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We receive a certificate of state registration of property rights. Certificate of state registration Certificate of state registration

Registration individual entrepreneur happens in tax office. Like any other legally significant action, it is accompanied by the issuance of an official document. For a long time, such a document was a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, but since 2017 it was no longer issued.

In this article we will look at several important issues:

  • why does the Federal Tax Service no longer issue a certificate of state registration IP;
  • what document now replaces the individual entrepreneur certificate;
  • whether a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs issued before 2017 has legal force.

Why did they stop issuing certificates?

The certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs was issued on a secure printed form with an official seal. This led to additional expenses for the Federal Tax Service, which, of course, were covered from the budget. In addition, secure forms required special conditions storage and control of their issuance, which delayed the registration procedure for individual entrepreneurs.

In the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated September 12, 2016 N ММВ-7-14/481, the main reason for refusing to issue and individual entrepreneurs is the increase in the efficiency of electronic interaction of all interested parties.

In addition, many state registers of the Russian Federation are now stored and maintained in in electronic format. To conduct a transaction or other legally significant action, you must obtain a current extract from the relevant register.

For example, a request for a fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) is required condition during the verification of the counterparty. Obtaining current information from the register allows you to verify that the individual entrepreneur certificate presented by the transaction partner is not fake.

A similar procedure has been in effect in the real estate sector for two years now. Instead of a certificate of registration of rights to real estate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate is issued, which confirms the rights and obligations of the owner.

Transition to electronic document management

After the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs on a secure form was no longer issued, it was replaced on plain paper. Another name for this document is form P60009.

The USRIP entry sheet does not replace an extract from the register and includes only the most necessary information. In essence, this is simply confirmation of the fact of registration of an individual entrepreneur and nothing more.

Paper documents on opening an individual entrepreneur in mandatory were issued to applicants until April 28, 2018. But after the inclusion in the law “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”, the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs registration sheet is issued in electronic form.

That is, after successful registration of an individual entrepreneur, a letter from the registration inspection is sent to the applicant’s e-mail. You no longer need to visit the Federal Tax Service to pick up paper documents. However, if an entrepreneur wants to have, in addition to electronic version, also a document on paper, you need to submit a corresponding request to the inspectorate.

The request form for issuing a paper sheet of the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs has not been officially established. We recommend that applicants in this matter be guided by letter dated May 21, 2018 No. 15-18/04830з@ Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for Moscow. In this letter, the tax office offered to obtain a Unified State Register of Legal Entities for organizations. Similarly, you can prepare a request for individual entrepreneurs.

The transition to electronic document management made it possible to reduce the time required for registering an individual entrepreneur through the MFC. Previously, additional time was required to transfer paper documents from the tax office to the multifunctional center. As a result, instead of three working days, the procedure was delayed to seven days.

Now it doesn’t matter where you submitted the documents - to the MFC or to the tax authority. In both cases, a response must be sent to the applicant electronically on the fourth working day after submission.

Differences between the individual entrepreneur certificate and the USRIP entry sheet

To understand that the individual entrepreneur registration certificate is practically no different from the USRIP entry sheet, it is enough to compare them visually.

Certificate of individual entrepreneur (sample 2016)

As you can see, both documents have approximately the same content:

  • confirmation of the fact that an entry has been made in the register indicating that an individual has received the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • assigned to the main state registration number(OGRNIP certificate);
  • the date of entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the details of the tax office where the individual entrepreneur is registered is indicated;
  • signature and full name are affixed official Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service.

Legal force of the individual entrepreneur registration certificate

The individual entrepreneur certificate, which was issued before 2017 on a secure printing form, is still a legally significant document. There is no need to change it.

At the same time, counterparties of an individual entrepreneur registered after 2017 have a question about documenting transactions based on the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs record sheet.

Thus, in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 27, 2017 N 03-07-09/25676, the issue of filling out an invoice was considered, in which it is necessary to indicate the number of the certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. What to do in a situation where there is no evidence as such, but only a recording sheet?

From the department’s response it follows that these are two equivalent documents that contain the same information:

  • date of entry into the register;
  • issuing authority;
  • main state registration number (OGRNIP).

The only additional details of the certificate are the series and number of the secure form. Thus, for entrepreneurs registered before 2017, the details of the certificate are entered into the invoice, and for the rest - the number and date of the entry sheet.

Let's summarize:

  1. Until 2017, individual entrepreneurs were issued a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs on a secure form with an identification series and number. All issued certificates continue to be valid and have legal force.
  2. Since 2017, the fact of registration of an entrepreneur is confirmed by another document - the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet in the form P60009.
  3. From April 28, 2018, the USRIP entry sheet is issued to the applicant in electronic form. If you want to receive a paper document, you must submit a request to the tax office where the registration took place.
  4. At documentation transactions involving individual entrepreneurs, you can indicate both the details of the certificate and the details of the record sheet.

Last update: 03/17/2017

Certificate of state registration of rights- it's just lawful (not to be confused with the title deed, more on that below) a document that indicates the existence of a specific right to a property, i.e. confirms existing record in the unified Rosreestr database.

Same ( equivalent) validating the document is and .

Until mid-2016 this Certificate issued by local branches upon registration ( more precisely, during state registration) ownership citizen for a specific property.

In everyday life this paper is called Certificate of ownership of the apartment or " Title", since this document contains the main ( title) information about the apartment.

This information includes the following:

  • Object of law (those. actually, an apartment, with a total area of ​​such and such, at such and such an address);
  • Subject of law (those. who is the legal owner/s of this apartment, full name and passport details);
  • Type of law (may be ownership, rental, economic management, permanent perpetual use, etc., we are only interested in property);
  • Foundation documents (what document preceded and served as the basis for the issuance of this Title);
  • Registered restrictions/encumbrances of rights (if they exist for this apartment);
  • Cadastral number of the object (this is the registration number of the apartment object in the registry database);
  • Date of issue of the Certificate.

Certificate of state registration of ownership of the apartment carried out on secure stamp paper, with watermarks, has an accounting series and number, the signature of the registrar with a stamp of his last name, and a round seal Office of the Federal Registration Service (UFRS).

True, since 2015 Certificates (Titles) decided to make them on regular paper, and since July 2016 they stopped issuing them altogether ( more about this below).

Until 1998 ( years of formation of Rosreestr) there were no uniform rules for registering real estate in Russia, and documents confirming ownership , served various treaties ( purchases and sales, barter, donations, etc.), stamped ( those. registered) V local administration or in . In Moscow, for example, at that time they issued an additional document - “Certificate of home ownership” (Pink colour).

Since its formation Rosreestr and creating a unified registration database - Unified State Register (EGRN)- were accepted uniform rules fixing property rights for real estate. But the appearance title documents can be different.

During its existence, the registration authority was restructured several times, the standards for document preparation changed, so the appearance Evidence, issued in different time, may differ. Differences may include paper color, type ( pattern) monogram designs, and even the type of print. For example, the seal used to read “ Federal Registration Service Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation", and then - " Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation».

Same for everyone Titles Only the name in the title remains for the apartment - “Certificate of state registration of rights”, and the list contained therein "title" information .

Registration Certificates of entitlement for an apartment may differ in appearance depending not only on the year, but also on the place of issue - the subject of the Russian Federation ( e.g. Moscow, Moscow region, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar region, etc.).

Samples of Certificates of Ownership issued in different years in different regions of the Russian Federation:

Since January 2015 ( in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 2013 No. 765) new forms of forms were introduced - not on colored security paper ( like the samples shown above), and on plain white A4 paper, with the registrar’s signature and stamp UFRS.

♦ Form of the new Certificate of State Registration of Rights since 2015 ♦

New Certificates of state registration of rights contain the same information from Unified State Register, as before Titles(and even more). In this case, it is allowed to perform new Evidence on two sheets, if everything necessary information do not fit on one sheet.

The abolition of watermarked forms is obviously due to the fact that Title, is just confirmation existence of property rights ( similar to Extract from the Unified State Register / Unified State Register).

All previous forms Certificates of entitlement, issued previously ( on colored paper with watermarks), also remain valid, without any limitation on their validity. Replacement Titles old model to new - not required.

Certificates of ownership of apartments are no longer issued

Since July 2016, as a result of legislative innovations, there has been a complete closure of all real estate properties ( including apartments). For more information about this, see the link.

When there is ownership of an apartment, but there is no registration of rights

It happens that a person owns an apartment without having Certificates of entitlement, and even without having records of your ownership V unified register rights ( Unified State Register).

This means that the person actually received ownership of the apartment ( for example, I inherited an apartment), But did not register your right V UFRS.

Owning an apartment without registering a right it is also possible if the citizen received it as property ( privatized, bought,) until 1998. It was in this year that it was founded Unified State Register of Rights (USRP), while privatization began much earlier - in 1991.

Thus, if ownership of an apartment arose before 1998, and after the formation Unified State Register the actual owner of the apartment did not contact UFRS For registration of your property rights , then there is no entry in the Unified State Register of Rights about his right.

But this does not mean that there is no right itself. This just means that this right is not registered ( those. the state is not yet aware that this right has arisen for a specific citizen).

Whether to register this right or not– left to the choice of the actual owner of the apartment. If a person simply lives in his apartment and does not intend to take any actions with his real estate, then he does not need to register his ownership rights.

But if the owner of the apartment wants to sell it, donate it, or pledge it for a loan, then the already registered ownership must certainly be present.

In other words, confirmed ( registered) the right is required only if the owner plans any transactions with his apartment. In other cases registration of your ownership of an apartment - a matter of taste for each owner.

Each ownership on real estate always has some basis base to register this right. And this basis is determined by the relevant document ( deed of gift, certificate of inheritance, purchase and sale agreement, etc. ().

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In the Russian Federation, as of July 15, 2016, the issuance of certificates registering ownership of real estate was officially stopped. Rossreestr assured the population that the cancellation of the issuance of certificates of registration of ownership of apartments and other real estate

will make life easier for citizens, since the supporting documents were not abolished - extracts remained.

However, the essence of the new additions and the principle of working with the issued documentation should be explained. Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical solutions legal issues

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Registration of ownership of real estate

The abolition of certificates does not imply the cancellation of the issuance of a document certifying the registered ownership.

Until the law came into force, citizens could choose whether to receive a certificate at the time of registration or simply.

The fact that the certificate has been abolished will not change the procedural sequence of state registration of rights, so applicants will not have any additional problems when applying for the service.

The owner will not need to request an extract every time the authority requests it state power. Both civil services and local government must independently send a request to Rossreestr.

In accordance with the law migration services, banks, Insurance companies and notary offices are obliged to independently request and receive information from the Unified State Register from Rosreestr. Therefore, a government agency does not have the right to demand an extract from citizens if it is necessary to carry out its own functions.

Providing services is a direct function of such institutions; the owner of the property is spared the need for a personal application to Rossreestr in order to establish his legal rights.

The essence of the changes and what will happen to the old evidence?

Those certificates that the owners already have in their hands do not need to be exchanged for an extract; they do not lose their legality and are still valid. Now, upon completion of the state registration procedure, an extract from the Unified State Register will be issued.

To register, a person can submit documents to register ownership electronically or directly contact the FKP office, MFC or Rossreestr.

A new extract is a document that has legal approved form, confirming that a certain person has a registered right to a specific property (from the date indicated in the extract onwards), about which a registration entry is made in the Unified State Register.

Citizens can receive the document in both electronic and paper versions.

There are differences between the extract certifying the registration of ownership of an object and the one that is additionally requested from Rossreestr when buying and selling real estate in order to prove the relevance of data about the object and the owner.

The differences are as follows: the standard statement is publicly available, anyone can obtain information about the property they are interested in; it is enough to have a passport.

The certificate will contain information about the owner’s name, address, Full description real estate, information about the type of registered right, date and registration number.

In addition, existing encumbrances will be listed, for example, a mortgage loan, arrest, etc. But there will be no information about the documents that served as the basis for registering these rights.

It is impossible to receive the service without paying the state fee.

Individuals pay 2,000 rubles, legal entities – 22,000 rubles.

If the certificate was ordered through an online application, the state duty for individuals is reduced by 50%.

We suggest that you learn more about the amount of payment of the state duty for obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate in the order establishing the fee for providing information contained in the unified state register of real estate: Download.

Will the service delivery period change? The cancellation of the issuance of a paper certificate did not in any way affect the change in deadlines.

They still amount to 10 working days, except in cases where the period for providing the service can be legally extended or shortened.

As before, obtaining a publicly available extract from the Unified State Register is carried out at every office of the FKP, MFC, Rossreesra throughout the country and regardless of the location of the property.

The necessary information is requested via the Internet. But an extract confirming the ownership of real estate is issued only where this property is located.

What documents do I need to provide?

To receive the service, you need to submit an application and attach a package of documents to it. WITH full list documents can be found on the Rossreestr website.

To register the transfer of rights when selling real estate, you need to submit:

  1. Applications from the buyer and seller;
  2. Original purchase and sale agreement (2 copies);
  3. Identity card of the parties to the transaction;
  4. Other documents depending on the specifics of the registration procedure.

Property rights can be registered via the Internet; you need to fill out an online application and accompany it with attached documents (electronically).

Important: every document sent, and even an application, must be certified with personal electronic signatures.

For example, purchase and sale agreements are signed by all parties to the transaction.

How is the innovation useful?

Lawyers regard such amendments as favorable, since the only evidence of registered rights can only be considered a record of their registration in the register.

Decisive in this matter will be agreements, acts issued government agencies and confirming that it was on their basis that the property was acquired, as well as the rights to it registered in the Unified State Register.

The degree of responsibility of realtors and lawyers who confirm citizens’ real estate transactions will also remain the same. This extract for real estate transactions had to be provided before, it’s just that now this practice is enshrined at the legislative level.

The innovation is useful - ordinary citizens will be able to avoid mistakes when receiving information about the property they are purchasing. Now any citizen has the right to request an extract on the right to real estate by simply submitting a request to Rossrestr.

You can at any time confirm the fact and period of ownership of, for example, an apartment. By canceling the certificate, the state guaranteed to secure legal rights

citizens. In addition, this step will contribute to further improvement of interaction between departments and improvement of electronic document management, which helps to simplify the provision of various services to the population.

The copyright holder, as before, receives an extract confirmation after registering his own rights. In electronic or paper form. The certificates will be replaced by an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights. The basis for the innovation was the amendments made to the federal law

. We invite you to watch the video. - Certificate of state registration official document , which certifies that a product (substance, material, instrument, device) that has passed the state registration procedure fully complies with all sanitary and hygiene standards

established on the territory of the member countries of the Customs Union. The issuance of this certificate is carried out by authorized employees of Rospotrebnadzor authorities in accordance with the approved rules.

State registration State registration of products - this is a procedure that, from July 1, 2010, replaced the sanitary and epidemiological examination. From this moment on, on the territory of the Russian Federation and participating countries Customs Union

for goods subject to state registration, certificates of state registration began to be issued instead of hygiene certificates.

Only those goods (products, substances, materials, etc.) that were identified in the second section of the list of products subject to mandatory sanitary supervision on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to the mandatory registration procedure for a state registration certificate. This list is regulated by Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 299 of May 28, 2010. Without a completed certificate of state registration for goods for which the state registration procedure is mandatory, it is impossible to obtain a certificate of conformity (declaration of conformity), and therefore, to carry out the legal distribution of this product or article on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It is mandatory to obtain a certificate of state registration at the following types products:

  • water packaged in bottles and other containers (medicinal, drinking, table, mineral);
  • tonic, low-alcohol, alcoholic drinks and beer packaged in containers;
  • food products intended for dietary, sports, baby nutrition, as well as food products intended for consumption by pregnant and lactating women;
  • food additives, biologically active additives (BAS), organic products;
  • bacterial starter cultures, flavorings, enzyme preparations;
  • food products made using genetically modified organisms (GMOs);
  • cosmetics, oral hygiene products;
  • household chemicals;
  • personal hygiene items;
  • biological, chemical materials and substances that are potentially dangerous to human life and health, as well as capable of polluting environment; substances and materials included in a single international list hazardous substances;
  • equipment (devices, units, systems) that are involved in the preparation of water for domestic use, and are also used in public water supply systems;
  • materials, products and other goods that come into contact with food products(except for dishes and technological equipment);
  • products intended for use by children under 3 years of age.

Goods included in the list of products subject to mandatory state registration must be presented in Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being (Rospotrebnadzor). The certificate is issued in the presence of a package of documents, which varies depending on the country of origin of the goods.

Procedure for obtaining a certificate of state registration

The issuance of state registration certificates is carried out by certification bodies accredited by Rosstandart or Rospotrebnadzor, as well as intermediary organizations (certification centers). The procedure for issuing this certification document is carried out in several stages, including analysis of the documentation of the company receiving the certificate, testing of products in an independent laboratory center for compliance with established standards and, in some cases, inspection control of product production. To issue a certificate of state registration, the following documents must be submitted to the certification body:

  • an application for a certificate of state registration, filled out according to the specified form;
  • copies technical documentation(TU, specifications, GOST, etc.);
  • copies of documents certifying the safety and quality of products;
  • act of selecting test samples and product test reports;
  • registration information about the manufacturer/seller;
  • other documents;

Sanitary and epidemiological report

Until June 1, 2010, it was necessary to issue a sanitary-epidemiological certificate (SEZ) for the presented products to confirm hygienic safety products. After specified date the issuance of sanitary and epidemiological reports was stopped, and sanitary supervision began to be carried out through state registration or obtaining an expert opinion from Rospotrebnadzor (expert opinions are issued in voluntarily for goods that are defined in the first section of the list of goods of Decision No. 299). SEZs issued before June 1, 2010 were valid until January 1, 2012, after which they needed to be replaced with the new kind hygienic certificate - certificate of state registration or expert opinion (depending on the specific type of product).

The issuance of state registration certificates is carried out by certification bodies accredited by Rosstandart or Rospotrebnadzor, as well as intermediary organizations (certification centers). The procedure for issuing this certification document is carried out in several stages, including analysis of the documentation of the company receiving the certificate, testing of products in an independent laboratory center for compliance with established standards and, in some cases, inspection control of product production.

see also


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    See what “Certificate of State Registration” is in other dictionaries: Certificate of state registration and suitability of the airfield for operation - a document certifying the suitability for operation of certain types of aircraft and giving the right to operate the airfield for certain period ... Source: Guide to state registration and permission to operate... ...

    Official terminology certificate of state registration of a medicinal product for animals - A document confirming the state registration of a medicinal product for animals and is a permit for its use in the territory Russian Federation . [GOST R 52682 2006] Topics: medicines for animals...

    Technical Translator's Guide Certificate of state registration of the airfield - a document certifying the registration of this airfield in State Register civil airfields of the Republic of Belarus. (Resolution of the State Aviation Committee dated June 14, 2000 N 6) ...

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    - 1. The grounds for state registration of a ship and rights to it are: acts issued by government authorities within the limits of their competence; contracts and other transactions in relation to the vessel, made in accordance with the law... ... CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION OF AN INDIVIDUALS AS AN ENTREPRENEUR - a document issued to an individual registered as an entrepreneur without education legal entity . For the issuance of a certificate, a registration fee is collected from individuals engaged in.… … entrepreneurial activity

    To improve this article, would you like to: Wikify the article. Correct the article according to Wikipedia stylistic rules. Find and arrange as footnotes links to authoritative ... Wikipedia

    OGRNIP main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. The number is assigned by the tax office during state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or included in... ... Wikipedia

    Certificate of registration of hazardous production facilities- a document drawn up on a numbered form subject to strict reporting, executed in a typographical manner, is issued to the operating organization and contains information about the registration authority that issued it, the operating organization... ... ... Source: Guide to state registration and permission to operate... ...

    A derivative registered security securing the right of its owner to buy (O.S. to buy) or sell (O.S. to sell) valuable papers(underlying asset) of the issuer O.s. or third parties whose report on the results of the issue was registered before the date ... ... Encyclopedia of Lawyer

    Grounds for suspension or cancellation of the registration certificate of a person carrying out transactions with petroleum products - tax authorities suspend the validity of the certificate or cancel it in the following cases: the taxpayer submits a corresponding application; failure by the taxpayer to comply with written instructions from the Ministry of Taxation of Russia or its territorial bodies,… … Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book for enterprise managers


  • Drug therapy for vascular diseases of the eye, R. A. Gundorova, A. N. Ivanov, V. V. Pletnev. The manual describes experimental study the drug Selekarten, which belongs to medicines a fundamentally new generation. A method for treating vascular…
Certificate of state registration of products (SGR) is an official document issued territorial offices Rospotrebnadzor for products subject to mandatory examination uniform rules And sanitary standards Eurasian Economic Union (Customs Union).

Certificates of state registration are issued for finished products after carrying out hygienic tests in an accredited laboratory. As is already known, in July 2010, the procedure for issuing registration certificates was introduced in relation to certain groups of goods. By decision of the Customs Union Commission, a unified list of products subject to state registration was approved.

If we compare the lists of goods that were subject to mandatory sanitary and epidemiological assessment and the new one, we can note that the range of items has decreased tenfold.

This step can hardly be called reckless, since manufacturers or importers often went through a double quality control procedure. First, we received a hygienic certificate (SEZ), and then a declaration of conformity or a certificate of conformity. It is no secret that obtaining each of the documents entailed a certain cost item for manufacturers or importers. Now, for many groups of goods it is enough to obtain only a declaration or a quality certificate.

As a rule, (SGR) is required for the following groups: some cosmetics, household chemicals, baby food, medical products, hygiene products, children's underwear, some types of food, and so on. The received documents are valid in the territory of the countries of the Customs Union.

The procedure for state registration

The process of conducting a state hygienic examination is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.
  • Obtaining a certificate for imported products
Certificate of state registration can be issued both for the recipient (importer company) and for the manufacturer. When registering for an importer company, the applicant must provide the following documents:
  • A copy of the supply contract;

  • File with detailed information about the product (area of ​​application and composition);

  • Map of Russian company details;

  • Application for obtaining SGR.
The processing time from the date of submission by the applicant is no more than twenty-one working days. It is important to note that when registering a SGR for a foreign manufacturer, copies of the received registration certificate can only be certified by a notary. When registering for the importer, the copy has the right to be certified by the holder of the certificate, that is, the importing company that carried out the state examination. If you need to obtain documentation for a domestic manufacturer, the following package of documents is required:
  • Specifications(THAT);

  • Copies constituent documents(TIN and OGRN certificates);

  • File with a description of the product (area of ​​application and composition);

  • Manufacturer details;

  • Lease agreement for production space or document on ownership;

  • Application for obtaining SGR.
If the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST, then the application simply needs to indicate the number of this standard. The period for issuing a State Registration Certificate is also twenty-one working days.

List of products subject to state registration

We clarify that the procedure can only be carried out in relation to those types of products that are indicated in the above approved list. We check Section II (List of goods).

The table also shows the HS codes according to which certain goods are classified.

Section I contains a list of goods for which you can voluntarily register expert opinion Rospotrebnadzor and testing protocols.