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Job description for merchandiser. Commodity expert of food products The main functions of a commodity expert

​The daily life of the average resident of Russia comes down to visiting various stores. But few people realize the role played by the people who go about their day-to-day work in these stores. After all, if you look at it, each link in the trade chain from manufacturer to consumer is not just an instance, but a certain vital stage in the movement of goods. The purpose of this product movement is to satisfy the needs of people of various categories and classes.

The leading role in product promotion is played by the degree of professionalism of the merchandiser in the store. What are the requirements for this position, its functional responsibilities and what responsibility does the role of a merchandiser carry - all this characterizes this profession from the most serious side. It is the merchandiser who determines such indicators as the breadth of the trade assortment, the quality characteristics of the goods, the store’s turnover and many others.

In order to get acquainted with the profession of a merchandiser and fully appreciate the weight of his role in the grocery industry, you need not only to study the functions of this specialist in the store, but also to understand the specificity of his job responsibilities.

Profession merchandising: job requirements

First of all, let us turn to the concept of what the profession of merchandising is and what merchandising includes.

Commodity research is a scientific discipline whose purpose is to study the consumer properties of goods. Hence, a merchandiser is a specialist who monitors compliance with all quality standards in relation to these consumer properties.

It is necessary to realize that a specialist in the position of merchandiser is expected to have the necessary education. This can be a secondary specialized education in the specialty “Commodity Science”, or higher education with a similar profile. The requirements, according to the job description, consider both options with separate reservations.

For example, for candidates with specialized secondary education, a minimum of 1 year of work experience in a similar (product) field may be established. If you have a higher professional level, experience in this field may be an optional condition. Of course, these instructions are compiled individually according to the standards of each organization, but in general, they have classical requirements for the level of professional training of specialists.

The next requirement for an employee in the position of merchandiser is knowledge of a huge amount of trade information, including:

  • regulatory documents;
  • sequence of conclusion and termination of contracts;
  • methodology for accounting for goods and calculating the need for them;
  • forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures;
  • knowledge of the procedure for accepting goods in terms of quality and quantity;
  • standards for storage and transportation of goods;
  • calculation of inventory;
  • nomenclature and assortment of store products;
  • basics of economics and management;
  • logistics and warehousing;
  • labor protection.

Thus, a specialist must have such personal traits as an analytical mind, attentiveness, good memory, accuracy and the ability to organize work processes. In a word, combine the ability to quickly make decisions, act competently and comply with all standards.

Job duties, rights and responsibilities of a merchandiser

Based on the amount of information that a merchandiser must possess, the list of his responsibilities is also very extensive. Typically, a job description prescribes a standard set of functions for a merchandiser, but if we consider the food sector, some additional nuances also appear here. In general, the job of a merchandiser is as follows:

  • acceptance of goods for quality and quantity, verification of certificates;
  • control of warehouse stocks, compliance with storage conditions in the warehouse and expiration dates;
  • maintaining contact with suppliers: drawing up supply contracts, current orders, drawing up claims for goods of inadequate quality;
  • registration and signing of accompanying documentation: invoices, acts, specifications;
  • operational accounting of receipts and sales of goods;
  • participation in inventory activities and search for missing items;
  • writing off goods and processing returns to suppliers;
  • calculation of discounts and promotional prices;
  • control of pre-sale preparation of products;
  • monitoring the relevance of expiration dates of products on the sales floor;
  • conducting analytical work: studying the sales market and supply, identifying the causes of product losses, changes in consumer demand;
  • regulates the store’s assortment taking into account customer demand and supply from suppliers.

A large amount of work requires a specialist to have increased attention, perseverance, the ability to concentrate on completing assigned tasks and the ability to react quickly in unusual situations. We can say that a merchandiser in a grocery store must know all the processes “from” to “to”.

Like no one else, it is this person who must be able to manage different processes in parallel, without having the right to make serious mistakes. The profitability and unprofitability of the store, as well as the well-being of its other employees, can directly depend on the results of its activities. Since any inaccuracy in the acceptance of goods or violation of storage conditions can lead to huge losses.

At first glance, the amount of work seems unrealistic. How can one person do everything? Everything is quite simple - you must always plan your working day in advance: delivery schedules, time for applications to suppliers, systematize filling out reports and checking product expiration dates. Then the accumulated tasks will no longer cause the feeling of a snowball.

It should also be noted the rights that a merchandiser in a store has and the degree of his responsibility, according to the job description. First, let's get acquainted with the rights of a merchandiser:

  • the right to familiarize yourself with the draft decisions of your manager that are relevant to his direct activities;
  • carry out requests from departments for the necessary data and documentation to complete the work process;
  • invite management to consider changes to labor technology in order to increase its efficiency;
  • require organizational and technical support to perform their duties and prepare all necessary documents.

As for the responsibility that the position of a merchandiser carries, the main share here is occupied by non-compliance or negligent attitude towards one’s duties. He is also held responsible for failure to comply with the terms of non-disclosure of confidential information, for actions that violate the rules of internal labor discipline and safety standards at the enterprise.

Specifics of working with food products

The specialty “Commodity Science” comes in two directions: merchandising of food and non-food products. As practice shows, such a division was not made in vain. The food sector is so voluminous that it requires special attention. Studying the properties of goods of all groups, their production technology, quality standards, rules for continuous and selective acceptance of goods, terms and conditions of storage, composition and labeling rules - all this should be known by a professional specialist working with products of the food group.

In the process of carrying out his activities, a merchandiser regularly has to deal with a certain list of documents:

  • invoices;
  • quality certificates;
  • acts of acceptance and discrepancy;
  • accompanying documents for shipment;
  • product specifications.

Particular attention should be paid to the procedure for accepting goods. A competent and conscientious attitude to this part of the work guarantees minimal losses for the store, a high level of quality of the products sold and properly built relationships with suppliers.

From the diagram above we see what actions are performed upon receipt of goods and an example of the form of the necessary documents.

So, after the procedure for accepting goods, a TORG 1 form act is drawn up and signed (an act of registration of acceptance in terms of quantity, quality, weight and completeness in accordance with the acceptance rules and terms of the contract). Upon quality acceptance, the merchandiser is obliged to sample the goods to check their compliance with the standards. If unacceptable discrepancies are identified, acts of the unified form TORG 2 (for domestic goods) in four copies and TORG 3 (for imported goods) in five copies are drawn up. The further fate of low-quality products is decided depending on the terms of the contract with the supplier.

During the sales period of received goods, it is the responsibility of the merchandiser to monitor compliance with the conditions of their sale and storage in the warehouse: checking the temperature in refrigeration devices, maintaining the rules of product proximity, the integrity of the packaging, timely removal of products from the shelves after the expiration date.

Commodity specialist as an important link between supplier and consumer

So, playing the role of the main link in the movement of goods to the final consumer, the merchandiser goes through the following stages:

  • Studying consumer demand - it is necessary to conduct market research, the emergence of new products and seasonal assortment, monitor fluctuations in demand for different items and timely adjust the assortment of goods. This will avoid the appearance of stale goods, reduce the amount of delays and product losses.
  • Placing an order with suppliers - based on consumer demand data and sales analysis, an application is made for the supply of products. We also study catalogs, the emergence of new products and, if it is possible to expand the assortment list or replace some items, new types of goods are ordered.

When you see new products in a supplier’s catalogue, you shouldn’t immediately make a big request. It is enough to order one package of each type to first determine which items will be in greater demand.

  • Reception of goods from the supplier occurs first by quantity, and then by quality.

During the acceptance process, it is important not to lose vigilance and not sign documents before it is completed. An exception may be certain agreements in relations with suppliers.

  • Control of pre-sale preparation - as a rule, the display of goods on the sales floor is carried out by the manager of this product group. The merchandiser’s task is to monitor the correct preparation of the goods: cleanliness, integrity, price tag design.
  • Organizing the removal of goods to the sales area and placing them on shelves in accordance with the requirements of standards and planograms. Here, the merchandiser’s task is also to monitor the fullness of the shelves with products.

All these steps form the basis in the process of commodity distribution and trading process. Thanks to the competent work of the merchandiser, the store’s assortment will be wide, the goods will be fresh, and the shelves will not remain empty.

Career Opportunities

According to the structure of the organization, the merchandiser is subordinate to the store director. Sometimes the staff requires the presence of a senior merchandiser. Therefore, if we touch on the topic of possible career growth, then there is growth here. True, as practice shows, it is only possible to grow from a merchandiser to a store director in large chains. To be successful in your position, you must:

  • gain experience in the position held (approximately 2 years);
  • carry out your duties conscientiously;
  • timely improve your qualifications and undergo additional training;
  • find contact with other employees, create a team and competently organize work in the store;
  • strictly comply with all norms and standards in work (including corporate ones);
  • optimize trading costs to the maximum;
  • minimize product losses;
  • bring your store to a higher level in terms of turnover.

As a rule, an employee who is constantly growing professionally never goes unnoticed. Therefore, you should never neglect your serious attitude to your work. The desire for growth should not be justified by competition, but by a sincere desire to become a professional of a higher level.

Even if at first glance it seems that there is no career growth in the organization, remember: over time, the structure of any organization tends to change, just as people occupying positions come and go.

Interaction with personnel as a management element

Let me remind you that according to the hierarchy in the organizational structure of the enterprise, the merchandiser reports only to the store director. Also, when dividing merchandising experts into industries (merchandise expert, acceptance merchandising expert, etc.), the leading merchandising expert can become the immediate supervisor. The remaining employees may be directly or indirectly subordinates.

The main task of a merchandiser when organizing the trading process is the competent distribution of work between employees. The scope of responsibilities of a merchandiser also implies the delegation of his powers between subordinates. And this practice is quite common, since the main function is control, and not direct execution. At this stage, it is important for the merchandising manager to assemble a team that will carry out instructions and orders as competently and promptly as the merchandising expert himself would do.

The important point here is compliance with business etiquette. Subordinates should perceive the orders of the merchandiser not just as from a colleague at work, but as from their immediate supervisor in the process of organizing trade.


In general, commodity specialists are quite in demand nowadays. Huge chains of grocery stores and hypermarkets require a person on staff to manage a huge assortment. As a result of the absence of such a person, all the numerous responsibilities fall an excessive burden on the shoulders of the remaining employees.

Work overload, in turn, will lead to premature exhaustion of labor resources, numerous layoffs, neglect of immediate responsibilities and, ultimately, to the neglect of the store itself and huge product losses. Therefore, saving on one or more employees turns out to be unjustified.

The merchandise manager of a grocery store, as we have already determined, plays a key role in the process of product distribution, and, therefore, in making a profit for the store and maintaining its level of profitability. Carrying out his tasks and functions, it is the merchandiser who ensures the smooth operation of the enterprise and controls all the main processes in the organization and implementation of trading activities.

According to trade experts, merchandiser- one of the key figures, because the job responsibilities of a merchandiser include monitoring the store’s turnover. Ordering the necessary “hot” items in a timely manner and discarding the “unhot” ones is worth a lot. Also in the job description of a merchandiser there are items such as drawing up claims to suppliers, participating in inventory and maintaining reports.

Job description of a merchandiser

General manager
Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A merchandising specialist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The merchandise manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director upon the recommendation of the store director.
1.3. The merchandise manager reports directly to the store director.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of commodity expert: secondary vocational education, work experience in the relevant field for at least one year.
1.5. During the absence of a merchandiser, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.6. The merchandiser must know:
- legislation and other regulations relating to logistics and sales of goods at trading enterprises;
- standards and technical specifications for goods, their main properties and quality characteristics;
- methods of accounting for goods, calculating the need for them;
- forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures;
- organization of warehouse facilities;
- instructions for accepting goods in terms of quality, quantity and completeness;
- current price tags and price lists;
- product inventory standards;
- nomenclature and range of goods sold by the enterprise.
1.7. The merchandising specialist is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, Internal Labor Regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a merchandiser

The Merchandiser performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Determines requirements for goods, as well as compliance of their quality with standards, technical specifications, concluded contracts and other regulatory documents.
2.2. Monitors the receipt of goods.
2.3. Participates in the preparation of data for drawing up claims for the supply of low-quality goods and responding to customer complaints.
2.4. Controls the availability of goods in the warehouse.
2.5. Communicates with suppliers and consumers and prepares documents for the shipment and receipt of goods in accordance with approved plans.
2.6. Maintains operational records of receipt and sale of goods.
2.7. If necessary, conducts a search for unarrived cargo.
2.8. Participates in conducting inventories.
2.9. Studies the reasons for the formation of excessive excess material resources and takes measures to implement them.
2.10. Monitors compliance with the rules for storing goods in warehouses and preparing goods for sale.
2.11. Prepares reports according to established forms.

3. Rights of a merchandising specialist

The merchandiser has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management concerning its activities.
3.2. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
3.3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.4. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the merchandiser

The merchandiser is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Commodity expert- this is a person who keeps records of goods at a retail outlet and plays a significant role in its promotion. He is considered one of the main specialists in a particular organization; it is on him that the turnover of products, their assortment and trading characteristics depend.

To learn about the job responsibilities and possible prospects of a merchandiser at Magnit, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the work and the main functions of a specialist.

A commodity expert is a specialist who studies in detail the properties of goods, their quality and consumer properties. The person who came for the interview must have a specialized education in the specialty “Commodity Science”. A diploma can be obtained after studying at a college or university. In each case, Magnit sets out its requirements in job descriptions in order to assess the degree of qualification of a specialist.

For example, for a job seeker with a secondary education, there may be a requirement to have work experience in a similar field from 0.5 to 1 year. If you have a specialized diploma from a university, work experience and recommendations from a previous employer are most often not required.

A person applying for work with products must have certain knowledge in the field of trade. For example:

  • Be able to work with regulatory documents;
  • Be able to enter into and terminate contracts;
  • Prepare regular reports;
  • Be able to accept goods in large quantities, comply with all the rules of this procedure;
  • Have knowledge about product storage and transportation;
  • Be able to calculate reserve stocks;
  • Be familiar with the store's assortment.

The work of a merchandiser requires an analytical mind, organization, attentiveness, and responsibility. The employee’s responsibilities include the ability to organize and accept deliveries as quickly as possible, and to do this in accordance with the organization’s regulations.

Job responsibilities of a merchandiser

  • Receives goods, checks their quantity, availability of certificates;
  • Monitors the products in the store warehouse, complies with all storage standards and necessary conditions;
  • Contacts with suppliers, concludes contracts, draws up claims for delivered goods of poor quality;
  • Responsible for preparing invoices and other regulatory documents;
  • Keeps records of received goods;
  • Writes off expired products and sends low-quality products to suppliers;
  • Works with a discount program, calculates promotions;
  • Monitors the acceptable expiration dates of products in the hall, eliminates expired goods;
  • Works with demand issues, learns about the reasons for the store's losses and the loss of customer interest in certain products.

Such work requires a person to have endurance, communication skills, the ability to find a common language with people and resolve conflict situations peacefully. He is obliged to study his responsibilities as clearly as possible and try not to make mistakes; any mistakes may affect the profit of the store, and as a result, the salaries of employees.

It is also necessary to note the rights that a merchandiser in a store has and the degree of his obligations, according to the job description:

  • The ability to regulate issues with the manager, discuss upcoming projects and procurement plans with him;
  • Make requests to provide the necessary documentation needed for calculations and analytics;
  • Offer your options for solving problems of poor demand for goods or changes in labor technology;
  • Require that your activities be formalized and that you enter into an employment contract.

In addition to the main responsibilities, work is to comply with the confidentiality policy and non-disclosure of information about the enterprise regarding procurement, internal discipline and projects.

Acting as the main link in the movement of goods between the supplier and the buyer, the merchandiser goes through the following stages:

  • Studies the consumer market - monitors current products, observes which products are in greater demand, offers new products and introduces their own solutions to the problem during periods of loss of profit;
  • Makes requests to suppliers, studies the market for new products, while replacing old products with new ones;
  • Receives products - monitors the quantity and quality of incoming orders, signs invoices;
  • Monitors the display of goods on the shelves.

With due vigilance and responsibility of the staff, the products will always be fresh, and conflict situations with customers will be reduced to a minimum.

Possible career prospects

Magnit is a large retail chain, which means there is an opportunity to move up the career ladder. A commodity specialist can become a senior specialist or a manager, depending on his personal qualities and desires. Any achievements in your work are valued by the employer and increase the chance of promotion.

What is needed to get a new position:

  • One year of work experience.
  • Honest performance of duties, good position in the team, conscientious attitude towards superiors.
  • Regular professional development.
  • Help in crisis situations, active participation in store affairs.

Even if a person has no desire to move up, it is still necessary to comply with norms and requirements. The level of wages of all personnel, good attitude of management and regular bonuses depend on the quality of work.


What a merchandiser should know is indicated in his job description. What, according to her, does a merchandiser need to know? Let's figure it out.

Commodity expert is a sought-after profession. Such a person is a generalist who must have extensive knowledge about the product he deals with in the organization (product acceptance, sales, quality control, and much more).

What does a merchandiser need to know?

This specialist needs to be a professional in various issues, which ones exactly? This will be described in the job description of a commodity expert (DI) when he gets a job on the staff of a certain organization.

The job description of a merchandiser is a document that is developed either by individual specialists in the organization or by immediate management, which is subsequently approved for each specialist on staff.

A separate DI is developed for the commodity expert, as a specialist of a special category.

What a merchandiser needs to know in each specific case depends on where he works. Below are several job descriptions that vary depending on where the specialist works. In particular, such places of work as a warehouse and a grocery store are considered.

Warehouse merchandiser job description

What should such a specialist know? The responsibilities of a warehouse merchandiser include the following:

  • Knowledge of the necessary standards, as well as additional documents adopted by the organization.
  • Maintaining the required level of order in the warehouse.
  • Identifying and setting requirements for the products with which the merchandiser works. Timely informing management of violations of such requirements and taking appropriate measures.
  • Checking product quality.
  • Monitoring the receipt and availability of products in the warehouse, timely acquisition of missing products.
  • Formation of claim documentation for the delivery of low-quality products, interaction with the supplier to analyze and solve the problem.
  • Negotiating with customers and suppliers.
  • Shipment and movement of products according to the company plan.
  • Product accounting and generation of relevant documentation.
  • Prompt search for missing products.
  • Making proposals for optimizing processes in the company in terms of working with goods in the warehouse.
  • Carrying out inventory work in the warehouse.
  • Checking compliance with product handling rules.

The job description for a warehouse merchandiser given above is basic, but depending on the specific organization and its policies, it can be expanded and differ from what is presented.

Job Description for a Grocery Store Merchandiser

This specialist has a slightly different range of responsibilities from the specialist listed above and works with a different category of goods.

The job description of a grocery store merchandiser includes the following:

  • Guidelines and regulatory documentation adopted by the organization.
  • Active interaction with organizational services (for example, sales department).
  • Offering your own interaction options in order to optimize processes.
  • Interaction with suppliers and tracking the receipt of goods to the company on time.
  • Acceptance and quality control of goods, preparation of relevant documentation.
  • Formation of goods accounting.
  • Trainee training.
  • Timely informing management about negative incidents.
  • Work in special computer programs.
  • Continuous professional development.
  • Maintaining a product archive.
  • Ensuring the safety of goods on the sales floor.
  • Carrying out collection.
  • Formation of the necessary documentation.

The job description for a grocery store merchandiser given above is also basic. Each organization may have its own amendments and it can be expanded or narrowed to specific actions of the merchandiser.

An instruction is a basic document that not only describes what a merchandiser should know, but also what rights, and not just responsibilities, he is endowed with. This is a document and it is subject to the requirements of the law, imposing obligations on both the employee and the employer.

At the same time, the job description of a merchandiser may differ, depending on the place of work and specifics. So, in a warehouse a merchandiser will have his own responsibilities, but in a grocery store others. Responsibilities will also differ in, for example, a clothing store or when working as a merchandise appraiser.

Before employment, the instructions must be read and signed by the candidate for the position, and its strict compliance is direct evidence, on the one hand, of high-quality, and on the other hand, professional work.

Name of organization APPROVED POSITION Name of position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of signature Place of compilation Date TO GOVERNMENT MANAGER


1. A commodity specialist belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization.

2. A person who has a higher education in a specialty without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary specialized education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with a secondary specialized education of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of a commodity expert.

A person with a higher education in the specialty and at least 3 years of work experience as a commodity expert is appointed to the position of a commodity expert of qualification category II.

A person with a higher education in the specialty and work experience as a commodity expert of qualification category II for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of commodity expert of the first qualification category.

3. In his activities, the merchandiser is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

Charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions from the head of the organization (immediate supervisor);

This job description.

4. The merchandiser must know:

Resolutions, orders, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials on commodity research and trade organization;

Methods for studying consumer demand;

Conditions of the commodity market, patterns and trends in the formation of the needs of the population;

Modern fashion, design and trends in their development;

Standards and technical specifications for goods, their main properties and quality characteristics;

The procedure for developing plans for commodity supply, trade turnover and concluding business contracts, drawing up applications for goods;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing trade;

Organization of warehousing;

Conditions for delivery, storage and transportation of goods;

Inventory standards, basic technological processes for the production and sale of goods;

Suppliers, assortment and range of products they produce;

Methods for determining the quality of goods;

Conditions for the use of modern personal computers in trade;

Methods of accounting for inventory items;

Fundamentals of ethics, aesthetics and psychology in trade;

Fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of a commodity expert, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the merchandiser is obliged to:

6.1. Determine requirements for goods, compliance of their quality with standards, technical specifications, contracts and other regulatory documents.

6.2. Study the population's demand for goods.

6.3. Participate in the preparation of commodity circulation and supply plans.

6.4. Participate in fairs for the wholesale sale of goods, draw up applications, orders, contracts for the supply of goods.

6.5. Carry out the distribution of commodity funds, seek additional commodity resources in the manner of decentralized procurement.

6.6. Monitor the fulfillment of contractual obligations, the receipt of goods in assortment, on time, quantity and quality.

6.7. Check the quality of goods for compliance with current standards, and, if necessary, organize laboratory tests.

6.8. Prepare materials for claims in case of violation of contractual obligations by suppliers.

6.9. Monitor the timeliness of shipment of returnable packaging, and, if necessary, search for unarrived cargo.

6.10. Take measures to accelerate the turnover of goods, reduce commodity losses, study the reasons for the formation of excess commodity resources and “illiquid stock”, and take measures for their implementation.

6.11. Monitor compliance with the rules for storing and trading goods.

6.12. Organize sales exhibitions, fairs and bazaars, buyer conferences.

6.13. Carry out operational records of the results of sales of goods, analyze the state and dynamics of demand.

6.14. Compile a market overview, reports according to established forms, draw up the necessary documents related to the supply and sale of goods.

6.15. Use machine processing information and solve complex problems of calculating the structure of trade turnover, distribution and accounting of inventory, accounting and analysis of the supply and sale of goods.

6.16. Participate in inventory taking.

6.17. Provide assistance and cooperation with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately report to the immediate supervisor about each case of industrial injuries and occupational diseases, as well as emergency situations that pose a threat to the health and life of him and others, discovered deficiencies and violations of safety labor.

6.18. Take the necessary measures to limit the development of the emergency situation and eliminate it, provide first aid to the victim, take measures to call an ambulance, emergency services, and fire brigade.


7. The merchandising specialist has the right:

7.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

7.3. Receive from heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

7.4. Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to resolve the responsibilities assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

7.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

7.6. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The merchandising officer reports to ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. 9. The merchandising specialist interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; represents: ________________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; represents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of the merchandiser is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11. The merchandising specialist is responsible for:

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date