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December 31st is Angel Day. December - holidays, memorable days and events

On the last day of the year, December 31, name days are celebrated by the owners of twenty-one male and four female names.

During this period, birthday people are considered to be those who were named Vladimir, George, Egor, Ilya, Mikhail, Nikolai, Vera, Sofia and some other names at baptism.

And it is precisely these men’s and female names should be given at baptism to boys and girls born today, because people named after their heavenly patrons live much longer and happier, as proven by many years of popular experience.

But still, the most important name days on this day are for those called Semyon, because on December 31 the Church honors the memory of their Guardian Angel - the righteous Semyon of Verkhoturye.

It is very important to name a child who was born today in honor of the patron saint of the day, this will make it possible not only to elevate the name to the rank of a talisman, but also predetermine a person’s character.

Each name endows its owner with certain traits and energy, and Semenov is characterized by creativity, unconventional thinking, sociability and, at the same time, high level responsibility and self-discipline.

To determine when to celebrate a name day, and also not to make a mistake in choosing a name, you need to be guided by church calendar for 2019, where all are presented Orthodox names in relation to dates.

The life of the righteous Semyon Verkhotursky is an example of true humility and selfless service to God and people.

Raised in a noble noble family in the spirit of high Christian ideals, Semyon decided to abandon all the benefits that were due to him at birth and live on wanderings, satiating himself with rich spiritual food.

Having walked thousands of kilometers, being content with little along the way and admiring God’s creation, Semyon settled in the Perm region.

He did not hesitate to do the most various jobs, was engaged in sewing outerwear, but did not charge for it, and in order to avoid fame and gratitude, he left minor imperfections, thereby deliberately incurring the wrath of customers.

Local residents began to respect Semyon and often expressed a desire to convert to Christianity. With his wise and gentle speeches, he guided more than one lost soul onto the true path.

We present the holidays on December 31 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates of the thirty-first December day of the initial month of winter current year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on December 31, what they are associated with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this winter day.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of December, customs, traditions, folk signs, etc. But first, find out what a holiday is and its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone, having a sacred mythical, non-everyday meaning and directly related to cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar meanings, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - it is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun way to spend free time, entertaining events (massive), the day of some personal or public joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (occurs in phrases: “celebration of life”, etc.).

Holidays December 31st - dates and events

Modestov Day

New Year's Eve

Saint Sylvester's Day

Farewell boil of the kettle of the year - Japan

Customs Workers Day - Kyrgyzstan

Confetti and glitter trail day

Farewell day

Church holidays December 31 (Orthodox) - Modestus Day

It was New Year's Eve, which is what the main ritual events in Rus' were dedicated to. In the church on December 31, the memory of St. Modest, who served as archbishop in the territory of Jerusalem in the 7th century, is honored.
In general, Modest was born in Asia Minor into a family of righteous Christians. At a young age, he decides to take monastic vows, because at some point he felt that he was attracted to solitude.
Subsequently, Modest is known as the abbot of the monastery of Theodosius the Great in Palestine. When Palestine and Syria were attacked by Persian troops, who destroyed Christian churches and captured Patriarch Zechariah, Modest was entrusted with the management of the Jerusalem church.
With the help of the Alexandrian Patriarch John the Merciful, Modest restored all the destroyed shrines and buried the dead. Patriarch Zacharias returned from captivity only 14 years later, after which Modest transferred his powers to him.
After the death of the patriarch, he again occupies this post. But that's not all there is to know about December 31st. In Rus', Modest was revered as the patron of livestock, and therefore on December 31 they prayed to him for protection from the death of domestic animals.
There was cold weather ahead, and it was important that the cattle wintered normally. On December 31, people often wondered, trying to predict their fate, and also, using signs, trying to find out what would happen next with the weather. We lay down on the current and listened to what would happen. If a hum is heard, then the person is destined for a quick death, and if threshing is heard, then the fortuneteller will be rich.
The ringing heard on December 31 foreshadowed the wedding. They were preparing for the New Year celebration on December 31st - in particular, the housewives were preparing various dishes.

Holidays December 31 - Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the World

Every year on this day in sunny Azerbaijan they prepare to celebrate not only New Year, but they also celebrate the Day of National Solidarity of Azerbaijanis who live in different countries peace.
It must be said that this day was first proclaimed on the sixteenth of December 1991, it was introduced by the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, when he was still in the post of chairman of the Supreme Majilis of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. After the proclamation, the entire Azerbaijani people accepted it as a national holiday.
Several tens of millions of Azerbaijanis live all over the world, not only in their native land, but also in many Muslim countries, CIS countries, Scandinavian countries, France, Great Britain, and the countries of the Middle East.

Holidays December 31 - Shchedrets

December 31st, which is celebrated by residents all over the world as the last day of the outgoing year, was previously known to everyone under the old name Shchedrets. This day ends the Christmas holidays.
Since ancient times, Christians have loved this holiday in Rus'; there are a great many ancient traditions relating to this day. According to custom, in Shchedrets a table filled with dishes was certainly laid out; pork was an obligatory dish on this rich table; people believed that this dish would guarantee a good harvest and prosperity for the entire next year.

Holidays December 31 - St. Sylvester's Day

On the eve of the New Year, in some Catholic countries, namely in European countries, the population celebrates St. Sylvester's Day.
This wonderful holiday becomes more majestic, more fun and more diverse from year to year. On St. Sylvester's Day, all people have fun, joke a lot, eat with pleasure and everyone is waiting for the New Year to come.

Holidays December 31 - Holiday of the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Sharaf

In accordance with the Gregorian calendar, on this day they begin to celebrate Sharaf, which means, when translated from Arabic"Honor".
According to the 19-month Baha'i calendar, this particular day is due to an important holiday called the Nineteenth Day of the Month of Sharaf.

December holidays - events, dates, celebrations...

December 1 - holidays, memorable days and events

World AIDS Day.
- Independence Day of Iceland. Having existed since 930 as an independent state, in 1262 Iceland became a colony of Norway, and in 1380 - a possession of Denmark. Sovereign State In union with Denmark, Iceland was recognized in 1918.

- Day of the proclamation of the Central African Republic (1958).
- Advent. The beginning of the liturgical year for Catholics. For Catholics, the first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year. Advent (from Latin adventus - advent) is the time before Christmas, a period of fasting, which is associated with numerous rituals and customs. Advent is a time of fasting and anticipation of the Nativity of Christ.

December 2 - holidays, memorable days and events

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. The day is associated with the date of adoption in 1949 by the General Assembly of the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others
- Pan American Health Day - Latin America.
- Republic Proclamation Day - Laos.
- Federation Day - UAE.

December 3 - holidays, memorable days and events

Lawyer's Day.
- International Day of Persons with Disabilities. At the conclusion of the Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1983-1992), on 14 December 1992, the General Assembly declared 3 December as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (resolution 47/3).

December 4 - holidays, memorable days and events

Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God(Orthodox). The Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the twelve main Orthodox holidays. By folk signs On this day there is often a thaw. They say, "The introduction breaks the ice."
- St. Barbara's Day (Catholic). Saint's Day Barbarians is a memorable day that falls during the Advent period, but is not associated with the cycle of Christmas customs. St. Barbara is the patroness of artisans; people ask her for help and blessings in their work.
- Informatics Day (Russia). December 4, 1948 is the birthday of Russian computer science.
- Day of ordering gifts for Santa Claus.
- Mexico Crafts Day.
- Tonga - State Proclamation Day.

December 5 - holidays, memorable days and events

International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development.
- Opening Day. Haiti.
- Day of military glory of Russia.
- Day of the Blessed Prince Martyr Mikhail Tverskoy.
- Thailand King's Birthday (King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand was born on December 5, 1927 and ascended the throne in 1946).

December 6 - holidays, memorable days and events

Bahrain Independence Day.
- Sinterklaas – St. Nicholas Day. Solemn procession of Santa Claus (Netherlands)
- Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
- Finnish Independence Day.
- Founding day of Quito. Ecuador.
- Celebration of the Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.

December 7 - holidays, memorable days and events

International Civil Aviation Day.
- Day of Remembrance for the victims of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia.
- Independence Day. Cote d'Ivoire.
- Day of those who fell for their homeland. Cuba.
- Hanukkah or consecration (Jewish holiday). On this day, Jews light the lamps of the joyful holiday of Hanukkah. This is a holiday of light, joy, fun, games, delicious food.
- Pearl Harbor Memorial Day. USA. Celebrated in memory of those killed in 1941 as a result of the Japanese attack on American forces at the Pearl Harbor naval base in the Hawaiian Islands.

December 8 - holidays, memorable days and events

Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Catholic holiday). One of the main Mother of God holidays. According to Catholic doctrine, Mary, the only human being, from the moment of conception, still in the embryo, was freed from original sin and at the same time she was protected from the very possibility of sinning.
- Mother's Day - Spain, Panama.
- Coast Day - Uruguay. Celebration in honor of the beginning of the beach season.
- Buddha's Day of Enlightenment - Japan.

December 9 - holidays, memorable days and events

International Anti-Corruption Day
- Independence Day of the Republic of Tanzania. In December 1961, the independence of Tanganyika was proclaimed, in December 1963 of Zanzibar. In April 1964, Tanganyika and Zanzibar formed the United Republic of Tanzania.

December 10 - holidays, memorable days and events

Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948, the UN Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1950, the General Assembly invited all states and interested organizations to observe December 10 as Human Rights Day.
- International Human Rights Day in the Czech Republic.
- World Football Day (celebrated by decision of the UN).
- Nobel Day (award ceremony Nobel Prize).
- Angola - Founding Day.
- Namibia - Settlers Day.
- Thailand - Constitution Day.

December 11 - holidays, memorable days and events

Day of Remembrance for Journalists Who Died in the Performance of Their Professional Duties.
- World Children's Television Day.
- World Asthma Day. Proclaimed by the World Health Organization in order to attract public attention to the problem of bronchial asthma.
- Day of Solidarity with Women and Children of Africa.
- Republic Day of Burkina Faso (1993).

December 12 - holidays, memorable days and events

Constitution day Russian Federation(established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1994 as Public Holiday Russia).
- Kenya Independence Day (1963).
- Indian Day. Salvador
- Day of Neutrality - Turkmenistan.
- Day of the Ukrainian Ground Forces.

December 13 - holidays, memorable days and events

Republic Day - Malta.
- Nation Day - Saint Lucia.
- Day of the Holy Virgin and Martyr Lucia (Lucia) among Catholics - protector of vision. A memorable day that falls during the Advent period, but is not associated with the cycle of Christmas customs.
- Celebration of Apostle Andrew the First-Called (Orthodox). The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Apostle Andrew the First-Called, who is one of the most revered Orthodox saints in Rus'.

December 14 - holidays, memorable days and events

Memorial Day of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-1989), an outstanding physicist and public figure, Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
- Switzerland Women's Festival.

December 15 - holidays, memorable days and events

Kingdom Day - Dutch Antilles.
- Sultan's Day - Malaysia.
- Bill of Rights Day in the USA. Bill of Rights Day in the United States (1791). The entry into force of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution, proclaiming freedom of speech, press, religious practice, and assembly.

December 16 - holidays, memorable days and events

Victory Day - Bangladesh.
- Independence Day of Kazakhstan.
- Dingaan Day - South Africa.
- Dingaan Day - Namibia.

December 17 - holidays, memorable days and events

King's accession day - Bhutan.
- Day of Belarusian Cinema.
- Bolivar Day - Venezuela.
- Day of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces.
- Courier Communications Day.

December 18 - holidays, memorable days and events

Niger Republic Day.
- International Migrants Day.

December 19 - holidays, memorable days and events

United Nations South-South Cooperation Day.
- Princess Day - Hawaiian Islands.

December 20 - holidays, memorable days and events

Day of workers of state security agencies of Russia.
- Police Day in Ukraine.
- Holiday in honor of chicken.

December 21 - holidays, memorable days and events

Arbor Day - Malawi.
- Founders Day - USA, Massachusetts.

December 22 - holidays, memorable days and events

Day of National Mourning in Mexico.
- Energy Engineer's Day - Russia.
- Winter Solstice Festival - Dongzhijie (China).
- Day of the Vietnamese People's Army.
- "Procession of the Ages" (Jidai Matsuri) - Japan.

December 23 - holidays, memorable days and events

Birthday of Queen Silvia (Sweden).
- Emperor's Birthday (Japan).
- Feast of Blucas.
- Day of Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force.
- International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples.

December 24 - holidays, memorable days and events

Workers Day archival institutions- Ukraine.
- Christmas Eve (Catholic).
- FAPSI Day.

December 25 - holidays, memorable days and events

Nativity of Christ (Catholic).
- Celebrating Christmas in the UK and USA.
- Family Day - Angola, Mozambique.
- Constitution Day - Hong Kong.
- Children's Day - Congo.
- Constitution Day - Taiwan.
- Dzul or Buddhist Festival of Lamps.

Church Julian calendar). 30th Sunday after Pentecost(thirtieth Sunday after the feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost). Christmas post. At the meal, the Church Charter is blessed fish. Today in Russian Orthodox Church 26 saints known by name are commemorated. Next we will briefly talk about them.

Martyr Sebastian of Milan, Nicostratus, Zoe, Castorius, Tranquillinus the presbyter, deacons Marcellinus and Mark, Claudius, Symphorianus, Victorinus, Tivurtius and Castulus. Holy sufferers who accepted the crown of martyrdom in Rome for their loyalty to Christ and His Church during the years of pagan anti-church persecution of the co-emperor emperors Diocletian (Diocletian) and Maximian, who reigned in 284-305 from the Nativity of Christ. Saint Sebastian was the chief of the palace guard, a man of honor and a brave warrior, who was sincerely respected by his subordinates. Being a secret Christian, he tried to support his brothers in faith in everything. Thus, having learned that the arrested Christian brothers Markellinus and Mark, under pressure from their pagan mother, had wavered in their loyalty to Christ, he came to them and uttered heartfelt words:

Valiant warriors of Christ! Do not throw away the banner of your victories for the sake of women’s tears and do not weaken the enemy who has been brought down under your feet, so that, having received strength again, he does not begin to fight with you. Erect the glorious banner of your feat above earthly passions. If only those you see crying knew there was another life immortal and painless, in which unceasing joy reigns, we would certainly wish to enter into it with you and, despising temporary life, would try to obtain eternal life. He who does not want to be a servant of eternal life will also destroy this temporary life in vain.

This strengthened the holy brothers, and they decided to commit martyrdom. But the royal guardian Nicostratus, whose wife Zoe was healed by Saint Sebastian, gave the order to release Marcellinus and Mark. Having learned about the miracle, the head of the Roman prisons, Claudius, also believed in Christ. As a result, the Christian priest Polycarp, called by them, baptized Father Marcellian and Mapcus Tranquillinus, his relatives and friends, Nicostratus and his family, Claudius and his sons, as well as 16 condemned prisoners. In total there were 64 newly baptized people. Soon many of them, including Saints Sebastian, Nicostratus, Zoe, Castorius, Tranquillinus the presbyter, deacons Marcellinus and Mark, Claudius, Symphorianus, Victorinus, Tiburtius and Castulus, suffered for the faith. After terrible torture they were executed in 287 or 304 from the Nativity of Christ.

Saint Modest, Archbishop of Jerusalem. First Hierarch of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church first halfVIIcenturies from the Nativity of Christ, the time when the Christians of the Holy City of Jerusalem and its environs suffered greatly from the invasion of the Persian king Chozroes, whose troops, united with the Jews, 614 killed 90 thousand Christians, destroyed many Christian shrines.

Vladyka Modest, thanks to the help provided Patriarch of Alexandria Saint John the Merciful, was able to restore destroyed Christian churches, including the main shrine Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The saint departed to the Lord at the age of 97 at 634 from the Nativity of Christ.

Venerable Florus, Bishop of Amia. A high-ranking courtier of the Emperor of the Roman Empire (Byzantium), Saint Florus, having experienced a family tragedy (his wife and children died of smallpox), left the world for the sake of monastic solitude. Subsequently, this righteous man was elected Bishop of Amiya. The saint died peacefully in early 7th century from the Nativity of Christ.

Venerable Michael Singel, Constantinople, confessor. This saint of the 9th century was a Constantinople priest and church official (head of church administration affairs). Under the heretical iconoclast emperors Leo the Armenian and Theophilos, who reigned in the Roman kingdom (Byzantium) in 813-820 and in 829-842 from the Nativity of Christ, he suffered a lot for the defense of the true faith.

After the pious Empress Theodora (widow of the deceased wicked Theophilus) revived Orthodox icon veneration, Father Michael was offered to become Patriarch, but out of humility he remained in his previous position, in which he departed to the Lord in 845 from the Nativity of Christ.

Venerable Sebastian of Sokhotsky, Poshekhonsky. Russian saint XVcenturies, founder of the monastic monastery in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord on the Sokhoti River, 90 versts from the city of Romanov (now the city of Tutaev Yaroslavl region). The brethren of the monastery, together with their abbot, fully provided themselves and the monastery with the fruits of their own labors. Saint Sebastian departed to the Lord in 1500 from the Nativity of Christ.

Glorification of the Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye. Great Russian righteous man first halfXVIIcenturies, a nobleman who hid his origins and led the humble life of a poor man. As the life of this saint testifies:

He walked around the villages and sewed sheepskin coats and other outerwear for free, mainly for the poor. At the same time, he deliberately left something unfinished or sleeves, or a collar, for which he suffered reproaches from customers. The ascetic traveled a lot, but most often lived in the graveyard of the village of Merkushinsky not far from the city of Verkhoturye. In his free time from work, the saint loved to fish in the quiet of solitude, for it reminded him of the disciples of Christ, whose work he continued, instructing local residents in the true faith...

The holy righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye went to the Lord very young, in the 36th year of his earthly life, in 1642 from the Nativity of Christ. And already in 1694 he was glorified as a saint.

Martyr Victor Matveev (1936), Hieromartyrs Thaddeus (Uspensky), Archbishop of Tver, Nikolai (Klementyev), Archbishop of Veliky Ustyug, Elijah Benemansky, John Mironsky, Vladimir Preobrazhensky and Nikola Kobranov, presbyters (1937), Hieromartyr Sergius Astakhov, deacon, and martyr Vera Trux (1942). All these holy sufferers in the ranks of bishops, priests and deacons, as well as laywomen, accepted death for loyalty to Christ and His Church during the period of Soviet atheistic persecution. Each of them was glorified as saints in the thousands of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church.

Congratulations to Orthodox Christians on the memory of all today's saints! Through their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all! We are happy to congratulate those who received names in their honor through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Rus' in the old days: “To the Guardian Angels golden crown, and for you good health!"

On December 31, Russians celebrate the New Year - the last day of the expiring year. On this day, all people prepare for the holiday. They decorate the Christmas trees and cook festive table. Children are especially looking forward to this holiday, as they expect Santa Claus with gifts before the New Year.

Everyone believes that on the night from December 31 to January 1, miracles happen and wishes come true. On this holiday, we are surrounded by our closest people, and New Year's greetings are heard. How our destiny will develop in the coming year depends on what kind of New Year greetings we hear. After all, if you sincerely wish a person happiness, it will definitely happen. Therefore, you need to take the choice of New Year greetings with great responsibility. It is important that New Year’s greetings are original, addressed to a specific person. Every person dreams of something of his own, strives for his goal. And if your New Year greetings consist of banal wishes for “good luck and health,” no one will believe in your sincerity. To avoid this, order a text of New Year's greetings to professionals. We will compose Happy New Year greetings that will change the lives of your family and friends for the better!

The most beloved holiday in all countries, where it is celebrated in different ways, is the New Year.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year originated in the third millennium AD, when at the end of March the water in the Tigris and Euphrates rose, after which agricultural work began. For 12 days, this event was celebrated with carnivals and masquerades, and during these days any work and courts were prohibited. While in Babylonian captivity, the Jews borrowed the tradition of celebrating the New Year. From them this tradition passed on to the Greeks, and from the Greeks to Western Europe.

After the introduction of a new calendar by Julius Caesar, the New Year began to be counted from January 1st. From this auspicious day The Romans began all their major events by making sacrifices to their god Janus.

In the last minutes of the passing year, all Russians gather in front of the “blue screens” of their televisions to listen to the President give a congratulatory speech. With the last chimes and various fireworks, the long-awaited New Year begins.

Saint Sylvester's Day.

On the very eve of the New Year, December 31, in many Catholic countries, particularly in European countries, St. Sylvester's Day is celebrated. Through everyone's efforts, the holiday becomes bigger, more fun and colorful every year. On this day, everyone has fun, jokes, eats, drinks a lot and waits for the arrival of the New Year.

What is the history of this holiday? According to legend, in 314 AD, Pope Sylvester captured a terrible monster - the monstrous Old Testament serpent Leviathan. It was believed that in the year 1000 this monster would break free and destroy the world. To everyone's joy, this did not happen - Sylvester defeated the snake and did not let people offend.
Sylvester died on New Year's Eve 336, December 31st. The day of his death is revered as the day of St. Sylvester.

Since then, on December 31, people dress up in fancy dress and call themselves Sylvester Claus. And in some countries, the tradition of calling the last day of the outgoing year “Sylvester” has been preserved. Therefore, the question “Where will you go for Sylvester?”, which can be heard on New Year’s Eve in many countries, means “Where will you celebrate the New Year?”

Events that happened on December 31st.

1600 - The British East India Company is created.
1621 - Peace of Mikulov (Nikolsburg) between the Transylvanian prince Gabor Bethlen and Emperor Ferdinand II of Habsburg.
1741 - the grenadier company of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, with the assistance of which Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was enthroned, received the name Life Campaign with a special uniform and banner.
1774 - completion trial over the participants of the Pugachev uprising. The death sentence was handed down to Emelyan Pugachev, Maxim Shigaev and others.
1799 - the final termination of the privileges of the East India Company.
1825 - in front of the line of rebel soldiers of the Chernigov regiment, the revolutionary proclamation “Orthodox Catechism”, written by Muravyov-Apostol and M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, was read, calling for armed action against autocracy, serfdom and conscription.
1877 - during the Russian-Turkish War Russian troops under the command of Joseph Gurko, they defeat the Turks at Tashkisen.
1888 - The founding congress of the Austrian Social Democratic Party opened.
1898 - the first intercity telephone line Moscow - St. Petersburg was opened.
1899 - the beginning of ephemeris time (year).
1907 - end of the trial of the signatories of the Vyborg Appeal.
1917 - at the Congress of Soviets of Latvia and Valmiera, a new Iskolat (in fact, the first Soviet government of Latvia) was elected.
1917 - installed Soviet authority In Rostov.
1917 - decree of the Council of People's Commissars recognizing the state independence of Finland.
1917 - chancelleries were abolished by decree of the Council of People's Commissars State Duma and the Interim Committee.
1918 - The German army left Vilnius.
1918 - the newspaper Rote Fahne becomes central authority Communist Party of Germany.
1918 - Soviet troops occupied Ufa.
1919 - during the Donbass operation, units of the 6th Cavalry Division of the Red Army in the Alekseevo-Leonovo area defeated the Markov Infantry Division. The Bolsheviks gain control of Donbass.
1919 - Soviet power was restored in Makeevka.
1926 - The Latin Monetary Union officially ceased to exist.
1935 - the first electric train departed from the Baltic station to Krasnoye Selo.
1941 - The city of Belev is liberated.
1942 - first issue of the Bulgarian newspaper "Fatherland Front".
1942 - troops of the Stalingrad Front completely defeated the 4th Romanian Army and inflicted a heavy defeat on the 4th German Tank Army.
1943 - first meeting of the Crajova Rada of the People, the provisional parliament of Poland.
1943 - liberation of Zhitomir.
1944 - The Craiova Rada of the People passes a decree transforming the Polish Committee of National Liberation into the Provisional Government of the Polish Republic.
1944 - Montenegro is liberated.
1945 - AMGOT transferred the last regions of Italy under its control to the Italian authorities, effectively ceasing to exist.
1946 - completion of the evacuation of British and French troops from Lebanon.
1952 - protocol on free transfer by the Soviet government to the government of the People's Republic of China of all rights to jointly manage the Chinese Railways with all its property.
1960 - trolleybus service was opened in Volgograd.
1963 - dissolution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland.
1965 - Primorsky Territory and Khabarovsk Territory were awarded the Order of Lenin.
1966 - an earthquake of magnitude 8 on the British islands of St. Croix in Oceania.
1968 - cessation of the activities of the United Socialist Party of Iceland due to its entry into the People's Union electoral bloc.
1968 - the world's first supersonic flight passenger plane Tu-144.
1970 - The Kemerovo region was awarded the Order of Lenin for the second time.
1975 - a seasonal research station and expeditionary base, Druzhnaya, was opened in the coastal part of the Filchner Ice Shelf in West Antarctica.
1994 - First Chechen War: Russian troops launched an assault on Grozny.
1999 - Boris Yeltsin resigns as President of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin has been appointed acting president.