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Fire evacuation plan: requirements and description. Regulatory legal acts and regulations governing the development and production of evacuation plans Technical parts for the production of evacuation plans

The plant evacuation plan must be drawn up taking into account current legislation and everyone regulatory documents. This diagram clearly and clearly indicates the algorithm of actions of workers and employees in the event of a fire. Special signs indicate the direction of movement, entrances and exits.

At each enterprise, plans are posted in certain places to guide people during a disaster. This was done in order to reduce the number of victims and injured in a fire. During an emergency where fire ignites and spreads through a building, employees must follow a plan and move in groups to a designated exit. This will protect the general mass of workers from panic and crowds at the doors.

In addition, the diagram shows the nearest storage locations for fire extinguishing equipment and means of warning about a tragedy. In order for a person not to hesitate, but to do all the actions clearly and quickly, without wasting precious minutes, the plan describes the correct sequence of actions. This will help localize the problem and fix it quickly (if possible).

This is what the signs with the plant evacuation plan in case of fire look like

Any assistance that is provided in a timely manner can not only save people’s lives, but also save the building from significant damage. For each workshop you need to develop your own individual plan. After all, each enterprise has a completely different layout of its premises. If the organization is huge and consists of several structures, an evacuation plan should be drawn up for each of them. If the building has several floors, such a diagram should be on each floor. But general form The plan must be understandable and readable to everyone.

This type of plan is drawn up for a floor with an area of ​​24 m². If this cannot be done, the floor plan should be abandoned and only a general evacuation diagram with a detailed explanation should be posted.

If the total area of ​​the premises is more than 1000 m², the evacuation routes are too long, and there are turnstiles or doors with complex mechanisms at the entrances, the manager of the enterprise must take care of the sectional design.

Scheme of turnstiles at the factory

Also take into account several exits, which are separated by a partition or wall from other sections of this floor. As a result, a summary evacuation document is issued with local diagrams of individual parts of the building.

Creation and requirements

For each workshop of the enterprise executive forms corridors and other service rooms in which people work or are located. In the document, using conventional icons, you must indicate: the tools of the first medical care, emergency communications with the outside world, doors, and emergency exits. Be sure to indicate the location of fire extinguishing equipment.

You can find out more about the requirements for this document in GOST 12.2143-2009. In 2012, the contents of the document were slightly changed and supplemented.

According to the rules, an evacuation plan must be drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is always kept by the duty officer. This is done so that the service that will eliminate the fire can be quickly brought up to date by showing a diagram of the structure.

Important! If reconstruction or redevelopment was carried out in the workshop or any other premises, these changes must be included in the master plan.

Read also

Where to order an evacuation plan

Circuit structure

Any fire evacuation plan at an enterprise is conventionally divided into 2 parts: text and graphic. They complement each other with the information they contain. In the text half indicate:

The grafical part document contains the following information:

  1. Outputs that can be used.
  2. The path to progress through the corridors to the exit.
  3. Location of external and open stairs.
  4. Staircases that will not be filled with smoke.
  5. Location of medical aid and fire protection equipment.

All symbols on the plan must be accurately and clearly deciphered below.

Table symbols on the evacuation plan

All graphic symbols can be painted in certain colors; this can be found in the corresponding GOST R 12.4.026. The height of the characters is also specified (8-15 mm). All symbols on one sheet of paper must be made in the same style and size.

The path of movement is allowed to be depicted as a solid green line, at the end of which there must be an arrow indicating the direction of movement. All arrows must lead the person to the main emergency exits. If the travel path goes to the emergency exit option, then this graphic element is made in the form of a green stroke with an arrow.

Detailed information

There are many documents and regulations with exact requirements for this important document. Here are some of them:

According to the rules of these documents, the official provides the workshop in which his people work with such schemes. This document is used not only in case emergency, but also during the training of employees. Therefore, each team periodically receives instructions on safety precautions and behavior during a fire.

Important feature! For a multi-storey structure, it is customary to draw up floor plans for evacuation, with a floor number indicated in each plan.

All evacuation plans must be made on a white or yellowish background on photoluminescent material. All inscriptions are made in black, with the exception of symbols and safety signs. The diagram must be posted on the walls in a strictly designated place. Such locations should be identified in the summary document.

This is what a fire evacuation plan looks like

In the workshops of enterprises whose activities are related to chemicals, turning on emergency ventilation is the main action. This must be done to prevent the fire from spreading throughout the entire area. But in large rooms there are some inclusion features emergency system ventilation.

To avoid an explosion or gas contamination of escape routes, ventilation is turned on exactly according to the recommendations of the plan. Otherwise, the employee may cause an even bigger problem.

If the company has equipment in garages or parking lots, the evacuation plan is played over the loudspeaker once a quarter. Therefore, all warning and communication systems must be in good condition. If an enterprise has more than 25 cars on its balance sheet, drivers must be on duty at night in the garage, as well as on weekends and holidays.

Scheme of operation of the emergency ventilation system in case of fire

Always designate a place where spare sets of keys for all cars will be stored. In workshops, warehouses and workshops, a sign must be posted with the name and position of the person who is responsible for fire safety on the territory of this building. If there is a basement, the evacuation plan is posted near the entrance from the outside. The basement diagram must indicate the routes of movement and the equipment that is installed there. But storing flammable liquids and chemicals in such basements is strictly prohibited.

All plans must correspond to reality. The head of the enterprise must coordinate the document with the state fire supervision authorities and sign it.

A fire evacuation plan is one of the primary documents necessary to maintain the required level. It is used to train the organization’s personnel during periodic briefings and regulates actions in the event of emergency situations. If signs of fire of varying intensity are detected, the corresponding points of the plan approved by the head of the institution come into force, allowing the fastest, most effective and safe evacuation from the affected area. The plan assists firefighters during fire suppression and subsequent rescue efforts.

Varieties of evacuation schemes

  • Local - for a separate room;
  • Sectional - for a separate section of the room, which has a complex layout and a large number of dividing walls;
  • Floor - on the entire floor of the building, duplicates can be placed in several places with the obligatory indication of the location of the presented diagram and its copies;
  • Summary - kept by the person in charge, used in emergency situations and issued to the fire brigade commander during search and rescue operations in the building.

The size of the sheet on which the plan is displayed depends on the detail and number of elements displayed on it.

  • For large area and complex layouts of rooms and floors, the size is 600x400 mm.
  • For local schemes: mezzanines, rooms with an average area without solid partitions of 400x300 mm.

Regulates the fire evacuation plan, GOST R 12.2.143-2009 and other standards. They describe the requirements for plan size, font clarity and type of symbols, location and rules for filling out the graphic (diagram) and text (sequence of actions) parts.

Rules for installing evacuation plans

According to PPB standards, evacuation schemes must be developed and installed in premises (except residential) where workplaces of 10 people or more are located. In places of temporary residence, public buildings with open access and large human traffic.

GOST R 12.2.143-2009 defines groups of buildings for which the organizations operating them must make an evacuation plan in case of fire:

  • Financial institutions and service enterprises with an area of ​​more than 800m2;
  • Consumer service organizations, hairdressers, repair shops and other similar enterprises that are located on the first floors of residential buildings and have an area of ​​more than 300 m2;
  • Preschool, secondary and higher educational establishments regardless of the area of ​​the premises, the number of floors of the building and the number of students and staff;
  • Bars, restaurants and cafes with a total capacity of all halls of more than 50 people;
  • Bath and health complexes, spa centers, beauty salons with a capacity of more than 20 people;
  • Clubs and other entertainment venues with a total area of ​​more than 400 m2;
  • Sanatoriums, dispensaries, hospitals and others medical institutions with a capacity of more than 50 beds;
  • Museums, galleries, exhibition with a potential capacity of over 500 people.


Any evacuation plan in case of fire, at a school, at an enterprise or in a public building consists of a graphic and explanatory (text) part:

  • The graphic diagram consists of:
    • places of regular and reserve exits;
    • routes to them. Green solid line the path to the normal exit is indicated, with a green dotted line to the emergency exit;
    • location of fire extinguishing equipment;
    • marking the location of the plan on the diagram (for orientation) and similar plans (to verify the correctness of movement);
    • smoke-free areas and external stairwells;
    • rescue equipment, fire extinguishing devices and fire protection;

All symbols on the diagram can be supplemented only with digital codes, the decoding of which is given in the text part. Describing the meaning of symbols directly on the diagram is unacceptable, as this will greatly complicate its reading.

  • Text part:
    • Description of the sequence of actions for evacuating personnel and visitors;
    • Responsibilities for calling rescuers, doctors and the fire brigade are noted;
    • If necessary, the emergency stop sequence is described production process and de-energizing equipment;
    • The procedure for manually activating systems.

The information in the text part may not be very detailed. Basic explanations should be given during briefings and training, which are mandatory for all personnel.


The signs used for diagrams are regulated by GOST R 12.4.026-2001 " Signal colors and markings."

According to this standard, signs for evacuation plans can be divided into two types:

  • Green, indicating directions for personnel evacuation;
  • Red ones, indicating the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Exit signs:

They are mainly installed on the walls of the room together with arrows indicating the direction of evacuation.

Installed directly above exits, the vast majority of such signs are equipped with active backlighting to improve orientation in conditions of heavy smoke.

Indicate the direction of evacuation along corridors, halls and rooms.

Indicate the direction of evacuation along flights of stairs.

Indicate which way the doors open.

How sometimes I am amazed by objects where evacuation plans are printed on a sheet of A4 paper in black and white. Dear entrepreneurs, do not invent extra work for yourself, especially do not give money for preparing evacuation plans that may not be required. Let's look at when it is necessary to develop and post an evacuation plan, and when it is not necessary.

Guiding documents: . . And just a few requirements from Federal Law 123 "TR on TPB"

Let's start looking at documents in order of their importance.

The first will be Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ (as amended on July 10, 2012) " Technical regulations about the requirements fire safety"

Article 84. Fire safety requirements for systems for warning people about fire and managing the evacuation of people in buildings and structures

2. Information, transmitted by systems warning people about a fire and managing the evacuation of people must correspond to the information contained in the evacuation plans developed and placed on each floor of buildings and structures.

There is no point in posting evacuation plans on each floor and this article not about that. The main requirement of the article is that when voice notification, the written or dictated text must fully correspond to the actual evacuation plan. In some facilities, the layout and evacuation plan may vary from floor to floor. More about evacuation plans in Federal law not said.

clause 6. At a facility with a large number of people (except for residential buildings), as well as at a facility with workplaces on the floor for 10 or more people, the head of the organization ensures that there are evacuation plans for people in case of fire.

This is where it gets more interesting. For convenience, we will divide the point into two parts.

The first part is objects with mass occupancy.

At a facility with a large number of people, the head of the organization ensures that plans are in place for evacuation of people in case of fire. As always, it is written in very two ways.

Consider the case of a large shopping complex. You can decide that:

1. The head of the organization is the manager (owner, proprietor) who is responsible for the ENTIRE facility, ensures the availability of evacuation plans;

2. The head of the organization - any manager (owner of a department, boutique, 1x1m stand) at a facility with a large presence of people ensures that evacuation plans are in place.

If everything is clear in the first option, there is a large shopping complex and there are plans on the walls for evacuating people from this complex in case of fire. Everything is logical and natural.

The second option smacks of insanity, why, for example, should the owner of a boutique develop (order) an evacuation plan for this small premises. In such rooms, no matter how much you want, it is simply impossible to get lost. Moreover, on normal basic plans all these small premises are already indicated (and not small ones either, for example, like huge areas of grocery stores). It would be good if these plans were carried out at least in some accordance with the requirements; more often it is just an A4 piece of paper with non-GOST signs and designations. I can only assume that all these perversions are not the whim of the inspectors, but the demands of the landlords, the owners of the shopping complex. For example, remember in which office space, which is located in an office building, are there plans for evacuating people in case of fire? I don’t think it’s possible to remember such buildings.

The second part is an object with workplaces on the floor for 10 or more people.

If the object is not crowded, then count how many workplaces you have organized on the floor. If less than 10, you don't need an evacuation plan. The same situation is with small stores; if the store is one-story and employs 3-5 people, an evacuation plan for such a store is not needed. I am surprised when I see a high-quality, correct evacuation plan measuring 60x40 cm in a small built-in store. It is not often that there will be 10 people in it together with buyers, but it is worth considering that for an accurate calculation of the number of people at retail facilities, 1 person per 3 square meters is accepted. meter of retail space excluding retail equipment.

The latest document is GOST R 12.2.143-2009. National standard Russian Federation. System of occupational safety standards. Photoluminescent evacuation systems. Requirements and control methods. It sets out specific requirements for evacuation plans. I will lay out all the requirements, so it will be easier for you to understand them. I will highlight the main points in bold italics.

6.2 Requirements for evacuation plans

6.2.1 Evacuation plans may be storey , sectional , local and summary (general).

Floor Evacuation plans are developed for the floor as a whole. Sectional Evacuation plans should be developed:

- if the floor area is more than 1000 m;

- if there are several separate emergency exits on the floor, separated from other parts of the floor by a wall or partition;

- if there are sliding, up-and-down and revolving doors, turnstiles on the floor;

- with complex (tangled or long) evacuation routes.

The second copies of floor (sectional) evacuation plans related to one building, structure, vehicle or object are included in the consolidated (general) evacuation plan for the building, structure, vehicle or object as a whole.

Consolidated evacuation plans should be kept by the duty officer and issued upon request by the emergency response manager.

Local evacuation plans should be developed for individual premises (hotel rooms, dormitories, hospital wards, cabins of passenger ships, etc.).

6.2.2 When carrying out reconstruction or redevelopment work on a building, structure, vehicle, or facility, appropriate changes must be made to the evacuation plan.

6.2.3 Evacuation plans must consist of graphic and text parts. The grafical part must include a floor (sectional) layout of a building, structure, vehicle, facility indicating :

a) escape routes;

b) emergency exits and (or) places where life-saving equipment is located;

c) emergency exits, smoke-free staircases, external open stairs, etc.;

d) the location of the evacuation plan itself in the building, structure, vehicle, object;

e) places where life-saving equipment is located, indicated by safety signs and IMO symbols;

f) locations of fire protection equipment, indicated by fire safety signs and IMO symbols.

Colorographic images of safety signs, IMO symbols and industry-specific safety signs (symbols) on evacuation plans must comply with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026, IMO Resolutions A.654 (16), A.760 (18) and industry-specific regulatory documents.

Safety signs and symbols may be supplemented with digital, alphabetic or alphanumeric designations.

The height of safety signs and symbols on the evacuation plan should be from 8 to 15 mm; on one evacuation plan they should be made to the same scale.

If it is necessary to specify the characteristics ( technical characteristics) fire protection means indicated on evacuation plans, it is allowed to use conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 28130.

For safety signs, symbols and conventions graphic symbols Explanations of their semantic meaning must be given in the text part of the evacuation plan.

On evacuation floor plans, the graphic part must indicate the floor number.

The text part should state:

- methods of notification of an emergency situation (fire, accident, etc.);

- order and sequence of evacuation of people;

- responsibilities and actions of people, including the procedure for calling fire or emergency rescue units, emergency medical assistance, etc.;

- procedure for emergency stop of equipment, mechanisms, power outage, etc.

- the procedure for manual (backup) activation of fire and emergency automatic systems (installations).

The text part of evacuation plans must contain instructions on actions in emergency situations (in case of fire, accident, etc.), supplemented for clarity with safety signs and symbols.

6.2.4 Dimensions evacuation plans are selected depending on its purpose, room area, number of evacuation and emergency exits:

600x400 mm - for floor and sectional evacuation plans;

400x300 mm - for local evacuation plans.

6.2.5 Evacuation routes leading to the main emergency exits should be marked with a solid green line indicating the direction of travel.

6.2.6 Escape routes leading to emergency exits should be marked with a green dashed line indicating the direction of travel.

6.2.7 Evacuation plans should be based on photoluminescent materials.

6.2.8 The background of the evacuation plan should be yellowish-white or white for photoluminescent materials.

6.2.9 Inscriptions and graphic images on the evacuation plan (except for safety signs and symbols) must be black, regardless of the background.

The font of the inscriptions on the evacuation plan is in accordance with GOST R 12.4.026. Font height - at least 5 mm .

6.2.10 Evacuation plans should be posted on the walls of rooms and corridors, on columns and in strict accordance with the location indicated on the evacuation plan itself.

Brief conclusions:

1. If you are the owner of a facility with a large number of people, there must be an evacuation plan.

2. Boutique owners, office tenants, etc. There is no need to post homemade evacuation plans in your rented premises.

3. If the property you own does not have a large occupancy rate, count the number of WORKPLACES. 10 or more plans are needed, in otherwise NO.

In the century latest technologies All branches of human activity are developing rapidly, and construction is no exception to this rule. This article proposes for consideration the question of how to act in an emergency situation in industrial facility to protect your life and health.

An evacuation plan is a map diagram of a specific building, which marks all the safe routes, following which during an emergency situation (for example, a fire) will minimize the danger from threats to human health and life.

Evacuation plans, by definition, serve to guide people who urgently need to leave a building. Therefore, to perform this task it is necessary that the circuit be located in different places. The evacuation plan must be posted in numerous copies on all floors without exception - this is the most important detail of the safety issue at an industrial facility.

Orientation refers to the ability to detect one’s location relative to any object, so evacuation plans should be posted at the ends of corridors, near main staircases, large and visible machines (as, for example, in the topic under consideration). An important point is the exact display on the plan of the place where it is currently hanging.

What should be displayed

  • Emergency and emergency entrances and exits;
  • Location for access to staircases (both main and side);
  • The person's current location;
  • Fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishers, sand buckets, etc.);
  • Outlines of all rooms and premises on a given floor;
  • Electrical panels;
  • The sequence and order in which evacuees will move;
  • In the lower left corner is the name of the organization that drew up the plan;
  • In the lower right corner there is a marking according to GOST, which assumes that all necessary conditions are met.

The dimensions of the evacuation plan should be such that all of the above points are indicated on it as clearly as possible. As may be clear, when emergency situation there is very little time to take any action. If objects are indicated on the diagram with small signs, people simply will not be able to understand where to move next. The background of the plan should be bright so that it can be seen in case of heavy smoke.

In accordance with the law, the owner of the enterprise is obliged to provide a guarantee fire safety for a number of persons of 10 or more people.

Common mistakes

If you look closely, you will notice that the company that drew up the plan is indicated, but marking fields are not signed. This means that at the moment such a scheme is considered illegal. The diagram itself shows fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers and hoses with water), ascents to the second floor, exit, electrical switchboard equipment and, what is the most important point, lines of direction of movement during evacuation.

Despite the requirements for the design and placement of an evacuation plan discussed above, situations sometimes arise when those responsible for fire safety do not correctly fulfill their obligations. For example, The design of the diagram may not be completed correctly(here it is assumed, for example, the absence of some of the most important symbols). The placement of the plan may also be incorrect: as mentioned above, places for instructions should be clearly visible and easily accessible, but it happens that they are located in places the path to which may be closed in case of a fire or other emergency.

The diagram must be plausible and valid (for example, if two blocks between which there is a corridor, when creating a diagram, by chance turn out to be “mirror” in relation to each other and such a plan is accepted and placed at the enterprise, then in the event of a fire there will be confusion and uncertainty in actions of those fleeing).

Regulatory acts

We can move on to consider the legal side of the issue. The table below will discuss some of the features of evacuation plans, coordinated directly with the law:

Normative act

Statement of provisions

Fire safety rules established through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy

Extinguishing equipment must be located in a visible area, as well as a road plan for evacuation in case of disaster.

In workshops where there are vehicles, if the vehicle fleet contains more than 25 units, a plan should be laid out according to which it will be possible to evacuate vehicles sequentially. The duty schedules for drivers must be strictly defined, as well as the location of the ignition keys.

Fire safety rules established for light industry organizations of the RSFSR.

· In all warehouses, workshops, workshops, storerooms, etc. there must be the initials and surname of the person responsible for evacuation safety, as well as his position.

· At facilities where there are basements, it is necessary to post a diagram of the basement directly at each entrance to such premises, which indicates the escape routes from it, all passages, machines and equipment. In accordance with this provision, storage of chemicals and flammable liquids in basements is prohibited, and entrances to basements must be separate.