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Competition for filling vacant positions. Competition for filling vacant positions of teaching staff Competition for filling vacant positions of teaching staff

    Application. Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2015 N 749
"On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for filling positions teaching staff related to the teaching staff"

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 332 Labor Code Russian Federation(Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 1, Art. 3; N 30, Art. 3014, Art. 3033; 2003, N 27, Art. 2700; 2004, N 18, Art. 1690; N 35, Art. 3607; 2005 N 1 art. 27; N 19, art. 2758; N 4285; ; N 17, art. 3808; N 43, art. 5084; Art. 3616, Art. 6236; Art. 17, Art. 19; Art. 3604; ; N 46, art. 5717; Art. 3539; Art. 4586; Art. 4596; Art. 6335; ; N 49, art. 7031; art. 7639; Art. 4325, Art. 6399, Art. 6959, Art. 7605, Art. 2322, art. 2326, art. 2329; 2866, art. 2883; N 27, art. 3449, art. 3454, art. 3477; N 30, art. 4037; N 48, art. 6165; N 52, Art. 6986; 2014, N 14, art. 1542, art. 1547, art. 1548; N 23, art. 2930; N 26, Art. 3405; N 30 Art. 4217; N 45, art. 6143; N 48, art. 6639; N 49, art. 6918; N 52, Art. 7543, art. 7554; 2015, N 1, art. 10, Art. 42, art. 72; N 14, art. 2022; N 24, Art. 3379) and clause 5.2.64 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386 ; N 37, art. 4702; legal information, June 22, 2015), I order:

Approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff.

D.V. Livanov

Registration N 39322

The procedure and conditions for filling positions of teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff of universities have been determined.

The conclusion of an employment contract to fill a position, as well as transfer to such a position, is preceded by election through a competition to fill the corresponding position.

It is allowed to conclude an employment contract without election by competition when hiring part-time work or to newly created universities before the start of work of the academic council for a period of no more than 1 year, and to replace a temporarily absent employee - before he returns to work.

There is no competition for filling the positions of dean of the faculty and head of the department.

The competition for the positions of professor and associate professor among the world's leading scientists is held in absentia.

The procedure for holding the competition is prescribed. It is determined in which cases the applicant is not allowed to participate in the competition.

A person who successfully completes the competition enters into a contract employment contract. It may consist of Not certain period, and for a certain period of not more than 5 years. When an employee is elected through a competition to fill a position previously held by him under a fixed-term employment contract, a new employment contract may not be concluded. A competition is not held when transferring an employee with his consent to a position similar or lower in relation to the position he holds in the same or another structural unit before the end of the employment contract.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2015 N 749 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of teaching staff related to the teaching staff"

Registration N 39322

This order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication

about holding a competition for replacement vacant positions
teaching staff of MITU-MASI

Autonomous non-profit organization higher education "Moscow Information and University of Technology– Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering (MITU-MASI) is holding a competition to fill vacant positions of teaching staff.

The competition was announced in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for holding a competition for filling positions of teaching staff belonging to the teaching staff of MITU-MASI, approved on November 10, 2015 in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of MITU-MASI, protocol No. 12.

Deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the competition: until June 27, 2019

Competition date: 07/01/2019

Procedure for accepting documents

When submitting documents, competition participants can:

Fill out the applicant form in in electronic format on the website, attach copies of documents for participation in the competition;

General requirements for applicants for teaching staff positions
and competitive selection criteria

1. Applicants for teaching staff positions at the University must meet the qualification characteristics of positions of managers and specialists of higher and additional professional education, established by order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 No. 1n.

2. The qualification requirements for applicants for the position of professor are that the applicant has a higher professional education, an academic degree of Doctor of Science and experience in scientific and pedagogical work of at least 5 (five) years or the academic title of professor.

3. Qualification requirements for applicants for the position of associate professor are that the applicant has a higher professional education, an academic degree of candidate (doctor) of science and experience in scientific and pedagogical work of at least 3 (three) years or the academic title of associate professor (senior researcher).

4. Persons who do not have a Candidate of Science degree or academic title, but who have experience in scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the field, can participate in the competition for the position of associate professor professional activity, corresponding to the activities of the University.

5. Persons who do not have an academic degree of candidate (doctor) of science and academic title, but who have experience in scientific and pedagogical work or work in organizations in the area of ​​professional activity corresponding to the activities of the University, can participate in the competition for the position of professor.

6. Qualification requirements for applicants for the position of senior teacher are that the applicant has a higher professional education and experience in scientific and pedagogical work of at least 3 (three) years, in the presence of an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, experience in scientific and pedagogical work of at least 1 (one) year.

7. Qualification requirements for applicants for teaching positions are that the applicant has a higher professional education and work experience in educational organization at least 1 (one) year, in the presence of postgraduate professional education (graduate school, residency) or an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences - without presenting a requirement for work experience.

List of documents required to participate in the competition
to fill a vacant position

A person who has expressed a desire to take part in the competition provides the following documents:

1. Statement.

2. Applicant questionnaire (Appendix 3.1).

3. Autobiography.

4. Originals and copies of documents on higher education.

5. Originals and copies of documents on the award of an academic degree, academic title (if available).

6. Information about scientific (scientific and organizational) work for the last five years preceding the date of the competition.

6.1. List of the applicant’s works by section:

Publications in peer-reviewed journals;

Monographs and chapters in monographs;

Articles in scientific collections and scientific periodicals;

Publications in materials of scientific events;


Publications in registered scientific electronic publications;


Popular science books and articles;

Other publications on professional issues.

The list of the applicant’s works additionally highlights:

Publications indexed in the RSCI;

Publications indexed in Web of Science;

Publications indexed in Scopus.

6.2. Citation information:

Hirsch index in RSCI;

Number of citations in the RSCI over the past 5 years;

Number of citations in Web of Science over the past 5 years;

Number of citations in Scopus over the past 5 years.

6.3. A list of grants, scientific contracts and agreements in which the applicant participated, indicating his specific role.

6.4. Information about the applicant’s personal participation in scientific events (congresses, conferences, etc.) indicating the status of the report (invited, plenary, sectional, poster) and the level of the event (international, all-Russian, regional).

6.5. Information about the applicant’s participation in the preparation and conduct of scientific events.

6.6. Information about pedagogical activity applicant (giving courses of lectures, conducting seminars, scientific supervision of graduate students and consulting doctoral students, other types of teaching activities) indicating work experience in the relevant profile.

6.7. Information about prizes and awards for scientific and pedagogical activity.

6.8. Information about the applicant’s participation in the editorial boards of scientific journals.

6.9. Information about membership or participation in the work of dissertation councils.

6.10. Order on holding a competition for filling positions of teaching staff.

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until July 30, 2019 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Date and time of the competition: 08/29/2019 at 11:00.

Competition results 06/27/2019

Competition 06/27/2019 for filling positions of teaching staff:

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until May 28, 2019 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: 06/27/2019 at 11:00.

Competition 04/25/2019 for filling positions of teaching staff:

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until March 25, 2019 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: 04/25/2019 at 11:00.

Competition results 12/27/2018

Competition on December 27, 2018 for filling positions of teaching staff:

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until November 26, 2018 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: December 27, 2018 at 11:00.

Competition results 08/22/2018:

Competition 08/22/2018 for filling positions of teaching staff:

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until July 23, 2018 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: 08/22/2018 at 11:00.

Competition results 01/25/2018

Competition on January 25, 2018 to fill vacant teaching positions in the following departments:

Graduate School of Printing and Media Industry

Institute of Graphics and Book Art named after V.A. Favorsky

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Information Technologies

Name of the department (center)


(number of bets)

Senior Lecturer

(number of bets)


(number of bets)

(number of bets)


(number of bets)

Total for the department

Infocognitive technologies

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until December 26, 2017 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: 01/25/2018 at 11:00.

Competition results 09.11.2017

Faculty of Basic Competencies

Faculty of Transport

Faculty of Law

Graduate School of Printing and Media Industry

The deadline for submitting applications for participation in the competition is until 10/10/2017 inclusive to the HR department at the address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, auditorium A-114 (on weekdays from 10-30 to 17-00).

Venue of the competition: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 38, room B-303.

Date and time of the competition: 11/09/2017 at 11:00.

To participate in all competitions, you must fill out information in your personal account and print out an application from it.

One personal account is used for all competitions. Start several personal accounts no need.