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Acceptance certificate for supply and exhaust ventilation systems. Equipment commissioning certificate. Methods for determining effectiveness

Rospotrebnadzor (SES) is responsible for the safety of the population during the operation of real estate. That's why this organization does not allow many institutions to operate, for example, schools and kindergartens, that have not provided a certificate of verification of the effectiveness of ventilation.

This is especially true for new buildings and those establishments where renovation work, ventilation systems were replaced. Although this paper does not belong to the category of documents strict reporting, without her the functioning of the school, kindergarten or any other establishment where people spend a long time is impossible.


Every year before the start of the school year, as well as before putting the facility into operation, such a document is required. At the same time, chemistry rooms and laboratories are given a special treatment. Inspections of these premises can be carried out once every 3 months. This is due to the possibility of long-term presence of substances harmful to health in the air.

In addition, drawing up a document is necessary when operating industrial, production and warehouse complexes. No production can do without it.

Legal documents

Controlling and executive bodies(in particular, Rospotrebnadzor) are guided by a number of documents that are legal framework for drawing up acts. One of these fundamental documents is the federal law“On sanitary and epidemiological well-being” No. 52.

Methods acceptable for testing systems are described in detail in GOST 12.4.021-75 or 12.1.005-88. You can also use intersectoral MUs for monitoring ventilation systems to obtain information.

Who can draw up a ventilation inspection report

The parameters that certain establishments must satisfy are clearly stated in SNiP 41-01-2008 or SNiP 41-01-2003 (depending on the specific case and type of building).

All organizations that have an SRO with clearance 24.14 are suitable for this type of work. (adjustment of ventilation and air conditioning systems).

The sanitary station, having carried out the inspection, enters its result into the equipment passport. Moreover, ventilation equipment can have three types of passport: construction, operational and special passport of the gas treatment plant.

In this case, one copy of the report is kept in Rospotrebnadzor, one copy is kept in the institution itself where the inspection was carried out.

Compilation algorithm

The document should have a title at the top of the page. Below is the name of the object and its actual location (address).

On the right side is the date of compilation (this is the header of the paper). This form is more effective than the protocol.

Then the members of the commission are listed. It is obligatory to have the surname and initials, position of the person (representative of technical supervision, representative construction organization etc.).

For non-residential premises

For residential and non-residential buildings there are different shapes this document.

For non-residential residents, it is enough to indicate:

  • Chairman and members of the commission.
  • Time and address of the facility where the inspection is being carried out.
  • Technical documentation that comes with the ventilation system.
  • The method by which the serviceability (test run) and efficiency (individual parameter) were checked.
  • It has been established that the ventilation system complies with GOST 13779-2007 or does not comply with it.
  • Conclusions and proposals (if any) of the assembled commission.
  • Signatures.

For residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, the document requires more detail.

Schools and kindergartens

If large objects with powerful equipment and a large number of them (10 or more) are being inspected, then additional specialists - electricians - may be needed.

The act must also additionally indicate:

  • An exact list of all ventilation equipment.
  • The air exchange rate and the degree of its compliance with accepted standards are desirable.
  • Numbers of attached drawings.
  • Materials and instruments used for testing.
  • At the bottom is the seal and signature of the representative of the construction and installation company carrying out the measurements, as well as the signature of the representative of the supervisory organization.

Methods for determining effectiveness

Ventilation is assessed both natural and mechanical (installations, equipment). Its effectiveness, depending on the circumstances, is measured both directly - by measuring the speed of air flow in the air ducts with an anemometer, and indirectly.

The latter method is more complicated, as it requires measuring the concentration of substances and a much more extended list of equipment: a flashlight, micromanometer, tachometer, thermometer and much more. After collection, the samples taken will need to be processed in the laboratory.

The commission is obliged to pay attention to certain parameters and record:

  • Condition and degree of tightness of flexible ventilation elements: casings, housings, belts, drives, etc.
  • Microclimate parameters: air flow speed, carbon dioxide content in work time, multiplicity of the ventilation system, etc.
  • Results of aerodynamic tests (for this you will need pneumometric holes).

Air exchange coefficient

The value is determined by the formula:

K = (Tu - Tpr) / (Toz - Tpr),

  • K – desired value;
  • Тu is the temperature of the air outside the premises;
  • Tpr – supply flow;
  • Toz – directly in the service area.

According to the norms in the average classroom the air exchange coefficient should not be lower than 16 m3/h, and in the dining room - at least 20. For residential buildings, the requirements are less stringent, but monitoring their compliance is the responsibility of the SES.

The latter organization is obliged to familiarize itself with the act before putting the residential premises into operation, and update it after 5 years. But when residents apply (for example, to transfer a case to court), such a document can be drawn up earlier than the specified deadline.

After the descriptive part in the act, a recommendation is possible: what conclusions did the commission make, are there ways to optimize existing system ventilation, what maximum permissible parameters are acceptable, etc.

Signatures at the bottom of the document are required for all commission members.

Acceptance of ventilation is carried out after complete completion of installation work. The list of requirements for ventilation systems to be put into operation is quite long. Therefore, in practice, in the process of filling out a ventilation acceptance certificate, attention is paid only to basic characteristics. However, responsible start-up testing will ensure trouble-free operation of the equipment in the future.

Ventilation acceptance

Acceptance and commissioning of ventilation systems is carried out in two stages:

  • testing each ventilation unit separately;
  • registration of the certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system.

The work is carried out collectively, the ventilation system acceptance certificate is signed by a commission consisting of representatives of the contractor organization and the installer.

If ventilation is commissioned manufacturing enterprise or workshop, the commission should include: the workshop manager, the chief mechanic or power engineer and a safety specialist. If the project is very large, a specialist from the SES and a technical inspector are also invited.

All installation work are carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.05.01-85 and the project. The act of commissioning the ventilation system is necessary not only for new facilities, but also in the case of reconstruction or replacement of equipment.

Before signing the acceptance certificate for the ventilation system, aerodynamic tests and checking its performance are carried out.

All components are checked for damage or defects before testing begins. A program is being drawn up according to which the work will be carried out.

Defined by:

  • compliance of equipment characteristics with project requirements;
  • whether SNiPs and specifications were taken into account during installation;
  • compliance of equipment indicators with those declared by the manufacturer;
  • presence of leaks in air ducts;
  • uniform heating of heating elements;
  • compliance of the air flow system as stated in the project.

Approved for aerodynamic testing ventilation unit must be provided with the following documents:

  • a project consisting of drawings with changes made(if any), as well as an explanatory note;
  • protocol for approving the project with the SES and fire department;
  • user instructions with mandatory clarification of the operating modes and technical readiness of the ventilation system;
  • acts for hidden work (ventilation ducts in ceilings, under floors, etc.).

The commission examines the correctness of documentation and compliance of equipment during an external inspection.

Successfully completed aerodynamic tests are the basis for signing an acceptance certificate for the supply and exhaust ventilation system. An important point is the choice of measurement points, which is carried out taking into account the cross-sectional diameters of the ventilation ducts and the distance from the turns and fans.

Devices required for acceptance of the supply and exhaust ventilation system and signing of the certificate:

  • combined pressure receiver;
  • full pressure receiver;
  • differential pressure gauges;
  • anemometers;
  • barometers;
  • mercury thermometers;
  • psychometers.

The accuracy of all instruments is regulated by the test instructions. All measurement results are processed mathematically. The main purpose of the calculations is to determine pressure losses along the network. The certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system is accompanied by a test report and a passport for the equipment.

If small flaws are detected, the commission makes recommendations on how to eliminate them and sets deadlines. Sometimes the certificate of technical readiness of the ventilation system gives permission for temporary operation for a certain period during which it is necessary to debug the work.

In some cases, the tests are carried out poorly; the acceptance certificate for the supply and exhaust ventilation system is signed if there are defects. After some time, the customer will have to contact independent laboratories to carry out repeated tests, pay for them and, at his own expense, redo the ventilation system. Therefore, the signing of the acceptance certificate should be taken responsibly.

Commissioning of ventilation equipment

Commissioning– this is a comprehensive testing of ventilation systems, determining the correspondence of the design values ​​to the actual ones. After it is completed, an act is filled out commissioning works on ventilation and commissioning certificates for project costs. In addition, a separate passport of the established form is issued for each ventilation installation.

The commissioning report for ventilation is drawn up upon completion of all construction and finishing works, installation and debugging of electrical supply, as well as individual testing of ventilation equipment with filling out the relevant reports. Before commissioning work on ventilation, aerodynamic tests for tightness are carried out, a commissioning report for hidden work in the ventilation system is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85, Appendix 6. The equipment is run in at idle speed.

Running in ventilation at idle

Idle or run-in tests reveal errors in the operation of the equipment. Based on the results obtained from running in the ventilation system, a report is filled out, and the mechanisms are debugged. Ventilation systems containing valves, actuators, and dampers are tested at idle. The duration of the tests and their conditions are indicated in the passport and specifications in the factory instructions. Break-in requirements are specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

Upon completion, a running-in report for the ventilation system is drawn up.

Acceptance of natural ventilation

During the acceptance of natural ventilation systems and the signing of the act, the commission inspects all structures that carry out air exchange:

  • ventilation ducts;
  • unblown lanterns;
  • wind shields;
  • deflectors;
  • vents and opening windows, opening and closing capabilities.

The area of ​​the vents, their height above the floor level, and the presence of special platforms for opening are checked. The possibility of submitting fresh air in winter.

Tests followed by the signing of an acceptance certificate for natural ventilation are carried out upon completion of construction of the building.

The following indicators are determined:

  • distribution of air masses across different sections of ventilation ducts;
  • speed of air movement through air ducts.

Based on the research results, a certificate of commissioning of the ventilation system is drawn up. About the work of natural ventilation in residential buildings narrates the video.

The execution of an equipment commissioning act always occurs when new equipment arrives at the enterprise, since from the moment it arrives there is a need to record the beginning of its use and enter it into accounting as fixed assets.


Before issuing a water certificate for operation

If the equipment requires any tests and inspections, then before drawing up this act all such procedures must be carried out and completed.

As a rule, new equipment is checked for defects, defects, defects, malfunctions, as well as whether it complies with the regulations and standards adopted by the enterprise, labor protection and fire safety requirements.

All these procedures are carried out by a specially created commission, consisting of at least two people, which is appointed by a separate order by the head of the organization.

Basic rules for drawing up a water act for operation

This document does not have a unified, mandatory form, so it can be compiled either in free form or according to a template developed and approved within the enterprise. The act can be written on a regular A4 sheet, or on the organization’s letterhead.

It must necessarily include information about the enterprise where the equipment is being put into operation, as well as detailed information about its name, technical characteristics, conditions of use, etc. The more complex the equipment, the more detailed information about it needs to be recorded and the more points the act may contain.

IN this document the compliance of the equipment being introduced must be indicated internal requirements organization and legal standards, and also recorded the presence of comments or identified malfunctions. If the facts of defects are confirmed, then a special document must be drawn up for the equipment and until the defects are eliminated, the equipment cannot be put into operation.

It should be remembered that after signing the act of putting the equipment into operation, the manufacturer’s warranty begins to apply.

Instructions for writing a water act for operation

  1. In the first part of the document its name is written, and its essence is also briefly indicated (in in this case“On commissioning of equipment”). The line below indicates locality, in which an act and date are created: day, month (in words), year. Then the composition of the commission that checked the equipment is entered: the positions of the employees are entered, as well as their last names, first names, and patronymics. Here you should also make a reference to the order of the director who appointed the commission (indicate the full name of the enterprise, surname, first name, patronymic, manager, number and date of the order).
  2. The main part is to certify the fact that the equipment has been examined and inspected by the commission. Here you need to enter its name, serial number, specifications, name of the manufacturer, place of manufacture of the equipment, etc. options. This is where they are recorded regulations, laws, documents on the basis of which the inspection was carried out and its timing.
  3. The third part of the document contains information about the condition and quality of the equipment being put into operation. If it is in good condition, then this should be noted; if it has any defects or malfunctions, then this should also be indicated. If there are any comments, they must be included in the act with all the details. Next, you should add a clause about the commissioning work carried out, as well as that the equipment meets all safety requirements (fire, technical, environmental, industrial).

    In conclusion, in this part, a separate paragraph needs to summarize that the equipment has passed the test and is ready for use.

The penultimate part of the document contains conclusions on the entire above procedure. If there are no complaints about the equipment, then here you need to enter that the equipment will be put into operation on such and such a date at such and such an address (the address of the enterprises where it will be used is indicated).

If there are complaints, then you should write “not ready for use until identified defects are eliminated.” Next you need to add a warranty clause.

After entering all the information into the act, links to all annexes to it with numbers and dates are included.

The act must be certified by the signatures of the inspection commission. The document can also be certified by a seal, but not necessarily, since since 2016 the presence of a seal has legal entities is not a requirement by law, but is voluntary.