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Preparing an apartment building for the heating season. What is included in the list of works to prepare a house for winter Preparing a residential building for winter

By September 15, 2017, persons responsible for managing residential apartment buildings (MKD) are required to complete preparations for the 2017-2018 heating season. Evidence of the successful completion of preparatory work is the presence of a Certificate of Readiness for the heating period.

As of the first days of July, only 37% of the housing stock, 30% of boiler houses and 37% of heating networks were ready for the new heating season.

Federal legislation on preparation for the heating season

Preparation for the heating season is regulated by Article 20 of the Federal Law of May 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”, and the assessment of activities is regulated by the Rules for assessing readiness for the heating season, which are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation dated March 12, 2013 No. 103 (hereinafter referred to as Order 103).

Due to the fact that there is no uniform law on preparation for the heating season, persons responsible for these activities must be guided by the following regulations:

  • Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock»;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the Content Rules common property V apartment building...»;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to ensure municipal needs citizens";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings";
  • landscaping rules adjacent areas, approved by the authorities local government;
  • other orders of regional and municipal authorities authorities.

In addition to the above regulations, one of the most important aspects preparation for the autumn-winter period is to comply with the requirements for energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

In accordance with the requirements of Part 7 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving...”, the HOA or management company is obliged to develop and at least once a year bring to the attention of the owners of premises in the apartment building proposals on energy saving measures and increasing the energy efficiency of controlled MKDs.

What is included in preparation for the heating season?

The main objectives of the set of measures to prepare for the 2017-2018 heating season boil down to ensuring an uninterrupted supply of thermal energy (coolant) to heated premises, regardless of their purpose.

Mandatory activities in preparation for winter are:

  • adjustment of intra-block networks with adjustment of the calculated diameters of throttling devices at the heating unit;
  • carrying out hydraulic tests, repairs, verification and adjustment of heat supply and ventilation systems, boiler rooms, intra-house networks, group and local heating points;
  • checking the functionality of shut-off safety valves and pressure regulators of gas facilities.

In accordance with Order 103, it is necessary to report on preparations for the heating season in the central regions of Russia no later than September 15 current year. The preparation time for the heating season in the northern and eastern regions has been reduced to September 1, and for the southern regions it has been extended until October 1.

Control over the entire range of measures is entrusted to local authorities, owners of residential and non-residential premises in MKD, housing supervision authorities and other authorized structures.

Preparing the housing stock for the heating season 2017-2018

Comprehensive preparation of housing and communal services facilities for seasonal operation is regulated by regulatory requirements for the accommodation of people in the autumn season. winter period.

  • elimination of cracks and holes in external walls, basement, attic floors, roof and places where they join each other, windows or doors;
  • restoration of plaster coating, roofing, etc.;
  • tidying up technical premises;
  • checking the integrity of window and door fillings, door closers and vestibules;
  • conducting trial fires of central heating and furnaces;
  • ensuring the removal of atmospheric and melt water from descents into the basement and window pits;
  • checking the quality of waterproofing of foundations, basement walls and plinths;
  • checking the performance of heating stoves and installations with gas heaters, chimneys, gas ducts, internal heat, water and electricity supply systems.

Based on these recommendations, as well as shortcomings identified as a result of the spring inspection of the apartment building and its engineering systems, the management company or HOA develops an action plan to prepare for the heating season and approves it with local authorities.

The management company’s preparation plan for the heating season, in addition to technical work includes a number of organizational activities:

  • retraining and advanced training of employees providing operation and emergency repairs of boiler houses, heating points, engineering systems;
  • briefing of emergency service workers, workers current repairs, wipers;
  • carrying out technical inspection and maintenance of vehicles, communications, equipment, tools, cleaning equipment, inventory;
  • preparation or restoration of diagrams of in-house engineering systems;
  • carrying out an audit of thermal units, operability of metering devices (with replacement, if necessary), certification of the integrity of seals.

In addition, management companies and homeowners associations, when preparing for the heating season, must take into account other requirements of Rule 103:

  • the degree of readiness of heat-consuming installations for operation and their provision of the thermal energy consumption regime specified in the resource supply agreement;
  • no debt for deliveries thermal energy, coolant;

The main problem in preparing for the heating season remains highest level debts of consumers for supplied energy resources. The debt in the housing and communal services sector amounts to more than one trillion rubles, of which 800 billion are debts of management companies to resource supply organizations.

Mikhail Men, Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation

In accordance with the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491), responsibilities for preparing in-house engineering systems for seasonal operation are assigned to the owners of residential premises apartment building(in case of direct management) or HOAs and management companies. Financing of events is carried out at the expense of the owners.

Law on “alternative boiler house”

As for the preparation for the 2017-2018 heating season of the heating network, control over it will be entrusted to new structures - unified heat supply organizations (ETO).

On July 31, 2017, President Putin signed the federal law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Heat Supply” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of improving the system of relations in the field of heat supply."

The document, which received the popular name “The Law on “Alternative Boiler House”” changed the system of regulation of heat tariffs. New model provides for the establishment of a maximum price level for the coolant, which is called the “alternative boiler house”. This is a calculated figure. It corresponds to the cost of one gigacalorie of thermal energy if consumers want to build their own (alternative) boiler house.

In addition to ensuring the uninterrupted process of delivering heat from the producer to the consumer, ETO will be responsible for the entire range of activities for the construction, reconstruction, modernization of heat supply facilities, as well as for their preparation for seasonal operation.

However, maintenance of intra-house networks, installation of heat meters and preparation of the heating unit for the heating season will remain the responsibility of management companies and HOAs.

Equipping the heating unit with modern metering devices

Among the requirements for readiness for the heating period for thermal energy consumers, Order 101 includes the presence and operability of metering devices, as well as the absence of debt for the supplied thermal energy (power) and coolant. Reliable accounting of consumed energy resources and timely payment are considered by federal legislation as effective ways energy saving.

As practice has shown, the installation of communal heat metering devices has made the process of charging for resources more transparent and understandable for consumers, and has revealed to them the need and ways to save heat.

Many owners of residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings have gone even further: they turn to RSO and management organizations with a request to install individual heat meters. Including the ability to remotely take readings and dispatch data in real time.

This allows each owner to pay only for the heat that he actually consumed in his premises, plus the costs of heating equipment. In a situation where a house is equipped only with a common house meter, the owners are forced to pay for heat in proportion to the area of ​​the premises they own.

We help automate the accounting of any resources: heat, water, electricity, gas.

Advantages of automated dispatch for a management organization:

  • Hourly consumption statistics online - see demo of your personal account;
  • generation of Excel files with hourly data on utility consumption;
  • The accountant will have all the data on hand by the 25th;
  • connection of up to 2,000,000 metering devices within a radius of 10 km without the need to purchase an additional base station, repeaters and concentrators.

The STRIZH system uses LPWAN technology with a range of 10 km, without concentrators and repeaters.

Wireless solutions for resource dispatching in apartment buildings

In continuation of the article.

The approach of winter cold is the time for municipal services to carry out preparatory work. After all, the presence of cracks on the facade and windows, disturbances in the heating and water supply systems can lead to heat loss in apartment buildings. Preparation for winter is an important period when it ensures maximum level comfort in apartment buildings.

And housing and communal services are required to complete the entire scope of work provided for in the fall, in accordance with certain requirements. Residents of houses have the right to control and demand high-quality performance of such work.

Preparation for winter

According to the generally accepted Rules for Preparation for Winter (approved on March 12, 2013) No. 103, by September 15, apartment buildings should be completely ready for the heating season. And starting from this date, residents can already be pleased with the heating being turned on.

However, many management companies continue to wait for the standard temperature, leaving residential owners to freeze in their apartments.

You can read about ways to keep warm in an apartment if the heating system delays turning on the heat on our website. It will help you “hold on” until the central heating is turned on and not get sick. After all, a cold apartment in an apartment building becomes dank and very cold in the autumn-winter period...

Preparing for winter by housing and communal services should be carried out in several areas. Together they allow you to restore required level preservation and maintenance of heat in residential premises. Knowledge of these points will help apartment owners in apartment buildings control the process of preparatory work.

Specific actions of housing and communal services

Before winter, utility workers take the following measures:

The drainage of water from the blind area and the possibility of draining atmospheric precipitation from descents into the basements are also included in the preparation for winter by housing and communal services.

However, as practice shows, management companies do not always fully control the work of housing and communal services. And preparations for the heating season are not carried out fully, and not with sufficient quality. This entails a lack of comfort for apartment owners in apartment buildings. You can read about how to stimulate housing and communal services if the heating has not yet been turned on. After all, sometimes utility services need to adjust their actions, especially when turning on the central heating.

How control is carried out

Preparation for winter is carried out by utility services. Control over the results of such preparation falls on management company or local governments. Most attention When accepting work, attention is usually paid to points that were performed poorly in the last heating season.

During the inspection process, regulatory authorities determine the quality of preventive and repair work also of the following nature:

  • hydraulic tests of intra-apartment networks. These include instrumentation, automation equipment, control and shut-off equipment, water distribution diagram (hot and cold), ventilation, heating;
  • waterproofing coatings of roofs, walls, ceilings are replaced or repaired;
  • The integrity of the insulation of pipes, sewer networks, and air exhaust systems is checked.

When the preparation for winter by utility services is completed, the commission signs a certificate of readiness of the residential building for the heating season. Certificates of serviceability of instrumentation and automation must be attached to it.

Homeowners in apartment buildings usually identify the lack of preparation already in the winter, when a breakdown occurs. Often, preparation for winter in the form of preventive and repair work is carried out by utility workers in warm weather. This may cause dissatisfaction among the population. However, it is precisely such actions that should be regarded as a positive sign. After all, this means that preparations are underway, and heat in the apartments will be received and maintained throughout the cold weather.

Heating plays an important role in the life support of citizens. There have been cases when the population was left without heat at sub-zero temperatures. To avoid such situations, you need to properly prepare for winter. And folk wisdom says: “Frosts are not as terrible as cold radiators.”

Start the heating season

Preparatory work for the heating season is carried out by those responsible for managing apartment buildings. They are required to complete all activities by mid-September. The certificate of readiness for the heating season is confirmation of successful preparation.

The main goal of the set of preliminary measures is to ensure uninterrupted supply of energy. Mandatory actions include:

  • establishing intra-block networks;
  • verification, repair, establishment of ventilation, heat supply within home networks;
  • checking pressure regulators and valves.

Eastern and northern regions should be ready to supply heat by September 1, and southern regions by October 1.

What is written in the act

Before connecting the energy carrier, a check is carried out. It is carried out by the commissions on environmental, nuclear and technological supervision. The composition of the commissions is agreed upon with the Federal Service. The work of the commission includes carrying out activities according to the program approved by the head (deputy) authorized body. Employees of the authorized body are also included in the commissions.

The program includes the following actions:

  1. List of objects undergoing inspection.
  2. Verification deadlines.
  3. Availability necessary documents(regulations).
  4. Compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.

The results of the inspection are recorded in a report, which is prepared within one day after the inspection.

The commission defines the results of control in the following terms:

  • the object of inspection is ready for the heating period;
  • the inspection object is not ready for the heating season;
  • the inspection object will be ready for the heating period if the comments are eliminated within the prescribed time frame.

Heating season, preparation

Preparation for the heating season involves:

  • Troubleshooting thermal and hydraulic operating modes of heat consuming installations;
  • washing equipment and communications;
  • carrying out repair work if necessary;
  • checking the presence of seals on washers and elevator nozzles;
  • installation of metering devices;
  • no debt for previously supplied electricity;
  • equipment strength testing;
  • examination of equipment for compliance with climatic conditions.

Attics and roofs are examined and cracks are repaired. Workers are restoring roofs, coverings, and applying a new layer of plaster. They go around Technical buildings, look at the integrity of window and door fillings, the presence of fittings. Test fires are being carried out and drains for melt water are being installed. Monitor waterproofing.

Additional events

This includes:

  • education and training of personnel involved in the operation and emergency repairs of boiler houses, engineering systems, heating points (standards, training, and testing are provided for employees);
  • conducting briefings for maintenance workers, janitors, and emergency service workers;
  • technical inspection of transport, equipment, inventory, communications;
  • restoration of circuits inside house engineering systems;
  • audit of metering devices, heating units.


The rules for assessing readiness for the heating period comply with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 19-F3 “On Heat Supply”. Preparatory work is assessed by a commission. Municipal institutions are being checked Federal service on environmental, nuclear, technological supervision. Consumers are controlled by local governments. The commission includes representatives of the city district and authorized bodies.

Important! Consumers are the owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building who have entered into heat supply agreements. All parties comply with housing laws. After the commission makes an assessment, a report is drawn up. Attached to it is a list of comments that must be responded to within the scheduled time frame.

After the reasons that caused the commission’s criticism have been eliminated, those responsible for the facility receive a certificate of readiness for the heating season. In cases where the room is not ready to connect the heating, a new inspection is scheduled.

Boiler rooms

After the end of the heating season, all water is drained and the boilers are thoroughly washed. They are cleaned of dirt, ash, slag, soot from

outside, scale is removed using a chemical method inside. Then the boiler is filled with water, heated to 80 0 C. It is left until the next season, closing the hatches. Cleaning and flushing of boiler rooms is carried out immediately after the end of the heating period.

Heating systems are flushed with water or compressed air using the hydropneumatic method.

Washing is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Blowing each riser from bottom to top (deposits and sediments are loosened).
  2. Flushing each riser with compressed air.
  3. Hydropneumatic flushing of distribution pipelines.

This is how the systems are prepared for heating. All procedures are carried out in compliance with standards. Washing with water is no longer considered particularly effective. All work is entrusted only to special personnel. The work requires knowledge of safety precautions, careful handling of equipment, and experience.

Alternative boiler room

Since 2017, control over heat network management has been transferred to ETO. Unified heat supply organizations have become a new structure, which is assigned individual tasks. After making changes to the federal law“On Heat Supply”, the tariff regulation system has changed. The new model defines limit level coolant prices. The calculated figure corresponds to the cost of 1 gigacalorie of thermal energy if residents build a new, alternative, own boiler house.

Preparing an apartment building for the heating season is a long process that begins with a spring inspection and ends with an inspection of the house in the fall. The result of the preparation is the receipt of a certificate of readiness of the house for operation. To obtain a passport, all preparatory work must be completed by September. Check whether your apartment buildings are ready for inspections by supervisory commissions.

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%7B%LS%7Dspan%20style=" background-color:="" transparent="">Preparing an apartment building for the heating season is a long process that begins with a spring inspection and ends with an inspection of the house in the fall. The result of the preparation is obtaining a passport of the house’s readiness for operation. To obtain a passport, all preparatory work should be completed by September. Check whether your apartment buildings are ready for inspections by supervisory commissions.

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DECISION of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated 09/27/2003 170 ON THE APPROVAL OF RULES AND STANDARDS FOR TECHNICAL OPERATION OF THE HOUSING STOCK (2020) Relevant in 2018

2.6. Preparing housing stock for seasonal use

2.6.1. The purpose of preparing housing and communal services facilities for seasonal operation is to ensure the timing and quality of work on maintenance (maintenance and repair) of the housing stock, ensuring regulatory requirements residence of residents and modes of operation of engineering equipment in winter.

2.6.2. When preparing housing stock for use in winter, you must:

Eliminate faults: walls, facades, roofs, attic floors and above technical undergrounds (basements), driveways, window and door fillings, as well as heating stoves, chimneys, gas ducts, internal heat, water and electricity supply systems and installations with gas heaters;

bring the territory of households into a technically sound condition, ensuring unhindered drainage of atmospheric and melt water from the blind area, from the descents (entrances) to the basement and their window pits;

ensure proper waterproofing of foundations, basement and basement walls and their interfaces with adjacent structures, staircases, basements and attics, elevator engine rooms, and the serviceability of fire hydrants.

2.6.3. The start and end dates for preparation for winter of each residential building, boiler house, heating point and thermal (elevator) unit are approved by the local government (at the proposal of the organization servicing the specified housing stock) taking into account the completion of all work in the northern and eastern regions - before September 1, in central - by September 15, in the southern - until October 1, including conducting test fires of central heating and furnaces. Control over the progress of work on preparation for winter is carried out by local government bodies, owners of housing stock and their authorized representatives and main government officials. housing inspections.

2.6.4. The schedule for preparing the housing stock and its engineering equipment for operation in winter conditions is drawn up by the owner of the housing stock or the organization for its maintenance and approved by local governments based on the results of the spring inspection and shortcomings identified over the past period.

2.6.5. Preparation for winter (carrying out hydraulic tests, repairs, verification and adjustment) is subject to the entire complex of devices that ensure uninterrupted supply of heat to apartments (boiler rooms, intra-house networks, group and local heating points in houses, heating and ventilation systems).

Boiler rooms, heating points and units must be provided with automation equipment, control and measuring instruments, shut-off control equipment, wiring diagrams for heating systems, hot water supply, cold water supply, supply and exhaust ventilation, designs indicating the use of equipment under various operating modes (filling, replenishment, draining water from heating systems, etc.), technical passports equipment, mode cards, parameter logs, equipment defect logs.

Internal networks must be adjusted with adjustments to the calculated diameters of throttling devices at the thermal (elevator) unit.

Gas facilities must undergo adjustment of shut-off safety valves and pressure regulators for the winter period.

Equipment pumping stations, fire-fighting equipment systems must be equipped with main and backup equipment, automatic switching on of backup pumps in case of failure of the main ones is ensured, adjusted and in good working order.

2.6.6. During the period of preparing the housing stock for work in winter conditions, the following is organized:

training and retraining of boiler house workers, heating points, emergency service workers and maintenance workers, janitors;

preparation of emergency services (vehicles, equipment, communications, tools and equipment, supplies of materials and personnel training);

preparation (restoration) of diagrams of in-house cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, central heating and ventilation, gas, indicating the location of shut-off valves and switches (for mechanics and electricians to eliminate accidents and malfunctions of in-house engineering systems);

in unheated premises, they provide repairs to the insulation of water supply and sewerage pipes and fire-fighting water supply systems.

If there is water in the basements, you should pump it out, turn off and disassemble the irrigation water supply, and insulate the water metering unit; ensure uninterrupted operation of sewer outlets, inspection wells of the yard network and general outlets at the ends of the building from the collection pipeline laid in the basement (technical underground)

2.6.7. In unheated premises, during preparation for winter, you should check the condition and repair the insulation of water supply and sewerage pipes, central heating and hot water supply, and insulate the fire-fighting water supply system.

2.6.8. Vents in basements and technical undergrounds can be closed for the winter only in case of severe frosts.

2.6.9. The beginning of the heating season is established by local governments

2.6.10. The readiness of housing and communal services facilities for operation in winter conditions is confirmed by the presence of:

Certificates of readiness of the house for operation in winter conditions (Appendix No. 9);

Certificates on the serviceability of security automation and control and measuring instruments (CPI) of boiler houses and engineering equipment of buildings;

Acts technical condition and proper operation of fire-fighting equipment;

Provision of fuel to boiler houses and the population before the start of the heating season: solid fuel not less than 70% of the heating season demand, liquid fuel - based on the availability of warehouses, but not less than the average monthly consumption; a supply of sand for sprinkling sidewalks at the rate of at least 3-4 m3 per 1 thousand m2 of harvested area;

Acts on the readiness of harvesting equipment and equipment;

Acts on winter readiness with an assessment of the quality of preparation of buildings and apartments for winter and an act for each facility, as well as acts for testing, flushing, and adjustment of cold, hot water supply and heating systems.

2.6.11. During the winter period, it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of sewer outlets, inspection wells of the yard network and general outlets at the ends of buildings from a common pipeline laid in the basement.

2.6.12. After the end of the heating season, the equipment of boiler houses, heating networks and heating points, all heating systems must be tested with hydraulic pressure in accordance with established requirements.

Defects identified during testing must be eliminated, after which repeated tests are carried out. Tests of heating networks are carried out in accordance with established requirements.

2.6.13. During the summer, the following work must be carried out:

a) for boiler houses - revision of fittings and equipment of instrumentation and automation devices, elimination of cracks in the lining of boilers and chimneys, a contingent of operators was prepared and fuel was delivered: solid - in the calculation of 70% of the need for the heating season, liquid - according to availability of warehouses, but not less than an average monthly supply. Calculation of the required amount of fuel should be made in accordance with current regulatory documents. Fuel storage should be carried out in accordance with established requirements;

b) for heating networks - flushing of systems, inspection of fittings, elimination of constant and periodic blockages of channels, restoration of damaged or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in chambers, underground channels and basements (technical underground);

c) for heating points - inspection of fittings and equipment (pumps, heaters, etc.);

d) for heating and hot water supply systems - inspection of taps and other shut-off valves of expanders and air collectors, restoration of damaged or replacement of insufficient thermal insulation of pipes in stairwells, basements, attics, and niches of sanitary units. If the radiators are not warmed up, they should be hydropneumatically flushed. Upon completion of all repair work, the entire complex of heat supply devices is subject to operational adjustment during a test fire;

e) for cleaning equipment and equipment for janitors - inspection, repair, replacement;

f) import of sand for sprinkling sidewalks (at the rate of at least 3 m3 per 1 thousand m2 of harvested area) and salt (at the rate of at least 3-5% of the mass of sand) or its substitute;

g) explaining to tenants, tenants and owners of residential and non-residential premises the rules for preparing residential buildings for winter (installing sealing gaskets in the vestibules of window and door openings, replacing broken glass, etc.).

h) availability primary funds fire extinguishing