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List of hazardous production facilities. List of Typical Names of HPFs and Features of Identification of Individual HPFs! Information characterizing the hazardous production facility

Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and nuclear supervision
dated April 25, 2006 No. 389
"On approval of the List of typical types of hazardous production facilities
for registration purposes state register"

In order to implement the established powers of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, I order:

1. Approve and put into effect the attached List of typical types of hazardous production facilities for the purposes of registration in the state register.

2. Consider Appendix 1 to the Methodological Recommendations for the Identification of Hazardous Industrial Facilities (RD 03-616-03), approved by Order of the State Mining and Technical Inspectorate of Russia dated June 19, 2003 No. 138, not to be applied.

List of typical types of hazardous production facilities
for the purposes of registration in the state register

(approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision
dated April 25, 2006 No. 389)

Object name

Danger Signs

Object type

Object boundaries

Identification Features

1. Dangerous production facilities coal, shale and peat industries

Coal mine

2.1., 2.2., 2.3. and 2.5.

Mining allotment boundaries

Shale mine

Storehouses of explosive materials are identified separately.


Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately

Mine construction site (specialized)

Coal open pit

Shale section

Rock dump area

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified by the characteristics of mining operations.

Brown coal briquetting site (workshop, area)

2.1., 2.2., 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified based on the conduct of work on mineral processing and use hazardous substances.

Coal enrichment site (workshop, area)

Oil shale enrichment site (workshop, area)

They are identified based on the conduct of mineral processing work, as well as separately for the purposes of registration in the register of hydraulic structures.

Peat extraction site

Mining allotment boundaries

Identified by the nature of mining operations and the presence of a hazardous substance.

2. Hazardous production facilities in the mining and non-metallic industries

2.1. Hazardous production facilities for the extraction and enrichment of non-ferrous metals and gold

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Mining allotment boundaries

Identified based on mining operations and use explosives at sites where blasting operations are carried out, as well as the use of hazardous substances.

Artisanal mining site (test site)

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Factory (site, workshop) for processing non-ferrous metals

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of enrichment work, as well as the use of hazardous substances.

Gold extraction site (site, workshop)

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Alumina refinery site (site)

Factory (site, workshop) crushing and screening

Factory (complex) crushing and screening for filling mined-out space

Tailings storage facility (sludge storage facility)

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of work on the enrichment of mineral resources, as well as the use of hazardous substances.

Section (site) of the slag dump

Boundaries of land allotment

Heap leaching area (site)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of mining operations, mineral processing work, and the use of hazardous substances.

2.2. Hazardous production facilities for the extraction and enrichment of ferrous ore raw materials

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Mining allotment boundaries

They are identified by the conduct of mining operations and the use of explosive materials at blasting sites.

Warehouses, manufacturing points and areas for loading and unloading explosive materials are identified separately.

Mining capital construction site (specialized)

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Factory (site, workshop) sintering

2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Boundaries of land allotment

Factory (site, workshop) for the enrichment of ore raw materials of ferrous metals

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Factory (site, workshop) for concentrate pelletizing

Factory (site, workshop) crushing and screening

Tailings storage facility (sludge storage facility)

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are also identified separately for the purposes of registration in the register of hydraulic structures.

2.3. Hazardous production facilities for the extraction and enrichment of raw materials in the mining and chemical industry

Underground mine

2.1., 2.2., 2.3. and 2.5.

Mining allotment boundaries

They are identified by the conduct of mining operations and the use of explosive materials at blasting sites.

Open pit mine (quarry)

Warehouses, manufacturing points and areas for loading and unloading explosive materials are identified separately.

Mining capital construction site (specialized)

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Salt production site (site)

2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

They are identified based on the conduct of mining and enrichment operations.

Factory (site, workshop) for the enrichment of mining chemical raw materials

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of enrichment work.
Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Factory (site, workshop) crushing and screening

Factory (complex) crushing and screening for filling mined-out space

They are identified based on the conduct of work on the enrichment of mineral resources, as well as the use of hazardous substances.

Tailings storage facility (sludge storage facility)

Boundaries of land allotment

They are also identified separately for the purposes of registration in the register of hydraulic structures.

2.4. Hazardous production facilities for the extraction and processing of raw materials building materials

2.1., 2.2., 2.3. and 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (1)

Mining allotment boundaries

They are identified by the conduct of mining operations and the use of explosive materials at blasting sites.

Raw materials extraction area* (4)

Warehouses, manufacturing points and areas for loading and unloading explosive materials are identified separately.

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Crushing and screening site (site, workshop)

2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of enrichment work.

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

Rock dump area (site)

Land allocation boundary

Identified by the nature of mining operations

Construction raw materials preparation area

Clinker production area

2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Boundaries of land allotment

They are identified based on the conduct of enrichment work. Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

2.5. Hazardous production facilities for the construction of underground hydraulic, transport and special structures.

Hydraulic construction site

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Mining allotment boundaries

They are identified by the conduct of mining operations and the use of explosive materials at blasting sites.

Transport construction site

Warehouses, manufacturing points and areas for loading and unloading explosive materials are identified separately.

Special construction site

Objects for general industrial purposes within the boundaries of land allocation are identified separately.

2.6. Hazardous production facilities located in natural underground cavities or waste mine workings

Name of the object located in the exhausted mine workings

2.1.* (3), 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.2.* (3), 3.3.

Mining allotment boundaries

They are identified by the characteristics of underground work.

The name of an object located in a natural underground cavity

3. Hazardous production facilities where explosives are stored, produced and used

Explosives warehouse

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Borders danger zone

Identified by the storage of explosive materials.

Storage of explosive materials as part of the VM warehouse

When determining the quantity of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the passport (calculated) capacity of the warehouse.

Workshop, site, point for the production (preparation) of explosive materials* (5)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the receipt of storage of explosive materials.
When determining the amount of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the mass of the active charge taken to calculate the safe distances (boundaries) of the dangerous zone.

Explosive materials loading and unloading area

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the characteristics of transportation of explosive materials.
When determining the amount of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the maximum amount of hazardous substances located on the site.

Site (workshop, site) for disposal (processing) of explosive materials

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

They are identified by the processing and destruction of explosive materials.

Test site, test site* (6)

Identified by the use of explosive materials

4. Hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas production complex

Drilling area* (7)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3. and 2.5.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (area, etc.) for maintenance of well repair units* (8)

Identified by the nature of mining operations and the production of hazardous substances

Well stock* (9)

Mining allotment boundaries

Identified by the receipt of hazardous substances

Oil preliminary treatment area

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.**

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified by the processing and transportation of hazardous substances.
When determining the quantity of a hazardous substance, actual production should be taken into account.

Booster pump station site

Oil preparation and collection point.

Tank (field) park

3.1. or 3.2.**

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified by the storage of hazardous substances.
When determining the amount of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the design capacity of the park.

Compressor station site (field)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified by the use and transportation of hazardous substances. When determining the amount of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the design capacity of the park.

Complex gas treatment area

Boundaries of land allotment

Identified by the processing and transportation of hazardous substances. When determining the amount of a hazardous substance, one should proceed from the design capacity of the park.

Underground gas storage* (10)

2.1., 2.2. and 2.5.

Gas reservoir distribution contour

Site (workshop, installation) of a gas processing plant* (11)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the processing of hazardous substances.
When determining the amount of hazardous substances, one should proceed from the design capacity of the plant.

System of field (interfield) pipelines of a cluster (area, field)

Boundaries of land allotment

Stationary platform (sea)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.1. or 3.2.

Platform boundaries

Identified by the receipt of hazardous substances.
When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design capacity should be used.

Drilling rig site (floating, including drilling vessels)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

Boundaries of a drilling platform, drilling ship

Identified based on the conduct of mining operations and the presence of hazardous substances.

5. Hazardous production facilities of main pipeline transport

Main gas pipeline section* (12)

3.1. or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Compressor station site

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Automotive gas filling compressor station

Gas distribution station

Section of main product pipeline, oil pipeline, ammonia pipeline* (13)

3.1. or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

Tank farm for main product pipeline, oil pipeline, ammonia pipeline* (14)

Pumping station site for main product pipeline, oil pipeline, ammonia pipeline

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Platform of the loading and unloading terminal (overpass)* (15)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

6. Hazardous production facilities of geological exploration and geophysical work during field development

Section (batch) of geological exploration (geophysical) work

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.5.

3.2. or 3.3.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the conduct of mining operations, as well as the use of explosive materials at blasting sites, the use of lifting mechanisms and equipment operating under pressure above 0.07 MPa. Explosive warehouses are identified separately.

7. Hazardous production facilities in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries, as well as other explosion-hazardous and hazardous industries

Workshop, site, production (installation) site* (16)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the characteristics of receipt, use, processing, and formation of hazardous substances.

When determining the quantity, one should proceed from the total volume of hazardous substances involved in technological processes.

Commodity base* (17)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

Product pipeline

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

Sludge storage pond (storage pond)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage of hazardous substances.

They are also identified separately for the purposes of registration in the register of hydraulic structures.

When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design should be taken into account.

Air separation plant site

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the presence and receipt of hazardous substances.

Production installation site (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc.)* (18)

Raw materials warehouse* (19)

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

Warehouse for semi-products* (17)

When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design should be taken into account.

Stock finished products* (17)

8. Hazardous production facilities for petroleum products supply

Oil depot (warehouse, park, complex) site for storage and transshipment of oil and petroleum products* (20)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.
When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design should be taken into account.

Fuel and lubricants warehouse

Group of tanks and draining and filling devices* (20)

Gas station site (multi-fuel gas station)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the circulation of a hazardous substance.
When determining the amount of hazardous substances, one should proceed from the project data.

9. Hazardous production facilities of water treatment systems

Chlorine warehouse* (21)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage and transportation of hazardous substances.

Water treatment site (workshop, section)

10. Hazardous production facilities of the food and oil and fat industry

Ammonia refrigeration plant

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the presence of hazardous substances.

Oil extraction production site (workshop)* (22)

When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design should be taken into account.

Alcohol production site (workshop)

Site (workshop) for the production of vegetable oil refining and deodorization

Fat hydrogenation production site (workshop)

11. Hazardous gas supply facilities

11.1. Hazardous production facilities for storing liquefied hydrocarbon gases

Storage base (cluster)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the storage of hazardous substances.

Gas filling station

When determining the quantity of hazardous substances, the design should be taken into account.

Gas filling point

Gas filling station (automotive)

Group balloon installation* (23)

Tank installation* (24)

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Boundaries of the territory of the organization’s administrative service area* (25)

11.2. Hazardous production facilities of the natural hydrocarbon gas distribution system

Gas supply network, including inter-settlement* (26)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Borders of the territory of administrative units on which gas supply systems are located* (26)

Identified by the use and transportation of hazardous substances.

11.3. Hazardous production facilities for gas consumption of natural and liquefied petroleum gas

Enterprise gas consumption system* (27)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Boundaries of the organization's territory

Heating system* (28)

Boundaries of the administrative unit of the territory serving the heat supply organization * (25)

Identified by the use and transportation of hazardous substances.

12. Hazardous production facilities in the heat and power industry, other hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C

The site of the main building of the thermal power plant (GRES)* (29)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1. or 3.2.* (2)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the use of equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C, as well as the use of hazardous substances.

Area subsidiary farming CHPP (GRES)* (30)

Fuel economy of thermal power plants (GRES)* (31)

Peak hot water boiler houses of thermal power plants (GRES)* (32)

Outlines of the boiler house building

Boiler room* (33)

Boundaries of the administrative unit of the territory served by the organization * (26)

Identified by the use of equipment operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C.

Group of boiler houses* (34)

Heating network pipeline section* (35)

Workshop (area, site) of an organization* (36)

Danger zone boundaries

Fuel oil storage area

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

3.1*(2) or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the use of equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C, as well as the use of hazardous substances

Diesel substation site (including reserve fuel tanks)

Area transformer substation, (including reserve transformer oil capacities)

13. Hazardous production facilities of the metallurgical industry

13.1. Hazardous production facilities for the production of ferrous metals


Iron production

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Blast furnace shop site

Identified by the production of ferrous metal melts and the use of toxic substances.


2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Steel and rolled products production

Open-hearth workshop (section)

Identified by the production of molten ferrous metals, the use of flammable gases and hazardous substances.

Converter shop (site)

Electric steel melting shop (section)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Danger zone boundaries

3.2. or 3.3.* (37)

Rolled products workshop

Identified by the use of flammable gases and toxic substances.

Pipe production workshop

Workshop for the production of metallized pellets and briquettes

Steel wire production workshop

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries


Production of ferroalloys and refractories

Workshop (site) for the production of ferroalloys

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the production of molten ferrous metals and alloys based on them, as well as the presence of hazardous substances.


Sinter production

Sintering workshop (section)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the production of melts, as well as the presence of hazardous substances.

13.2. Hazardous production facilities for the production of non-ferrous metals


Production of aluminum and magnesium, crystalline silicon and electrothermal silumin

Aluminum electrolysis workshop (site)

Magnesium electrolysis workshop (site)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for the production of crystalline silicon

Shop (site) for production and electrothermal silumin

Alumina production workshop (site)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for the production of crystalline silicon

13.2.2. Production of copper, nickel and cobalt

Melting shop (section)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for the production of crystalline silicon

They are identified by the production of non-ferrous metal melts, as well as the presence of hazardous substances.

13.2.3. Titanium production

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for the production of crystalline silicon

Workshop (site) for titanium production


2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

They are identified by the production of non-ferrous metal melts, as well as the presence of hazardous substances.


Production of powders and powders from metals and alloys based on them (iron, aluminum, magnesium, tin and other metals)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for production of powders* (39)


2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Production of precious metals

Production workshop (site)* (40)

Identified by the receipt of hazardous substances and the use of flammable gases.

Site, hydrometallurgical production workshop* (35)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,

3.1. or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries


Acid production

Acid farm area* (41)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3.2.

3.1. or 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the receipt of hazardous substances.

13.3. Hazardous production facilities of the gas industry, coke and other industries

Hydrogen station site

Identified by receipt.

Gas shop site (area)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the use of flammable gases.

Gas treatment plant area

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3.2.

Danger zone boundaries

Workshop (site) for the production of lunkerites and exothermic mixtures

Identified by the receipt of a flammable substance.

Coke shop

Identified by the production of flammable gases and toxic substances.

Pitch coke shop

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3.2.

3.1. or 3.2.

Chemical products recovery shop

Resin processing workshop

Crude benzene rectification workshop

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.,

Danger zone boundaries

Benzene warehouse

Workshop (department) for rectification of pyridine and quinoline bases

3.1. or 3.2.

Air separation station section (installation)

They are identified by the production of oxidizing substances.

3.1. or 3.2.

Chlorine warehouse

Identified by the storage of a toxic substance.

Ammonia warehouse

2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.

Danger zone boundaries

Ammonia pipeline

14. Hazardous production facilities for the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (inter-industry) Foundry workshop (site)* (42) Identified by the production of metal melts and the use of hazardous substances.

15. Hazardous production facilities using permanently installed

Danger zone boundaries

lifting mechanisms

, escalators, cable cars and funiculars

Crane platform (type name)* (43)

Mechanization section* (44)

They are identified by the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms.

Transport area, garage* (45)* (48)

Facilities where lifting structures are used* (46)

Site, workshop, area* (47) (its specific name)

Housing stock

They are identified by the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms (elevators).

Cable car* (50)

Danger zone boundaries

They are identified by the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms.


Metro distance* (51)

Subway distance limits

They are identified by the use of permanently installed lifting mechanisms (escalators).

16. Hazardous production facilities for the storage, processing and use of plant raw materials* (52)

Free-standing receiving and releasing device* (53)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Danger zone boundary

Identified by the formation of a hazardous substance (explosive dust).

Elevator* (54)

Silo warehouse* (55)

Warehouse for bulk floor storage of plant raw materials* (56)

Bulk flour storage warehouse

Mechanized warehouse for bulk floor storage* (57)

Department (area) for unpacking, weighing, sifting flour, grinding granulated sugar

Preparatory (part-time), (crushing) department* (58)

Reception and cleaning (drying and cleaning) tower

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Danger zone boundary

Free-standing plant drying area* (59)

Malting shop, area

Workshop (site) for flour production* (60)

Workshop (site) for the production of compound feed (feed mixtures)* (46)

Workshop (site) for the production of cereals* (46)

Workshop (area) for preliminary dosing and mixing of feed raw materials* (61)

Workshop (site) for granulation, briquetting of bran, mixed feed, feed mixtures* (54)

Workshop (site) of aggregate (block-modular) installations for the production of flour, cereals, animal feed

Corn processing shop (site)

Seed processing workshop (area)

Workshop (area) for cleaning and sorting soft containers

Workshop (site) for the production of wood flour (wood pellets), particle boards (fibreboards), plywood* (62)

2.1., 2.2., 2.3.

Danger zone boundary

Workshop (section) of the packing department of sugar production

Powder production workshop (site)* (63)

Workshop (area) for preparing tobacco raw materials

Shop (area) for unpacking and sorting plant raw materials* (64)

Workshop (site) for the production of products and parts made of wood, particle boards, fiber boards, plywood* (67)

Danger zone boundaries

Identified by the formation of a hazardous substance (explosive dust)

17. Hazardous production facilities associated with the transportation of dangerous goods

Hazardous substances transportation area* (65)

Within the right of way

Identified by the presence of hazardous substances being transported.

18. Hazardous production facilities during mining mineral waters

Mineral water well* (66)

Boundaries of mining and land allotment

Identified by the use of equipment operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa and at a water heating temperature of more than 115°C, the accompanying release of a hazardous substance.


* (2) - when determining the type of object, the amount of a hazardous substance is taken into account.

* (3) - when placing hazardous substances

* (4) - the title indicates the specific name of the raw material extracted using dredges, dredgers, etc.

* (5) - the name of the object indicates the specific type of explosive materials and products made from them.

* (6) - test sites for testing and destruction of explosive materials at explosive warehouses of organizations conducting blasting operations are identified as part of explosive warehouses.

* (7) - the facility includes all drilling rigs of the division of the organization carrying out drilling operations

* (8) - the facility includes all installations for well repair, operated by the relevant division of the organization

* (9) - the facility includes wells of all categories (drilled), metering devices, a water distribution unit, a chemical injection unit, and instrumentation water distribution located on the territory of the site, cluster, site or field.

* (10) - consisting of: a stock of wells, gas pipelines of an underground gas storage facility, a gas preparation installation of an underground gas storage facility, a compressor station, drilling installations and well repair installations.

* (11) - the name of the object indicates the specific name of the site, workshop, or section of the plant.

* (12) - the name of the object is indicated structural unit organizations.

* (13) - the name of the object indicates the name of the structural unit of the organization.

* (14) - the name of the object indicates the name of the structural unit of the organization.

* (15) - the name indicates the name of the petroleum product or ammonia

* (16) - the name of the object indicates the name of a specific workshop, site, installation.

* (17) - consisting of: commodity parks, pumping and unloading racks.

* (18) - specifically indicate the name of the gas produced, the method

* (19) - raw material or product

* (20) - at production sites.

* (21) - including the chlorination room, unloading areas for containers with chlorine, unloading and loading devices.

* (22) - including areas for receiving, storage, transportation, preparation of raw materials and received products

* (23) - the facility includes underground gas distribution pipelines.

* (24) - the facility includes underground gas distribution pipelines.

* (25) - the administrative unit of the service area is the territory of a settlement, microdistrict, city district, region.

* (26) - the facility includes external gas pipelines, gas inlet pipelines with fittings installed on them, buildings and structures on them, as well as gas control points in buildings, structures and blocks, devices for electrochemical protection of steel gas pipelines from corrosion, automated process control systems, facilities their electrical wiring and power supply.

* (27) - the facility includes a gas pipeline and gas-consuming equipment, as well as gas-using installations (gas turbines, process lines, etc.) in buildings and structures, as well as gas supply pipelines (on-site and off-site) to organizations.

* (28) - the facility identifies the supply and internal gas supply systems of all gasified boiler houses that are on the balance sheet of heat supply organizations of housing and communal services and the municipality.

* (29) - the facility includes the engine and boiler rooms, deaerator area

* (30) - the facility includes a chemical water treatment site, a compressor room, an electrolysis plant, a material warehouse, a chemical reagent warehouse, etc.

* (31) - fuel facilities located on the territory of a thermal power plant and state district power station are identified as part of the facility.

* (32) - are identified as an object if they are located outside the premises of the main building of a thermal power plant or state district power plant. The facility includes boiler room chimney pipes.

* (33) - stand-alone boiler houses with autonomous power supply are identified as an object, including a network of pipelines in the contours of the boiler house building

* (34) - all boiler houses served by the heat and power organization of housing and communal services, administrative and economic structure are identified. The facility includes boiler room chimney pipes

* (35) - water pipelines with a water temperature of more than 115°C or steam with a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa are identified (except for domestic installations and networks).

* (36) - objects located on the territory of the organization are identified where equipment operating under pressure of more than 0.07 MPa or at a water heating temperature of more than 115 ° C is used; the name of the object indicates the specific name of the site, workshop or section of the organization.

* (37) - the type of hazard is determined depending on the presence or absence of a hazardous substance in production.

* (38) - the name of the object indicates the name of the corresponding metal.

* (39) - the name of the object indicates the name of the corresponding metal.

* (40) - the name of the object indicates the name of the corresponding metal.

* (41) - the specific name of the acid is indicated

* (42) - the name of the object indicates the name of the metal being produced.

* (43) - the name of the object indicates the specific name of one permanently installed crane (gantry, harbor, bridge, harbor, etc.).

* (44) - objects are identified where an organization (such as PMK, mechanization department, road construction department, etc. organizations) operates jib cranes (truck-mounted, pneumatic-wheeled, crawler-mounted, trailed, tower), lifts (towers), railway cranes, pipe-laying cranes, manipulator cranes.

* (45) - objects are identified where the organization operates jib cranes (truck-mounted, pneumatic-wheeled, crawler-mounted, trailed, tower), hoists (towers), railway cranes, pipe-laying cranes, manipulator cranes for the needs of its own production.

* (46) - objects are identified on which individual entrepreneur Jib cranes (truck-mounted, pneumatic-wheeled, crawler-mounted, trailed), lifts (towers), railway cranes, pipe-laying cranes, and manipulator cranes are operated.

* (47) - objects where lifting mechanisms are operated are identified, including elevator platforms and escalators.

* (48) - the facility identifies all buildings equipped with elevators that are part of the housing stock served by municipal enterprises, housing and communal services.

* (49) - the facility identifies a complex of organization buildings located on a separate territory that operate lifting structures, including escalators.

* (50) - the entire complex of cable cars operated in a certain territory of the organization is identified as part of the object.

* (51) - in the absence of a metro distance, the metro as a whole is identified as an object.

* (52) - objects are identified in enclosed spaces and taking into account transport galleries

* (53) - separate receiving and dispensing devices are identified for receiving and dispensing plant raw materials and products of its processing from railway, road and water transport.

* (54) - elevators for storing plant materials and products of its processing are identified.

* (55) - warehouses for storing plant raw materials and products of its processing in silos and bunkers are identified (with the exception of warehouses for bulk storage of flour).

* (56) - warehouses for storing grain, feed, grass flour, yeast, mealy and oilseed raw materials, cakes, meal and other plant raw materials are identified.

* (57) - mechanized warehouses for storing plant raw materials and their processed products are identified

* (58) - departments for cleaning, grinding vegetable raw materials and products of their processing into confectionery, food concentrate, brewing, alcohol production and vegetable oil production are identified.

* (59) - the name of the object indicates the specific name of the plant raw material

* (60) - aggregate (bakery-modular) installations are identified as a separate object, the name of the object indicates the specific name of the workshop

* (61) - separate workshops are identified.

* (62) - identified taking into account the area of ​​transportation of wood chip and dust waste

* (63) - the name of the object indicates the specific name of the powder (coffee, cocoa, beans)

* (64) - indicate in the title the specific name of the raw material (linen, weaving, spinning, or textile production)

* (65) - the object of the organization is identified if it owns or leases one of the following:

Railway tracks or public roads for the transportation of hazardous substances;

On non-public routes (roads) for the transportation of hazardous substances;

Technical means in which hazardous substances are transported, including along non-public routes (roads);

Technical means by which hazardous substances are transported, including along non-public routes (roads);

* (66) - methane wells are identified, carbon wells with a CO 2 gas content > 2000 mg/l, hydrogen sulfide wells with a dissolved gas H 2 S > 200 mg/l, pressure wells with a pressure > 0.07 MPa, hydrothermal wells with a temperature of more than 115° WITH.

* (67) objects operating in enclosed spaces are identified, taking into account aspiration and (or) pneumatic transport networks (systems), areas of mechanical movement (transportation), collection and storage of wood chips, wood fiber and dust waste. The name of the object specifically indicates the name of the production of which it is part (carpentry, molding, furniture, construction, etc.)

Greetings, dear friends! Managers and specialists employed at hazardous production facilities should take note that Appendix No. 1 to Rostechnadzor Order No. 495 dated November 25, 2016 “On approval of the Requirements for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities” comes into force from January 1, 2018*.

For those who are not in the know, Appendix No. 1 approves the List of typical names (nominal codes) of hazardous production facilities assigned based on the results of identification. Appendix No. 1 also reflects the specifics of identifying individual hazardous production facilities.

* — It was previously reported that Rostechnadzor proposes to extend the deadline for bringing the names of hazardous production facilities in accordance with the new Registration Requirements until June 1, 2018. Moreover, Rostechnadzor prepared a draft order “On amendments to Rostechnadzor Order No. 495 dated November 25, 2016, public discussions on which took place until October 18, 2017. The status of this project is not known. If the project is converted into legal acts, there will be an additional note.

Now, from January 1, 2018, based on the identification results, the operating organization will assign a name (nominal code of the facility) to the hazardous production facility in accordance with Appendix No. 1, taking into account the specifics of identifying individual hazardous production facilities.

The assignment of a name to a hazardous production facility will be carried out in accordance with the hazard sign that most fully characterizes the activities carried out at the hazardous production facility.

The names of registered hazardous production facilities will be brought into compliance with the first amendment to the information contained in the state register of hazardous production facilities.

In addition, from January 1, 2018, the following legal acts are considered invalid:

  • Order of Rostechnadzor dated April 7, 2011 No. 168 “On approval of the requirements for maintaining the state register of hazardous production facilities in terms of assigning names to hazardous production facilities for the purpose of registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities”;
  • Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 16, 2011 No. 641 “On amendments to the requirements for maintaining the state register of hazardous production facilities in terms of assigning names to hazardous production facilities for the purpose of registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear supervision dated April 7, 2011 No. 168";
  • Order of Rostechnadzor dated October 17, 2012 No. 586 “On amendments to the requirements for maintaining the state register of hazardous production facilities in terms of assigning names to hazardous production facilities for the purpose of registration in the state register of hazardous production facilities, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear supervision dated April 7, 2011 No. 168.”

Since the content of Appendix No. 1 to Rostechnadzor Order No. 495 dated November 25, 2016 is not small, I will give only the main sections of the list for clarity.

List of public benefit organizations. Main sections

1. Hazardous production facilities in the coal and shale industries

2. Hazardous production facilities in the mining and non-metallic industries

3. Hazardous production facilities where explosives and materials are produced, used, stored, destroyed (disposed of) and transported, including initiating and high explosives, gunpowder, rocket fuels and their components, as well as explosive and pyrotechnic compositions and products , containing them, ammunition

4. Hazardous production facilities of the oil and gas production complex

5. Hazardous production facilities of main pipeline transport

6. Hazardous production facilities of chemicals, as well as other explosive and fire hazardous and hazardous industries

7. Hazardous production facilities of petrochemical, oil and gas refining industries

8. Hazardous production facilities - oil and petroleum products warehouses

9. Hazardous production facilities of water treatment systems

10. Hazardous production facilities of the food and fat-and-oil industry

11. Hazardous production facilities of gas distribution networks, gas consumption networks and liquefied hydrocarbon gases

12. Hazardous production facilities that use pressure equipment

13. Hazardous production facilities where melts of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, and used

14. Hazardous production facilities using permanently installed lifting mechanisms, escalators, cable cars and funiculars

15. Hazardous production facilities for storing or processing plant materials

Read all the contents of Appendix No. 1, incl. with the specifics of identifying individual OPOs, it will be possible in the document itself, which can be downloaded in MS Word format just below.


Order of Rostechnadzor dated November 25, 2016 No. 495 “On approval of the Requirements for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities”

That's all. If the material is relevant to you, then do not forget to put rating stars and unsubscribe in the comments;) Thank you for participating!

To be continued …

Updated 04/16/2019

Hazardous production facilities (HPF) are subject to the strictest control by government agencies: after all, it is precisely such enterprises that represent the greatest potential threat people's health and condition environment. Therefore, owners are subject to very serious requirements in the field of industrial safety, compliance with which is strictly mandatory, and violation of such requirements is fraught with serious sanctions. At the same time, the specific actions and measures that the owner must take to ensure the safety of his production largely depend on the characteristics of the object he owns and the degree of its danger.

Production facilities recognized as hazardous in accordance with the law

Main regulatory legal act, containing the definition of the concept of hazardous production facilities and their categorization, is the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ “On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”. In particular, Appendix No. 1 to this document establishes an exhaustive list consisting of six groups of various types of production that are exposed to potentially hazardous factors.

These groups include the following types of production:

  • production aimed at the creation, storage, processing, transportation or disposal harmful substances;
  • industries that use machines and equipment in their work based on the principle of using pressure exceeding 0.07 megapascals;
  • production facilities that constantly use various mechanisms for lifting goods, including cable cars, escalators and cable cars;
  • production that uses mechanisms and equipment for obtaining, processing and transporting molten metal with a production capacity of over 500 kilograms;
  • production facilities focused on mining and processing operations;
  • production related to the production, processing and transportation of agricultural raw materials, during which the formation of solid or gaseous substances prone to spontaneous combustion is possible.

Exclusions from the category of dangerous objects

At the same time, however, there are a number of industries that have some characteristics dangerous objects, but in accordance with current legislation in area industrial safety are not one of those. Thus, in particular, these include mining and rock processing enterprises that carry out open-pit operations without the use of explosions. In addition, they are not recognized as dangerous objects electric grid facilities and gas processing enterprises using equipment whose pressure does not exceed 0.005 megapascals.

The owner of an enterprise who would like to clearly understand whether his facility belongs to the category of hazardous should study the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated April 25, 2006 N 389 “On approval of the List of typical types of hazardous production facilities for the purposes of registration in state register". This document records the specific names of the types of industries that pose a danger and lists their typical characteristics that allow them to be identified as such.

Occupational hazard classes

Federal Law 116-FZ in Article 3 identifies four main classes of industrial hazards, among which the first is a group of facilities with the most high level threats, and the fourth - with the lowest. In turn, as noted in this section of this regulatory act, the level of danger of each specific enterprise is determined based on the degree of probability of an accident at work.

Specific division of the entire set of species industrial facilities for classes according to hazard level is given in Appendix 2 to Federal Law-116.

I class II class III class IV class
Oil and gas production and refining Production facilities with the possibility of releasing products containing more than 6% hydrogen sulphide Production facilities with the possibility of releasing products containing 1-6% hydrogen sulphide Other public benefit organizations in this category

Storage and disposal of chemical weapons

All productions
Facilities related to gas distribution and consumption Industries that use natural gas with a pressure of over 1.2 megapascals or liquefied petroleum gas with a pressure of over 1.6 megapascals Production that uses natural gas with a pressure of 0.005-1.2 megapascals or liquefied petroleum gas with a pressure of 0.005-1.6 megapascals
Facilities using equipment under pressure above 0.07 megapascal Production where pressure exceeds 1.6 megapascals or temperatures exceed 250 degrees. Other public benefit organizations in this category
Facilities using lifting equipment Productions with ropeways Other public benefit organizations in this category
Facilities using metal melting equipment with a capacity of more than 500 kilograms Production facilities with equipment capacity over 10,000 kilograms Productions with equipment with a capacity of 500-10,000 kilograms
Facilities where mining and processing works are carried out Industries having coal mines or prone to sudden incidents Open production with a capacity of over 1 million cubic meters per year or processing coal Open production facilities with a capacity of 100 thousand - 1 million cubic meters per year
Production for processing agricultural raw materials Production of flour, cereals and animal feed, as well as elevators Other public benefit organizations in this category

Register of public health organizations

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1998 N 1371 “On registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities”, all enterprises that have signs of hazardous facilities listed in the relevant law must be entered into a special register, which serves for accounting and control purposes productions that can cause damage to public health and the state of the environmental situation.

The government body responsible for maintaining the relevant register is federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision (Rostechnadzor). It is to the territorial division of this department, corresponding to the actual location of the organization, that its head must submit all necessary information. In this case, the hazard class of each specific object is determined by the department precisely at the moment of entering information about it into this register.

Fines for the absence of a public liability organization in the register are prescribed in Article 9.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences. If the enterprise is not in the Rostechnadzor register, then the fine will be up to 300 thousand rubles. According to Article 9.19 for absence insurance certificate the fine is up to 500 thousand rubles. Both violations may result in a 90-day suspension.

Appendix 1 to the Law
The Republic of Belarus
"On industrial safety"

hazardous production facilities

1. Facilities and production facilities that potentially operate dangerous objects with chemical, physico-chemical, physical processes, where formation is possible explosive atmospheres(a mixture of gases, vapors with air and other oxidizing agents), and hazardous substances are produced, used, processed, stored, transported, the types of hazards of which are established in accordance with Table 1 of this appendix based on the total amount of hazardous substances that are or may be located at the same time hazardous production facility.

2. Facilities of the gas distribution system and gas consumption, including potentially hazardous facilities with a total amount natural gas With overpressure up to 1.2 megapascals or liquefied hydrocarbon gas with an excess pressure of up to 1.6 megapascals, which are simultaneously located or may be located at a hazardous production facility, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Table 1 of this appendix.

3. Trunk pipeline facilities, including potentially hazardous facilities with a total amount of natural gas, oil or petroleum products with an excess pressure of over 1.2 megapascals, which are simultaneously located or may be located at a hazardous production facility, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 5 of Table 1 of this application.

4. Objects specified in table 2 of this appendix.

Table 1

Name of hazardous substance

Amount of hazardous substance, tons

I type of danger

II danger type

III type of danger

200 or more

50 or more, but less than 200

3 or more, but less than 50

25 or more

10 or more, but less than 25

0.8 or more, but less than 10

3. Flammable and combustible gases

2000 or more

200 or more, but less than 2000

20 or more, but less than 200

4. Flammable liquids located in commodity warehouses and bases

as part of production

500,000 or more

50,000 or more but less than 500,000

20,000 or more, but less than 50,000

5. Flammable liquids used in technological process or transported via a main pipeline

2000 or more

200 or more, but less than 2000

20 or more, but less than 200

table 2

Name of hazardous production facility

Types of danger

I type of danger

II danger type

III type of danger

1. Facilities where melts of ferrous and (or) non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, and used

areas, workshops in which melts of ferrous and (or) non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, and used in quantities of 500 tons or more per year

areas, workshops in which melts of ferrous and (or) non-ferrous metals and alloys based on these melts are produced, transported, used in quantities from 50 to 500 tons per year

2. Facilities where mining operations are carried out

mines where gas explosions, sudden outbursts of rock, gas, rock bursts, liquid breakthroughs into underground mine workings can occur with the production of massive explosions with the simultaneous blasting of 50 tons or more explosives

quarries, open-pit mines with a design volume of rock mass production of 1 million cubic meters or more per year

quarries, open-pit mines with a design volume of rock mass production from 300 thousand to 1 million cubic meters per year

3. Facilities where underground mining operations not related to mining are carried out

mine shaft excavation areas

sections of excavation: underground tunnels and metro stations; collectors with a diameter of 2500 millimeters or more

4. Facilities where mineral processing is carried out, by-products and associated products of mineral processing waste are stored

sludge storage facilities of sylvinite processing plants

sylvinite processing plants, as well as crushing and screening plants, crushing and screening plants, production and (or) installations for the enrichment of non-metallic minerals with a designed annual capacity of 500 thousand cubic meters or more of products per year

5. Facilities where oil and natural gas are produced

workshops, areas that include exploration and production drilling wells in terms of emissions of produced oil, natural gas with a hydrogen sulfide content of more than 6 percent of the volume of produced oil, natural gas

workshops, areas that include exploration and production drilling wells in terms of emissions of produced oil, natural gas containing hydrogen sulfide from 2 to 6 percent of the volume of produced oil, natural gas

6. Facilities where industrial explosives are manufactured, stored and destroyed

workshops, sites, centers of organizations in which industrial explosives are manufactured in quantities of 75 tons or more per year; industrial explosives storage warehouses with a design capacity of 75 tons or more

workshops, sites, centers of organizations in which industrial explosives are manufactured in quantities from 50 to 75 tons per year; warehouses for storing industrial explosives with a design capacity of 50 to 75 tons

workshops, sites, centers of organizations in which industrial explosives are manufactured in quantities of 0.05 tons or more, but up to 50 tons per year; warehouses for storing industrial explosives with a design capacity of 0.05 tons or more, but up to 50 tons; landfills , where industrial explosives in quantities of 0.05 tons or more are destroyed

7. Objects where they are manufactured, stored, destroyed pyrotechnic products

workshops, sites, centers of organizations in which pyrotechnic products are manufactured in quantities of 50 tons or more per year; warehouses for storing pyrotechnic products with a design capacity of 50 tons or more

workshops, sites, centers, laboratories of organizations in which pyrotechnic products are manufactured in quantities from 0.05 to 50 tons per year; warehouses for storing pyrotechnic products with a design capacity of 10 to 50 tons; landfills where pyrotechnic products in quantities of 0.05 tons are destroyed and more

8. Facilities where equipment operating under excess pressure is operated

workshops, areas, sites where potentially hazardous objects are operated, operating under a pressure of more than 1.0 megapascal or at a working environment temperature of 150 degrees Celsius or more (steam and hot water boilers operating on gaseous, solid and liquid fuels, autonomous steam superheaters, waste heat boilers, autonomous economizers, steam and liquid boilers operating with high-temperature organic (inorganic) coolants, steam and hot water, vessels operating under pressure of steam (gas), water (liquid))

9. Facilities where gas distribution system and gas consumption facilities are operated

gas pipelines and gas equipment gas power plants with natural gas excess pressure of more than 1.2 megapascals

10. Facilities where cranes are operated

buildings, workshops, areas, sites where overhead bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 20 tons or more are operated

11. Facilities where passenger cable cars are operated

areas of terrain (routes) on which passenger cable cars are operated: suspended single-cable cars with circular movement of rolling stock permanently attached to the carrying-traction rope; suspended single- and double-rope with circular movement of the rolling stock attached to the supporting-traction (traction) rope and uncoupled at the stations; suspended single- and double-rope with pendulum movement of the rolling stock

12. Facilities where explosives and products containing them are stored, transported, destroyed, with the exception of industrial explosives

workshops, areas, warehouses, storage facilities, storage areas for explosives and products containing them, with the exception of industrial explosives, with a design capacity of 75 tons or more

workshops, areas, warehouses, storage facilities, storage areas for explosives and products containing them, with the exception of industrial explosives, with a design capacity of 50 to 75 tons

workshops, areas, warehouses, storage facilities, storage areas for explosives and products containing them, with the exception of industrial explosives, with a design capacity of 0.05 to 50 tons; sites where explosives and products containing them, with the exception of industrial ones, are destroyed explosives in quantities of 0.05 tons or more

In accordance with Federal law"On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" all hazardous production facilities, depending on the degree of danger to the life and health of people and the environment, are divided into 4 hazard class of hazardous facilities:

Hazard class I - objects of extremely high danger;

Hazard class II - high-risk objects;

III hazard class - objects of medium danger;

IV hazard class - low-risk objects.

All hazardous materials (regardless of the hazard class) are subject to mandatory compliance. When operating hazardous production facilities of I, II, III hazard classes, it is necessary to obtain a license for the operation of explosive, fire and chemically hazardous production facilities of I, II, III hazard classes.

Classification of hazardous production facilities

The parameters for the classification of hazardous production facilities are given in 116-FZ (tTables No. 1 and No. 2 of Appendix No. 2).

For facilities where flammable, combustible, explosive, toxic and highly toxic substances are produced, used, processed, stored, transported, destroyed, the hazard class is determined based on the amount of such hazardous substances that are or may be at the same time at a hazardous production facility ( tables No. 1 and No. 2 of Appendix No. 2 No. 116-FZ dated July 21, 1997). The amount of substance transferred to hazardous production facilities is taken from the “Technological Solutions” section. The operating organization is also required to provide this section of the project when registering hazardous production facilities in the register of hazardous production facilities.
In case the HIFs are located at a distance less than 500 meters from each other (even if they have different operating organizations), the amount of substances of the same type is summed up.

For other objects, the hazard class is established in accordance with the characteristics indicated below:

Type of OPO Hazard Class Signs of danger of hazardous materials
Chemically hazardous objects I - chemical weapons storage and destruction facilities, special chemicals facilities
Oil and gas production facilities, including drilling II - release of products containing hydrogen sulphide over 6% of the volume of such products
III - release of products containing hydrogen sulphide 1-6% of the volume of such products
IV - emission of products containing less than 1% hydrogen sulphide
Gas distribution networks and gas consumption networks II

Transportation of natural gas under pressure over 1.2 MPa or liquefied hydrocarbon gas under pressure over 1.6 MPa;

III - for hazardous production facilities intended for transportation of natural gas under pressure over 0.005 megapascal up to 1.2 megapascal inclusive or liquefied petroleum gas under pressure over 0.005 megapascal up to 1.6 megapascal inclusive (since September 1, 2016)

Boiler inspection objects

IMPORTANT! Only those facilities that use equipment that is subject to registration with Rostechnadzor are registered as hazardous production facilities.


For facilities providing heat supply to the population and socially significant categories of consumers, determined in accordance with legislation Russian Federation in the field of heat supply, as well as other hazardous production facilities that use equipment operating under excess pressure of 1.6 MPa or more or at a working environment temperature of 250 degrees Celsius or more;

IV - use of equipment operating under pressure from 0.07 to 1.6 MPa and working environment temperature from 115 to 250 degrees C
Lifting structures and mechanisms III

for cable cars

IV other stationary lifting structures
Metallurgy II

equipment used is designed for a maximum amount of melt of 10 tons (10,000 kg) or more

III equipment used is designed for a maximum amount of melt from 0.5 tons (500 kg) to 10 tons (10,000 kg)
Coal and mining industry facilities I

for coal mines, as well as other underground mining facilities in subsoil areas where the following may occur:
- explosions of gas and (or) dust;
- sudden emissions of rock, gas and (or) dust;
- rock bursts;
- water breakthroughs into underground mine workings


For underground mining facilities not specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph;
- for objects where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of development of the rock mass of which isis 1 million cubic meters per year or more;
- for coal (oil shale) processing facilities


For objects where open-pit mining is carried out, the volume of mining of the rock mass is from 100 thousand to 1 million cubic meters per year;
– for facilities where mineral processing work is carried out, with the exception of coal (oil shale) processing facilities


For facilities where open mining operations, the volume of rock mass development of which is less than 100 thousand cubic meters per year

Facilities for storing and processing plant raw materials III

For elevators,
- for flour milling, cereal and feed production facilities