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Equipment for intelligent transport systems. Intelligent transport system. Concept of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of road safety with the participation of unmanned vehicles

Intelligent transport systems are the meeting point between the automotive industry and industry information technologies and are based on two “pillars” - transport system modeling And regulation of traffic flows.

The definition of ITS gives us an idea of ​​the main goals:

  • Information content and safety;
  • A qualitatively new level of information interaction between road users
The above definition contains everything necessary for a correct understanding of the issue. The only thing that prevents us from understanding it correctly and doing the right thing is our traditional perception. Please take this idea seriously: we have everything we need for business, except the right way of thinking! In this context, under " correct“a way of thinking is understood as a way of thinking sufficient to understand the Western approach to the subject and to use the available tools for solving problems, nothing more. You and I are not going to chase universal truths.

The Western engineer thinks in functions; he is primarily focused on What the system should do. In our thinking, an objective idea of ​​the world is “hardwired”; real objects are important to us, that is, we think, first of all, about How the system will work. This difference is not as subtle as it might seem at first glance.

Let me give you an example. The word “server” for a Western engineer means something that provides services. That is, a function. For our engineer, a “server” is, first of all, an iron box with light bulbs, that is, an object. To give meaning, we have to use various crutches: “server application”, “mail server”, “queue server”, etc. And still, even with crutches we have a hard time - when we hear the words “mail server,” we still imagine a box with light bulbs that sends mail.

All this is not a joke at all. Of course, it is possible to think in terms of objects in the real world. But it's a privilege the highest professionals, who master functional decomposition so masterfully that it becomes invisible to an outside observer. Looking at the jugglers in the circus, it may also seem that throwing and catching objects is easy and simple. But only complete idiots can sincerely believe that they can repeat the tricks of a juggler without training and training. Unfortunately, what is obvious to everyone in the circus is not obvious to everyone in technology.

Here ITS are powerless (photo from personal mobile phone)

One of the most painful problems in the design of information systems in our country is the dominance of objects and tools over functionality. Many customers sincerely believe that information systems decide Problems. Whereas in fact information systems allow solve problems. We say “an electric drill is drilling a hole.” But in fact, “electric drill allows drill a hole." Falling into a semantic trap, we are subconsciously sure that buying an electric drill equal to hole in the wall. And then it turns out that you need to know how to use a drill, that a drill requires electricity, that you need a hardened drill of a certain diameter, that there will be noise and dust, etc. And if in the example with a drill we roughly imagine the work process and can guess what is needed besides buying a tool, then in the case of more complex systems we can remain in a sweet illusion until the very end of the project.

Let us now return to the definition of ITS and consider it in a new light. ITS, I repeat, is based on modeling transport systems and regulating traffic flows. “Our man”, having read the definition, immediately concludes that he needs:

  1. System for transport modeling;
  2. Means of regulating traffic flows.
“Our man” writes a technical specification, where he describes detailed requirements for the modeling system and means of regulating traffic flows. He can thoroughly study the systems available on the market and describe them in detail. These systems will be delivered, deployed and connected. Maybe even on time.

Do we now have ITS? Our person will definitely answer “yes”. A Westerner will definitely answer “no”. Because our people evaluate the availability of equipment, and the Western person evaluates the performance of the corresponding functions.

Ask our man exactly how will the equipment purchased by him contribute to achieving the goals (see definition of ITS): increase information content, security and improve information interaction? Most likely there will be no answer. Because the answer lies in the area of ​​functional decomposition, which allows you to move from the set goals to the functions of future systems, simultaneously catching everything necessary from related areas.

The question of the use of certain ITS elements in the city is closely related to the understanding of how exactly we plan to achieve the goals. And move on to technical specifications equipment is needed only after we have determined the main ways to solve problems.


Returning again to the definition of ITS, we read that ITS " This intelligent system, using innovative developments in modeling transport systems and regulating traffic flows".

The words “innovative developments in modeling transport systems” can hide anything, but if you rely on logic and technical knowledge, you can guess what we are talking about.

Any automated control system, to which ITS fully applies, does one simple thing: it collects information about the control object, analyzes it and exerts a direct or indirect control effect on this object.

Control object for ITS are transport streams. The source of information about the control object is sensors and detectors on the road, related information systems and data input by the operator.

But to analyze information about a control object, it is necessary to put into the system a certain idea about this object, which is called model. The detail and accuracy of the model is determined solely by the tasks facing the ITS.

Transport models are divided into mathematical And imitation. The first ones operate with known laws of transport movement, presented in the form of formulas, systems of equations, etc. The latter imitate the movement of individual Vehicle, driver behavior, traffic lights, etc. In practice, a certain mixture of mathematical and simulation models is more often used.

For example, transport modeling systems at the macro level (country, city, microdistrict) operate with demographic data, the concepts of “road graph”, “attraction zone”, “transport demand and supply”. They contain data on the percentage of car use by the population, bandwidth streets, the number of parking spaces at shopping centers. The macro model uses mainly mathematical modeling methods and tries to answer the questions: “why and where is everyone going?”, “is there enough street capacity to serve everyone?”, “what will happen if this street is blocked?” and so on.

An example of the interface of the software package for macro modeling PTV Visum ()

Micro-models operate with specific objects from the “real world” - a controlled intersection, a traffic intersection, a street network, a car. At the same time, the micro-model “knows” about the number of traffic lanes, the presence of ups/downs, the characteristics of car engines (how quickly they can start), the rules of movement and stopping. In order for the micro-model to work at full capacity, it needs to receive information from the macro-model as input: the number and composition of vehicles at certain points in time (how many cars and how many trucks, how many buses, trams, etc.), behavioral features drivers (how often do they change lanes, how often do they follow the instructions of signs and displays, do they follow parking rules). If the macro-level data is correct, the micro-level can simulate real traffic flow with high accuracy.

Example interface of the micro-simulation software package Aimsun ()

The main purpose of transport models is to carry out experiments. We can check how certain changes in traffic organization will affect traffic. We can set up traffic lights, make decisions about widening the street, banning or allowing turns, and organizing one-way traffic. The model will help develop temporary plans for organizing traffic for the period of major events - competitions, street parades, etc. At the city level, transport modeling will enable decisions to be made about the impacts on transport situation construction of the next shopping center or a new neighborhood. In other words, the transport model is an indispensable means of improving the city without serious consequences.

The more accurate the model, the more diverse information it stores. Keeping the model up to date means reflecting all the changes in the real world - traffic closures, road repairs, new roads, traffic lights, traffic lanes, residential areas, schools, offices and retail space. Keeping the model up to date is a labor-intensive and responsible process that places high demands on the qualifications of personnel, on the organization of internal processes, on the quality and stability of information channels.

Agree, few people in our country initially think about what really stands behind the words innovative developments in modeling transport systems. After all, organizing a process of this level, training people, paying for their work, and agreeing on the provision of high-quality initial data with various departments is tantamount to a civic feat in our country! And this is certainly not the same as purchasing and installing a modeling system on a computer.


When we understand the modeling and models, we can move on to the functions of the ITS.

Generally speaking, the need for ITS in such a formulation of the question is not at all obvious. It is likely that most problems can be solved by competent use of existing technical means organization of movement. But when the available technical means are not enough, the question of using ITS arises.

Let's not deviate from the definition of ITS, and remember that ITS is not only " innovative means of regulation", but also the system, " providing end consumers with greater information content and security".

In a city, “innovative means of regulation” most often mean network coordinated control of traffic lights (so-called “smart traffic lights”) and the placement of digital information boards at junctions.

Information tools also include Internet sites for trip planning (like the well-known Yandex traffic jam service) and information support services for drivers during travel (various navigation services). All of these are actually also subsystems of ITS, and in Western countries they are part of a single information space.

I already wrote about “smart traffic lights” on Habré (link), but here we’ll limit ourselves to a quick dotted line. Networking traffic lights in itself is obvious and useful, given the cheapness of electronics in our time. If you have a street video surveillance system, this will at least allow you to adjust traffic lights manually, sitting in a warm office, and not standing on a dirty roadside with a remote control.

Traffic lights “get smarter” if the intersection is equipped with a system of vehicle detectors, and a special algorithm starts working in the center. The need for a “smart” traffic light, as well as the settings of the control algorithm, are determined using a transport model and a special “traffic light” module, which allows you to calculate the initial parameters of the regulation cycle and determine the boundaries of automatic control.

An example of the interface of a software package for configuring TRANSYT smart traffic lights (source - TRANSYT 14 User Guide)

In the same way, the installation location of digital displays and the information that will be displayed on them in a given case are determined.

Obviously, ITS elements installed on city streets must be entered into the model, and the model must “know” about the operating algorithms of adaptive traffic lights, displays, etc. For example, for a sign that recommends choosing street A rather than street B for driving, the model has a rule that 80% of motorists will follow the advice, and 20% will traditionally ignore it, which will immediately affect traffic flows. Modern modeling systems are able to simulate the readings of detectors placed on virtual streets, the impact of electronic boards and variable speed limit signs on traffic flows, and allow the creation of complex control scenarios in a form suitable for use in ITS. An example of a response scenario for an ITS: “If detector X detects a flux density of 70%, then display the inscription M on the Y display, turn on mode N at traffic light Z.”

There can be several hundred control scenarios, and the transport modeling system can automate the process of their generation.

That is, ITS is not only equipment on poles and a control center with a huge screen. ITS is first and foremost intelligence– control algorithms based on modeling real transport situations, as well as the processes for their compilation, testing and implementation.

UDC 621.833


E.A. Studentova

Road safety indicators in some countries of the world are considered. A comparison was made of the number of deaths per 100,000 people and per 100,000 registered vehicles in selected countries and concluded that such indicators depend on the degree of development and level of implementation of intelligent transport systems and/or their individual elements. Scheme developed constituent elements intelligent transport systems that affect the safety of traffic flows.

Key words: intellectual transport system, road safety, road safety indicators.

In the current decade, the problem of improving transport safety has become particularly relevant due to the fact that in March 2010 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The Global Implementation Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011 - 2020 was released. , which defines common goal Decades of stabilizing and then reducing by 2020 the projected level of road traffic deaths by developing and implementing sustainable safety policies and programs, improving data collection, and monitoring progress and performance not only nationally but also globally.

To support the actions of the Decade, the World Health Organization prepared the 2013 State of the World Road Safety Report, which identifies 5 key risk factors: speed, impaired driving. alcohol intoxication, use of helmets, seat belts and child restraints. Thus, all responsibility rests with road users. However, in addition to the human factor, such threats must also be considered transport security, such as the condition of the road surface, street lighting, correct operation of traffic lights (and other equipment used on the roads), serviceability of vehicles participating in road traffic, weather conditions and some other factors.

Since the last century, as measures to improve transport infrastructure, including increasing the safety of traffic flows, many countries have begun to introduce individual elements of intelligent transport systems (ITS). ITS is a universal term for the integrated application of communication, control and information technologies in transport systems, the result of which should be the saving of lives, time, money, energy and the environment. ITS includes all modes of transport and considers all elements of the transport system in their interaction with each other: vehicle, driver, infrastructure.

Japan was one of the first countries to begin research in the field of intelligent transport systems and the implementation of an integrated approach in the transport sector. Research began in 1973, and the “Comprehensive Plan for ITS in Japan” project began in 1996. In the United States, the Five-Year National ITS Development Program Plan was developed and established (1991). The European Union, together with Japan and the United States, created in 1991 non-profit organization- BYATUE Society (ITS Europe), whose goal was to promote the development of intelligent transport systems in Europe from scientific research to market investments, and China joined the development of ITS in 1997, starting with the creation of a laboratory and the National Center for ITS Engineering and Technology. Despite the fact that individual elements of ITS have been introduced in Russia since the end of the 20th century, the field of intelligent transport systems remains quite new for our country.

One of the main priorities for the development and implementation of ITS is to improve road safety; this is what many measures and programs are aimed at, in particular the eCa11 program developed by the European Community. ECa11, or Emergency Call, is an initiative to provide immediate assistance to road users involved in an accident anywhere in the European Union. A vehicle equipped with an "emergency call" system automatically sends a distress signal to the nearest assistance center. Even if none of the participants in the accident is able to speak, the system will send a minimum of information, informing the rescue service about the specific location of the accident, thereby increasing the chances of the participants in the accident to save lives and health.

To assess the impact of the level of development of intelligent transport systems on the state of transport infrastructure and answer the question of whether the introduction and improvement of ITS is one of the factors in increasing the level of road safety, let us consider data on road deaths in some countries of the world. Let's compare the displays

tel of the following countries developing and improving intelligent transport systems: Japan, USA, China, Great Britain, Germany, Singapore and Russia (development of ITS is one of the priority areas of the transport strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030). Let's compare with similar indicators of countries that do not show a high degree of participation in research on ITS, in particular, countries in the African region (Egypt, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya). It is assumed that in countries that earlier began the development and implementation of intelligent transport systems on their territory, mortality rates are significantly lower. Data on mortality per 100,000 population (according to the source) are shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Number of deaths per 100,000 people

From Fig. 1 shows that the lowest mortality rates per 100,000 people actually occur in countries that are working on creating intelligent transport systems, in particular, the best indicator is in the countries of the European Union. However, despite the introduction of elements of ITS in countries such as Russia and China, the mortality rate remains unacceptably high and is approaching the level of countries in the African region. These figures may indicate that the introduction of elements of intelligent transport systems into the transport infrastructure is not a decisive factor in increasing road safety in general and reducing the mortality rate in particular. However, the indicator of the number of vehicles differs very significantly for the countries under consideration. It is natural that countries with more traffic congestion will be more susceptible to the risk of road accidents. In this regard, we will calculate the mortality rate per 100,000 registered vehicles in the countries proposed for consideration. The calculation results (according to the source) are presented in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Number of deaths per 100,000 registered


Rice. 2 demonstrates how much lower this indicator in countries that are forming an intelligent transport system, while the lowest indicator is in countries that earlier began to implement and introduce such elements into everyday life, which indicates the effectiveness of the activities carried out within the framework of ITS.

Thus, it can be assumed that the development and improvement of ITS actually helps to reduce mortality on the roads, primarily influencing not the human factor, but the safety of the vehicle and the conditions for its movement. As mentioned earlier, ITS includes such elements of the transport system as vehicle, driver, infrastructure. This description is incomplete and needs to be supplemented. Let's build a diagram of the main elements of ITS designed to ensure road safety (Fig. 3).

Equipping vehicles with innovative technologies implies so-called “smart” cars using elements artificial intelligence, for example, the ability of the on-board computer to recognize the driver’s voice and perform simple commands, such as turning music on/off, so that the driver can not be distracted by such simple actions. Creating favorable conditions for traffic means maintaining the proper quality of the road surface, a sufficient number of traffic lights, and an acceptable level of road illumination. Road safety monitoring is based on the availability of a sufficient number of cameras, radars and professionalism authorized bodies, and post-accident response takes into account the speed of arrival special services to the scene of the accident and their level of qualifications.

Rice. 3. ITS elements affecting the safety of the road transport situation

Thus, the considered mortality rates per 100,000 people and per 100,000 registered vehicles indicate that in countries involved in the development, implementation and improvement of intelligent transport systems, or at least their individual elements, such rates are significantly lower, and Therefore, the ITS elements presented in the diagram can be an effective way to improve the situation on the roads and should be more deeply developed, in particular, at the global level and become more widespread at national levels.


1. World Health Organization. Global Implementation Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020. [Electronic resource] // UN Partnership on road safety[website]. URL: http://www. who. int/roadsafety/decade of action/plan/ru/# (date of access: 12/02/2014).

2. Report on the state of road safety in the world 2013 [Electronic resource] // World Health Organization [website]. URL: injury prevention/ road safety status/ 2013/ru/ (accessed 12/02/2014).

3. What are Intelligent Transport Systems? [Electronic resource] // Technical Committee on Network Operations [website]. URL: content&task=view& id = 39 & Itemid=71&lang=en (access date: 12/03/2014).

4. History of the emergence of ITS [Electronic resource] // Smart traffic technologies [website]. URL: (access date: 12/03/2014).

5. eCall: Time saved = lives saved [Electronic resource] // European commission [site]. URL: (access date: 12/03/2014).

6. Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030. Project, Moscow, 2013 [Electronic resource] // Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Federal Road Agency [website]. URL: (access date: 12/04/2014).

Studentova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, PhD, katerinka stud@,, Russia, Kurgan, Kurgan State University


Indicators of road safety in some countries of the world are suggested. Comparison of indicators of the number of deaths per 100,000 population and per 100,000 registered vehicles is conducted and conclusion about the dependence of such indicators on the degree of readiness and the level of implementation of Intelligent transport system (ITS) and/or their distinct elements is made. Scheme of ITS composite elements is developed.

Key words: Intelligent transport system, ITS, road safety, indicators of road safety.

Studentova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, postgraduate, katerinka stud@,, Russia, Kurgan, Kurgan State University


R.H. Khasanov, K.V. Gribkov

The main causes and number of failures of parts, components, assemblies and systems of PAZ-3205 buses are considered.

Key words: number of failures, reasons for failures, regular routes, safety passenger transportation, easily eliminated failures.

One of the priority tasks in the field of passenger transportation by road is to provide conditions for the implementation of a high-quality and safe process. Currently, the continuous growth in the number of vehicles in use, the low level of equipment of the road network and, as a consequence, the unsatisfactory organization of the road transport process do not allow us to fully ensure the required operating conditions for vehicles. In addition, the properties of structural and operational reliability and safety of domestic passenger vehicles are not defined as properties with positive indicators. Therefore, as part of the task of ensuring a safe and high-quality level of the transportation process, it is necessary to identify and analyze the elements that regulate the performance of buses during their operation.

Despite the positive dynamics of reducing the average service life of the bus fleet operating on regular routes, the overall situation does not meet all the requirements of the transportation process.

Fig. 11. Installation options for EGR valves: a - initial design;

b - modernized design CONCLUSION

The most efficient is the external exhaust gas recirculation system along the high pressure circuit. It allows you to organize cooling and regulate the degree of recirculation of exhaust gases bypassed. Does not lead to premature failure of the turbocharger and clogging of the charge air cooler due to the ability to organize the flow of exhaust gases past the compressor blades directly into the intake manifold. The fuel efficiency of the engine is better with exhaust gas recirculation through the high pressure circuit due to lower losses in the rotor drive.

1. Bosch: Diesel engine control systems: trans. with him. - M.: Publishing house "Za Rulem", 2004. - 480 p.

2. Sevizdral, S. P. Ensuring environmental indicators of the Euro-4 and Euro-5 level on automobile diesel engines of the Minsk Motor Plant / S. P. Sevizdral, G. M. Kukharenok, V. I. Berezun // Visti Avtomobilno- Road Institute: scientific and literary collection. - 2012. -No. 1 (14). - pp. 95-105.


1. Bosch: Diesel Engine Control Systems: Translation from German. - M.: Publishing House “Za Ruliom” (“Behind the Wheel”), 2004. - 480 p.

2. Sevizdral, S. P. Provision of Euro-4 and Euro-5 Ecological Indices in Automotive Diesel Engines of Minsk Motor Plant / S. P. Sevizdral, G. M. Kukharionok, V. I. Berezun // Visti Avtomobilno-Dorozhnogo Instituta (News of Automobile and Highway Institute): Science -Production Collected Works. - 2012. - No. 1 (14). - P. 95-105.

Received 09/25/2013


Dr. tech. sciences, prof. GRAB LEVEL V. A.

Belarusian National Technical University Email: [email protected]


Belarusian National Technical University

An analysis of advanced technologies is provided, which are based on the innovative development of the country's transport complex on the basis of intelligent transport systems. Proposed as a core idea when developing a long-term vision innovative development transport of the Republic of Belarus to use intelligent transport systems and the entire concept of long-term innovative development of transport. The principles of creating a development concept are formulated and the rationale for its creation is given from the position of intelligent transport systems.

Key words: transport system, intelligent transport system, innovation, development concept.

The paper presents an analysis of the state-of-the-art technologies which are based on the innovative development of the transport sector of the country using intelligent transport systems. It has been proposed to use intelligent transportation systems and the whole concept of long-term innovative transport development as the basic idea while elaborating long-term concept of innovative transport development of the Republic of Belarus. Principles for creation of development concept have been formulated and substantiation of its creation from the perspective of intelligent transport systems has been given in the paper.

Science and technology, No. 1, 2014

Keywords: transportation system, intelligent transportation system, innovations, development concept.

Introduction. The long-term concept of transport development must, of course, be innovative, that is, be based on advanced achievements of science and technology. Innovation can be based on its own expensive fundamental Scientific research in the field of transport or achievements from other fields. When developing a long-term concept for transport development, it is necessary to take into account the real capabilities of the Republic of Belarus, so first we will formulate the principles for creating this concept.

1. The development of a long-term innovation concept should be based on a systematic approach containing a new idea based on current or future developments in science and technology, and not on an inductive approach that involves only a slight improvement of existing developments.

2. Taking into account the limited financial capabilities of the Republic of Belarus, the concept should be more focused on intensive rather than extensive development of transport. Extensive development means the construction of new roads, transport interchanges, etc. Intensive development is a more efficient use of existing resources without large additional costs.

3. Innovative development presupposes leadership. But leadership can rely either on its own scientific developments in this area, or on the transfer of achievements from advanced industries to this area. The Republic of Belarus, as a small state with limited resources, cannot afford to conduct extensive scientific research in all areas of transport development. Therefore, when developing ways for innovative development of transport, Belarus must rely on the achievements of advanced branches of science and technology.

4. In recent decades, the fastest growing innovative area has been information and communication technologies, which has led to a revolution in many industries. Today we live in the information age, which has replaced the industrial

Noah. In the transport industry, the achievements of information and communication technologies have not yet been fully used. Nevertheless, in developed countries, information and communication technologies have been developing in transport for 20 years under the general name of intelligent transport systems (ITS). ITS absorb the latest achievements of high technology, space and aviation technology. In developed countries, as well as in Russia, ITS are actually becoming a lever for the development of the entire transport industry.

5. ITS in large economic countries or associations (USA, European Union) cover a very wide range of tasks, which may be excessively large for Belarus. Therefore, for our needs, it is necessary to select individual areas, the assessment of the prospects and usefulness of which should preferably be carried out using a SWOT analysis (strengths - weaknesses - opportunities - threats).

Intelligent transport systems as a possible main idea for a long-term concept of innovative transport development. The impetus for the emergence of ITS was the growing transport problems in megacities. The speed of transport in the city is an order of magnitude lower than the technical capabilities of vehicles. For example, in New York - 33 km/h; in Minsk -17 km/h; in Moscow - 13 km/h. In fact, the car turns into a turtle. And this despite the fact that technical capabilities vehicles allow you to drive an order of magnitude faster. You can, of course, expand roads and build road junctions, but in cities such opportunities are limited, and they are quite expensive. Therefore, now the main efforts are aimed not so much at improving the driving performance of cars, but at their control systems.

ITS have not yet become widespread and do not have a generally accepted interpretation, so we will try to define this concept. ITS can be represented as computer, information and communication technologies for transport management

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volume and transport networks in real time, including the movement of people and goods.

The direction of ITS development is the creation of a unified information space that unites vehicles, road equipment, control rooms and traffic management centers throughout the country. ITS are used not only for automobiles, but also for railways and other modes of transport (Fig. 1).

ITS have two main goals:

Increasing the speed of vehicles;

Improving road safety.

ITS are useful both for long-distance transportation and in cities. IN international transport- is the creation of reliable and efficient transport and logistics chains based on ITS, global navigation monitoring systems and automated systems accounting for commodity flows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Intelligent transport systems unite all modes of transport

Science and technology, No. 1, 2014

Rice. 2. ITS in international transport

ITS in road traffic is to ensure safe, convenient and uninterrupted traffic flow in congested cities. In the city, ITS is useful to all three user groups - passengers and pedestrians, drivers and city authorities.

For passengers and pedestrians:

Information system for public transport;

Unified payment card for services;

Traffic light on demand;

Interactive kits "Smart road network".

For drivers:

Vehicle Information System and

Radio traffic channels;

Multifunctional transport site;

Trip planner;

Dynamic road signs and displays;

Parking assistance system;

Automatic collection of payments for travel on toll roads.

For the city:

J-Eye (Junction Electronic Eyes) cameras;

Traffic light control system;

Fire sensors and air pollution detectors.

The specified functions are implemented using ITS subsystems. There is no consensus in the world about the number and composition of such subsystems. The only country that has set itself the goal of creating a comprehensive ITS is the United States. The number and composition of subsystems are determined by the needs and capabilities of interested organizations and departments. For example, the American ITS has 22 subsystems, and the European one has 16.

The American ITS contains the following subsystems (12 out of 22 are shown):

1) information support road users;

2) ensuring security;

3) traffic control (ACS);

4) management of commercial transport;

5) management of special transport;

6) freight transportation management;

7) ensuring integration with information portals and media;

8) access to personal information;

9) parking management;

10) transport routing;

11) management of toll collection;

12) control of on-board equipment.

In the European Union in 1991, the European Association of Participants in the Intelligent Transport Systems Market ERTICO was created, which is a consortium that includes all leading European manufacturers interested in the development of the ITS market, public organizations, representatives of various ministries and departments, infrastructure telecom operators, users and other organizations. Only a list of those sold for last years ERTICO programs (more than 20 in total) make it possible to judge the contribution of this organization to ensuring road safety in the European Union:

1. ADASIS - the use of accurate map data in navigation aids to provide the driver with a situation forecast.

2. AIDE - the use of special electronic equipment and software that allows you to concentrate the driver’s attention at the time of overtaking.

3. GST - development of a mass market for open telematics services.

4. IP PReVENT - a program for the introduction of electronic ADAS devices with preventive information about possible dangers along the way.

5. SAFESPOT - a program to support the appearance of more “smart” cars on “smart” roads.

6. AGILE - a program to ensure the commercial use of the Galileo satellite system.

7. CVIS - program for the interaction of cars and road infrastructure.

8. ENITE - training program for specialists in intelligent transport systems.

9. FRAME Forum - program for building architecture for European ITS, etc.

The basis of ITS are telecommunication systems that connect all elements of the ITS: sensors located throughout the city, information from satellites, information about moving objects, databases, ground control centers, etc.

ITS have three levels of architecture (Fig. 3):

Network infrastructure with communication channels;

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Institutional: organizations, policies, financing mechanisms and business processes,

necessary for the creation and operation of ITS.

Rice. 3. Three levels of intelligent transport system architecture

ITS go far beyond the scope of purely engineering tasks (network infrastructure level). To build them, it is necessary to create an institutional structure in which design, research, industrial, management, and educational organizations will participate. This structure must have high level state support.

ITS is the result of complex efforts of scientists, designers, industrialists and managers. Today they do not seem to be a clearly formed structure, but rather a useful, very large, continuously developing system, maybe even a dream. Nevertheless, in developed countries, ITS are already becoming a lever for the development of the industry, determining the strategy for expanding certain areas.

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In the Republic of Belarus, ITS are at an embryonic level: separate, unrelated elements are being developed. Attempts are being made to create an ITS in Minsk. At transport congresses, problems and prospects for the development of ITS are already being discussed, but in previous plans for the development of the industry, even this name was almost never used. Nevertheless, BNTU is opening training in the specialty “Operation of Intelligent Transport Systems in Automobile and Urban Transport.” But a multilateral, comprehensive approach to the creation of ITS in Belarus is necessary, since it is large system, going outside the country. It must be unified with the international ITS, therefore it is advisable to create such a system in cooperation with Russia and European countries, taking into account the specific features of the Republic of Belarus.

Russia has been devoting recent years great attention creation and development of ITS. These systems are being built not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in many major cities, high-tech enterprises are involved in the creation of technical means, international relations are being established, and new production facilities are opening. Congresses on ITS are held. Russia is joining European ITS-related organizations.

Development of CALS technologies. It is interesting to trace the analogy between ITS and CALS technologies. In the 80s last century, when creating a missile defense system, the United States was faced with the need to organize the interaction of many thousands of enterprises and supplies between them. Paper document flow made this logistics problem almost impossible to solve, since as the complexity of the product increases, the amount of documentation increases exponentially. Therefore, it was decided to create a huge information system, uniting all participants - CALS (Computer-Aided of Logistics Support - computer support for logistics systems). CALS was based on two ideas: the rejection of “paper” technology, as well as the replacement of numerous autonomous computer-aided systems for design, production preparation, etc. with an integrated information environment.

At first, CALS was classified and used only in the military field. Then they allowed use in the civilian sphere of the United States, since CALS technologies have proven to be very effective. Then CALS was declassified and began to be used in NATO and developed countries.

And suddenly the unexpected happened: the use of information technology made it possible not only to simplify the interaction between participants, but also to dramatically improve all business processes, which led to an increase in their efficiency to 50-70%! The concept of CALS technologies is shown in Fig. 4.

CALS technologies turned out to be a brilliant, deep idea that made it possible not only to improve logistics, but also to seriously improve the work of enterprises at all stages life cycle(LC): marketing, design, production preparation, manufacturing, supply, operation, service, modification and disposal. There has been an evolution of CALS technology from logistics management to life cycle support, which is reflected in a change in the understanding of CALS:

1. Computer-Aided of Logistics Support - computer support for logistics systems, 1980s.

2. Computer-Aided Acquisition and Support - computerized supplies and support, 1988

3. Computer-Aided Acquisition and Lifecycle Support - support for continuous supply and life cycle, 1993

4. Commerce At Light Speed ​​- business at the speed of light, 1995

5. Computer Acquisition and Life-cycle Support - continuous information support of the product life cycle.

In fact, a revolution has occurred in the management of life cycle business processes and in the interaction between participants in joint production. The most important result is that in the 21st century. You cannot count on selling complex high-tech products without the use of CALS technologies.

Developed countries have organized a narrower and more closed organization called the International CALS Congress (ICC). It has been officially stated that the ICC has a policy of not supporting states that are lagging behind in the field of CALS technologies. Thus, CALS technologies have become a ticket to the club of developed countries.

The sad experience of Belarus's acquaintance with CALS is indicative: in the early 2000s. Vietnam wanted to buy a large batch of cars from us, but then refused, since Belarus was not able to produce these cars using CALS technologies. Therefore, in the Republic in 2005, it was created Government program CALS. Participants in this program at the first stages are: PIPI NAS of Belarus as a coordinator, MTZ, MAZ, OJSC Vityaz, as well as BelGISS - to resolve standardization issues.

Science and technology, No. 1, 2014

Rice. 4. The concept of ITS and CALS technology: are there any similarities? ITS are developing along a similar path to CALS: the use of information and communication technologies, the creation of a unified information space, the replacement of paper document flow with electronic one. ITS also have great potential, as they rely on rapidly developing information, telecommunications, aviation, space and other high technologies. There is a possibility that in the future ITS and CALS will interact, since their goals and approaches are similar. BNTU is opening training for specialists in intelligent transport systems and CALS technologies.


The long-term concept of transport development must be based on advanced achievements of science and technology. When developing a long-term concept for innovative development of transport, it is necessary to take into account the real capabilities of the Republic of Belarus, and use intelligent transport systems as the main idea. The concept of long-term innovative development of transport should be created from the perspective of ITS.

Received 06/13/2013

UDC 621.26:629.244:629.2293


Cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor MIKHAILOV V.V., Master of Engineering. Sciences SNITKOV A. G.

State Scientific Institution "United Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"

E-mail: [email protected]


SSI (State Scientific Institution) “Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus”

Presented mathematical models and the results of a virtual study of selected motion parameters of a mobile vehicle equipped with hydromechanical and modernized transmissions. The machine was tested in the same technological cycles and was equipped universal system automatic control. The change in the structure and type of power transmission is obtained by a control algorithm, including an additional reversible electrical machine connected at certain operating modes.

The implementation of the proposed concept makes it possible to obtain and test a more advanced C-code of the control system, improve the performance of the transmission, increase the efficiency of the machine, reduce slipping and tire wear by using braking energy that is irretrievably consumed in normal cases for its subsequent beneficial use.

Key words: hydromechanical transmission, hybrid, automatic control, electric machine, mathematical model.

Currently, one of the important problems of modern cities is the reduction of time and timely delivery of passengers to urban passenger transport. Due to the low level of traffic flow management and insufficiently developed transport network infrastructure, this is becoming increasingly difficult. And also such problems as accident rates, increased consumption of irreplaceable energy sources, Negative influence on environment, constant delays in the transportation of goods and passengers by all types of transport.

By developing exclusively the transport network, this problem cannot be solved, since the growth of motorization and the growth of use road transport always exceed the capabilities for modernizing transport infrastructure.

The global transport community has found a solution in the creation of not transport management systems, but transport systems in which communication, management and control facilities are initially built into vehicles and transport infrastructure facilities, and the ability to make management decisions based on information received in real time is not available only to transport operators, but also to all transport users.

This problem is solved by building an integrated system: people, transport infrastructure, vehicles; maximum use of the latest information management technologies. Such modern systems began to be called intellectual. Over the past decade, the phrase “intelligent transport system” and the acronym ITS have become commonplace in strategic, policy and program documents of developed countries.

An intelligent transport system is a systemic integration of modern information and communication technologies, automation equipment with transport infrastructure, vehicles and users, aimed at improving safety, efficiency of the transport process, and comfort for the driver and users of transport.

The ITS system is based on optical sensors that monitor the road. At intersections, they transmit signals to a special module in the car, which synchronizes the received data with information coming from navigation systems and warns the driver about the current situation (what this may mean).

Russian ITS allows you to provide:

1. Informing drivers about their violation of traffic rules and vehicle operation, as well as about the long-term and short-term forecast of the state of traffic conditions;

2. Automatic recording of cases of violation of traffic rules to identify and punish the perpetrators;

3. Increasing driver attention when driving in various stressful driving conditions;

4. Reducing the travel time of passengers by all ground modes of urban transport, which is currently very important;

5. Increasing the capacity of city streets and roads by regulating traffic flows and generating warning information about traffic conditions;

6. Ensuring that passengers can choose the optimal route for public transport from the starting point to the final point, taking into account the routes, schedules of public transport routes, as well as traffic situation and traffic density;

7. Optimization of vehicle routes taking into account the current state of traffic and the dynamics of changes in traffic congestion.

Currently, the Russian Federation is developing and implementing intelligent transport systems of various scales, but there is an urgent need to create a new generation of ITS that corresponds to the innovative development scenario, the direction of which is set by the transport development strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030.

Creation Russian Association ITS is the most obvious path of development, given the high pace of development of innovative technologies and the urgent need of the state for more effective use transport resource while reducing the consequences of motorization and reducing human losses.

Using innovative developments in modeling transport systems and regulating traffic flows, providing end users with greater information content and safety, as well as qualitatively increasing the level of interaction between traffic participants compared to conventional transport systems.

Despite the fact that in fact ITS can include all modes of transport, the European definition of ITS according to Directive 2010/40/EU of 7 July 2010 interprets ITS as a system that applies information and communication technologies in the field of road transport (including infrastructure, vehicles, participants systems, as well as road transport regulation), and at the same time having the ability to interact with other modes of transport.


Interest in ITS appeared with the advent of traffic congestion problems as a result of the unification modern technologies modeling, real-time control, and communication technologies. Traffic congestion is occurring around the world as a result of increasing motorization, urbanization, and both population growth and increasing urban density. Traffic congestion reduces the efficiency of road transport infrastructure, thereby increasing travel times, fuel consumption and pollution levels.

Intelligent transport technologies

ITS differ in the technologies used: from simple car navigation systems, traffic light control systems, cargo transportation control systems, various systems warning signs (including information boards), recognition systems license plates and vehicle speed recording systems, to video surveillance systems, as well as to systems that integrate information flows and feedback flows from a large number of different sources, for example from Parking guidance and information (PGI) systems, weather services, bridge systems and others. Moreover, ITS can use prediction technologies based on modeling and previously accumulated information.

Wireless connection

In ITS can be used different kinds wireless communication.

For example, radio communications can be used over long (UHF) and short (VHF) distances.

Over short distances, wireless communications using IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) standards, especially IEEE 802.11p (WAVE), can be used. Also, for example, in the USA the DSRC standard is used, promoted by the American public organization for intelligent transport and the US Department of Transportation.

Computing technologies

Modern developments in embedded systems technologies allow the use of real-time operating systems, as well as higher-level applications that make it possible to apply developments in the field of artificial intelligence. Increasing power of processors used in embedded systems, as well as increasing their compatibility with processors in personal computers, leads to increased opportunities for code reuse and the transfer of more intelligent services from the PC level to the embedded system level.

see also


  • Railway Safety, Reliability, and Security: Technologies and Systems Engineering. Francesco Flammini (IEEE Computer Society, Italy)
  • Intelligent transport systems on the website of the Federal Targeted Program “Improving Road Safety in 2006-2012”
  • Foreign experience: Intelligent transport systems