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They provide maternity benefits. How to apply for patrimonial money for a child. Minimum amount of maternity benefit for minimum wage

Postpartum payments are funds that many families need for the development of their baby: purchasing things, medicines, baby food. Benefits are divided into several parts and depend on the mother’s length of service and salary, the number of children in the family, and financial situation. There are payments that are intended for everyone, regardless of their working status and the number of children in the family. Others are issued only to those who received a certain amount of wages or gave birth to several children.

What are the payments - general information

When and what kind of maternity benefits are paid? The size depends on the time since birth, region, level of financial support. Benefits for all of Russia:

  • for mothers who applied to social security before 3 months. pregnancy (throughout Russian Federation- after dismissal, in the capital - in any case);
  • maternity payments, which are given once;
  • maternal capital;
  • care for a newborn up to 1.5 years old, paid as a salary;
  • compensation to benefit groups;
  • funds for the maintenance of an infant up to 3 years of age for military children employed in the army on conscription;
  • funds for adoptive parents.
Any woman during pregnancy and after the birth of her baby is entitled to a number of mandatory payments

State support is provided only on the condition that the legal representative submits papers to social security in a timely manner. A certificate is provided stating that the funds have not yet been received previously. Read more about the packages of documents and methods of receiving payments below.

The state provides for an infant up to 1.5 years old, if there are no aggravating circumstances in the family. For families with many children, without a breadwinner, and with disabled children, payments can be extended up to 3 years or even up to 18 years (23 when studying).

In the capital, registered residents are provided with larger benefits. This is due to the large volume of living expenses.

Maternity benefit

Money is issued once. Only mothers who are officially employed have the right to receive increased benefits. In the absence of an official place of work, payments are minimal. The husband cannot receive payment for his wife.

Maternity benefits allow you to compensate for the costs of purchasing an initial set of children's clothing, baby formula, furniture and medical support for childbirth.

Maternity benefits are intended for parents to purchase everything necessary for a newborn

When and where to contact

A woman who was officially employed at the time of pregnancy and went on maternity leave should contact her place of work (to the accounting department or directly to the boss, if there is no financial department). You only need to have a certificate of incapacity with you.

Important!You must apply no later than 6 months after the birth of your child. Otherwise, payments may be denied.

If the young mother did not work or was an individual entrepreneur, then she should contact local branch social security and insurance payments. Individual entrepreneurs must provide a certificate of average income so that the social security department can calculate the required amount.

To receive payments, you must have a completed certificate of incapacity for work.

How to calculate

Maternity benefit in 2017 - how much do working and unemployed mothers get paid? The amount of payments for the unemployed and employed is different:

  • for employees – 100% of wages;
  • for the unemployed - the minimum amount of payments, that is, 3,065 rubles at the birth of the first newborn and 6,131 at the birth of the second.

The amount of compensation for individual entrepreneurs is calculated separately.

If the payment is made through the employer, information about average earnings is not needed. If a person applies to the insurance payments department, then it is necessary to provide a certificate of average income for Lately, as well as a work book for unemployed people.

One-time allowance for children

The second lump sum payment to support mothers and children is lump sum allowance for the baby. Payments after childbirth in this case are the same for both employed and unemployed. The benefit amount for 2017 is 16,350 rubles.

The one-time benefit is the same for both previously employed and unemployed women

Who is eligible

Postnatal care is provided to all mothers (or fathers), including individual entrepreneurs, the unemployed, students, beneficiaries, etc. To receive funds, you only need to collect an official package of documents.

Parents can choose for themselves who the benefit will be issued to - the father or the mother. Legally this doesn't matter.

Where to go and how to apply

A one-time allowance for children is issued either from the employer or from the authorities social protection at the place of residence. In the first case, the employed are accepted, and in the second, the unemployed. The decision on the issue of payments is made within 10 days from the date of application, and the application must be submitted no later than the day the child turns six months old.

You need to collect a package of documents:

  • a certificate of birth of the baby and registration in form 24 of the Civil Registry Office, which is issued in exchange for a document issued in the maternity hospital;
  • application for assignment of security;
  • a document from the place of work of both parents that the funds have not yet been paid (for workers) or from local authorities social protection if parents are not employed.

If parents do not work, they must provide a work record book with a record of their previous place of work. For those who have not yet started working, it is enough to show diplomas or certificates of education or other evidence of absence of work activity.

For persons who did not give birth to a baby, but adopted them, the package of documents changes. Instead of a birth certificate, an extract from the court decision is required, which established that a married couple (or one person) becomes the guardian (adoptive parent) of the baby.

After submitting the application, funds will be paid within 10 days.

What payments are due to young mothers?

Maternal capital

From recently until December 31, 2018, the program maternity capital. Families with 2 or more children are entitled to receive an amount of more than 400 thousand rubles. To do this, you need to have a second or subsequent (3,4) child and contact the social security department.

The exact amount of capital depends on many factors. You can spend money for educational purposes or to improve the family’s living situation. At the same time, you can pay for the education of both the second or third baby (the one after whose birth the payment was given), and for the education of the eldest.

Payments for the birth of a third child

At the birth of the third small member of the family, she receives the status of having many children. Does this mean that she gains the opportunity to enjoy additional benefits?

Yes, benefits are provided for travel and food for children, education. But postpartum payments don't change much. Additionally assigned:

  • compensation payments for the birth of a child in a young family (up to 30 years old) in Moscow - 150 thousand rubles;
  • providing for a child not up to 1.5, but up to 3 years;
  • monthly allowance 2500 up to 3 years, 1500 thereafter;
  • 675 rubles for products up to 3 years;
  • 230 rubles for telephone, 522 for housing and communal services, 600 for reimbursement of expenses due to inflation.

Payments for the third child are somewhat different from others in size

One-time benefit for the birth of a third child

The size of the lump sum benefit, which is paid upon the birth of 3 babies, does not change. It remains at 16 thousand rubles. For registration, the same documents are required as when applying for payments for the first and second time.

Maternity capital at the birth of 3 children

When the 3rd baby is born, the family can receive maternity capital in the amount established by the state, but only if it did not receive a certificate earlier, when the 2nd baby was born. You can receive the certificate until December 31, 2018, and use it at any time, even after the cancellation of the Maternity Capital program.

One and a half million rubles at the birth of the third child

In 2015, a bill was considered, according to which maternity capital could be introduced for the third newborn in 2017. Its amount was 1.5 million rubles. However, the bill was rejected at the first hearing due to large quantities nuances:

  • the project would have hit the budget hard, increasing the cost of providing for families by 2 times;
  • families with 3 children, whose last child was born before 2017, would be in a depressed position, because they would not receive benefits;
  • the decision to pay 1.5 million rubles only in 2017-2018 could lead to a birth boom, which is bad in an economic crisis;
  • money could only be spent on improvement living conditions families, which constrains parents.

As a result, the laws remained the same - at the birth of 3 heirs, no additional certificates are not issued.

Monthly child care benefits

The amount of monthly child care benefits directly depends on the woman’s salary

Mothers or fathers can receive monthly child care benefits for up to 1.5 years. Minimum size at the birth of the first child - 3,000 rubles, the second - more than 6,000.

The amount of money depends on the salary of the mother or father. If they are not employed, they receive the minimum payment. And if they work or worked before maternity leave, then an amount of 40% of the average earnings for the last 2 years is issued.

There are other monthly payments:

  • for large families – compensation for household expenses;
  • for single mothers;
  • for families with disabled people;
  • for food.

Child care allowance up to one and a half years old

A family with a child under 1.5 years old receives support monthly, regardless of material and social status. In addition, children's food is paid for, free dairy products are provided, travel is allowed, and clothing sets are provided.

Care allowance for 1.5 years is issued only to preferential categories of citizens, about whom more details are presented below.

Child care allowance up to 3 years old

Child benefits up to 3 years of age are not provided to all groups of the population. Only beneficiaries receive it:

  • single mothers (4,500 rubles if income is below the subsistence level);
  • persons who are not paid alimony (RUB 3,300);
  • mothers who were fired during maternity leave due to the closure of the enterprise;
  • large families (2500);
  • families with disabled children (2500).

Monthly benefits after 3 years are given to disabled people and large families(1500 rubles), families of students, guardians and families with poor financial situation.

Allowance for child care up to 3 years of age is provided only to preferential categories of the population

Monthly allowance for caring for a third child

Officially, the monthly benefit for the third child under one and a half years old does not differ from the benefit for the second child. The minimum amount is 6 thousand, the maximum is 23 thousand, or 40 percent of the parent’s salary. But add. funds are given due to the large family status.

On a note:Large families are given additional monthly payments. Up to 3 years of age, families receive 2,500 rubles, and when the baby turns 3 years old, payments are reduced to 1,500 every month.

How to get it - registration rules

To receive monthly child benefits, you need to contact the social protection authorities. You must have with you documents for the newborn (birth certificate, certificate of residence with parents) and information about your labor activity(work book, certificates from work). Before receiving money, you must prove that it has not been accepted before. To do this, a certificate is issued from social security or your place of work. You must write an application for benefits.

If required preferential payments, you need to provide documents that confirm the family’s preferential status.

You need to apply before the child reaches the age of 1-1.5 years. If approved, money will begin to arrive in the account 10 days after the application.

Other payments

In addition to monthly payments and lump sum benefits, there are other payments. This:

  • benefits for annual families;
  • allowances for the Day of Knowledge (September 1) and funds for the purchase of clothes for training;
  • regional cash benefits;
  • benefits for wives of military personnel who cannot provide for their family.

This additional money is given to large families and families with conscripted fathers and children under 3 years of age. Regional payments are issued regardless of the number of children and the status of the parents; they vary geographically. Additional money is issued in 66 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Knowledge Day guide is designed to help parents get their children ready for school

Regional payments

Residents of certain regions can receive payments that are not provided in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. A striking example is Muscovites. For them it is necessary to issue:

  • compensation for young families under 30 years of age (for the first child – 75 thousand, for the second – 105 thousand, for the third – 150 thousand);
  • early pregnancy benefit;
  • increased payments for the birth of children (5500 for the first and 14400 for the 2nd, etc.);
  • support at the birth of 3 children at the same time (50 thousand).

On a note! Learn about special regional payments It is possible at the regional social security office.

Benefits for military personnel

Now conscripts are drafted into the army, even if they have a pregnant wife at home. But pregnant girls who are officially married to a conscript receive compensation while their spouses serve for the good of the Motherland.

Benefit for the pregnant wife of a serviceman

The conscript's spouse must contact the social security authorities. Then she will be able to receive a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles. The pregnancy must be more than six months.

For registration you need a package of papers:

  • SNILS;
  • application for benefits;
  • a copy of the marriage document;
  • gynecology paper;
  • statement of service under the general military service program;
  • card details for non-cash payments, where the payment should be transferred.
Wives of military personnel can apply for a separate one-time benefit

Benefit for newborn children of military personnel

Children of military conscription program employees receive additional funds every month. The amount of funds is 11 thousand rubles. To receive the benefit, you need to collect:

  • document for the child;
  • information certified by a notary about the income of the father and mother for the last 24 months;
  • passport and bank account information;
  • service certificate;
  • statement about permanent place baby's residence.


Benefits provided to pregnant women and those on maternity leave help Russia improve the demographic situation, supporting all categories of the population with children. The amount of money paid is constantly increasing and you should check with the official social security offices in your area for the latest information. In 2018, many benefits for beneficiaries will double, and benefits will be indexed again by 1.08-1.1 percent or even more.

If you apply for registration late, it may be denied. Therefore, you should not hesitate when collecting documentation and going to the necessary registration department.

For many Russian families where the child was born, payments after childbirth become impressive financial support.

In this article we will examine in detail the issues of postpartum payments to which Russian citizens. And also where exactly payments are made after childbirth and how to receive them.

What payments are provided after the birth of a child?

After joining the family, new parents have to deal with a number of bureaucratic delays, and in order for the baby to gain the status of a full citizen of Russia, it is necessary to complete a lot of paperwork. Despite this, some of this trouble can be enjoyable, since in the end the family receives cash payments.

If we refer to the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On state benefits citizens with children”, the following subsidies are provided for payment after childbirth:

  • Financial assistance at the birth of a baby.
  • A one-time payment to the wife of a conscript.
  • Child care allowance paid every month.
  • Monthly financial assistance to a child born into the family of a conscript.

In addition to the federal payments mentioned above, there are also regional ones. Many Russian regions establish their own local payments to new parents after the baby is born.

The rules for processing such payments, their amounts, and the deadlines for applying for them are regulated local laws, and in each region they differ from each other. In order to obtain accurate information about the payments due in your region, you should contact the social protection authority at your place of residence.

It is worth recalling what is due to the family after the second and subsequent children are born. Even considering that cash maternal capital family, this type state support is an impressive material support.

These funds can only be spent on specific purposes that are strictly defined by law. However, in our article we will talk about federal payments, which are handed over to parents in cash.

Who is entitled to what payments after the birth of a child according to the law?

According to Law No. 81-FZ, which talks about postpartum payments, the following can apply for them:

  • Citizens of Russia living in the country.
  • Russian citizens who are military personnel, customs officials, criminal correctional authorities, employees of internal affairs structures, government fire service etc., as well as civilian personnel military formations Russian Federation, which are located in other states in accordance with international treaties Russia.
  • Foreigners and stateless persons who permanently reside in Russia.
  • Refugees.
  • Stateless persons and Foreign citizens who temporarily live in Russia, but have the right to the mentioned monetary payments in connection with the registration of insurance.
  1. One of the parents, or a citizen replacing them, is entitled to payment at the birth of a child if there are none.
  2. The right to receive a payment once a month for the child of a conscript soldier has the child’s mother or guardian, or another citizen caring for the child in the event of the premature death of his mother or deprivation of her parental rights or for other subjective or objective reasons why the mother cannot care for the child. If several relatives are simultaneously caring for the child of a conscript, one person must be designated to receive benefits.
  3. The following are entitled to receive monthly child care payments:
    • The father, mother or other citizen who actually cares for the child. It could also be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.
    • Full-time students and other students.
    • Mothers, fathers, and other citizens who care for a child and who lost their jobs during parental leave due to the liquidation of the organization.
    • Mothers who lost their jobs during pregnancy due to the liquidation of the employer.
  4. The spouse of a conscript serviceman who has been pregnant for more than 180 days (slightly more than 26 weeks of pregnancy) is entitled to a one-time payment.

    We would like to point out that this payment is only due if the marriage is officially registered.

    Therefore, to receive this financial assistance, you must have a marriage registration certificate with you.

How to receive and process payments after the birth of a child

The method of receiving payments after the birth of a child and their execution are directly related to several factors:

  • With a type of financial assistance.
  • Does the citizen have an official place of work?
  • The citizen is unemployed.
  1. A one-time payment in connection with the birth of a child and a payment every month in connection with caring for a child up to one and a half years old can be received in the following ways:
    • Citizens who officially work are involved in processing this subsidy in their organization.
    • If he is caring for the baby, and the father is officially working, then the payments after the birth will be processed by the father in his organization.
    • To apply for child care benefits, an unemployed mother goes to the MFC or social security.
    • If parents do not work, then you can apply for all benefits at the social protection agency at your place of residence or at the multifunctional center for the provision of municipal and public services(MFC).
  2. The wife of a conscript, students and the unemployed apply for child benefits at the MFC or at the social security authority at their place of residence.

Documents for processing postpartum payments

List of documents required to collect to receive payment in connection with the birth of a child and monthly payment for child care up to one and a half years:

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate from the civil registry office (required to apply for benefits at the birth of a baby).
  • Birth certificates of other children are needed if the child for whom financial assistance is being issued is not the first in the family (these documents are necessary for applying for child care benefits).
  • A bank statement showing the account details of the person receiving benefits or a copy of the savings book.
  • A certificate from the second parent stating that these payments after childbirth were not assigned or paid. Officially employed citizens take this paper from their place of work, and the unemployed apply to social security at their place of residence.
  • Students should take from educational institution a certificate stating that they are studying full-time. You also need to take a certificate that maternity benefits have been paid.
  • If the parents have filed for divorce, you will need a divorce certificate.
  • A certificate stating that the child lives with the parent who applied for payment in the event that the family has broken up and the parents are divorced.
  • If the parent does not work, then you must present an extract from your military ID, work book or another document that confirms your last place of work or study.

List of documents that are required when processing payments after childbirth to the spouse of a conscript and benefits for the child of a conscript:

  • Applicant's passport.
  • A certificate from a military unit confirming that the husband is serving on conscription (the certificate must indicate the end date of service). If the conscript has already served, then it is necessary to take a certificate from the military commissariat from where the soldier was called up.
  • Marriage certificate (to receive payment to the wife of a conscript).
  • A bank statement about the recipient's account details or a copy of the passbook.
  • Certificate from medical consultation or other medical organization, where the woman was observed for pregnancy and was registered. This paper is needed to process payments to the wife of a conscript.
  • Child's birth certificate. Needed to apply for benefits for a child of a military personnel.
  • A document confirming that the child's mother is absent or is not caring for him. This paper will be needed if the benefit is not awarded to the mother of a soldier’s child.

Timing of postpartum payments

New parents need to remember the following important points:

  1. To apply for payments at the birth of a child, you need to contact the appropriate authorities no later than 6 months on the date of birth of the baby. If for some reason the parents do not make it in time given period, then they will not be given benefits.
  2. Working parents receive payment every month to care for a child up to one and a half years old from the date on which parental leave began. If a parent does not work, then he begins to receive this type of financial assistance from the day the child is born. This benefit must be applied for no later than 6 months from the moment the child turns one and a half years old. If the parents do not meet the agreed deadline, then the decision on whether to pay this manual or not, they will accept officials social insurance They will analyze whether the reason for missing the deadline was valid or not.

The monthly payment for the child of a conscript serviceman is paid from the moment the baby is born, but not earlier in the day when my father began his service. This payment ends in two ways: the father’s service ends or the child turns 3 years old.
In order for the spouse of a conscript serviceman to obtain lump sum payment, she needs to apply within the period starting from the 26th week of pregnancy (180 days of pregnancy). But this must be done no later than 6 months after the serviceman completed his service.

This question is very relevant, and occupies the thoughts of the future young mother along with worries about acquiring the necessary children's things. Help you understand the timing of such payments and learn about the features of the state social support This article will help motherhood and childhood.

So, when is maternity pay paid, before or after childbirth? Legislators answer this question unequivocally: they pay for maternity leave before childbirth. And not just before giving birth, but by adhering to the established rules.

How are maternity benefits paid?

Before giving birth, the expectant mother will have to register with a doctor, and if she does this early stages(before the onset of 12 weeks of pregnancy), then, on the basis of a certificate issued by a medical institution, will receive the first incentive benefit for pregnancy and childbirth at the place of work, amounting to 613.14 rubles from 02/01/2017. This is a fixed payment, and its size is periodically indexed, as stated in legislative acts.

If sick leave is extended

It happens that after giving birth, the need to extend the release from work is discovered (for example, the birth was unexpectedly difficult or two children were born). In this case, the period of maternity leave is extended to the established limits, and the payment terms remain the same - 10 days from the date of filing the certificate of incapacity for work with the company. Naturally, this additional payment is made already in the postpartum period.

So, we answered the question of when maternity benefits are paid, before or after childbirth. It must be said that even after the birth of a child, a woman (or spouse) has the right to receive a one-time benefit for the birth of a baby and take paid leave to care for him until the age of 1.5 years. But these payments are made already in the postpartum period upon the birth of the child.

Pregnancy is a special condition that requires not only support from loved ones, but also from the state. After all, a woman in such a situation is not only very vulnerable, but also needs help, both moral and financial.

That is why at the state level a number of benefits and guarantees are provided for pregnant women, the purpose of which is to create the most favorable conditions for bearing and giving birth to a baby.

The legislative framework

Currently in Russia, the demographic program is one of the leading areas, because increasing the birth rate in the country leads not only to an increase in the working-age population in the future, but also to the development of new economic directions, and therefore an increase in GDP due to those who are yet to be born.

That is why, in order to increase the birth rate, as well as to create the most optimal conditions for bearing babies, a number of benefits and guarantees are provided at the state level for expectant mothers.

In particular, in 2019, pregnant women they have a right on the:

  • financial support in the form of several types of benefits on the basis of Federal Law No. 81;
  • free provision medical care, as well as some types of medicines in pursuance of the provisions of Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 662;
  • social benefits approved by regional legislation;
  • labor benefits, in accordance with the application of standards labor legislation RF.

Cash payments and other material assistance

At the legislative level, pregnant women have the following types financial security:

In addition to the above-described material support in the form of benefits, pregnant women are also entitled to birth certificate, put into effect and approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 701.

The agreed document is, in essence, financial document, through which the following are paid within the established limit medical services :

  • prenatal care;
  • birth process;
  • monitoring a child in the first year of life.

A birth certificate is issued to all pregnant women when applying for maternity leave, that is, for a period of 30 weeks, in the manner established by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 370n and it can be used in any medical institution of the Russian Federation state standard, for partial payment of services in the following size:

  • 3000 thousand for observation before birth;
  • 6000 thousand for delivery;
  • 2000 thousand for the treatment of a child under one year old.

Also, in accordance with the law, pregnant and lactating women are provided with assistance and at the local level, based on regional legislation. In particular, in Moscow, in accordance with Order of the Moscow Government No. 292, a specified category of persons is entitled to free food, consisting of dairy products and vegetable purees, juices, which are issued upon availability medical report established form for the issuance of specified products.

Provision of medical services

As a rule, a woman during pregnancy feels unwell in the early stages, which means she needs medical care, as well as taking a vitamin complex, which is often quite expensive, which is why at the legislative level, in pursuance of the provisions of Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, free treatment Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1273 was adopted on ensuring monitoring of the course of pregnancy within the standard of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 662.

So, based on what was agreed legislative act pregnant women they have a right for medical services of the following range:

That is, in accordance with the plan, a woman, in fact, should be observed by a doctor, receive a full diagnosis, take all tests, in particular, blood and urine to determine the level of various components, and also undergo scheduled medical examinations and ultrasound examinations in relation to oneself personally and the fetus in accordance with the list of services approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 662.

Free medicines

Also, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 662, pregnant women have the right for free medication support, in particular, a vitamin complex including:

Based on regional legislation, pregnant women can also be provided with other medications free of charge if the life of the woman or the fetus is in danger and emergency assistance is required or treatment is required to successfully bear a healthy child. Medications are issued in accordance with the law only with prescriptions from doctors who supervise pregnancy in the quantities specified in the prescription.

Benefits at work

Due to the fact that many women prefer to give birth to children only after they get back on their feet, namely, get an education and find a job, in most cases, bearing a long-awaited baby coincides with working days, which implies a fairly heavy physical and mental load. That is why, in order to alleviate the hardships of pregnancy and for full gestation of the fetus, the legislative level provides for a number of labor benefits established by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In particular, pregnant women have the right to:

Registration procedure

As a rule, a pregnant woman can receive benefits and guarantees enshrined at the legislative level only in state-issued medical institutions, for which, on the basis of the law, some services are provided for at the expense of funds. federal budget. That is, paid clinics will not provide free medicines or other services, and it will not be possible to compensate for expenses through a birth certificate, and women should be aware of this from the very beginning.

However, if a woman is registered with a state clinic, then she has the right to all of the above benefits, which doctors for some reason forget to inform future mothers about. After all, money to cover the costs of providing medical expenses is allocated in any case in the amount set by the limit, and unused funds are sent to the development of the hospitals themselves, which is why doctors do not inform pregnant women about their right to free medical care.

In such a situation, a pregnant woman needs to know her rights and defend them in accordance with the law. In particular, first you need to ask your gynecologist about the list of medications that should be provided free of charge, as well as the availability local act V medical institution, which approved this list. If the doctor refuses, you can seek clarification in writing from the head physician or the health department at your place of residence.

It would not be a bad idea to stock up on copies of legislative acts, which you can present to the supervising doctor and ask for an explanation as to why the law is being violated and necessary medications and dairy products are not provided. It is also advisable to communicate with other pregnant women and, if necessary, write collective complaint to the prosecutor's office to provide the necessary medical services only on a paid basis. After verification by the relevant authority, medical institution will very quickly remember the rights of pregnant women and the benefits they are entitled to, given that the consequences of failure to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation are quite severe.

ABOUT birth certificates watch the following video:

Last update 11/15/2019

All accruals and payments of benefits for pregnant women are regulated by the federal law No. Federal Law No. 255 dated December 29, 2006. "About mandatory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity”, minimum and maximum dimensions benefits. Every year, payments that depend on the minimum wage are indexed. In addition to benefits, pregnant women also have certain labor benefits.

Benefits for pregnant women

Title of the manualPayment amount
100% of average official earnings

The maximum amount of average daily earnings is RUB 2,150.68
The minimum amount of average daily earnings is RUB 370.85

Officially, the unemployed benefit is calculated based on 628.47 rubles per month (from February 1, 2019 - 655.49 rubles)

For students - in the amount of a scholarship.

628.47 RUR
(from February 1, 2019 – 655.49 ₽)
RUB 16,759.09
(from February 1, 2019 – 17,479.73 ₽)
50 ₽
For working persons 40% of average earnings for the previous 2 years from January 1, 2019:

The maximum average daily earnings for calculating benefits is RUB 2,150.68.

The maximum benefit amount is RUB 26,152.27.
Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during maternity leave are paid benefits in the amount of 40% of average earnings.

The maximum amount paid by social protection authorities:

All benefits are paid within 10 days from the date the documents are provided to the employer.

If a pregnant woman, after reaching the 30th week of pregnancy, intends to continue working and not go on vacation, then she will not be paid benefits, since she will receive both wages, and benefits are not allowed.

Maximum insurance base

2014 624,000 ₽
2015 670,000 ₽
2016 718,000 RUR
2017 755,000 RUR

If the earnings of the billing period were calculated based on actual earnings, then the formula is used to calculate the average daily earnings:

Earnings in billing period/ Number of calendar days in the billing period (less days excluded from it)

The following periods are excluded from the calculation:

  • temporary disability;
  • maternity leave;
  • maternity leave;
  • release from work with full or partial retention of salary (provided that the retained salary was not accrued insurance premiums in the FSS of Russia).

For women working part-time working week, the same calculation procedure is used.

Limit amount of maternity benefit

If at the time of maternity leave the employee’s work experience exceeds 6 months, then the benefit is equal to 100% of earnings. If it is less than 6 months, then it cannot exceed the minimum wage per month.

In 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles, in 2020 it will be 12,130 rubles.

In this case, the maximum amount of daily benefit is calculated using the formula:

1 minimum wage × Regional coefficient/ Number of calendar days in each month of maternity leave

Labor benefits

An employer does not have the right to fire or lay off a woman during pregnancy and maternity leave. An exception is the liquidation of the organization and termination of activities by the employer (closure of the individual entrepreneur).

If there is a medical report and a personal statement, a pregnant woman has the right to demand:

  • reduce production and maintenance standards or transfer her to a job that excludes harmful and dangerous working conditions while maintaining the average earnings for her previous job (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • do not send her on business trips, do not involve her in overtime work and work at night, on weekends and holidays(Article 96, Article 99 and Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • do not involve her in performing work on a rotational basis (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • install incomplete work time(Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • save average earnings during a clinical examination (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • regardless of experience, provide another vacation before the expiration of six months from the start of work (Article 122 and Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • do not recall from vacation (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By agreement of the parties, it is possible to change the employee’s work schedule based on her personal written application and before providing a medical report.

Payments to working women after childbirth

On maternity leave for up to one and a half years, a working woman receives a monthly allowance. The amount of the payment is 40% of her salary for the two previous years. If a woman wants to go to work early, this benefit will also be stopped. But if she works part-time, she has the right to receive both wages and child benefits.

The government is currently discussing the issue of giving parents the right to choose: when to pay child care benefits, stretch the amount over three years, or pay all the money at once. The bill with amendments should be submitted by the end of this year.

Calculation of child care benefits

To calculate the benefit you need to determine:

  • billing period;
  • earnings for the billing period;
  • your average daily earnings;
  • average earnings for a calendar month;
  • 40% of average earnings;

The total benefit amount is calculated using the formula:

Average monthly earnings × 40%

If the benefit amount is less than the minimum limit, then the benefit will be paid in the minimum amount (1 minimum wage × 40%).

Allowance for second and subsequent children

If an employee simultaneously cares for several children, then she will be assigned an allowance for each child, and:

  • The amount of the benefit should not exceed 100% of monthly earnings;
  • Not be less than the amount of the minimum benefit for each child.

If the summed benefit does not meet these two criteria simultaneously, then the woman will be paid the minimum benefit amount, even if it exceeds 100% of average earnings.