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Find out the case by the decision number. How to find out what the fine is by the order number. Find out the debt on administrative fines by last name

Even the most experienced and careful drivers periodically violate traffic rules (traffic rules), for which they are fined.

When finding yourself in such situations, it is important to pay off the existing debt on time, avoiding situations in which a small, long-forgotten collection turns into a serious debt.

To timely monitor the status of debts to the State Traffic Inspectorate, you need to know how to view all traffic police fines, paid and unpaid.

Just a few years ago, the owner of a vehicle, in order to get acquainted with the history of his fines, had to spend a lot of nerves, time and effort.

They were forced to go with the received receipt to one of the branches of the State Traffic Inspectorate, wait in long lines and fill out applications.

State Services website

Today, to the delight of most car owners, the situation has become significantly simpler. This is due to the emergence in our lives of such wonderful automated services as government services, Internet wallets, etc.

The most popular resources for obtaining information on existing fines are:

  • official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation;
  • State Services website;
  • SMS verification.

There are many websites where you can also check collection data. But most of them are not strongly recommended to be used.

The fact is that their databases may contain outdated or incorrect information.

Be sure to keep paid receipts. If for some reason the information about payment of the fine does not get into the database, they will help prove that the fine was paid.

How to view the history of traffic fines?


If a car owner does not want to use the Internet to get acquainted with the history of fines, it is completely unnecessary to waste energy and nerves on visiting one of the traffic police departments.

It is much easier to call the branch at your place of residence by phone.

Traffic police officers, as a rule, can easily help you find out what fines have been paid and whether a particular fine has been paid.

Where can I see paid ones? More advanced motorists have long discovered the advantages of using a single portal of State Services.

To view paid traffic fines, you will need to go through a not too complicated registration procedure, the result of which will be to receive a special key that gives access to a number of services and features. Including access to the history of payments.

Checking paid traffic police fines by car number on the official website of the traffic police is based on a number of simple manipulations. You will need to go to the appropriate section and enter a number of data regarding the vehicle in a specially designed form. When filling out the form, it is important to enter your city of residence in the upper right corner of the form.

There is also an unofficial website of the traffic police called “Traffic Police Fines”; you can also check paid fines here after filling out special form. The site, as the name suggests, has a fairly narrow focus.

In addition, the online resource provides the opportunity to subscribe to receive SMS notifications about the imposition of penalties and their confirmation of their repayment.

SMS verification is another simple way to find out everything about paid fines.

To use the service, you need to send a message to a short number, which can be easily found on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.


Tracking the history of unpaid fines is no less important than the history of paid ones. There is a certain acceptable . If you fail to repay your existing debt for a long time, the case will be transferred bailiffs, which will act quite harshly.

Most of the services described above not only provide access to the history of traffic police fines by car number, but also provide the opportunity to pay off the debt.

The easiest way to pay off existing debt is through the Internet; this can be done in different ways:
  • by using bank cards(Visa or MasterCard);
  • electronic money of any popular payment system;
  • from the balance of the cell day;
  • via Qiwi;
  • using Internet banking.

Decrees regarding recorded traffic violations often arrive by mail. Many motorists do not realize there is a fine until they receive a notification about the need to pay under a specific decree number. You will need to find out the fine by the order number when it is not clear for what action the person was punished. This information is especially relevant when the fine was issued using a photo-video recording device, as well as when changing the region of residence, when it is impossible to receive a notification by mail.

In any case, the notification problem can be solved quite simply. There are many ways to obtain details of the sentencing, having only the number of the decision.

Verification methods

The most popular verification method among motorists is via the Internet. This does not require much time, and registration on certain resources will allow you to set up automatic notifications. There are also many resources where fines are checked by car number, driver’s license, and order number.

On the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate there is no function for checking fines by order number, but you can find out about the presence of unpaid receipts listed by car number or driver’s license.

This information is publicly available in the fines check section. In addition to providing reliable and up-to-date information, the driver has the opportunity to make a payment in a matter of seconds, without having to additionally prepare a receipt and enter details into it.

traffic police

Service is always available to motorists hotline traffic police, as well as a helpline. By calling the driver, he receives the most reliable information about current situation with charges and payments.

The most reliable way to clarify fines is to visit the territorial traffic police department. In this case, one can hope for comprehensive information about each of the decisions received. In addition, to obtain data, the department inspector will not need a motorist’s passport; it is enough to know the number of the resolution on committed offense.

Unfortunately, visiting the department in person will not help you pay off your debt instantly. This can be done a little later, at the nearest bank branch or through online payment systems.

Online resources

There are a great variety of different resources on the Internet, but the most reliable, convenient, and popular are the following:

  • Public services;
  • Yandex.Money service;
  • Sberbank Online, etc.

One of the most convenient options for checking fines is the State Services portal, where the user has registered in personal account. Using your account, you can not only access notifications about the presence of unpaid fines and circumstances of the offense.

Via mail

To check the details of the offense for which a fine was imposed, and also to clarify whether there are unpaid fines, you don’t have to go to the traffic police department, but go to the post office. To obtain information, you will need to present your passport and decree.

Russian Post operators also have access to the unified traffic police database, so you can get information and immediately pay the fine at the nearest post office.

Mobile application

One of the popular services among smartphone owners is the online mobile application Yandex.Fines, or another application. When downloading a program, you should be especially careful about the source you use, trusting only trusted sites.

Programs on your phone will allow you to receive up-to-date information about fines, as well as the most complete information about the offense, including a photo that records the moment traffic violations.

Through the resolution

To find out information about the details of the offense, you can glean information from the resolution itself, which arrives by mail in paper form.

The modern format of resolutions contains information:

  1. About the time and date of the event.
  2. On the date of issue of the resolution.
  3. Photograph from a photographic recording device.
  4. Grounds for imposing a fine.
  5. Amount to be paid, etc.

Video about checking fines

Depending on individual needs, everyone independently determines which method is most convenient. To obtain information about a fine, you can use the telephone, the Internet, or find out the situation with fines by visiting a traffic police department or post office in person. Almost every resource that provides information about driver violations will offer to pay the ticket by non-cash method.

A little earlier, only traffic police officers, which is now called the traffic police, were tracking violators - they drew up a protocol at the scene of the violation and immediately issued a fine.

Times have changed: today, in 2019, inspectors have received powerful technological support in the form of cameras, namely photo and video recording. They are capable of recording both photos and videos, which help identify violations while driving.

Penalties applied to drivers by traffic police inspectors are designed to normalize the situation on the roads and encourage motorists to follow driving rules. A set of rules for safe driving was published to avoid troubles and accidents, but not all motorists are happy to follow the rules of the road.

Established inspection deadlines

Most photo and video cameras are designed to record violations speed limit or other actions - for example, going to oncoming lane or not wearing a seat belt, running a red light, etc.

The installation recognizes the license plate, and then after a few days fines are sent to the violator’s postal address, based on the data received in the traffic police database from video cameras. Such letters are popularly called “letters of happiness.”

Such shipments contain a receipt for a fine that must be paid. It also contains the following information:

  • Place of the event, its time and date;
  • A transcript of a specific violation has been made;
  • Amount of contribution to be paid.

The purpose of most installed speed cameras is to photograph and record violations of the speed limit. It is important that during such registration, the culprits, as a rule, receive a minimum fine, which will come in the coming days.

What to do if the deadline is over?

In order to check and, if necessary, appeal the order, the motorist has no more than 10 days at his disposal, and the permissible period for paying the amount in the received receipt is 2 months.

Some people forget that the fine must be paid; it also happens that the car owner forgets about the very existence of the order. This should not be done: if you do not meet the established payment deadlines, you may subsequently have to pay twice as much (at least 1000 rubles), or even get arrested for up to 15 days, or public works for up to 50 hours. An article regulating this is present in the Code of Administrative Offences.

How to check for fines from cameras?

Fines issued from video recording cameras can be checked in several different ways. Previously, the data could be checked with the help of the traffic police dispatch department by dialing its number or visiting in person. Today, checking penalties has been much simplified, and now it does not take so much time: in order to find out the presence of penalties from a video recording camera, you only need information about the license plate number and the VU or STS number.

On the traffic police website

In the first case, the check is carried out online on the traffic police Internet portal - there you can view data on violations from video cameras for the vehicles of interest.

The proposed form displays information about the car number and STS number, as well as a photo of the car at the time of the traffic violation with a visible license plate.

In addition, the system will provide the entire list of outstanding fines or issue a notification about their absence. Come in, type in the website address -, and look.

On a third-party traffic police website

There is another option for checking online - the portal Here you need to enter the license plate number of the car and the driver's license number - this way you can see the information of interest not only about the car, but also about the driver himself.

If online checking is not available for some reason, you can use the SMS messaging service to receive information by sending the text traffic police_number car_license number to 9112.

Automotive website autocode

In addition, residents of the capital can find out the auto code on the website - they can also appeal orders for unpaid parking.

State Services Portal

Information from video recording cameras can also be obtained through the portal Government services, however, this can only be done by first confirming your identity. However, there are also advantages - having done such a check once, you can subsequently use a fairly extensive list of services, saving a significant number of minutes of your life.

After entering the site, you need to log in and then select the section called the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Next, you need to click on the link Providing information, carefully fill out all the indicated fields and submit by clicking on the appropriate icon. After entering the vehicle number, the portal will display all the fines issued by the traffic police, including those that are linked to the vehicle owner’s license plate number. The debt can be paid here.

What to do if you don’t agree with the fine from the camera?

If, after checking, the motorist does not agree with the issued receipt and the video recording fine, it can be challenged.

Up to ten working days are allotted for this from the moment the letter about the video violation was received (the date of receipt is tracked by the postmark).

Also, the letter must always contain a photo from the scene of the violation or a still frame from the video. In this case, the state number must be clearly visible. There are situations when penalties are issued to the owner of the vehicle, but the violation was committed by another driver who had the right to drive the vehicle. For clarification, you can submit an appeal to the center for auto-video recording of offenses.

In this center, a search and subsequent viewing of the available recording from video cameras during the offense is carried out, and it is in color and in good quality, so you can ask for all the necessary data and a clear photograph, as well as the recorded speed limit.

If the received order is clearly unfounded, you can file an appeal immediately on the spot, or do this using the website. After the application is submitted by the driver, a secondary review occurs - if in this case the offender does not agree with the result, the case is subsequently referred to the judicial authorities.

During the trial, the same videos that were provided to the motorist are reviewed, and, as a rule, the fact of the violation is confirmed.

About payment

How long does it take to pay a receipt confirmed in judicial procedure? 70 days are given for subsequent payments.

It should be remembered that penalties for exceeding speed limits are almost impossible to challenge, since data from dash cams is not taken into account, since they are not a recognized certified measuring device.

Penalty for non-compliance with the Rules Road Traffic- this is a measure of punishment for a person who has violated the established rules by collecting a certain amount of money from him. Both on city roads and on highways, traffic rules are often violated, which often leads to irreversible consequences.

To identify violators, traffic police officers always patrol roads and equip highways with video cameras that monitor the situation on the road. Such cameras record facts of non-compliance with the speed limit and record the license plate number of the violator’s car. Then the owner of the fixed car receives a letter by mail with a decision to collect a fine and a receipt for its payment.

Methods for avoiding fines for non-compliance with traffic rules

The best way to avoid a fine, of course, is to fully comply with the Traffic Rules. The main violations are related in violation of the speed limit. Therefore, managing vehicle the driver must be attentive to road signs and avoid speeding. This will both avoid a fine and ensure road safety.

However, most drivers often do not comply with traffic rules and try by any means available to them, legal and illegal, avoid paying a fine.

Tricks of car enthusiasts

How to find out what the traffic police fine is for by the resolution number

Often, car owners who receive a letter about a fine do not understand why it was imposed. This can happen if a violation of the rules was recorded by a video camera or the owner loaned out his car. Before paying the receipt, you need to check the reason for the collection, which is quite easy to find out, you just have to carefully read the decision received in the letter.

The resolution must indicate:

  1. Full name of the person involved in the violation.
  2. Where were the rules broken?
  3. When and at what time the violation occurred.
  4. A photo with a readable car number.
  5. A detailed description of the violation committed.
  6. Link to legal act, for which penalties were imposed.

How to find and pay a fine knowing the resolution number

Searching for a fine by order number in the traffic police database online is not difficult if the resolution number is known, received in the violation letter and containing all the information. This number contains the series and number indicated at the top of the sheet. The amount that will have to be paid is reflected below.

You can also check information about all violations of a particular person on the traffic police website. Here, for the search, you will need to enter personal data and all financial penalties from the car owner will be issued by the database.

Payment of traffic fine

When a fine with a notice arrives to the car owner by mail, there should be no problems with paying it. Using the receipt enclosed in the envelope, all you have to do is pay the required amount at any bank branch or online.

If the offender is stopped on the spot by a traffic police officer, a protocol must be drawn up, which contains:

  • The circumstances of the offense and its detailed description.
  • Details of the traffic police officer who issued the protocol.
  • Driver details.
  • Signatures of the traffic police officer and the driver.

After the protocol is drawn up, the driver receives from the traffic police officer payment document which indicates the amount of the accrued fine, as well as a link to legal act, for which a penalty was imposed. The driver also receives a protocol and all documents are returned to him.

The protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer enters into legal force 10 days after its signing. Before the expiration of this period, the motorist can appeal it.

The fine must be paid within 60 days after the protocol comes into force.

Types of liability for late payment of fines:

  • Recovery of double the amount of the unpaid fine.
  • Arrest of the defaulter for a period of 15 days.
  • Up to 50 hours of forced labor.

On the service you will find

  • official fines according to the traffic police (website
  • MADI and Moscow parking (website
  • Kazan parking lot

Information is provided from the state payment system GIS GMP. If you find a fine on our service, it means it has not been paid according to the GIS GMP data.

To check traffic police fines from cameras, you need to enter the vehicle registration certificate (VRC) number in the form at the top of the page. The search results will include:

  • unpaid traffic police fines in all regions of Russia
  • for violating the rules of stopping and parking in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Moscow
  • for violating paid parking rules in Kazan

Traffic police fines for driver's license, usually, are issued by a traffic police inspector in the personal presence of the driver and remain in the driver’s hands. Such resolutions can be paid according to the resolution number (UIN).

According to the law, information about new fines is sent to the state payment system GIS GMP immediately (Part 4 of Article 21.3 Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ). In practice, fines are entered into the database within 1-3 days from the date of the decision.

  1. If you are sure there is a penalty
  2. More than two weeks have passed since the date of the decision
  3. No one paid the fine
  4. However, it is not displayed online.

This means that the resolution was not included in the GIS GMP (state payment system) database. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police or MADI, or the State Public Institution “AMPP” (depending on who imposed the fine).

The service allows you to pay fines online using any popular method.

You can pay fines with a bank card when searching for fines by car registration certificate number. On the search results page, you need to indicate the payer’s name and phone number to fill out the receipt, and click the “Pay” button.

It is possible to pay fines through Sberbank Online, as well as through Yandex.Money, QIWI and other means of electronic payments by searching for a fine by resolution number (UIN). To do this:

  • search for a fine by UIN
  • indicate the payer's contact information
  • click "Pay"
  • select payment method: Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, QIWI or another
  • follow the instructions to complete the payment.

Please provide your email address when paying. The receipt will be sent by email automatically.

Repayment of a fine (display of payment) in the state payment system GIS GMP usually occurs within 1-3 business days. After another 1-2 days, the fine should be paid off in the traffic police database. If 5 days have passed and the fine remains unpaid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

The traffic police checks the status of payment of fines in the state payment system GIS GMP. After this, it updates its database and the official website This happens within 1-5 business days after payment of the fine. If this period has expired and the fine has not been paid, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

Attention! Our service does not automatically debit money from bank cards. We do not store bank card data and do not make automatic payments for fines.

Fines can be paid in any way:

  • via street terminal
  • Sberbank Online
  • through the cash desk of any bank

When you pay through the traffic police service online, you are guaranteed to pay off your debt. We track paid fines in the state payment system GIS GMP and seek repayment of each decision.