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How is the internal sovereignty of the state expressed? State sovereignty. Local self-government in the mechanism of the state

Sovereignty this is the supremacy of the state. on domestic and independence in foreign policy. Also, according to experts, public power is the main feature of the state.

Types of sovereignty:

State sovereignty is the inherent supremacy of the state on its territory and independence in international relations.

Sovereignty of the people - this is the right of the people to decide their fate.

National sovereignty means the right of nations to self-determination.

Also, sovereignty can be partially limited. Partial limitation of sovereignty can be compulsory or voluntary. A forced limitation of sovereignty can take place, for example, in relation to a state defeated in a war by the victorious states.

Voluntary limitation of sovereignty can be allowed by the state itself by mutual agreement with other states, for example, in order to achieve certain goals common to all of them. Voluntary sovereignty is also limited when states unite into a federation and transfer part of their sovereign rights to it.


Supremacy state power - characterized by the fact that state power through lawmaking regulates the entire complex public relations in the state and on its territory, while no other power can stand above the state power, either inside the country or outside its borders, the most important expression of the supremacy of state power is the supremacy of the Constitution and the laws of the state on its territory.

Unity of state power is expressed in the presence of a system of state bodies exercising state power, and the aggregate competence of the entire system of state bodies covers all the powers necessary for the implementation of state functions.

State independence means the independence of the state in relation to other states.

Secular state

Secular state- a state with a structure, where the church is separated from it, and which is regulated on the basis of civil, non-religious norms; decisions of state bodies cannot have a religious basis.

Constitution art.13.14

Theocratic state

THE THEOCRATIC STATE (from gr. Tueos - god, kratos - power) is a special form of organization of state power, in which it fully or for the most part belongs to the church hierarchy. Currently, the example of T.g. is the Vatican City State, which is an absolute theocratic monarchy. Legislative, executive and judicial branch in the Vatican are owned by the Pope, elected for life by the college of cardinals.

Ratio the rule of law and civil society

The main institutions of civil society

Civil Society Institutions:

- family ties;

- communities;

- professional organizations;

- creative and scientific unions, associations, foundations;

- labor collectives;

- social strata, estates, classes;

- public organizations, etc.

Local government in the mechanism of the state

Local self-government is a system of organization and activity of citizens, ensuring the independent solution of issues by the population local significance, management municipal property, proceeding from the interests of all inhabitants of the given territory. + Constitution Article 3.12.


The term "sovereignty" in relation to the state was first used by Jean Boden (France, XVI century).

SOVEREIGNTY- (from the French souverainet'e from souverain - the bearer of supreme power) - this is the state of independence of state power from any other power, which consists in its right and ability to independently, without the intervention of any other force, manage its internal and external life ...

Constitutional law distinguishes between several types of sovereignty:




The sovereignty of the state is a qualitative feature of the state that characterizes its political and legal essence, a political and legal property of state power, which means its supremacy and completeness within the country, independence and equality outside.

There are two sides to state sovereignty:

Internal ( internal sovereignty ), expressing the supremacy and completeness of state power in relation to all other organizations in the political system of society, its monopoly on legislation, management and jurisdiction within the country within the entire state territory;

External ( external sovereignty ), expressing the independence and equality of the state as a subject international law in relations with other states, the inadmissibility of outside interference in domestic affairs.

Internal sovereignty is also called legislative sovereignty, since it presupposes the right the legislature legislate.

State sovereignty implies:

1). Supremacy(in other words: the prerogative of the authorities) - the absence of another higher public authority on the territory of the country: the state authority can abolish, declare null and void any manifestation of any other public authority;

2). Independence- the ability to independently make decisions within the country and abroad, subject to the norms of national and international law;

3). Completeness(otherwise universality) - the extension of state power to all spheres of state life, to the entire population and public organizations of countries;

4). Indivisibility of the power of the state within its territory- the unity of power as a whole and only its functional division into branches of power: legislative, executive, judicial; direct implementation imperious decrees;

5). Independence in external relations- the ability to independently make decisions outside the country while observing the norms of international law and respecting the sovereignty of other countries;

6). Equality in external relations- the presence in international relations of such rights and obligations as in other countries;

7). Inalienability- the impossibility of arbitrary alienation of the legitimate and legal power, only the existence of the possibility, enshrined in the law, to delegate the sovereign rights of the state to local self-government bodies (in unitary state), subjects of the federation and local governments (in a federal state).

Any state has sovereignty, regardless of the size of its territory, population, form of government and structure. State sovereignty is the basic principle of international law. It found its expression in the UN Charter and other international legal documents.

The state has sovereign rights:

Law of War and Peace;

The right to make laws;

The right to shape government bodies;

The right to determine your attributes (symbols);

The right to impose taxes;

The right to appoint their representatives to other states and international organizations;

The right to join interstate unions, etc.

However, the state does not have the right to do everything that it considers necessary in relation to other states. International law warns against such actions. For example, states are prohibited from using force against other states, with the exception of self-defense or authorization from the UN Security Council. Another restriction on the freedom of the state is legal obligation to fulfill the contracts concluded by him.

The sovereignty of the state should be distinguished from the sovereignty of the nation.

Sovereignty of the people (people are citizens of all nationalities living in the territory of a given country) means the supremacy of the people as a source and bearer of power, their right to decide their own fate, directly or through representative bodies to take part in the formation of the direction of the policy of their state, the composition of its bodies, to control the activities of state power.

Popular sovereignty is one of the principles constitutional order in all democratic states. The sovereignty of the people, enshrined in the constitution, is a qualitative characteristic of democracy, a democratic regime in a state.

State sovereignty does not necessarily imply the sovereignty of the people. The sovereignty of the state can be combined with the lack of sovereignty of the people, with the presence of a totalitarian regime, despotism. As a rule (but not always), the absence of external sovereignty of the state entails the loss of the sovereignty of the people as the internal freedom of its political state. In a democratic state, the founding power of the people is the source and basis of cooperation of all powers. Here the sovereignty of the people is the source of the sovereignty of the state.

National sovereignty - the sovereignty of the nation, its political freedom, the possession of a real opportunity to determine the nature of their national life, including the ability to politically self-determine up to separation and formation of an independent state.

The sovereignty of a nation means the sovereignty of a nation, which is realized through its fundamental rights.

Nation (in legally) is equivalent to the concept of "people". The concept of "nation" also includes the meaning of citizenship. Nation - citizens of the state of different nationalities, who are united by similarities in the decision of significant political and psychological problems... This similarity arises from living in the same territory and long-term communication with each other. A nation (in ethnic terms) is an ethnosocial community, which has formed a self-awareness of its identity (common historical fate, psychology and character, perception of national, material and spiritual values, etc.), as well as territorial-linguistic and economic-economic unity.

Basic rights of a nation:

The right to existence and free development, the possession of a real opportunity to determine the nature of one's national life, including the ability to realize the right to political self-determination (state self-organization - up to the creation of an independent state);

The right to the free development of national needs (economic and social);

The right to spiritual and cultural development, respect for national honor and dignity, the development of the national language, customs, traditions;

The right to dispose of natural and material resources on its territory;

The right to peaceful coexistence with other peoples and nations;

Right to environmental safety and etc.

Thus, the sovereignty of a nation, its sovereignty means having a real opportunity to determine the nature of its national life, independently resolve issues related to the development of national freedom and national needs, the right to respect for national honor and dignity, the development of culture, language, customs, traditions, the creation of national institutions ... The sovereignty of one nation is impossible without respect for the sovereignty of other nations and nationalities, without respect for their national needs and rights.

In a multinational state, its sovereignty cannot be the sovereignty of one nation as an ethnosocial community. It includes responsibilities in relation to other nations that are contemporaries of the "titular" nation, exist in parallel with it.

State sovereignty exercised by a multinational state must guarantee the sovereignty of each of the united nations. If a nation has exercised its right to political self-determination by uniting into a union state (federation), the sovereignty of each of the united nations is achieved by ensuring the sovereign rights of the subjects of the union who have ceded part of their rights to a multinational state (for example, the protection of common state borders, the implementation of common financial, tax and defense policy).

The main thing is that the nation, which constitutes the majority in the country and gave the name to the state, does not use its superiority to restrict the rights of representatives of another nation. Any national discrimination or the desire of one nation to subjugate another is illegal and unacceptable.

The concept of "sovereignty" in its modern sense dates back to the 19th century. The term is inextricably linked with concepts such as "state", "country". It was in the 19th century that the medieval meaning of "sovereign" extends to the entire state, forming the concept of "independence", nations are singled out in parallel. More details about what sovereignty is, the concept and types of sovereignty - further in the article. Let's start with a definition.


Before analyzing the types of state sovereignty, let's take a closer look at the concept. The term comes from the French souverainete, which means "supreme power". This is one of the fundamental features of the state, which gives the right to carry out internal and foreign policy states without the intervention of foreign agents (governments, public organizations, etc.).

Sovereignty and international law

It is a mistake to believe that sovereignty means the absolute right to dispose within the country. All democracies are subject to international law. This means that there are regulations adopted outside a certain country, but having power over it.

Let's take our state as an example. Higher the court in Russia are the Supreme and constitutional Court... There is human rights. It is located in Strasbourg, France. It deals with cases based on the Human Rights Convention. It is international legal act, which has been ratified by most of the independent countries. If it is indicated in Strasbourg that any pending court case in Russia was conducted in violation of the Convention, our courts will be obliged to cancel the adopted verdicts.

This does not mean that Russia has no sovereignty. Our country has voluntarily signed and ratified international agreements allowing International courts cancel the decisions of the Russian. We can at any time in unilaterally withdraw from the treaty and ignore the decision of Strasbourg. Voluntary submission is a manifestation of foreign policy. Now more about the types of sovereignty. Further on this.

Types of sovereignty

So each independent state has the right to an independent domestic and foreign policy. Allocate the following types sovereignty:

  • state;
  • folk;
  • National.

State sovereignty: the formation of the concept

The concept of "state sovereignty" took shape at the end of the Middle Ages. It was used to separate state power from church power. In the West, the church was an independent institution of power. Unlike the state, it had no territorial boundaries and was a supra-state formation. With the development of centralized power, the need arose for the territorial isolation of one monarch from another. This is where the concept of state sovereignty came from, as opposed to church sovereignty.

The essence of state sovereignty

State power is at the top of the hierarchy. All subsystems and social institutions are subordinate to it. Let's imagine for a short while that state sovereignty has been abolished. An era of anarchy will come. The supreme controlling and regulating institutions will not be able to exist. A single country will be divided into local principalities, clans, which will start a constant war with each other. Spheres such as education, health care, security will not be able to function. Without unified system management, standards, laws, society will not be able to exist in our usual understanding.

Negative Consequences of Lack of State Sovereignty

History knows many examples when there was no a single center authorities. These are the so-called periods of dual power. A similar case in our history took place in 1917, from the abdication of Nicholas II to the Great October Socialist Revolution, when Lenin's supporters single-handedly took power into their own hands. The experiment is illustrated by what was going on World War... Chaos in the army, non-observance of orders, sabotage of home front workers, food crises are only a small part of the problems provoked by anarchy. Two different systems of power ultimately led to a bloody civil war, which in terms of its victims was not inferior to the world one.

The lack of sovereignty of the state, the inability of the authorities to defend it negatively affects the entire society. It so happened, but such an experiment, unfortunately, is known in our history. After the collapse of the USSR, a course was taken towards liberalization and, as a consequence, the destruction of state sovereignty within the country. The power, as conceived by the reformers, was supposed to represent the interests of society outside the country. Within it, there should be no manifestations of statehood in all spheres of society.

This led to disastrous consequences: the “invisible hand of the market” did not regulate economic relations, famine came, the army lost its combat effectiveness, law enforcement turned out to be unable to fight crime, there were no uniform standards of education. This is only a small fraction of the problems that befell our country in the early 90s of the last century.

Types of state sovereignty

State sovereignty has two types:

  1. Interior. The state has exclusive right pass laws, legally use force.
  2. External. The state can independently conduct foreign policy on behalf of the entire society. International treaties signed on behalf of the government are obliged to comply with all citizens.

Popular sovereignty

We continue to talk about the types of sovereignty. In addition to the state, political scientists distinguish the national. The point is that the people, that is, the population permanently residing inside the country, acts as the subject of power. The most important depend on people

Concept " popular sovereignty"is closely related to the concept of democracy. The people, people determine the fate and nature of their state. The types of sovereignty are not officially spelled out. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not mention this. our country is a multinational people Russian Federation.

It is no coincidence that the Constitution mentions a “multinational people”. This means that we do not have a dominant nation to which the people's sovereignty belongs. Yes, Russians are in the majority in Russia. They are the nation that forms the state. This is emphasized by the country's top officials. However, this does not mean that Russians are exceptional in exercising popular sovereignty.

The people exercise their right to make decisions through various democratic instruments:

  • referendums;
  • elections;
  • pickets, actions;
  • petitions;
  • public organizations, political parties, etc.

It is difficult to organize referendums on every occasion. The utopia of the anarchist Nestor Makhno - every time to collect peasant gatherings - is unrealizable in the conditions of large territories and a huge population. For this, in democratic countries, the sovereignty of the people is exercised through representatives. Our citizens call them "servants of the people."

These include, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

  • President of the Russian Federation.
  • Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • Parliaments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • local government.
  • in the courts.

Popular sovereignty is the right of residents to decide critical issues in the state.

National sovereignty

We finish the topic "Types of sovereignty" with a national one. This concept means the manifestation in reality of the sovereignty of the nation. Each nation has the right to determine its own destiny, resolve various issues related to national-state associations, etc.

National sovereignty is manifested in the preservation of identity, language and culture. It also includes the right of a nation to self-determination, enshrined in many international legal acts, up to the separation of one national territory from another.

A striking example of the manifestation of national sovereignty is the separation of Kosovo from Serbia. The Kosovo region has traditionally been the territory of the Serbs. However, over the centuries, ethnic Albanians have settled here. The Kosovar Albanians became a sovereign nation that considered the territory of Kosovo their homeland. They took advantage of national sovereignty and declared their independence.

The nation's right to self-determination was also laid down in the first Constitution of the USSR. Lenin himself insisted on this, since there were opponents led by Stalin. The national republics were given the right to freely secede from the Union. The republics within the Russian Federation cannot leave the country under the Constitution, but they also have national sovereignty. It manifests itself in politics within the national republics. The only limitation is local laws must not contradict federal.

So, we have figured out what state sovereignty is. The concept, its types were briefly considered. Let's summarize.


The independence of Russia, that is, the free right to conduct domestic and foreign policy, is called "the sovereignty of the Russian Federation." Its types are as follows: folk. There is no clear distinction between them. These are separate subsystems of a single whole, which forms the country's independence.

Option No. 3000267

When completing tasks with a short answer, write in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, word, sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. You do not need to write the measurement units. Answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other additional characters. By completing task 29, you can show your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only one of the suggested statements (29.1-29.5).

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Write down the word that is missing in the table. LEGAL FACTS


Find a concept that is generalized for all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

Publicity, political pluralism, parliamentarism, democracy, majority principle.


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of "exchange".

1) division of labor; 2) productive forces; 3) specialization of manufacturers; 4) barter; 5) unitary enterprises; 6) commodity-money relations.

Find two terms that "fall out" from the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.


Choose the correct judgments about the formational approach to the study of history and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) The formation approach to the study of history was formulated by the German philosophers K. Marx and F. Engels.

2) The formation approach focuses on common universal features in the development of various societies.

3) The formation approach presupposes the achievement by all societies of one form of socio-political structure as the ultimate goal of development.

4) Differences in the spiritual and cultural sphere are the basis for the classification of societies within the framework of the formation approach.

5) The formation approach is characterized by the assertion of the leading role of the individual in the historical process.


Establish a correspondence between characteristics and varieties of culture: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



The international conference discussed measures to overcome the problem of providing mankind with resources. What could be included in the program of this conference? Choose the correct positions and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) use of alternative energy sources

2) support program for developing countries

3) reduction in military spending

4) the allocation of funds for the elimination of illiteracy

5) saving fresh water for production and household needs

6) creation of underground storage facilities for rain and melt water


Choose the correct judgments about the nature of market relations and types of markets and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Competition between manufacturers improves the quality of goods.

2) Market monopolization leads to lower prices for goods and services.

3) The market of free competition is distinguished by easy entry for enterprises and difficult exit.

4) Market competition is characterized only by consumer competition.

5) Under conditions of oligopoly, price control is possible with collusion.


Establish a correspondence between examples and types of costs of the firm in the short run: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters:



There is only one electricity producer on the Z region market, supplying electricity to businesses and to the residential sector. Find the characteristics of this market in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) oligopoly

2) service market

3) regional market

4) market of goods

5) monopoly

6) market deficit


The graph shows the change in the supply of bananas in the corresponding market in the non-banana growing country: the supply curve has moved from the position S into position S 1 (on the graph R- the price of the product, Q- quantity of goods).

Which of the following factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) an increase in customs duties on the import of bananas

2) providing soft loans to banana sellers

3) decrease in energy prices

4) increase in consumer income

5) low yields of bananas


Choose the correct judgments about the family and its types and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Any group of people with common interests is considered a family.

2) For a family of a democratic (partner) type, a fair division of household responsibilities is characteristic.

3) The family of the traditional (patriarchal) type is characterized by the economic dependence of women on men.

4) Nuclear family (also married or partner family) - a family consisting of parents (parent) and children.

5) For a family of a democratic (partner) type, it is characteristic to impose all household responsibilities on a woman.


Among the various age categories population of country N was carried out sociological survey on the topic: "Do you expect an improvement in your financial situation within the next five years?" Its results are shown in the diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) The vast majority of the country's population expects an improvement in their financial situation.

2) The level of social optimism is highest in large cities.

3) The number of those who expect a deterioration in their financial situation in all groups is less than the number of those who do not expect changes.

4) In rural areas, the smallest group consists of those who do not expect a change in their financial situation.

5) The level of social optimism in cities is higher than in rural areas.


Choose the correct judgments about political parties and socio-political movements and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Political parties participate in elections to state and local government bodies.

2) Social and political movements, in contrast to political parties, set the task of obtaining state power.

3) In relation to the current government, the ruling and opposition political parties are distinguished.

4) Socialist parties proclaim the value of order, tradition and development stability; the inviolability of the moral principles underlying family, religion and property.

5) Cadre parties are focused on the coming elections, are formed around several leaders, and have a weak organization.


Establish a correspondence between the highest legislative and executive bodies and their functions and powers: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



What functions do political parties perform in a democratic society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) nomination of candidates for elections to local self-government bodies

2) expression of opinions of citizens on issues public life

3) management of ministries and departments

4) regulation of legal relations

5) participation in legal proceedings

6) political education of citizens


Which of the following applies to the personal (civil) rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the right to social security

2) the right to life

3) the right to housing

4) the right to protection of honor and good name

5) the right to liberty and security of person


Find the characteristics of the law in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) is generally binding

2) provided by the force of state coercion

3) public sanctions are envisaged for the violation

4) enters into force from a specific period

5) is fixed in acts in writing

6) is introduced gradually


Establish a correspondence between participants and types of litigation: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Write down the numbers in the answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Russian citizens Julia and Sergey decided to get married. Find in the above list the conditions that are required for marriage in the Russian Federation ‚and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) knowledge of Russian

2) voluntary consent of the bride and groom

3) the groom and the bride have reached marriageable age

4) residence of the groom or the bride separately from the parents

5) the presence of a permanent source of income for the bride and groom

6) the presence of professional education for the bride and groom


Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“Social mobility can be ____________ (A), when a person's status increases or decreases, and horizontal, when a person moves, for example, to another position without raising or lowering ___________ (B). Vertical mobility presupposes, as noted above, a change in a person's status to a higher or lower one. In accordance with this, the ascending and descending ________________ (B) are distinguished. These changes can be expressed in the appointment of new position, dismissal, etc. Horizontal mobility presupposes a change not in status, but in the social group in which _______________ (D) is located. An example is the change of religion, profession, place of residence. A kind of horizontal mobility is ________________ (D) mobility. It is expressed in moving from one region to another. Moving a person from one region to another, change of residence can also be called ________________ (E). "

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

The following table lists the letters that represent the missing words. Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.



(K. S. Gadzhiev)

What are the three goals of state sovereignty indicated by the author? Drawing on social science knowledge, facts of public life, name one more goal of state sovereignty, which is not indicated in the text.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

The modern state is inconceivable without the idea of ​​sovereignty ...

It is difficult to establish the source of the state's sovereignty. But nevertheless, this is a real phenomenon. In this territory, there is no power above the state. She is sovereign over all other authorities in a given territory. As noted by PI Novgorodtsev, the supreme power is one and indivisible in the sense that it under no circumstances "can not allow other power, standing above it and next to it."

The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally, collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or an external force violates the borders of a given state or forces it to make a decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law- from primitive law, etc. State, wrote the French jurist of the XIX century. A. Esmen, “there is a subject and support of public authority”. This power, which essentially does not recognize a superior or competing power over itself in the relations over which it rules, is called sovereignty. It has two sides: internal sovereignty, or the right to command all the citizens that make up the nation, and even everyone who lives on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

Another important instrument and attribute of the state, ensuring its universality, is the law. In a sense, the law is an expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by everyone, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

(K. S. Gadzhiev)

Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

What are the three principles of sovereignty named by the author? Using the facts of public life and personal social experience, give an example of how each of these principles is implemented in the activities of the state.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

The modern state is inconceivable without the idea of ​​sovereignty ...

It is difficult to establish the source of the state's sovereignty. But nevertheless, this is a real phenomenon. In this territory, there is no power above the state. She is sovereign over all other authorities in a given territory. As noted by PI Novgorodtsev, the supreme power is one and indivisible in the sense that it under no circumstances "can not allow other power, standing above it and next to it."

The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally, collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or external force violates the borders of this state or forces it to make a decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides the criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law from primitive law, etc. The state, wrote the French jurist of the 19th century. A. Esmen, “there is a subject and support of public authority”. This power, which essentially does not recognize a superior or competing power over itself in the relations over which it rules, is called sovereignty. It has two sides: internal sovereignty, or the right to command all the citizens that make up the nation, and even everyone who lives on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

Another important instrument and attribute of the state, ensuring its universality, is the law. In a sense, the law is an expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by everyone, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

(K. S. Gadzhiev)

Solutions for items with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to test them yourself.

Using the text and social science knowledge, give three explanations for the idea expressed in the text that the law is an expression of sovereignty.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

The modern state is inconceivable without the idea of ​​sovereignty ...

It is difficult to establish the source of the state's sovereignty. But nevertheless, this is a real phenomenon. In this territory, there is no power above the state. She is sovereign over all other authorities in a given territory. As noted by PI Novgorodtsev, the supreme power is one and indivisible in the sense that it under no circumstances "can not allow other power, standing above it and next to it."

The state as a subject of law protects society, state formation, the indivisibility of a single territory, and finally, collectivity ... From this point of view, the universality of sovereignty lies in the fact that the power of the state stands above all other specific forms and manifestations of power in this territory. Therefore, it is natural that state sovereignty includes such fundamental principles as the unity and indivisibility of the territory, inviolability of territorial borders and non-interference in internal affairs. If any foreign state or external force violates the borders of this state or forces it to make a decision that does not meet the national interests of its people, then we can talk about a violation of its sovereignty. And this is a clear sign of the weakness of this state and its inability to ensure its own sovereignty and national-state interests.

Sovereignty is designed to ensure ... the preservation of the legal and power systems. It provides the criteria for distinguishing the state from the pre-state state, state law from primitive law, etc. The state, wrote the French jurist of the 19th century. A. Esmen, “there is a subject and support of public authority”. This power, which essentially does not recognize a superior or competing power over itself in the relations over which it rules, is called sovereignty. It has two sides: internal sovereignty, or the right to command all the citizens that make up the nation, and even everyone who lives on the national territory, and external sovereignty, designed to ensure territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs by external forces ...

Another important instrument and attribute of the state, ensuring its universality, is the law. In a sense, the law is an expression of sovereignty. The law has a form of universality in the sense that its legitimacy and authority must be recognized by everyone, and, accordingly, everyone must obey it.

In country Z, the government is formed by the political party or bloc of parties that won the election. Parliamentary seats (mandates) in the People's Assembly are distributed among political parties depending on the votes they collect, provided that these parties have overcome the 9% electoral threshold.

List any principle of democratic suffrage. What type is the electoral system of country Z? What is the name of the other type of electoral system? Point out one difference between the two electoral systems.

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To reveal the main idea (s) formulated by you, provide reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (corresponding concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate the main idea (s), theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions formulated by you, give at least two social facts / examples from various sources (public life (including according to media reports), personal social experience (including including read books, watched movies), from various academic subjects.

Each fact / example cited should be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated basic idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion / be clearly associated with them. In terms of their content, examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:"Human activity is not given by nature entirely, although it is connected with the fact that nature gives by itself" ( P. S. Gurevich).

29.2 Economics:"It is important to develop different technologies so that the economy is not heavily dependent on oil, and to deal with the environment." ( S. M. Brin)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"The social value of an individual is largely determined by what needs prevail in her." (Ya.L. Kolominsky)

29.4 Political Science:"Elections imply the right to remove governments without violence." ( K. Popper)

29.5 Jurisprudence:"Forgiving too much to the guilty one is doing injustice to the innocent." ( B. Castiglione)

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