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The meaning of the particle is not. “NOT and NOR particles. Meaning and spelling. Morphological analysis of the union

First of all you need choose NOT or NEITHER. When you decide on the letter, you will need to decide whether to write the particle (or prefix) together or separately.

Together or separately

  • If you choose NOT, read. There are a lot of different rules, but using our algorithm, you can easily master them.
  • If you choose NI, everything is easier with continuous spelling. NI is written together with negative adverbs and negative pronouns without a preposition. In other cases, NI is written separately with words.

Now let's return to the choice of NOT or NEITHER.


The logic of reasoning could be as follows. The particle NI is used less frequently than NOT. Therefore, you can use the method of elimination: if not a single case of using Ni is suitable, write NOT. This means that you must remember the times when NI is used.

Cases of using the NI particle

1. NI in negative pronouns and negative adverbs.

In negative pronouns, the choice of NOT or NI depends on the stress. NOT written with an accent, NOR - without an accent.

Let us recall that NOT and NI in negative pronouns are written together without a preposition and separately with a preposition. A preposition breaks these words into three words.

No one I'm not proud. With no one I won't go.

2. NI at steady speed.

Neither is included in the stable turnover. Try to learn these turns. Here is a list of these phrases from the reference book edited by Lopatin.

Combinations that are subordinate clauses in form:at all costs, no matter how you turn it, no matter how you throw it, no matter how you twist it, no matter where you throw it, no matter where it goes, no matter where it comes from, no matter what you say.
Combinations with initial single ni:not an aza, not a belmes, not my God, not a boom-boom, not in life, not in life, not in a tooth (foot), not in any way, in no way, in no case, not in one eye, not that's so much, at nothing (to bet), not a penny, not a gugu, not for a penny (perish, abyss), not for a sniff of tobacco (perish, abyss), not for anything, not a zgi, not a drop, not a penny, not a spear , not a crumb, not for anything, not to hell (not good), not for a hair, not for a penny, (who, what, which) not for a meal, not for an iota, not for a minute, not for a step, not for a foot, not under any circumstances, not to do with anything, not a word, not an inch, not a move, not with anything (to be left), not a fig, not a damn thing, not a step (exclamation), not a shisha.
Combinations with repeated ni:neither be nor me, nor more nor less, neither back nor forward, neither think nor guess, neither mother nor father, nor warehouse nor in harmony, neither yes nor no, neither give nor take, neither two nor one and a half, nor no bottom, no tire, neither day nor night, neither soul nor body, neither hot nor cold, neither alive nor dead, for nothing nor for anything, neither skin nor face, nor stake nor yard, neither end nor edge, nor to the village nor to the city, no spoon, no bowl, no less, no more, no more, no less, no moo, no calf, neither ours nor yours, no answer, no greeting, no rest, no time, no peahen, no crow, no passing, no passing, no fluff no pen, no fish, no meat, no matchmaker, no brother, no light, no dawn, no mood, no harmony, no hearing, no spirit, no sleep, no sleep, no reason to sit down, no reason, no reason, no no shame, no conscience, neither this way nor that, neither here nor there, neither this nor that, nor this nor that, neither this nor that, neither here nor there, neither here nor there, neither subtract nor add, neither mind nor heart, nor there was no ear, neither cold nor hot, neither shaky nor shaky; more detailed combinations of the same structure: neither a candle to God nor a poker to the devil, neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan, nor in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen.

3. NOR as part of a double union NOR..., NOR...

NI may be included in double union NI..., NI.... Such a union will connect homogeneous members if the sentence already has a negation. Compare: boy today Not sang and Not danced; neither sing and neither he's already dancing couldn't.

4. NI in subordinate clauses with a concessional meaning.

Constructions with NI and pronominal words can begin subordinate clauses with a concessive meaning. In order not to confuse the subordinate clause with another construction, pay attention to 2 points:

Who just Not I went to see this movie!(We are talking about those who went to the film, the particle has an affirmative meaning, but it is not in a subordinate clause, it is a simple sentence).

Who neither I went to see this film and everyone liked it.(The particle has an affirmative meaning; we are talking about those who went to see the film. The particle is in the subordinate clause. This is a subordinate clause of concession).

5. NI as a particle that enhances negation.

The particle NI is used to enhance negation.

Don't spill a drop. There's not a cloud in the sky.

What to pay attention to

Although we use the method of elimination, remembering first of all the cases of using the particle NI, we still need to pay attention to some constructions with NOT.

1. Remember the spelling of phrases:

Nothing more than.

Nothing else but.

None other than.

No one else like.

2. The particle cannot also be part of stable combinations: not at all, hardly not, far from, almost, almost, not at all, not at all, not at all, isn't it, almost, almost; no more than, no more than, no more and no less than, not so hot (how, what), not God knows (who, what, what, etc.), not in the arc, not in the spirit, not in the test, not in tune, not in harmony, not in moderation, not in the mood, not in the example, not in joy, not in oneself, not in strength, not counting, not a sin, God forbid, not to fat, not to laugh , not up to that, not good, not to the point, not to the place, not to the court, not to the rush, not for a joke, not to the address; not by days, but by hours; beyond my strength, beyond my capabilities, beyond my gut, not at my ease, at the wrong time, out of hand, out of luck, out of work, out of luck, etc.

3. The particle is NOT used in double negative constructions: I couldn’t help but agree (= agreed), I couldn’t help but go (= went).

entered the room none other than director. Nobody no one else could enter here. The first sentence uses the construction “no other than...”. In the second sentence there is no “how”, the pronoun is found according to the rule: without emphasis NI, without a preposition together.

He didn't know neither rules neither formulas Double conjunction NI..., NI.... The sentence contains the negation “didn’t know.”

Got up neither light nor dawn. Not in stable terms.

Is the "not" particle ignored? Sometimes you can hear the phrase from people who practice popular: “The particle “NOT” is not perceived by the subconscious.”

The essence of this phrase is that if you formulate a certain attitude using the particle “not,” then the human psyche interprets it exactly the same way: so, if the particle “not” were not in your formulation.

For example, you tell someone (or remind yourself): “Don’t forget to turn off the iron!” - and the insidious “subconscious” perceives this phrase as “Forget to turn off the iron!” That is, you seem to be programming an action that is exactly the opposite of what you would like.

Let's figure out whether our unlucky subconscious actually works this way. And, if it really ignores the unfortunate particle “not,” then why is this happening.

It must be said that in some cases the effect of ignoring the “not” particle still happens. By itself, this particle does not carry a semantic load; it is easy to “skip” it and go straight to the content of the message. In what cases does this happen?

The “not” particle is ignored if there is little accompanying information

It’s easy to miss the “not” particle when we are talking about something that you don’t understand much about, that you don’t understand, or that you don’t know.

For example, someone tells you: “Buy something in the store, but not a synchrophasotron!”

If you don’t know what a “synchrophasotron” is, then you will waste your mental energy (and attention) trying to remember this incomprehensible new word and not miss this particular item in the store. And in the end, there is a high probability that this is what you will bring from the store. After all, about What exactly there is no need to do it, you thought, but you failed to emphasize the denial of this action, because... I just didn't have enough attention. (As you know, at one moment in time human attention can be focused on only one subject.)

The "not" particle is ignored if there is no target

Another case where the “not” particle is easy to ignore is when there is no other purpose other than the need to deny something.

This case is clearly illustrated by this very difficult problem: “Don’t think about the white monkey!”

Surely you tried, and it was probably very difficult for you to complete this task, to distract yourself from thoughts about the white monkey. After all, you had to do your best don't think about her. What's the secret here? The secret is that at that moment you did not have any alternative goal.

For example, if you were told: “Don’t think about a white monkey, but think about a pink elephant!” - it would be much easier for you to cope, and the “not” particle would not go away.

The same effect occurs when we try to avoid something unpleasant in our lives. For example, do not encounter angry dogs, do not eat cake at night, do not think about the person who annoys us. By concentrating on these “nots,” we do not set ourselves an alternative goal; the psyche has nothing to strive for at this moment, so it very clearly follows your instructions, ignoring the true meaning of your message.

Under what conditions will the particle “not” be perceived?

So, as we found out, there is a high probability that the “subconscious” will not perceive the particle “not”,

  1. if this particle is contained in an indication of a topic that you do not understand, if it concerns subjects that are unfamiliar to you;
  2. if, apart from the need to deny something, you (or you yourself) have not set any other useful goal.

The first case - when a negative attitude concerns areas of knowledge and subjects that are unfamiliar to you - is compensated if the attitude is not given in a “bare” form, but accompanied by some explanation, woven into the context.

For example, if a request not to buy a synchrophasotron is accompanied by some justification why this should not be done, for what reason the synchrophasotron is not useful to the applicant now, then your psyche relaxes, it does not need to constantly be focused on an incomprehensible subject, and the meaning of the message is better absorbed, the particle “not "is perceived as it should be.

With the second case - the absence of an alternative useful goal - everything is even simpler. Instead of asking to buy something other than a synchrophasotron, you need to ask to buy something specific: set a goal. Then there will also be no problems with the perception of the particle “not”.

Finally, I would like to note that the “subconscious” is not as flat and stupid as, unfortunately, popular psychology sometimes tries to present. Your psyche will perceive everything correctly if what needs to be perceived fits harmoniously into it. Let me explain.

You will not have any problems with the perception of any guidelines and instructions, no matter in what form they are formulated,

  • if you have sufficient knowledge in the desired area,
  • if you have integrated, thoughtful experience on the stated topic,
  • if you understand the context well, in which this or that installation should or should not be implemented,
  • if you think critically and evaluate information for relevance, truth and suitability of input, and don’t just become a zombie, absorbing all the incoming information like a sponge.

In general, do not underestimate the power of your own perception and critical thinking. After all, if someone asks you to “remember to turn off the iron,” “don’t walk through dark alleys alone at night,” “don’t cheat on your partner,” “don’t kill,” “don’t steal,” and so on, do you really believe in the fact that your subconscious, your psyche of an adult formed person will ignore these requests/attitudes and interpret them in exactly the opposite way?..

Particles neither nor are the most common. Their meaning and role are very diverse. They can be used as negative particles: The roach will not splash, the pike will not strike from the depths, the warbler will not flutter in the vine (Nag.); Not a single window lit up on the street (German).

They are often used to enhance the affirmative meaning of a sentence:

What he didn’t undertake, no matter how much he had to

whoever he was! (N.S.) live in the world, never change

You will begin to be surprised at Russia (Paust.).

Particles neither nor are often included in words as word-forming elements - prefixes; cf.".someone - no one, a few - not at all, from nowhere - from nowhere, a lot - not at all, ugly -" worthless.

The meanings of the particles not and nor as independent words (when written separately) and as parts of a word (when written together) are different. Therefore, the use of unstressed words is not entirely based on the distinction of their meaning. To develop correct writing, you must first remember in what cases the particle ni is used.

Particle neither

I. Neither is used as a negative particle in the following cases:

1. To strengthen the negation that is in a sentence and which is expressed by the particle not or the words no, it is impossible. Strengthening negation (to be a “companion” of the words no, no, impossible) is the main function of the particle no: He was never beautiful or good, but was the most ordinary student (gas.); The night passes, there is no way forward or back (TV). Denial may be implied: And on the Neva there is neither rustle nor splash (Inb.); No moon, no stars... No contours, no silhouettes, not even a single cloud (Ch.). ;

Used to strengthen the negation of homogeneous members of a sentence, particles acquire the meaning of a connecting conjunction: I can neither speak, nor argue, nor maintain a conversation (Ch.); Nothing interested him: neither the sea, nor tropical vegetation, nor the mountains, nor their character (Paust.).

Note. In the 19th century The conjunction particle was not very widely used with homogeneous members and in sentences where there is no negation. For example: this is neither a village, nor a city, nor a suburb, but a trading post of an American company (Gonch.); - What, is it unpleasant? - So, neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but the heart is in half (L. T.); Neither cheerful nor sad; nothing hurts him or is cold... He loves (Gonch.). In such sentences, neither is equal in meaning to the combination and not; cf.: this is not a village, and not a city, and not a suburb; so, neither pleasant nor unpleasant; neither cheerful nor sad; Nothing hurts him, and he’s not cold.

Currently, it is not recommended to use the conjunction particle in the meaning of ‘and not’ with homogeneous predicates, but it can be used with other members of the sentence in the meaning of ‘and not’. So, in a sentence...Not to scream, not to breathe, not to remember the necessary words (Alig.) it is necessary to write not (to scream, to breathe, to remember - homogeneous predicates), and in a sentence Kiprensky [now] wrote neither good nor bad, that something has faded inside (Paust.) it is better to use neither (good, bad - homogeneous circumstances).

2. To express a complete prohibition or an insistent request (in such sentences there is no second negation). In this function it is not used in exclamatory sentences: And you - stand on the porch and don’t move! (G.); Please, don't say a word! No matter how independent negation is used, it is also used in sentences of a quantitative nature: not a step further; not a trace of her diary (Bl.); Poem - out of place (Bl.); Poems seem to be poetry, but not a word of truth (TV.).

II. The particle is not used in sentences where negation is absent or implied, and the particle itself does not express general negation, prohibition and persistent request.

1. The particle is not used in stable phrases: neither be nor me, nor more nor less, nor a candle to God, nor a devil’s poker, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan, nor give nor take, nor two nor one and a half, nor the bottom of him, nor a tire , neither alive nor dead, for nothing about anything, neither ours nor yours, no answer, no greeting, no peacock, no raven, no down, no feather, no fish, no meat, no light, no dawn, no hearing, no spirit, no front. neither from behind, nor from this nor that, neither this way nor that, neither here nor there, neither this nor that, nor this nor that, neither this nor that, neither here nor there, neither here nor there, neither shaky nor shaky ( there is no comma between the particles of these phrases). [I still haven’t heard a word about “Surgery” (Ch.); Suddenly, for no apparent reason, he jumps up, snatches his saber and attacks me (Ch.); No matter what? How dare you call him neither this nor that, and even God knows what? (G.)]

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the listed stable phrases and free combinations of words, which can also express uncertainty (in the latter the particle not should be written, unless, of course, there is a second negation in the sentence): your Central Committee and your Kalinin. Court. Father. Chapter. Law (TV) - cf. the original is no one else (other) than.

Note. The phrases no one else (other), as well as nothing else (other), as in modern Russian, are complex particles that emphasize and strengthen the reference to someone or something. These particles are synonymous with particles precisely, indeed, only. Therefore, phrases can be replaced with these particles; Wed: This, gentlemen, my sir, is Captain Kopeikin; His night friend was precisely (really, only) himself, Mr. Golyadkin himself; Everything that is published about me is just a fairy tale. In addition, these complex particles can be removed from the sentence; Wed: This, gosyaoZa, my sir, Captain Kopeikin; His night friend was himself, Mr. Golyadkin himself; Everything that is printed about me is a fairy tale (when a particle is removed, the content of the sentence does not change). Thus, neither anyone else (other), nor anything else (else), as members of the sentence.

2) The combinations no one else (other), nothing else (other) are used in negative sentences, reinforcing the existing negative predicate: I think that she does not dare to bother us. Its absence cannot be explained in any other way (Ov.); Nothing else could interest him.

These pronominal phrases are characterized by the following features: the pronouns nobody, nothing are members of the sentence, acting as either the subject or the complement (in the above sentences, the pronoun nothing is an addition, the pronoun nothing is the subject); the phrases no one else (other), nothing else (other) can be limited to turns with conjunctions like and except: [The cook and the housekeeper] knew that with no one else, as with him, it was impossible to profit better from a dinner that cost several thousand ( L. T.); However, nothing else other than this event can explain his further behavior (“gas.”); Now time stops for her and nothing else exists except these glasses (V. Agr.),

Note. The particle in these phrases is written both together and separately (in accordance with the rules on spelling or with pronouns). But we should distinguish between the particle neither and the connecting conjunction nor. The particle neither, in the absence of a preposition between nor and the pronoun, is written together; the connecting conjunction is not always written separately. Wed: No one else would have dared to do this act. - Neither he himself nor anyone else could have known then that Denisov would have to spend many years in this red brick house (gas.).

3) It is necessary to distinguish between combinations namely (he, she, etc.), and not someone else (other) and precisely (he, she, etc.) and no one else (other). Wed:

Newly discovered product Newly discovered product

the doing belongs exactly the knowledge belongs exactly

to him, and not to anyone else, to him, and no one else.

It is written not (always separately) if there is a conjunction; written neither (together or separately, depending on the absence or presence of a preposition between nor and the pronoun), if there is a conjunction and.

If we keep in mind the semantic side, then the construction with the conjunction a belongs to the contrastive-negative ones, in which the negation is evident (in the combination itself) and there is no second negation. In combination, it is (he, she, etc.) and no one else (else) that his part and no one else (else) represents an adjunctive construction, where the negation is not formally presented, but is clearly implied (cf.: The newly discovered work belongs to belongs to him and no one else).

4) The particle is written in comparative terms like no one else: Rubinstein played very unevenly, like no other major master (Bazh.); How I survived, only you and I will know, -■ you just knew how to wait like no one else (Sim.); Like no one else, he knew how to find a way to a child’s heart; Meanwhile, he gets it from all sides like no one else. The comparative phrase, like no other in meaning, is a truncated negative construction, which is easy to prove by “expanding” the above sentences: Rubinstein played very unevenly, like no other major master played; just knew how to wait like no one else knew how to wait; He knew how to find a way to a child's heart (sic); like no one else knew how to do this; And yet he gets it from all sides in a way that no one else gets it. A comparison of the options shows that the first option, while maintaining the meaning of enhanced negation, is more economical and stylistically more acceptable.

The phrase is used like no other and in a form like no one else: Oh, this man, like no one else, knew how to establish an awkward silence (gas.).

So, the phrases are no one else (other), as well as nothing else (else), as they are used in affirmative sentences. The phrases no one else (other) and nothing else (other) are used: in negative sentences, in the connecting construction and no one else (other), in comparative usage like no one else.

The particle is not

To distinguish between particles and nor, it is enough to remember those cases when the particle nor is used (in all others, write not\). In language, however, there are many difficulties associated with the use of not.

I. The particle is not used to deny what is expressed by the word to which it refers in meaning: Dumb milkiness does not oppress, starry fear does not disturb (Es.); Whose letters are they: mine or not? (Cat.); But without risk for him, life is not life (gas).

II. The particle is not used in sentences that generally do not have a negative meaning. But the most varied shades that it brings to these sentences are, to one degree or another, associated with the negative meaning of this particle.

1. In a compound verbal predicate, it cannot appear before both the first and second parts: I can renounce them [verses] as I like, but I cannot help but recognize them as mine (Bl.); The artist cannot but agree with all this (Bl.). The first part of such predicates is often the words impossible, impossible: impossible not to admit, impossible not to agree.

Note. Constructions of this type represent a double negative; as a result, the sentence receives a generally affirmative meaning, often with additional shades of necessity, obligation: I don’t have to admit - ‘must, must admit’; one cannot help but admit - ‘necessary, should be admitted’; You can’t help but be impressed by his action (T.) - you can marvel.

2. The particle is not written in interrogative and exclamatory sentences of an intensifying and generalizing nature: Who doesn’t know the countless photographs of Chaliapin!; Isn’t it true that now we somehow have no time for everything? (Sol.); Dear comrade, aren’t we familiar with this hot life of vigilance? (Meadow.); With your condition, how can you not marry! (L. T.) In such sentences it is not always written separately (for its use not in interrogative-exclamation sentences of an intensifying-generalizing nature, see above).

3. The particle is not used in combination with repeated words, expressing in some cases a strengthened, and in others - a limited negation: We returned to the river at sunset... but we had never heard of our grandfather (Sheep) - strengthened negation; Selifan... started a song, not a song, but something so long that there was no end (G.) - limited denial.

4. The particle is not used in the phrases almost, barely, hardly, almost, almost, almost.

5. The particle is not part of complex unions or something...not that; not that... not that, but; not only not...but also; not that not...but; if not...then: And he purrs with quiet affection, washing the pebbles at the bottom. And it turns out to be either a fairy tale or a song in a dream (TV); It must be said that this apartment - No. 50 - has long enjoyed, if not a bad, then at least a strange reputation (Bulg.).

Think about the meaning

Basic particle meaning Not - denial.

Particle Not write:

  1. With different parts of speech to convey the meaning of negation: Not I believe Not good, Not Fine, Not once etc.
  2. In negative pronouns: Not to whom, Not´ what, Not´ by whom, Not how etc. If they are used with prepositions, they are written separately: n with no one, nothing...
  3. In indefinite pronouns: Not Who, Not What.
  4. In rhetorical questions: How Not love him?(= one cannot help but love), Who Not know this poem?(= everyone knows).
  5. In stable combinations of various kinds: a little Not; a little Not; barely Not; barely Not; Bye Not; only Not; Not That; Not That... Not That; Not only, but also; Not what (not) ... but; Not so that... ah; Not so that... a; at all Not, far Not, almost, hardly Not, not at all Not, not at all Not, not at all Not, a little Not, almost Not, no more than, Not more like, as well as in stable lexical combinations: Not at the address Not as a joke, Not on my own, Not god knows Not sin, Not in the teeth Not couple etc.


In pronouns Not under stress, and neither no accent.
Indefinite pronouns no one And nothing do not occur in oblique cases.

Think about the meaning:

1)none(nobody) - not alone(many): Not a single one completed the task! - He missed classes more than once.
never(never) - more than once(many): I have never been to her house. “I’ve been to her house more than once.
not at all(not at all) - a lot(many): not to confuse you at all - to know a lot of interesting things.

Particle discharges



Morphological analysis of the union

Spelling NOT with conjunctions

NOT written separately with conjunctions: not that... not that, not only... but also.

1. Write out the conjunction from the sentence

2. We find out the morphological characteristics of the union: category by structure, category by meaning, category by origin.

A nurse came up and strictly demanded, to the soldiers were leaving.

To– conjunction, simple, derivative, subordinating, explanatory, connects parts of a complex sentence.

Particle– this is an auxiliary unchangeable part of speech, intended to express shades of words and sentences, as well as to form words.

Attention! Particles can be part of the sentence members: Where neither turn around, the singing of the oriole came from everywhere. Let boron raging in the rain.

1. By structure:

2. By value:

A) Derivational serve to form new forms of words (-something, -either, -something, not, nor): someone, something, someone, somebody, nothing.

B) Formative:

IN) Semantic:

Rank Example sentences
3.1 Interrogatives: really, really, really. Really Did all the carousels really burn down?
3.2 Intensifying (highlight important words): even, already, already, after all, after all. You have such hands that they ran away even trousers.
3.3 Demonstratives (point to an object): here, there, and here, here, and there. Here mill! She's already fallen apart.
3.4 Exclamation marks (express admiration, surprise): what the, how. How The Dnieper is wide!
3.5 Excretory (highlight an object or phenomenon): only, only, almost, at least. Remained only memories.
3.6 Clarifying: exactly, just. And the mosquito bit into it just my aunt right in the right eye.
3.7 Modal (expresses doubt): hardly, hardly. Aphorism hardly not the best form of presenting philosophical opinions.
3.8 Negative: no, no. Not flowers bloom in late autumn.
1. DOES NOT give negation to the entire sentence (the particle cannot be removed from the sentence): Not flowers bloom in late autumn. 2. Does not attach negation to individual words: Not the sea sinks ships, and the winds. 3. Affirmative meaning, if NOT repeated twice: I Not Can Not sing a song. 4. Intensifying meaning: - with the word only: Where just not went! (went everywhere) - without a word only: Who Not been to our area! (many have visited our area) Than Not groom? Just what Not spoke! 5. The meaning of exclusivity in combinations NOTHING ELSE (OTHER), AS, NOTHING ELSE (ELSE), AS: The document must be signed none other than the applicant himself. 1. The intensifying particle NI is used in the presence of negation with the predicate: More neither once Alyosha Not I saw the tree covered with snow. What would I neither I did, everything was bad. 2. Particle NI denies everything: As if on purpose neither souls. Neither one step back! 3. There is a subject and a predicate. NI strengthens the negation: The building was neither with what not comparable in height. 4. Neither introduces a connotation of negation into complex sentences: How horyumyeon neither was, about him there were rumors. 5. The meaning of exclusivity in combinations nothing else (other), no one else (other): Nothing else didn't bother him. Nobody else except for the watchman, Not stayed in the building.

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish:

not one (many) none (nobody)
more than once (many times) never (never)