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Hetman University is official. Kyiv National Economic University. International Economics and Management

Kyiv National Economic University

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman
(KNEU im. V. Getman)

Main building

Year founded


Legal address

03680, Kiev, ave. Pobeda, 54/1


Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman(ukr. Kiev National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman, KNEU) - specialized educational institution. The university dates its history from the year when commercial courses were opened in Kyiv; over the years it bore the names of a commercial institute, the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after. D. S. Korotchenko, financial and economic institute; The university received its current name in 2005.

The branches of the university are: ; Krivoy Rog Economic Institute; Kyiv Economic College; Kyiv College of Information Systems and Technologies; Simferopol Economic College; Krivoy Rog College of Economics and Management; Romensky College.

Buildings and campus

  • Main building of KNEU
  • 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th corps
  • Library
  • Dormitories: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
  • Physical education and sports complex "Economist"
  • Publishing house
  • Sanatorium-preventorium

Institutes and faculties


  • Scientific Research Institute for Economic Development (1997);
  • Ukrainian Institute for Stock Market Development (1997);
  • Institute of Higher Education (2009);
  • Financial Controlling Institute (2009);
  • Institute for Encyclopedic Research in Economics (2009);
  • Global Economic Policy Institute (2009);
  • Institute of Credit Relations (2009);
  • French-Ukrainian Institute of Management (2010);
  • Institute of Economics and Management of the Agro-Industrial Complex (2010);
  • Institute for Financial Innovation Research (2010);
  • Institute of Modeling and Information Technologies in Economics (2010);
  • Institute of Accounting (2010);
  • Institute of Social and Labor Relations (2010);
  • Institute of Legal Research and Legislative Work (2010);
  • Institute of Marketing (2011);
  • Institute of Innovative Entrepreneurship (2012).


  • Financial and Economic (1906);
  • Economics and Management (1945);
  • Economics of enterprises of the agrarian-industrial complex (1945);
  • Accounting and Economic (1959);
  • Information Systems and Technologies (1964);
  • Personnel Management and Marketing (1965);
  • International Economics and Management (1992);
  • Legal (1993);
  • Credit and Economic (2003).

Honorary Professors

  • O. A. Nepritsky-Granovsky - entomologist, the first professor of Ukrainian origin in the USA.
  • P. G. Tychina - poet, translator, public figure.
  • A.P. Dovzhenko - film director, writer.
  • V. E. Svidzinsky - poet, translator.
  • I. E. Babel - prose writer, playwright, publicist.
  • V. M. Ellan-Blakitny is a Ukrainian poet and prose writer.
  • S. M. Mikhoels - director.
  • Yu. K. Smolich - Ukrainian writer.
  • K.V. Ostrovityanov - Soviet scientist-economist, vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


  • 1980-1987 - Pakhomov Yuri Nikolaevich
  • since 1987 - Pavlenko Anatoly Fedorovich

Awards and reputation

  • Ranking of Ukrainian Universities “Compass-2012”:
    • in the general ranking – 3rd place;
    • in the ranking in the area of ​​training in business-economic specialties - 2nd place;
    • in the ranking of universities in the central region of Ukraine – 3rd place;
  • Rating of higher educational institutions “Top 200 Ukraine”, 2011/2012:
    • in the general ranking – 10th place;
    • among economic universities - 1st place;
  • Rating of the newspaper "Comments"
    • Rating of universities whose graduates are most often hired by companies, 2012 – 3rd place;
  • Rating of universities for the magazine “Money”, 2012:
    • in the ranking of universities in economic specialties - 2nd place;
    • in the ranking of universities by legal specialties - 6th place;
  • Eduniversal rating - “3 palms – Excellent business school, nationally strong and/or with continental connections”;
  • EDUNIVERSAL Best Masters rating in relevant areas of specialization among Eastern European countries:
    • Direction: Information systems management (Master's program "Information systems in management") - 4th place;
    • Direction: Project Management (Master's program "Project Management and Consulting") - 6th place;
    • Direction: Accounting and Auditing (Master’s program “Accounting and Auditing in Business Management”) - 7th place;
    • Direction: Public Administration/Management (Master's program "Public Economic Management") - 7th place;
    • Direction: General management (Master's program "Enterprise Management") - 9th place;
    • Direction: Marketing (Master's program "Marketing Management") - 9th place;
    • Direction: International management (Master's program "International Business Management") - 19th place;
    • Direction: Corporate Finance (Master's program "Financial Management") - 20th place;
    • Direction: Insurance (Master's program "Insurance Management") - 47th place;
  • Webometrics rating (the degree of integration of the university into the Internet):
    • KNEU – 5154th place;
    • KNEU Master's Training Center – 1254th place.

International cooperation

Kyiv National Economic University is a member of the following international organizations and programs:

  • EDAMBA – European Doctoral Programs Association in Management and Business Administration (European Association of Doctoral Programs in Management and Business Administration) –;
  • EPLO – European Public Law Organization (European Public Law Organization) –;
  • EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development (European Fund for Management Development) –;
  • BSUN – Black Sea Universities Network (Network of Black Sea Universities) –;
  • Magna Charta Universitatum (Great Charter of Universities) –;
  • TEMPUS – Trans-European Mobility Program for University Studies (Trans-European program of mutual exchanges between universities) –;
  • RSA – Regional Studies Association (International Studies Association) –
  • EAC – European Arbitration Chamber –
  • Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) –
  • CES - Council for European Studies at Columbia University -

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Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman
(KNEU im. V. Getman)
Original title

Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

International name

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

Year founded



Ukraine Ukraine, Kyiv, Shevchenkovsky district

Legal address
Coordinates: 50°27′23″ n. w. 30°26′28″ E. d. /  50.4563° N. w. 30.441° E. d. / 50.4563; 30.441 (G) (I) K:Educational institutions founded in 1906

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman(ukr. Kiev National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman, KNEU) - a specialized educational institution, a self-governing (autonomous) national research university. The university dates its history from the year when commercial courses were opened in Kyiv; over the years bore the names of a commercial institute, the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after. D. S. Korotchenko, financial and economic institute; The university received its current name in 2005.

The branches of the university are: ; ; Kyiv Economic College; Kyiv College of Information Systems and Technologies; Simferopol Economic College; Krivoy Rog College of Economics and Management; Romensky College.

Buildings and campuses

  • Main building of KNEU
  • 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th corps
  • Library
  • Dormitories: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
  • Physical education and sports complex "Economist"
  • Publishing house
  • Sanatorium-preventorium
  • Center for Culture and Arts

*According to information from the “Competition” system in 2010

Institutes and faculties


  • Scientific Research Institute for Economic Development (1997);
  • Ukrainian Institute for Stock Market Development (1997);
  • Institute of Higher Education (2009);
  • Financial Controlling Institute (2009);
  • Institute for Encyclopedic Research in Economics (2009);
  • Global Economic Policy Institute (2009);
  • Institute of Credit Relations (2009);
  • French-Ukrainian Institute of Management (2010);
  • Institute of Economics and Management of the Agro-Industrial Complex (2010);
  • Institute for Financial Innovation Research (2010);
  • Institute of Modeling and Information Technologies in Economics (2010);
  • Institute of Accounting (2010);
  • Institute of Social and Labor Relations (2010);
  • Institute of Legal Research and Legislative Work (2010);
  • Institute of Marketing (2011);
  • Institute of Innovative Entrepreneurship (2012).


  • Financial and Economic (1906);
  • Economics and Management (1945);
  • Economics of enterprises of the agrarian-industrial complex (1945);
  • Accounting and Economic (1959);
  • Information Systems and Technology (1964);
  • Human Resource Management, Psychology and Sociology (2015);
  • Faculty of Marketing (1965);
  • International Economics and Management (1992);
  • Legal (1993);
  • Credit and economic (2003 - 2015).

Honorary Professors

  • O. A. Nepritsky-Granovsky - entomologist, the first professor of Ukrainian origin in the USA.
  • P. G. Tychina - poet, translator, public figure.
  • A.P. Dovzhenko - film director, writer.
  • V. E. Svidzinsky - poet, translator.
  • I. E. Babel - prose writer, playwright, publicist.
  • V. M. Ellan-Blakitny is a Ukrainian poet and prose writer.
  • S. M. Mikhoels - director.
  • Yu. K. Smolich - Ukrainian writer.
  • K.V. Ostrovityanov - Soviet scientist-economist, vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


  • 1944-1950 - Garbuzov, Vasily Fedorovich
  • 1951-1965 - Kriven Pavel Vasilievich
  • 1965-1969 - Koroed Alexey Stepanovich
  • 1971-1973 - Zagorodny Vasily Ivanovich
  • 1973-1975 - Kutsenko Stepan Petrovich
  • 1975-1980 - Andreev Leonty Georgievich
  • 1980-1987 - Pakhomov Yuri Nikolaevich
  • since 1987 - Pavlenko Anatoly Fedorovich

Awards and reputation

  • Ranking of Ukrainian Universities “Compass-2012”:
    • in the general ranking - 3rd place;
    • in the ranking in the area of ​​training in business-economic specialties - 2nd place;
    • in the ranking of universities in the central region of Ukraine - 3rd place;
  • Rating of higher educational institutions “Top 200 Ukraine”, 2011/2012:
    • in the general ranking - 10th place;
    • among economic universities - 1st place;
  • Rating of the newspaper "Comments"
    • Rating of universities whose graduates are most often hired by companies, 2012 - 3rd place;
  • Ranking of universities by the magazine “Money”, 2012:
    • in the ranking of universities in economic specialties - 2nd place;
    • in the ranking of universities by legal specialties - 6th place;
  • Eduniversal rating - “3 palms - Excellent business school, nationally strong and/or with continental connections”;
  • EDUNIVERSAL Best Masters rating in relevant areas of specialization among Eastern European countries:
    • Direction: Information systems management (Master's program "Information systems in management") - 4th place;
    • Direction: Project Management (Master's program "Project Management and Consulting") - 6th place;
    • Direction: Accounting and Auditing (Master’s program “Accounting and Auditing in Business Management”) - 7th place;
    • Direction: Public Administration/Management (Master's program "Public Economic Management") - 7th place;
    • Direction: General management (Master's program "Enterprise Management") - 9th place;
    • Direction: Marketing (Master's program "Marketing Management") - 9th place;
    • Direction: International management (Master's program "International Business Management") - 19th place;
    • Direction: Corporate Finance (Master's program "Financial Management") - 20th place;
    • Direction: Insurance (Master's program "Insurance Management") - 47th place;
  • Webometrics rating (the degree of integration of the university into the Internet):
    • KNEU - 5154th place;
    • KNEU Master's Training Center - 1254th place.

International cooperation

Kyiv National Economic University is a member of the following international organizations and programs:

After an hour and a half, most of the players were already jokingly looking at their own game.
The whole game focused on Rostov alone. Instead of one thousand six hundred rubles, a long column of numbers was written down behind him, which he had counted up to the tenth thousand, but which now, as he vaguely assumed, had already risen to fifteen thousand. In fact, the entry already exceeded twenty thousand rubles. Dolokhov no longer listened or told stories; he followed every movement of Rostov’s hands and occasionally glanced briefly at his note behind him. He decided to continue the game until this entry increased to forty-three thousand. He chose this number because forty-three was the sum of his years added up with Sonya's years. Rostov, leaning his head on both hands, sat in front of a table covered with writings, covered in wine, and littered with cards. One painful impression did not leave him: these broad-boned, reddish hands with hair visible from under his shirt, these hands that he loved and hated, held him in their power.
“Six hundred rubles, ace, corner, nine... it’s impossible to win back!... And how fun it would be at home... Jack on n... it can’t be!... And why is he doing this to me?...” Rostov thought and recalled. Sometimes he would play a big card; but Dolokhov refused to beat her, and he himself nominated the jackpot. Nicholas submitted to him, and then prayed to God, as he prayed on the battlefield on the Amsteten Bridge; then he wished that the card that would be the first to fall into his hand from a pile of curved cards under the table would save him; either he calculated how many laces there were on his jacket and with the same number of points he tried to bet a card on the entire loss, then he looked around at the other players for help, then he peered into Dolokhov’s now cold face and tried to understand what was going on inside him.
“After all, he knows what this loss means to me. He can't want my death, can he? After all, he was my friend. After all, I loved him... But it’s not his fault either; What should he do when he is lucky? And it’s not my fault, he told himself. I didn't do anything wrong. Have I killed anyone, insulted anyone, or wished harm? Why such a terrible misfortune? And when did it start? Just recently I approached this table with the thought of winning a hundred rubles, buying this box for my mother’s name day and going home. I was so happy, so free, cheerful! And I didn’t understand then how happy I was! When did this end, and when did this new, terrible state begin? What marked this change? I still sat in this place, at this table, and still chose and pushed out cards, and looked at these big-boned, dexterous hands. When did this happen, and what happened? I am healthy, strong and still the same, and still in the same place. No, it can't be! It’s true that all this will not end in anything.”
He was red and covered in sweat, despite the fact that the room was not hot. And his face was scary and pitiful, especially due to his powerless desire to appear calm.
The record reached the fateful number of forty-three thousand. Rostov prepared a card that was supposed to be an angle from the three thousand rubles that had just been given to him, when Dolokhov, tapping the deck, put it aside and, taking the chalk, quickly began, in his clear, strong handwriting, breaking the chalk, to summarize Rostov’s notes.
- Dinner, time for dinner! Here come the gypsies! - Indeed, with their gypsy accent, some black men and women were already coming in from the cold and saying something. Nikolai understood that it was all over; but he said in an indifferent voice:
- Well, you won’t do it yet? And I have a nice card prepared. “It was as if he was most interested in the fun of the game itself.”
“It’s over, I’m lost! he thought. Now there’s a bullet in the forehead - only one thing remains,” and at the same time he said in a cheerful voice:
- Well, one more card.
“Okay,” answered Dolokhov, having finished the summary, “good!” “It’s 21 rubles,” he said, pointing to the number 21, which equaled exactly 43 thousand, and taking the deck, he prepared to throw. Rostov obediently turned the corner and instead of the prepared 6,000, he carefully wrote 21.
“It doesn’t matter to me,” he said, “I’m only interested in knowing whether you’ll kill or give me this ten.”
Dolokhov began throwing seriously. Oh, how Rostov at that moment hated these hands, reddish with short fingers and with hair visible from under his shirt, which had him in their power... Ten was given.
“You have 43 thousand behind you, Count,” said Dolokhov and stood up from the table, stretching. “But you get tired of sitting for so long,” he said.
“Yes, I’m tired too,” said Rostov.
Dolokhov, as if reminding him that it was indecent for him to joke, interrupted him: When will you order the money, Count?
Rostov flushed and called Dolokhov into another room.
“I can’t suddenly pay everything, you’ll take the bill,” he said.
“Listen, Rostov,” said Dolokhov, smiling clearly and looking into Nikolai’s eyes, “you know the saying: “Happy in love, unhappy in cards.” Your cousin is in love with you. I know.
"ABOUT! it’s terrible to feel so in the power of this man,” thought Rostov. Rostov understood what blow he would deal to his father and mother by announcing this loss; he understood what happiness it would be to get rid of all this, and he understood that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from this shame and grief, and now he still wanted to play with him, like a cat with a mouse.
“Your cousin...” Dolokhov wanted to say; but Nikolai interrupted him.
“My cousin has nothing to do with it, and there is nothing to talk about her!” - he shouted furiously.
- So when can I get it? – asked Dolokhov.
“Tomorrow,” said Rostov, and left the room.

It was not difficult to say “tomorrow” and maintain a tone of decency; but to come home alone, to see your sisters, brother, mother, father, to confess and ask for money to which you have no right after your word of honor was given.
We weren't sleeping at home yet. The youth of the Rostov house, having returned from the theater, having had dinner, sat at the clavichord. As soon as Nikolai entered the hall, he was overwhelmed by that loving, poetic atmosphere that reigned in their house that winter and which now, after Dolokhov’s proposal and Iogel’s ball, seemed to thicken even more, like the air before a thunderstorm, over Sonya and Natasha. Sonya and Natasha, in the blue dresses they wore at the theater, pretty and knowing it, happy, smiling, stood at the clavichord. Vera and Shinshin were playing chess in the living room. The old countess, waiting for her son and husband, was playing solitaire with an old noblewoman who lived in their house. Denisov, with shining eyes and tousled hair, sat with his leg thrown back at the clavichord, clapping them with his short fingers, striking chords, and rolling his eyes, in his small, hoarse, but faithful voice, sang the poem he had composed, “The Sorceress,” to which he was trying to find music.

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Getman (KNEU) is a higher education institution with a 100-year history of formation and development. Today it is the largest economic university in the country, has trained more than tens of thousands of highly qualified economists, and is known as a generator of ideas for improving economic education in Ukraine and deepening theoretical and applied scientific research in economic areas.

The university was founded in 1906 by M.V. Dovnar-Zapolsky as the Higher Commercial Courses, which at that time was the second highest educational institution in economics after the Moscow Economic Institute. In 1908, the courses were reorganized into the Kiev Commercial Institute (KCI), which in 1912 received the status of a state higher educational institution. In 1920, KKI was renamed the Kiev Institute of National Economy (KING), on the basis of which the Kiev State Economic University (KDEU) was created in 1992. In 1997, the university received the status of “national”.

According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 11, 2005 No. 238-r, the educational institution was named after Vadim Hetman.

Faculties and specialties

International Economics and Management:

  • international economics;
  • international business.

Economics and management :

  • economic theory (except for correspondence courses);
  • enterprise economics;
  • management (specialization “Management of government institutions”, “Management of industrial enterprises”).

Legal :

  • jurisprudence.

Marketing :

  • marketing;
  • tourism.

Personnel management, sociology and psychology :

  • personnel management and labor economics;
  • sociology (specialization “Sociology in the field of economics”);
  • psychology (specialization “Economic and social psychology”);
  • vocational education (Economics).

It is the mission of the Kiev National Economic University to contribute to the development of society through scientific research, the generation and dissemination of new knowledge, and the training of competitive specialists and creative individuals.

>More than 36,000 students study at the Kiev National Economic University.Only at the main institution, they learn:

  • 8 full and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and industry academies
  • more than 127 professors and doctors of science
  • 507 candidates of sciences and associate professors.


  • training of specialists of various educational and qualification levels
  • training and assessment of scientific and academic/teaching personnel
  • research
  • pre-university preparation of future students
  • scientific methodology, publishing, education, financial / business and production / commercial activities
  • support for the activities of entities established by government agencies
  • international relations


  • University program for innovative development for the years 2011 and 2012
  • accession to the Magna Carta of Universities
  • creation and successful operation of 13 research institutes
  • creation of new educational and training centers
  • library with 1,317,645 subjects, including educational, scientific, popular science, reference, information and bibliography of publications in Ukrainian and other languages;
  • In the year 2010, the university publishing office published 9 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, 33 teaching aids, including 26 approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as 11 teaching aids, including 10 approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as 16 monographs;
  • New forms of intensifying the learning process during lectures and autonomous work of students are being implemented.
  • The Web-CT remote research system works successfully with 150 disciplines developed and used in its environment.
  • Relations between employer PERSPECTIVE and students Job Accommodation The center operates successfully.
  • The Institutional Repository (IRKNEU) was put into operation.
  • The management of the university and its assets is automated.

The most important component of spiritual life is Training system, which is associated with the implementation of the knowledge dissemination process. It covers the activities of social institutions that prepare young people for life. Higher education for young people it is the foundation on which they must build their future and the future of their country. This is due to the fact that higher education provides a person with a broad outlook and erudition. The moral values ​​of people, society and behavior in it all develop thanks to the knowledge gained at the university.

Since the declaration of independence of Ukraine, its people have the opportunity to build their own state, choose a model of socio-economic development, and pursue their own domestic and foreign policies. Accelerating economic reforms, improving legislation and tax policy, strengthening the role of economic education our citizens.

Economic education designed to consistently generate students' economic thinking and consciousness, raise reasonable needs, develop skills in a particular field of activity, cultivate respect for nature, equip specialists with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in work culture, shape the need for economic analysis, vision prospects, to teach how to master the basics of scientific organization of labor in market conditions, students form the desire and need to constantly improve the results of their work in the field of training and socially useful activities.

Thus, according to the needs of the times, economic education should be actively promoted as it is the "Alpha and Omega" of public knowledge.

Study at the Kiev National Economic University!

Admission process at Kiev National Economic University

since 2016 Admission process at Ukrainian universities for international students of Iveco through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
To apply to the Kiev National Economic University, international students must apply online through the Ukrainian Admission Center.
After checking all the details at the Center's reception, they will send an invitation to the students.
With an invitation letter, students can contact the nearest Ukrainian embassy and obtain a student visa.
No exams, TOEFL, IELTS are required if you apply through the Ukrainian Admission Center.