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Organization of office work in a preschool institution. Methodical development “Office work in the dhow. Complex of reference and information documents

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A kindergarten clerk is an employee, head of clerical affairs, office work in an institution. A person who has a secondary specialized or higher economic education and work experience of 1 year or more in similar positions in office work is appointed to the clerk's rate.

Duties of the clerk

The clerk in the kindergarten performs his duties strictly according to the job description. Depending on the charter of the institution, they can be supplemented or reduced.

  1. The main and priority function is document management (orderly movement of internal incoming and outgoing documents in the process of working with them by officials), control of execution, creation of an information retrieval system for documents of an organization (registration, indexing of documents, a system of operational storage, search and accounting), creation of a nomenclature of cases.
  2. The clerk works in close contact with the head of the preschool educational institution and his deputies, pedagogical workers, heads of structural divisions and higher authorities, for example, the city's education department.
  3. Organizes the preparation of the necessary acts for the management, is responsible for the quality of their preparation, the correctness of drawing up and execution. Coordinates and prepares documents that are born in the course of the kindergarten's activities;
  4. Prepares and sends official reporting documentation, certificates and statements for higher institutions and administrations.
  5. Draws up and prints orders for the main activity and other orders of the kindergarten. Introduces employees to their content on the day of publication, takes a signature.
  6. Accepts correspondence arriving at the educational institution, including by e-mail, transfers it in accordance with the instructions of the head of the preschool educational institution to structural divisions or performers for use in the process of work or preparing answers.
  7. Issues, upon request, information on registered documents and registers them in the document management system.
  8. Carries out work on registration, storage and employment contracts, work books and personal cards of all kindergarten employees.
  9. Maintains the necessary military registration documents and submits timely reports in this area to the military registration and enlistment office.
  10. Participates as the secretary of the head of the childcare facility at meetings, where he keeps a record of what is happening and notifies all its participants. Monitors their timely arrival.

  11. Performs archival office work: storage, accounting, systematization, registration and control of the issuance of all kindergarten documentation for signature. Bears responsibility for its complete safety.
  12. It is engaged in keeping track of the time of other employees, which includes the duties of the clerk to monitor compliance with the work schedule of other employees. Delivery by the due date of the timesheet for calculating wages in the accounting department of the kindergarten (the salary includes salary and bonuses). And timely notification of changes in the personnel schedule, the schedule of the kindergarten.
  13. Within the limits of his competence, he participates in the development of a program for the development of office work and electronic document management. Submits his suggestions for improvement.
  14. With the help of programmers, he performs work on processing and organizing information, carries out the necessary technical calculations, develops simple projects and simple schemes, ensures their compliance with technical specifications, applicable standards and regulations.
  15. Draws up the personal files of the pupils of the preschool educational institution, fills in the alphabet book of the pupils of the educational institution, processes and registers the delivery of personal files to the archive.

  16. In dozens of kindergartens, the clerk performs another function - receiving parents (legal representatives) every Tuesday during working hours from 16:00 to 18:00.
  17. Draws up contracts, additional agreements with parents (legal representatives) and promptly familiarizes the parents (legal representatives) of the kindergarten pupils with them.
  18. The duty of a preschool educational institution clerk includes one important point - the strict confidentiality of the personal data of garden workers and pupils. Does not allow the dissemination of information without official consent.
  19. Undergoes planned vocational training or retraining, improves qualifications, if required by job duties.
  20. Participates in organizational and social events of the team.
  21. He strictly observes the job description and undergoes regular medical examinations.
  22. Ensures the implementation of the "Instructions for the protection of the life and health of children." Complies with norms and rules on labor protection, sanitary and hygienic requirements, safety precautions, fire protection, electrical safety and anti-terrorism.


The work of any preschool institution is associated with a large flow of various kinds of documents. The clerk should classify it and turn it into an uninterrupted document flow mechanism.

Methodical development "Office work in a preschool educational institution"

Paperwork is the process of creating a document and subsequent work with it. This is an activity covering documenting and organizing work with documents.

A document is a means of securing in various ways on a special material information about facts, events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity. The actions of the administration are recorded in documents. Documents are a means of implementing regulatory actions of governing bodies and individual officials, i.e. administrative activity, its documentation in many cases is prescribed by law and is mandatory.

Preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" received broad rights in the independent implementation of the educational process, the selection and placement of personnel, financial, economic and other activities within the limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on an educational institution. The decisions made by the head are recorded in a certain order in specific forms of documents. The results of the work recorded in a certain order reflect the actual state of affairs in the preschool institution.

All information accumulated in the preschool educational institution is divided into external and internal.

External information includes directive and regulatory documents that come to the preschool educational institution from the outside.

Internal information includes organizational and administrative, as well as personnel documents, which the preschool educational institution, headed by its head, develops, publishes and maintains independently.

It can be noted with sufficient confidence that the pace of work and the culture of managerial activity largely depend on how the office is organized in the institution.


A personal file is kept for each employee of the educational institution.

A personal file is a collection of documents containing the most complete information about an employee and his labor activity. A personal file is drawn up after the issuance of an order for employment. The procedure for working with personal files is not regulated by national standards, in connection with which enterprises solve the issues of forming and conducting business in different ways.

The order of the arrangement of documents when setting up a personal file:

internal inventory of case documents;

application for a job;

an extract from the order for employment;

personnel record sheet;

copies of educational documents;

extracts from orders on relocation, combination of professions, on assignment of a qualification category, dismissal;

attestation sheet (copy).

An internal inventory of documents available in a personal file must contain information about the serial numbers of the documents in the case, the dates of their creation, and headings. When numbering the sheets of the case, the sheets of the internal inventory are numbered separately.

The internal inventory is drawn up on a separate sheet, signed by its compiler indicating the position, decoding of the signature and the date of compilation of the inventory.

The basis of the personal file is a personal sheet on personnel records, which is a list of questions about the biographical data of employees, education, work performed by them from the beginning of their labor activity, marital status, etc. The personal sheet is filled in by hand by the employee himself upon admission to work. Abbreviations, dashes, corrections and blots are not allowed. When filling out a personal sheet, the following documents are used: passport, work book, diploma, certificates, certificates, etc. Special attention should be paid to some columns of the personal sheet, when filling out which mistakes are often made. So, in the column "Education", the following formulations are used: "higher", "incomplete higher", "secondary specialized", "secondary", "incomplete secondary", "primary" - depending on what kind of educational document the employee has ...

In the column "Work performed from the beginning of labor activity" information about the work is reflected in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this column, information is also entered on interruptions in work due to study, illness, etc. In addition, if an employee in one institution at different times held different positions, then the time spent in each of them should be indicated.

The manager, accepting from the applicant a personal record sheet for personnel records, must check the completeness of its completion and the correctness of the specified information in accordance with the submitted documents.

Along with filling out a personal sheet on personnel records, the applicant writes an autobiography - a document containing a short description in chronological sequence of the main stages of the life and activities of this person. The autobiography is compiled by the employee with his own hand, in any form, without corrections and blots. The autobiography must contain the following information: surname, name, patronymic; day, month, year and place of birth; education received (where, when, in which educational institutions); from what time began independent labor activity; information about marital status and close relatives, passport data; home address and telephone number; date of compilation of autobiography, signature of the employee.

An extract from the order for the hiring of a specific employee, sewn into a personal file, must be certified by the head of the preschool educational institution.

The serial number assigned to the personal file is affixed on the personal sheet. Under this number, a personal file is registered in the personal affairs book. After the employee is dismissed, his personal file is removed from the folder and the personal file of the new employee is placed in the vacant cover, under the same number.

In order to ensure the safety of personal files, they are registered in the accounting book, where the following columns are provided: the serial number of the case, surname, name, patronymic of the employee. Date of registration of the case, date of deregistration.

Personal files are not handed over to the employees on whom they are established.

The attestation sheet (copy) must be kept in the personal file of the pedagogical staff who have passed the attestation.

Attestation of teaching staff is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the procedure for attestation of pedagogical and leading employees of state and municipal educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 06/26/2000. No. 1908.

According to the Regulation (clause 3.1), an educational institution has the right to carry out certification of employees only for the second qualification category. For this, an attestation commission is created, as a rule, from among the most authoritative employees of the preschool educational institution. The chairman of the commission is the head of the preschool educational institution. Mandatory documents for certification of employees are: order for a preschool educational institution on certification and appointment of the certification commission; minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission; attestation sheet of the established sample.

After successfully passing the certification, the head of the preschool educational institution is obliged to issue an order (no later than one month after the meeting of the certification commission) on the assignment of a qualification category to the employee and make a corresponding entry in the work book. Payment for a new qualification category is made from the day the category is assigned - the date of the decision by the certification commission.

Certification of teaching staff is carried out on their personal application and within the time frame established by the Regulations.

The head of the preschool educational institution is responsible to the founder and financial authorities for the correct documentation of the certification and the timely execution of the relevant documents.

Along with personal files, all employees have special personal cards, which are used to record personnel and analyze the personnel composition. Personal cards have a standard form T-2, approved by the statistics authorities.

The personal card is filled in by hand, all entries are formulated in full, without abbreviations. The basis for the entries are: passport, work book, educational documents. Personal cards are kept separate from personal files.

The work book, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 66), is the main document on the work activity and work experience of the employee.

Labor books are kept for all employees who have worked for more than five days, if work in this organization is the main one.

Hiring without a work book is not allowed. In working with work books, the head of a preschool educational institution should be guided by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, making forms of work books and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 No. 225, as well as the Instructions for filling out work books (Appendix No. Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2003 No. 69).

The same Instruction provides for the maintenance of a book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them. In the specified book, all work books of employees are registered when they apply for work with a record of the series and numbers of the books.



General requirements for the texts of service documents:

brevity and accuracy of the presentation of information, the exclusion of ambiguous interpretation;

objectivity and reliability of information;

drawing up, if possible, simple, that is, containing one question, documents to facilitate and speed up the work with them;

structuring the text of the document, dividing it into semantic parts such as introduction, proof, conclusion;

wide use of stencil and standard texts when describing repetitive management situations. The documents of different organizations describe frequently repeated management situations of the same type, therefore, document experts suggest using unified document texts with a single form of linguistic expression that most accurately conveys the content of specific actions or situations.

Fulfillment of one of the most important requirements for the text of documents - an accurate presentation of its essence - largely depends on the correct use of words and phrases, taking into account their meaning and form. When drafting the texts of documents, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Russian language.

It is customary to divide texts of large volume into sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, using numbering in Arabic numerals with dots after them.

Organizational and administrative documents make up a significant part of all documentation with which the head of the preschool educational institution has to constantly work.

The most important concepts of various documentation:

Reference documentation contains information about the actual state of affairs in institutions and serves as the basis for the adoption of administrative documents. Reference documents include: certificates, reports and explanatory notes, acts, letters, telegrams and telephone messages. The information contained in them may prompt action or only taken into account.

Organizational documentation - documents regulating the structure, tasks and functions of the institution, the organization of its work, rights and obligations, the responsibility of the manager and employees.

Regulatory documentation - documents issued by the head, containing information for mandatory execution.

Organizational and administrative documentation is used when registering the administrative and executive activities of an institution.

The organizational and legal support for the activities of the preschool educational institution includes a set of interrelated documents.

The organizational documents of a general education institution include:

Charter of a general education institution;

agreement with the founder;

regulations on subdivisions;

job descriptions of employees;

structure and staffing;

staffing table;

internal labor regulations.

Consider the types of documents and common problems associated with them.

Preschool educational institution charter

The charter is the main organizational document of the preschool educational institution.

Charter - a set of rules governing the activities of organizations, institutions, their relationship with other organizations and citizens, their rights and obligations in a particular area of ​​government or economic activity. The charter is an organizational and legal document, which establishes the structure, functions, rights and obligations of a preschool educational institution arising from the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, powers additionally transferred to the preschool educational institution by the founder, as well as other necessary issues that do not contradict current legislation and necessary for the implementation of the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The charter is developed by the preschool educational institution independently and approved by its founder (Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). For each preschool educational institution the Charter is an individual document valid for a long period of time. There are special requirements for the writing of the Charter, set forth in Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Preparation of the Charter is a very responsible and time-consuming work, since it is important to concentrate in it all the legal aspects that reflect the organizational, financial, economic activities and tasks of the preschool educational institution, the rights and obligations of the participants in the educational process. Therefore, the drafting of the Charter is recommended to be carried out with the participation of a lawyer.

general provisions;

goals and subject of activity;

organization of the educational process;

participants in the educational process;

institution management;

financial and economic activities;

regulation of activities;

reorganization and liquidation.

The final stage in the work on the Charter is its registration. After registration of the Charter of an educational institution in the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service, a certificate of state registration of a general educational institution is issued. Thus, the charters of all preschool educational institutions must be included in the Unified Register of Legal Entities.

All further changes concerning the life of the preschool educational institution must be reflected in the Charter in the form of amendments and additions and registered with the territorial tax authorities. The preschool educational institution must have a certificate of registration with the tax office. You should also be especially careful to check how the Charter of the educational institution corresponds to the Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 17.02.97 No. 150 / 14-12 "On the names of state and municipal educational institutions."

The presence of a registration certificate allows an educational institution to open accounts in banking institutions, including foreign currency ones, to have an independent balance sheet, a round seal, stamps with its name and letterheads with details, that is, to acquire the rights of a legal entity (Article 12 of the RF Law “ About Education ").

Agreement with the founder

The need for an educational institution to have an agreement with the founder is determined by paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", which says: "The relationship between the founder and the educational institution is determined by the agreement between them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation."

Agreement between the preschool educational institution and the child's parents (persons replacing them)

By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.09.2008. No. 666 approved the Model Regulation on the pre-school educational institution. Article 39 of this provision states that the relationship between the pre-school educational institution and the parents (persons replacing them) is governed by the parental agreement, which includes the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties arising in the process of teaching, raising children, looking after and caring for them. ...

Structure and staffing

In accordance with the Charter of the institution, its structure and staffing are being developed, which is enshrined in the corresponding document. This document indicates all the structural divisions of the enterprise, entered at the enterprise of the position and the number of staff units for each of the positions. The document is drawn up on the company's letterhead, signed by the deputy head of the enterprise, agreed with the chief accountant, approved by the head. Changes in the structure and size of the staff are made by order of the head of the institution. In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 21.04.1993 №88, the number of standards are established to determine and justify the required payroll number of employees of preschool institutions, the rational organization of their work. The standards for the number of employees employed in preschool educational institutions have been developed taking into account the provision of normal conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

Staffing table

The position and number of employees of the enterprise with an indication of the payroll is fixed in the staffing table. The staffing table is drawn up on the company's letterhead and contains information about positions, information about the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly wages. The staffing table is signed by the head of the institution, agreed with the chief accountant and approved by the head of the education department, while the approval heading indicates the total staffing of the institution and the monthly payroll. In accordance with paragraph 46 of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, it is determined that each preschool educational institution has a staffing table and job responsibilities. The head of the preschool educational institution is independent in the selection and placement of personnel (Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

The staffing table is drawn up by the planning department of the centralized accounting department, agreed with the head of the kindergarten and approved by the head of the district education department. The staffing table is also approved by the head of the kindergarten, stamped and agreed with the founder.

Internal labor regulations

Internal labor regulations - a normative act that determines the labor schedule at enterprises, institutions, organizations. Approved by the labor collective on the proposal of the administration and the trade union committee on the basis of standard rules.

This is one of the most important documents governing the life of a preschool educational institution, which must be combined with the provisions of the kindergarten Charter. The organization of the institution's work, the mutual obligations of employees and the administration, the provision of start-ups, the internal regime and other issues are reflected in the internal labor regulations.

The structure of this document is as follows:

general provisions;

the procedure for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees;

basic responsibilities of employees;

working hours and its use;

rewards for success in work;

penalties for violations of labor discipline;

in-house mode;

work organization.

Article 189 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2002, says that “the internal labor regulations are a local normative act of the organization that regulates, in accordance with this Code and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties labor contract, work schedule, rest time, incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other issues of regulation of labor relations in the organization. "

According to the Charter of a preschool educational institution, the internal labor regulations, as well as changes to them, are adopted by the general meeting of the team at the beginning of each academic year and approved by the head of the kindergarten. When hiring, the head of the kindergarten is obliged to familiarize each employee with the specified document against signature in the order of appointment. This document should be kept in a place accessible to each employee.


Instruction is a legal act issued by a government body (or approved by its head) in order to establish rules governing organizational, scientific and technical, technological, financial and other special aspects of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises (their divisions and services), officials and citizens.

Instruction is an independent legal act that is signed or approved by the head of the organization. The approval is drawn up in the form of a stamp or by issuing an administrative document.

The instruction sets out the procedure for carrying out any activity or applying the provisions of laws and regulations.

The text is presented in the third person singular or plural. The text uses the words “should”, “should”, “necessary”, “prohibited”, “not allowed”. The heading to the instruction containing job requirements and the procedure for carrying out work (job description) answers the question: "To whom?" For example: "Job description for the chief specialist."

The text of the instruction is divided according to a certain logical scheme into sections, clauses and subclauses. The instruction begins, as a rule, with the section "General Provisions", which indicates the purpose of its publication, the area of ​​distribution, the procedure for use and other general information. It is a permanent long-term document (until it is replaced by a new instruction).

All employees of the preschool educational institution must be familiarized with their instructions against signature, one copy of which is in the personal file, the other - with the employee. One of the tasks of the manager's operational control over this process is to check the presence of the signature of the responsible person on each instruction. The duties of the administration should also be brought to the attention of the teaching staff.

The text of the instructions must comply with the requirements.

The employer is obliged to provide each employee with instructions on labor protection (Art. 212). This is especially true for the registration of instructions for "non-electrical" personnel. In this regard, one of the primary tasks for the manager after taking office is the preparation of these instructions. They are developed for each employee in accordance with the requirements set out in labor protection

Job description

The legal status of the pedagogical, administrative and service personnel of the preschool educational institution is regulated by the job description, which establishes the tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of officials.

When hiring an employee, the head of the preschool educational institution must acquaint him with the job description, answer the questions that have arisen. Each instruction must be certified by the signature of the manager and the signature of the employee.

The job description is drawn up on the basis of regulatory documents. These include the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions, tariff and qualification characteristics, the Charter of the preschool educational institution and other documents that spell out the duties and rights of employees. According to these documents, the instruction consists of the following sections:

general provisions;


job responsibilities;


a responsibility;

relationships, connections by position.

The section "General Provisions" establishes the field of activity of this employee, the procedure for his appointment and dismissal, replacement by position. It also lists the legal acts and regulations that the specialist should be guided by in his activities.

The section "Functions" defines the directions of the employee's activity.

The section "Job responsibilities" indicates the form of his participation in the activities of the preschool educational institution.

The section "Rights" defines the rights granted to an employee of a preschool educational institution to perform the duties assigned to him.

The section "Responsibility" establishes the types of liability for non-fulfillment by the employee of official duties and non-use of the rights granted to him.

In the section "Relationships, communications by position", the circle of officials with whom the employee enters into service relationships is established.

The instruction is approved and put into effect by order for the preschool educational institution.

The organization of the activities of a preschool educational institution necessarily provides for the presence of many types of documents (in some cases, their development), without which it is impossible to solve the problems of effective management. The key to the success of the head of a preschool educational institution in management is a deep knowledge of departmental organizational documents, their skillful use in practical work, as well as the systematic improvement of personal skills in the preparation of documentary materials.


The administrative activities of the kindergarten are regulated mainly by the issuance of orders, as well as orders of the head of the preschool educational institution.

An order is a regulatory document affecting the rights and interests of employees. An order is a legal act issued by the head to address basic and operational issues. All orders are recorded in the order book.

When preparing an order, the following principles should be observed:

reliability and objectivity of the described situation;

completeness of information necessary to justify the measures taken;

brevity and brevity;

compliance of the content of the text and orders of the head with the norms of law and his competence, determined by the charter of the preschool educational institution;

adherence to the norms of the official business style of speech. Any order, regardless of its content, includes

the following required details:

name of the legal entity;

name of the type of document (order);

date of publication;

registration number;



the basis for the issuance of the order;

a mark on familiarization with the content of the order;

official signature.

The book of orders for preschool educational institutions is one of the most important types of nomenclature documentation. This is practically the only document by which, if necessary, it is possible to restore the work experience of an employee.

In a preschool institution, all orders are recorded in the order book (a separate notebook), which must be laced, the sheets are numbered and sealed with the preschool institution's seal and the head's signature. On the last page, where the seal is put, an entry is made: "In the book of orders, 96 (ninety six) pages are numbered, laced and sealed with a seal," which is signed by the head of the preschool educational institution.

All orders for appointment, dismissal and administrative penalties must exactly comply with the articles and clauses of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which must be referred to by the head of the preschool educational institution. In any order that mentions the names of employees, there must be a list of each of them, indicating familiarization with the order.

Orders for the main activity and orders for personnel are highlighted. Each of these types of orders is entered into a separate order book. When issuing any order, one should be guided by the Rules for Working with Documents in a General Education Institution, published as guidelines of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (M., 1992).

Orders for the main activity regulate the work of the institution, safety rules, the creation of various kinds of commissions, etc.

The text of the order for the main activity consists of two logically interrelated parts: ascertaining and administrative.

The ascertaining part indicates the reason for issuing the order, a reference to the normative act that served as the basis for its publication:

current legislature;

by-laws governing the activities of an educational institution;

local acts of a general education institution (decisions of the pedagogical council, meetings);

inspection reports.

Orders end with the words: "In connection with the above, I order: ..." or the word "I order: ...".

The administrative part of the text of the order, which consists of several points, is numbered with Arabic numerals with dots. Each paragraph begins with a verb in an indefinite form indicating a specific action of the performer, or with his last name, first name, patronymic. Then the content of the order is stated.

The instructions of the head, placed in the administrative part of the order, must be controlled, targeted, with an indication of specific terms and volumes of work performed.

In the last paragraph of the order, the head can assign control over the execution of the order to one of the officials.

The list of orders for the main activity of the preschool educational institution includes orders:

"On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations."

"On the introduction of internal labor regulations."

"On the regulations of the preschool educational institution".

"On the distribution of responsibilities between members of the administration."

“On the creation of commissions for the prevention of injuries; inventory; to write off property that has fallen into disrepair; for material incentives ".

Orders for the enrollment and departure of children from kindergarten (it is recommended to allocate these orders in a separate book of orders No. 3 at the discretion of the head).

Personnel orders regulate the appointment of employees, their transfer to another position or dismissal.

These orders do not have a stating part and the verb "I order", but begin immediately with an administrative action: "Accept", "Assign", "Transfer", "Dismiss", etc. The content of the order is determined by the specifics of the administrative action.

Orders concerning transfer, dismissal, imposition of disciplinary sanctions must have a mandatory reference to the corresponding article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the wording of orders for the dismissal of an employee, it is necessary to pay attention to the date of dismissal. When specifying the date of dismissal, it is not allowed to use the preposition "from". For example: “To fire from December 1” is wrong, you have to write “To fire on December 1”. In this case, December 1 will be the last working day.

Each item of the order on personnel must end with the basis for its publication with the obligatory familiarization of the employee against signature. The basis of the order may be: a statement; sick leave; consent of the trade union committee, number and date of the protocol; act of KRU, etc.

The order can be signed by the head of the preschool educational institution or by the person acting as the head in the absence of the latter.

Behind the signature is placed: "Acquainted with the order: signature, full name". The signature and date of acquaintance are put by the employee with his own hand.

The order is put into effect from the date of its signing, unless other terms are specified in the text of the order.

The issuance of an order entails legal consequences both for the persons indicated in it and for the head who signed it. In case of infringement of the interests of the employee, the official who signed the order is obliged, in some situations by court decision, to amend the previously issued order in order to eliminate violations of the current legislation with all the ensuing moral and, possibly, material consequences. The head of the preschool educational institution must have the necessary legal training, know and competently apply in practice the methodology for preparing orders, which provides for the mandatory study by the head of the specifics of a particular situation requiring the issuance of an order, checking the availability of the necessary documentary materials and their compliance with current legislation. The head of the preschool educational institution needs to scrupulously monitor the timing of the preparation of orders on the activities periodically held in the institution: familiarizing the preschool educational institution employees with the current departmental instructions, appointing those responsible for fire safety in the premises, etc.



The nomenclature of cases is intended for grouping executed documents into cases, their systematization and accounting, determination of storage periods. Nomenclature is the basis for compiling inventories of cases of permanent (over 10 years) storage, as well as accounting for temporary cases (up to

In an organization of any form, property, the responsibility for maintaining office work is assigned to a special service, which acts as an independent structural unit: business management, general department, department of preschool educational institution, service of preschool educational institution, office, secretariat. In this case, the organization draws up a Regulation on the service of the preschool educational institution (general department, business management, etc.). Sometimes the secretary of the head or an employee appointed by the head is responsible for the management of office work - in this case, the Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution are not drawn up.

If the secretary works in a company where a preschool educational institution has been created and there is a regulation on this service, then he must know what is written in it. This will help the secretary to more accurately understand his place in the management structure, the relationship and interdependence of his official rights and responsibilities in working with official documents with the preschool educational institution. Moreover, the secretary must interact with the preschool educational institution, if it is in the organization: if the secretary is subordinate to his head on administrative issues, then in the nuances of drafting and processing official documents, their registration, control of execution, organization of current storage, formation of cases, etc. - that is, for documentation in general - all secretaries contact the DOE service. Only under this condition, the organization of office services will represent the system.

The Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution clearly explain the duties of the secretary, and you can turn to him in the event that an official dispute arises between the secretary and the head of the preschool educational institution about what the secretary should or should not do. Also, the head can instruct the secretary to give an opinion on the prepared draft Regulation, so the secretary must know the structure and content of this document.

The regulation on the service of the preschool educational institution is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization (since it refers to the ORD); endorsed by the deputy head of the organization in charge of office work, the head of the labor and wages department (if such a department is created), the heads of those structural divisions with which relations are fixed, a lawyer; signed by the head of the preschool educational institution; approved by the head of the organization.

The structure of the text of the Regulation consists of sections. The text of each section is stated in paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals within each section.

When drawing up the Regulations on the service of the preschool educational institution, it is necessary to use the "Approximate Regulations on the Service of Documentation Support for Management", placed as Appendix 12 to the State System of Documentation Support for Management (GSDOU). It has five sections:

1. General Provisions. 2. Goals and objectives. 3. Functions. 4. Rights and responsibility (in the Model Provisions they are combined into one section, but in practice they are always independent sections). 5. Relations with other structural units.

Section 1 "General Provisions" establishes the exact name of the service - DOU, its place in the structure of the organization, the degree of independence of the service.

When determining the degree of independence, we recommend that you fully use clause 1.2 of Appendix 2 to the GDOU, emphasizing the mandatory independence of the preschool educational institution: "Documentation support for management in organizations, institutions and enterprises is carried out by a special service acting as an independent structural unit subordinate directly to the head of the organization."

Then the name of the position of the head of the preschool educational institution (chief, manager, manager), the procedure for appointing and dismissing him from office, requirements for his qualifications and length of practical work are indicated.

If the preschool educational institution has specialized sections (expedition, control group, etc.), then the next clause of the provision lists all the links in the organizational structure of the service.

A separate paragraph provides a list of the main legislative, legal, regulatory and methodological documents that the preschool educational institution is guided by in its work.

In accordance with clause 1.11 of the Model Regulations, the DOE service has its own seal, therefore, the regulation provides its description, conditions for its storage and use.

Section 2 "Aims and Objectives" formulates the goal and main objectives of the Office of Records Management. Moreover, their circle cannot be narrowed down to the tasks of its leader.

The main goal of the preschool educational institution is the organization, management, coordination, control and implementation of work on the preschool educational institution.

The preschool educational institution service solves the following tasks: improves the forms and methods of working with documents; provides a unified procedure for documenting and organizing work with documents; reduces the volume of workflow; develops and implements regulatory documents (you can list them) on office work and progressive technologies in the work of the preschool educational institution.

Section 3 "Functions" is basic and includes a detailed description of all the functions performed by the office management service, including those specific to this organization. For example: carries out expeditionary processing; registers documents; organizes timely consideration and preparation of incoming documents for the report to the management; regulates the course of execution of documents; monitors the deadlines for the execution of documents; conducts information and reference work on documents; draws up and maintains a summary nomenclature of cases; prepares cases for transfer to the archive of the organization; conducts office work on citizens' appeals; controls the management of office work in the structural divisions of the organization; monitors the advanced training of employees of the preschool educational institution; advises on paperwork; organizes workplaces and working conditions for employees of the preschool educational institution.

Section 4 "Rights" lists the rights that are assigned to the service as a whole to carry out its assigned tasks and functions.

For example, a clerical service may be vested with the right to check the organization of work with documents in structural divisions, to require executors to revise documents in case of violation of the rules for their preparation and execution, to request information from structural divisions necessary to perform their functions, etc.

In this section, the personal rights of the head of the office management service can be set.

For example, sign, approve, endorse documents, issue orders on a certain range of issues, appoint and dismiss office workers (or submit documents for these procedures), apply incentives or penalties, etc.

Section 5 "Responsibility" contains the main positions for which the clerical service is responsible.

For example: for the state of the organization's documentation, ensuring the established procedure for organizing work with documents, fulfilling the instructions and instructions of the management, observing the necessary working conditions for the employees of the preschool educational institution.

Section 6 "Relationships" indicates the presence and nature of the relationship of the office work with other structural units that arise in the course of its tasks and functions.

As a rule, this section records relations with the personnel department, the secretariat of the collegial body, functional structural divisions, the legal department, business structures, information (computer) centers.

The revision of the situation is carried out when the structure of the organization is changed, the office management service is reassigned or its internal organizational structure is changed, new forms and methods of labor organization are introduced, as well as when new technology is introduced, since this is a redistribution of functions between structural units.

1. Basic concepts about the document and the terminology of the preschool educational institution.

The document is translated from lat. Means "evidence", "way of proof.

The word “document” came to the Russian language in the time of Peter! and originally had the value of written evidence. Then the term "business paper", "official document", "act" appeared and emphasizes the values ​​of the document in management

Document Is a material object with information fixed in it for its transmission in time and space.

The Federal Law "On Information and Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995 gives the concept documentary information- this is information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

Information- familiarization, explanation - a message about the state of affairs, information about something transmitted by people.

Sourse of information- the object in which information is generated (television, radio)

GOST R 51141-98 gives the concept official document Is a document that has the right to be used in an organization created by a legal entity. and physical a person registered and certified in accordance with the established procedure. Props - an obligatory element of an official document (date, signature, seal, text of the document, etc.) Legal force of the document- the property of an official document, communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for registration. Genuine document - a document, information about the author, the time and place of creation of which, contained in the document itself or identified in another way, confirm the reliability of its origin. Original (official) document- the first or a single copy of an official document. Duplicate Document - a duplicate copy of the original document, which is legally binding.

Preschool- a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

Official document- a document created by Reed. Or physical. person, drawn up and certified in accordance with the established procedure.

DOE is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

The concept of a preschool educational institution in an organization:

The preschool educational institution process consists of the following stages: creation of documents and their execution; reception and transmission of documents; organization of the movement of documents within the organization; registration and control of execution; information and reference work; storage of documents.

The concept of a unified documentation system - SDL: a system of documentation, created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing the information necessary for management in a particular field of activity.

The unified form of the document is - the invariable part of the details of the document, containing in the form of the document, is applied during its manufacture.

document standardization - it is a form of legal consolidation, carried out unification and the level of its obligation (state standard - GOST, industry standard - OST). The application of standards improves the quality of documents.

Concept unpublished document (ND) acts as the opposite of the notion published doc-t, publication. ND not intended for wide distribution. Created in the course of the work of institutions, individuals, reflects the result of their activities. NDs remain in handwritten form or are replicated in a small number of copies. These include research reports, dissertations, manuscripts of translations, projects, estimates. ND appeared historically earlier than published ones. Now only 20% of the information obtained in the process of research is published, therefore there is 4 times more ND than publications. R&D reports- these are docs (handwritten, printed) containing a detailed description of the course and results of the study. Reports are subject to mandatory registration at the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center. Deposited manuscript- ND type, completed scientific work of interest to a narrow circle of specialists. Articles, abstracts of scientific reports can act as DR. Thesis- qualified scientific work in a certain field of science, which has passed the examination and is presented for protection for a scientific degree. There are two types of dissertations: doctoral and master's. Dissertation abstract- outlines the main ideas and conclusions of the dissertation. Personal contribution of the author to the development of the problem, the degree of novelty. Preprint- preliminary document. Sent to a limited number of people for preliminary assessment. It occupies an intermediate place between published and unpublished doc-mi. The advantage of the preprint is that it is ahead of the official publication by several months and more fully covers the issues under study. Scientific translation is the most important means of exchanging scientific and technical information. Review and analytical documents serve for continuous information monitoring of the development of the relevant field of science and technology. Types: status review, information review, annual report, annual review.

58. The main types of official business letters.

Reminder letter- are sent. If there was no response to the letter - a notification and it was not possible to receive an answer by means of telephone conversations. The letter informs about the approach or expiration of the execution of any action, event. The letter consists of the first paragraph - the first sentence - a link to the previously sent notification, - the second sentence - a statement of the essence of the matter, - the third sentence - information about possible sanctions in the absence of the required actions. Request letter- consistent with the use of the verb ask. The strategy of the letter of request is to get the issue resolved. The tactics in achieving the goal boils down to the following: 1) first send a reminder 2) then notifications 3) then send a letter of request. They are written serially and should be sent in a timely manner and regularly until the request is granted. Petition - the same as a formal request for something. Information mail - reporting of any facts or events. Usually, information letters are used to promote the activities of organizations. From the first lines it is necessary to arouse the addressee's interest in the business proposal, to be convincing. Invitation letter- purpose - an invitation to a business event (meeting, meeting, etc.) You can address it to a specific person. Should be short and clear. The letter indicates the purpose of the invitation. Structure of the letter- 1st paragraph - key wording; 2nd paragraph - information about the event; 3-4th paragraph - the formula of politeness, please reply. Thanksgiving letters- are written with the aim of expressing gratitude to the addressee for his efforts as a result of which the author received benefit, benefit. It is necessary to start the letter with the phrases: "Thank you very much .." It is appropriate to send letters in the following cases - to a new partner, - to a partner for a large order, - for a welcome, etc. Letter of guarantee- consists of 2 parts: 1) statement of the request, 2) confirmation of the guarantee. The addressee is given guarantees of payment for the work performed or the provision of services. In the letter, the addressing organization assumes certain obligations, therefore the letter has legal force. Transmittal letter - informs the addressee about the direction of the documents attached to the letter. The peculiarity of this type of letters is the unification of the content and the small volume. Covering letters are, if necessary, an explanation of the nature of the performance or the purpose of sending the attached document. The text begins with the phrase: "We are sending for approval ..."

2. The history of the development of information documentation.

The appearance of the first documents, i.e. recorded on various media, refer, for example, to the 30th century BC. The beginning of the data transfer was subject documentation. Objects surrounding primitive man symbolized concepts and phenomena. For example, an arrow is a symbol of war. A kind of subject is pebble and shell writing, nodular writing. The Indians used cords of various thicknesses and colors, as well as knots and beads. After that, a drawing, or pictographic letter, appeared. These were images on the walls of caves and rocks, mainly illustrating events from the life of the tribe. Over time, the drawings were simplified, replaced by signs denoting words. Later, signs began to denote syllables, and then individual letters. Gradually, the drawings became schematic, cursive writing appeared.

Various types of writing prevailed in the countries of the East for three millennia, but then they were replaced by a simpler and more convenient system - Phoenician, Ascending and Aramaic.

The Phoenicians created a syllabic letter consisting of 22 characters. The Greeks transformed the Phoenician script and created an alphabet, where each sign denoted a specific sound. Cyrillic (Slavic alphabet) was created on the basis of the Greek alphabet, and then reformed during the 16-19 centuries. Thus, all writing systems are divided into three types: Picture, or pictographic system. It did not yet contain texts, but drawings depicting what was being discussed.

Symbolic or ideographic system. One picture no longer denotes an event, but one word. Sound, or letter system (for example, Phoenician or Greek writing).

MATERIAL CARRIERS: Stone slabs, wood and clay boards, bones. Papyrus (Egypt) - sheets were made from the stems of papyrus plants. Papyrus documents were usually rolled into a roll. In the 3rd century BC. parchment was invented - specially treated skin of young animals

... Documents on the latest media

Perforated dock- information recorded by punching (punching) holes. Each perforation contains an information unit, and the amount of punctures contains complete information. For applying inform. in perforated docks, a certain number of holes are punched in different combinations in a given sequence. PD got their name. Thanks to punched or cut holes, which are called. Perforation. Hand punched cards make it possible to perform labor-intensive operations, such as sorting and selection of information, 10 times faster. Machine sorting punched cards have an international standard (187.4x82.5mm). Punched tape a-carrier of information in the form of a tape (paper, lavsan) on which data is applied with a certain sequence of code combinations of holes. Each code combination encodes one character and is placed on the tape perpendicular to the direction of its movement. Micrographic document- the document is executed on a microcarrier in the form of a microcopy or an original microdocument. This class of docking is made up of microfilms, microfiches and microcards. Micrographic documents are produced in compact form on photographic, film or optical disc. Distinctive features are small physical dimensions and weight, significant information capacity. Magnetic dock- information is recorded by changing the remanent magnetization of individual sections of the magnetic layer of the carrier. Magnetic disc- information carrier in the form of a disc with a ferromagnetic coating for recording. Divided into hard (hard drive inside the computer) and floppy (floppy disk). Optical disc- a tangible medium on which information is recorded and read using a focused laser beam. Audio CD- an optical disc with audio information (music, speech). Videodisk- a disc on which text, visual and audio information is recorded in digital form. Hologram- a document containing an image, the recording and reproduction of which is carried out optically using a laser beam without the use of lenses.

Commercial correspondence.

Official business correspondence is divided into business and commercial correspondence. Correspondence with the help of which they formalize economic, legal forms of activity is called business correspondence. Sales and procurement letters drawn up at the conclusion of transactions are classified as commercial correspondence. Sales letter: sent to specific recipients, it contains the specific content of the advertised services and goods. The goal is to induce the addressee to use the offered services, order the goods. The text contains clear, specific information. At the end of the text, the address of the organization and the telephone number for inquiries may be indicated. An inquiry- agrees with the use of the wording “I am submitting a request”, “I am sending a request”. Offer letter - it is a statement by the supplier of its intention to sell the product to the customer. The letter has a clear division into paragraphs. It is customary to make a proposal in the 1st paragraph, in the 2nd to clarify the details of the proposal. In addition to mandatory information, the letter must include: - an introductory expression of gratitude for the request; - information about what is included in the announced price; - related information about other goods and services; - the final expression of hope for the acceptance of the offer by the customer.

Letter of claim(complaint). They are sent to the address of a careless supplier organization. It is important to send a letter promptly, to write to the point. The letter is signed by the head, referring to the documents. It is better to attach them in the form of copies, indicate what time the addressee has to correct the situation. When reporting sanctions, cite regulatory legal acts as the basis.

3. Order office work 16-18 centuries.

The formation of orders took place at the end of the 15th century - the beginning of the 16th century. the formation of the Russian centralized state was accompanied by the introduction of clerical office work, the order of which was consistently enshrined in the Code of Laws of 1497, 1550, by the Cathedral Code of 1649.

The order system has gone through a number of stages in its development: the order as a one-time order - the order as a standing order - the order - "hut" (office) - the order as a state. body with independent structural units.

At the early stage of development of the Old Russian state and the first feudal fragmentation (until the end of the 15th century), the state. the institution did not yet exist. Management functions were most often performed by individual officials or bodies, carrying out their activities either without employees at all, or with a very huge staff of officials. Methods of certification of documents and their preparation were established. Documents are at the stage of writing - black-writing, editing, printing, bridge (signatures on gluing).

The offices of that time were called "clerical huts" or "orders". The period of formation and development of the state. Office work is usually called the "order period" - by the name of the first state. institutions - orders. This period spans from the 15th to the 18th centuries. The procedure for the preparation of documents in the order office work includes the following stages: Submission of the document for consideration; Preparation of the case for the report; Consideration and decision of the case; Registration of the document containing the solution. The species composition of documents in the order management was not particularly diverse, all existence at that time was grouped into several main types: letters, sentences, orders, reports, memories, formal replies. However, within each species, there were many varieties. Thus, the history of office work in the 16-17 centuries. shows that in connection with the creation of a system of central and local institutions, a system of office work is also formed, cadres are formed, stable forms of documents appear, methods for their compilation, storage and accounting.

Documents created in non-traditional media.

Movies, filmstrips, gramophone records are all called. Cinema-photo-phono-documents(QFFD). Contains pictorial, sound information that is reproduced with the help of special technical means (overhead projector, tape recorder, player). An exception is photography, the information on which is perceived directly, without the help of technical means. The main advantage of QFFD is its complex effect on various human analyzers. According to the channel of perception, the information recorded in the QFFD is divided into three types: visual(watch) filmstrips, slides, silent films; auditory(audible) gramophone records; audiovisual(visual and auditory) sound films, video films. According to the method of documenting, KFFD is divided into three types: cinematic documents; photo documents; phono documents. Most QFFDs are matrix documents. Photo and film, a disc is a matrix on which an image or a disc is reproduced. Film document Is a pictorial or audiovisual document created in a cinematic way. With a quick change of individual pictures (24 frames per second), the cinematic document allows you to get the impression of movement of the filmed moving objects. According to their intended purpose, they are subdivided into: artistic. Documentary, popular science and educational. Photodoc-t is the result of documenting by means of photochemical recording of the phenomena of objective reality in the form of images. Distinguish on fiction, newsreel-documentary, popular science. Phonodoc-t- musical sounding doc-t (recording of voices of animals, birds, people, musical instruments). They are divided into tape (film and magnetic tape) and disk (in the form of a disk). The main types of photodocs are in JAV. gramophone records, phonograms, compact disks.

Registration of letters sent abroad.

5 basic rules used in foreign experience when writing business letters 1) write short and simple 2) write in simple words, do not come up with new words 3) address a specific person, and not a specific group of people 4) use to express your thoughts principle: "Attention - Interest - Request - Action". 5) use spoken language in letters.

Abroad business letter can be built according to the following scheme: date, to whom, from whom Topic.

1) acquaintance 2) statement of the request 3) justification of the request 4) reasons 5) consequences 6) gratitude for the consequence

Features of the design of a business letter in French. For business letters, the normal format-210x297cm, fA4, envelope A 4 is widely used. Envelopes with a transparent window in the place of the addressee are often used, it is very convenient. The envelope must be branded. The text is printed on a PC, or written with a pen. It is advisable to write the courtesy formula by hand. Page numbering is carried out on top of the face in Arabic numerals in order. The left margin of the sheet should be wide enough, this indicates respect for the correspondent. Heading part- includes the legal details required for sending letters: 1) logo (brand name) 2) name of the company and its legal form 3) registration number in the registers of the department 4) postal code 5) telephone numbers 6) current account 7) number of the document sent by fax (if a response document is drawn up to it). When filling out a letter, the name of the organization and its address are indicated in the upper left corner. The date in French office work is indicated in the upper right corner of the document. The date includes the Place of the letter, then the date itself; number in digits, month in letters, four digits for the year. A document without a date is not considered and does not have a legal entity. strength. If the letter is addressed to a specific person, then the words "Mister" are not abbreviated to address him, the text is located under the requisites. A number of requirements are imposed on it; clarity, accuracy, brevity, politeness, important in adherence to the truth, lying can lead to a loss of customer confidence. When referring to a document, you should specify it exactly. Generally accepted rules of handling. 1) a man writing to another man may address: "Dear sir." 2) to a woman - "Mistress". 3) the high position of the recipient must be emphasized "Mister Minister". 4) to natarius - "Master" 5) when referring to the words "Mistress" and "Mister" are not abbreviated. The signature is in the lower right corner. First, indicate the position, then the signature and decryption of the signature. PS is placed below the signature and indicated by two initials P.S. Attachments include documents accompanying the letter, it is indicated at the bottom left of the first page of the main document.

4 ... Unification of documents and standardization of management documents

The essence of unification is reduced to reducing the unjustified variety of documents, bringing to the uniformity of their forms, structure, language constructions and operations for processing, accounting and storage. The essence of standardization consists in the development of optimal rules and requirements for the preparation, registration, accounting and storage of business documents, adopted in the prescribed manner and recommended for their general and repeated use in office work. At the same time, the result of the work is formalized in the form of national standards. The result of work on unification and standardization can be both standards for certain types of documents (for example, GOST 7.32-91. Report on research work. Structure and design rules) and for unified documentation systems. GOST R 6.30-2003 is the most important regulatory document, which is part of the unified system of organizational and administrative documentation (USORD). In addition, there are: a unified system of banking documents; Financial, accounting and reporting accounting documentation of budgetary institutions and organizations; CA of the reporting and statistical doc-tion; US doc-tion of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; US foreign trade document. A complete list of unified documentation systems and constituent forms of documents is given in the All-Russian Classifier of Administrative Documentation OK 011-931. International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (founded in 1946) Covers practically all spheres of human activity: scientific and technical progress, rational use of raw materials and materials, product safety and environmental protection. It has approved over 9 thousand international standards that do not have legal force, each country has the right to use them in full, in separate sections, or not to accept them at all. State system of standardization- the main normative document on standardization in the country, subject to unconditional implementation by the executive authorities, all enterprises and citizens whose activities are covered by the standard. One of the most important subsystems of management documentation is the system of organizational and administrative documents. The most common in management activities are organizational (regulation, charter, rules and instructions) and administrative (decree, order, order, decision).

5 ... College office work (19th century).

At the beginning of the 18th century. in Russia during the reign of Peter 1, there is a reform of the administrative office. In replacement of the outdated system of orders of 1717-1718. 12 collegia were created, each of which was in charge of a certain branch or sphere of government and was subordinate to the Senate. In 1720, Peter the Great prepared and signed the "General Regulations" which defined the tasks, functions, structure and procedure for the work of the collegiums. In this document there was a chapter on the structure and functions of the office. In the "general regulations" were given general rules for the preparation of documents, established requirements for the signing of certain details. For many documents, official forms were established and a form was developed - the rules for the location of details on a sheet of paper. The concept of stamped paper appeared, on which documents were made for the highest governing bodies. The general regulations described in detail the rules for certifying individual documents, for example, that the protocols are signed by all members of the collegium. The procedure for the use of seals was also established. Decent registration systems have appeared. Registration was carried out in special journals. During the period of collective office work, the foundations were laid for organizing the accounting and storage of documents, it was during this period that the name ARCHIVE appeared. In college office work, completely new names of documents appeared: bills of exchange, bonds, reports, magazines, minutes, correspondence, etc. The collegiums corresponded with each other with promontories, sent decrees to subordinate places, receiving reports from them.

32. A set of organizational and legal documents. The main types and requirements for docking.

The purpose of organizational and legal documentation (OTP) is the organization of the system and management processes, which includes: the creation of the organization; establishing its structure; determination of the number of staff. The OTP includes the charter, the accounting agreement, the position, the piece schedule, the internal regulations, the due instructions. OTPs are perpetual and are valid until canceled or approved by new ones.

The created organization is fixed and its structure is established. We define the staffs for our structure (the staffing table and set salaries for each according to the UTS (Unified wage scale in government agencies). Then we regulate the activities of all employees (Regulations on personnel, Regulations on the department, Job descriptions). We form advisory bodies (according to Federal Law (FZ ) 2 times a year Meeting of shareholders). We elect the Board of Directors. We regulate the activities of the Office of Management (Directors, Chief Accountant, Lawyers). We carry out Licensing. Mode of operation - We organize the work of employees. " 3-5 years) - reduction, expansion, opening of a branch in a certain region, all this requires changes in the documentation to be made). Liquidation of an enterprise as a result of bankruptcy or for other reasons. Design on standard A4 sheet 1 institutions. 2. name of the structure, subsection 3. name of the type of document 4. date 5. number 6. title to the text 7. author's signature 8. agreement 9. approval stamp 10. seal. Approval stamp for external approval. Visa signed or on the back. For the approval stamp - a separate sheet. Doc-ta-date of approval. The date of approval and the date of signing are different things.

61. Normative basis for the organization of archiving in the Russian Federation.

Law of the USSR "On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture" // Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1976. + Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the procedure for enacting the Law of the USSR" On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture "// Bulletin of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1976. The Regulations on the State Archival Fund, approved on April 4, 1980, legalized the creation of sectoral funds of ministries, departments and organizations, which began in 1945, for the state storage of documents of the State Archival Fund. In 1994, conditions for temporary and deposit storage were determined for them, established in agreements concluded by federal bodies and other organizations, holders of archival documents, with the State Archival Service of Russia.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 1992 No. 1006 "On the approval of the Regulations on the State Archival Service of Russia."

GAS Russia (Rosarkhiv), in accordance with Regulation No. 552 of March 17, 1994, "is a federal executive body under the jurisdiction of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, implementing state policy in the field of archival affairs." In accordance with the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and archives dated July 7, 1993, “a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, which have historical, scientific, social, economic, political or cultural significance and are part of the historical cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation ”form the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation. Special terms and definitions used in archiving have several sources. The main one is GOST 16487-83 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions. "GOST 17914-72" Case covers with long shelf life. Types of variety and technical requirements. "Basic rules for the work of the state archives of the USSR. The main normative documents governing the work of departmental archives are the Basic rules for the work of departmental archives in 1986 and the Unified State System of Office Work (USSD). The basic rules determine the main tasks of the departmental archive, in accordance with which the main functions of archives are determined, the expansion of which depends on the category of the institution - the source of acquisition and the profile of the archive.

  1. Ministerial office work (19th century early 20th century).

Ministries from lat. Sl. Ministro - I serve, manage / in Russia central branch institutions, created in 1812 by the Manifesto of September 8, 1802, eight ministries were created in Russia, replacing Peter's collegiums: military ground forces; 2 - naval forces; 3- foreign affairs; 4- internal affairs; 5- external affairs; 6- commerce; 7- finance; 8 - public education;

collegia were retained and assigned between ministries. The general establishment of ministers of June 25, 1811 became the main legislative act that determined the organization and operation of the central institutions. The ministry was headed by the minister, in his absence - the only deputy (assistant minister). Ministers and fellow ministers were appointed by the emperor and were responsible only to him. The working apparatus of the ministries consisted of departments, they were divided into departments - into tables. Received the final and uniform structure of the chancellery as special units, all "writing" ie. office work. The general institution of the ministries established a uniform procedure for the production of cases in all institutions. The whole process of office work began to be subdivided into the following stages: The order of entry of cases. The movement of them, or actually the so-called production. Departure. Revision. Reports. Thus, the main stages of working with documents were highlighted. Organization of acceptance of documents Sending for execution and execution Registration of documents and control over their execution Sending documents

The laws established certain rules for the preparation of all types of documents. The title, content, special notes, signature, letterhead and envelope inscriptions were highlighted in the document. In the 19th century. documents began to be produced on letterheads. The form was called a LIST, in the upper left corner of which bank inscriptions, names of departments, institutions, etc. were made. from which the document originated, the date of dispatch of the document, its number according to the journal of outgoing documents, the title to the document. In ministerial office work, the audit of cases was declared a special stage, i.e. verification of the execution of documents and a clearer organization of the storage of documents is also established. V 20th century in 1911, the "Regulations on Writing and Records Management" was created as a basis. The changes in the project were not significant: to improve the paperwork on March 2, 1918, a resolution was adopted “on the form of state forms. Institutions ”it listed obligations. Requisites of forms of documents. The proposed new system of office work was based on general principles, many similar in the present: Organization of office work should be uniform for the entire institution. Registration of documents should be one-time and in an abbreviated form. The number of instances through which the document passes is reduced to a minimum. Supervision, management of the organization of office work is assigned to a specific person. (everything was developed by the State Institute of Management Engineering in 1926)

Complex of administrative documentation

The management of any organization is endowed with the right to issue an administrative document (RD).

The main purpose of the RD is to regulate activities that allow the governing body to ensure the implementation of the tasks assigned to it. RD contain decisions going from top to bottom in the management system (Head - structural subdivision - employee).

Each RD is a legal fact that causes specific administrative and legal relations at the enterprise level. Spheres of action are divided into the following subgroups: LEGAL ACTS IN FORCE AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL (Published by the President, Government and Federal Executive Bodies). LEGAL ACTS VALID AT THE LEVEL OF THE SUBJECT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Federal level - krai, region, autonomous okrug, federal cities Moscow and St. Petersburg). INDUSTRIAL LEGAL ACTS operate within a specific industry.

LEGAL ACTS ACTING AT THE LEVEL OF A SPECIFIC ENTERPRISE, ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION. LEGAL ACTS ACTING AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL are subdivided into acts regulating the rights of citizens, acts of an interdepartmental nature, between the federal executive authorities and subdivisions. For decision-making, all taxiways are divided into two groups: 1) documents issued under conditions Collegialities(Resolutions, Decisions); 2) docs Sole decision-making (orders, instructions, instructions). Publishing of the RD: 1. Initiation of the decision (justification of the publication of the RD) 2. Collection and analysis of information; 3. Text of the draft RD; 4. Coordination; 5. Review by management; 6. Signing; 7. Communicating to the performer.

The concept of "Archival document" and "Archive".

Archival studies- a science that studies the history, theory and practice of archiving. In its development document passes evolution from recording information on various media to its archival storage. Archiving- a branch of activity that ensures the organization of storage and use of archival documents. Archival document- a document preserved or subject to preservation due to its importance for society, as well as having value for the owner. State archives- the institution is part of the unified system of Rosarkhiv. Exercises the authority to own, use part of the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, carries out storage. The tasks of the state archive: acquisition, accounting, preservation, systematization, ensuring the use of documents for scientific and practical purposes; control and management of departmental archives. Shared archives store documents related to a specific territory. The archives are divided into components and non-components (historical). Temporary storage of documents of the state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out state bodies Authorities before transferring them to permanent storage in the state. Archives. Departmental archive- an archive subordinate to the department, storing documents before transferring them to the state archive. Departmental archives are the first stage of storing archival documents, transferring them after the expiration of the storage period to the state. Archives. Tasks of the departmental archive: completing with documents (completed), accounting and preservation, use of documents stored in the archive, preparation and transfer of documents to the state archive. Archive Fund of the Russian Federation- a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of historical significance. Archive Fund The Russian Federation consists of state and non-state parts. State part- make up archival funds and archival documents that are state. property, municipal property. In the state. part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation includes archival funds and archival documents: state institutions, organizations, enterprises, state bodies. authorities, local government, prosecutors operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, other public organizations. Non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation make up documents that are in private ownership. The non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation is archival funds and archival documents public associations and organizations, non-governmental associations, individuals. assignment of documents to the composition of Arch. fund of the Russian Federation is made on the basis of an examination of their value. Accounting and classification unit The Archive Fund of the Russian Federation is an archival fund - an aggregate of archives. documents that are historically or logically related.

  1. Formation and development of office work in Soviet institutions.

As a result of the October events of 1917, along with the destruction of the state machine of the Russian Empire, the previous office work was formally liquidated. The administrative apparatus was produced. The supreme body of administrative power was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets; in the period between its congresses, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was elected - a body performing the functions of legislative and executive power. To manage the old, a government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars. On October 30, 1917, the government issued a decree "On the procedure for the approval and publication of laws." To improve the quality of paperwork, the Resolution of March 2, 1918 “On the form of state forms. institutions ". This document listed the required details of the document forms. In 1928, the State Institute of Technology and Management, together with the archival service, created rules for the preparation of the archival part of office work in professional institutions, in which recommendations were given on compiling lists of documents in cases circulating in institutions, rules for their destruction. In 1931, a draft "general rules for documentation and workflow" was published. The jurisdiction indicated: general rules; organization of documentation and workflow; reception, verification, opening and marks of receipt of correspondence; posting correspondence in institutions; organization of sending correspondence; - this project was not destined to be realized, already by the time of its publication. In 1932 the state. the institute of technology and management was liquidated. In 1966, within the framework of the archival service, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD) was approved, which was entrusted with the development of the Unified State. office systems. The UGSD project was attended by: Research Institute of Labor, All-Russian Research Institute of Office Equipment, All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization. State standards (GOSTs) played a certain role in improving the quality of preparation of management documents and the general culture of management. The first were developed in 1972 GOST 6.38-72 “System of organizational and administrative documentation. Basic provisions "and GOST 6.39-72" System of organizational and administrative documentation. Sample Form ". In 1990 GOST 6.38-90 “Unified system of documents. Requirements for paperwork ". In the 80s, the document “Unified State System of Documentation Support for Management (EGSDOU) was published. The development of office work in the Soviet period laid the foundation for the further formation of modern office work in the Russian Federation. It should be noted that many normative documents created and adopted during this period are also valid in the present.

34. A complex of reference and information documents

Information about the actual state of affairs in the management system. is contained in various sources, but the most important place among them is taken by sprav-inform and sprav-analytical documents. These are documents going from the bottom up through the management system: from the employee to the head of the unit. These documents do not contain instructions, do not oblige to act in a strictly prescribed manner, these documents provide information that prompts certain decisions to be made. Conventionally, the entire set of these documents can be divided into reference and information(minutes, report, next note, fax, email) and reference and analytical documents(act, certificate, revocation, conclusion) Registration of the report: the name of the structure of the subsection; name of the type of document; date; register.names; destination; heading to the text; text; application; signature. Act - drawn up by the commission, drawn up on a common form if it is an internal document, if external, it must contain the legal address of the organization. Details of the act: name of organization; name of the dock type; date; registration number; place of compilation or publication of the document; heading to the text; text; signatures if necessary stamp approval and attachments.

Examination of the value of documents - the selection of documents for state storage or the establishment of terms for their storage based on the adopted criteria... In the course of it, the value of documents is determined, depending on their cultural, scientific, economic, political significance, the terms of their storage are established, and documents that have lost their significance are selected for destruction. The examination of the value of documents in an organization is carried out in several stages, it begins in the current office work, and ends in the state archive: The first stage - determining the value of documents, can be considered the compilation of a nomenclature of cases, when, as it were, the storage periods of the created documents are predetermined. The second time the examination of the value of the documents themselves is carried out two years later, when the documents left operational work, in the preparation of documents for long-term storage or delivery to the archive of the institution.

And for the third time, the value of the documents is again specified when they are transferred for permanent storage of their archives of the institution to the State Archives. Examination of the value of institutions is carried out under the guidance of an expert committee (EC). The assignment of documents to the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out based on the results of the examination of the value on the basis of the principles of historicism, consistency and integrity through the complex application of criteria for the origin, content, and external features of the document. Documents created in the course of the activities of institutions, organizations, enterprises, firms contain information, the value of which is different. The tasks of the examination of the value of documents include: determination of the political, economic, socio-cultural, practical and other meaning of documents in order to select documents for the state. storage or setting the storage period based on accepted criteria. A significant part of the documents carries information that has a one-time value, after using which the documents are no longer returned. Others contain information that may be required for years. (For example, information about citizens, their work, studies, etc. has social significance and should be stored throughout a person's life.) And, finally, a certain group of documents contains information that is valuable for scientific and practical purposes. Such documents must be kept permanently.

When examining the value of documents of personal origin, it is necessary to take into account: The significance of the fund-maker and his documents; Objectivity and subjectivity of documents; The relationship between the documents of the fund builder with other documents of the same type; Physical safety of documents. Archival institutions have developed standard lists. They establish the retention periods for documentation typical for most institutions, organizations, enterprises, and reflect the general functions and issues of their activities (management, control, planning, accounting, reporting, financing, labor organization, procurement, etc.

In the process of the examination, several types of standard lists can be used: The list of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating the storage periods; List of documents to be accepted in state archives; List of scientific and technical documentation to be accepted into the state archives.

  1. Document management in a circle of related disciplines.

Documentation is recording information on various media for established reasons.

Information documenting medium- a material object used to fix and store speech, sound or visual information on it.

Documentation Tools - tools used by humans to create documents (simple, mechanical, electromechanical). Documentation means include typewriters, computer equipment, tape recorders, voice recorders, photo, cinema, video equipment.

There are different ways of documenting, and their difference is: Text documenting. Text document: A document containing sound information recorded by any type of writing or any sound recording system. TD has become the most widespread. With its help, the activities of the state are documented. Institutions, businesses and individuals. technical documentation. It is a way of capturing technical thought. Technical documents reflect the result of construction and technological design, design and other works on the construction of buildings and structures. Technical documented materials keep records of labor processes, means of production (drawings, drawings, graphs). Photocinema - video documentation. Photo document - a photographically produced pictorial document. The peculiarity of photographic documents arises at the time of events, they are of great value and are widely used in various fields: in medicine, science, art, in judicial practice, in journalism, etc. with the help of microphotocopy, copies of documents are obtained. Film document - a pictorial and audiovisual document produced in a cinematic manner. The documentary film reflects events in dynamics, movement. Phonodocument - a document containing sound information recorded by any sound recording system. Documents on magnetic media. Electronic documentation. With the help of special material carriers, on which the data is recorded by special symbols, documents are created with information in a form that is understandable only to a machine.

Machine document - a document created using media and a recording method that ensures the processing of its information by an electronic computer.

. Forms of organizing work with documents.

The service of the preschool educational institution, depending on the scale of the organization, is called differently for the ministry - the management of affairs, for organizations, educational institutions - the office. In small enterprises, the secretary performs the functions of the office.

centralized, decentralized or mixed the form. At center.form all processing of documents is carried out in a single center (in the office or at the secretary ref). Decentralized form assumes the distribution of documents between the structural divisions of the organization. At mixed form some of the operations are performed centrally (reception, registration, control), and some are decentralized (storage of documents, formation of cases). The most common form of clerical service is the office. Office structure may include: expedition, secretariat, control group, copy office, archive. The composition of the office and the number of its employees depend on the scale of the organization, the territorial distribution of structural units.

Each position should have a job description. It includes a general position, job responsibilities, what he should know (regulations, instructions depending on the position) for what he is responsible. Qualifications, work experience.

Objectives and organization of the examination of the value of documents

Examination of the value of documents - the selection of documents for state storage or the establishment of the terms of their storage on the basis of the adopted criteria. In the course of it, the value of documents is determined, the terms of their storage are established, and documents that have lost their value are selected for destruction. Thanks to the examination of the value of documents, the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is being formed and the destruction of low-value documents. The assignment of documents to the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out based on the results of the examination of the value on the basis of the principles of historicism, consistency and integrity through the complex application of criteria for the origin, content, and external features of the document. The criteria of origin include: The role and place of the organization in the system of public administration or a specific industry; The significance of the functions it performs; The time and place of the formation of the document; The significance of the events reflected in the document;

The value of an individual in the life of society. Content criteria include: Uniqueness and typicality of document information; Its repeatability in other documents; Document type Document authenticity The criteria for external features include: Form for recording and transferring the content, certification and execution of the document; Legal reliability of the document; The physical state of the document. The examination of the value of documents is carried out on the basis of: Current legislation and legal acts of the Russian Federation on archiving and documentation support of management; Regulations on the archival fund of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the State Educational Institution of Education, orders of the Federal Archival Service of Russia, regulatory and methodological documents.

To organize and carry out work on the examination of the value of documents, the selection and preparation for the transfer for permanent storage of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, an expert commission (EC) is created. Central expert commissions (CEC) are created in ministries and departments, other organizations that have a subordinate network. CEC (EK) is created by order of the head of the organization from among the most qualified in a number of at least 3 people.

Members of the EC, with the participation of the organization's specialists, check the correctness of the selection of documents for storage and destruction by viewing inventories, acts and other documents. The result of the EC's work is the distribution of documents into 4 groups according to different storage periods: Permanent storage in the state. archives; Temporary storage in the departmental archive (over 10 years) Temporary storage (up to 10 years) Subject to destruction due to the expiration of the storage period. Cases of permanent and temporary (over 10 years) and personnel are transferred to the departmental archive. Their transfer is carried out according to the inventories. Cases for temporary storage (up to 10 years) are stored centrally in the organization, and after the expiration of the storage period, they are destroyed with the permission of the archival organization.

Destruction of documents and files is drawn up according to acts. Destruction of cases with expired retention period, which have the stamps "Secret", "For official use", "Confidential", is carried out in accordance with special instructions.

9 ... Legal regulation of office work

In the Russian Federation, the regulation of documentation and the procedure for working with documents is developing, first of all, in the direction of legislative regulation. At the same time, state standards, regulatory and methodological documents of national action are being brought into line with changing legislation. The laws of the Russian Federation have the highest legal significance. Legal acts have an imperious function and are obligatory for application in the field of activity to which they apply. Legislative regulation of documenting and working with documents is currently in the stage of formation in the Russian Federation. A number of other legislative acts also refer to the compulsory documentation. Civil law regulates the legal status of legal entities and individuals in the processes of entrepreneurial activity, as well as documenting the various relations arising between its participants. The basis of civil legislation is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which determined the legal basis for the activities of legal entities; and the relationship of legal entities and individuals, the basis of property rights. A number of legislative acts contain norms that are taken into account in the preparation and execution of documents. So, Art. 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 25.10.1991 No. 1807-1 "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" determines: "on the territory of the Russian Federation, official office work in state bodies, organizations, enterprises and institutions is conducted in Russian as the state language of the Russian Federation. republics is also conducted in the state languages ​​of these republics. " In the Russian Federation, a national standardization system has been developed, which determines the procedure for the development and use of standards and unites all state standards in force on the territory of Russia. The law establishes the status of the standard, the principles of standardization, the types of documents on standardization and the principles of their application. The fundamental difference between modern standards is their recommendatory nature - the standards are applied on a voluntary basis. In accordance with the law, the following categories of documents in the field of standardization are established: · national standards; · Rules of standardization, norms and recommendations in the field of standardization; · All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; · Standards of organizations. Among the national standards, there are a number of standards that establish the rules for the execution of documents. In the 1990s. a legal basis for storing documents has been created. In the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and Archives, the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation includes two parts: state and non-state. The state part is formed from the documents of the federal bodies of state power, as well as institutions, organizations and enterprises classified as federal property. The non-state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation consists of archival funds and archival documents owned by public associations and organizations, religious associations and organizations, as well as in private property. The assignment of documents to the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by the bodies and institutions of the Federal Archival Service of Russia (Rosarkhiv) together with the owner of these documents on the basis of an agreement (contract) after examination, their value. Rosarkhiv, in accordance with the Regulations on it, has the right to receive from organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination, the necessary materials on the work of archives and on the organization of documents in office work.

Clerical services: structure and organization of work.

DOE is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with docks. Documenting - recording information. On various media (boom, e-mail) Organization of work with docs is the organization of document flow, storage and use of docs in the current activities of the enterprise. Tasks of the preschool educational institution : 1.improvement of forms and methods of working with documents; 2.provision of a unified procedure for documentation, 3.organizations of work with dock-mi; of information retrieval systems, 5.control of the execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with applicable standards; 6.reduction of document flow; 7.unification of forms of documents; 8.development and implementation of regulatory and methodological doc-in on improving documentation. provide. management in org-9.structures. subdivisions; 10. introduction of the latest information. technol. to work with docks. Functions of the preschool educational institution can be divided into technological 1.initial (expeditionary) processing of incoming docks; 2.registering of incoming, outgoing and internal docks; 3.conducting information and reference work on the docking organization; text on a computer); copying, duplication and operational reproduction of documents; 4. development and design of forms; 5. preparation of documents for dispatch. organizational 1.preparation for the report. hand-woo step. dock-in; 2.organ. we will be timely. consider. The dock is in charge of the organ; 3.regul. progress of execution of documents, passer-by and use. dock in installation term; 4.organization of storage of documents in structural subdivisions. 5.organization of work. archive acc. with rights and instructions. and method. recom. Rosarkhiv; 6. increase. qualif. slave in office work and archive.; 6.organ. workplaces, including automated workstations (AWP), condition. labor co-workers. 7.organization of case management according to citizens' appeal; 8.development (with the corresponding structures. by perfection. forms and method. work with dock-mi. control 1.control. for the right-of-the-art doc-in, submission to the sub. Leadership (i.e. outcome and internal doc-in); 2.control for the term. used doc-in; 2.existing counter. for the rights. form-I and form-I in structure. subsection cases to be submitted to the archive; 3.control. working with docks in p. methodical 1.designed by N.D., instruction. by deloproiz-u, tab-i forms doc-in and friend. norm-x doc-v, 2.prov. expert. scientific practical price and up to; The composition of the office and the number of its employees depend on the scale of the organization, the territorial distribution of structural units. Each position should have a job description. It includes a general position, job responsibilities, what he should know (position, instructions depending on the position) for what he is responsible. Qualifications, work experience. In each body, there are divisions or departments, for example, the office may include: expedition, secretariat, control group, copy bureau, archive). Each subdivision should have a position, in each subdivision there is a head of the department, a specialist, an employee. Each position should have a job description. It includes a general position, job responsibilities, what he should know (regulations, instructions depending on the position) for what he is responsible, qualifications, work experience. General position, purpose of position, tasks, structure, functions. Interaction with other departments and services of the enterprise, responsibility. Signed by the beginning of subsection, approved. General director this organization. The success of management activities as a whole depends on how professionally the documentation is maintained.

Archival guide - an archival reference book containing in a systematized form characteristics or brief information about the archival funds, and intended to familiarize with their composition and content. Guide is a mandatory reference and informational edition of the archive, which gives a general idea of ​​the composition and content of its documents at the collection level. Depending on the level of information contained in the guide, it can be internal and inter-archive. The guidebooks are subdivided into: A guide to the archive funds; A short guide to the archive funds; Thematic guide to the archive funds; Archives guide Archive Funds Guide determines the composition of the archive at the fund level. It contains a systematized list of characteristics of archival funds, including the name, number, size of the fund, its end dates, historical information, annotations, bibliography.

A quick reference to the archive funds provides information on archival funds of a more general or narrower thematic character than the guide to funds. It contains the names of the funds and brief information about them. These include the number, volume, and end dates of funds. Directories can be annotated and unannotated. Thematic guide on the archive funds reports information about the funds, determined by a specific topic. In it, in accordance with the topics, the name, fund number, deadline dates, inventory numbers containing documents on the topic, scientific reference apparatus for the fund, annotations, bibliography are indicated. Additionally, information on the history of the fund builder and the conditions for access and use of documents can be indicated.

The Archive Guide includes information about a number of archives, starting with the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation and continuing with a group of archives. It determines the composition of the archive, the group of archives, the composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation according to the repositories of its entire or its individual parts. The characteristics of the archive in this guide contains the name and address of the archive, reference data on types of documentation, historical information and annotation. The guidebook consists of a main part, which contains a description of funds and documents, and a reference apparatus, including a title page, table of contents, preface, list of abbreviations, indexes. When compiling guidebooks, the main requirement for them is the completeness of the reflected information, the availability of reference data (archive, fund, inventory, storage unit). Overview of archival documents - an archival reference book, which includes systematized information about the composition, content and search data of individual complexes of archival documents, supplemented, if necessary, by their source analysis. Reviews can be stock and thematic. Overview of the archive fund includes systematized information about the composition and content of the documents of the fund and their source analysis. Thematic overview of docs includes systematized information on the composition and content of the documents of one or several archival funds on a specific topic and their source analysis. The main part of the review is annotations of archival docs, accompanied by their search data. In full, the review consists of the characteristics of the fund-making institutions, the characteristics of the documents, the reference apparatus. The main difference between the review of arch. Documents from other types of scientific and reference documents is the conduct of source analysis. The reference apparatus of the review consists of: a title page, a table of contents, a preface (which provides information about the fund and the fund-maker, the structure of the review, the composition of the reference apparatus, a list of abbreviations, an index.).

10. Regulatory and methodological support of office work

Normative and methodological regulation of office work (or documentation support of management) allows you to competently organize not only the activities of the preschool educational institution, but also the entire office work system as a whole.

This regulation is carried out using the regulatory and methodological framework of office work, without knowledge of which it is impossible:

1. correctly create and execute documents, giving them legal force;

2. organize the workflow;

3. to ensure the storage and use of documents in current activities.

The regulatory and methodological base of office work is a set of laws, regulatory legal acts and methodological documents that regulate the technology of creating documents, their processing, storage and use in the current activities of the institution, as well as the activities of the office management service: its structure, functions, staff, technical support and some other aspects.

The regulatory framework for office work is:

1. legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of documentation and information;

2. decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of office work;

3. normative legal acts of federal executive bodies (ministries, committees, services, agencies, etc.), regulating the issues of documentation support;

4. technical regulations and national standards in the field of management documentation;

5. All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information;

6. unified documentation systems;

7. normative legal acts issued by the management of institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The regulatory framework for office work also includes legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and legal acts adopted by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These acts should be taken into account when organizing office work, primarily by the representative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as by organizations, institutions and enterprises operating on their territory.

37. Rationing of labor of employees of the preschool educational institution

DOE is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with docks. Tasks of the preschool educational institution : 1.improvement of forms and methods of working with documents; 2.provision of a unified procedure for documentation, 3.organizations of work with dock-mi; of information retrieval systems, 5.control of execution and preparation of documents for transfer to the archive in accordance with applicable standards; 6.reduction of document flow; 7.unification of forms of documents; 8.development and implementation of regulatory and methodological doc-in on improving documentation. provide. management in org-9.structures. subdivisions; 10. introduction of the latest information. technol. to work with docks. Functions of the preschool educational institution can be divided into technological, organizational, methodical. technological 1. initial (expeditionary) processing entrance. doc-in; 2.registration entrance., exodus. and int. doc-in; 3.conducting information and reference work on the dock-m org-i; 3.machine-writing production of dock-in (typing on the computer); copying, duplication and operational reproduction of documents; 4. development and design of forms; 5. preparation of documents for dispatch. organizational 1.preparation for the report. hand-woo step. dock-in; 2.organ. we will be timely. consider. The dock is in charge of the organ; 3.regul. progress of execution of documents, passer-by and use. dock in installation term; 4.organization of storage of documents in structural subdivisions. 5.organization of work. archive acc. with rights and instructions. and method. recom. Rosarkhiv; 6. increase. qualif. slave in office work and archive.; 6.organ. workplaces, including automated workstations (AWP), condition. labor co-workers. 7.organization of case management according to citizens' appeal; 8.development (with the corresponding structures. Subdivision authority) activities. by perfection. forms and method. work with dock-mi. control 1.control. for the right-of-the-art doc-in, submission to the sub. Leadership (i.e. outcome and internal doc-in); 2.control for the term. used doc-in; 2.existing counter. for the rights. form-I and form-I in structure. subsection cases to be submitted to the archive; 3.control. working with docks in p. methodical 1.designed by N.D., instruction. by deloproiz-u, tab-i forms doc-in and friend. norm-x doc-v, 2.prov. expert. scientific practical price and up to;

66 Management in archives

Management - modern enterprise management system operating in a market economy. The term "Management" is essentially an analogue of the term "management", its synonym. The management process (management) has four interrelated functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.

The work of the archive is organized in accordance with the regulations on the archive: the regulations on the archive include the following sections: basic provisions, the composition of the archive docs, the tasks and functions of the archive, the rights of the archive, the organization of the archive. The central archive of the federal authority or the authority of the subject of the Federation can organize, develop and take part in the preparation of regulatory and methodological documents for industry purposes (various lists of document categories with storage periods, standard (approximate) instructions for preschool educational institutions and nomenclatures of cases) as for internal use in the activities of the archive, and for use in working with documents in structural divisions and subordinate organizations.

Planning: The archive compiles: an annual work plan, a schedule for receiving cases into the archive. An annual plan is drawn up with an indication of specific types of work. The schedule for accepting cases into the archive is coordinated with the structural divisions and approved by the head of the organization. Based on the results of the work, the archive compiles a report on the implementation of the annual plan, schedules, as well as information on the implementation of activities not included in the annual plan. The records of labor in the archive are kept in the timesheet in the labor diaries. When calculating the norms of time for the main types of archival work, archives can be guided by the Interindustry consolidated norms of time for work on preschool educational institutions.

The organization of work of the archive staff includes: selection and rational placement of personnel; efficient use of material and technical resources; creation of favorable working conditions for employees. The selection of employees is carried out in accordance with the staffing table of the archive. This takes into account the personal and business qualities, qualifications of employees. When applying for a job, training on safety and fire safety is carried out, future employees are familiarized with the archive's work schedule, regulations on it. X certification is carried out once every 4 years. To improve the qualifications of employees on the basis of archives, courses, meetings, seminars are periodically held. The archivist may be held liable for non-compliance with the conditions for ensuring the safety of documents, loss and unauthorized destruction of documents, unjustified refusal to accept documents and user access to them.

Marketing of archival information is an activity aimed at studying the information market and determining the demand for retrospective information contained in archival documents, as well as for the services of archivists. In accordance with the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and archives, financing and material and technical support of archives is carried out at the expense of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds. Marketing arch. information includes: studying the needs of users of documentary information, forecasting the need for archival services, identifying potential consumers of certain archival services; development of a list of paid services, expansion of the advertising campaign in order to attract a wider range of consumers. The basis of marketing is the coincidence of the interests of the seller and the buyer, the offer of rare information at a high price, the determination of the place and time of the sale of information.

Performing paid services. The nomenclature of paid works and services performed by the archives is approved by the head of the organization. The archive, based on the nomenclature, taking into account the conditions of its activity, can develop a list of paid works and services, defining in more detail the types of work, production operations and performers. When performing paid works and services, the relationship of the archive with third-party organizations and consumers must be fixed by an agreement. (Arch. Marketing pr. - copying documents before going online, selling microfilms and microfiches of documents, publishing computer versions of documents and reference books)

11. Structure, content and scope of GOST 6.30-2003.

Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD) by the Federal Archival Service of Russia.

Introduced by the scientific and technical department of the Gosstandart of Russia. Adopted and put into effect by the Resolution of the Gosstandart of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st.

This standard applies to organizational and administrative documents related to a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation - decrees, orders, orders, decisions, minutes, letters, acts. This standard establishes: the composition of the details of the document; requirements for the design of the details of the document; requirements for document forms, including document forms with reproduction of state. Coat of arms in the Russian Federation 1.gos. Coat of arms of the Russian Federation, 2- coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 3-emblem / trademark of the organization, 4-code of the organization, 5- registration number of legal entity. persons, 6- INN / KPP, 7- form code of doc. (OKUD), 8-item. Org., 9-reference data, 10-name, name of the document., 11-date, 12-register. No. 13-link to register. No., 14-place preparation, 15-addressee, 16- approval stamp, 19- control mark, 20- text, 21- application mark, 22-signature, 23-approval stamp, 24-approval visas, 25-imprint stamp, 26-mark on certification of a copy, 27-mark on execution, 28-mark on execution and direction of doc. in the case, 29-mark on admission doc. in org., 30 - electr. copies of documents (header / footer mark / bottom left corner). Requirements for the forms of the document. 1. the document is made on forms, A4 and A5 formats. must have margins of 20 mm - left, 10 mm - right, 20 mm - top, 20 mm - bottom. Forms are made on light-colored white paper. Depending on the location of the details, 2 variants of forms are installed - angular and longitudinal. For organization and structure. Sub-tease. The official is set to trace. Types of document forms: general form; letterhead, form of a specific type of document. The page number is placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet.

General rules for organizing document flow in the organization

Document flow is the movement of documents in the enterprise from the moment they are received or created until the completion of execution or sending. The main task is the efficiency and uniformity of document processing. Dokumen-tobor. carried out in the form of different. docking threads ... Volume document management. depends on 1.the significance of the organization; 2.from its function and the level of tasks to be solved; 3.from relations with the external. organisms. In documentation, there is 3 gr. Doc-v. Entrance., Out., Int.

Inbox at the initial stage of the passage. 1. primary processing; 2. preliminary considered service. ... Outgoing and internal Common to all groups are.1.reviewed.doc-in manual-m, 2.register-I, 3.transmission performer, 4.control of execution 5.execution, 6.filing in cases, 7.use.document in reference informational purposes, 8.preparation for transfer to the archive. Accounting for the volume of document circulation is carried out with the aim of receiving. data for calculating the state. number of persons. clerical service . Inbox 1.doc. higher authority, org-in power; 2. subordinate org-th, send reporting and accounting documents and various requests; of allied organizations and other organizations, exchange inform. to resolve issues requiring joint action; 4. Complaints and statements of citizens. Primary processing 1.checking the right of access. 2.the number of sheets.of available documents, 3.the availability of attachments. , c) note. in the journal register (note). Not opening letters-Personal, Confidential ... Incoming documents distributed to registered and unregistered. Registered-incoming number, date of receipt. The ordinal registration was used according to the journal within one year. The manual-l-defined version, the terms in the form of a resolution on the document. Internal

Organization of acquisition of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation.

Archive acquisition - systematic replenishment of the archive with documents in accordance with its profile and current legislation. The profile of the archive is determined by the Federal Archival Service of the Russian Federation. The purpose of acquisition is the most complete concentration of relevant documents in the archive. Before the documents are transferred to the state archives, they are kept by fund-makers in departmental or private archives. The work on the acquisition of the archive with documents consists of: from the established profile of the archive: determination of the sources of acquisition; determination of the composition of documents to be stored in the archive; organization of picking. The source of acquisition is a legal entity or individual whose documents are received or may be deposited in the archive. The criteria for recruiting sources are: functional purpose of the institution; the scale of its activities; type of organization; completeness of reflection in its documents of valuable information. Sources of acquisition of state. archives that store documents permanently are organizations and individuals in whose activities documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation are formed to be transferred to the state archives. The following groups of sources of recruitment are distinguished: institutions and organizations, the documents of which are fully transferred to the state archive; institutions and organizations that partially transfer documents to the state archive, since they are either included in the documents of higher institutions and organizations, or are not particularly valuable; institutions and organizations from which a group selective acceptance of documents is carried out that have valuable or unusual information, in the aggregate, reflecting their activities; institutions and organizations from which the selective reception of documents of particular importance is carried out as typical for this type of institutions and organizations. In real archival practice, two lists of sources of acquisition are created: The first list includes institutions and organizations in the activities of which documents of state importance are created, which enter the state archive in full. The second list is made by institutions and organizations that do not submit their documents to the state archives, which are not under the control of the state archives as possible sources of acquisition. In addition to the lists of institutions and organizations that submit documents on a paper basis to the state archive, lists are maintained - sources of acquisition, as well as when these documents are received in the archive, lists of institutions and organizations that are sources of acquisition of film-photo-background-video documents and electronic documents. When accepting documents to the state archive, they may be received in full or selectively. Upon full receipt of documents, institutions and organizations transfer all their archival documents to the archive. With selective admission, all valuable documents are received from individual organizations of a certain type or part of valuable documents from among those that are not repeated in the funds of other organizations from a particular organization. The transfer of cases to the archive is carried out with the complete archival processing of cases according to their inventory. Transfer to the departmental archive: files of permanent, temporary (over 10 years) storage and personnel are transferred; the transfer is made one year after the completion of the office work; files are accepted into the archive by the head of the archive one by one according to the inventory in the presence of a representative of the structural unit whose files are transferred to the archive; when transferring especially valuable cases, a page-by-page view of them is made; in the absence of cases, a certificate is drawn up explaining this absence; the transfer is recorded in the inventory of the deliverer and the inventory of the receiver, while at the end of each copy a note is made about the presence of cases, their actual number, numbers of missing cases, the date of submission of cases to the archive are indicated; at the end of the reception of cases the head. The archive signs on three copies of the inventory of permanent storage cases and on two copies of the inventory of long-term storage, the second copies are returned to the sender, the rest remain in the archive. After the expiration of the terms of departmental storage, the files are transferred to the state archive for permanent storage: the transfer of files to the state archive is carried out annually or once every 3-5 years, documents are transferred according to the inventories and drawn up by an act of acceptance and transfer of cases for state storage in 2 copies, documents are transferred to in an orderly state with an appropriate scientific and reference apparatus and insurance copies for especially valuable documents; when accepting documents, their physical, sanitary and hygienic and technical ones are checked. States; the reception is carried out one by one, and especially valuable sheets of paper, at the first reception of the organization's documents into the archive, the historical information of the organization is transferred along with them, the documents of non-governmental organizations are accepted into the state archive in accordance with the agreement concluded between them; documents of individuals enter the state archive as a result of donation, will, purchase and sale.

12. The essence of the concept of "document"

Document is created as a result of documentation - recording information on various media according to established rules. A carrier is a material object that is used to fix and store speech, sound or visual information on it. Management documentation is subdivided into separate systems. A documentation system is understood as a set of documents interconnected according to the characteristics of origin, purpose, type, field of activity, uniform requirements for registration. In the Russian language, the word document came Vov in the time of Peter 1 and originally had the meaning of a written testimony. Then the terms appeared: business paper, official document, act, accounting and historical documents are highlighted. The concept of a document is used by Vov in all spheres of social activity. Almost every branch of knowledge gives its own interpretation of this term. Depending on which branch of knowledge gives this definition, the very concept of a document is defined in different ways: a document is a material object, a document is an information carrier, a document is documentation information. The official interpretation of this dark is given by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archival work. Terms and definitions. - Document - information recorded on a material carrier with details, allowing it to be identified.External signs of a document - signs reflecting the shape and size of the document, information carrier, recording method, design elements. Document functions. Any document has certain functions, the clarification of which is important for determining the purpose of creating a document, for classifying it and studying the role in a given social structure or economic system. The document is functional or multifunctional, i.e. contains various functions.
The functions are general and special. General - this is informational (related to the past, operational - current, perspective - related to the future), social (created to meet various needs), communicative (documents - laws, decrees, orders, orders, complaints, correspondence, contractual documents) cultural (the ability to preserve and transmit traditions, rituals accepted in society - film, photo). Special - management (establishment, consolidation of legal norms, documents entailing legal force), legal (changes in legal norms and offenses - laws, decrees), function of a historical source, function of accounting (statistical, accounting, operational) ... Document properties. It is customary to highlight several document properties: The legal force of the document, its property - property to be genuine evidence of those facts, events and actions that are reflected in the document. The legal force of a document is a property of an official document, communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the authority that issued it and the established procedure for its registration. The originality of the document. The word is original from lat. "Originalis" - original, original. Originals of documents can be white papers and drafts. A draft is a draft document. A draft document is a handwritten or typewritten document that reflects the work of an author or editor on its text. Belovik is the last revised version of the document. White paper is a handwritten or typewritten document, the text of which is copied from a draft document or written without blots and corrections. For official documents, the original is a white paper. The authenticity of the document - translated from Latin means reliable. The original document is a document, information about the author, the time of its origin. This can be the first or a single instance. A duplicate of a document is a duplicate copy of the original, which has legal force. Copies of documents. A copy of documents is a document that fully reproduces the information of the original document and all its external features or part and is not legally binding. Among the copies are distinguished: Extract - a copy of a part of the document, must contain a reproduction of the full text of the decision on a specific issue. A special kind - photos and blueprints.

Processing of the main document flows

The basis for building a clerical service is jav. the accepted form of work with documents in the organization - centralized, decentralized or mixed the form. At center.form- all documents are registered in one place (office, secretary). This system allows you to create a single help center for docking. Decentralized - registration takes place in structural divisions or at the places where documents are drawn up or executed). Mixed - part is registered centrally, the other part in structural divisions. Registered documents are divided into several groups, each of which is registered separately: in, out, ext. Inbox at the initial stage of the passage. 1. primary processing; 2. preliminary considered service. ... Outgoing and internal at the beginning of the passage 1. the draft of the document was drawn up 2. the correct design was checked 3. the agreement of the document was approved. Common to all groups are.1 reviewed. dock-in hand-m, 2.register-I, 3.transfer per-m, 4.control of execution 5.execution, 6.filing in the cases, 7.use of the doc-in for reference information purposes, 8 . to prepare for transfer to the archive. Inbox Primary processing Not opening letters-Personal, Confidential ... Incoming documents distributed to registered and unregistered. Registered-incoming number, date of receipt. The ordinal registration was used according to the journal within one year. The manual-l-defined version, the terms in the form of a resolution on the document. Outgoing - sent from the organization. Main steps: 1.stat.of the project document; 2.checked the drafts.; 3. agreement of projects.; 4.signed by hands; 5.register; 6.sending; 7. Filing copies to the file. Internal within the framework of the organization. At the stages of preparation and design, as well as with outgoing ones. At the stage of execution and completion, the order of operations is as with incoming 1.pre-chan, executable; 2.control of use; 3.execution; 4.remark about use; 5. filing of the use in the case.

The documents have registration numbers. For example: No. 03-05 / 145 (03 index of structural subdivision; 05 number according to the nomenclature; 145 registration number). Or No. 02/55 (02 input number, turkey structural subdivision in which it will be performed; 55 registration number). No. 41 - for internal dock-in.Resolution on the doc(17 props): applied to the dock. handwritten manual. or owed by a person. It is written on the first sheet of the document in any free space, except for the fields. Includes: to whom; what to do; when; personal signature of the obligee; the date of the resolution.

Organization of documents and files within the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation as a whole .

The organization of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation includes their classification and systematization. Classification - the development of scientific foundations for the organization of documents, the establishment of logical and historical links between them. Systematization is the physical organization and ordering of documents based on their classification scheme. Organization of documents is carried out: Within the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation; Within a specific archive; Within a specific archive fund. Organization of documents - a set of administrative and legal and scientific and methodological solutions and technical operations applied to these documents, taking into account their belonging, to various forms of ownership, different historical periods, types of media and other features, in order to streamline them and rational archival storage on isolated aggregates of archival funds. At the heart of the organization of documents is the archival fund - a set of archival documents that are historically or logically related to each other. Until recently, the main criteria for organizing the storage of docks were: Docks belong to historical epochs; Docks belong to all-Union, republican, local complexes; Belonging of documents to administrative-territorial units; Belonging of documents to certain branches of state and public activity; Belonging of documents to the composition of the documentation of this fund maker. At present, the criteria for organizing the storage of documents are: Forms of ownership - the state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation, federal property under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, municipal property, the non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation; Types of media, methods and techniques for securing information - written and graphic documents on paper, film and photo documents, videograms, electronic documents; Storage terms - permanent storage in the state archive, museum, library, archive of a non-governmental institution, temporary storage before transfer of documents to the state archive in the departmental archive, temporary and depository storage in departmental archives and industry funds, temporary and depository storage of documents from the non-state part of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation in the state archives. All criteria are applied collectively. According to them, the documents are organized within the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation. The archive fund of the Russian Federation is a set of documents reflecting the material and spiritual life of its peoples, having historical, scientific, social, economic, political, cultural significance, which are an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The archive fund of the Russian Federation, depending on the form of ownership of its documents, consists of state and non-state parts. The state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation consists of archival funds and archival documents that are federal property (federal archives), state property of the republics within the Russian Federation, territories, regions, autonomous regions, autonomous districts, St. Moscow and St. Petersburg (republican, regional, regional, district archives), municipal property (city (ray) archives) The state part of the Archive Fund includes arch. Foundations and arch. Docs: State. institutions, organizations, enterprises operating throughout its history, institutions of religious confessions until the separation of the church from the state; State bodies authorities, local governments, prosecutors, state institutions, enterprises, organizations, military units operating in the territory of the Russian Federation; Domestic state institutions, military units located or located abroad; Enterprises, organizations and associations of mixed forms of ownership, in the authorized capital of which there is a predominant share of federal or state property; Bodies of institutions, organizations and enterprises of the former CPSU and Komsomol Other public organizations and associations formed in the course of their activities before registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public associations, adopted at the institution of the Federal Archival Service of Russia; Copies of arch. Documents as originals, as well as copies of arch. Documents that were legally acquired by the state from abroad. The non-state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is made up of documents that are in private or other non-state property, which have historical, scientific, social, economic, political, and cultural significance. The non-state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation consists of archival funds and archival documents: Public associations and organizations from the moment of their registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public associations, including trade unions, charitable and other foundations, political parties and movements; Religious associations and organizations (after the separation of the church from the state); Non-state associations (corporations, associations, joint-stock companies), institutions, organizations and enterprises of industry, agriculture, other sectors of the economy, cultural science, social sphere, mass media; Individuals (documents of personal origin, family, patrimonial archives, collections of documents) The documents are assigned to the composition of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation on the basis of an examination of the value. The accounting and classification unit of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation is the archival fund - a set of archival documents that are historically or logically related to each other.

  1. The concept of "information" and "document".

The basis of the activity of any enterprise or organization is work with information - its receipt, processing, the concept of any decisions and their implementation. Information- it is information about persons, facts, events and phenomena, regardless of the form of its presentation. Information is of great importance because on its basis, decisions are made that depend on the completeness of information, its reliability and timeliness of provision. Information carrier- an object, a material body on which information is recorded (notebook, sheet of paper, disk, floppy disk, computer, board) Sourse of information- the object in which information is generated (television, radio, Internet). The document is from lat. The words "Documentum" - evidence - it is a material data carrier with information recorded on it, intended for its transmission in time and space. Documents can contain images, texts, sounds and other information. Documenting - the process of recording information on various media according to established rules. Documents ensure the consolidation, collection and processing of information, the transfer and use of information, as well as its storage.

Dock-in registration technology

Registration is a fixation of the fact of creation or receipt of a document by affixing a number and date on it, followed by recording the necessary information about the document in registration forms. Tasks: accounting for the number of documents; safety of documents, control of execution of documents; search for documents for information and reference purposes. In practice, three document registration systems are currently used: centralized, decentralized and mixed. At center.form- all documents are registered in one place (office, secretary). Such a system allows you to create a single help center for docking. Decentralized - registration takes place in structural divisions or at the places where documents are drawn up or executed). Mixed - part is registered centrally, the other part in structural divisions. Registered documents are divided into several groups, each of which is registered separately: in, out, ext. An important principle of registration is single entry. Each document is registered once. Login.register on the day of admission, ref. and int. on the day of signing. Login.Doc-you distributed to registered and unregistered Registered-incoming number, date of receipt. The ordinal registration was used according to the journal within one year. The manual-l-defined version, the terms in the form of a resolution on the document. Outgoing - sent from the organization. Main steps: 1.stat.of the project document; 2.checked the drafts.; 3. agreement of projects.; 4.signed by hands; 5.register; 6.sending; 7. Filing copies to the file. Internal within the framework of the organization. At the stages of preparation and design, as well as with outgoing ones. At the stage of execution and completion, the order of operations is as with incoming 1.transmission to execution; 2.control of execution; 3.execution. 4.mark on use; 5. filing of the use in the case. Inbox at the initial stage of the passage. 1. primary processing; 2. preliminary considered service. ... Outgoing and internal at the beginning of the passage 1. the draft of the document was compiled 2. the correct design was checked. 3. agreement of the document. Common to all groups are.1.reviewed.doc-in hand-m, 2.register-I, 3.transfer per-m, 4.control of execution 5.execution, 6.filing in cases, 7.use.document in reference information .purposes, 8.prepare for transfer to the archive. Inbox 1.doc. higher authority, org-in power; 2. subordinate org-th, send reporting and accounting documents and various requests; of allied organizations and other organizations, exchange inform. to resolve issues requiring joint action; 4. Complaints and statements of citizens. Primary processing 1.checking of the right of access. 2.the number of sheets.of available documents, 3.the availability of attachments. -te, c) note. in the journal register (note). Not opening letters-Personal, Confidential . Exists magazine register(up to 1 thousand documents per year); Card(over 1 thousand documents; A5 format, in 2-3 copies); computer registration(it is convenient, a large amount of information is entered. Effect.control, information-reference.) Dock-in indexing- affixing their ordinal ( registration numbers). Requisite (12) GOST R 6.30-2003. The documents have registration numbers. For example: No. 03-05 / 145 (03 index of structural subdivision; 05 number according to the nomenclature; 145 registration number). Or No. 02/55 (02 input number, turkey structural subdivision in which it will be performed; 55 registration number). No. 41 - for internal dock-in. It is allowed to write l / s or personnel (k) to the indices of orders by personal composition. Registration starts from 01, from 1 January. until Dec 31 Every year inclusive

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description of a clerk in a preschool educational institution is compiled on the basis of Professional standard: « 07.002 Specialist in organizational and documentation support of organization management»(Approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2015 N 276n); taking into account the Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012 " »As amended on December 27, 2019; according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations between an employee and an employer.

1.2. This job description of a clerk of a preschool educational institution establishes the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee who holds the position of a clerk in a preschool educational institution.

1.3. A person who has a secondary vocational education and has completed training programs for skilled workers and employees may be appointed to the position of a clerk.

1.4. The clerk appoints and dismisses the head of the preschool educational institution in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the labor agreement (contract) with the employee.

1.5. The clerk belongs to the category of technical executors and is directly subordinate to the head of a preschool educational institution.

1.6. The clerk in the preschool educational institution, when performing official duties, is guided by:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic general educational programs;
  • The Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations, other local legal acts of a general educational institution;
  • administrative, labor and economic legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal State Educational Standard of General Secondary Education;
  • SanPiN " Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Structure, Content and Organization of the Mode of Operation of General Education Organizations»As amended on August 27, 2015;
  • resolutions, orders, orders and other guiding and normative documents related to the conduct of office work;
  • standards of a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation;
  • spelling and punctuation rules;
  • rules for working on a computer and other office equipment;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;
  • this job description and labor agreement (contract);
  • The Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.7. The clerk of the preschool educational institution must know the following:

  • State standard of the Russian Federation " Office work and archiving»;
  • regulatory legal acts and regulatory and methodological documents, regulations, instructions and other materials and documents on the conduct of office work in a preschool educational institution;
  • modern information technologies for working with documents;
  • the procedure for working with documents;
  • workflow schemes;
  • rules for working with incoming, outgoing and internal documents;
  • rules of organization and forms of control over the execution of documents in a general education institution;
  • typical deadlines for the execution of documents;
  • principles of working with a deadline file;
  • purpose and technology of current and preventive control;
  • rules for drawing up analytical reports on the organization of work with documents and control over the execution of documents;
  • rules for documentary support of the activities of a general educational institution;
  • types of documents, their purpose;
  • requirements for documents in accordance with regulatory enactments and state standards;
  • rules for the preparation and execution of information and reference, organizational, management documents;
  • rules for creating and maintaining databases of official documents in an educational organization;
  • electronic document management systems;
  • rules and terms for sending outgoing documents;
  • labor protection and fire safety requirements at the workplace;
  • methodological recommendations for the implementation of work with documents in educational institutions;
  • the procedure for controlling the passage of service documentation and materials;
  • the structure of the educational institution and the composition of the staff;
  • types of nomenclatures, general requirements for the nomenclature, methodology for its preparation and design;
  • the procedure for the formation and registration of cases, the specifics of the formation of certain categories of cases;
  • rules for storing files, including those with restricted documents;
  • rules for issuing and using documents from formed cases;
  • criteria for dividing documents into groups in accordance with the value of the information contained in them;
  • the procedure for creating, organizing and documenting the work of the expert commission;
  • rules for drawing up and approving the protocol of the expert commission's work;
  • rules for drawing up and approving an act on the allocation of documents that are not subject to storage;
  • rules for technical processing and complete registration of cases of permanent and temporary storage periods;
  • rules for compiling an inventory of cases of permanent and temporary storage periods in accordance with the current regulatory and methodological documents;
  • rules for transferring cases to the archives of a general education institution;
  • rules for using telephone, fax, copier, printer, scanner, computer;
  • rules for working with text editors and spreadsheets, databases, e-mail, Internet browsers;
  • technology for creating, processing, transferring and storing various documents;
  • rules for business correspondence, composing and typing business letters using standard samples;
  • office work and its conduct;
  • requirements for the safety of official information, protection of personal data;
  • fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics;
  • business communication rules;
  • the procedure for providing first aid;
  • order of actions in case of fire or other emergency, evacuation.

1.8. The clerk of the preschool educational institution must be able to:

  • work with the entire set of information and documentation resources of a general educational institution:
  • use reference and legal systems;
  • use automated accounting, registration, control systems and information and reference systems when working with preschool educational institutions;
  • apply modern information and communication technologies for working with documents, including for its optimization and increasing efficiency;
  • organize work on accounting, storage and transfer to the appropriate structural unit of documents of current office work;
  • use the nomenclature of cases when studying the structure of a general education institution, compiling inventories of cases;
  • organize work on the formation of cases in accordance with the approved nomenclature of cases of the preschool educational institution;
  • correctly and in a timely manner to form documents in the case, taking into account their specifics;
  • systematize documents within the case;
  • ensure the safety and protection of documents of a general education institution;
  • use the lists of documents and analyze the actual content of the documents in the case when determining the terms of their storage;
  • to draw up the covers of cases of permanent and temporary storage in accordance with the requirements of state standards;
  • to make a structural systematization of cases;
  • carry out technical processing and full registration of cases of permanent and temporary storage periods;
  • draw up an inventory of cases of permanent and temporary storage periods in accordance with the current regulatory and methodological documents.

1.9. The employee must familiarize himself with the job description of the clerk in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the professional standard, with the instruction on labor protection for the clerk of the preschool educational institution, with the instruction on fire safety measures in the preschool educational institution.

1.10. The clerk of the preschool educational institution must comply with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, be trained and have the skills to provide first aid to victims.

2. Job responsibilities

The clerk at the preschool educational institution carries out the following duties:

2.1. Organizes the implementation, maintenance (including automated) and development of documentation systems, including electronic documents.

2.2. Together with the administration of the kindergarten, he prepares reporting documents for higher organizations, prepares service letters, certificates.

2.3. Receives correspondence (e-mail) arriving in the name of the head of the preschool educational institution, registers it and organizes it in accordance with the order adopted in the preschool educational institution, after its consideration, the head transfers it to the appointed executors for use in the course of their activities or preparing a response.

2.4. Keeps a permanent record, a card index of the passage of documents, controls their execution, issues the required certificates on registered documents.

2.5. Sends completed correspondence to addressees, keeps records of received and sent correspondence, systematizes and stores documents of the current archive.

2.6. Keeps track of the hours of work of employees of a preschool educational institution, fills out and submits to the accounting department the time sheet of employees of a preschool educational institution on time. Monitors employees' compliance with work schedules, informs employees about changes in the work schedule in advance, against signature.

2.7. He is engaged in the execution of employment contracts and personal files of employees who get hired, processes and formalizes the transfer of personal files of employees to the archive.

2.8. Forms personal files of pupils attending preschool educational institutions.

2.9. Keeps a book on the movement of pupils.

2.10. Carries out registration of pupils of preferential categories.

2.11. Prepares draft orders for the movement of the contingent of children.

2.12. Keeps order books.

2.13. Prints orders for the main activity, other orders. Introduces kindergarten employees to orders signed on the day of their publication.

2.14. According to the orders of the head of the preschool educational institution, he prints and draws up the required documentation for conducting the educational and teaching process in kindergarten, for the implementation of the annual plan.

2.15. Takes part in the selection of documents sent for storage, in the organization of current storage, is engaged in the preparation and submission to the archive of documentary materials completed by office work.

2.16. Performs work on creating a reference apparatus for documents, provides a convenient and quick search for them.

2.17. He is engaged in the preparation of general meetings of preschool educational institutions, collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants about the time, place, agenda of the meeting and their registration.

2.18. He is the secretary of the administrative meeting at the head of a preschool educational institution.

2.19. Within the limits of his competence, he participates in drawing up a program for the development of office work of a preschool educational institution, makes proposals on improving the office work of a preschool educational institution.

2.20. Provides protection of the rights and freedoms of children, parents (legal representatives) when processing personal data (hereinafter - PD).

2.21. Strictly observes the confidentiality of personal data and the requirements for the protection and security of PD during their processing, preventing their dissemination without the consent of the PD subject or other legal basis.

2.22. Observes the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data of employees and pupils of a preschool educational institution.

2.23. Strictly observes the provisions of the job description of the clerk at the preschool educational institution, systematically undergoes medical examinations.

3. Rights

The kindergarten clerk has every right to:

3.1. Participate in the management of the preschool educational institution in the manner prescribed by the Charter.

3.2. To a workplace that meets all labor protection and fire safety requirements.

3.3. To defend their professional honor and dignity.

3.4. For the transfer of documents for execution and for the request from the performers of the competent and correct execution of the required documentary materials.

3.5. To request from the administration of the kindergarten, receive and use information materials, regulatory and legal documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

3.6. Get acquainted with all the available materials of his personal file, reviews of his work, complaints and other documents reflecting the assessment of his work, provide explanations on them.

3.7. For moral and material encouragement, as well as for the protection of their own interests and the interests of the employees of the preschool educational institution.

3.8. For timely and full payment of wages in accordance with their qualifications, quantity and quality of work performed.

3.9. Refuse to perform work in the event of a threat to life and health due to violation of labor protection requirements.

3.10. Continuously improve their professional qualifications.

3.11. On nondisclosure of a disciplinary (official) investigation, except in cases provided for by law.

3.12. To defend their professional interests independently and (or through a legal representative, including a lawyer), in the event of a disciplinary or official investigation related to non-compliance with the norms of professional ethics.

3.13. To join trade unions to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.14. Receive social guarantees and benefits provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For non-fulfillment or violation without valid reasons of this job description of the clerk in the preschool educational institution, the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations, legal orders of the head of the preschool educational institution and other local regulatory acts, as well as for making decisions that entailed a violation of the educational and educational process, the clerk is disciplinary the procedure established by the Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For the use, even once, of methods of upbringing, including physical and (or) psychological violence against the personality of the child, the clerk may be dismissed from his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Federal Law " Education in the Russian Federation". Dismissal for such an act is not considered a disciplinary measure.

4.3. Bears disciplinary responsibility for the safety of documentation in the office of the clerk.

4.4. Brought to disciplinary responsibility for disclosing official and confidential information, information about personal data of employees and children of a preschool educational institution.

4.5. For violation of the rules of fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, a clerk may be brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases established by administrative legislation.

4.6. For any culpable infliction of a preschool educational institution or participants in the educational process of damage (including moral) in connection with the fulfillment (non-fulfillment) of their direct official duties, the clerk of the kindergarten is financially liable in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and (or) civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

5. Relationships. Relationships by position

DOE clerk:

5.1. Performs work according to a schedule drawn up taking into account a 40-hour working week, and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

5.2. He constantly exchanges information on issues related to his competence with the administration, accounting, pedagogical workers and service personnel of the kindergarten, with the parents of the children (persons replacing them).

5.3. Receives information of a regulatory and organizational nature from the head of a preschool educational institution, gets acquainted with the necessary documents on receipt.

5.4. In time informs the head of the preschool educational institution and his deputies about information, orders, instructions and other documentation received by e-mail.

5.5. During the absence of the clerk, his duties are performed by an employee who has all the required professional knowledge, skills and abilities, appointed by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. This employee acquires the corresponding rights and bears full responsibility for the quality performance of the duties assigned to him.

6. Procedure for approving and changing job descriptions

6.1. Changes and additions to the current job description are made in the same order in which the job description is accepted.

6.2. The job description comes into force from the moment it is approved and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description.

6.3. The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed by a signature in the copy of the job description kept by the employer, as well as in the log of familiarization with job descriptions.