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What language is the Schengen sponsorship letter in? Sponsorship letter for a child for a Schengen visa - sample form. Deadline for submitting documents to the PAC GROUP office

Question Answer
JV is a document in which a third party agrees to bear the costs associated with the trip.
Attached to the letter are certificates confirming the availability of an official source of income in an amount sufficient to finance the trip.
Preferred, but not required.
It is recommended that the amount of financial assistance be at least 50 euros for each day of planned stay in the Schengen area, and also take into account transport costs.
These individuals include: students, minors, people with low legal income and the unemployed.
No, the letter is drawn up in any form, but must contain the patron’s personal information and a statement about his willingness to pay the costs.
Yes, for this, the letter must indicate the contact information of the patron, as well as his place of work.

Anyone who has ever applied for a Schengen visa has directly or indirectly encountered the term “letter of sponsorship”. What is it, why is the document needed and how to write it correctly so as not to be refused?

If there is no official income (or it is too low), the balance in the bank account is close to zero, and you want to go on vacation or visit loved ones, you must provide a sponsorship letter to obtain a visa.

Before answering the question posed, it is worth understanding the essence of the document itself.

Sponsorship letter – official document, drawn up in free form and confirming that a certain third party will bear all the costs of your trip to one of the Schengen countries.

This 3rd party may be one or more adult blood and/or legal relatives.

Some states also allow registration similar document employer or legal entity– for example, a company organizing an event (for example, an exhibition or symposium).

Even if there is insufficient funds for travel, the EU Visa Code cannot be violated - one of the clauses of this document states that in order to obtain a Schengen visa, you must have funds in an amount sufficient to cover: transportation costs, housing and related expenses for the entire duration of the trip. Accordingly, if the visa applicant does not have the required amount (or cannot document this), he should get it somewhere. Some take out the missing amount on credit, others borrow from friends, but these methods are not always reliable and safe enough. The most correct solution in this situation is a sponsorship letter.

It is believed that for each day of his stay in one of the Schengen countries, a traveler must have at least 50 euros, which at the current exchange rate is just under three and a half thousand rubles.

You need to add the cost of 2 flights (or the cost of another type of transport) to your daily expenses, and you can calculate the amount without which a tourist’s route to the EU countries is closed.

To obtain a visa without sponsorship, you must have official sources of income in the amount of at least 15-20 thousand rubles monthly, or have the amount to cover travel expenses in your bank account.

Three groups of visa applicants who need a sponsorship letter a priori:

  • children under 18 years of age, because the child is in any case fully or partially financially dependent on adults, without their help he will not be able to travel independently to the Schengen states;
  • unemployed citizens or people with unofficial wages;
  • pensioners whose pension does not exceed 15–20 thousand rubles per month and do not have significant savings.

Sample letter 2019

Having studied in detail the official sample of a sponsorship letter approved by each of the Consulates, you can easily and in a matter of minutes understand everything: the structure and message.

The sponsorship letter for obtaining a Schengen visa is written in Russian.

It is possible to write “the old-fashioned way” - with a black pen on a sheet of paper by hand, or to print the text on a PC and then print it out on a printer. In any case, the sponsor will have to personally sign.

For the text you need:

  • passport details of the sponsor, traveler;
  • country visited;
  • contacts (phone and/or email);
  • travel time in the format “from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY”;
  • confirmation of the assumption of responsibility for covering expenses (“I, full name, undertake...”);
  • At the end of the document, put the date, signature and its transcript.

It is worth sticking to short, clear, clear formulations without flowery phrases.

You can use this template (form) as a basis, in which all you have to do is fill in the blanks:

To the consular section

embassy ________________ (name of state)

Sponsorship letter

I, Last Name First Name Patronymic, DD.MM.YYYY of birth, passport ________ (series, number), live at the address: ___, st.___d. ___, sq. ___, I hereby confirm that the expenses Last Name First Name Patronymic, DD.MM.YYYY of birth, passport ________ (series, number), living at the address ___, st. ___, building ___, apt. ___, during a trip to __________ in the period from DD.MM.YYYY to DD.MM.YYYY I take over.

I am attaching an extract from the official place(s) of work or bank account.

Contact number - _________________

E-mail address - _________________

DD.MM.YY, “signature” / “decryption”

Filling out this template instead of writing everything from scratch will save a lot of time.

Additional documents

In addition to the letter itself, the Consulate of the Schengen states (in particular Latvia, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Italy, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Poland, France, Hungary, etc.) as well as the UK They also require a number of documents and their copies.

Without at least one of them, you will not be able to obtain a visa.

  1. A copy of the sponsor's passport. You will need a civilian one in any case, but it won’t hurt to have a foreign one with you (if you have one).
  2. A certificate of the sponsor’s salary from the official place of work, drawn up on a special company letterhead indicating the position, contact details of the organization, signature of an accountant or general director, print. If the sponsor operates as an individual entrepreneur, copies of registration certificates will be required individual entrepreneur and registration with the tax office.
  3. Bank account statement. It is worth considering that you should take the document no earlier than a month before submitting the application; you need to indicate not only the balance but also the movement of money for the last 3 months (all receipts, withdrawals, transfers to other currencies and other transactions).
  4. If the sponsorship letter is issued for a child under 14 years of age, then his birth certificate (copy) will also be needed.

Examples of errors

Typical mistakes that annually deprive thousands of people of traveling to the Schengen area due to the absence or incorrect preparation of a sponsorship letter:

  • Probably the most common shortcoming is an indecently large and unnecessary amount of text. You need to write briefly and to the point, which is why any well-written sponsorship letter never contains more than two hundred words.
  • Dividing into paragraphs is also an important point. It is necessary that even a small text be well structured.
  • It is worth writing in a language that everyone can understand, and not overusing professional vocabulary or expressions that are incomprehensible to people in other fields of activity. It also doesn’t hurt to avoid dialectisms and jargon (profanity).

Don’t make mistakes and the sponsorship letter will turn out to be really worthwhile, it will be pleasant to read, which means it will form that very important “emotional plus” in the head of the Consulate employee who decides whether to issue a visa or not.

Lawyer: Igor Romanovsky

Migration law

Articles written

The issuance of a visa allowing entry into the territory of the European Union is impossible without providing a document confirming the citizen’s stable financial situation. One of such documents is a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa. By providing such a letter, signed by a close relative or other person who takes responsibility for financing the trip, the citizen certifies to the embassy his trustworthiness during his stay in Schengen territory.

Concept of sponsorship letter

Considering that most citizens have a rather vague idea of ​​what a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa looks like, many experience serious difficulties when it comes to drawing up this document for the embassy. But are these fears seriously founded?

The text of the sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa can hardly be considered a problem. Since diplomatic missions of EU countries fully allow a free form of sponsorship letter for a visa, you only need to spend a few minutes to draw up this document. The main condition here is that your sponsor himself has a financial position that would not raise any doubts among the embassy staff.

When signing a sponsorship letter for a child or adult visa, the sponsor must provide documentary evidence of sufficient funds to enable him to sponsor the foreign travel of his relative or other person to whom he is providing or guaranteeing financial assistance. Typically this document is a certificate from work.

In what cases is it necessary

One of the most serious problems when preparing travel documents to EU countries is the question. The social status of the visa applicant makes embassy officials question whether the presence of an unemployed Russian in an EU country poses a threat in terms of illegal immigration or property offenses.

To apply for a Schengen visa to visit France, you need to collect a number of documents and submit them either to the consulate or to the visa center. One of the documents that is required quite often is a sponsorship letter. A letter of sponsorship is the official consent of a certain person or company to provide financial support to a citizen during a trip abroad, if the latter does not have enough funds in his personal accounts, there is no high wages and other income.

Who can sponsor

A letter from the sponsor will confirm the financial viability of the tourist. The sponsor assumes responsibility for covering all expenses of the sponsored person: travel, housing, medical expenses, shopping and entertainment in France. Such a statement is not included in the mandatory list of documents, since it is not necessary for all categories of citizens. Who can become a sponsor?

  • Most often it becomes close relative or spouse;
  • There may also be an organization in which a person is going to work abroad or is traveling to France on behalf of a person if a work or business visa is issued;
  • It may not be dear person and not a spouse, but for example, a friend. In such cases, a visa may often be refused. The French embassy almost always refuses citizens who want to travel to the country at the expense of a stranger.

Sponsorship for travel to another country is required for the following categories:

  • Students of universities, institutes, schools, colleges who do not have a job;
  • Pensioners who most often do not have a decent pension and a bank account to travel to France;
  • Women who do not work and are supported by their spouse;
  • Disabled citizens (disabled);
  • Citizens who are temporarily unemployed and do not have sufficient funds in their bank accounts.

All of the above categories of people can obtain a visa to another country only with such a document. Since in most cases these citizens do not have sufficient income to travel to European countries.

Note! Sponsorship is not required if minor child goes on a trip with his parents.

For Schengen

It has a fairly simple form. This is an ordinary A4 sheet that needs to be filled out according to certain rules.

Important! The inviter does not have to write an application to English language and a special form, you can even write it by hand in Russian. Recommended download this sample so that no difficulties arise. You can also write everything on the computer, print it out and put a personal signature.

Most importantly, you need to take into account all the rules of writing of this document, they are quite simple. In any case, you can contact the visa center or the consulate, they will definitely give you a sample sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa to France and tell you about the intricacies of filling it out.


When writing on your own, you should follow the rules. The letter must contain:

  • Sponsor's name;
  • Date of birth, passport details and telephone number of the sponsor;
  • Full name of the sponsored citizen and his passport details;
  • The exact name of the country to which the sponsored citizen is traveling;
  • Degree of relationship with the sponsored citizen;
  • Dates of entry and exit from France;
  • Personal signature of the citizen who undertakes maintenance obligations.

In addition, attached additional documents(most often these are papers that confirm the relationship of the sponsor with the sponsored citizen):

  • Birth certificate (if the parent is supporting the child on the trip);
  • Marriage certificate (if the wife’s trip is sponsored by the husband, or vice versa, the husband travels at the expense of the wife);
  • Documents for guardianship or trusteeship (needed for minors, incompetents, etc.).

Note! If there was a change of surname, then you should attach a document confirming this act.

IN mandatory The following must be attached to the letter and documents confirming the relationship:

  • A copy of the sponsor's passport (in some cases a foreign passport may be needed);
  • A bank account statement or a certificate of income from the place of work (in order to confirm the sponsor’s ability to cover all expenses of the ward, the sponsor’s accounts must have at least 50 thousand rubles *, depending on the period of stay of the sponsored person in the country, this amount may vary) ;

Additional Information! You should take a bank statement no earlier than one month before your planned departure date. In addition, you will need to take a paper on the movement of money for the last three months (this includes all receipts and withdrawals, etc.).

  • Certificate of income from the place of work (the certificate must contain information about the sponsor's position, information about the company, the director's signature and seal);
  • A certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur and a certificate from the tax office are needed if a citizen carries out business activities on his own behalf.

Documents for visa

Note! The inviter's salary must be at least 25 thousand rubles per month.*

Notarization of a sponsorship letter is not officially required, but to increase the chances of approval of the application, you can have the letter certified by a notary.

Common mistakes in writing a sponsorship letter

It is precisely because of incorrect registration that the consul most often refuses to issue a Schengen visa; to prevent this from happening, you need to take into account all the subtleties.

  • It is absolutely logical that one should avoid profanity, professional terms, and dialecticisms. The letter should be understandable to anyone;
  • The sponsor should be short and concise, there is no need to write a lot of unnecessary words - this will not play into the hands, but will only alienate the consul;
  • The text must be structured.

The best design option is shown below. If you fill it out this way, there will be no problems with obtaining a Schengen visa. Sponsorship letter for Schengen visa sample 2018 France:

  1. In the upper right corner you need to write the address of the French Embassy in Moscow;

Address: Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 45, Moscow.

  1. In the middle of the sheet, write “sponsorship letter” in capital letters;
  2. Next is a simple construction “I, full name”, in the nominative case;
  3. In brackets you must write the date of birth, passport details (number and series) and contact number;
  4. Then the most an important part“With this letter I guarantee payment of all expenses associated with your stay...”
  5. It is necessary to write the full name of the sponsored person in the genitive case;
  6. It is necessary to indicate the degree of relationship with the sponsored person;
  7. Next, the passport details and date of birth of the sponsored person;
  8. It is necessary to insert the following construction: “ the territory of France and other Schengen countries during the period...”;
  9. The date of entry and exit from the country is written;
  10. The date of writing is also written in the lower left corner;
  11. Placed personal signature sponsor in the lower right corner.

If the application is written according to this example, then there will be no difficulties in obtaining a Schengen visa to France in 2018. The main thing is not to forget to attach the additional papers mentioned above and your trip to beautiful France is guaranteed.

*Prices are current as of July 2018.

Sponsorship letter- an official statement in which a certain person voluntarily undertakes to provide financial support for the foreign trip of one of his relatives (in the event that this relative is not able to independently pay for his future trip).

A sponsorship letter is not required in all cases of applying for a Schengen visa, but only in some special circumstances.

It will have to be issued if you plan to travel to one of the Schengen countries, but do not work and do not have a significant amount of money in your bank account.

Who needs a sponsorship letter?

List of persons who, in addition to other required documents, will need to provide a sponsorship letter in order to obtain an exit visa:

  • adult citizens who are temporarily unemployed and cannot present an extract from their personal account, thus confirming their financial solvency;
  • housewives those who are supported by a spouse and are not officially employed anywhere;
  • students universities, institutes, colleges, schools and other educational institutions that do not have permanent place work;
  • disabled citizens(for example, disabled people);
  • non-working pensioners.

As a rule, all these categories of citizens are not able to provide proof of their employment, as well as prove the presence of a significant amount in their account Money.

All these people, if they want to apply for a Schengen visa of a particular state, will have to ask one of their relatives or friends to issue a sponsorship letter.

In the event that you do not officially work anywhere, but have your own account in any bank that contains a considerable amount of money, it will be enough to present only an extract from this account.

Registration of sponsorship orders in such cases is not required. The main thing is that you are sufficiently wealthy and can pay for your trip and all travel-related expenses yourself.

Who can become a sponsor?

It is very important to choose the right person who can vouch for you. Not just anyone can act as such a sponsor.

It is best if it is one of your closest relatives (for example, father, mother, husband, wife, son, etc.), with whom you can document the relationship.

Such a document could be a birth or marriage certificate.

Many Schengen embassies allow the possibility of a sponsorship letter being issued by a person who is not related to the applicant.

Any solvent citizen of the Russian Federation can be a sponsor.

The main thing is that he has a permanent place of work and can document guarantees that he assumes all financial responsibility associated with your trip.

Such expenses include the cost of hotel accommodation, food, excursion services, transportation, etc.

For example, your civil partner may act as a sponsor if you have not formalized your relationship, as well as the organization where you work, or the host party (for example, in the case of a business trip or study trip).

It is worth noting that the diplomatic missions of some states take a very strict approach to the issue of issuing such a guarantee, in particular, to the selection of those persons who can act as sponsors.

In some cases, there is a possibility of refusal if your sponsor is not a relative, but some other person.

But there are also those embassies that do not pay special attention to this point.

All these nuances depend on the state where you are going, as well as on the destination of the trip.

A sponsorship letter is allowed to be drawn up and written without any clear order, in any form, no special form is required. It is extremely important that its content contains facts indicating the relationship between the sponsor and the applicant.

In addition, this document must certainly indicate the dates of the planned trip, the place of visit, as well as the sponsor’s passport details and other personal information.

Usually the text of the sponsorship letter is written in Russian, but the embassies of some countries require that it be written in English.

As a rule, there is no need to notarize a sponsorship guarantee, but if the sponsor is not your relative, but some other person, it is still better to have the document certified by a notary.

Today, many people who often receive short-term Schengen visas know from their own experience that for their peace of mind it is worth applying in advance notarization– this increases the chances of getting a visa.

One letter of sponsorship can be issued to several of your relatives at once. For example, if you are traveling with a large family, and only one of you has a permanent high income, this person can write one sponsorship certificate for all participants in the trip.

Sample sponsorship letter for Schengen visa 2019

To make it easier for you to compose a sponsorship letter, we offer you two samples of such documents (in Russian and English). Despite the fact that such papers can be drawn up in free form, there are still certain rules for their preparation.

Example of a sponsorship letter in Russian

I, Petrov Petrovich, (date of birth, passport number and series, registration address), am the sponsor of the trip and with this statement I guarantee payment of all expenses associated with the stay of my wife Olga Ivanovna Petrova (date of birth, passport number and series, registration address) in the territory Czech Republic and Schengen countries in the period from 10/12/2017 to 10/25/2017 Date, signature.

The template and sample filling can be downloaded from the links:

  • sponsorship letter template for Schengen visa in Russian (.pdf)
  • sample sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa in Russian (.pdf)

Sponsorship letter in English

I, Petrov Petr Petrovich, holding passport №…, date of issue: 2.10.14, issued at Police Department of Moscow City. I take over liability regarding all trip financial expenditures of my wife Petrova Olga Ivanovna (passport No. 364578) for the trip to France during the period since 10/12/2017 till 10/25/2017. I understand that the above statement made by me are true and correct. PetrovPetrPetrovich, 10/1/2017.

  • sample sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa in English (.pdf)

As a rule, the embassy of each Schengen country independently establishes the procedure for issuing a sponsorship letter.

You can check any details and details (for example, the language of the document) at the diplomatic mission of the state where you are going, as well as on the official website of this embassy.

List of documents for the sponsorship letter

In addition to the letter itself, you will have to collect a number of certain documents that must be presented to the diplomatic mission.

All these documents should guarantee the financial stability of the sponsor and his readiness, if necessary, to incur some expenses associated with the upcoming trip:

  1. Photocopy of the sponsor's general passport

    Typically, you only need to provide a copy of the first page of your passport information. If the person playing the role of sponsor also has a foreign passport, a copy of it can also be presented along with other papers.

  2. Certificate from place of work

    It must certainly be issued on company letterhead. This document must indicate the position currently held by the sponsor, the contact telephone number of the head of the organization, the signature of the chief accountant or general director, and a seal.

    There is no need to order a certificate in advance; it is better to do it immediately before visiting the embassy, ​​since the certificate must be current and valid.

    Sponsors who are registered as individual entrepreneurs, instead of this document, can present a copy of the entrepreneur’s registration certificate and a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authorities.

  3. One of the documents confirming the financial solvency of the sponsor:
    • Certificate of sponsor's salary

      Each embassy independently sets the amount of the required salary for the person acting as a sponsor (as a rule, this amount should be at least 500-700 euros). The certificate must be received no earlier than 30 days before the documents are submitted to the embassy.

      If the sponsor and the applicant are relatives, when applying for a visa, provide documents confirming the relationship to the embassy.

    • Certificate (or statement) about the state of the sponsor’s personal bank account

      It is advisable that this certificate indicate not only the amount of funds in the account, but also the movement of money over the last three months.

      The certificate must also be current - it must be received no earlier than a month before visiting the embassy to obtain a visa.

This is a general list of requirements and necessary documents, which should be provided to the diplomatic mission.

It should be noted that each embassy has the right to establish its own rules and Additional requirements to prepare a sponsorship letter.

Before asking one of your relatives to draw up such a guarantee for you, check all the details on the website of the relevant embassy or contact its representatives by phone.

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Many people planning to travel to France face certain difficulties associated with obtaining a visa, since this procedure involves a lot of its own peculiarities.

In particular, many Russian citizens are denied this document for the reason that the person does not have sufficient financial wealth to ensure their stay in France.

The best solution in this situation would be to obtain a sponsorship letter for a Schengen visa to France, but first you need to understand what it is and how it affects the chances of obtaining permission in 2019.

Main parameters

First, you need to figure out who needs a sponsorship letter and who can provide this document to a citizen who wants to enter the territory of this country.

Who needs it

The list of persons who require a visa, in addition to the rest of the list of documents, is as follows:

  • adult citizens who have temporarily lost their jobs, and who are unable to provide authorized consular officers with a bank account statement that will confirm their financial solvency;
  • housewives who are supported by their spouse and do not have official employment;
  • students of institutes, universities and colleges who do not have a permanent place of work;
  • disabled citizens of Russia;
  • pensioners who do not have official employment.

In the vast majority of cases, all these categories of citizens do not have the opportunity to provide documents confirming their employment, as well as prove that they have the required amount of funds in their account.

All these people who want to apply for a Schengen visa of a particular country will need to ask one of their relatives or friends to issue a sponsorship letter for themselves.

If a person does not have an official place of work, but at the same time he has his own bank account with a large amount of money in it, he will be able to provide an extract from this account, and he will be allowed to enter the country even without a sponsorship letter. IN in this case the person proves that he has enough finances to independently pay for the trip and all accompanying expenses.

Download a sample bank statement to obtain a visa

Sample sponsorship letter

Who provides it

In accordance with the established rules, a close relative can act as a sponsor of a citizen planning to enter France, if his income level is sufficient. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, the issuance of a sponsorship letter is carried out by parents, children, brothers and sisters, as well as other close relatives.

If marital relations are not registered between citizens, then in this case it is basically impossible to submit a sponsorship letter. It will be possible to enter some EU countries with such a document, although the risk

still increases.

If a person travels to France for any work purposes, the travel expenses must be reimbursed by the employer or the host party.

Filling Features

Many countries establish additional requirements that a citizen who intends to enter their territory must comply with and is required to complete all necessary documents, including a letter of sponsorship. In order to find out the specific conditions, you should contact the embassy of this state, which operates on the territory of Russia.

For example, if a person is going to enter through the Czech Republic, it will not be enough for him to provide a sponsorship letter, which indicates the presence of a sufficient amount of funds in the sponsor’s bank account. You will also need to provide a certificate indicating the movement of funds in a person’s accounts over the past three months.

To visit Italy, you will need to notarize not only the sponsorship letter itself, but also full list documents that confirm the family relationship between the tourist and his sponsor.

When applying for a visa to France, the sponsor’s income must be at least 40,000 rubles, but in any case, do not forget that the higher a person’s earnings level, the lower the risk that he will be denied a visa.

The person will also have to confirm that they have the required amount of funds in their account, which will allow them to spend at least 50 euros per day with a balance of at least 500 euros on top of this amount.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the issuance of a sponsorship letter today is provided not only if a person intends to enter the territory of the European Union. For example, if a person wants to obtain permission to stay in England, he will need to provide a letter of sponsorship translated into English.

In this case, it is not necessary to notarize the translation, but all supporting documents must also be completed in English. If the tourist and his sponsor are not close relatives, the letter should explain in detail why the citizen decided to provide sponsorship.

Download the sponsorship letter form in Russian

Download a sample of filling out a sponsorship letter for Schengen in Russian

Download a sample of filling out a sponsorship letter in English

If a person applies for a visa for

visiting the United States of America

He will also be required to provide a sponsorship letter translated into English.

At the same time, information on income or a certificate indicating cash flows must contain information on all payment transactions for at least the last six months. In this case great attention is paid not only to the level of income, but also to how regularly funds are received.

Sample of completed pages of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

How to prepare a sponsorship letter for a visa to France

To prepare this document and apply for a visa to France using it, you will need to take into account many different factors provided for by the current rules.

What papers need to be submitted?

In addition to the letter itself, you will also need to obtain a certain number of additional documents that are presented to authorized employees diplomatic mission. All these papers will ultimately have to become a guarantee that the sponsor is a person with a stable financial condition and willingness, if necessary, to fully bear various expenses associated with a future trip.

In particular, this applies to the following papers:

  • a copy of the citizen’s internal identity card;
  • a certificate obtained from the person’s place of work;
  • documents confirming the financial solvency of the citizen intending to act as a sponsor, which may be a certificate of salary, as well as the status of a personal bank account.

Sample certificate of employment for a visa

Required Applications

The application most often used is a certificate obtained at the applicant’s place of work. The document must be provided no earlier than a month before the visa is issued, and the certificate must contain information about what position the applicant holds, what his salary is, as well as contact details of the chief accountant and the head of the company. If the manager is a close relative or namesake of the sponsor, a second signature will be required.

If the sponsor is an employee of a particular private entrepreneur, he will need to provide a copy of a certificate confirming state registration in this status. All these papers can be notarized to increase the chances of obtaining a visa.

In addition, if the tourist and the sponsor have different last names, they will need to provide a document that confirms the existence of grounds for such a change.

Writing sample

A standard sample sponsorship letter is filled out as follows:

  1. The name of the sponsor is indicated.
  2. The applicant's passport details are listed.
  3. It is indicated that the sponsor undertakes the obligation to pay for the tourist trip.
  4. The full name and passport details of the citizen who will travel at the expense of the sponsor are listed.
  5. It is indicated exactly where the citizen will be sent at the expense of the sponsor.
  6. The sponsor's contact phone number is specified, at which authorized consular officers can contact him.

It is worth noting that the exact contents of this document may differ slightly, depending on which state the visa is issued through and what rules are established there.

In the process of issuing such a letter, it will be possible to indicate data from both the internal ID card and the foreign one. If a tourist will travel to several countries, it would be highly advisable to list them all.

Sample bank account statement

Registration requirements

Filling out a sponsorship letter can be done in free form, and the document can be filled out either by hand or using typewritten equipment.

The document must necessarily contain the following information:

  • date of entry and exit from French territory;
  • exact name of the host country;
  • a mention that the sponsor and the sponsored person are relatives;
  • passport details of the citizen acting as a sponsor;
  • sponsor's income.

During the letter process, the sponsor will need to confirm that he accepts the obligations associated with financial support accommodation, food, travel, medical insurance and other expenses incurred by the tourist.

It is highly recommended to notarize the sponsorship letter, as this will positively affect the chances of receiving a positive response. The sponsorship letter is often drawn up in Russian, but in some cases a translation of this document into English is also required.

A sponsorship letter can be drawn up in a completely free form, and it is not at all necessary to fill out this document on a special form. At the same time, it is extremely important that the content of this document contains any facts that confirm the existence of family ties between the sponsor and the applicant.

Also, in the process of drawing up a sponsorship letter, you should indicate the exact period during which the citizen plans to stay in France, the place of visit, as well as personal data and other information about the sponsor.

Today, many citizens who apply for short-term Schengen visas know from their own experience that it is best to notarize the sponsorship letter in advance, as this will significantly increase the chances of a positive decision.