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Konstantin Tsybko last. The court legally changed the punishment for Konstantin Tsybko. After Kostya blocked the head of the workshop, Sergei Shaklein, he slandered him through provocation. Forced me to go to the wrong cafeteria. He says, “Go to the wrong cafeteria.”

Court of the city of Ozyorsk Chelyabinsk region on Thursday sentenced ex-senator Konstantin Tsybko to 9 years in prison strict regime and a fine of 70 million rubles for bribery on an especially large scale.
"In total, the court sentenced the defendant to 9 years of imprisonment in a maximum security colony and a fine of 70 million rubles with deprivation of the right to hold positions in the civil service for a period of 2 years. The term of serving the sentence is calculated from August 3. Change the preventive measure to arrest and take into custody in the courtroom", said Judge Galina Lisina, announcing the verdict.
According to investigators, as a representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region in the Federation Council, the accused used the authority and significance of his public position to appoint his acquaintance (Magnitogorsk resident Evgeniy Tarasov) to the post of head of the administration of the Ozersky urban district of the Chelyabinsk Region. For the service provided, he received at least 17.5 million rubles, investigators believe.
In addition, according to the investigation, in February-April 2011, Tsybko personally and through intermediaries received a bribe of 10 million rubles from one of the entrepreneurs (head of the Magnitostroy trust Oleg Laknitsky) for patronage. The investigation adds that in his interests, the senator repeatedly appealed to officials of the government of the Chelyabinsk region and the administration of the Ozyorsk urban district with proposals to implement projects for the construction of housing and infrastructure, providing transport and information services through companies controlled by the businessman. During the proceedings, the property of Tsybko and his parents was seized.
Previously, the prosecutor's office asked the court to sentence the ex-senator to 14 years in a maximum security colony with a fine of 500 million rubles. In addition, the prosecution asked to confiscate real estate Tsybko, his father and mother, including a one-third share in Tsybko’s apartment in Moscow, one-third share in his father’s apartment in Moscow, a garage in Moscow also owned by his father, and a one-third share in his mother’s Moscow apartment

What's interesting about a 43-year-old? Konstantin Valerievich Tsybko, in addition to his brilliant legal career (being the son of a large supplier at the Mayak nuclear plant), he graduated with honors from the Ural State Law Academy, and then graduate school from the Urals State Law Academy; on his twenty-eighth birthday, he defended his dissertation at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the topic “Pledge transactions of commercial banks " and became a candidate legal sciences, quite soon became a member of the board of the Russian Lawyers Association, whose board of trustees is headed by D. A. Medvedev), a vigorous environmental career (the young lawyer chaired the board of the public council of Rosprirodnadzor and the coordinating council of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation) and a promising political career(adviser to the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region from the Ozersky electoral district, by the age of 35 - senator, representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region in the Federation Council, deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on agrarian and food policy and environmental management, at the same time - coordinator of the United Russia party for projects in the field of ecology and official expert of the Presidential Administration on environmental issues) that ended so quickly and ingloriously?

In the spring of 2010, journalists from a number of media outlets informed the audience about Kostya Tsybko’s affair with the cheerful widow Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, who is 23 years older than our hero.

In an interview, Tsybko lavished compliments on Aunt Lyuda (“ I have great respect for Lyudmila Borisovna. This is very clever woman, very worthy person"). He spoke extremely correctly, streamlinedly, without intimate details: " I have known Lyudmila Borisovna for a long time. When I studied in Yekaterinburg in the 90s, we were friends with the guys from St. Petersburg University, from the Faculty of Law. These were precisely the students of Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak, and through them we met Narusova. Then there was one serious administrative-political situation, which I will not describe, and it supported me"...The romance, if you believe evil tongues, lasted a couple of years.

The next interesting point is related to the current criminal history. When the Investigative Committee puzzled Tsybko with a criminal case under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he initially rushed to Israel. So what? A halakhic Jew interested in Kabbalah. He could have bask by the sea in a Middle Eastern country or, for example, fight the bloody regime from London (which was also offered to him), but he took it and returned to the Russian Federation. Someone sees this as a worthy act, evidence of Tsybko’s innocence, Kostya’s crystal honesty and enviable fearlessness. Skeptics prove that Kostya firmly believed until the very end: his former patrons and curators would get the better of him...

Before boarding, the ex-favorite of Sobchak’s widow found happiness in the person of a local waitress. Will it wait?

Former member of the Federation Council from the Chelyabinsk region, friend and drinking companion of Governor Mikhail Yurevich Konstantin Tsybko, who, before his conviction for corruption, was accustomed to an exceptionally beautiful and easy life (Moscow clubs and restaurants, vacations on tropical islands, business class flights, courting rich, influential elderly senators etc.) - never managed to get a decent job in the Kirov colony, which proves that money in Russia does not solve everything, or rather, not always.

Unlike, for example, the former Minister of Sports Yurevich - Yuri Serebrennikov, who calmly served his sentence for taking bribes while working as a club manager, and was released on parole for exemplary behavior, having gratitude and certificates from the administration, Kostya Ozersky is dragging out a hard lot.

Which is no wonder given his nasty, quarrelsome and womanish character.

Even during preliminary investigation and at the trial Tsybko threw hysterics, threatened to imprison investigators, FSB generals and the prosecutor (he compared, for example, the state prosecutor with Hitler) - for persecution most honest person(that is, him), and while in the pre-trial detention center, he squealed that they were using torture, torture, gassing, and housing cellmates with bad habits, threatened to bring criminal liability the administration, threatening FSIN employees with “high” acquaintances, staged “hunger strikes” for two hours, etc.

Even then it was clear that Kostya would feel bad in the colony, that money and all his connections - real and imaginary - would not help him.

And so - the sister of the convicted person, Polina Tsybko, complains to the website “”, telling how her brother is offended in places of serving his sentence.

Kostya works in the colony as a hardware maker, that is, he makes either buttons and fasteners for clothes, or handles and latches for windows or furniture. Not the head of the club, like Uncle Yura, alas.

Since the convict’s health leaves much to be desired, and the prison doctors are in no hurry to improve him, the former senator suffers from a brain tumor and his vision disappears. And you have to make accessories in a dark basement.

“Konstantin has a tumor and his vision has deteriorated sharply. But doctors are delaying the MRI, which should show whether the tumor is benign or malignant. And Konstantin is already being sent to work as a hardware maker in the semi-darkness of the basement. Due to poor eyesight and constant headaches, he may accidentally damage the product. And there is no urgent need to force him to work in the dark - in a detachment of 100 young and healthy person Only a part works. The rest are minding their own business. Konstantin is ready to work, but in accordance with his state of health", - Polina Tsybko told

The sister does not say whether the prison executioners provide Kostya with a manicure and pedicure, as well as a relaxing massage. Although Kostya’s friend, Kolya Sandakov, who is now awaiting sentencing, stated earlier that the investigators, urging him to testify against Kostya and Misha, said that without a warm bath and Sharko’s shower, Kostya would not last long.

Kostya is ready to work and make buttons and latches, despite the fact that many in the colony do not work, and to bring good to the Motherland, atone for his guilt with honest labor, but not in a dark basement.

They also slandered Kostya, wanted to hit him and locked him in a punishment cell:

“According to the sister of the ex-senator, Konstantin Tsybko is under pressure in the colony. “Konstantin asked for a medical examination. Instead, the head of the workshop, Sergei Shaklein, promised to slander him and tried to hit him, but Konstantin defended himself with his hand. Then they staged a provocation. They told him to go to the wrong canteen, and when he got there, he was locked up in a punishment cell due to non-compliance with the rules.

I think the colony staff are treating him this way because he is a former government official.”, - added Polina Tsybko,” they write “hurrays”.

The head of the latch manufacturing workshop, Sergei Shaklein, wanted to hit Kostya, but like his namesake, boxer Kostya Tszyu, he defended himself with his hand, that is, he put up a block.

The fact is that the head of the workshop, Sergei Shaklein, harbored a grudge against Kostya for being a former government official. Of course, who loves them, these former senators. Apparently this is class hatred. The representative of the proletariat did not like the fact that Kostya wore expensive suits, flew to Nice with Yurevich, gave Christina Aston Martin sports cars, wore a million-dollar watch and looked after Ksyusha Sobchak’s mother.

After Kostya blocked the head of the workshop, Sergei Shaklein, he slandered him through provocation. Forced me to go to the wrong cafeteria. He says: “Go to the wrong canteen,” so Kostya went to the wrong canteen, and he was locked up in a punishment cell for violating the rules.

This is such a difficult life for Kostya - life is checkered, and his comrades are striped.

But fortunately, there is human rights activist Andrei Babushkin, who, as we have repeatedly noted, is very similar to the late comedian Roman Trakhtenberg.

Human rights activist Andrei Babushkin is always happy to help Yurevich’s convicted friends.

Therefore, as reports, “Member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights Andrei Babushkin sent complaints to the Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation Valery Maksimenko and the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Kirov region Vladimir Nikiteev with a request to find medical documents ex-senator, cancel the penalty and conduct an internal investigation into Shaklein’s beating of the ex-senator.”.

And another disturbing news: “The ex-senator already fell out of the escort vehicle due to an attack of dizziness and injured his leg.”.

Even my leg twisted and my head began to spin. Therefore, of course, we must ring all the bells for human rights activist Kirill Babushkin and other human rights activists.

Still, Konstantin Tsybko did nothing to deserve such brutal treatment of himself. After all, he was a senator from United Russia, a friend of the governor and his mistress, a gigolo of elderly senators, and also a “rare environmentalist” and an “enviable groom,” as the press wrote.

And now he rivets bolts in pitch darkness, languishes in a punishment cell, falls from a convoy car, twists his ankle, and the head of the workshop, Sergei Shaklein, keeps trying to hit him, sending him to the wrong canteen.

Today, journalists from federal channels flocked to the Ozersky City Court like kites - in anticipation of a loud guilty verdict against ex-senator Konstantin Tsybko, which must be filed with pathos across all of Russia. And the court did not disappoint their expectations. The court stubbornly ignored the “sclerotic forgetfulness” of the prosecution witnesses, the contradictions in the investigation materials, and the facts provided by the defense, including certificates and geolocation data. It could not have been otherwise: an acquittal would have meant a blow to the security system.

The verdict of former member of the Federation Council from the Chelyabinsk region Konstantin Tsybko has been announced. He was found guilty under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that is, receiving a bribe official on a particularly large scale. The court found that Tsybko’s guilt in receiving 21 million rubles was proven (out of the incriminated 27.5 million).

The prosecution demanded 14 years in a maximum security colony and a 500 million ruble fine for the ex-senator; the judge gave 9 years and 70 million. In addition, the ex-senator is prohibited from borrowing government positions during three years after serving his sentence. Konstantin Tsybko was taken into custody in the courtroom.

The ex-senator was found guilty of accepting a bribe despite the fact that the prosecution failed to provide any convincing evidence of his guilt. "Russian Press" has already written in detail about. It is noteworthy that when announcing the verdict, the judge noted that Witnesses changed their testimony several times. But this did not stop him from passing a harsh sentence.

Werewolves in uniform won

The result is indicative for the entire country: justice in Russia is not much different from that in Africa. Konstantin Tsybko, speaking at the trial with the last word, announced the neglect of the main articles of the Constitution during the investigation by the FSB, Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office.

Of course, it would be naive to think that the decision on the sentence was made by the judge of the Ozersky City Court. Such decisions receive approval for much more high level. IN in this case an acquittal would entail a huge scandal against the investigators, the prosecutor's office and FSB officers - after all, if the case was fabricated, the “manufacturers” would have to answer for it. It would knock out the system. The system could not afford to miss such a blow.

It became clear before the hearing that the verdict would be guilty, judging by the number of journalists from federal television channels and publications. If Konstantin Tsybko had been found innocent, then such a scandal, dealing a blow to the reputation of the security system, would federal level I would try to keep quiet. But on the contrary, it is advantageous to present a guilty verdict as loudly as possible, throwing mud at the victim. Now, in the coming days, we will be watching a flurry of articles discrediting Konstantin Tsybko. This is another part of the show called African justice in Russia.”