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What benefits are required for the birth of a child? Benefits at the birth of a child The amount of a lump sum

State support for families who decide to replenishment includes a number of benefits and payments after the birth of a child. Their size and the awarding algorithm differ in each specific case.

One-off payment at the birth of a child in 2019

Consider what payments are due at the birth of a child. One-time childbirth allowance given to the mother or father when the baby is born. The amount of the benefit is indexed annually and with February 1, 2019 the increase will be 4.3 % ... The exact amount of the payment for the birth of a child in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles.

To provide benefits to one of the parents (mother or father), you must apply no later than six months from the date of birth of the child. The benefit is accrued at the place of work of one of the parents who applies for an appointment.

In the case of multiple pregnancies (2 or more children), the allowance is paid for each child. If a child was born dead then the benefit is not paid.

Childbirth allowance can be issued and received in the following way:

  • At the place of work of the mother or father;
  • To the offices of the FSS;
  • In the bodies of social protection of the population if the mother or father are unemployed citizens.

For preparation of the manual must be prepared and provide the following package of documents:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Certificate of the birth of a child in the form F24, which is issued at the registry office at the time of registration of the child.
  3. Parents' passport.
  4. Original and copy of the child's birth certificate.
  5. The second parent must be provided with a certificate that he did not receive benefits. Mandatory if the spouses gave birth to a child in a legal marriage.

Lump sum paid to the salary card of the bank or to the cashier of the organization. If a citizen is not officially employed, then the payment is due through the social protection authorities and received through a postal order or a bank account.

As a reminder, the amount of the childbirth allowance in 2019 will amount to 17,479.73 rubles.

Payments after childbirth

The circle of deductions to the family after replenishment is quite extensive. Postpartum payments are due to both the woman in labor and the father of the child. Sometimes the recipients of the benefits are relatives.

Maternity allowance 2019

In common use, these payments are known as "maternity" payments. The payment is made in a lump sum, however, it affects two periods: prenatal and postnatal.

Payments are due only to the expectant mother. Since the benefit is financed from the FSS budget, the woman must be insured... Recipient categories:

  • employed persons;
  • individual entrepreneurs, self-employed population, subject to the transfer of payments to the social insurance authorities;
  • those who lost their jobs due to the reduction of women no earlier than 12 months before the onset of pregnancy;
  • female students;
  • female military personnel on a contract basis;
  • adoptive parents.

The standard duration of paid maternity leave is 140 days... Half of this period is allocated for prenatal leave, the rest for postnatal recovery. The right to maternity benefits arises from the 30th week of pregnancy.

Postpartum benefits 2019 calculated according to the algorithm established.

  1. Working women at the time of pregnancy. The amount of the generic subsidy will be 100% of the total average earnings for 2 years preceding the onset of pregnancy. The total amount of support should be within the framework from 51 919 to 301 096.6 rubles.
  2. Those who lost their jobs during the liquidation of the institution will receive 655.49 rubles each for each month of the sick leave in the case of registration with the CPC.
  3. Maternity student category pregnant women are charged in the amount 100% scholarships... The total amount should not be less than a quarter of the size of the subsistence minimum in the region.
  4. Women in labor from among the military can count on an allowance in 100 % from monetary allowance.

Employed women for calculating payments should contact the employer, unemployed and students - in the regional branch of the SZN. The basis for the calculation is the sick leave.

Accompanying package of documents includes:

  • photocopy of identity card;
  • statement. You can view and download it here:;
  • confirmation of the previous salary when changing places of activity for the estimated time;
  • certificate of registration at the employment center, a copy of the employment certificate in case of redundancy / dismissal.

The amount of child benefits in 2019

Benefit Size from 01.01.2019 (in rubles) Size from 01.02.2019 (in rubles)
Maternity for working women (general procedure) Average daily earnings for each day of maternity leave
Minimum amount of maternity allowance 51919 - 140 days of maternity leave
Maximum amount of maternity allowance 301096.6 - 140 days of maternity leave
Monthly allowance for the unemployed and dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization 628,47 655,49
For mothers, full-time education The amount of the scholarship established in a higher or secondary educational institution
Contract women The size of the monetary allowance acting at the place of service
Lump sum early pregnancy 628,47 655,49
Lump-sum allowance for pregnant spouses of conscripts 26 539,76 27 680,97
Lump-sum payment at the birth of a child 16 759,09 17 479,73
Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing 16759.09 or 128 053.08 if a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, or several children at once, if they are brothers or sisters, was transferred to the family for upbringing 17479.73 or 133559.36 if a disabled child, a child over 7 years old, or several children at once, if they are brothers or sisters, was transferred to the family for upbringing
Maternal capital 453 026
Monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (working mother) 40% of average monthly earnings (billing period 2017 and 2018)
Minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (for employed people) 4512 - for the first child;

6284.65 - on the second and next

4512 - for the first child;

6554.89 - on the second and next

The minimum allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old (for unemployed or with less than six months of experience) 3142.33 - on the first;

6284.65 - on the second and subsequent

3277.45 - for the first child;

6554.89 rubles - for the second and next children

"Putin's" manual The size of the children's regional subsistence minimum for the 2nd quarter of 2018
Serviceman's monthly childcare allowance 11374,18 11 863,27
Monthly survivor's allowance for a soldier's child 2287,65 2386,02
Monthly allowance for a child living in the Chernobyl zone 3241.05 - up to 1.5 years;

6482.10 - from 1.5 to 3 years

3380.42 - up to 1.5 years;

6760.83 - from 1.5 to 3 years

Monthly allowance for a child under 3 years old Size of one baby PM
Monthly allowance for children under 18 from low-income families Installed at the regional level

Childcare allowance table from 1 January 2019

Allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old

Allowance for the pregnant wife of a military conscript

Women in childbirth who have officially formalized marital relations with a military conscript can apply for material assistance from the state.

A prerequisite for a subsidy is a reference confirmed period of the special status of a woman from 180 days.

If a woman meets all the conditions, this year the future woman in labor will receive 27 680.97 rubles.

The “soldier's” EDV is issued by the regional department of social protection. List of documents:

  • applications for subsidies;
  • confirmation of marriage registration;
  • medical certificates at the place of registration of the pregnant woman;
  • confirmation from the military unit at the place of service or from the recruiting office.

You need to wait for a decision no more than 10 days... If Social Security has approved the benefits, the money is credited by bank transfer.

Serviceman child allowance

Changes to child benefits in 2019

From May 12, 2019, the order will change in Russia. The main provisions are governed by Federal Law No. 92 of May 1, 2019.

Under the new rules, citizens can apply for payments in any region. The applicants are no longer tied to a residence permit. Before the adoption of the new law, it was possible to issue child support only at the place of registration.

Officials say the new rules will help increase the mobility of young families in Russia. Experts have repeatedly made a statement that it is necessary to amend the current legislation, which affects families with children.


State co-financing of the family at the birth of children is aimed at creating decent conditions for education. Support is built on the principles:

  1. Comprehensive financing from budgets of all levels.
  2. Protecting the interests of mothers and children.
  3. Initiatives on the part of the copyright holder of payments: a personal statement is required to receive the money.
  4. Mutual responsibility of the state and recipients of benefits. The authorities undertake to provide assistance in full, and the family - to provide real information about their situation, changes that entail the loss of rights to payments.

The most popular questions and answers to them on maternity benefits

Question: They lived with a guy, in October 2017 he was drafted into the army, and in December (25th) the long-awaited firstborn for both was born. I do not work, I am engaged in a child. I heard that monthly subsidies and monthly subsidies are relied on for such an occasion, can I count on them?

Answer: In accordance with the lump sum, pregnant wives of conscripts can apply for the duration of pregnancy from 180 days... The couple must be officially married. The latter circumstance is absent in your situation, therefore, it is impossible to obtain a "soldier" EDV.

About a monthly allowance-subsidy for a child of a military serviceman. Here you can count on an increase in the event that the soldier recognizes paternity and will be recorded in the column "parents" on an equal basis with you. Order 1012н there are no requirements for marriage registration for monthly payments to the child of a conscript. Collect documents for social protection. Section VIII of the above document will help you.

Families in which a child was born are entitled to benefits - this is a fact, but how much money they pay, what documents need to be collected and where to submit them is a confusing matter. In the article, we described in detail what payments and benefits are due at the birth of a child, what to do in order to receive legal payments, and considered special cases.

Payments for children are lump-sum and monthly.

Lump sums include:

  • allowance for early registration of a pregnant woman (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy);
  • maternity allowance;
  • childbirth allowance.

Monthly payments for a child include:

Below we will describe each of the types of benefits in more detail. But first, a few nuances:

  • Part of the payments is due only to employed women, for example, allowance for early registration with an antenatal clinic, maternity allowance (hereinafter referred to as BIR) and compensation payment up to 3 years. The rest of the benefits are received by all women.
  • But the size of the minimum benefits for working and non-working women is different, because for working women, the payment of up to 1.5 years is calculated depending on the average wage for the past 2 years, and for non-working women, a minimum is set, which is indexed every year. The unemployed will find out the amount of the benefit in social protection.


Valentina does not work, and her husband works, but receives a salary of 25,000 rubles. Let's say they live in a region where the living wage is 13,100 rubles. A family is considered poor because their income, divided by the number of family members, does not provide a living wage in their region.

Valentina will not receive early registration allowance and BIR allowance, but she will receive a one-time allowance for the birth of a baby.

Valentina is also entitled to benefits up to 1.5 years and up to 18 years old, and since her family is considered poor, then Putin's payments.

Who can apply for benefits

Of course, the mothers themselves can apply for the allowance for the first child. The father can also apply for an allowance if the mother refused to pay in his favor or, for example, died. He is entitled to a one-time payment at the birth of a child and an allowance for up to 1.5 years. He submits documents for payments to the accounting department at the place of work, and if he is unemployed, then to social protection. Additionally, you need to take a certificate from the employment center confirming that the father does not receive unemployment benefits. You cannot receive child support and unemployment benefits at the same time, you need to choose one thing.

IMPORTANT POINT: At the same time, mom must take a certificate stating that she did not receive benefits. The employed take it at work, the unemployed - in social protection.

In addition to mom and dad, any relative who really cares for a child and takes leave for this can apply for a benefit up to 1.5 years, most often these are grandparents.

One-time payments

Lump sum payment to those registered in early pregnancy

Working pregnant women are entitled to a one-time payment for early registration with an antenatal clinic (LCD). Early placement refers to the first trimester, or up to 12 weeks. The amount of payment in 2020 is 655 rubles.

The doctor who maintains the pregnancy writes out a special certificate of registration of the woman. The pregnant woman attaches this certificate to the package of documents, consisting of:

  • a certificate of incapacity for work;
  • passports;
  • applications for the payment of benefits.

The collected documents must be submitted to the employer or to the FSS.

FOR REFERENCE: The benefit application can be typed or handwritten in any form. There are ready-made samples on the Internet, but the essence boils down to the fact that you need to indicate to whom the application is from, from whom. In the text of the statement itself, it is enough to write: « Please provide me with an allowance for early registration with an antenatal clinic. Help attached » and attach a doctor's note to the application.

A woman receives a certificate of incapacity for work in her consultation at 30 full weeks of pregnancy, and in case of multiple pregnancy (if a woman is expecting more than one child) earlier - at 28 weeks.

The woman most often receives this payment from the employer at the same time as the BiR (Pregnancy and Childbirth) benefit. The employer must pay the benefit no later than 6 months after the end of the BiR vacation.

All expenses to the employer are then reimbursed by the FSS (Social Insurance Fund).

In some cases, the benefit is paid to the woman directly from the FSS:

  • If the pregnant woman is an individual entrepreneur and has entered into a voluntary insurance agreement with the FSS in advance. We will analyze this situation in more detail later.
  • If a woman is not paid the allowance on time by her employer or simply refuses to pay it.
  • If the employer goes bankrupt and has no funds or he closed his company, for example, the day before the woman applied for payment.

An employer can refuse to pay maternity benefits if the company goes bankrupt or is in the process of liquidation. But in this case, everything is legal, and a woman just needs to contact the FSS and submit the necessary documents there:

The FSS will calculate and pay benefits within 10 days.

If the employer simply delays the payment of maternity or refuses to pay them, then you need to contact the labor inspectorate and the FSS. It will be necessary to collect documents confirming that the woman works in this company, and file a complaint against her manager.

If the appeal to the labor inspectorate did not bring results, you need to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, and then a trial will follow.

Lump-sum maternity allowance

The BiR benefit is assigned to a woman from the 30th or 28th week of pregnancy, depending on whether she has a normal pregnancy or multiple pregnancies. This allowance is only for working women, and the amount depends on the length of the leave in the BiR.

The duration of the leave depends on the course of pregnancy and the birth itself, which can be complicated by:

  • 140 days in a normal pregnancy;
  • 194 days for multiple pregnancies;
  • 156 days for childbirth, which came prematurely or were complicated.

The allowance and leave for BiR are issued simultaneously. To receive an allowance, a woman needs to bring only 2 documents to the accounting department at her work: an application for payment and a sick leave from the antenatal clinic. By the way, most often a statement is written immediately for 2 payments due to a woman.

A sample application for the payment of benefits for BiR and a lump sum payment for early registration with the LCD:

To calculate the amount of the BIR allowance, you need to find out the amount of the woman's average daily earnings. To do this, add up all the salary she received for the last 2 years and divide by 730 or 731 - the number of days in 2 years, depending on whether there was a leap year or not. If during these 2 years the woman was on sick leave, then these days are deducted from the total number of days worked. Vacation days are not deducted from the total number of days.

When the average daily salary is known, we multiply it by the number of days of vacation in the BiR, we get the amount of the due allowance.

Example 1

Marina worked for a company and then got pregnant. She issued a leave for BiR from February 5, 2019. The previous years - 2018 and 2017 are taken to calculate her average daily wage. In 2017, Marina received 25,000 rubles a month, respectively, for the year it came out:

Salary in 2017 = 12 * 25,000 = 300,000 rubles

In 2018, Marina's salary was raised, and she already received 29,000 rubles a month,

At the same time, she was on sick leave for a month, so we subtract these days from the billing period. It turns out that the settlement period is 365 + 365-30 = 700 days.

Salary in 2018 = 11 * 29.000 = 319.000 rubles

Average daily earnings equal to wp2017 + wp2018 / 700 days

300,000 + 319,000/700 = 884 rubles

The resulting value is compared with the maximum and minimum average daily earnings in 2019, it should be no less and no more than them.

The maximum value is 2150 rubles, and the minimum is 370 rubles. These amounts change annually and depend on the minimum wage. In 2019, the minimum wage is 11.280 rubles, so the minimum value is obtained as follows: minimum wage * 24/730 or 11280 * 24/730 = 370 rubles. The data on the size of insurance bases and the size of the minimum wage, up-to-date in each year, can be viewed on specialized sites.

The maximum value is calculated based on insurance bases(hereinafter SB).

Each year, the maximum size of the base for the employer's insurance premiums is set, the amount with which he is obliged to deduct money to the Social Insurance Fund. For example, in 2017 it was equal to 755,000 rubles, and in 2018 - 815,000 rubles.

Accordingly, if a woman's salary in the amount for 2017 exceeds 755,000, then they will count only according to this limit value, as in 2018.

Now we will show how the maximum value of the average daily salary is calculated.

(SB2017 + SB2018) / 730.

(755000 + 815000) / 730 = 2150 rubles.

Marina's average daily earnings turned out to be 884 rubles - this is more than the minimum and less than the maximum, which means that further this average daily earnings will be multiplied by the number of vacation days in BiR, which Marina has equal to 140 days.

140 * 884 = 123.760 rubles - she is entitled to such an allowance, and she will receive it at a time, that is, all at once, and not in parts.


  • If Marina's average daily earnings were less than the minimum permissible value, for example, 300 rubles instead of 370, then her allowance would be calculated based on the minimum value: 370 * 140 = 51.800 rubles.
  • If Marina's average daily earnings, on the contrary, were higher than the maximum value, for example, 2,500 rubles, then the calculation would be based on the maximum value: 2,150 * 140 = 301,000 rubles.
  • If a woman has less than 6 months of work experience, then the allowance is calculated based on the minimum wage, which in 2019 is equal to 11,280 rubles.

Let's look at an example of calculation for such a case.

Example 2

Svetlana has worked in the company for only 5 months and is going on maternity leave. Previously, she did not work anywhere. She wrote an application for a vacation in BiR, which will begin on March 1 and end on July 18, lasting 140 days.

Since Svetlana's total experience is less than 6 months, we will calculate her average daily salary based on the minimum wage, which is 11,280 rubles, we get:

Minimum wage * 24/730 or 11280 * 24/730 = 370.84 rubles. Let's calculate her allowance by month:

  • March: 370.84 rubles * 31 days = 11496 rubles
  • April: 370.84 * 30 days = 11125 rubles
  • May: 370.84 * 31 days = 11496 rubles
  • June: 370.84 * 30 days = 11125 rubles
  • July: 370.84 * 18 days = 6675 rubles

Total Svetlana will receive: 51,917 rubles.

If a woman has worked for one employer for less than 6 months, but before that she worked for other employers, then the total length of service is considered. If the total length of service is more than 6 months, then the BiR benefit is considered according to the usual formula. The woman must provide the employer with data on the amount of wages from previous jobs. If there is no such data, the current employer calculates her average daily salary based on the minimum wage for the previous 2 years.

Individual entrepreneurs receive a BIR benefit from the FSS if they have entered into a voluntary insurance contract before and made contributions to the fund. A voluntary social insurance agreement means that an entrepreneur pays contributions to the Fund for himself in order to then receive social benefits, for example, a B&D allowance, as in our case.

To conclude a voluntary insurance contract, you need to submit only 2 documents to the FSS: a passport and an application. Documents can be submitted directly to the FSS or to the MFC.

Within 3 working days, an individual entrepreneur is assigned an individual number. After that, you need to pay insurance premiums. They can be paid in parts or at once in total for a year, the main thing is to have time to do this before December 31 of the current year.

The amount of the insurance premium for the year is calculated based on the minimum wage according to the formula:

Minimum wage * 2.9% * 12, where 2.9 is the rate of insurance premiums, and 12 is the number of months.

The insurance premium rate is subject to change, in 2019 it is 2.9. The minimum wage in 2019 is 11280. Further, we consider:

11280 * 2.9% * 12 = 3924 rubles - this is how much an individual entrepreneur will need to contribute to the FSS in a year.

IMPORTANT POINT: To receive payments for an insured event, for example, for pregnancy and childbirth in the current year, you need to have paid insurance premiums for the previous year.

Students also receive an allowance for BiR, it is calculated based on their scholarship according to the formula St / 30.4 * 140, where St is the amount of the scholarship.

For the calculation, the amount of her scholarship is taken on the day of submission of documents. If a student is not currently receiving a scholarship, for example, has passed a session with triplets, then her allowance is calculated based on the minimum scholarship established by this university, but not lower than the scholarship amount established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Some unemployed women can also receive a BID benefit - these are those who lost their jobs due to or their liquidation. The allowance is paid to them by the Social Insurance Fund, but its size is small - only 628 rubles a month, respectively, for 140 days of vacation in the BiR, a woman will receive 2,930 rubles.

Allowance is assigned 10 days after the documents are accepted. It is paid along with the next salary or scholarship even before the start of the decree.

It is possible to submit documents for the payment of benefits no later than 6 months after the end of the BiR vacation.

One-time childbirth allowance

The allowance is paid after the baby is born. The amount of the benefit from February 1, 2019 is 17,479 rubles, it is indexed annually. The payment is assigned to one of the parents, but you need to apply for it either to the employer (working) or to social protection (unemployed).

The following documents are submitted to the employer:

  • application for payment;
  • passport;
  • certificate from the registry office about the registration of the child;
  • a certificate from the second parent that he did not receive this allowance. Employed people take a certificate from their work, unemployed in social protection, individual entrepreneurs receive a certificate from the FSS.

A similar package of documents is submitted to social protection:

  • application for payment;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a certificate from the registry office about the registration of the child;
  • work books of non-working parents or their diplomas and certificates.

The allowance is prescribed for 10 days. Those who work are paid on the same 10 days, those who do not work from the FSS are paid no later than the 26th day of the next month.

Monthly payments and benefits at the birth of a child

Care allowance up to 1.5 years

Working and non-working parents receive a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old, only the amount of payments differs.

For employed workers, the amount of the allowance is calculated as 40% of their average salary for the previous 2 years. This amount cannot be less than the minimum and more than the maximum value. For 2019, the following indicators are set:

  • minimum - 3277 rubles;
  • the maximum is 26,152 rubles.

For non-working and students, the payment is equal to the minimum value - 3277 rubles.


Katya works, she receives 42,000 rubles a month. Her salary for 2017 is 42,000 * 12 = 504,000 rubles, this is less than the value of the marginal insurance base, which in 2017 was 755,000 rubles, which means we will use the resulting value.

The salary for 2018 is 42,000 * 12 = 504,000 rubles, which is also less than the limit value of the insurance base in 2018, which was 815,000 rubles.

where 730 is the number of days in 2 years, and 30.4 is the average number of calendar days in a month.

We get: (504000 + 504000) / 730 * 30.4 * 40% = 41976 * 40% = 16790 rubles

This is how much Katya will receive monthly as a childcare allowance for up to 1.5 years.

They make out payments at the place of work, and students and unemployed apply to social protection. You must provide the following documents:

  • passport;
  • statement;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a certificate of the birth of a child issued by the registry office;
  • a certificate stating that the other parent is not receiving this benefit.

The payment can be made no later than 6 months after the child turns 1.5 years old.

Documents are reviewed within 10 days. Benefits begin to be paid from the next month, but no later than the 26th.

Not only the parents of the child can apply for the allowance, but also other relatives who are actually caring for the child.

Monthly childcare allowance for a child under 3 years old

The childcare allowance for a child under 3 years old is actually compensation for absenteeism, and it was only 50 rubles a month. Since its foundation in 1994, this payment has never been indexed. And from January 1, 2020 it was canceled. Now only.

Monthly payment for the first child up to 1.5 years old to needy

From January 1, 2018, on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, a new targeted payment for low-income families has been in effect. What does address mean? This means that each case is considered individually. The family's income is calculated, and if they are less than the required value, then the allowance is due.

The monthly allowance is paid for a child under 1.5 years old, but only to those families in which the child was born after January 1, 2018 and whose average per capita income does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level of the working-age population in the region for the past quarter.

In each region there are several types of living wages: able-bodied population, for a child, for a pensioner. We are counting on the subsistence level for the able-bodied population.

The amount of the benefit itself is different in the regions and depends on the size of a different living wage - per child in the region. On average, this amount is about 13,500 rubles. The exact amount of the benefit can be found in the social welfare center or the MFC.

Example 1

Nastya received 25,000 rubles before the birth of the child, her husband Sergei receives 32,000 rubles. Their family consists of 3 people. They live in Voronezh, where the living wage of the working-age population is 9,390 rubles

We calculate the family income for the year: (25,000 * 12) + (32,000 * 12) = 300,000 + 384,000 = 684,000 rubles,

we divide this amount by 12 months and then by 3 people.

684,000/12/3 = 19,000 rubles per person.

The living wage in Voronezh is 9390 rubles, which means that one and a half living wages will be equal to 14085 rubles.

The family's average per capita income is more than one and a half times the subsistence level, which means that it is not entitled to benefits..

Example 2

Lonely mother Lyudmila received 23,000 rubles a month before the birth of her child. Her family consists of only 2 people: she and the baby. She also lives in Voronezh. Let's calculate whether she will be able to receive Putin's payments.

(23,000 * 12) / 12/2 = 11,500 rubles per person.

The living wage in Voronezh, as we said above, is 14,085 rubles. The average per capita income is less than one and a half times the subsistence level, which means that Lyudmila is entitled to benefits.

You can apply for an allowance in social protection. Documents required for registration:

  • parents' passports;
  • birth (adoption) certificate of a child;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • a document confirming the family's income for the last year;
  • Bank details.

In some cases, you may need documents such as:

  • divorce certificate;
  • death certificate of the second parent.
  • certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the documents are submitted through a representative.

You can apply for a benefit until the child turns 1.5 years old. But it may not be paid for all the time.

If the parents submitted documents before the child was 6 months old, then the benefits will be paid for the entire period from the moment of his birth. If the child is older, then they will start paying only from the day the documents are submitted.

IMPORTANT POINT: The allowance will have to be reissued once. It is appointed only for a year, after which you will have to apply again for the remaining six months.

Payments are not assigned if the child is fully supported by the state. What does it mean? If the parents are deprived of parental rights or the child lives and studies in a public boarding school at full board.

Benefit under 18

Benefit under 18 is a regional type of assistance for low-income families. Accordingly, its size differs in different subjects. You can find out about the size of the payment and the conditions of accrual in social protection or the Multifunctional Center. There are no such payments at the federal level.

Documents for benefits that are submitted to social protection:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • birth certificate of a child; if he is over 14 years old, then his passport;
  • a certificate stating that the parents and the child live together;
  • income statement for the last 3 months;
  • a certificate of school attendance if the child is over 16 years old.

The allowance is prescribed for 10 days.

Formally, the allowance is paid until the age of 16, but if a child at this age is still in school, the allowance is extended until the age of 18.

What other benefits and support measures are provided

Payments and benefits for single mothers

Single mothers, although they are socially vulnerable citizens, are not entitled to any separate payments or benefits at the federal level. The only concessions they are entitled to are a double tax deduction and compensation for part of the cost of purchased housing under the "young family" program (if the single mother is under 35).

But the regional authorities can support such mothers and assign various benefits and payments. The full list of due payments and benefits can be found in social protection.

Most often they are provided with benefits for:

  • products;
  • medicines;
  • clothes;
  • purchase of school supplies;
  • payment of utility bills.

For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, single mothers are entitled to a monthly payment of 400 rubles per child and the following benefits:

  • compensation of 50% of the cost of the kindergarten;
  • free meals for schoolchildren;
  • free meals in the dairy kitchen;
  • free trip to the health camp.

By the way, you can get all these payments and benefits only after the woman confirms the status of a loner, for this she needs to take a certificate in form No. 25 from the registry office.

Children with disabilities are entitled to a monthly social pension. In 2019, its size is 12,432 rubles.The current amount of the pension can be viewed on the website of the Pension Fund.

Parents who are caring for their child and cannot go to work are also entitled to a compensation payment of 5500 rubles. And if another relative is caring for the child, he will receive only 1200 rubles.

On February 20, 2019, the President appealed to the Federal Assembly with a proposal to increase the amount of compensation payments to 10,000 rubles for parents and guardians caring for a child.

From July 1, 2019, the Decree of March 7, 2019 No. 95 "On Amending the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 175 of February 26, 2013" On Monthly Payments to Persons Caring for Children with Disabilities and People with Disabilities from Childhood I groups ".

To apply for a social pension, you need to contact the Pension Fund personally or through the MFC and submit the following documents:

  • statement;
  • the passport of the parent who will actually take care of the child and not work at this time;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • a copy of the certificate of examination in the ITU (medical and social examination).

When submitting documents, the applicant receives a receipt stating that his application has been accepted and will be considered within 10 days. After that, the applicant receives a notification about the appointment of a pension or a refusal of appointment by e-mail or by regular mail, if additional documents are needed, for example, a document confirming custody of the child.

In addition to a disability pension, children are entitled to monthly cash payments (MU) or a set of social services replacing them (NSO).

You can choose one thing: either the EDV or the NSO. From February 1, the size of the EDV for disabled children is 2,701 rubles. The set of social services includes:

  • free travel by suburban railway transport or by intercity transport, if you need to get to the place of treatment;
  • free vouchers for spa treatment;
  • free medicines and health food products.

Parents are also entitled to certain benefits if the family has a disabled child:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the provision of a land plot if the family needs to improve their living conditions;
  • provision of an apartment;
  • early retirement: women at 50, and men at 55;
  • tax deduction - 12,000 rubles for parents and 6,000 rubles for guardians.

Families with disabled children can apply to the local government, municipality or other local government body to obtain a land plot in order to run a subsidiary farm there. More precisely, you can find out what kind of department is engaged in the allocation of sites in social protection.

If the apartment in which the family lives is unsuitable for living, then you can collect a package of documents and submit an application to the Board for improving housing conditions. A special commission should assess:

  • apartment size;
  • sanitary and technical indicators;
  • the presence of a separate room for a disabled child.

Parents of a disabled child are additionally entitled to a monthly compensation payment, its size is small - only 120 rubles a month.

Important: If a child receives a disability pension, then he can no longer receive a survivor's pension, and vice versa. In accordance with Article 3 of the Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166 - FZ, you need to choose one benefit, the one that is more profitable.

Governor's payments for the first child

Regional authorities often assign additional payments to families in which children are born. It all depends on the subject of the country and the budget of the region.

In some cities, the governor's payments are due at the birth of each child, somewhere the benefits are assigned only to low-income families or families where the parents are students.

For example, in the Yaroslavl region, all families in which the first child was born receive a one-time payment of 4258 rubles.

In Kaliningrad, even less is paid for the birth of the first child - 3,500 rubles.

In some regions, gubernatorial payments are assigned and then canceled due to lack of funds or for other reasons.

For example, in Voronezh, back in 2016, it was possible to receive 20,000 rubles for the birth of a child, but in 2018 this benefit was canceled.

Whether there are governor's payments in your region, you need to find out in social protection.

Additional payments and benefits

Parents can apply for an additional payment for food for a child under 1 year old or up to 3 years old.

You can apply for an allowance for a child under 1 year old if a woman cannot feed him on her own. For this it is necessary that the district pediatrician gives an appropriate conclusion.

For a child from 1 to 3 years old, you can also issue an additional payment if he needs enhanced nutrition. You also need to get a pediatrician's conclusion on the form 112 / U.

Each region independently decides the issue of the amount of payments or their replacement with food products. The average payment by region is about 950 rubles per month.

The free grocery set includes infant formula, milk porridge, mashed potatoes and juices.

Where to apply for payment

Working parents for most of the benefits need to contact the accounting department at their place of work, this includes the following payments:

  • for early registration;
  • BiR manual;
  • lump-sum at birth;
  • allowance up to 1.5 years;
  • compensation payment up to 3 years.

Non-working parents need to contact social protection to apply for:

  • lump-sum payment for the birth of a child;
  • allowance up to 1.5 years;
  • Putin's payments up to 1.5 years;
  • allowance up to 18 years old for a child.

You need to apply to the pension fund for the payment of a child disability benefit.


  • Most of the benefits are available to all families, whether the parents are employed or not.
  • BiR leave may last for a different number of days depending on the course of pregnancy and childbirth, respectively, and the payments will be different.
  • Governor's payments differ in the regions and can be assigned to certain groups of families: the poor, large families, etc.
  • Both working and non-working people can receive benefits up to 1.5 years. The first will be calculated as 40% of the average earnings for the previous 2 years, the second will be assigned the minimum amount, which in 2019 is equal to 3277 rubles.
  • Putin's payments up to 1.5 years can be received only by those families in which a child was born or adopted not earlier than January 1, 2018, and the family must be poor.
  • Specialist in land and property relations, copywriter-lawyer. Graduated from the Russian State University of Justice in Moscow (formerly RAP). Now I live in the sunny Krasnodar Territory, I am married. I love reading good books, doing housework, eating deliciously, cooking and my work.

There is a family support program in the Russian Federation. As part of her parents receive payments for the child. Their size changes almost every year. There is a huge list of benefits, both standard and paid in specific situations. Consider all the nuances associated with payments for 2018.

What payments to expect at birth

At the birth of a child, these funds are provided:

  • Monthly payments.
  • One-time support.
  • Provision of a certificate.

To receive funds, you need to start processing payments.


A birth certificate is issued to pregnant women. This document means three papers:

  • For presentation to representatives of the antenatal clinic.
  • For the maternity hospital.
  • For presentation to representatives of the clinic.

If two or more babies are born, you can get maternity capital. Its size is approximately 453,000 rubles. Funds are channeled to established goals.

If there are three or more children, the family is recognized as having many children. Such a family is provided with additional benefits and compensations.

In addition, the wives of men undergoing military service are provided with aids:

  • A one-time payment of RUB 25,900.
  • Monthly payments in the amount of 11,100 rubles.

Compensation is provided in the event that the child has not received a place in the kindergarten.

There is also a program called "Young Family Housing". Consider its conditions:

  • Age up to 35 years old.
  • Availability of real estate, the area of ​​which is up to 15 sq. m. per person.
  • The presence of a certificate of income.

Not only a family can participate in this program, but also a single mother. Funds can be used for construction, real estate purchase, mortgage registration.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! There are many payments for a child. There are programs aimed at all parents. There are also payments provided under certain circumstances.

Federal benefits in 2018

In 2018, the size of federal payments changed. It has been increased, including through indexing. Consider the size of the benefits:

The amount of payments increased by 3.2%. This is the amount of indexation calculated on the basis of inflation.

Benefit to expectant mothers who registered before 3 months of pregnancy

A woman who is registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy receives a lump sum. The mother can receive the payment until the baby is six months old. If a woman is not employed, she must apply to the social protection authorities for registration. If the mother has an official job, for registration you need to go to the employer. Funds are transferred to each baby born.

A single payment is RUB 613.14 before February 1, RUB 632.76 from February 1, 2018. To receive funds, you need to provide the employer with these documents: sick leave according to BiR and a certificate of timely registration.

One-time payment at the birth of a baby

When a child is born, a lump sum payment of 16,873.54 rubles is provided. You can make such a payment until the baby is six months old. Both parents and guardians can receive payment.

Lump sum amount:

  • 16 350, 33 rubles - from January 1, 2018.
  • 16 873, 54 - from February 1, 2018.

If three or more children were born or taken into care at the same time, the lump sum payment will be 5,000 rubles. All payments are made before the child reaches six months.

BiR manual

The amount of maternity benefits is determined depending on the earnings. The company's accountant must first calculate the average daily earnings, and then multiply the result of the calculations by 140 days. If twins are born, the average daily earnings are multiplied by 194 days. If a woman does not work, she will not receive any benefits. This is due to the fact that for a long time she did not pay taxes.

Baby care allowance

This allowance is paid to any person who takes care of the baby: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather. The amount of the payment is determined by the amount of the person's earnings. The amount of the benefit is 40% of the average monthly earnings for the last 2 years. These are monthly payments.

Payments for infant military personnel

A woman can receive payments if her spouse is a military man. To process payments, you need to prepare these documents:

  • Application asking for payment.
  • A copy of the birth certificate.
  • Certificate confirming military service.
  • A copy of the marriage certificate.

The papers are sent to the social security service. They are considered within 10 days. A person receives payments monthly until the 26th. The funds are sent to the applicant's account. They receive them before the baby reaches 3 years old. Payments stop if a man leaves military service.

Changes in the accrual of maternity in 2018

Maternity leave is the period given by the employer in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. Let's consider the main changes in payments:

  • The amount of earnings taken into account when determining maternity leave cannot exceed the maximum base for the payment of insurance premiums.
  • The billing period in 2018 is 2016 and 2017.
  • The average daily salary is RUB 2,017.81.
  • BiR allowance is up to 282,492 rubles.
  • Assistance for the BIR is, taking into account the minimum wage, up to 43 652 rubles.

If you need to determine the minimum size of maternity, the minimum wage is taken into account in the calculations. Consider the minimum amount of charges:

  • 43 652 rubles for 140 days - for childbirth without complications.
  • 47 597 rubles for 156 days - for childbirth with complications.
  • 56 967 rubles for 194 days - when two or more babies are born.

If the employee's income for the year is more than RUB 755,000, maternity pay is calculated from this limit.

Regional payments

Parents can receive funds from regional programs, i.e. adopted only in certain regions of the Russian Federation.

Moscow program

Residents of Moscow receive one-time payments. With one child, the allowance will be 5,500 rubles, with two or more children - 14,500 rubles.

Luzhkov payments

Luzhkov payments appeared in 2004. They were approved by the Moscow Government No. 199-PP dated April 6, 2004. Receiving them in 2018 is governed by the same rules as before. Payments are provided if the parents meet these requirements:

  • Age up to 30 years.
  • Permanent residence in Moscow.
  • At least one of the parents has Russian citizenship.

The amount of payments is equal to five times the minimum subsistence level adopted in 2018. If a second baby appears, the payment will be equal to the sevenfold living wage. If a third child is born, the payment will be ten times the minimum income. The allowance is paid for each child.

IMPORTANT! If the family has more than three children, a lump sum payment of 50,000 rubles is assigned.

We issue a one-time allowance

The lump sum was RUB 16,873. It is necessary to take care of the registration of this allowance before the child turns six months. To receive funds, you need to send an application to the HR department. If the parent is unemployed, you need to go to social services. If a woman is studying, you need to contact the dean's office of the educational institution. For registration, you will need the following papers:

  • Application requesting assistance.
  • Birth certificate.
  • An extract from the housing authority stating that the applicant lives with the child.
  • Pension certificate.
  • Passports.
  • Copies of the work book.
  • A document confirming that the family did not previously receive benefits.

Unemployed persons need to present a copy of their passport, as well as a work record book. If the payment is made in the USZN, you need to present these documents:

  • Application.
  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate.
  • A document confirming cohabitation with a newborn.

The amount of the payment made in the USZN is 5,000 rubles.

We issue a monthly allowance

A new monthly allowance was introduced this year, which can be received for a baby born in 2018. Its size is set depending on the regional subsistence minimum. As a rule, it is about 10,000 rubles. Benefits are paid before the child reaches one and a half years of age. The payment is assigned on a targeted basis. Funds are provided subject to these conditions:

  • Low income family.
  • The first child was born.
  • The baby was born or was adopted not earlier than January 1, 2018.

The payment can be received by parents, adoptive parents or guardians. Sometimes monthly benefits are canceled. In particular, this happens in the following circumstances:

  • Deprivation of parental rights.
  • The kid switched to state support.
  • Restriction of parental rights.
  • The kid was temporarily removed from their families at the initiative of the guardianship authorities.

In the future, it is planned to increase the benefit. You can apply for payments before your child turns 1.5 years old. If the application is submitted before the baby is six months old, funds are credited from the day of birth. If the baby is already 6 months old, the funds are transferred from the moment the application is submitted.

The documents are sent to the centers of public services or to the department of social protection. It is required to submit these papers:

  • Application for the appointment of monthly payments.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Account details at a banking institution.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate of income of each parent for the last 12 months.

If one parent takes care of the monthly payment, these papers are needed:

  • Death certificate, deprivation of parental rights or revocation of adoption.
  • Divorce paper.

Funds are credited over 12 months. After this period has passed, a new application for payments is submitted.

We arrange maternity capital

The capital is assigned when a second or subsequent baby appears on the account. If the capital has not been issued for the second child, a certificate of family capital is provided at the birth of the third child. Money can be received by both a woman and a man. The second payment is issued in the event that the person is the only adoptive parent of two or more children. The corresponding decision of the judicial authority should enter into force from the beginning of 2007 to December 31, 2018. The size of the MK is 453,000, 26 rubles.

The money is paid from the Pension Fund. You can get them either at a time or in part. The purposes for which the funds are spent are stipulated by the Federal Law No. 256 "On additional measures of state support" dated December 29, 2006. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Improving living conditions.
  • Payment for the education of the child.
  • Reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of equipment and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child.
  • Creation of the funded part of a woman's labor pension.

Previously, parents could receive a lump sum payment from capital. However, this program was closed in 2018. Maternity capital is formalized in the Pension Fund. You need to go to the branch at the place of residence. You can contact the authority at any time. To confirm your rights to capital, you need to present a personal certificate. PFR employees are presented with the following papers:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of both father and mother.
  • Baby's birth certificate.

IMPORTANT! All payments given in the article must be processed. They are not automatically provided when a baby is born. To obtain them, you need to collect documents. It is imperative to issue a birth certificate. Parents also need to remember that some of the benefits require registration within a certain time frame. As a rule, this is 6 months from the moment of appearance at the expense of the baby. If the parents do not meet the deadline, they will not receive any money.

Tax deductions

Parents can use standard tax deductions when receiving benefits and capital. No 13% tax is withheld from compensation for the birth of a child. The mother or father can return 13% of the amount spent on the child's education.

The lump sum is paid for every child born women in equal amounts, regardless of their labor status and income level. If at the time of the child's birth, the mother is not officially employed, and the child's father is working, documents for the payment of benefits are submitted at the father's place of work.

Lump sum amount

In January 2020, the payment amount will be 17,479.73 rubles, but from February 1, 2020, the benefit should be indexed so that parents receive a little more - 18,143.96 rubles.

Where should you go to receive payment

Parents of a newly born child should submit documents at the place of work (service) of one of the child's parents. And if both parents are not employed - in the USZN (Department of Social Protection of the Population) at the place of residence of one of the parents. Beginning in 2011, a new procedure for receiving benefits was gradually introduced in many regions, according to which the payment of the amount of benefits is made directly by the territorial body of the FSS (Social Fund). insurance) directly, but working citizens should still apply for it to the employer.

Required documents for receiving benefits:

Depending on the employment status of the parents, the list of documents differs

At the place of work, service or study:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • a certificate from the registry office issued when registering a child;
  • a certificate from the place of work (service) of the other parent on the non-appointment of a lump sum - if both parents work (serve);
  • if the other parent is not officially employed - a certificate from the USZN stating that he (a) did not receive this benefit;

In the USZN at the place of residence of one of the parents - if both parents do not work (do not serve):

  • birth certificate of a child;
  • certificate of the registry office;
  • work books with records of the dismissal of both parents;
    for those who did not work - diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming the parents' absence of work;
  • for children of single mothers, it is necessary to additionally submit: a certificate from the registry office on the basis for entering information about the child's father into the birth certificate.

Terms of application and payment of a one-time child benefit

Appointed when applying for benefits within 6 months from the day of the child's birth i.e. when the child turns six months old, it will be difficult or impossible to submit documents for this payment (it will be necessary to prove that the corresponding application was not submitted for a good reason). The accrual of a one-time allowance is made no later than ten days after the submission of the entire package of documents, and the issue is made at the end of the month following the month of application.

Also, regional payments can be attributed to one-time benefits for the birth of a child. Below is a list of compensation payments in Moscow:

Lump-sum compensation payment in connection with the birth of a child.

The amount of a one-time benefit for the birth of the first child is 5,500 rubles, the second and subsequent - 14,500 rubles. To receive the payment, you should contact the RUSZN, providing the documents:

  • Parents' passports;
  • Copies of birth certificates / certificates of all children;
  • Marriage registration certificate (if any);
  • If one of the parents is not a Muscovite - a certificate of the child's cohabitation with the parent - Moskvich

A regional lump sum is paid to a Muscovite's social card within 10 days after all the necessary documents have been submitted. The circulation period is 6 months from the date of birth of the baby.

Additional one-time childbirth allowance for young families (Luzhkov payments)

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to an additional one-time benefit, both under the age of 30 years at the date of birth of the child, living in Moscow, namely:

  • Parents who both have permanent registration in Moscow;
  • If one of the parents is registered in Moscow with the child;
  • A single mother living in Moscow is an unmarried woman and there is no record of the child's father in the birth certificate.

The amount of Luzhkovskaya payment

1st child - five times the subsistence minimum, 2nd - sevenfold, 3rd and subsequent - tenfold According to the data for the 2nd quarter of 2019, the Moscow subsistence minimum per capita is 17,679 rubles, for the working-age population - 20195 rubles .For a lump sum payment with an application and a standard set of documents (passports, birth certificate, direction from the registry office), you should contact the RUSZN within a year from the date of birth of the child. The term for the decision on the appointment of payment is 10 days (30 if additional verification is necessary)

Parents can receive cash benefits for the birth of 2 children for help from the state, as well as from the city of Moscow. The capital region provides good financial support to Muscovites, encouraging them to have children.

When a child is born, a Russian family is entitled to various benefits. They are paid from the state and regional budgets. Local assistance depends on the financial situation of the region. Moscow is one of the most materially favorable regions. Therefore, the authorities have the opportunity to provide their residents with worthy support. The considerable size of the social. The capital is ready to offer payments to families with 2 children.

Who is entitled to the Moscow allowance for the birth of 2 babies in 2020

To receive benefits from the Moscow region, citizens must have a permanent residence permit in the capital. Visitors who are registered temporarily for study or who have entered into an employment contract at work do not have the right to apply for material support from the city of Moscow.

Some of the benefits are only available to mothers. Fathers and sometimes other relatives can count on other species. The allowance is allocated to only one person. This means if money is paid, for example, to the father of the child, then the mother loses the right to receive it.

The allowance can be issued not only to those parents who have a baby. This assistance is fully extended to persons who have adopted 2 babies.

Types of payments and charges to Muscovites for 2 children

Muscovites have the right to count on various benefits. In total, the region provides for about 20 types of them. Payments are:

  • one-time;
  • monthly;
  • for certain categories of families.

Raising regional coefficients are not used in the capital. Therefore, state-level payments are the same size as throughout the country.

One-off birth benefits

At the birth (or adoption) of a baby, an allowance of 16,759 rubles is provided. (as of this year). If the mother is the wife of a serviceman, then the amount increases and will be equal to 26,539 rubles. This money is transferred to the family by the state, regardless of what kind of child was born. Therefore, the payment applies to 2 kids.

In the Moscow region, there is also a one-time payment given at birth. A mother who has given birth to 2 children receives 14.5 thousand rubles. (in the case of the first baby, the allowance is less, and amounts to 5.5 thousand rubles). And if both parents are under 30, then they are entitled to an amount equivalent to seven living wages.

Gifts for birth

All Russian families who have 2 babies have the right to a mat. capital. Its size in 2020 is equal to 466 617 rubles. The allowance is provided to all families regardless of their place of residence in Russia, place of work and other individual characteristics, but it has a specific purpose. The fact that the program was once again extended (until 2022) is a real gift for families who have 2 children.

Monthly benefit amount

The state provides monthly assistance for caring for a child up to one and a half years. Its size depends on the woman's wages for the previous two years before pregnancy. The average earnings are calculated, and then 40% is taken from it. This amount is transferred monthly to the mother (or other person caring for the baby). At the same time, the law provides for a minimum benefit. If the 40% obtained as a result of the calculation is less than this amount, the benefit is paid at the minimum amount. The minimum allowance for 2 children is 6,284 rubles. (for 1 child, at least 3,142 rubles are allocated).

The legislation also provides for a monthly child benefit until the child turns one and a half years old. However, only those families can count on him in which the income for each person does not exceed one and a half the size of the subsistence minimum, that is, does not exceed 28,113 rubles.

What payments are due after 3 years

For a child from one and a half to three years, the state does not provide significant assistance (unless citizens belong to a separate category, for example, caring for a disabled child). But there is a symbolic compensation payment, the amount of which is 50 rubles. It is transferred to the family on a monthly basis.

Moscow Government Resolution No. 37-PP provides for compensation in connection with an increase in food prices for certain categories of families with children under three years old:

  • families with a disabled child;
  • single-parent families;
  • large families;
  • student families;
  • families with disabled parents;
  • families with a conscript parent.

This compensation is assigned for each child under three years old and amounts to 675 rubles, and for student families (both parents study at the full-time department of an educational organization) - 1875 rubles.

How to arrange

As mentioned above, the regional allowance is paid to those families who have a permanent Moscow registration (residence permit). In this case, the citizenship of the person does not matter. Thus, the payment is allocated not only to Russians, but also to foreigners and stateless persons.

The decoration in the capital has now become very convenient. At his discretion, the applicant can apply to the following organizations:

  • to the State Services portal (the method requires preliminary registration on the resource);
  • to the Moscow city portal.

The latter option is also convenient because here you can get preliminary information about what benefits exist and what amounts a family can count on in certain cases. Therefore, Muscovites are increasingly preferring to use this particular method.

Having learned the necessary information, you need to submit an application, as well as collect the necessary documents. To receive benefits, the following papers are included in the standard package:

  • identification;
  • documents confirming the presence of permanent registration, not only with the parent, but also with the baby;
  • TIN and insurance certificate;
  • documents confirming the birth of children;
  • a marriage document, and if the parents are divorced, a divorce document;
  • for single mothers or those left without a breadwinner - certificate No. 25 or a document confirming the fact of the death of the breadwinner;
  • upon adoption - supporting papers;
  • details of the bank account where the money will be transferred;
  • certificate of cohabitation with the child.

When collecting documents, it is important to take into account the fact that some of them have a certain period of validity. If it expires when submitting an application, you will have to re-register everything.

What you need to know

On January 1, 2018, the President of the country introduced another type of payments. It concerns the birth of 1 baby. If earlier the state supported families mate. capital at the birth of 2 or more children, then from this year monthly assistance is provided to those families who have 1 child. At present, the amount of this allowance is 14,252 rubles. But only low-income families can count on help.

Another innovation concerns maternity capital. If earlier money could be spent only for its intended purpose, now, a similar amount can be allocated monthly from the mat. capital until the child reaches 1.5 years. Thus, parents who have a second child can take advantage of this payment.

State policy is currently aimed at encouraging families to give birth to new citizens in the country by all means. To implement this, various cash benefits are provided. The Moscow region is not lagging behind in this endeavor, and introduces its own payments to Muscovites. Thanks to this, parents more confidently decide to have children, and the number of births is gradually increasing.

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