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Provided for by Part 5 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Stopping or parking in places where it is prohibited

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed road signs or marking the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, -

entails a warning or imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on the road with one way traffic -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.1. Recommitment administrative offense provided for in part 3 of this article, -

entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special devices operating automatically technical means having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking Vehicle, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 5 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

5. The violation provided for in paragraph 4 of this article, committed in the city federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in part 7 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

7. The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

Return to document table of contents: Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (CAO RF) in the current version

Comments on Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, judicial practice of application

Stopping or parking a vehicle in the area of ​​prohibitory signs or markings - Part 4 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

If the vehicle was stopped or parked within the coverage area of ​​road signs 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited”, 3.28 “Parking is prohibited”, 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month”, 3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month” or markings, for example, 1.10, 1.17, a person’s actions are subject to qualification under Part 4 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which is special in relation to Article 12.19 of this code.

In Review judicial practice Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the fourth quarter of 2010", approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 16, 2011, contains the following explanations (extract):

Driving in the lane for fixed-route transport is qualified according to Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

"Question 3. Do the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, actions of the driver of a vehicle not related to route vehicles, expressed in driving along the lane of the road in the same direction, intended for route vehicles, or such actions are subject to qualification under Part 1 of Art. 12.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation?

Answer:...the objective side of the administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in particular, form the actions of the driver, expressed in non-compliance with the requirements of clause 9.7 of the Traffic Regulations.

At the same time, restrictions associated with exiting and driving in the lane for route vehicles are enshrined in clause 18.2 of the Traffic Regulations, located in section 18 of the Traffic Regulations “Priority of route vehicles” and which is a special norm in relation to clause 9.7 of the Traffic Regulations.

...Administrative liability for failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings is established in Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Considering the above and taking into account that the actions of the driver, expressed in driving along the lane of the same direction intended for route vehicles, are not defined by the legislator as an independent element of an administrative offense, it should be considered that such actions of the driver form the objective side of the administrative offense provided for Part 1 Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation."

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 14, 2015 N 378-FZ)

1. Movement of a vehicle with a permissible maximum weight of over 12 tons, according to highways common use of federal significance without paying a fee to compensate for damage caused to public roads of federal significance by such a vehicle, if payment of such a fee is mandatory -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on drivers of vehicles owned by foreign carriers and on the owners (possessors) of vehicles, with the exception of vehicles owned by foreign carriers, in the amount of five thousand rubles.
2. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in part 1 of this article -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on drivers of vehicles owned by foreign carriers and on owners (possessors) of vehicles, with the exception of vehicles owned by foreign carriers, in the amount of ten thousand rubles.
1. A person who has committed an administrative offense provided for in part 1 or 2 of this article upon entering the territory Russian Federation, exempt from administrative responsibility, if at the time of consideration of the case about the specified administrative offense, the distance actually traveled by the vehicle without paying a fee was no more than fifty kilometers after crossing State border of the Russian Federation and if payment for compensation for damage caused to public roads of federal significance by such a vehicle is made in the prescribed manner.
2. The owner (possessor) of the vehicle specified in part 1 of this article, if the administrative offense provided for in part 1 or 2 of this article was recorded by special technical means operating automatically, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or by means of photography, filming, video recording two or more times during the day for each vehicle after the first recording of such an administrative offense, is not brought to administrative responsibility for the second and subsequent cases during the day when such an administrative offense was recorded.

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If the driver decides to stop or park his car where this is prohibited (except for the cases described in part five of the analyzed article), then he will have to payfine of 1500 rubles .

Areas of the roadway where you can stop or park a car for a long time (this is considered a stop lasting more than 15 minutes) are marked with special signs and/or markings.

Also, appropriate prohibition signs are installed on certain sections of streets and roads. Their coverage area is considered to be the space up to the nearest intersection with another road or to another sign that cancels the effect of the one that was installed earlier.

Drivers also do not have the right to stop on the following sections of the roadway:

  1. Tram tracks - if a motor vehicle becomes an obstacle to a rail vehicle.
  2. Tunnels, overpasses, railway crossings, bridges, as well as the space under these structures - this prohibition ceases to apply if the roadway contains three or more lanes in one direction: in this case, you can use the far right lane (if there are no prohibitory signs or other conditions that make parking and/or stopping impossible).
  3. Near the marking lines - if there is less than 3 meters of distance from the solid (except for the lines marking the edge of the roadway) or dividing strip to the opposite edge of the road, taking into account the parked car. This is the minimum safe distance to allow other drivers to avoid the obstacle without the risk of colliding with oncoming traffic.
  4. On pedestrian crossings and at a distance closer than 5 meters to them - this rule implies that the driver can stop on the right half of the road as soon as he passes the pedestrian zebra crossing.
  5. In conditions of insufficient visibility - most often these are areas before turns and areas with sharp relief changes (ascent or descent), in which the visibility in at least one direction is less than one hundred meters. Typically, such sections of the road are marked with special warning signs. The driver does not have the right to stop or park here, but can use the side of the road - this way he will not become an unexpected obstacle for other road users.
  6. At intersections and within five meters of them in both directions (except for three-way intersections, intersections with continuous markings or a strip separating opposite traffic flows).
  7. On transport stops in cities and in places where cars providing taxi services are parked, you can stop 15 meters before these objects. The distance is measured in both directions from the markings that mark the stopping zones public transport or taxi, or from the corresponding road signs. However, the driver may stop in violation of this clause if he needs to promptly drop off passengers. At the same time, he must make sure that he will not become an obstacle for pedestrians and other vehicles.
  8. If, by stopping, your vehicle blocks the view of traffic lights and/or road signs for drivers, becomes an obstacle to the movement of pedestrians, or blocks the entry/exit of other vehicles. Especially relevant this condition for trucks and other large vehicles.
  9. On the lanes along which cyclists move, such areas are indicated by the corresponding symbol of wheeled transport and an arrow indicating in which direction the movement is taking place.
  10. On the main road beyond the borders settlement(this may be a crossed out sign ( graphic designation city) or a sign with the name) – in such a situation the driver must use the side of the road to stop and/or park.

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article -

entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the case of recording an administrative offense using special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles

4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

5. The violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in part 7 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

7. The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

Expert comment:

All participants traffic must comply with road signs. If they are ignored by vehicle drivers, then they are subject to liability under Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Comments to Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. The objects of this administrative offense are public relations in the field of road safety.

2. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings is covered by Part 1 of this article, with the exception of cases provided for in other articles of Chapter 12 of the Code (Article 12.9, Part 2, Article 12.13, Part 2 and 3 Article 12.14, Part 2 Article 12.15, Part 1 and 2 Article 12.19, Part 1 Article 12.21), as well as Parts 2 and 3 of the commented article.

3. Part 2 of this article provides for increased liability for maneuvering in the form of a left turn or a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or roadway markings.

4. A road or carriageway along which the movement of vehicles across its entire width is carried out in one direction is a one-way road. Violation by the driver of the requirements of road signs 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 “Exit onto a one-way road” or road sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited”, resulting in driving in the opposite direction on a road intended for one-way traffic, is qualified under Part 3 of the commented article.

5. The subjects of the offense are vehicle drivers.

6. The subjective side is characterized by intentional guilt.

7. Cases of administrative offenses provided for in the commented article are considered by the head State Inspectorate road safety, his deputy, regiment (battalion, company) commander of the road patrol service, his deputy (Article 23.3). Cases under Part 3 of this article are considered by judges in cases where the specified official, to whom the case of such an administrative offense was received, transfers it to the judge for consideration (Part 2 of Article 23.1). Cases of violations classified under Parts 1 and 2 of this article are also authorized to be considered by employees of the State Road Safety Inspectorate who have special rank(Article 23.3).

Protocols on administrative offenses are drawn up officials internal affairs bodies (police) (part 1 of article 28.3).

Full text of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article, -

Violation of marking rules can be expressed in the form of hitting broken marking lines, with the exception of changing lanes.

2. C objective side An administrative offense is characterized by the commission of an action expressed in non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

Fine for non-compliance with road sign requirements in 2018

All drivers are required to comply with road signs. They can be warning signs, priority signs, prohibitory signs, prescriptive signs, information signs and other signs. Administrative liability is provided for failure to comply with the requirements of road signs.

Text of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code.

Article 12.16 Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, except for the cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter.

A warning or a fine of 500 rubles.

2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

A fine of 1000 to 1500 rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road.

A fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.1 Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article, -

Deprivation of rights for a period of 1 year, and in the case of recording an administrative offense using special technical means operating automatically, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article.

A fine of 1,500 rubles.

Fine for stopping under the sign of Part 4 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses

Stopping or parking in places where it is prohibited

The violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

A fine of 3,000 rubles.

6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in “part 7” of this article.

A fine of 500 rubles.

7. The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg

A fine of 5,000 rubles.

Return to the section Fines for articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses for traffic violation

Car evacuation in questions and answers

Traffic rules – Appendix 1. Road signs

Fine for violating the rules for using external lighting devices, sound signals, and emergency lights

New edition of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

Article 12.16 part 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article -

entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

5. The violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in part 7 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

7. The violation provided for in part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

Commentary on Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. Road signs (warning signs, priority signs, prohibitory, prescriptive, informational and other signs) (according to GOST 10807-78, GOST R 51582-2000 and GOST 23457-86) are defined by Appendix 1 to the Traffic Rules (as amended . Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2001 N 67).

Direct object Offenses include road safety, as well as rules prescribed by road signs or road markings.

3. C subjective side the violation is characterized by guilt in the form of negligence. The subject of the offense is a driver who violates the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

Another comment on Art. 12.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses

1. The object of the administrative offense is road safety, Traffic Rules. The immediate object is the rules prescribed by road signs or road markings.

2. From the objective side, an administrative offense is characterized by the commission of an action expressed in non-compliance with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

A road sign is an element of traffic organization, designed in accordance with GOST 10807-78 and GOST 23457-86, which is expressed in a prohibition, a warning, a recommendation, and traffic regulations.

Violation of the rules for marking the roadway can be expressed in the form of hitting broken marking lines, with the exception of changing lanes.

As follows from the disposition, liability arises under this article if there are no special rules provided for in Chapter 12 of this Code.

3. From the subjective side, an administrative offense is characterized by guilt in the form of negligence.

4. The subject of an administrative offense is the driver of a vehicle who has violated the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings.

The restrictions introduced for the passage of traffic flows in the opposite direction are indicated by the corresponding road signs installed on one-way roads:

  1. White arrow on blue background, pointing upward, means that traffic on this road is only possible in the direction in which it points. This sign can also be found at intersections if one of the roads is one-way. Drivers seeing this sign can occupy the entire roadway, not taking into account the conditional division in two, because there cannot be oncoming cars on such a street.
  2. Crossed out sign No. 1 is the end of a one-way road. He warns that it is necessary to change lanes closer to the right edge of the roadway to enter the intersection or simply before the road widens and a second traffic flow appears on it.
  3. Two arrows in opposite directions in a red triangle are a warning sign installed in addition to No. 2. It notifies drivers that traffic on the road is becoming two-way, so you cannot move on the left half of the roadway after it.
  4. A blue rectangle with a white horizontal arrow indicates an exit onto a one-way road. The direction of the arrow shows exactly where the flow of cars moving along such a street is moving. Accordingly, the driver should turn in the indicated direction. If you make a turn, for example, to the left, at a sign with an arrow to the right, then you will violate traffic rules, since you will enter a one-way road in the direction opposite to the one in which traffic is allowed on it and, thereby, create dangerous situation on road.

The punishment for such an offense will be heavy fine – 5 thousand

rub. or deprivation of rights for a period of 4 to 6 months. Financial punishment is applied if the violation was recorded by traffic cameras or other automatic devices that do not allow identification of the person driving the car. If the subject of the offense is stopped by employees transport police while driving on a one-way street in a prohibited direction, he will lose his license for the specified period.

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2 - 7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article -

entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles

4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

5. The violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in part 7 of this article, -

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 8, 2015 N 143-FZ)

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

7. The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

Current version of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with comments and additions for 2018

1. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, with the exception of cases provided for in parts 2-7 of this article and other articles of this chapter, -
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on July 1, 2012 Federal law dated April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ; as amended, put into effect on April 19, 2013 by Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ.

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on September 1, 2013 by Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ.

2. Turning left or making a U-turn in violation of the requirements prescribed by road signs or markings of the roadway, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

3. Driving in the opposite direction on a one-way road -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

3.1. Repeated commission of an administrative offense provided for in Part 3 of this article -
entails deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one year, and in the event of an administrative offense being recorded by special technical means operating in automatic mode, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles

(Part additionally included from January 1, 2013 by Federal Law of December 25, 2012 N 252-FZ)
4. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs or road markings prohibiting stopping or parking of vehicles, except for the case provided for in Part 5 of this article, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

5. The violation provided for in Part 4 of this article, committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

(Part additionally included from July 1, 2012 by Federal Law of April 21, 2011 N 69-FZ)
6. Failure to comply with the requirements prescribed by road signs prohibiting the movement of freight vehicles, except for the case provided for in part 7 of this article, -
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on June 19, 2015 by Federal Law of June 8, 2015 N 143-FZ.

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.


The violation provided for in Part 6 of this article and committed in the federal city of Moscow or St. Petersburg -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five thousand rubles.

(Part additionally included from April 19, 2013 by Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ)
Part 7 of this article (as amended by this Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ) applies from July 1, 2013 - paragraph 2 of Article 36 of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 N 43-FZ.

(Article as amended, put into effect on November 21, 2010 by Federal Law of July 23, 2010 N 175-FZ.