disasters and cataclysms. Disaster in Japan. Elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Chernobyl tragedy. Chernobyl Center. Children of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Chernobyl is a tragedy. The tragedy of Chernobyl. Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the accident. Accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. Tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant

. Chernobyl apathy. Chernobyl is nearby... Fires are an environmental disaster. The pain of Chernobyl. Chernobyl is our pain. What does Chernobyl teach? Chernobyl - tragedy or warning.

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - the destruction on April 26, 1986 of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). The long echo of Chernobyl. Medical problems of Chernobyl. Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Chernobyl accident - the destruction on April 26, 1986 of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine).

In the Chernobyl Museum: post-report. Chernobyl, Fukushima - what's next. Safety systems of nuclear power plants with a VVER-1000 reactor. Health effects from the Chernobyl accident. Water treatment plants and equipment for nuclear power plants and thermal power plants.

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Prepared by Gerasimenko Karina SZSh No. 80 2014 Chernobyl No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten...

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The Chernobyl disaster is the destruction on April 26, 1986 of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (now Ukraine). The destruction was explosive, the reactor was completely destroyed, and environment was thrown away a large number of radioactive substances. The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in the entire history of nuclear energy, both in terms of the estimated number of people killed and affected by its consequences, and in terms of economic damage.

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During the first three months after the accident, 31 people died; long-term effects of radiation, identified over the next 15 years, caused the death of 60 to 80 people. 134 people suffered radiation sickness of varying severity, more than 115 thousand people were evacuated from the 30-kilometer zone. Significant resources were mobilized to eliminate the consequences; more than 600 thousand people participated in eliminating the consequences of the accident

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The cloud generated by the burning reactor carried various radioactive materials, primarily iodine and cesium radionuclides, over much of Europe. The greatest fallout was observed in large areas in the Soviet Union located near the reactor and now belonging to the territories of Belarus, Russian Federation and Ukraine

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Read more At 01:23 on April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which completely destroyed the reactor. The power unit building partially collapsed, killing two people - MCP operator Valery Khodemchuk and commissioning plant employee Vladimir Shashenok. A fire started in various rooms and on the roof. Subsequently, the remains of the core melted, a mixture of molten metal, sand, concrete and fuel fragments spread throughout the sub-reactor rooms. As a result of the accident, radioactive substances were released into the environment, including isotopes of uranium, plutonium, iodine-131 (half-life - 8 days), cesium-134 (half-life - 2 years), cesium-137 (half-life - 30 years ), strontium-90 (half-life - 28 years).

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Chronology of events On April 25, 1986, the shutdown of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was planned for the next scheduled maintenance. During such shutdowns, various equipment tests are usually carried out, both routine and non-standard, carried out according to separate programs. Tests were to be carried out on April 25, 1986 at a power of 700-1000 MW (thermal), 22-31% of full power. About a day before the accident (by 3:47 on April 25), the reactor power was reduced to approximately 50%. In accordance with the program, the emergency cooling system of the reactor was turned off. However, further reduction in power was prohibited by the Kievenergo dispatcher. The ban was canceled by the dispatcher at 23:10. During long-term operation of the reactor at a power of 1600 MW, non-stationary xenon poisoning occurred. During April 25, the peak of the poisoning was passed, and the poisoning of the reactor began.

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Within about two hours, the reactor power was reduced to the level provided for by the program (about 700 MW thermal), and then, for an unknown reason, to 500 MW. At 0:28, when switching from a local automatic control system (LAR) to an automatic total power regulator (AP), the operator (SIUR) was unable to maintain the reactor power at a given level, and the power failed (thermal to 30 MW and neutron to zero. Personnel, located in the control room-4, made a decision to restore the reactor power and (by removing the absorbing rods of the reactor after a few minutes, he achieved its growth and subsequently stabilization at the level of 160-200 MW. At 1:23:04 the experiment began. Due to the decrease in speed pumps, the reactor experienced a tendency to increase power, however, during almost the entire time of the experiment, the behavior of the power did not inspire concern. At 1:23:39, an emergency protection signal for the AZ-5 was recorded from pressing a button on the operator’s console. However, due to an unsuccessful design and an underestimated (not the regulatory) operational reactivity reserve, the reactor was not shut down. After 1-2 s, a fragment of a message similar to the following was recorded. repeat signal AZ-5. Over the next few seconds, various signals were recorded indicating a rapid increase in power, then the recording systems failed.

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According to various accounts, there were from one to several powerful impacts (most witnesses indicated two powerful explosions), and by 1:23:47-1:23:50 the reactor was completely destroyed

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The main factors that contributed to the accident: the reactor did not meet safety standards and had dangerous design features; low quality of operating regulations in terms of safety; ineffectiveness of the regulatory and safety oversight regime in nuclear energy, a general lack of safety culture in nuclear matters at both national and local levels; there was no effective exchange of safety information both between operators and between operators and designers, personnel did not have a sufficient understanding of the plant features that affect safety; the personnel made a number of mistakes and violated existing instructions and the testing program.

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Chernobyl – 30 years later

April 26 will mark 30 years since one of the largest man-made disasters in human history - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The radioactive cloud formed as a result of the accident passed over the European part of the USSR (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia), Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Great Britain and the eastern part of the USA.

in the first days after the Chernobyl accident

Let us remember that on the night of April 25-26, 1986, a strong explosion occurred at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result, about 520 dangerous radionuclides and 190 tons of radioactive substances were released into the atmosphere. According to expert calculations, the total release of radioactive materials amounted to 50 million curies, which is equivalent to the consequences of the explosions of 500 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

The radius of radioactive contamination was 30 kilometers, and the area of ​​contamination was 160 thousand square meters. km, which are currently part of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, including the Lipetsk region.

The scale of this man-made disaster and the whole world is still feeling its consequences. Of the neighboring states, European countries suffered the most. In 1997, a multi-year European Community project to create an atlas of cesium contamination in Europe after the Chernobyl accident was completed. According to estimates carried out within the framework of this project, the territories of 17 European countries with a total area of ​​207.5 thousand square meters. km were contaminated with cesium.

Testing for radiation contamination of water collected in a stream near Kiev, May 9, 1986. Checks were carried out every hour after the Chernobyl accident nuclear power plant in Soviet Union.

May 9, 1986. Residents of Kyiv are being tested for radiation contamination after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

According to scientists, by 2286, after 10 half-lives, any isotope will become harmless. However, it will not be possible to repopulate Pripyat even then. The surroundings of the station and the city itself were contaminated with the plutonium isotope Pu-90, the half-life of which is 24,080 years.

30 years after the events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the radiation contamination zone includes 4343 settlements in 14 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where 1.5 million people live.

According to official data, in total, about 5 million people suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident, of which over 30 thousand people were in the Lipetsk region.

According to Greenpeace, in the future, about 270 thousand cases of cancer worldwide will be related to the effects of Chernobyl radiation. The appearance of radiation-induced cancers is expected in the near future with a maximum intensity approximately 25 years after the Chernobyl accident for liquidators and 50 years for the population of contaminated areas.

Scientists analyzed diseases associated with the effects of radiation on the body: damage to the immune and endocrine systems, disorders in the cardiovascular system and blood diseases, mental illness, damage at the chromosomal level and an increase in the number of developmental defects in children, a significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer.

Five years after the accident, a significant increase in leukemia cases was reported among populations living in the most severely affected areas. There has been a marked increase in cancers of the colon, rectum, breast, bladder, kidney, lung and other organs.

In 1986–1987, about 600 thousand people took part in the work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. 200 thousand of them received increased doses of radiation. By 1991, Chernobyl cost the lives of 12 thousand USSR citizens, mostly military personnel.

The main task of the liquidators was to reduce the quantitative levels radioactive emissions. In the first days and months after the explosion at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, engineering troops, miners and other specialists dug tunnels under the reactor, dug in dams near the Pripyat River, pumped water from the reactor premises - all this was done in order to stop the spread of contaminated water and alloys in order to prevent the spread contamination to groundwater and the Dnieper.

Then work began to clean up the area and bury the destroyed reactor. The construction of a concrete “sarcophagus” (“Shelter” object) began around the 4th block. During the construction of the “sarcophagus”, over 400 thousand m³ of concrete was laid and 7,000 tons of metal structures were installed. Its construction was completed in 206 days. The debris scattered throughout the territory of the nuclear power plant and on the roof of the turbine room was removed inside the sarcophagus or concreted.

Slavutich, Ukraine, is a new town built after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster for evacuees from Pripyat, an abandoned town in the exclusion zone. Almost 4,000 of the 25,000 residents still work at the Chernobyl plant.

Our days. Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukraine. Workers pass through a checkpoint to check radiation levels every day before they board the train to travel home to Slavutych, Ukraine.

What are all these people doing at a non-energy generating nuclear facility at the moment and what will happen there in the future?

Conventionally, everything that is happening at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant today can be divided into three directions: the final decommissioning of the enterprise; work on international projects; transformation of the Shelter Object into an environmentally friendly system, construction of the Arch.

The deadline for the implementation of the first two above-mentioned directions is 2065. The construction of the “Arch”, which will cover the entire “Sarcophagus”, erected after the accident in heroic haste (in 206 days) over the destroyed 4th power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and which had already become leaky, began in 2007. It was initially assumed that the project would be ready by 2012-2013, but due to a lack of funding, the launch date for the facility was postponed until 2017. The project is being implemented by a group of industrial companies from France and Norway.

The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water, and the name of this star was Wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter..., but it will not be long before the dragon is cast into the abyss again and, starting from the east, the last ulcers and wounds will be healed, and the pure river of the water of life will shine, bright as crystal... Revelation of St. John the Theologian, New Testament, chapter 8