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What conscripts do at the assembly point. Conditions at the assembly point are camping. Distribution point. Personal experience

Every conscript will face this. A gathering or recruiting station is a place from where all future soldiers leave for their new units to begin their service. What will they receive from the state? What will they go in and what will they take with them?

Please note, the article is from 2015, so the photo shows an old-style uniform and accessories. I got it new article It contains everything about what a conscript is given for assembly point in 2017. I advise you to read it first, and then, just for fun, you can come back here and compare how it was and how it is. Which shape do you prefer, old or new? Write in the comments.

If you do not understand what a collection or conscription center is, then I advise you to read this article. There I talk in detail about what kind of place it is and what activities take place there day after day.

And I'll get down to business right away.

I’ll start by whining that from the moment you are assigned to a team to be sent to a unit until the moment you actually go to this unit, a couple of hours can pass. And even more.

It all depends on the “buyer” who will come for you. If he is slow, then the whole team will slow down, skip lines, and so on... Time will be spent on paperwork, passing the final medical examination, taking photographs and much more.

You get things at the very end. Just before leaving. Therefore, let's quickly figure out what exactly you should receive at your collection point. I divided all things into 3 categories. Let's start with the basics.

The basis

The basis of everything, of course, is the clothing in which you will serve all year. Let's go from head to toe.

  • Headdress

There are two types of hats. One is given to those who are called up in the spring draft. Another one for those who are in autumn.

For example, I was drafted in the summer, when it was warm. That's why they gave me the first option.

  • Mike

It is definitely given to those who are drafted in the spring. As for the autumn season, in theory they should give out underwear. It is warmer than the T-shirt and shorts in the summer version.

But these are just my assumptions and guesses. If among the readers there are those who were called up in the autumn draft not so long ago, let me know!

  • Underpants

I’ll immediately answer the question that my family asked me during our first meeting after the draft:

“Vlad, how often do you change your underwear?”

The answer is once a week. In any season. Change once a week.

If you want, of course, you can wash it yourself and dry it on yourself. No one here is doing this.

  • Jacket

The jacket is something like an army shirt. It has several pockets. Two on the chest and two on the arms.

  • Trousers

These are, of course, not army trousers, but something similar to them.

There are even more pockets here: 4 in the front and 2 in the back.

Interesting fact: You cannot carry anything in the two lower front pockets. They are intended for the magazines of your machine gun.

  • 2 belts

Why two? Everything is simple here. In winter, a green waist belt is worn over a pea coat. (More on the latter below) Without a trouser belt, you can lose your pants!

  • Socks

Regular black socks. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at the collection point they only give out one pair of socks.

They are black and very long. Knee-deep. I won't tell you the material. But I will say that they are warm enough, so they are issued in one copy and for the whole year.

  • Berts

The main attribute of a soldier, if I understand the common stereotype correctly. Well, maybe he still takes it.

Berts can be of completely different models. There is no single style that is issued throughout the country. For some they are like in the photo, for others they are a little different. The differences are small, but they are there.

This is all the basics that are given to the conscript at the assembly point. Now let’s talk about additional uniforms, after which we will move on to the “gadgets” category.


  • White scarf

I think there is no point in talking about the purposes for which the scarf was invented.

But I will probably still say that it cannot be used in the army. I'm playing trump card ;-)

Why not? Of course, we asked this question as soon as we found out. The answer was received in army style.

“Imagine the situation. You are walking down the street and see a girl crying. You must help her, and out of a sense of duty, you give her your dirty, shoe polish-stained (or worse...) once-white handkerchief. Will you be pleased to do this yourself?”

This situation, of course, can happen. Although the probability is small. In general, there is some truth in these words.

It was enough for me to stop using the statutory headscarf and switch to my own.

  • Foot towel

What, you didn’t expect it?! I definitely didn't expect that! When this was announced to us, we were simply shocked.
The result is quite simple. Towels hang and are never changed. After all, none of us ever use them...

  • Duffel bag

Cool stuff! It looks so-so, but is actually very comfortable. The following two things are attached to the sides...

  • Pea coat

Roughly speaking, this is a winter army jacket. We have already managed to get them and wear them several times. The pea coat is very warm and pleasant!

  • Winter pants

They say that these pants are so warm that they are not even used in the army. With the exception of the far North and particularly frosty weather, of course.

For example, we haven’t even gotten them yet.

I also have no experience using it yet. We were given a green one. Looks absolutely useless.

Talked to old-timers. They say that there is some benefit from it. I don't rule out a placebo effect. ;-)

Note: conscripts of the autumn conscription put on a peacoat, muffler, and possibly winter pants immediately, at the collection point. We simply attached them to a duffel bag and took them with us.

  • Mug and spoon

Don't be scared of them appearance. Things are useful, but it may turn out that they are not useful to you. Find out why below.

  • VTB 24 bank card (how to check the balance of the VTB 24 card can be found on the website via the link)

Partly because of its design, you will have to sit in the distributor for a long time.

The amount of your allowance depends on the unit in which you are going to serve. The hotter the spot, the more money Every month it will drip onto the card.

I am not serving in a hot spot, so I receive the standard amount of pay for a conscript soldier: 2,000 rubles per month. As far as I know, this is the minimum amount.

My friend served in North Ossetia. I received 13,000 rubles a month there.

The maximum amount with all allowances (appears during service) that I have heard about is 18,000 rubles per month.

As for the next category, as far as I know, not everyone gets things from here. That's why it's called "Luxury".


  • SIM cards

This thing also surprised me. It turns out there is a cool social project entitled . It is aimed specifically at the military personnel of our country.

The point is that you are given 2 SIM cards (and we were given 3!), one of which you take for yourself, and the other you give to your mother (or whoever you want).

The country's TOP 4 mobile operators are involved in this project, and each of them supports certain regions of Russia.

For example, we were given 3 MTS SIM cards with the option of free conversation with each other every day for 20 minutes. And this regardless of where you are geographically!

Even if you are in St. Petersburg, and your mother is in Sakhalin. Cool, right?!

To be honest, it was only thanks to preparing for writing this article that I learned how to correctly spell and pronounce this word - toilette.

According to the law, as I understand it, it must be issued throughout the country to absolutely all conscripts. In fact... We live in Russia, guys. I heard conversations from comrades that in our conscription they were not issued everywhere.

In any case, the toiletry case is a truly luxurious thing! It has everything and even several times more that a soldier needs for a comfortable life.

In general, it seems to me that representatives of the fair half of humanity contributed to its creation a large number of your gentle hands.

Judge for yourself. The army toiletry kit includes the following items:

  1. Toothpaste.
  2. Toothbrush.
  3. Shaver.
  4. Cartridge with replaceable blades.
  5. Shaving gel and aftershave gel.
  6. Men's shampoo-shower gel.
  7. Hand cream.
  8. Washing gel.
  9. Men's deodorant.
  10. Hand gel.
  11. Foot gel.
  12. Sewing kit with needles and threads in white, green and black.
  13. Towel.
  14. Set of plasters.
  15. Folding silicone glass with lid.
  16. Nail clippers.
  17. Hygienic lip balm.
  18. Comb.
  19. Mirror.

It even seems to me that this is not all! In three months of service, I have not yet had the feeling that I have mastered the entire content of this miracle of human thought.

I still find something new in this little school pencil case.

In general, the thing is really worthwhile. And I won’t put it in any other categories.

  • Wrist watch

I know that only a few are issued. Often smeared. I saw them on only one person from the battalion. I didn't have time to take a photo.

A nice bonus, don't you agree?!

How much do army items cost?

I re-read the article as a reader. I have this question. If all these things are given to every soldier every conscription, then how much money is needed to equip the entire Russian army?

In fact, things are much cheaper than they look. They are incredibly useful, some are even very high quality.

And our military registration and enlistment office, by the way, answered this question with the usual insert into military ID cards. Here they are - prices “for the entire product range”.

You can buy it at Voentorg if you like it. And if you want it for free, join the army, friends. ;-)

This was only the first article from a new section. Further more! After all, the autumn conscription of 2015 is just around the corner. Starts October 1st.

Read my blog and leave comments. See you later!

Happy to stay

This article will be useful primarily to those who have decided. Or for those who no longer have a choice. In any case, you are a conscript and ready to begin serving for the good of the Fatherland. Why? conscript service begins?

So, you are a young man, over 18 years old. You work, stare at TV, meet a girl, hang out with friends. Life is Beautiful!

But then, one fine day, you receive (or are brought) a piece of paper with a date and a request to appear at the military commissariat department. After some thought, you decide to go. Look at people, show yourself.

What will happen?

The first agenda is just to “look”. You will pass a medical examination, write a couple of tests, and pass a draft board.

What to do if the summons did not arrive?

It's simple: get ready and go to the military registration and enlistment office department that is responsible for your area. There you say that you did not receive the summons. They issue you a new one, most likely on the same day, and you calmly pass the commission.

Or you can try to wait, in case they bring it.

What to do before going to the military registration and enlistment office?

— Prepare all documents. Make copies of diplomas of higher/secondary specialized, secondary vocational education, driver's license. If there sports achivments, then be sure to prepare certificates, awards, and ranks. The most popular sports are parachuting, shooting, and martial arts.

These categories, as a rule, go to special. units: (masters of sports in parachuting can be appointed as instructors), shooters, snipers, martial arts special forces of various branches of the military. For the rest, there is a chance to get into the sport, the company. So bring it on, athletes are always needed.

- Write a resume. Don't write autobiographies, keep it short and clear. Everything should fit on an A4 sheet.

- Take care of your teeth. This is the most common requirement medical commission. Failure to comply will not affect your submission, but a sudden toothache may cause discomfort.

— Before going to the military registration and enlistment office, undergo a medical examination. Just to make sure you are ready for service. Still, the loads there are significant.

Is it possible for a conscript to choose the unit where I will serve?

No. But there is always a choice. This is even welcome.

I strongly do not recommend the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The fact is that the “disadvantaged” and those with criminal records are often sent to the internal troops, since the weapons there are often only batons. The exception is special forces. Also, many branches of the military may require clearance forms. It’s a serious thing, you can become “restricted to travel.” Examples of such families are the FSO, the GRU.

Medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office

Many different doctors. They will examine you and ask questions like “Are there any complaints?”, “Does anything hurt?”

If something really hurts, be sure to talk about it. You will be examined and, if necessary, given a referral for examination.

If you were issued, then today your stay within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office is over.

Recruitment committee at the assembly point

Answer briefly. Do not immediately try to grab military jargon, such as “That’s right,” “Yes, I understand,” “No way,” etc. “Yes”, “no”, “I don’t know” is enough.

If everyone has done this, then you have already made a positive impression.

After the end of the conversation we receive a summons for a “control appearance”

Control turnout

The control appearance is usually scheduled the day before departure. Be prepared for this. It happens that you show up for an appearance and they issue you a new summons for another day if there was no suitable part for you. I came like this three times.

Day of sending conscripts to the army

— At the appointed time, you arrive at the military commissariat department in your area (unless otherwise agreed). As a rule, this is by 6 o'clock in the morning.

— After a short farewell to those seeing you off, you are loaded into a transport and taken to the Assembly Point.

- Once you are there, you are unloaded and taken to common area. There you await the arrival of the senior team. If you sit for a long time, they will feed you. — For the first time, taste soldier’s food. And pray that it’s not a cut.

— Fighters come into the hall with personal matters and name their names. Listen to yours. As soon as your name is called, take your things and follow the fighter into the office.

— The senior officer of your team is sitting in the office. After viewing personal files and communicating with everyone sitting, he can leave. Again, sit and wait for the fighter.

- Next stop - fingerprinting. After “rolling back your fingers” you will be returned to the office. You will sit there until departure. You are already waiting for the senior team member with a fighter.

- Next is the “duffel”, where you will be given your everyday clothes for the coming year: “beluga” (long johns and undershirt), “green stuff” (trousers and jacket), 5th uniform (pea coat, padded jackets, gloves), trouser belt, weather-appropriate headdress + badge, duffel bag with soap, mug, spoon, towel.

- That's all. Now you are already a soldier. The clock has gone.

Don't come hungover or drunk. two days before the test. Your fumes may cost you a place in a good section, since the team leader will refuse to take the drink. And those sitting next to you won’t particularly like the smell.

— When talking to a team leader, answer briefly.

— To the questions “were they brought to the police,” the answer is “NO.” Don't pretend to be heroes. It happened that senior teams refused a draftee because of such honesty. If you have not been convicted and are not registered, then the visit to the police was not serious.

— Attitude to alcohol/drugs: “I’m categorically against it and don’t use it.”

That's all! Happy start to your service, conscript!

In order to ensure the organized dispatch of citizens called up for military service, to the place of military service, formation of military echelons (teams) and transfer to their representatives military units in agreement with the authority executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, territories and premises are allocated and equipped, equipped with instruments and medical equipment necessary for medical examination and control medical examination, as well as equipment and logistics necessary for carrying out activities for professional psychological selection of conscripts. If necessary, in agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, one collection point can be allocated and equipped for joint use, the work of which is organized by the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the territory of which this collection point is located. To organize the work of a collection point, the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, with the assistance of the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, creates a temporary staff for the administration of the collection point under the leadership of the head of the collection point. The temporary staff of the collection point administration is created, as a rule, in the following composition:

1) command:

Head of the collection point;
- deputy head of the collection point;
- assistant to the head of the collection point for educational work;

2) medical department:

Head of department - chairman military medical commission military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a person replacing him;
- medical specialists: surgeon, therapist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist, dentist, dermatovenerologist, and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties - in a number sufficient to ensure the operation of the collection point;
- nurses - one for each medical specialist;
- X-ray technician;

3) formation department:

Department Director;
- assistants to the head of the department (taking into account the workload of the station);
- specialists in professional psychological selection (taking into account item loading);
- specialists in fingerprint registration (taking into account the loading of the item);
- 2-3 typists (personal computer operators);

4) commandant's department:

Commandant of the assembly point;
- duty assistants to the commandant;
- patrol officers;

5) economic department:

Department Director;
- assistant to the head of the department for clothing supply;
- assistant department head food supply;
- accountant for clothing and food supplies and issuance of transportation documents;
- head of the canteen (food service);
- cook;
- head of a clothing warehouse;
- food warehouse manager.

Instructions on the procedure and timing for sending conscripts to assembly points are communicated to the military commissariats by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation after they receive from the administration of the relevant military district an extract from the plan for sending citizens called up for military service to the troops (forces). Conscripts are sent to the assembly point in an organized manner, accompanied by representatives of military commissariats and organizations. First of all, older citizens are presented to the assembly point, in respect of whom the draft commission has decided to call for military service, and in all respects they meet the requirements of the military team formed at the assembly point.

On the eve of sending conscripts to the assembly point, the military commissariat is obliged to:

1) prepare the personal files of conscripts and register for those sent:

Military IDs;
- registration and service cards, pasting photographs on them and filling out the appropriate items.

When calling up for military service a citizen who was previously expelled from a military educational institution before reaching the age of 18, in paragraph 19 of the military ID and in paragraph 18 of the service record card, as well as in Section VIII of the military ID and in paragraph 27 of the service record card, entries are made, respectively, about the taking of the citizen to the Military Oath and the duration of the credited period of study at a military educational institution, which are certified by the signature of the military commissar and the seal of the military commissariat;

Cards of professional psychological selection based on the results of socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination contained in the documents of the conscript’s personal file. Professional psychological selection cards are signed by a professional selection specialist and a military commissar and certified by the seal of the military commissariat;

2) compile in 4 copies a personalized list of conscripts sent as part of a team to a collection point for dispatch to the place of military service;

3) provide conscripts, if necessary, with food and travel money or food rations (as a rule, conscripts are provided with an appropriate food ration, the so-called “ration”). Reimbursement of expenses for persons appointed from among representatives local administration and the military commissariat to accompany teams to the assembly point and back, is carried out in the manner prescribed for persons sent on a business trip.

On the day the conscripts are sent to the assembly point, their completeness of attendance is checked, a health survey is conducted and the presence of:

Passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

Certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service, which is confiscated from him on the same day, and in return under personal signature a military ID is issued;

Relevant certificates of military registration specialties received in educational institutions of public associations, primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

Driver's license - for vehicle drivers;

Serviceable clothes and shoes (according to the season).

If for some reason the conscript’s dispatch does not take place, the certificate of the citizen subject to conscription for military service, with the appropriate mark made on it, is returned to the owner, and the military ID is confiscated from him, which is recorded in the conscript’s registration card. In the event of a conscript’s failure to appear to be sent to the troops (forces), the military commissar makes an entry in the personal list for the team about the reason for his failure to appear, which is certified by his signature and the seal of the military commissariat. At the same time, measures are being taken to fully staff the team sent to the assembly point.

The military commissar gives the following to the senior person accompanying the conscript team against his personal signature:

3 copies of the registered list of conscripts;

Machine media (registered in the records management of the military commissariat, issued against receipt and returned to the military commissariat upon arrival of the senior team from the assembly point) with an electronic array of data on the conscripts included in the list, to create a database of conscripts delivered from the military commissariat at the assembly point;

Personal files of conscripts (on the day of sending conscripts from the assembly point to the place of military service, personal files of conscripts with a second copy of the lists are returned to the military commissariat through a representative of the military commissariat);

Registration and service cards;

Cards of professional psychological selection;

Medical examination cards of citizens subject to conscription for military service.

The arrival of conscripts at the assembly point is provided for taking into account the time required for the formation of military teams, examination by representatives of military units, carrying out all activities provided for before departure and providing the required types of allowances, but no later than 2 days before sending them to the place of military service.

The collection point provides:

1) reception according to personal lists from representatives of military commissariats, conscripts to be sent to the place of military service. About persons included in the specified lists and not delivered to the collection point in all copies of the lists in the prescribed manner, an entry is made indicating the reason for non-appearance, which is certified by a seal;

2) reception of an electronic data array for conscripts included in the nominal lists. The machine carrier is returned to the senior team from the military commissariat;

3) if necessary, entering in column 21 of the service record card the numbers of military registration specialties and codes military positions, for which it is necessary to prepare a citizen during military service;

4) medical checkup conscripts to be sent to the place of military service by medical specialists. Laboratory and instrumental studies, as well as sanitary treatment of conscripts are carried out according to indications;

5) checking the correctness of the design of professional psychological selection cards, the validity and reliability of the conclusions contained therein about the professional suitability of conscripts for training and service in specific military positions;

6) issuing clothing to conscripts and adjusting uniforms;

7) carrying out mandatory state fingerprint registration for conscripts enrolled in teams for military units of the armed forces and entering the corresponding entries in column 26 of their service records cards and paragraph 32 of military tickets;

8) entering in column 16 of the registration and service card of a citizen called up for military service, a record of assignment military rank, and in paragraph 20 of the military ID - a record of the assignment of a military rank indicating who assigned it, the date and number of the order for assignment, which is signed by the military commissar of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and certified by the seal of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

9) issuing tokens with a personal number to citizens called up for military service and enlisted in teams for military units of the armed forces and making appropriate entries in military ID cards and service records;

10) entering in column 15 of the registration and service card of a citizen called up for military service, an entry on the date of departure to the place of military service and in part 2 of paragraph 6 of the military ID, an entry on the date of departure to the place of military service and from which military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation , which are signed by the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and certified by the seal of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

11) drawing up a list of names for each military team in 3 copies, as well as a certificate of readiness of the military team for dispatch in 2 copies;

12) transfer to the head of the military team according to the personal list of citizens called up for military service, sent from the assembly point. Deficiencies identified during the inspection of the military team are eliminated before its dispatch.

At the assembly point, conscripts are provided with food in accordance with the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, and in the prescribed manner. At the assembly point it is allowed to have a reserve of conscripts (up to 3% of the number sent in military echelons or teams), which is used, if necessary, to replenish military echelons (teams) in the event of illness of individual conscripts or the impossibility of sending them for other reasons. Conscripts who are in reserve are prohibited from being returned to military commissariats. The authorized reserve of conscripts located at the assembly point is ordered to be distributed among the last teams in such a way that by the time the norm for conscripting citizens for military service is fulfilled, there are no more of them left at the assembly point. It is legally stipulated that educational and cultural work is carried out with conscripts at the assembly point.

At the same time, it is planned to hold lectures and conversations about the history of Russia, its armed forces and military traditions, about the military oath, about the main provisions of general military regulations, about the procedure for military service, about the rights and responsibilities of military personnel, about benefits for citizens undergoing military service upon conscription , and their family members, about the rules of behavior along the route. Meetings are organized with war and labor veterans, military personnel who perform their military duty in an exemplary manner, watching films, television programs, and other cultural events, as well as explanatory work is carried out with parents and other relatives of citizens called up for military service. In reality, such educational and cultural work is carried out in a greatly truncated form, limited mainly to conversations about general conditions services at the place of distribution and watching films in a cinema hall specially equipped for this purpose at the collection point.

In a relatively solemn atmosphere (with the invitation of war veterans and other notable personalities), the “opening of the conscription season” takes place. As for explanatory work with parents and other relatives, it, as a rule, is carried out not at the assembly point, but directly at the station 1-2 hours before the departure of the appropriate transport with conscripts to the place of service. Of course, parents are allowed to go to the assembly point, but this is a troublesome task, and the military leadership pays little attention to parents, since the leadership needs to solve other, more significant problems, and parents must understand this. Personnel assigned to receive and accompany citizens called up for military service to the place of military service must arrive at the assembly point in advance, taking into account the time required for receiving, studying the personnel, as well as providing the required types of allowances, including clothing, but no later than 2 days before sending military teams with a power of attorney issued in the prescribed manner for the right to receive these citizens.

The specified personnel, while at the assembly point, are subordinate to the head of the assembly point and are obliged, together with the command of the assembly point, to participate in the formation of military teams and their loading into vehicles, study citizens called up for military service in conversation and on the personal affairs of conscripts, conduct drill training classes with them, accompany them to eat, undergo sanitary treatment and participate in other events provided for by the rules of the assembly point. Chiefs of military commands and other persons who arrived from the troops to receive and accompany citizens called up for military service to the place of military service are strictly prohibited from presenting any requirements for the selection of conscripts that are not provided for by legislative and other regulatory standards. legal acts RF And legal acts of the Ministry of Defense. Organization of transportation of citizens called up for military service is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

After successfully passing the draft board, you will be informed of the day when you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office to be sent to the assembly point.

You will go to the assembly point in an organized manner, together with representatives of the military registration and enlistment office. You cannot go to the collection point on your own.

2. What to take with you?

You need to take the following documents with you:

  • passport of a Russian citizen;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service (it is confiscated, and in return a military ID is issued against a personal signature);
  • certificate of military specialty (if any);
  • driver's license(if there is).

They will also check that you have clothing and shoes that are in good working order and appropriate for the season.

What else you can take with you, check with your military registration and enlistment office.

3. What happens at the collection point?

They usually spend a day or two at the collection point. There the conscripts are distributed among the branches of the military and military units. Officers from military units select conscripts based on an interview and personal file data.

During this time, you need to undergo a medical examination again.

You will be given uniforms and travel bags with shampoo, shaving accessories, toothbrush and toothpaste, soap and other necessary supplies.

If you have not cut your hair short in advance, you will have your hair cut at the collection point.

At the assembly point, all conscripts are required to be fed. The sale of essential goods should also be organized there.

At the assembly point, educational and cultural work is carried out with conscripts: they are told about the history of Russia, military service, and the oath.

Afterwards you will be sent to a military unit in an orderly manner.

4. What payments and benefits are a soldier entitled to?

All military personnel receive monetary allowance. If you have received military qualifications or are in command personnel, then you can count on an increase.

Upon transfer to the reserve, you will be given military transportation documents, which can be exchanged at the station for a free ticket home.

Even before the end of military service upon conscription, a soldier can conclude an agreement and enroll.

Young men who have served in the army can:

  • enter state universities and colleges without competition if they successfully pass the entrance exams;

IN in a planned manner, but as always, unexpectedly for potential recruits, the next period of conscription into the Russian Armed Forces begins. And they stand before the conscripts important questions: what to wear and what to take with you...

First, some official information:

Conscripts are required to arrive at the military commissariat for subsequent transportation to the assembly point in serviceable clothing and shoes for the season, having with them (clause 27 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663; paragraph “c”, paragraph 41 of the Instructions , approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400):

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service;
  • driver's license (if available);
  • certificate of having a military specialty obtained in educational institution public association, primary vocational and secondary vocational education (if available).

At the assembly point, conscripts are given clothing and food in accordance with the standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for military personnel undergoing conscription military service.

Thus, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are provided with one set of army travel bag for the duration of their service (1 year) (Temporary norm for the supply of clothing service property, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2014 N 120).

The army toiletry kit includes, in particular, the following items:
toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, cartridge with replaceable blades, shaving gel and aftershave gel, men's shampoo-shower gel, hand cream, washing gel, men's deodorant, hand gel, foot gel, sewing kit with needles and threads in white, green and black, a towel, a set of plasters, a collapsible silicone glass with a lid, nail clippers, hygienic lip balm, a comb, a mirror.

In practice, conscripts at the military registration and enlistment office at their place of residence are also given a memo that indicates essential items that they can take with them. These include, in particular: mobile phone and SIM card; a small amount of money for small expenses; food supply for one to two days (perishable foods should be excluded).

The conscript's belongings that are not essential items may be confiscated at the collection point.

It is strictly forbidden to take with you:

  • alcoholic drinks (including beer);
  • piercing and cutting objects (knives, scissors, straight razors, can openers with an open “sting”, unedged glass mirrors, glass bottles and jars);
  • medications any type without a doctor's prescription;
  • loose tablets.

It so happens that a recruit can spend more than one day at a recruiting station. The road to the unit may also not be close. Therefore, a few tips will help the future warrior spend his waiting time and journey relatively without problems:

Nutrition– must be taken for 2-3 days. It is advisable not to take perishable products, replacing them with something that can be stored for a long time, about three days. These are canned meat, vegetables, fish, condensed milk. It is better to take tea and coffee in single bags, and sugar - in lumps.

Money– you shouldn’t take a lot, there is a high probability of losing them or giving them to someone for free. 200-500 rubles will be enough. It is better in small bills, dividing the amount into several parts.

Cloth- first of all, depending on the weather. In addition, it is not flashy and not expensive. After the recruit is given a uniform at the recruiting station, the clothes will be offered to either be given to relatives when taking the oath, or sent home by parcel post. In a situation like this, it might be easier to just throw it away.

Toiletries– Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, disposable razor, towel, a couple of handkerchiefs, comb. You also need to take a couple of spools of white and black thread, needles (hide them well beforehand!). You can take a bar of laundry soap for washing.

Telephone- the simplest and most inexpensive.