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How to prepare Chinese cabbage salad. Simple and tasty salads from Chinese cabbage. Recipes for Chinese cabbage salads step by step. With sausage and corn

Chinese cabbage salad is a very popular and beloved dish by many, the popularity of which is only growing every day, and the reason for this is the beneficial properties and taste of Chinese cabbage.

Chinese cabbage is a leafy vegetable that is an eastern relative of our white cabbage. This product is distinguished by the presence of very useful minerals, namely: potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. Beijing is simply a storehouse of ascorbic and citric acids, as well as vitamins A, B, E, K. It is rich in fiber, as a result of which its regular consumption helps normalize digestion and maintain normal intestinal microflora. The main taste characteristics of Chinese cabbage include a pleasant, delicate and unobtrusive taste.

As practice shows, many housewives love to experiment in the kitchen, as a result of which there is simply a huge variety of different options for the same dish. Salad with Chinese cabbage, in in this case, is no exception. However, there are some tips that you should follow when preparing any, even the most extravagant, Chinese cabbage salads.

For preparing salads, Chinese cabbage should be used exclusively in fresh form. Boiled Chinese cabbage loses the vast majority of its beneficial microelements. Its taste characteristics also deteriorate significantly.

How to prepare Chinese cabbage salad - 15 varieties

The name of this salad speaks for itself. Of course, it can be prepared at any time, but such a salad would be most appropriate when holidays. In addition to its irresistible appearance and excellent taste, it will also contribute to the speedy digestion of heavy food, which we so often consume during the holidays.


  • Beijing cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Chicken breast - 300 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 400 gr.
  • Salt to taste.


You should start preparing the “Festive” salad by preparing the chicken and eggs. They need to be cooked and allowed to cool. While they “reach the desired condition,” it makes sense to start eating vegetables.

Remove the skin, if any, from the cooked chicken breast and cut into small squares.

Clean and finely chop the eggs.

Add eggs and chicken to vegetables, season with mayonnaise and mix well. The “Festive” salad is ready.

The “Spicy” salad contains boiled smoked sausage, and therefore its taste cannot be confused with any other. This dish is perfect as a snack with strong alcoholic drinks. This salad will not let you get drunk quickly, and the unforgettable taste will give you pleasant emotions.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 large head
  • Fresh cucumbers - 6 pcs.
  • Boiled-smoked sausage - 200 gr.
  • Crackers - 140 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


Wash the Chinese cabbage and cucumbers and cut them into strips. We cut sausage in the same way.

In a deep salad bowl, thoroughly mix cabbage, cucumbers, sausage, croutons, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

For the Spicy salad, it is best to use Salami sausage and sausage-flavored croutons.

Chinese cabbage and squid salad can definitely be considered a festive dish. Its refined and delicate taste will be remembered for a long time by everyone who at least tries it. In addition to the fact that such a dish can be considered a culinary masterpiece, it can also be served very interestingly. The surface of the salad can be decorated with boiled squid rings and tomatoes, or put the salad in small portions in cabbage leaves. The question of a spectacular appearance depends only on the imagination of the hostess.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 head (medium size)
  • Chicken meat - 200 gr.
  • Squid - 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Mayonnaise - 250 gr.


Boil squid and chicken meat.

Wash the tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, apple and pepper and cut into small rectangles.

When the chicken and squid have cooled, shred them in the same way. Chicken in cubes, and squid in thin strips.

Now that the main components of the salad are prepared, they need to be mixed in one container and seasoned with mayonnaise, lemon juice and salt.

When choosing chicken meat for this salad, it is best to use poultry thighs rather than breast. The meat on the thighs is the juiciest, and therefore the salad will turn out more tender and tasty.

Salad “Luck” is one of those dishes that are the brainchild of improvising housewives. Its base is shrimp. This salad is light and pleasant and is perfect as a snack with light alcohol.


  • Beijing cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Shrimp - 400 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • Green apples - 1 pc.
  • Crackers to taste


Boil and peel the shrimp.

Wash the cucumber, cabbage, apples and cut into strips.

Grate the cheese.

Mix all ingredients, season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly again. “Luck” can be served!

If you decide to throw a party in a marine style, there must be a “Sea” salad on the table. Such a pleasant dish will remind everyone present of the pleasant and gentle sea. Although this salad is quite refined, it is not expensive.


  • Peking cabbage - 100 gr.
  • Broccoli - 150 gr.
  • Frozen mussels - 100 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Olives - 50 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste


Wash and cook the broccoli. It should boil for about 7 minutes. While the broccoli is cooking, finely chop the garlic and fry it a little in olive oil. Then add mussels to the pan and simmer them with garlic for about 3 minutes.

Cut the Chinese cabbage and cheese into medium-sized cubes and place in a deep salad bowl. We also place olives, broccoli and mussels there. Season the resulting dish with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil.

“Lenten” salad with Chinese cabbage is a real find for people who want to lose weight, improve their well-being and, at the same time, not limit themselves in any way to delicious food. It will be an excellent addition to the main dish, and is also suitable for snacking between main meals.


  • Beijing cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 340 gr.
  • Greens - 1 bunch (dill, or parsley)
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.


Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut into small pieces. Wash, peel and finely chop the carrots. In order to simplify the cooking process, you don’t have to cut the carrots, but simply grate them using a Korean carrot grater. Wash and finely chop the greens. Place cabbage, carrots, corn and greens in one dish and mix well.

In a separate bowl, start preparing the dressing. To do this, mix salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil and pepper.

We season the salad with the prepared dressing and the incredibly tasty main dish is ready.

A simple and, at the same time, very tasty “Family” salad will please absolutely everyone. Its mild and pleasant taste, hypoallergenicity, ease of preparation and relative cheapness provide “Family” with enormous popularity among our compatriots.


  • Beijing cabbage - 200 gr.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken meat - 200 gr.
  • Sesame oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Chicken meat and eggs should be boiled. While these products are cooking, you can chop cucumber and Chinese cabbage into thin slices.

When the meat and eggs are ready, they should be cooled and cut into medium-sized cubes. Then add cucumber, cabbage, corn, salt, pepper and season with sesame oil.

Salad for the whole family is ready!

The “Secret” salad may well become the main decoration of any holiday table. It should be served in portions. You can place several sheets of Chinese cabbage on one large dish, and place a portion of salad in each of them. In addition, it would be quite appropriate to decorate each of these servings with the products included in the “Secret”. Such a presentation will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Beijing cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Canned beans - 350 gr.
  • Canned corn - 350 gr.
  • Fresh tomatoes— 250 gr.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ketchup to taste - 70 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste


Cut the Chinese cabbage into large ribbons and place in a deep bowl. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into neat small slices and place them with the cabbage. Add beans and corn there. Wash, finely chop and add dill to the other ingredients.

Now let's start preparing the dressing. In a small container, mix mayonnaise with ketchup. Add the peeled, washed and garlic clove to the resulting mixture. Mix the dressing thoroughly.

The last stage of preparing the Secret salad is adding dressing to the main ingredients.

When preparing this salad, special attention should be paid to the choice of tomatoes. They must be dense, and in no case soft, otherwise the appearance of the dish will suffer significantly.

Another dietary salad that will help improve your figure and at the same time give you the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful taste is a salad of Chinese cabbage and avocado. Although this dish is low in calories, it is rich in many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients. Chinese cabbage and avocado salad is a dish for daily consumption.


  • Beijing cabbage - 200 gr.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • White onions - 1 pc.


My avocado, apple and Chinese cabbage. Cut the cabbage into thin ribbons. Cut the apple and avocado into thin strips. Peel and wash the onion and thinly cut into half rings.

Mix onion, apple, avocado, Chinese cabbage and season with olive oil and lemon juice.

This salad is a real find for those who like to mix seafood with the gifts of the earth. Vegetables and crab sticks give a rather refined and delicate taste. In addition, despite the fact that the crab salad with Chinese cabbage contains mayonnaise, it is quite light. Apart from mayonnaise, there are no other high-calorie foods in it.


  • Beijing cabbage - ½ pc.
  • Canned corn - 200 gr.
  • Crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • Bell pepper - 1/5 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Green onions - 80 gr.
  • Salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise - 350 gr.


Wash the dill, green onions and Chinese cabbage and chop finely. We clean, wash and cut the bell pepper into small rectangles. Cut the crab sticks into pieces the same size as the pepper.

Now you should take a capacious container and mix the vegetables with herbs and crab sticks.

When the main components of the salad are mixed, add mayonnaise, salt and mix everything thoroughly again.

The salad is ready to serve.

The Crab Salad with Chinese Cabbage consists largely of low-calorie foods. To make it even lighter, you can use sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

The “Traffic Light” salad will become a real favorite in any family. Due to its bright and unusual colors, it is especially popular among children. Such a bright dish will not only attract with its appearance, but will also delight you with a pleasant taste.


  • Beijing cabbage - 200 gr.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Apple vinegar and salt to taste


Beijing cabbage, apples and Bell pepper you need to cut into neat strips of medium thickness and mix. Then add salt, vinegar and olive oil to them.

When choosing apples and bell peppers for this salad, it’s worth remembering that it’s not called a traffic light for nothing. If the apple is yellow, then the peppers should be red and green. If the apple is green, then the peppers are yellow and red.

This dish got its name due to the fact that it is prepared in a matter of minutes. In addition, to prepare “Minutka” you do not need to have any special culinary skills. This salad is very easy to prepare, and the products included in it are available in the kitchen of almost any housewife.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Fresh carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Salt to taste.


We clean and wash the carrots. Wash Chinese cabbage. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the cabbage into medium-sized oblong ribbons. Now you should mix the carrots with cabbage and canned corn. When the vegetables are mixed, season them with mayonnaise and mix again.

Minutka salad is ready!

This salad is a real find for hosts who often have uninvited guests. Just 5 minutes and an exotic salad with an unusual taste is on the table!


  • Canned pineapple - 350 gr.
  • Peking cabbage - 350 gr.
  • Sesame seeds - 20 gr.


Wash the Chinese cabbage and cut into medium-sized pieces. We also cut the canned pineapple into small cubes. Mix cabbage, pineapple and sesame seeds and season with pineapple juice.

Summer salad with chicken can be considered a dish for daily consumption. It is very easy and quick to prepare. This salad is perfect for both a snack and a main course. It is quite nutritious, but at the same time does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.


  • Chinese cabbage - ¼ of a large head
  • Smoked chicken breast- 1 PC.
  • Green onions - 1 small bunch
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Onions (purple or white) - ½ part of an onion
  • Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Crackers - 100 gr.


You should start preparing this salad by preparing the vegetables. Peel the onions. Remove the stem and seeds from the pepper. Chinese cabbage, green onions, cucumbers, peeled onions and wash peppers. Finely chop the green onions. Cut the onion into thin half rings. The remaining vegetables should be cut into large cubes.

We also cut the processed cheese and chicken into large cubes.

Place all prepared salad ingredients in a deep dish. There we mix them thoroughly, add salt to taste, season with mayonnaise and mix again. Immediately before serving, decorate the salad with croutons.

When preparing this salad, remember that it should be seasoned with mayonnaise immediately before consumption. If mayonnaise is added to other ingredients a few hours before serving, then the “Summer Chicken” salad may not take on a very attractive appearance.

The southwestern part of Europe is considered the birthplace of this dish. It was there that they first began to prepare it in catering establishments. The unique combination of apple, French mustard and cheese will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.
  • Apple - 3 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Canned corn - 250 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 250 gr.
  • Salt to taste

Appetizing and crispy Chinese cabbage is often used to prepare a variety of dishes. Chinese cabbage leaves can be used as a base for an Asian-style salad. However, this juicy vegetable is also perfect for.

Below I offer my personal selection that look great on the holiday table. If you, like me, adore it, then be sure to save a couple of recipes for your New Year’s table 2019.

Salads with Chinese cabbage and smoked chicken

A good combination for a salad is juicy Pekin leaves with chicken meat. Chicken for salads can be boiled or fried. If you want to give the salad a more festive taste, use smoked chicken instead of boiled chicken breast.

Adding to Exotic fruits we get a new unique taste. Often in chicken salads pineapple, avocado, mango or kiwi are used with Chinese cabbage.

Salads with red fish and Chinese cabbage

Another win-win combination for a holiday or New Year’s salad is lightly salted red fish and juicy Chinese cabbage. You can also use canned salmon for salads, but it still tastes better.

New Year's salads with shrimp and Chinese cabbage

Do you want to cook? Then pay attention to recipes with Chinese cabbage and shrimp. It makes a wonderful treat for guests!

Chinese cabbage salads with seafood

A variety of seafood goes well with Chinese cabbage. For example, mussels, squid, octopus or even a sea cocktail.

It appeared in Russia relatively recently. Previously, this vegetable was brought from afar and cost a lot of money. Now every family can prepare a vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage, because it has begun to be grown in our country. The benefits of Beijing are enormous. A small fork of cabbage is rich in minerals, vitamins B, PP, A, C, K. With all this, the calorie content of this vegetable is only 12 kcal, which allows it to be used in dietary nutrition. Many recipes for Chinese cabbage are taken from oriental cuisine. Some local long-livers claim that they feel great only thanks to this wonderful vegetable, which they consume throughout their lives. So, how to prepare Chinese cabbage salads.

Peking salad and soy sauce

Soy sauce is used in many oriental dishes. It is also suitable for vegetable salads. A small piece of Chinese cabbage is washed and thinly sliced. Place in a deep bowl and let sit for at least 40 minutes. In the meantime, they are preparing the dressing. To do this, mix a quarter cup of refined vegetable oil with the same amount of soy sauce, a pinch and sugar, and add a little mustard. When the sugar dissolves, the dressing is ready. The cabbage is seasoned shortly before serving.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and bell pepper

Vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage is ideal for dieters. To prepare it, take a few cabbage leaves, wash them, let them dry and cut them into thin strips. Bulgarian is cut into half rings. You can also add sliced ​​olives. Season the vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage with a special sauce in vegetable oil. It is best to take hemp or mustard oil for this. Pour 50 ml of oil into the bowl, add lemon juice and a drop to taste (can be replaced with apple juice). All ingredients are mixed and poured over the vegetables. Add salt, white and black pepper to taste. Mix everything in a salad bowl and serve a delicious and healthy vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage to the table.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers

Vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage is prepared so simply that even a child can do this process. To prepare this dish, take one small fork, cut it into small slices or tear it by hand. Onions are peeled, washed and chopped as finely as possible. A fresh young cucumber is cut into cubes; if the vegetable is already overripe, the peel is cut off and the seeds are removed. Tomatoes are taken slightly unripe (brown), washed and cut into approximately the same cubes as cucumbers. Olives are cut into slices or in half. Salad greens are thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl, sprinkle with vinegar or lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, pour over cold-pressed vegetable oil and mix. The vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage is ready, now all that remains is to put it in a beautiful serving dish, garnish with sprigs of parsley or dill - and you can enjoy the taste.

Summer salad with Chinese cabbage

A light vitamin salad will decorate any table. To prepare it you need to prepare the following components:

  • Beijing - 150 g;
  • red cabbage - 130 g;
  • radish - 100 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • mustard oil - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • dill;
  • salt pepper.

Two are chopped into thin strips. Bell peppers are freed from seeds and cut into half rings. Apple, cucumber, radish and carrot are finely chopped or grated on a coarse grater. Combine all the prepared ingredients in a deep salad bowl, add finely chopped dill and season with sauce. The sauce is prepared on the basis of mustard oil. It is poured into a bowl, honey, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and salt are added. Mix everything and water the vegetables just before serving. Recipes for Chinese cabbage can be slightly modified. For example, mustard oil is replaced with olive oil, honey with sugar, and dill with any herbs, depending on taste preferences.

"Greek" salad with Chinese cabbage

To diversify the holiday menu, you can offer guests a “Greek” salad in a new way - with Chinese cabbage.

Required Products:

  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 150 g;
  • bell pepper - 100 g;
  • olives - 1/2 can;
  • feta cheese - 150 g;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • olive oil;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Peking cabbage is cut into thin strips. The seeds are removed from the pepper and chopped into strips. Tomatoes - large cubes. The olives are cut into halves. Cheese - crush with a fork into small pieces. All ingredients, except cheese, are placed in a salad bowl, sprinkled with your favorite spices and herbs, and sprinkled with vinegar and oil. Stir, add cheese, stir gently again and let stand for 10 minutes. After which they taste and, if necessary, add salt, although in most cases this is unnecessary, since it is quite salty. The original "Greek" salad is ready in a new way and can be served.

Chinese cabbage salad with mushrooms

Vegetable salad with Chinese cabbage can also be prepared with the addition of mushrooms. This will give the dish a new, original touch.

Required Products:

  • Beijing (Chinese) cabbage - 400 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • salt, sugar.

First you need to prepare the mushrooms. In this recipe they are used raw, but those who do not accept such a diet can boil them first. So, the mushrooms are cleaned and cut into large slices. Pour in a mixture of vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Stir and let marinate for about an hour. Pekinka is cut in half and chopped into thin strips or small slices, tomatoes into small slices, onions into half rings. The salad is laid out in layers on a serving plate. First comes Chinese cabbage, then tomatoes, onions and the final layer - mushrooms. Pour the remaining mushroom marinade over the salad.

Beijing salad for every day

This light, vitamin-packed salad is sure to please everyone at home. Products for it are taken in arbitrary quantities. Pekinka is finely chopped. If necessary, fresh cucumber is peeled and seeded and chopped into cubes. The onion feathers are finely chopped. Boiled eggs are crushed with a fork or crushed using an egg slicer. Mix everything and pour in sour cream, vegetable oil or mayonnaise, depending on your taste preferences.

Salad with Chinese cabbage, corn and oranges

This simple salad is sure to please both adults and children.

Required Products:

  • Beijing (Chinese) cabbage - 1/4 fork;
  • canned corn - 2/3 cans;
  • sriracha sauce;
  • green onions;
  • vegetable oil;
  • large orange.

Beijing cabbage is randomly cut or torn by hand. The orange is peeled and filmed and cut into large pieces. Green onions are chopped. Mix everything in a salad bowl and sprinkle with sriracha or soy sauce, add mustard oil. You should not add salt, as there is enough of it in the sauce.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and fennel

This salad will appeal to those who like to mix flavors. A quarter of a fork of Chinese cabbage is cut into thin strips. A small bunch of fennel is chopped. The onion is cut into half rings and fried in vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed, lightly salted and sprinkled with vegetable oil.

salads - simple and tasty recipes

1. Salad “Fast and tasty”


- cabbage
- fresh cucumber
– onion
– sausage (whatever you like)
- mayonnaise
- spices


1. Shred cabbage (we use Beijing cabbage, it tastes better)
2. Cut the cucumber into strips (I like the straws to be larger)
3. Cut the sausage into strips
4. Cut the onion into half rings
5. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix everything!
Our salad is ready!

2. Caesar salad


– chicken breast (fillet)
– Peking salad
– hard cheese of your choice
- crackers
– tomatoes (1-2 pcs).

For the sauce:
- mayonnaise
- garlic
- greenery
– lemon


Cooking chicken. Here it’s up to your taste - you can just boil it, or you can, already boiled, lightly fry it until golden brown... Whoever likes it.

While the chicken is cooking, cut the cabbage into thin strips.

We cut the tomatoes into slices.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

By this time the chicken was cooked. Take it apart into small pieces (along the fibers).

In a blender, grind the mayonnaise with a couple of cloves of garlic, herbs and a few drops of lemon until smooth. We try it - some people like more or less garlic or lemon.
All this can be done manually.

Attention: we do not dress the salad; we serve the sauce separately so that guests can pour the salad on their plate. This way the salad will retain its original appearance even during a long feast. That's it! Mix and the salad is ready! Let's try.

3. Salad “Cupid's Arrows” is just a bomb, not a salad!

Super light, fresh, airy. Everyone who tried it was absolutely delighted!

– 1/2 head of Chinese cabbage
– 300 g peeled cocktail prawns (king prawns will not work!)
– 12-15 crab sticks
– 1 jar of canned pineapples
– large ripe pomegranate
- mayonnaise
- salt

Chop the cabbage (without the white part), finely chop the sticks (almost into dust), finely chop the pineapples.

Mix shrimp, chopsticks, cabbage, pineapple and pomegranate. Season with mayonnaise and eat without swallowing the fork!

4. Chinese cabbage salad

This salad turns out very tasty and light, and most importantly, 10 minutes - and you have a gorgeous dish ready.
Beijing cabbage 300 g
tomato 2 pcs
smoked sausage 100 g
boiled eggs 2 pcs
corn 100g
salt and pepper to taste
loaf 4 pieces
Wash the cabbage, dry it, cut it, mash it with salt.
Tomatoes, eggs, sausage, cut greens. Add corn.
Cut the loaf into cubes and dry in a frying pan.
Mix all ingredients except crackers, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise. When serving, sprinkle with crackers.
Bon appetit!

5. Chinese cabbage salad with chicken


Beijing cabbage – 300 g (half a head)
Chicken fillet – 1 piece
Cucumber – 1 pc.
Egg – 4 pcs
Green onions – 1 bunch
Salt, pepper, mayonnaise


1. Set to boil chicken fillet(for flavor we add carrots, onions and bay leaves. We later used the broth for soup)
2. Shred Chinese cabbage
3. Finely chop the green onions
4. Cut the cucumber into strips
5. After our chicken fillet has opened, cut it into small cubes. We also boil the eggs and chop them finely
6. Place everything in a salad bowl, mix, salt and pepper
7. Season with mayonnaise and serve in portions.

6. Salad with Chinese cabbage, chicken and croutons

Salad ingredients
- Chinese cabbage
- eggs
- hard cheese
- Bulgarian pepper
- tomatoes
- slices of white bread
- chicken fillet
- dill
- salt pepper
- mayonnaise

1. First, let's prepare the crackers. Cut slices of white bread into small cubes and dry in the oven. Cool.
2. Boil chicken fillet and eggs. Cut into cubes.
3. Cut tomatoes, peppers and cheese into cubes too.
Tear the cabbage with your hands.
4. Mix all ingredients, except crackers, lightly salt and pepper and season with mayonnaise. 5. Before serving, add croutons, mix again and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
6. Eat immediately so that the crackers do not get soggy.

The benefits and harms of Chinese cabbage for the body. Recipes for salads with Chinese cabbage for every day and for festive table with various ingredients.


Petsai, or Chinese cabbage, is a high-yielding and early-ripening vegetable crop that was first cultivated by the people of China. Despite the exotic origin of Peking, in our country it is known and loved for its excellent taste and undoubted health benefits. In addition, every housewife has a rich list of recipes for delicious Chinese cabbage salads. You will find out how the vegetable is useful and what dishes can be prepared from it in the article.

Everyone probably knows what “Peking” looks like - the eye is invariably drawn to this elongated, loose rosette, assembled from long, tightly folded leaves, lush green and wavy at the top and pure white, fleshy with well-defined veins at the base of the head of cabbage. A storehouse of valuable components is located precisely in the white dense part of the fork.

Residents of the Middle Kingdom long ago called the white-green vegetable a source of longevity, and modern scientists today can substantiate this point of view, based on the results of official research. Regular consumption of Chinese cabbage really prolongs life thanks to the lysine contained in the vegetable. A valuable amino acid destroys third-party proteins in the blood and helps strengthen the immune system.

Useful properties of Chinese cabbage

Green cabbage is a sure pain reliever, as the Chinese say. If you include deliciously crispy “Beijing” in your diet on a regular basis, you can get rid of headaches caused by a busy daily routine without taking pills, and also significantly increase your level of stress resistance. The alkaloid substance lactucin makes Chinese cabbage a natural antidepressant. Its influence explains the beneficial effects of the vegetable on normalizing metabolism and blood pressure.

Nutritionists recommend eating fiber-rich Chinese cabbage for complex digestive disorders and irregular bowel movements. In addition to this, the juicy leaves of the vegetable help remove excess fluid from the body and “resolve” swelling.

Chinese cabbage - useful medicine with iron deficiency anemia. Chemical composition The product stimulates the formation of red blood cells, dissolves harmful cholesterol and protects the liver from various toxic impacts.

Harmful properties of Chinese cabbage

Despite all the usefulness of the product, we note that there are some contraindications to its use. The main danger lies in citric acid, which is contained in the leaves of the vegetable - for people suffering from high stomach acidity, peptic ulcer in acute form, gastritis, pancreatitis and a tendency to gastric bleeding, one cannot expect “good” from Chinese cabbage.

You should try dishes with Chinese cabbage and dairy products with great caution. Soft cottage cheese, hard cheeses and feta cheese in combination with Peking cheese are often used to prepare salads, but such culinary delights often cause severe indigestion.

Chinese cabbage salad recipes for every day

The leaves of Chinese cabbage do not permeate the dishes with the characteristic cabbage flavor - apparently, this is why our hostesses liked the vegetable. “Beijing” is stored for a long time and does not lose its fresh appearance and elasticity for up to 3 weeks. Just don’t forget to wrap the curly head of cabbage in cling film, otherwise the edges of its leaves will quickly wither.

Most often, Chinese cabbage is found in a variety of salads - it’s as if it was created for such dishes! The combination of juicy cabbage slices with other vegetables, meat, mushrooms and fish leaves no one indifferent.

It is important! If you are going to cook from fresh Chinese cabbage, be sure to fill the head of cabbage with boiled water for 1 - 1.5 hours. During this time, the vegetable will be cleared of most of the nitrate compounds that it absorbs during growth.

What kind of salads can be prepared with Chinese cabbage? We have prepared a whole selection of interesting recipes for you. Let's get to the fun part!

Crab salad with Chinese cabbage

This salad will help satisfy a sudden feeling of hunger if you are watching your figure and eating in small portions.

You will need few ingredients:

  • head of Peking cabbage;
  • 1 tomato and cucumber each;
  • 200 g crab sticks;
  • refined sunflower oil;
  • a few sprigs of fresh parsley.

Let's move on to cooking: cut the Chinese cabbage and crab sticks into small strips. Do the same with the cucumber. Divide the tomato in half with a knife and then cut into small slices. Connect everything fresh ingredients in a salad bowl, season them with vegetable oil and garnish with finely chopped parsley. Light Chinese cabbage salad is ready!

There are an incredible variety of simple recipes where overseas cabbage is the main character. You can safely change the quantity and combination of ingredients at your discretion. For example, you can remove crab sticks from the recipe we just suggested, and you will get a very tasty spring salad of Chinese cabbage with tomatoes and cucumber.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and corn

A delicious dish that can be prepared in literally 5 minutes will successfully diversify your lunch or dinner. Write down the list of ingredients:

  • 200 g Peking cabbage;
  • 100 g white bread;
  • 3 pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 can of canned corn;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a little mayonnaise for dressing.

You've probably already guessed how to prepare this simple dish. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Cut the bread into small neat cubes and, pouring a little oil, spread them on a baking sheet, and then put them in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. While the crackers are baking, cut the cucumbers into small pieces. Pass the garlic through a press and mix this pulp with mayonnaise. Combine vegetables in one bowl and add garlic mayonnaise dressing. Crackers are added to the salad immediately before use.

Chinese cabbage salad with carrots

This simple quick salad is a great appetite stimulant. Grind half a head of Peking cabbage in any way convenient for you and place it in a deep plate. Grate a medium-sized carrot on a coarse grater. Cut a small onion into half rings and place with the vegetable slices. Add a pinch of salt or sprinkle the contents of the plate with lemon juice. Finally, season with oil and mix with chopped dill.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and beans

Add this simple salad to your collection of recipes and you will have a simple and tasty dish for all occasions.

Grocery list:

  • small Chinese cabbage - 1 fork;
  • canned red beans - 300 g;
  • ready-made rye crackers - 70 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • piece of hard cheese - 50 g;
  • salt.

You won't have to stand in the kitchen for long:

  1. Cut the cabbage into fairly large strips.
  2. Rinse the beans from the juice and dry them.
  3. Grind the garlic cloves to a paste.
  4. Combine cabbage, beans and garlic in a salad bowl.
  5. Season the salad with mayonnaise and add coarsely grated cheese, salt and mix the ingredients well.
  6. Crackers are added to the finished dish just before serving.

Chinese cabbage salad with cheese

This is a simple snack with a rich flavor that comes from a combination of different cheeses. The salad can be served immediately after preparation.

To get started, gather the following ingredients:

  • petsai cabbage - 400 g;
  • salad pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • suluguni cheese - 70 g;
  • feta cheese - 70 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 50 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • spices.

The salad is “assembled” in two steps: chop the peppers into not very fine strips, and disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves and tear them with your hands. Cut the Parmesan into thin slices, and the remaining cheeses into cubes. Combine all ingredients, add oil, soy sauce and spices to taste. The finished dish can be decorated with raisins, pine nuts or sesame seeds.

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken

Ingredients for salad can always be found in the refrigerator:

  • small Beijing fork;
  • can of canned corn;
  • large chicken fillet;
  • 3 eggs;
  • mayonnaise.

A simple salad of Chinese cabbage and chicken is prepared as follows:

  1. Boil the eggs hard, then chop.
  2. Chop the cabbage and mix with corn.
  3. Break the boiled chicken fillet into fibers with your hands.
  4. Place all ingredients in a bowl, add mayonnaise and mix. The hearty salad is ready!

Salad with Chinese cabbage and ham

Make sure you have all the necessary products on hand:

  • petsai cabbage - half a fork;
  • ham - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • small onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

To prepare this salad recipe, cut the onion into small squares, then rinse the slices in cold running water and add fresh lemon juice. While the onions are pickling, chop the eggs, cut the Chinese cabbage into medium-sized strips, the ham into thin bars, and the cucumber into half rings. When all the ingredients are chopped, mix them in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise and salt to taste, and then mix everything well. A nutritious and at the same time quite light Chinese cabbage salad is ready.

Chinese cabbage salad with quail egg

Products from which we will prepare:

  • small fork of Chinese cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • quail eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • red bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Let's prepare a delicate dish with sweetish notes according to the instructions:

  1. Cut the cabbage into strips 1.5 - 2 cm wide.
  2. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 4 slices.
  3. Divide the sweet pepper in half and cut into thin half rings.
  4. Also cut the boiled quail eggs into 2 equal halves.
  5. Finely chop the greens.
  6. Combine all ingredients, add salt, add a small amount of oil and mix thoroughly.

Salads with Chinese cabbage for the holiday table

You are mistaken in thinking that the humble overseas vegetable is intended exclusively for everyday dishes that are prepared in a hurry. There are a lot of complex salads with healthy cabbage that are not a shame to put on the holiday table.

Caesar salad with Chinese cabbage

List of ingredients:

  • petsai - 500 g;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cherry tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • loaf - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves, chop finely and place this mass in a bowl with vegetable oil for a while.
  2. Cut the boiled breast into equal small pieces and, lightly adding salt, fry the chicken over medium heat.
  3. Chop the Pekinka and tomatoes with a knife, and grate the cheese with large shavings. Place all products in a common bowl.
  4. Now let's get to the croutons. Fry the salted loaf pieces in garlic butter until golden brown.
  5. Add a little mayonnaise to the bowl with garlic, mix thoroughly and season the salad. Garnish the finished dish with cooled crackers right before serving.

Bride salad with Chinese cabbage

If you haven't tried this dish yet, be sure to take note of the recipe. The Bride salad turns out airy, festive and very tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • raw chicken fillet - 350 g;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • Chinese cabbage - 5 sheets;
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.

Let's prepare the Bride salad with Chinese cabbage step by step:

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces of any shape. Pour some oil into a frying pan, heat it and fry the salted and peppered meat until a beautiful golden crust appears.
  2. Grind the boiled potatoes on a coarse grater. Place the potato mixture in the first layer on a large flat plate.
  3. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Use a fork to remember the yolks and spread the yolk mixture over the potato layer, and soak the top with a small amount of mayonnaise.
  4. Place pieces of fried meat on top.
  5. Cover the chicken with finely shredded green part of Chinese cabbage. Lubricate the cabbage straws with mayonnaise.
  6. The next layer of salad is slightly frozen processed cheese, grated.
  7. Finely chopped proteins complete the “pyramid”. Place them on melted cheese and soak in mayonnaise. It will take several hours for the salad to mature and become even tastier.

Greek salad with Chinese cabbage

Greek salad is an elegant and light dish, to which petsai gives an unusual and interesting flavor. This is exactly what you need for a quiet romantic dinner.

Let's prepare the products according to the list:

  • feta - 200 g;
  • Chinese cabbage - 300 g;
  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • ripe firm tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olives - to taste;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • lemon - half;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • dried oregano - to taste;
  • spices.

Let's get to work: chop the Peking, cut the cucumbers into half rings, tomatoes into slices, sweet peppers into strips. Chop the onion into quarter or half rings, and the cheese into small cubes. Mix all the ingredients, then season the salad with lemon juice and olive oil. Don't forget to add spices and your favorite seasonings. Greek salad with Chinese cabbage is ready.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and pineapples

The combination of chicken and canned pineapple can already be called a classic. Nevertheless, Chinese cabbage fits perfectly into this well-established union, and the result is a juicy, tasty salad for every day or on the occasion of a holiday.

Let's prepare a salad from the following products:

  • Chinese cabbage - half a head;
  • canned pineapple rings - 250 g;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • sour cream 15% for dressing;
  • salt, ground black pepper;
  • green onion feathers;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill.

Cut the boiled chicken fillet into small pieces. Cut the washed Chinese cabbage leaves into strips. Chop the pineapple rings into cubes. Combine all the cuts in one bowl, season with sour cream, add spices and garnish with finely chopped herbs. After thorough mixing, the Chinese cabbage salad with pineapples is served to the table.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and squid

Dishes with Chinese cabbage and seafood are especially popular. These salads are delicious and incredibly healthy.

Take the following products:

  • canned squid - 3 pcs.;
  • petsai cabbage - 5 leaves;
  • hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet onions - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 3 - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

When all the ingredients are collected, you can get to work. Place cabbage, shredded into thin strips, into a deep plate. Next add the onion, cut into thin half rings. Cut the eggs into large bars, and the squid into slightly smaller bars. Add the ingredients to the rest of the ingredients in the plate. The salad is almost ready: all that remains is to salt it and then season it with mayonnaise and lemon juice.

Salad with Chinese cabbage and shrimp

Required Products:

  • Chinese cabbage - 600 g;
  • frozen shrimp - 500 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil.

Fry thawed shrimp with sunflower oil over medium heat, then cut each shrimp into 2 pieces. Remove the peel from the orange, divide the fruit into slices and clear each of the veins and transparent film. Cut the slices into smaller pieces. Finely chop the Beijing cabbage. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl and season with olive oil. Ready!

Salad with Chinese cabbage and tuna

To prepare this simple and satisfying salad you will need a few ingredients:

  • Chinese cabbage - quarter fork;
  • boiled eggs - 2 - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • canned tuna - 1 can;
  • olive oil;
  • soy sauce;
  • lemon.

To prepare the salad according to this recipe, you will need no more than a quarter of an hour. So what you need to do:

  1. Grind the Peking into openwork strips, then the finished dish will be unusually tender.
  2. Cut the cucumber into round slices, and then divide each of them into 4 parts.
  3. Cut the eggs into large cubes.
  4. Drain the oil from the canned tuna and cut the fish into smaller pieces.
  5. Combine all products in a deep plate.
  6. Now let's prepare the salad dressing. To do this, mix olive oil, soy sauce and lemon juice in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. You will get a homogeneous dark brown liquid. Dress the salad and invite everyone to the table.

Chinese cabbage salad with smoked chicken breast. Video


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