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How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. How to check whether a mushroom is poisonous or not at home? Pitfalls when collecting porcini mushrooms

Those who like to pick mushrooms, first of all, need to know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. Of course, if you follow the rule and do not take mushrooms unknown to you, the chances of poisoning are reduced, but you can confuse an edible mushroom from a poisonous one, since some edible mushrooms have very similar look-alikes, which can lead to poisoning and dire consequences. In fact, it is very difficult to talk about all poisonous mushrooms in one topic, since there are a great many of them, so we will only touch on those mushrooms that are poisoned most often. We recommend that you read


GALL MUSHROOM: This mushroom can be confused with the porcini mushroom, as they are very similar to each other. They differ only in that when broken, the gall fungus turns red or brown, and the fungus has a bitterness that is not removed when processed.

SATANIC MUSHROOM: Just like the gall fungus, it is very similar to White mushroom, differs from porcini mushroom in that when broken it begins to turn brown or red. The toxicity of the satanic mushroom is quite high; they say that even one gram of such a mushroom can cause serious consequences. We recommend that you read

FALSE MEDICHAEL: You can distinguish edible honey mushrooms from poisonous ones by the color of the cap and the ring on the stem. Edible honey mushrooms have a brown-yellow cap color and a ring on the stem; poisonous (false) honey mushrooms have a yellow-green cap color and no ring on the stem.

DEATH CAP: It is very easy to confuse toadstool with champignon and russula, especially if you have no experience in the mushroom business. Toadstool is the most poisonous mushroom and, as a rule, poisoning with toadstool always ends in death, since signs of poisoning occur when irreversible damage to organs occurs in the body. You can distinguish toadstool from champignon and russula by the characteristic ring around the stem and the egg from which it grows. We recommend that you read


Amanita: We hope that you will not confuse this mushroom with any other, since the fly agaric is not similar to any edible mushroom. The fly agaric has a red cap with a white dot, and a white leg.

PATUYAR FIBER: It is a poisonous and dangerous mushroom.

This mushroom looks like this: at a young age, the cap is conical, straightening out later, the color is whitish, turning into straw-yellow or reddish as it grows. WAX SPEAKER:

The mushroom grows mainly from July to October, the color of the mushroom is white. It is a very poisonous mushroom. The wax talker is very similar to the sorrel. CHAMPIGNON RED:

It is very similar to the common champignon, but when broken it begins to turn yellow and smells unpleasant.

HOW CAN YOU NOT distinguish between poisonous mushrooms and edible ones? Exists folk sign

that a poisonous mushroom smells unpleasant, and you can distinguish it from an edible mushroom by its unpleasant smell. This is not true; for example, toadstool has a similar smell to champignon. We recommend that you read

You cannot determine a poisonous mushroom by the presence of larvae and worms in the mushroom. Some poisonous mushrooms are edible to worms.

There is an opinion that any poisonous mushroom at a young age is edible, but this is not true, for example, toadstool is very poisonous at any age.

Never distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom using a silver spoon, which supposedly should darken in the presence of poisonous mushrooms, this is a fallacy.

You also cannot distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous ones by using half an onion or garlic, which are said to darken in the presence of poisonous mushrooms in the broth; this is not so.

Also, do not try to distinguish a poisonous mushroom using milk; there is a sign that when you put a poisonous mushroom in, the milk will quickly turn sour. This is wrong.


If you do not know the mushroom and doubt its edibility, do not take such mushrooms under any circumstances. We recommend that you read ADVICE ON HOW TO IDENTIFY POISONOUS MUSHROOM No. 2:

Never taste the mushroom, it can be poisonous and fatal. ADVICE ON HOW TO IDENTIFY POISONOUS MUSHROOM No. 3: Do not collect dry mushrooms; after a drought, there are usually no mushrooms, but if they appear, they can absorb.


Do not take with you rotten mushrooms, mushrooms that have survived and become old and overripe. These mushrooms may contain harmful toxins and mold. ADVICE ON HOW TO IDENTIFY POISONOUS MUSHROOM No. 5:

Mushrooms add variety to the diet and bring pleasure to many people because they are healthy and tasty. They are rich in vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates; young specimens contain many microelements necessary for the body: iodine, iron, zinc, calcium. A beautifully prepared mushroom dish improves metabolism, activates the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and nervous system. Many people love “silent hunting,” but not everyone knows how to distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible one.

Main characteristics of mushrooms

Scientists argued for a long time about milk mushrooms, boletuses and their relatives, not knowing where to classify them. They contain approximately the same amount of protein as animal food, and minerals and vitamins as in plants. Only in 1960 were they identified as a separate mushroom kingdom.

Accurate criteria for distinguishing good species from dangerous ones have not yet been developed. Lovers of “silent hunting” rely on own experience, which is passed on from generation to generation. In this case, the main rule must be strictly observed: do not take copies that raise even the slightest doubt. Otherwise, one small mushroom can ruin your whole life.

Characteristic criteria for edible species

The general features are very vague and averaged.

The main ones include:

  • absence of a ring on the leg;
  • tubular structure;
  • the inner pulp of the fruiting bodies is light in color;
  • the hat has catchy bright colors;
  • absence of bitter taste and pungent odor.

These differences are conditional. For example, the pale grebe has a white tint on the break and has a weak smell, although it is poisonous. It is worth paying attention to the place of growth. Typically, false colonies are located away from areas where good mushrooms grow. To determine for sure whether a mushroom is edible or not, it is better to consider each of them separately.

This is what is most often found in mushroom pickers' baskets.


One of the most popular types. Tough as a turnip. Tasty both boiled and fried. People call it “redhead” for its bright hat. The leg has characteristic black specks. If you cut it, it turns blue. It grows not only in aspen trees, but also under other deciduous trees. An aspen boletus grown in a clearing in the grass may have a pale scarlet or even colorless cap and a white leg without black specks. Young redheads have a spherical cap, pressed against the stem; as they grow, the head straightens and thickens. It practically does not grow in coniferous forests.


It has many subspecies, differing in color and taste. The shades of the cap range from light gray to dark brown. The leg is cylindrical with black scales. As it grows it becomes fibrous. The most delicious specimens grow at higher elevations. They are strong and resilient. The dark cap has light brown spots on the bottom. On the edges of swamps, watery specimens grow - moss mushrooms. In the basket, they are squeezed by other mushrooms and turn into shapeless mush. They are collected when there is nothing else. In terms of taste, boletus mushrooms are significantly inferior to aspen boletuses.

Polish mushroom (yellow mushroom, chestnut moss mushroom)

It has a yellow or brown top with a tubular structure and a leg of the same color, which is darker at the root. Turns blue when cut. Suitable for frying, soups, pickling. When dried, it acquires a pleasant yellow color. Not all mushroom pickers collect them when there is a harvest of more tasty species.

Kozlyak (sheeper)

It grows in colonies in meadows and deciduous-coniferous forests. Champion in worminess. Coloring ranges from light yellow to dark brown. Turns blue when cut. Some consider it inedible, others do not take it because of its low taste and unsightly appearance in soup. This is true. But in dried form, it can be compared with the legendary porcini mushroom, especially if young specimens are dried whole. At the same time, they do not turn black, maintaining their natural color. A delicacy for deer, that’s why goat is also called “deer mushroom.”


It does not grow everywhere, but is considered the royal mushroom. Very nutritious and high in calories. The color of this forest gift also determined its name. Moreover, both the leg and the lamellar cap are red, on which there are sometimes greenish circles or dark gray spots on top. The pulp is also dark orange, changing to brown or greenish when cut. It grows mainly in spruce forests, hiding in old conifer needles that have fallen to the ground. Suitable for all types of processing except drying. Good for pickling.


One of the most sought after forest gifts. It often appears on tables in salted form. It has a light brown or beige stem and a reddish-red cap with characteristic rings. In young voles, mohra grows around the circumference of the top, the edges bend downwards. The pulp is dense. White milk appears on the cut. It is better to collect small specimens before the flesh becomes loose and wormy.

Common white breast

The king of lamellar mushrooms. Ideal for pickling, but you need to soak for a long time, several days. It’s especially tasty with trumpets. In this case, it does not stick together. The harvest does not occur every year. The optimal diameter of the cap for collecting is 5-7 cm. It likes to hide under fallen leaves due to its short stem. white. In appearance it looks like a wave. The same moss, with curved edges at the beginning of growth, with brown rings on the cap, which is denser, but the color is white. Of the lamellar species, milk mushrooms are the strongest. White or yellowish milk appears on the cut. Loves moisture and pine needles. There is also a yellow mushroom (aspen). It turns purple when cut.


Universal look. As the name suggests, it is even suitable for consumption raw. It’s good in soup, fried with potatoes, pickled, and salted. Not suitable for drying. Many people do not like russula, considering them second-class mushrooms. This is wrong. There are mushroom pickers who collect only this species, which is distinguished by a variety of colors: red, orange, purple, gray-green. The leg is white. The cap is plate-shaped. The only negative is that it crumbles a lot, which not everyone likes. The strongest are young specimens of orange or greenish color. Their head is semicircular and dense.

Walui (kubari)

In terms of taste, it is close to milk mushrooms. Grows selectively. Young specimens have a ball-shaped cap. Its color ranges from beige to dark brown. Good for pickling.


It has many names: hare potato, gypsy powder, wolf tobacco. Only young fruiting bodies in the shape of a needle-shaped white ball with dense pulp are used for food. When ripe, the spores darken and turn into dust, and the mushroom itself transforms into a dark brown or black sac. If you step on the shell, it contracts and a column of dust appears in the air.

Signs of toadstools

Most main criterion, by which poisonous mushrooms can be identified, is the structure of the cap. If it is tubular, you can safely put the find in the basket. There are no mortal dangers among them, and if the trophies are subjected to heat treatment, then there is no need to be afraid at all.

In addition to the main one, you should pay attention to other signs characteristic of dangerous finds:

  • skirt (ring) near the hat;
  • thickening (vulva) on the pedicle in the root area;
  • the flesh on the break turns red;
  • unpleasant strong odor.

Toadstools common in Russia

There are not so many dangerous mushrooms in the world. But it is unlikely that Russians will be interested in reading about the deadly “angel of death” from the fly agaric family, growing in North America. But about dangerous finds that can end up in a mushroom picker’s basket in our country, information will not be superfluous. Deadly dangerous species There are only a few of them, but there is no need for serious stomach upset either. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

Omphalote olive

It grows, for the most part, in Crimea, and now it is ours. It is found on rotten trunks of deciduous trees and rotten stumps. Outwardly it looks like a chanterelle, but it gives off a nasty smell - a sign of the presence toxic substance illudin S, which can cause severe pain, attacks of diarrhea and vomiting.

Foliotina wrinkled

Occasionally found in the European part of Russia. Contains a potent poison amatoxins. Foliotina masquerades as Psilocybe blue. The toxin is deadly to the liver and is often fatal.

Russula pungent

Many will be surprised to see it on the list of dangerous forest products, because it is found everywhere, but more often in the North. At all times it was collected and eaten. The fact is that the poison muscarine appears only in its raw form. And if russula is prepared correctly, it becomes completely harmless. Having consumed the find in its raw form, the victim will end up with an upset stomach, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and vomiting - typical poisoning.

Thin pig

Loves temperate climates rain forests: coniferous, deciduous, mixed. More common in the Northern Hemisphere. Previously, pigs were classified as conditionally edible. Its toxicity has recently been proven. If consumed regularly, it can cause severe poisoning. People with kidney disease are especially affected. The fungus can cause kidney and respiratory failure, blood clotting in blood vessels, and shock. It can be found not only in forests and shelterbelts, but also in gardens.


Prefers sandy soils and coniferous forests of the European part of Russia. Until the beginning of the 21st century, greenfinch was considered edible. The opinion changed in 2001, when 12 cases of poisoning were recorded at once, 3 of them were fatal. In all cases, a lot of mushrooms were eaten.

Signs of poisoning:

  • sweating;
  • nausea;
  • convulsions;
  • pain;
  • muscle weakness.

Ergot purpurea

It grows everywhere in Russia: in forests, fields, near human habitation. Develops in colonies. The color is whitish. The conical cap transforms into a funnel as it grows. Intoxication when consuming the mushroom begins quickly.

Symptoms of poisoning are observed within 20-25 minutes:

  • tearfulness;
  • sweating;
  • slow heart rate;
  • pressure drop.

Panther fly agaric

One of the three most dangerous mushrooms in Russia. Has a memorable look: a hat Brown with white warts. It grows in both deciduous and coniferous forests. Many people confuse it with the red (edible) fly agaric, but the panther fly agaric is highly poisonous. The poisoned person faces suffocation and paralysis a couple of hours after consumption, so urgent hospitalization is required.

Amanita stinking

The dangerous mushroom lives up to its name. It gives off an unpleasant smell of rot. The stench it spreads discourages mushroom pickers, so deaths few. Loves the damp soil of coniferous and mixed forests. The white conical cap glistens with abundant mucus. The thin long leg has a growth in the middle. Severe intoxication occurs even from a piece of fly agaric, but signs of poisoning are noticeable only after a few hours. During this time, the poison penetrates into various organs. The victim must be hospitalized in a medical facility.

White grebe

Like the stinking fly agaric, it is rarely found in mushroom pickers’ baskets due to its noxious odor. The white toadstool has a long leg and a conical cap. The poison is so strong that even a small piece of the fruiting body is enough to cause serious intoxication, the signs of which appear many hours after the moment of poisoning. The victim's condition worsens before our eyes, and his blood pressure drops. Urgent hospitalization is required.

How to distinguish between real and false mushrooms

There are several representatives of the mushroom kingdom that have poisonous counterparts. You can distinguish a bad specimen from a good one by certain signs that lovers of “silent hunting” should know.

White (boletus)

Among the tubular mushrooms, white has the highest rating, although the soup made from it is unimportant, and the roast is so-so. But in dried form it has no equal. When dried, the fruit body remains white, hence the name. This dry product makes a simply divine soup.

But the boletus has dangerous doubles. And its edibility is determined by breaking it. The fracture surface does not darken. The gall mushroom underneath it will turn pink with the same manipulation, and it has a bitter taste, but it’s not worth trying.

Boletus has a white or light brown cylindrical stem. In young specimens it is in the form of a barrel. The cap is white, beige or light brown, and the bottom, when the mushroom grows, is mustard. The satanic mushroom also has a white cap, but if you break it, the flesh turns blue.


False chanterelles are very similar to real ones, so it is not easy to distinguish them. But there are still a few differences. Edible is orange or pale pink. The color of the stem and the cap, corrugated at the edges, are the same. In false specimens, the stem is red, hollow, the edges of the cap are even, and the cap itself is brighter and orange. White discharge appears on the fracture.

Honey mushrooms

False and real honey mushrooms grow in the same places: on protruding roots, semi-rotten dead wood and stumps. Therefore, caution must be exercised. It is difficult to recognize them. You cannot collect honey mushrooms growing on the ground. Edible honey mushrooms have a dark brown color, a skirt on a leg and a cap with scales. False ones are distinguished by a brighter smooth cap, an unpleasant odor, and the absence of a skirt.


Edible butterflies have a glossy, sticky, slippery skin on their tubular cap, as if covered in oil, which is why they are called that. It can be easily removed with a knife if you pry it off at the edge. The fingers turn black. When cut, this forest gift does not change its yellow color, but broken false boletus turns blue or red. You can safely take these beauties.

Champignon and toadstool

Champignon is a very famous mushroom because it is also grown under artificial conditions. Sold in stores and markets. It has an attractive appearance, high nutritional value and pleasant taste. In nature it grows in mixed gardens, meadows, pastures, parks and gardens.

The champignon has a dense short leg and a white lamellar cap, sometimes with scales. The plates are brown on the bottom; in young champignons they are covered with a white film, which is also edible. More often used for preparing various dishes. Prepare quickly, in 20-30 minutes. Rarely used for pickling.

Novice mushroom pickers sometimes confuse it with the most poisonous mushroom in the world - the toadstool. It has 2 distinctive features: a ring on the stalk and a vulva (cylindrical thickening) in the area near the root. The spores are also toxic and are carried by the wind up to 3 meters, so you can’t collect anything near these toadstools. Champignons grow in open places where there is a lot of light. The grebe loves the shade and moisture of deciduous forests.

How to recognize poisonous mushrooms when cooking

There are many folk ways to test mushrooms for toxicity. The most effective of them is to learn about this with the help of onions. To do this, the peeled onion is cut in half and lowered into the water where forest trophies are boiled. If there are toxins in the broth, the cut of the onion darkens or turns blue. What is present in toxic forest products changes color tyrosinase enzyme. However, it is also present in some edible species. Therefore, in order to keep your health intact, it is better to pour out the stew with darkened onions.

It is better for beginners to go to the forest in the company of experienced mushroom pickers. If you have the slightest doubt, they will provide competent and comprehensive advice based on their extensive experience. At the same time, they will show you mushroom spots and teach you how to navigate correctly.

When going on a “silent hunt”, you need to choose the right clothes. It should be loose and well protected from insect bites. Indispensable attributes are a hat and closed shoes. If there are ticks in the forest, trousers are tucked into boots, and a jacket into trousers. These dangerous insects always crawl from bottom to top. It's a good idea to tie a scarf.

Then the places that ticks love so much will become inaccessible:

  • groin area;
  • armpits;
  • depressions behind the ears;

A wicker basket made of pine shingles, wicker, or birch bark is the best container for harvesting because it breathes. An experienced mushroom picker will never collect boletus and boletus mushrooms in a plastic bucket or plastic bag.

Many beginners think: the further into the forest, the more gifts of the forest, and they are mistaken. In dense areas, redheads, boletus, and boletus grow reluctantly. There are much more of them in places with sparse vegetation or border strips: on the edges, along the banks of streams and lakes, along the edges of ravines, along forest paths, in clearings.

Where you can't pick mushrooms

Representatives of the mushroom kingdom have one peculiarity: they accumulate all the harmful substances contained in the soil. Therefore, experts do not recommend collecting forest trophies closer than 500 meters from country roads and 1000 meters from highways federal significance. Otherwise, combustion products of gasoline and diesel fuel may enter the body: organic compounds of lead, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, and this is unsafe for health.

You should also not collect forest gifts if nearby:

  • Railway;
  • oil storage;
  • agricultural grounds;
  • nuclear power plant;
  • factory or plant.

You cannot buy honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, and white mushrooms from private individuals standing along the roads. It is unknown where they collected. In addition, among the good specimens, the inedible one can easily get lost.

The first signs of poisoning

Many dangerous representatives of the mushroom kingdom have similar symptoms of poisoning, but signs can be observed in different time- from several hours to one and a half days.

They appear as follows:

  • temperature increase;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • in case of fly agaric poisoning - hallucinations;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • sometimes loss of consciousness.

How to provide emergency assistance

At the first signs of intoxication, you must urgently call an ambulance.

Before the doctors arrive, the victim is prescribed a number of procedures:

  1. Gastric lavage. The patient should drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then, pressing with your fingers on the root of the tongue induces vomiting. (Repeat step 1 3-5 times).
  2. If there is no diarrhea, you need to drink a saline solution or a gentle laxative.
  3. Take several tablets (1 piece per 20 kg of weight) of activated carbon to remove toxins from the body.
  4. To restore water balance, give the patient small drinks in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting.
  5. Place 2 warm heating pads on your legs and stomach.

Myths about recognition rules poisonous mushrooms

The collection of forest products has been going on for many centuries. During this time, a lot of methods for recognizing toxins in forest trophies became known. And almost all of them are not scientifically substantiated. So, some mushroom pickers (especially beginners) take a silver spoon with them. They are sure that if you apply it to a poisonous fruiting body, the surface of the silver will darken. This is unsubstantiated idle speculation. There are other myths.

All young mushrooms are edible

This is an incorrect statement. So, for example, even a small piece of pale toadstool, which appeared from the ground a day ago, is sometimes enough to go to another world. The same applies to the stinking fly agaric. Adult specimens contain even more toxins. Should never try raw mushrooms to taste.

Worms and insects do not eat dangerous specimens

They eat, and how. Some insects and worms are not susceptible to the effects of toxins, so they calmly feed on false mushrooms, pig mushrooms, and fly agarics. But they also avoid the highly poisonous gifts of the forest. So, it is almost impossible to meet them in the pale grebe.

Silver darkens due to toxins

There is an opinion that if you put a silver object (ring, spoon) into a pan where poisonous forest trophies are cooked, it will darken. The same goes for vinegar. IN in some cases darkening is indeed observed. This is a reaction to the presence of sulfur amino acids in water, which are also found in some edible species, but are absent in a number of dangerous ones. So, this method is very dubious.

Garlic will help identify poison

The principle of determining toxins is the same as in the case of silver and vinegar. The vegetable becomes brownish in color or darkens, but you cannot trust this method 100% either.

Milk turns sour from poison

This is a true statement. This happens because of pepsin. But, again, it is found both in real mushrooms and inedible ones, so there is no guarantee that the definition is correct.

Poisonous mushrooms taste bitter and smell disgusting

This does not apply to all toxic specimens. The same pale grebe, which is a champion in toxicity, has a pleasant, slightly perceptible odor and is distinguished by the absence of bitterness. Therefore, when collecting forest gifts, it is better to be guided by other criteria.


This video explains in detail which mushrooms are worth picking.

There are several methods for determining the toxicity of mushrooms, but none of them will be 100% reliable. You need to act carefully so as not to become a victim of poisoning. How to identify poisonous mushrooms? What methods can you use?

How to check mushrooms for edibility?

There are several precautions that need to be taken when picking mushrooms:

  • deadly mushrooms belong to the lamellar type;
  • among the tubular subspecies of mushrooms there are poisonous ones, but they are not fatal to humans;
  • The fly agaric family is considered the most poisonous. This includes all types of fly agarics and toadstools. These varieties are distinguished by the presence of a thickening at the root of the stem and a ring near the cap;
  • Honey mushrooms are not found in coniferous forests. Individuals similar to them in such forests are poisonous;
  • The mushroom picker should be alerted to the strong unpleasant smell of industrial alcohol; eating such specimens can lead to unpleasant consequences;
  • If the flesh of the mushroom, when broken, acquires a reddish tint, then you should not take it.

If you have the slightest doubt about the edibility of mushrooms, it is better not to eat them to avoid poisoning. There is also no need to trust the opinion that insects avoid poisonous individuals. This is not a reliable indicator of edibility.

How to check mushrooms for edibility when cooking?

There are several options for testing the edibility of mushrooms during the cooking process. The most popular of them are:

  • During cooking, you need to put some kind of silver product in the pan. If it darkens, then the mushrooms are poisonous. This is not a reliable test. Silver can darken from substances secreted by edible species;
  • There is an opinion that onions and garlic added during cooking in the presence of poisonous individuals will acquire a brown tint. The shade can also change when exposed to non-poisonous mushrooms;
  • To disinfect mushrooms, boil them in a vinegar-salt solution. This may not always help. Deadly toadstools do not become less poisonous when using this method.

Testing mushrooms for toxicity using milk is also not reliable. Milk curdles not from the presence of poison, but from the action of certain enzymes. They may also be present in edible specimens. Accordingly, there is not a single guaranteed way to identify poisonous mushrooms during cooking.

Poisonous mushrooms They contain deadly toxins and that is why eating them is strictly prohibited! Even after long and thorough processing (drying, soaking, salting, etc.) poisonous mushrooms may not lose harmful substances. Before you go into the forest to pick mushrooms, you need to know, at least in theory, what some of them look like types of poisonous mushrooms, which can be found in our forests. Every person who likes to go mushroom picking should clearly remember that it is not worth putting unknown mushrooms in the basket. After all, even the smallest poisonous mushroom, processed together with other mushrooms, can lead to serious consequences.

Poisonous mushrooms- these are mushrooms that, when consumed in normal doses, cause severe poisoning. According to the nature of the action of toxins Poisonous mushrooms are divided into three groups:

  • mushrooms with local irritant effects (food intoxication);
  • mushrooms that cause disturbances in the central nervous system;
  • mushrooms that cause poisoning leading to death.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning - what to do in case of mushroom poisoning

The first signs of mushroom poisoning are similar to many other pathologies:

  • vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, high fever.
This may be the end of the matter, but sometimes, after the first symptoms, severe damage to the liver, pancreas, and kidneys develops. Death may occur. This is why you should never self-medicate! If you eat mushrooms and feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately. While the ambulance is driving, drink 4-5 glasses of boiled water at room temperature (a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soda solution) in small sips. This is done to induce vomiting and flush out your stomach. The mortality rate from mushroom poisoning is very high - from 50 to 90% in the regions of Russia. There are tragic cases when entire families died.
In general, mushrooms are a very difficult product to digest. Mushrooms are not recommended for children, the elderly, or those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, even healthy people Mushrooms should not be consumed with alcohol or starchy foods, in particular potatoes..

Poisonous mushrooms in Russian forests

The mortality rate from poisoning with poisonous mushrooms reaches 90% in some cases! Poisonous mushrooms are especially dangerous for children. Main hallmark Poisonous mushrooms are characterized by the presence of deadly substances in them, and not by external resemblance or the absence of any “normal” mushroom characteristic. Therefore, when going on a mushroom hunt, it is important to become thoroughly familiar with the representatives of poisonous mushrooms.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - Pale toadstool

Pale toadstool is perhaps the most poisonous mushroom! It is better to avoid poisoning with toadstool! The appearance of this mushroom is practically not much different from other mushrooms growing in forests, so it can easily be confused with an edible mushroom.
The color of the cap of this toadstool is yellowish-brown, pale greenish or greenish-olive. Usually the center of the cap is darker in color than its edges. The structure of this type of mushroom is quite fleshy, with cylindrical stripes of pale green color. On top of the leg there is a ring of striped pale or white color.
Pale grebe (photo) forms mycorrhiza on deciduous trees, growing in mixed and deciduous forests. It begins to bear fruit at the end of summer to the end of September. Toadstool (pictures) is highly toxic.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - False mushroom

The mushroom has a convex cap up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the cap is predominantly yellowish with a red or orange tint and a darker color in the center. The mushroom has a thin, smooth, hollow, fibrous stalk. The flesh of the mushroom is light yellow, has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.
The false honey fungus lives from June to October.
Most often it can be found quite in large groups on rotting wood.
The mushroom is poisonous and causes digestive upset. After 1-6 hours, signs of poisoning immediately appear: vomiting, loss of consciousness, nausea, excessive sweating.
The false honey fungus is similar in appearance to the autumn, winter, summer and gray-plate honey fungus.

  • Poisonous mushrooms - False chanterelle (orange talker)

This poisonous mushroom has a brightly colored cap from orange-red to copper-red. The shape of the false chanterelle's cap resembles a funnel with a smooth edge. The plates of the mushroom are bright red, sinuous. The stalk is approximately 10 cm long and 10 mm wide, often narrowed towards the base. False chanterelles mainly grow in the warm season from July to October, near real chanterelles. Also, this type of mushroom often grows in families, in rare cases alone.
The false chanterelle can be easily distinguished from the edible chanterelle: The real chanterelle has a bright yellow color, a concave cap, smooth on top and wavy at the edges. The leg is dense and elastic, slightly darker than the cap. Characteristic feature Chanterelles are their pleasant fruity aroma. False relatives of the chanterelle are brighter in appearance, yellow-orange in color, with a hollow and thin leg. The edges of her hat are smooth, unlike a real chanterelle. And most importantly: the pulp of the false chanterelle has a very unpleasant odor.

How to distinguish a poisonous mushroom - How to distinguish edible mushrooms

It is no secret that many poisonous mushrooms are disguised as edible ones. So, let's figure out how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. It is worth remembering that even an edible mushroom can cause poisoning.

Overripe mushrooms with a cap open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a branch - let the spores spread throughout the area. But if the hat is curved like a dome, it means the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to that of a corpse is formed in it. It is dangerous and is the main cause of poisoning.

Differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms

Let's figure out what differences between poisonous and edible mushrooms novice mushroom pickers need to know. What you should pay attention to when picking mushrooms, what mushroom lovers should be wary of, and how to avoid becoming a victim of poisonous mushrooms.
Porcini Description: The porcini mushroom is distinguished by a thick and dense stem, a brown cap, white flesh, a pleasant taste and smell. Porcini mushrooms are quite easy to distinguish from poisonous ones.
Danger: discoloration at break, bitter taste. Do not confuse the white mushroom with the poisonous yellow one - its flesh turns pink when cut.
Boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a dense, brown-red cap, the flesh turns blue at the break. This is how you can distinguish the edible boletus mushroom from other mushrooms.
boletus Description: The boletus is distinguished by a white leg with bright scales, the cap is brownish on top, the cap is white below, and the flesh at the break is white. These are the main differences between an edible mushroom and how edible boletus mushrooms are distinguished from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: The mushroom does not grow under its own tree.
Butter Description: The butterdish (butterfly) has a yellow stem and the same cap with white marks on the edges and a sticky, as if oiled, skin on top, which is easily removed with a knife. Learn to identify poisonous mushrooms.
Danger: discoloration at the break, reddish spongy layer, bitter taste.
Mokhoviki Description: Moss mushrooms have a dark green or reddish velvety cap, a yellow stem and a spongy layer. These are the main signs by which you can distinguish the edible flywheel mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: lack of velvety, reddish color of the spongy layer, bitter taste.
Chanterelle Description: Chanterelle - dense, apricot or light orange in color, the plates from under the cap smoothly turn into a dense and durable stem. A way to distinguish the edible chanterelle mushroom from inedible mushrooms.
Danger: red-orange color, empty stem.
Ryzhik Description: Camelina is a lamellar mushroom of the corresponding color, secreting a milky juice - orange and not bitter in taste. This is how to distinguish the edible saffron mushroom from its look-alike mushrooms.
Danger: white, bitter, acrid milky juice.
Honey mushrooms Description: Honey mushrooms are pecked by families on stumps, roots, and trunks of dead trees. The cap of the honey fungus is ocher-colored and covered with small black scales directed from the middle, underneath there are whitish plates, and on the stem there is a white ring or film.
Danger: grows on the ground, yellow or reddish cap, without scales, black, green or brown plates, no film or ring on the stem, earthy smell.
Gruzd Description: Milk mushroom is a lamellar mushroom, white, with fluffy edges, white and acrid milky juice, grows in flocks next to birch trees. This way you can distinguish milk mushrooms from poisonous and inedible mushrooms.
Danger: sparse blades, sharp blueness and stone hardness at the fracture, absence of birch trees nearby.
Volnushka Description: Volnushka is a lamellar mushroom with a shaggy pink cap, curved at the edges, white and acrid milky juice. This distinctive features waves.
Danger: “wrong” hat - not pink, unfurled, without hairiness.
Russula Description: Russulas are lamellar mushrooms, they break easily, the caps are of different colors - pink, brownish, greenish, the skin is easily removed from them. This way you can distinguish edible russula mushrooms from inedible ones.
Danger: red or brown-black cap, pink leg, reddened or darkened soft film on the leg, coarse and tough flesh, unpleasant and bitter taste.

There are no reliable methods for distinguishing edible and poisonous mushrooms by eye.
, so the only way out is to know each of the mushrooms. If the species identity of mushrooms is in doubt, you should never eat them. Fortunately, among the hundreds of species found in nature, many have such clearly defined characteristics that it is difficult to confuse them with others. However, it is better to always have a mushroom identification tool on hand to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom.

How to identify poisonous mushrooms

Poisonous mushroom, know: there are two ways to remove the poison:

  1. Boil the mushrooms for 15-30 minutes, then drain the broth and rinse the forest fruits in running water. To be sure, the procedure can be repeated twice. Only then can mushrooms be fried, marinated, or added to soups.
  2. Dry the mushrooms. By the way, this should be done in a warm but well-ventilated room, strung on a thread and hung, and not placed on a radiator or stove. In the first case, the toxin goes into a decoction, in the second it evaporates.

Both of these methods do not work on only one mushroom - toadstool.

We wish you a pleasant quiet hunt. And remember that brought home mushrooms need to be processed on the same day. The exception is lamellar mushrooms - they can be soaked overnight.

More and more often we hear news about mushroom poisoning during their peak harvest season. The fact is that even the most experienced mushroom pickers, who can determine whether a mushroom is poisonous or not, often end up in hospital beds.

What is the reason? All mushroom lovers and professionals need to know:

Mushrooms are protein representatives flora, are able to adsorb from the soil or substrate on which all substances grow.

Thus, if even the most edible mushroom is collected in environmentally polluted places, you can expose your body to toxic poisoning: heavy metals and other organic substances.

Since toxins are carefully bound to the protein molecules of the fungus, they are very difficult to neutralize and remove from the body.

It is for such cases that it is necessary to adhere to the rules heat treatment mushrooms, and do not eat them raw.

Basic rules for identifying mushrooms

Recognizing poisonous and edible mushrooms is entirely up to you and your knowledge about mushrooms.

The differences between poisonous mushrooms and edible ones lie not only in external indicators, but also in internal ones.

The fungal body consists of organic protein components, among which the greatest danger is gellic acid, which provokes the destruction of red blood cells. This process is non-negotiable, and the result of poisoning is fatal in 99% of cases.

How to identify poisonous mushrooms? Many of us ask this question.

To recognize poisonous and edible mushrooms, you need to clearly know.

Poisonous mushrooms are primarily distinguished by:

  1. Brightly colored mushroom body or cap;
  2. The presence of various adhesive substances on the surface of the cap;
  3. A sharp change in the color of the mushroom body on the cut;
  4. Release of liquid in the form of mushroom juice;
  5. Complete absence of a tubular layer;
  6. Unnatural smell, without a mushroom tint.

For edible mushrooms, the determining factors are:

  1. The presence of worms and insects in the mushroom body;
  2. Clear correspondence of external indicators to species;
  3. Pronounced mushroom smell;
  4. The presence of a tubular layer under the cap and skirt.

For 100% success in recognizing edible and poisonous mushrooms, you at least need to become familiar with the main representatives of the mushroom kingdom. It is also necessary to clearly understand the distribution by categories of edibility, which in turn determines the method of heat treatment.

The main representatives of poisonous mushrooms

Death cap

It is the most toxic mushroom in our region; the organic components in its composition easily evaporate and can affect edible mushrooms growing nearby. It is widespread in all forest areas. Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse young toadstools with champignons. Adults are very similar in appearance to the green russula, but the pale grebe has a special leaf-like outgrowth in the basal region.

The color of the cap depends on the age of the mushroom and the place of growth. Most often at the beginning of the growing season it is white, then it can take on a light green or yellowish tint.

Adult grebe Young grebe

Fly agaric red

The wild mushroom takes second place in terms of its toxic substances. You should not believe in the myths of its miraculous effect on the nervous system. After all, the hallucinogens that are present in the mushroom body kill nerve cells.

In order to know how to identify a poisonous mushroom, you just need to see it at least once or look at a picture. The mushroom cap is bright red or orange with white small outgrowths over the entire surface.

Fly agaric red

Mushrooms are plagiarists or doubles

To know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms and not confuse them with edible ones, you need to have an idea of ​​mushrooms that are similar in appearance, but completely different in their taste.

Satanic mushroom

Quite often, such mushrooms are confused with boletus mushrooms, but in order to recognize the differences, you need to clearly know the species diversity of boletus mushrooms.

The main defining element of the satanic mushroom is the cap; it is covered with small fibers.

In addition, the satanic mushroom has a certain pronounced smell of rotten onions.

The mesh that covers the stem of the mushroom in the early stages of the growing season is red; when cut, the mushroom also changes color to a bright purple color.

Boletus Satanic mushroom

Chanterelles and their doubles

Among those who like to enjoy the mushroom gifts of the forest, the majority are very fond of chanterelles. When going mushroom hunting, remind your visual memory once again of the main differences between false chanterelles and true ones.

  • Edible chanterelles are pale in color, ranging from light yellow to orange.
  • The hat is up to 10 cm in diameter and has slightly curved edges.
  • The inner plates reach almost to the edge of the mushroom stem.
  • When cut, the juice turns slightly red.

Edible Poisonous

Honey mushrooms and their twins

IN autumn period The time has come to collect honey mushrooms; in order not to confuse them with inedible mushrooms, you need to know that false honey mushrooms are characterized by:

  • They often grow up in splendid isolation.
  • The hat has a distinct color range from light yellow to brown.
  • In rare cases, mucus is observed on the surface of the cap.
  • The skirt on the leg is missing.
  • There may be black dots on the surface of the cap.
  • The smell is acrid, with a hint of mold.

True honey mushrooms are characterized by:

  1. Stem ring;
  2. The hat is light brown or brown.
  3. Pleasant mushroom smell.
  4. The plates under the cap are white to cream in color.
  5. The main difference is that honey mushrooms grow in groups.

Poisonous Edible


They are a fairly common edible mushroom, but are often confused with the Pepper mushroom.

  • The main difference between the poisonous mushroom: the reddish tint of the tubular layer under the cap - in butter mushrooms it is yellow in color.
  • The cap of the pepper mushroom is brownish in color with elements of red.
  • Pronounced bitter taste.

The lethal option when consuming such a mushroom is quite rare, but if it ends up in your basket, when cooked, the butter will spoil the entire mushroom taste with its bitter aftertaste. This fungus causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes continuous profuse vomiting.

Butterfly is edible. Pepper mushroom is inedible.

Need to know

  1. To better understand how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones, turn to professional mushroom pickers, because only a clear example is truly debugged in memory for the future.
  2. Do not forget to correctly assess the area in which you collect mushrooms.
  3. Consider the characteristics of poisonous mushrooms and their diversity.
  4. Follow the cooking rules in order to get everything out. toxic substances mushrooms, they need to be cooked for 25-30 minutes several times. It all depends on the type of mushroom.
  5. When processing collected mushrooms, pay attention to their appearance, because in the forest we often do not notice what we are collecting.

If you have not noticed and consumed poisonous mushrooms, pay attention to what the symptoms of primary poisoning are and what needs to be done:

  • Primary signs of poisoning are manifested by symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Slight weakness and fever are also possible.
  • Secondary effects involve pathological changes in the blood picture, and disruption of the nervous system, as well as a malfunction of the entire body.

If you do not feel well after taking mushrooms, seek medical help immediately.

Do not confuse an overloaded stomach with poisoning, since mushrooms are a fairly nutritious protein product that requires a lot of time and enzymes to digest. Slight heaviness in the abdominal area is normal.

Just try not to overuse mushroom foods along with other heavy foods. Especially with alcohol, alcohols have a very beneficial effect on the absorption of toxins by our body, and mild poisoning can be fatal.

A clear division into: poisonous and edible mushrooms and their definition depends entirely on your skills and knowledge.

Stay healthy and enjoy your mushroom hunting!