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Cash limit. Cash limit. Penalty for exceeding the limit. Nuances in a new enterprise


Establishment and subsequent compliance with restrictions on the amount of cash balance are important aspects handling cash at the enterprise. If a business entity accepts and spends cash, it should pay due attention to these issues.

The cash balance limit in an organization cannot be determined arbitrarily. It must be correctly calculated and properly approved. Only in this case will the application of specific standards for the cash register be considered legal.

What is it and why is it needed?

The cash balance limit of an organization is currently established in accordance with the procedure regulated by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation under number 3210-U dated March 11, 2014.

This normative document various aspects of cash discipline are regulated, which are generally binding for legal entities working with cash.

The directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation stipulates that certain business entities - small enterprises - have the right to operate a cash register using a simplified system.

The limit (standard) of cash in the cash register is a limitation of the maximum amount of cash allowed for storage in the business cash register of an enterprise at the end of the operating day (after entering the relevant information into the cash book).

Accordingly, there should not be an excess amount of cash in the cash register of a business entity at the end of the day.

The law, however, stipulates some restrictions on this rule.

Thus, the organization has the right to receive and spend cash for necessary purposes if the established cash standard is observed (limitation on the maximum amount of cash balance available in the cash register at the end of the operating day).

Each enterprise sets this limit independently, but is guided by the procedure regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Compliance by an enterprise with standards for cash balances is an important area of ​​cash discipline and financial control.

Who should set up for an LLC?

If an organization is required to set a cash balance limit, but has not done so properly on time, it is set to a zero limit by default.

Under such circumstances, any amount of cash that ends up in the cash register at the end of the operating day will be considered excess.

The cash balance of funds is limited and approved for the enterprise by a special administrative act (order) of the head of the business entity.

An individual entrepreneur independently sets a cash limit for his activities and consolidates this standard with the appropriate order (if, of course, he has such a desire).

There is no strict form of administrative act regulating the amount of the maximum cash balance.

Exceptions to this rule are individual entrepreneurs and legal entities legally classified as small businesses. ?

In other words, business entities, exempt from the need to establish such a limit, have only the right to independently limit their cash balance, but not the obligation.

If individual entrepreneurs or small businesses nevertheless set such limits for themselves, enshrining this in the relevant orders, the given restrictions must be strictly observed, and the excess amount of cash must be daily.

With whom should the established cash standard be agreed upon?

The maximum cash limit is clearly regulated by an administrative act of the management of a company or individual entrepreneur who wishes to limit the amount of the daily cash balance.

The issuance of a corresponding order by the manager is a sufficient procedure for putting this limit into effect.

There is no need to coordinate this restriction with the tax service servicing commercial bank, other external entities.

You just need to follow the generally binding procedure for calculating such a limit.

How to define a legal entity?

The procedure regulated by the above-mentioned Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation provides for a maximum limit for the cash balance at the end of the operating day.

A business entity can choose one of these options:

  • taking into account cash receipts;
  • taking into account cash expenditure.

Calculation based on cash receipts

This method is suitable for a business entity that has regular cash receipts. The limit is calculated using the following formula:

Limit = (MON / RP) x VI

This formula contains the following notations:

  • Mon – cash receipts for a specific billing period(measured in rubles).
  • RP – the duration of the billing period for accounting for cash receipts (measured in the number of days). The maximum duration of a RP for an organization is 92 days.
  • VI – time interval between the days of transfer of cash to the bank (measured in the number of working days). The maximum duration of a VI for organizations is 7 working days.

By volume of cash issued

The maximum limitation on the amount of cash balance is determined in this case using the following formula:

Limit = (RN / RP) x VI

This formula contains the following notations:

  • Limit – the amount of the maximum limit for the cash balance (in rubles).
  • RN – the amount of cash spent for a specific billing period (measured in rubles). Cash that is taken to pay employees is not taken into account.
  • RP – the duration of the billing period for accounting for the volume of cash expenditure (measured in the number of days). The maximum duration of RP for enterprises is 92 days.
  • VI is the time interval between the days of accepting cash from the bank (measured in the number of working days). The maximum duration of VI for enterprises is 7 days.

Who should approve?

As mentioned earlier, approval of the maximum limit on the cash balance falls within the exclusive competence of the head of the business entity.

The maximum amount is regulated by special order manual, which indicates the value of the established limit, the date of entry into force of this limit, and the procedure for calculating the specified indicator.

What to do if it exceeds?

The establishment and observance of this limit assumes that there should be no excess cash in the cash register of a business entity by the end of the operating day.

Any excess of a given limit - an excess amount - is subject to transfer/credit to a commercial bank.

In what cases is it permissible to disrupt cash flow?

Excess cash may be stored at the organization's cash desk only on certain days:

  • Working days established by the business entity itself for payments to employees. The maximum duration is 5 (five) days.
  • Weekend/ holidays– if cash transactions are made.

Fine for exceeding

Unauthorized storage by an organization of excess cash is considered non-compliance, for which current legislation provides administrative responsibility- imposition of a fine.

Penalties for exceeding the cash limit:

  • Individual entrepreneurs, officials of organizations - minimum 4000, maximum 5000 rubles.
  • Legal entities (enterprises) – minimum 40,000, maximum 50,000 rubles.

Features of establishing for a newly created organization

With regard to the limitation of the maximum amount of cash balance for newly created organizations, these business entities calculate such a limit as follows:

  • If you choose the calculation method based on the volume of cash receipts, the limit is calculated taking into account the projected amount of revenue.
  • If you select the calculation method based on the amount of cash spent, the limit is calculated taking into account the predicted amount of cash payments (disbursements).

Useful video

Is it necessary to calculate the cash balance limit? This video explains:


Establishing, approving and subsequently enforcing a maximum limit on cash balances are important aspects of maintaining financial discipline in an organization.

Limiting the maximum amount of cash allowed for storage (withholding) in the cash desk of an enterprise at the end of the operating day is the prerogative of the management of the business entity.

You just need to follow the generally binding rules contained in the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which regulates the procedure for calculating and applying this limit.

This limit can be set for any period, revising the specified standard if necessary. However, it should be remembered that exceeding this limit, approved by order of the enterprise management, may result in the imposition of fines.

The cash register limit is the maximum allowable amount of money in the cash register for each working day established by the organization. The need to constantly monitor excess cash on hand made life difficult for many accountants. As of June 1, 2014, changes were made to the cash register procedure: some enterprises are exempt from the mandatory establishment of a cash limit.

The need for a limit

Most operations, especially those involving the circulation of large sums, are carried out using bank transfers. The cash register limit was created precisely to control and reduce cash turnover. Exceeding the established standards is allowed only in certain cases.

To establish real figures for the maximum cash in hand, the frequency of review of the limit is not limited by the Bank of Russia. At his own discretion, the manager has the right to change the amount of the limit amount in the cash register during the month, quarter, year or other necessary period.

Establishment procedure

The cash balance limit is set by the organization independently. Document regulating the maintenance cash transactions, comes into force after signing by the head of the enterprise. You need to understand that the absence of an establishing document can lead to liability, since the limit will automatically be considered zero, and all amounts in the cash desk will be considered above the limit.

The Bank of Russia regulates the establishment of a cash limit at the cash desk (Instruction No. 332-U dated March 11, 2014). The bank monitors compliance with accepted standards and is obliged to check cash transaction data at least once every 1–2 years. If inconsistencies and violations are detected, a request is sent to the tax service.

Organizations exempt from the established cash limit

After making changes to the order cash accounting, some organizations were exempted from the mandatory establishment of a cash limit in the cash register. These include small business owners and individual entrepreneurs. In order to exercise the right to unlimited circulation of cash at the cash desk, an enterprise must meet the following criteria:

  • the average number of employees for the previous year is no more than 100;
  • amount of revenue excluding VAT for last year- no more than 800 million rubles;
  • share in the authorized capital of third-party legal entities – 25% or less;
  • the share of funds in the authorized capital of various funds, organizations or associations does not exceed 25%.

Individual entrepreneurs and small business representatives received the right not to comply with the cash limit from June 1, 2015. Organizations registered as small businesses after specified date, may not set a limit from the moment the status is recognized entrepreneurial activity.

Refusal of the enterprise from the cash limit

To refuse installation limit value having money in the till is not enough to simply declare it. Like any action of an enterprise, it must be documented in the following order:

  1. If an order establishing a cash limit was in effect before the refusal, it must be canceled.
  2. Prepare and approve an order to remove the established cash limit from a certain date.

Drawing up a document stating that there is no maximum amount of money in the cash register is very important, because during a scheduled inspection, failure to comply with the cash limit will be unreasonable and will entail administrative liability.

Types of fines for violations of the cash limit

In cases where storage of excess amounts is not permitted, the company faces fines under Article 15.1 of the Code on administrative offenses. Depending on who is responsible, the amounts may be:

  • 4–5 thousand rubles are paid by individual entrepreneurs and officials of small businesses;
  • 40–50 thousand rubles are charged from legal entities (i.e., from an enterprise).

To avoid penalties, you should carefully monitor cash transactions and transfer excess amounts to the bank on time.

The company may also be held liable in cases of such violations as storing funds in the cash register without registration receipt order, as well as in case of delay in payment of amounts sent from the wage fund.

Legal storage of excess funds in the cash register

According to the instructions of the Bank of Russia, there are cases when the cash limit of an enterprise can be legally exceeded. The list includes amounts:

  • for payment to the wage fund (wages, scholarships, social benefits);
  • formed on holidays and weekends, if the organization makes cash payments at this time.

It is worth considering that funds received from the payroll fund must be paid within 3-5 days, including the day during which the funds were received at the cash desk.

How to comply with the cash limit?

It is necessary that the management of the enterprise pays close attention to the issue of cash management. The limit must be entered according to the cash turnover in the cash register. Establishing amounts that are not justified by calculations will most likely lead to frequent violations of the limit.

The balance of money in the cash register can be seen in the cash book. If a limit amount is found, it should be deposited with the bank. The enterprise has the right to independently determine the frequency of sending funds for crediting to the current account. Only limited amounts are subject to mandatory collection; the balance is distributed at the discretion of the organization.

Cash limit calculation

There are 2 methods on the basis of which the maximum permissible amount of funds in the cash register is calculated. If the limit was calculated before June 1, 2014, in order to avoid problems with the tax service, it is better to cancel the old order and issue a new one. The cash limit in the cash register is determined based on the volume of planned revenue or cash expenditures.

The period from which the cash limit is calculated is set by the enterprise independently. Typically a quarter is used:

  • preceding the one for which the calculation is carried out;
  • with the maximum revenue indicator;
  • similar to the period last year.

The billing period includes all working days of the quarter in question, but should not contain more than 92 days. The resulting limit amount can be rounded up or down to the nearest ruble.

Calculation based on revenue volume

The method is used in cases where the company receives or plans to receive revenue in cash. To calculate the cash limit based on the amount of proceeds from economic activity means, use the formula L = Ob ÷ T race × T in, where:

L – cash limit;

About – the amount of revenue received in cash for the period under review;

T race – billing period (quarter) in days;

T in – frequency of depositing funds into the bank (collection).

Example of calculations based on revenue volume

Let's look at how to calculate the cash limit using the following data: The cash desk of the trading company “X” receives daily revenue. The calculation period is the first quarter of last year. The proceeds are handed over once every 4 days. The company works seven days a week. Let's do the following:

  1. Let's calculate the number of working days in a quarter. The condition states that the company carries out all activities working week Therefore, the billing period consists of 90 days.
  2. The volume of revenue received, which was identified on the basis of data from accounts 50, 90 and 62, amounted to 4,856,548 rubles, namely: in January - 1,558,884 rubles, in February - 1,240,058 rubles, in March - 2,057,606 r.
  3. Let's calculate the cash register limit for the first quarter: L = 4,856,548 ÷ 90 × 4 = 215,846 rubles.

Based on the results, the head of the company issued an order approving the limit.

Calculation based on cash expenses

If the company uses only non-cash payments, you can set the daily limit on the amount of cash in the cash register using the amount of cash administrative expenses. It is worth considering that in no case are the amounts received from the wage fund taken into account.

The cash register limit, calculated for upcoming cash expenses, is set using the formula L = About ÷ T race × T in, where:

About – the volume of amounts disbursed from the cash register for general business and administrative expenses;

T race – settlement quarter in days (but not more than 92);

T in – collection period.

The procedure for rounding results is the same as in previous calculations.

Sample calculation of cash limit based on cash expenses

Let's look at an example: The organization carries out only non-cash payments. Cash is withdrawn once every 3 days. The calculation period is the first quarter of last year. The organization operates 5 days a week. The volume of cash expenses for the specified period amounted to 1,600,000 rubles. Let's do the following:

  1. Let's calculate the number of days in the quarter under consideration: in January there were 15 working days, in February - 19, in March - 22. Total: 56 days.
  2. According to data accounting, the amount of expenses for January amounted to 520 thousand rubles, for February - 268 thousand rubles, for March - 812 thousand rubles.
  3. Let's calculate the cash limit for the first quarter: L = 1,600,000 ÷ 56 × 3 = 85,714 rubles.

Based on calculations, the head of the enterprise set the maximum allowable amount for each working day in the amount of 86,000 rubles.

In cases where the organization does not make expenses from the cash register and does not use cash payments, but only pays dividends, the limit is set based on the amount of money issued using a similar formula. In this case, it is not at all necessary to indicate all the days of the quarter, because funds are usually withdrawn once per period. The maximum collection period used for calculation is 7 days.

Cash limits for separate divisions

An organization that has structural divisions, establishes a cash limit in the cash register based on the collection method. For branches territorially independent from the head office, a limit may be set:

  • separate - in cases where funds from the cash desk are transferred directly to the bank;
  • aggregate - included in the head office limit - in cases where cash is deposited with the head office.

In the case of transferring funds from the cash department of divisions to the central office, the limit must be set taking into account the revenue of each of the separate departments and distributed according to its share.

The procedure for drawing up a cash limit order

The document establishing the organization of cash accounting is drawn up by each organization independently. There is no standard form for the order, but information about:

  • date of issue of the order;
  • the amount of the established limit;
  • method and procedure for calculating the limit amount;
  • if necessary, cancel the previous order indicating the document number and date.

All other criteria for the official paper of the enterprise are compiled on the basis of the basic rules of documentation. Let's consider the resolution of the head of the enterprise, indicating how to calculate the cash limit. A sample order can serve as an example for drawing up a document in the conditions of another enterprise:

Premium LLP

Order No. 25 of September 30, 2015

“On establishing a limit on the cash balance in the cash register”

Based on the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U,


  1. Accept the cash limit established for the fourth quarter of 2015 in the amount of 548,985 (Five hundred forty-eight thousand nine hundred eighty-five) rubles based on data from the fourth quarter of 2014.
  2. Set the collection period to the servicing OJSC Rossiya-Bank: once every 3 working days.
  3. Invalidate the order “On establishing a limit on the cash balance in the cash register” No. 16 dated June 30, 2015.
  4. Appoint a cashier as the person responsible for compliance with the cash register limit, who undertakes to check the amount of money in the cash register at the end of the working day based on the cash book data.

Gene. director signature A. A. Nikolaev

We have read the order:

Chief accountant date/signature M. P. Andreev

Cashier date/signature P. A. Sovushkina

In an additional order, the enterprise may indicate design sample cash limit.

Based on the examples given, we can say with confidence that calculating the cash limit and issuing the corresponding order is not a difficult task in accounting. By paying due attention to calculating excess amounts, the company will be able to avoid financial violations and administrative liability.

The cash limit is established in accordance with the Regulations on cash transactions. The establishment of a cash limit is carried out solely for the purpose of controlling the remaining money in the cash register at the end of the working day. Cash at the end of the day, which exceeds the approved cash limit, is defined as free cash resources retained by an institution or a private entrepreneur in its accounts. The calculation of the maximum cash balance does not include cash required for payments to employees of the institution (wages, scholarships, vacation pay and other social payments).

Who sets the cash limit and by what document?

The institution determines the maximum value of the cash balance independently.

To carry out cash acceptance operations, including recalculation, for cash payments, the institution issues an order establishing a limit on the cash balance.

The regulation regulates the maximum value of cash stored in the premises approved by the manager for cash transactions after recording the cash balance in the cash book at the end of the day.

The order on approval of the cash balance limit is subject to execution by the head of the institution.

Small institutions have the right not to introduce a cash limit. These include:

  • Cooperatives;
  • Commercial institutions;
  • Private entrepreneurs.

Limit calculation formulas

There are two calculation methods for setting the cash limit:

  • Based on revenue;

Limit = R ×/P, Where:
V - the amount of money received for the considered time interval of the same period over the past years, or the planned amount of revenue or the maximum amount of cash spent;

P is the estimated time period approved by the decision of the head of the enterprise during which it carried out activities. The time interval cannot be more than 92 days of work;

The period of time between the dates of sending cash to a banking organization. The period is determined at the request of the enterprise, but cannot be more than 7 days of work, and if the banking institution is located at a considerable distance - 14 days of work.

This formula will be applied in the presence of cash revenue or in the case when its formation is predicted from newly formed enterprises (private entrepreneurs).

  • Establishing a cash limit based on cash withdrawals.

Limit = R/P * , where

R- overall size cash costs for the period under review (excluding payments to employees);

P is the time period for the calculation, including unofficial working days;

The number of days of work falling within the time interval between the withdrawal of cash from an account in a banking organization.

The second formula is used if there is no revenue in the form of cash in the present and future periods (for example, all receipts go through a banking organization). In this case, it is not revenue that is considered, but expenses for administrative and business needs.

To establish the whole ruble value of the remaining cash limit, it is possible to use mathematical rounding.

Pperiodcalculation, for which the leadersets a cash limit at the enterprise, WHOCanchoose Varbitrarilynew form.

Such a time period may be:

  • The period preceding the calculation (for example, the calculation of the cash limit for the second quarter is done based on the values ​​for the first quarter of the current year);
  • In which the cash flow had the maximum value (for example, the calculation is made based on the indicators of the first quarter of last year, in which it was recorded maximum size proceeds);
  • The same period for previous years (for example, calculating the limit for the second quarter of the current year is done on the basis financial indicators II quarter five years ago).

Ifinstitutionuntil January 1 cash balance limitNotis installed, then next year all cash in the cash register will become excess.

The predicted value of cash costs used in calculating the cash balance limit does not depend on the amount of cash received by the organization from the bank according to its needs. It is important not to exceed the calculated cash limit in the cash register at the end of the day's work.

For how long is the cash balance limit set?and the procedure for re-issuing the limit

The regulation does not indicate the specific period for which the cash limit in the cash register is established by the enterprise. The organization has the right to choose a period according to at will. You can define a limit:

  • Per quarter;
  • Month;
  • Another appropriate time interval.

It is also possible to change the period if necessary.

In Regulation No. 373-P there are no requirements for reforming an already defined cash limit, but legal act and does not prohibit such a procedure. The cash limit is established annually at the beginning of the year, but if there are significant discrepancies, it may be revised throughout the year. For example, if there is a change in the proceeds from the sale of products (services, works) or the need for cash to pay off payments.

Cash balance in excess of the approved value

An over-limit balance is possible in two situations:

  • On the days of paying salaries, social payments and scholarships, including the day of accepting cash from the bank account to make payments. The required amount of cash is calculated according to the payroll. Cash payment deadline similar expenses approved by the manager and recorded in the statement. The provision limits the maximum period for cash transfers for making such payments: the period cannot be more than 5 dayswork(together with the day of acceptance of cash from the account of the banking organization for these payments);
  • On weekends and non-working days when the company conducts cash transactions on these days.

The registration of the cash balance limit is approved by the regulations on the procedure for executing cash transactions, which outlines the requirements when forming the cash balance limit of an institution or private entrepreneur, and specifies who specifically and with the execution of which document sets the cash limit at the enterprise.

The establishment of a limit on the cash balance is also provided for a separate structure that has opened an account with the bank. A duplicate of the order on the maximum amount of cash balance, instructions on determining the maximum value of the cash balance to a separate institution is transferred by the institution separate organization according to the regulations determined by the legal entity.

U paying agents a special cash book is formed for the amounts of money received in the course of its activities.

These cash amounts are not taken into account in calculating the maximum cash balance and the full amount is transferred to the banking institution on the day of their transfer. Otherwise, the money will go into the status of super-limited balances.

The limit on the cash balance in the cash register is established by the following document (any of them):

  • Indication;
  • By order;
  • By decision;
  • By order;
  • Another document.

It is necessary to determine the cash balance limit based on earned revenue, periods of maximum cash expenditures or planned amounts of revenue for products sold, work performed, services provided (for newly formed institutions and newly registered private entrepreneurs).

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 21 Published 07/08/2018

The Central Bank of Russia has obliged all business entities to set cash limits. With the beginning of each calendar year The company's accountants must determine the maximum amount of funds that will be stored on the company's premises. Financial resources whose volume exceeds the established threshold must be transferred to bank employees for crediting to the company's current account. In this article, we propose to discuss how to calculate the cash limit, as well as consider all the subtleties and nuances associated with this procedure.

Any Russian organization in the process of implementing its economic activity has the right to resort to the use of cash

Accepted procedure for processing cash transactions

Each business entity conducting its activities on the territory of Russia has the right to use financial resources to carry out business transactions. Cash can be used to issue wages to the company's personnel, as well as as change. It is important to note that in current legislation There are no regulations governing the use of cash. This means that each entrepreneur can independently decide how to spend these funds.

According to the established rules, every entrepreneur using cash is required to install cash register equipment for accepting and issuing cash. In addition, a maximum threshold for the balance of cash resources at the cash desk at the end of the operating day is established. This order is established Central Bank Russian Federation.

It should be noted that financial resources, the volume of which exceeds the established limit, must be transferred to bank employees for crediting to the enterprise's RS.

According to the order of the Central Bank, financial turnover at the company's cash desk must be recorded in special books. Form of this document approved State Committee Statistics. Each cash document used as the basis for making new entries in the cash books is certified by the signature of the cashier and the chief accountant. In small enterprises, this responsibility rests with the manager. At the end of the working day, the official in charge of the cash register must reconcile the information presented in cash documents and cash books. When filling out cash register documentation, you must indicate the amount of remaining funds. This information certified by signature official, responsible for cash transactions.

As mentioned above, each company is required to independently set a cash balance limit. Cash whose volume does not exceed the maximum threshold can be stored on the territory of the enterprise. The remaining money must be transferred to the bank. It should be noted that there are a number of exceptions to of this rule. There are days when an entrepreneur has the right to leave in the cash register cash, whose volume exceeds the established threshold. These days include the days of issuing employee salaries, bonuses and other types of payments. Also, such days include days when the company needs financial resources to carry out monetary transactions on holidays or weekends.

An integral element of the use of cash is the cash limit, calculated by the company independently

IN in this case, exceeding the above threshold is not considered a violation. However, in other cases, the presence of funds in the cash register in amounts exceeding the established value may result in the imposition of penalties from regulatory authorities. This rule is enshrined in the fifteenth article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Violation of the rules in question may result in a fine in the amount of forty to fifty thousand rubles. This fine is imposed exclusively on legal entities. The amount of penalties against officials varies from four to five thousand rubles.

Who is allowed not to set a cash limit?

For small enterprises and private entrepreneurs, the state has established special benefits that allow them not to use cash limits. It should be noted that this benefit can use any IP. In this case the size money turnover and the number of personnel are not important factors. A different procedure applies to legal entities. Organizations must meet a number of criteria to obtain small business status. These criteria are listed in the two hundred and ninth article of the Federal Law.

The current legislation establishes the following selection criteria:

  1. Staff size– up to one hundred employees.
  2. Annual income amount– up to eight hundred million rubles.
  3. The size of the share of third parties in the authorized capital of the company– up to twenty-five percent.

It is important to note that just a few years ago, the maximum annual income threshold was four hundred million rubles. Today, this level has doubled. This factor has allowed many companies classified as medium-sized businesses to obtain the status of small enterprises.

The head of a company that belongs to the category of small businesses is obliged to issue an order to cancel the cash limit. This administrative act allows legally stop handing over to bank employees the money remaining in the cash register at the end of the working day. Special attention is paid to the fact that this order does not have to be approved by the credit institution.

Organizations and entrepreneurs must keep funds exceeding the cash limit in bank accounts

Cash limit: calculation

Next, we propose to move on to the question of how to set a limit on cash stored in the company’s cash register. Today, there are two methods for calculating limits. Each company conducting business activities has the right to independently choose the most convenient calculation method. To compile calculations, you should select a specific time period and accompanying indicators. The duration of the billing period cannot exceed ninety-two working days. In the case when work activity carried out on holidays and weekends, they should be taken into account when preparing calculations.

The first way to calculate the limit is the amount of incoming cash. The second method of calculation is the consumption of financial resources stored in the company's cash desk. The first method involves accounting for funds received through the sale of commercial products and provision of services. The amount of funds should be divided by the total amount of the billing period. The result obtained should be multiplied by the number of days between depositing cash to bank employees. According to the established procedure, the maximum duration of the time period between collections is seven days.

From this we can conclude that each company is obliged to transfer money to the bank once a week. In this case, the value of the limit is determined by the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, the internal structure of the company and its location. It should be noted that for some regions a different collection procedure has been established. In the case of difficult-to-reach areas where there are no credit organizations, a period of fourteen days is allowed.

The second method of calculation involves using the cash cost indicator. When making calculations, the total salary of employees for the period should be subtracted from the calculated amount. reporting period. The amount received should be divided by the value of the billing period. The result of the division should be multiplied by the duration of the time interval between the days of receiving funds from bank employees.

Cash discipline is a requirement that must be met at all enterprises


Companies that receive cash income must use the following formula to make their calculations: “B/P*N=L.” In this formula, “B” reflects the total amount of financial resources available at the company’s cash desk. "P" is used to reflect the length of the time period. “N” is the time period between collections. Using this formula allows you to determine the cash register limit, which is displayed using the letter “L”.

Companies using non-cash payment method financial transactions, it is more appropriate to use the formula “R/P*N=L”. In this formula, “P” reflects the amount of funds received from the bank during the reporting period, and “P” demonstrates the duration of the billing period.

Calculation features

The current legislation establishes a number of restrictions related to the duration of billing periods. According to current rules, the maximum duration of this period of time can be ninety-two days. It should be noted that in normative legal acts There is no regulation regulating the minimum value of this period.

The time interval between collections should be no more than one week. For entrepreneurs working in hard-to-reach areas, a different collection procedure has been established. In this case, the period for transferring cash to bank employees for crediting to the current account increases to two weeks.

Examples of calculating cash limit

In order to better understand the procedure for calculating the cash limit, a number of illustrative examples should be given.

With available revenue

In this example, we propose to consider the procedure for drawing up calculations for June two thousand and eighteen. Let's imagine an enterprise that operated for twenty-one days and transferred money to a banking organization every four days. The company's monthly revenue was six hundred thousand rubles. To make calculations, you should make the following calculations:

600,000/21*4= 114,285 rubles.

This amount is the cash limit for the company in question.

companies in mandatory must strictly follow a certain cash limit

In the absence of funds

The procedure for calculating the cash limit for enterprises using non-cash payments should also be considered using practical examples. In this case, May and June two thousand and eighteen should be taken as the calculation period. The total duration of the reporting period was forty-one days. Every five days, the company's cash desk receives funds via bank check. During the reporting period, 1,500,000 rubles were cashed out. To obtain information about the size of the cash limit, you should make the following calculations:

1,500,000/41*5= 182,926 rubles.

This calculation of the cash limit allows you to find out about the amount of money that can be stored in the company's cash register.

Validity period of cash limit

The current legislation does not contain information on the frequency of setting cash limits. This means that each company can set limits both for one month and for several years in advance. Cash limits are established by issuing a corresponding administrative act. The lack of information about the specific validity periods of the limits makes them unlimited. Please note that the limit period can be adjusted by issuing an additional order. When setting a term limit, you should carefully monitor the validity period of the document. By the time of expiration given period, should be prepared new act on the extension of limits.

According to experts, the size of the limits should be reviewed annually. Such an approach to business activities makes it possible to prevent possible risks associated with changes in the volume of revenue received through the sale of commercial products or the provision of services. In addition, there is a high probability of switching to a non-cash form of financial transactions, which forces the use of a different formula when making calculations. Considering all of the above, we can conclude that a time period of one year is the “gold standard” for the validity period of the cash limit. It should be noted that when choosing a perpetual limit, the accounting department should annually calculate the size of this indicator.

Below is a sample order according to which a cash limit is established:

The cash limit is not an invented value, but the company’s cashed funds, which are constantly available in the company’s cash register.

Conclusions (+ video)

The procedure for calculating the upper limit of the amount of funds that can be kept in the company's cash desk is a mandatory part of business activities. The only exception to this rule are small businesses. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in penalties from regulatory authorities.

An enterprise, organization, or individual entrepreneur that carries out its activities through cash transactions must observe cash discipline, follow the rules for conducting transactions with cash and documents, and observe the cash limit. Control over the procedure for conducting all disciplines is entrusted to the servicing bank and tax authorities.

The cash register limit is the regulated, maximum allowable amount of cash present in the cash register at the end of the day. Today it is envisaged that Subjects determine the limit balance independently, but in accordance with the established formula. Funds accumulated in the cash register in excess of the limit must be credited to the current account. There are exceptions that allow the limit to be exceeded. These are the days of salary payments, scholarships, social payments, holidays and weekends.

Why is calculation necessary?

Calculation of the cash balance limit is necessary for determination and approval, by means of a signed order or instruction, of the maximum amount of cash, to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation on tax reporting and the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The limit provision is established for all legal entities, including separate divisions, which have a bank account.

Most payments between entities should be made non-cash, through a current account. Cash payments are made from limited cash funds:

  • salaries and benefits;
  • for the consumer needs of individual entrepreneurs, without taking into account the needs for business activities;
  • payment for goods and services of third parties (except for securities);
  • issuing funds on account to employees of the organization;
  • refund for services not provided, work not performed, previously paid in cash, but goods returned.

Cash is not spent on other purposes. All funds in excess of the limit are transferred to the bank, to a current account. All operations related to the observance of cash discipline are carried out by a cash employee with the corresponding rights and responsibilities regulated job responsibilities, for signature.

How to make the calculation - this is discussed in the video. We invite you to take a look.

Calculation of the limit based on cash proceeds

Cash combines the entire amount of cash received at the cash desk for services rendered, goods sold, work performed. When calculating the limit of a newly created organization, take into account the expected amount of cash is accepted.

The formula for calculating the cash limit is as follows:

  • O - in this case, the volume of revenue;
  • P - billing period;
  • Pi is the period of collection to the bank;
  • L is the received limit.

The billing period can be considered any period within three months (92 working days). This could be a week, a month or a single day, including peak revenues. Volume is considered the amount of all revenue for the specified period. The collection period is considered to be the frequency of transfer of cash to the bank. This can be a daily procedure or performed less frequently, but no more than once every 7 days. Moreover, for entities in the territory of which there is no servicing bank (meaning locality), the period increases to two weeks.

For example, we consider the billing period to be the week from September 12 to September 19. The total revenue during this time amounted to 280,000 rubles. Collections to the bank are made every three days. Then, the cash limit will be:

280000:7*3=120000 rubles

The frequency of deposits to the bank is completely it is not necessary to comply with this rule. This can be done more often or less frequently, depending on the established schedule or the needs of the organization.

According to the current rules, the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur has the right to set a cash limit independently and as often as the dynamics of work require. The main thing is to correctly calculate the indicators and issue an order to set the appropriate limit.

This order, or instruction, is the main document for presentation to regulatory authorities during verification of compliance with cash discipline. Simply put, if there is a need to significantly increase the cash limit, it is necessary to take a suitable period for the calculations for the delivery of proceeds (increased) and issue new order after recalculating the formula.

You can find out about other calculations at enterprises.

If there is no cash proceeds

Organizations that do not accept revenue for services, sales of goods and work performed into their own cash register, but conduct non-cash payments, also have a cash register limit on the expenses of a business entity. The cash limit is calculated in the absence of cash proceeds in the following way:

In this case The entire structure is preserved, with the exception of paragraph PP. It means the period between receiving (withdrawing) money from the bank. The list of permitted cash payments from the cash register is the same as for organizations with cash proceeds, except for wages and benefits.

Let's look at an example of calculating the cash limit. The cashier, for business needs, withdraws money from the bank once a week (once every five working days). It is convenient to take any week (five working days) as the billing period. Let's say 10,000 rubles were withdrawn. Then we calculate the cash limit as follows:

10000:5*5=10000 rubles

Restrictions on the interval between receiving cash from the bank and choosing a settlement period remain (7 and 92 days). When calculating the cash limit, fractional values ​​are often obtained. The indicator in this case is determined in whole rubles. It is necessary to round the figure upward.

What should you not spend cash on?

The Bank of the Russian Federation has determined a list of purposes prohibited from financing from funds received at the cash desk in the form of cash:

  1. Transactions with securities.
  2. Payment of real estate rental.
  3. Repayment and issuance of loans.
  4. Making payments on winnings in gambling conducted lotteries.

Cash withdrawn from the organization's bank account is used for these purposes. Cash payments are limited to the amount of 100 thousand rubles per agreement.

What happens if the cash limit is not set?

If there is no document (order) confirming its official establishment for the subject, then all proceeds (cash) in the cash register at the time of inspection will be considered excess. Bank representative or tax worker, who discovered a violation in terms of exceeding the limit, records the fact of violation in the relevant document, after which it transfers it to the Federal Tax Service. Based on this, a violation is issued and a fine is imposed. For an official it is provided for up to 5 thousand rubles, for an organization - up to 50 thousand rubles.

It is not a violation to store in the cash register without an established limit of cash provided for the payment of wages and benefits. The main thing is to meet the issuance within three days, starting from the day you receive the money from the bank.

Other cash limit violations

The list of limit violations also includes:

  • accumulation of funds in the cash register in excess of the established limit;
  • non-receipt of received cash to the cash desk;
  • violation of the procedure for storing cash;
  • cash payments in excess of limited limits.

Scheduled inspection in organizations according to the rules for conducting cash transactions by regulatory authorities must be carried out at least once every two years, but this does not mean that they do not have the right to check cash discipline more often. There is no limit or restrictions on repeated checks. At the same time, tax officials check cash discipline itself, and servicing banks - primary documents, based on financial monitoring.

So, both entrepreneurs and organizations cannot keep funds in the cash register in excess of the established norms. “Excess”, excess, is subject to transfer to the bank, to a current account. Each subject calculates its limit independently, focusing on approved formulas. Of course, it is impossible to arbitrarily set the desired limit amount, but you can bring the limit closer to the desired figure using the necessary values. It is also allowed to set the limit as many times as necessary.