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Ekaterina Volga biography personal life. Stanislav Duzhnikova: career and famous roles, personal life. For the first time in a big series

Name: Stanislav Duzhnikov

Age: 44 years old

Place of birth: Saransk

Height: 192 cm

Weight: 90 kg

Activity: theater and film actor

Marital status: married

Stanislav Duzhnikov - biography

A simple guy, open, ordinary, sometimes funny and clumsy, sometimes heroically resourceful and unpredictable. He can be whatever the director wants him to be. He has his own special charisma, he is recognizable and memorable in every image - this is the actor Stanislav Duzhnikov.

Childhood, family

The future actor was born in Mordovia. The family was intelligent, but far from art: both Stas’s mother and father were doctors. The boy has the brightest memories of his childhood. But in adolescence, the child’s cloudless childhood biography began to crack. His parents divorced.

When Stas was supposed to go to 7th grade, he was moved to his grandmother in the village. Grandmother was an honored teacher. From this age he literally “fell ill” with the theater. At first he simply helped the school theater group as a loader, and then began to play roles in children's plays.

Duzhnikov's studies

But it was not so easy to start writing an actor’s biography; desire alone was not enough. He was unable to enter the Institute of Culture of the city of Kazan due to ignorance of the Tatar language, although he graduated from school with a silver medal. But he did not despair; he was easily accepted into the cultural school in Saransk. But the faculty was chosen as the future actor by the director. A year later, Duzhnikov realized that the choice had been made incorrectly. He leaves for Moscow to study at the famous Shchukin School.

Stas learned a lot from his grandmother, he knew a lot and was extremely resourceful and enterprising. There was no money, but the guy was able to rent a house. He began helping the apartment owners with housework. He still failed to enroll in the school, which attracted him with its inaccessibility. Then he managed to enter the capital's Institute of Arts. Four times Duzhnikov took exams at the Shchukin Theater School, and actor Evgeny Knyazev saw the charisma and talent of the future star of the series “Voronin”, taking him to his course.

Stanislav Duzhnikov - theatrical biography

Stanislav was taken to the Gogol Theater, but for two years he played only small roles. The real work began only in the theater of Mikhail Efremov and Mikhail Gorev, to whom the actor moved.

Then he was noticed and invited to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, a little later he changed the theater again, moving to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.


Now Stanislav plays only on the stage of the Art Theater, acting in films. The film “DMB” made the actor truly famous, for which he received the “Army” award. Then the comedy “Down House” and the detective series “Kamenskaya 2” appeared on the list of his films.

In the series “Voronins” Stanislav found himself in the role of Leonid Voronin. The actor loved his hero so much that he even deliberately gained extra pounds. The series stars a truly stellar cast: Boris Klyuev, Ekaterina Volkova, Anna Frolovtseva and Georgy Dronov. The Golden Rhinoceros award went to Stanislav for the best role in the audience’s favorite series. The biography of actor Duzhnikov is an enviable example of perseverance and perseverance on the path to his dream.

Duzhnikov's other hobbies

The actor is fascinated by voice acting for animated films. His voice is in demand in Russia and abroad. He speaks for the hero Ralph of the cartoon of the same name, He is Asterix and Ilya Muromets. Stanislav Mikhailovich has now lost weight, he has lost sixty kilograms. He exercises hard and eats right. Duzhnikov is the director of “Saturday Evening”; he also likes to participate in entertainment shows, which include “Blue Light” and “New Year’s Parade of Stars”. The comedy “Grafomaniacs” and the drama about a patch on the Neva should soon be released on cinema screens.

Duzhnikov in 2014 received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Mordovia. In the same year, the actor was awarded the “Cinema Policeman” award. It was estimated that he played eighteen roles as police officers in films. Before this, there was already the “Irony of Fate” award and the Oleg Tabakov award. Stanislav Duzhnikov is so remarkable as an actor that Sergei Sobyanin, the mayor of Moscow, asked him and Ekaterina Volkova to open the capital's fair. Duzhnikov did an excellent job with the role of Father Frost.

The year 2014 was notable for Duzhnikov because, among other celebrities, he carried the Olympic flame in the city that had become his home. Saransk rejoiced to see its favorite hero and actor in a new role. Stanislav reads Chekhov's works very well. He is a member of the Gift of Life society and participates in charity events. Sometimes I tried myself as a host and co-host of many television programs.

Stanislav Duzhnikov - biography of personal life

The first wife of Stanislav Duzhnikov was Kristina Babushkina. It took the young people a year and a half to understand that they should get married. From this marriage a daughter was born. His wife was Stas’s theater colleague. Four years after the wedding, Stas and Christina divorced, but they are still united by their daughter and friendly relations.

Now the press is full of headlines about Duzhnikov’s new hobby. The man is often seen accompanied by a florist and designer Katerina Volga.

Stanislav Duzhnikov - filmography, films

Everything we've dreamed of for so long
Request stop
How I complain about life
Persona non grata
Pushkin. Poetry in 37 years
Chasing an angel
From love to love
Friday. 12
Games for adults
good bad day

Stanislav Duzhnikov is one of the most popular actors in modern Russian cinema. Films with his participation become favorites of thousands of viewers.

Stanislav Duzhnikov was born in Saransk (Mordovia) into a family of doctors. Our hero’s grandfather and grandmother worked as teachers all their lives. Until adolescence, the boy was raised by his parents in urban conditions. And when grandfather died, they decided to send him to the village. And in sixth grade, Stanislav Duzhnikov went to the same school in the village where his grandparents once taught.

The artist himself recalls the village period of life as one of the most interesting and important in life. Until the sixth grade, the boy was considered difficult to educate, a hooligan and an uncontrollable teenager. He was accused more than once of breaking glass, shooting with a slingshot, and not wanting to study. And only moving to the village could change the course of “history.”

Stanislav’s older sister graduated from school in the village with a gold medal, and relatives from all sides also took charge of his upbringing. A year later the boy changed, and he graduated from the seventh grade with good grades.

In the village, Duzhnikov never had to be bored: all the usual rural chores that his fellow villagers faced every day were familiar to him: weeding gardens, caring for domestic animals, haymaking, etc. But the teenager managed everything easily and had time for activities in clubs. The very first of them was the school amateur club. It was here that the 14-year-old teenager played his first role - one of the daughters of the evil stepmother in the production of the play “Cinderella”.

The premiere of the play was a success among the audience. And the talented teenager was respected by his peers. He also became popular among girls, who vying with each other began to offer him their friendship.

It was the lesson in the village theater club that determined the future fate of our hero. His decision to enroll in a theater institute after graduating from school did not find support from his relatives. Therefore, the young man set off to conquer the capital, informing everyone that he was going to study at a medical institute. In fact, he submitted documents to the Shchukin School.

Why “Pike”? As the actor himself says: he didn’t even have any other options. He liked the atmosphere of this particular university. Therefore, having failed to get in the first time, he persistently conquered the examiners for more than one year. The doors of the famous university opened for Stanislav Duzhnikov only on the fourth attempt.

During this time, he managed to experience all the hardships of life in the capital, working as a janitor, a waiter, and a driver. He also lived wherever he had to: from a station bench to an air mattress in a friends kitchen. His classmates were already graduating from universities, and he was just starting his studies. The fourth attempt at admission was decisive: the future actor decided that if he failed now, he would end his theatrical dream forever. By chance, he was accepted into Evgeniy Knyazev’s course.

Duzhnikov's theatrical career began at the Theater. Gogol. For two years the young artist played small roles. The talent was fully revealed only after moving to Mikhail Efremov in his “Theatrical Events Factory”. This was the first and necessary experience of participating in enterprise performances.

Soon the Russian actor found himself in yet another theater - with the famous Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Eight years of work in this institution turned out to be useful for his career: it was here that Duzhnikov met many famous artists and directors. In 2009, the actor was able to fulfill his dream: he moved to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov to Oleg Tabakov. This is where he continues to work today.

But the actor began his film career by filming episodes. In 1995, while still a student at Shchuka, he starred in the role of a “village guy dressed in a red shirt” in the film The Peasant Young Lady, where Elena Korikova played the main role.

Then there were several more small episodes in different films. And real fame came to Duzhnikov after participating in the film “DMB”.

Popular films featuring Duzhnikov

Only five years passed from the start of his acting career in cinema to Duzhnikov’s first success. In 2000, he played his first big role, after which viewers across the country began to recognize him.


The cult film about everyday life in the army, directed by Ivan Okhlobystin and Roman Kachanov, was released in 2000. The film shows the “harsh truth” of the service in the “90s” in an ironic style.

Duzhnikov got to audition for DMB by accident: he simply came to the film studio in company with fellow artists from the theater. Gogol. The directors noticed him and offered him to play the role of the slob “Bomb”.

The actor conveyed the image of a clumsy soldier so well that he became a favorite among the audience. It was thanks to his performance that already in the same year it was decided to film a sequel to the film. And almost at the same time, Ivan Okhlobystin invited Duzhnikov to play in the film “Down House”.


In 2002, a continuation of the series based on the novels of Alexandra Marinina was released. Here the actor played the role of detective Misha Dotsenko. A young police officer appeared in the script to replace the hero Lesnikov, played by Dmitry Nagiyev. If Lesnikov’s image is a heartthrob, then Misha Dotsenko is a kind of “your guy.”

After “Kamenskaya-2” there followed several more seasons of the series with Duzhnikov’s participation.

"Paragraph 78"

The film “Paragraph 78” directed by Mikhail Khleborodov was released in 2007. The genre of the film is action. Stanislav Duzhnikov got the role of Lyuba, a prison warden. The film featured a star cast - Vladimir Vdovichenko, Gosha Kutsenko.

Despite the participation of “stars” and an impressive budget, the film “failed” at the box office.

Since 1998, the artist’s theatrical “basket” has collected more than 25 notable roles. This is the lawyer Zelko in the play “Let's Fly to Milan”, the manufacturer Mylny in “My Crime”, the Abbot in “Adrien”, several roles simultaneously in “The Rubber Prince”, Andrei Prozorov in “Three Sisters”, Yuri Podkolesin in “Marriage”, Meyers in Prima Donnas, Patrick in The Generation of Mowgli, Kostya Novgorodtsev in Odnoklassniki.

Stanislav Duzhnikov is actively involved in dubbing films and animated films. It is in his voice that Emperor Peter the Great “speaks” in “The Secrets of the Sukharev Tower”, Ralph in Disney’s “Wreck-It Ralph”, Savva the owl from “Oz: Return to the Emerald City”.

Leonid Voronin is a favorite of Russian TV viewers

One of the actor’s most recognizable roles was the role of Leni in the TV series “Voronin”. It is in this home sitcom that Duzhnikov has starred since 2009. In order to play the image of a clumsy but very kind investigator, the eldest son of the Voronin dynasty, the actor had to gain twenty-five kilograms in just two months.

Awards and prizes

Four years ago, in 2014, Stanislav Duzhnikov became an Honored Artist of Mordovia. The same 2014 was marked for the actor by receiving two more awards: the “Policeman of Cinema” award, which he received for 18 roles played as law enforcement officers in films, and the Oleg Tabakov Award was also added to his treasury of achievements.

The actor also has three more important awards in his archive: in 2003 - the Army Award for filming in DMB; 2008 – “Irony of Fate” award for participation in the series “Ring with Turquoise; 2008 – received the “Golden Rhinoceros” for the role of Leni Voronin in the TV series “Voronin”.

  1. Stanislav gained 25 kg in order to play in the TV series “Voronin” in 2009, but already in 2012, according to the script, he had to lose 20 kg.
  2. During the 2014 Olympics, he received the right to carry the Olympic flame in his native Saransk.
  3. He is considered one of the main Santa Clauses of the country. According to rumors, this role was transferred to him from Dmitry Nazarov. The actor himself claims: no one really knows who is hiding behind the image of Santa Claus, since this must remain a secret.
  4. In 2016, I “lost” another 60 kg by switching to a healthy diet.

Personal life

The first and so far only official wife of Stanislav Duzhnikov was actress Kristina Babushkina. Andrei Merzlikin introduced them: two young people were invited to his birthday party. But the relationship between Stanislav and Christina began to develop almost two years after this acquaintance. In 2007, the couple had a daughter, Ustinha.

Unfortunately, soon after the birth of the child, family relations deteriorated, and the couple decided to separate, remaining friends. Today they play in the same theater, raise a daughter, often appear together at various events and take photographs for magazines.

The actor’s second wife is Ekaterina Volga. The couple is not officially married, but this does not prevent them from being happy together for five years. Ekaterina is the owner of a store that sells flowers from all over the world.

Stas Duzhnikov today: latest news

Today, the actor continues to actively act in films, commercials and play in the theater. Chekhov. In 2018, filming of “The Voronins” with his participation continued. The artist also takes part in the volunteer movement and does charity work. For ten recent years is a member of the BO “Give Life”; takes part in social programs (“Remember your roots”).

Among the most recent theater premieres is participation in Yuri Kravets’s production of “A Glass of Water.” In this performance, the actor plays together with his ex-wife Kristina Babushkina.


The actor is constantly improving. Actively filming, working, helping others and strangers. There have been changes in appearance actor. Stas Duzhnikov continues to adhere to healthy image life, goes in for sports.

Stanislav Mikhailovich Duzhnikov. Born on May 17, 1973 in Saransk. Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the Republic of Mordovia (2014).

He made his stage debut while still in school - he played the stepmother's daughter in Cinderella and received a prize for this role.

He graduated from school with a silver medal in the village of Staroe Shaigovo, where his grandmother Anastasia Fedorovna, an honored teacher, lived. Then he entered the Saransk School of Culture, the department of directing cultural events.

On the fourth attempt, he entered the Shchukin Theater School, which he graduated from in 1998, course of E.V. Knyazev. After graduating from university, he became an actor at the Gogol Theater.

Since 1999 - actor at M. Gorevoy's Theatrical Events Factory. Since 2001 he has worked in the theater under the direction of. In 2009 he was accepted into the troupe of the Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.

Theatrical works of Stanislav Duzhnikov:

1998-2000 - “Let's fly to Milan” - lawyer Zelko;
1998-2000 - “My crime” - manufacturer Mylny;
1998-2000 - “Ugly Elsa” - agronomist;
1999-2000 - “Dreyfus” - pogromist;
1999-2000 - “St. Petersburg” - Andrey Likhutin;
1999-2001 - “Men and Mice” - Lenny;
2000 - “Woyzeck” - Jack Woyzeck;
2001-2009 - “Balalaikin and Company” - commander Rededya;
2001-2009 - “Killer Theatre” - Bedboot;
2002-2009 - “Powder Keg” - Gele;
2003 - “Adrienne, or Bravo, Mademoiselle Lecouvreur!” - Abbot;
2003 - “The Rubber Prince” - several roles;
2004-2009 - “She is in the absence of love and death” - Dr. Engels;
2004-2009 - “Three Sisters” - Andrey Prozorov;
2006 - “The Laughing Flower” - Harry;
2009 - “Don Juan, or the Stone Guest” - Don Juan;
2009 - “Pickwick Club” - Joe;
2010 - “Marriage” - Yuri Podkolesin;
2011 - “Home” - Alexander Savelov;
2012 - “Ghosts” - Raffaele;
2012 - “Divas” - Dr. Myers;
2012 - “Last summer in Chulimsk” - Innokenty Mechetkin;
2013 - “Generation Mowgli” - Patrick;
2014 - “Bear” - Vitaly Smirnov;
2014 - “No. 13D” - Ronnie;
2015 - “Odnoklassniki” - Kostya Novgorodtsev.

Since 1995 he has acted in films. The first role was episodic - in the popular film “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, he played a young serf.

The actor gained recognition after the role of Tolya Pistemeyev, nicknamed “Bomb”, in the film DMB(2000). He also starred in the sequels of the film. The actor’s work in the television series “Kamenskaya” and “Turkish March” also became successful. In 2003 he received the Army Award (for the film DMB).

In 2008, he was awarded the “Irony of Fate” award for his main role in the series “Ring with Turquoise.”

But really wide audience love came to him after the role of Lenya Voronin in the sitcom "Voronins".

In 2011, the actor was awarded the Golden Rhinoceros award for the best male lead role in the series Voronin.

Stanislav Duzhnikov in the TV series "Voronin"

It is worth noting that for the role of Leonid Voronin he had to gain weight (this is how the directors imagined the role) - he ate six times a day, ate flour and sweets. However, to film other projects, it was necessary to lose weight - because only a very small number of directors are interested in a fat actor. And by the beginning of 2013, Duzhnikov managed to lose more than 20 kilograms. And in 2016 he announced that only !

In 2014, he received the “Millionaire of Cinema” award for his 18 police roles played in cinema. In the same year he was awarded a prize.

IN New Year(from 2013 to 2014) with a colleague in the series “Voronin” Ekaterina Volkova (II) at the request of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the Moscow Fair. Stanislav played the role of Father Frost. Let us add that it was Stanislav Duzhnikov who was entrusted with carrying the Olympic flame in his hometown of Saransk in 2014.

Of the later works, it is worth noting the paintings “Metro”, “1812: Uhlan Ballad”, “Happiness is...”, “Translator”.

In 2010 he organized the festival of children's and youth creativity "Viva". On September 25, 2015, the actor took part in theatrical online readings of A. P. Chekhov’s works “Chekhov Lives.”

He is involved in charity work. Since 2008 he has been a member of the Gift of Life society.

Has experience working in television. So, in 2003 he was the host of the “Non-Random Meetings” program, in 2011 he became the co-host of the “Kinolyapy” program, and in 2012 - the “My Dad is a Master” program. In 2013, he was a member of the jury of the Creative Class program.

Stanislav Duzhnikov and Yuri Stoyanov - "Ditties"

Stanislav Duzhnikov's height: 192 centimeters.

Personal life Stanislava Duzhnikov:

The first wife is actress Kristina Babushkina. The couple has a daughter, Ustinya (born 2007). They lived in marriage for 7 years, but then divorced.

They separated peacefully, explaining that the love was gone. The ex-spouses have maintained friendly relations, both work at the Chekhov Theater. They speak well of each other. “We lived with Stas for 7 years, and we still maintain warm, friendly relations. Love left, and we decided to set each other free,” said Kristina Babushkina.

Stanislav Duzhnikov with Kristina Babushkina and daughter Ustinya

Lives since 2013 civil marriage with designer Katerina Volga.

Filmography of Stanislav Duzhnikov:

1995 - Young Peasant Lady - Guy in a Red Shirt
1998 - Good rubbish, bad rubbish - bartender in a restaurant
2000 - DMB - Tolya Pistemeyev, “Bomb”
2000-2007 - Turkish March - Grigory Antipov
2000 - DMB 002 - Tolya Pistemeyev, “Bomb”
2000 - Stop on demand - Alexander Evgenievich, school physical education teacher
2001 - Down House - boyar Svinin
2001 - Truckers - Konstantin Fadin
2001 - DMB 003 - Tolya Pistemeyev, aka “Bomb”
2001 - DMB 004 - Tolya Pistemeyev, aka “Bomb”
2001 - DMB: again in battle - Tolya Pistemeyev, “Bomb”
2001 - Stop on demand 2 - Alexander Evgenievich, school physical education teacher
2002 - Kamenskaya 2 - Mikhail Dotsenko
2003 - Binge Theory - Sasha Belov, tractor driver
2003 - Kamenskaya 3 - Mikhail Dotsenko
2004 - French - Anatoly Shcheglov
2004 - Truckers 2 - Konstantin Fadin
2004 - Turkish Gambit - Semyon Alekseev, bartender
2005 - Fraudsters - Vasily Zorin
2005 - Girls - Pyotr Sergeevich Nazarov, owner of the “Girls” company
2005 - Persona non grata - Ivan Purgin, aka “Elephant”
2005 - Multiplying sadness - Vasily Teplov, aka “Smagliy”
2005 - Cherub - Nikolai Yurchenko, bodyguard of Stas
2007 - Paragraph 78. The first film - Andrei Voitevich, aka “Lyuba”
2007 - Love-Carrot - Danila
2007 - Paragraph 78. The second film - Andrei Voitevich, aka “Lyuba”
2007 - Breakaway - Ilya Romanyuk
2007 - May - Sergey Artemyev, aka “Bratella”
2007 - Chasing an Angel - Viktor Repkin, aka “Turnip”
2007 - Snow Angel - Andrey Vinogradov
2007 - Let's Play - Oleg Zakharov, aka the Conder bandit
2007 - Moon - Odessa - Mitya, Boris’s brother
2007 - The Elusive Four - Denis, aka “Dan”
2008 - Nobody knows about sex 2: No sex - Arseny Volobuev
2008 - Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor - Semyon Neyasny
2008 - Ring with turquoise - Peter
2008 - From love to love - Gleb Belyachenko
2008 - Kamenskaya 4 - Mikhail Dotsenko
2008 - Kamenskaya 5 - Mikhail Dotsenko
2008 - Adventures in the Thirtieth Kingdom - Ilya Muromets
2008 - Mines in the fairway - Boris Kochin
2008 - Suddenly a wizard will arrive - Georgy Stepanovich Novgorodtsev
2008 - Operation “Righteous” - Viktor Abramov
2008 - Friday. 12 - Kostya, aka Sergeant “Gloomy”
2009 - Annushka - Vasily Yuryevich Galochkin (Uncle Vasya), husband of Aunt Galya
2009 - Shpak's People - Bogdan Nechoda
2009-2016 - Voronins - Leonid Nikolaevich Voronin
2009 - Assassination - Yuri Mamontov
2009-2010 - - Valentin Smirnov
2010 - Enigma - Sergei Svirsky
2010 - Diamond Arm 2 - Alexey Zabegaev, police captain
2010 - Tram to Paris - Alexey Ivanovich
2011 - Kamenskaya 6 - Mikhail Dotsenko
2011-2012 - Newlyweds - Leonid Voronin
2012 - 1812: Uhlan ballad - non-commissioned officer Ptukha
2012 - Metro - Mikhail
2013 - Lednikov - Sergey Pryadko, investigator
2015 - Happiness is... - Guslyarov
2015 - Translator - Borya
2017 - Graphomafia
2017 - Nevsky Piglet
2017 - - Dmitry Astrov, prosecutor

Voiced by Stanislav Duzhnikov:

2011 - Secrets of the Sukharev Tower - Emperor Peter I
2012 - Tad Jones and the Lost City - Kopanin “Kopponen”
2012 - Ralph - Ralph
2012 - Asterix and the Vikings - Asterix
2013 - Ilya Muromets - Ilya Muromets
2013 - Bogatyrs are always in battle - Ilya Muromets
2014 - Secrets of the Sukharev Tower. The Sorcerer of Balance - Emperor Peter I
2014 - Oz: Return to the Emerald City - Savva the owl
2015 - The Last Man of Atlantis - Maximilian

Vocals by Stanislav Duzhnikov:

“Police rock and roll” - film “People of Shpak”
“Shrimp” - film “”
“Everything will be fine” - film “”
“We are everywhere” - the film “The Elusive Four”
“To the Guitar” - film “May”
“Oh, God, what a trifle!” - “Live Sound” program
“Ditties about people” (together with Yuri Stoyanov) - program “Saturday Evening”

The ex-wife of Stanislav Duzhnikov, Kristina Babushkina, told the site about the car accident she experienced, work and family.

In 1998, Christina came to conquer the capital with one suitcase; she decided to become an actress at all costs. Few people know what trials she had to go through before this...

“In 1995, there was a car accident with very serious consequences,” says Babushkina. – I was 17 years old, I studied at a theater school in Irkutsk. The consequences of the accident were such that I practically did not get out of bed for two years; becoming disabled and realizing it at that age is very difficult. I had all sorts of thoughts, I was shuddering because this could be forever... Then I thought that life was over. The doctors, of course, did not give any comforting forecasts. At some point I decided that I would never give up and fought with all my might. I had many operations, the last one was in April, and in May I left to enter a theater university in Moscow. My attending physician was horrified, he said: “Lord, where are you going! Who will you play there - Baba Yaga without makeup?! Wherever it takes you, so you arrange for your parents...”

But the girl with a stern Siberian character did not give up on her goal.

– When I came to Moscow, I was an absolute Joan of Arc, I had either black or white, a clear moral code, my own foundations. Now I understand that I need to give in somewhere, and not go ahead, not be so categorical. Maybe if I had been more flexible, my career would have turned out even better. Nevertheless, I was very lucky to get into the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. No matter how trite it may sound, he became a second father to me. To this day I work for him at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov.

Works in the same theater ex-husband Kristina Stanislav Duzhnikov, star of the series “Voronin”. The couple lived together for 7 years. In 2007, their daughter Ustinya was born. Close couples say that their relationship began to deteriorate after Stas moved from the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, it’s still not easy to be together both at home and at work. However, artistic director Oleg Tabakov really liked their union; he helped the young family purchase a two-room apartment on the banks of the Moscow River, in the historical center of the capital, on Taganka. Christina lives there now. Whether her heart is free is unknown; the girl herself maintains intrigue, but fans write that the actress is having an affair with a doctor. Stas is not alone either - since 2013 he has been dating florist Katerina Volga. Despite everything, Duzhnikov and Babushkina maintained good relations after breaking up.

“Manipulating children is a utopia,” Christina is sure. “I won’t hide: it’s very difficult to turn everything into friendship after a divorce, but I feel more comfortable this way, especially since we work on the same stage,” Christina is sure. “You can’t blame anyone for what happened, you can’t make claims against each other, you have to throw everything away and move on.” Honestly, now my friendly relations with Stas are very valuable to me. He can see Stesha whenever he wants (that’s what the actress calls their daughter Ustinya. - Author), she often visits her dad.

-Who does she look more like?

- At me! It's clear that she has characteristic features Stas are present, they are rather similar internally, but externally they are absolutely me.

– What is your daughter interested in?

– Stesha is 9 years old, and she is such a creative girl: first she wanted to become an architect, then a librarian, then a cook and a singer, but recently she asked: “Mom, can I go to theater studio? In general, I decided to try myself in acting. Well, what can you do? If my daughter makes such a choice, then I won’t lie flat; of course, I want her to have some other profession. But if my daughter says, take it out and put it away, there’s no escape. But I’m definitely not going to make her a pop star or a famous artist. Our family has different principles. For example, I don’t allow her to register on social networks, at least after she’s 13 years old, but she’s already asking for a Facebook page. I understand that physically I don’t have time to keep track of what they write to her and what she reads. Therefore, I try to switch it to another type of activity. She often comes with me on the set - such a typical acting child who will help spread the text and bring water to everyone. Every summer Stesha always flies to Irkutsk, there is very beautiful nature, Lake Baikal. We have a big family, so she doesn’t get bored there, I also go there periodically, depending on how the filming schedule allows.

Kristina Babushkina with her daughter Ustinya / Ali Magomedov / Global Look Press

Kristina was born into a family of musicians, her parents have been divorced for a long time, both live in Irkutsk. The heroine of our publication has a brother Arseny, he is 28 years old, and a sister Svetlana, she is 25 years old. My brother graduated from MGIMO in Moscow, but then decided to go into business and returned to hometown, and my sister lives in Irkutsk, works as a translator from Korean.

Babushkina has more than fifty film roles under her belt; her debut work was a small role in the TV series “Truckers” in 2001. Since then, her track record has been replenished with famous films: “Zemsky Doctor”, “Teacher in Law”, “Silent Hunt”, “Shukshin’s Stories”, “The General’s Wife”. Recently, all cinemas showed the premiere of Roman Prygunov’s drama “Spiritless 2” (starring Danila Kozlovsky), where Kristina played junior justice adviser Oksana Maslova.

– Now in Moscow they are filming a new series by Alexei Popogrebsky “Optimists” for the channel “Russia 1”.

This is a story about the work of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 60s, building relationships with other countries (they say that film set Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, visited and liked the idea of ​​a new film. - Author). The film stars wonderful actors: Egor Koreshkov, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Galina Polskikh, Evgenia Dmitrieva. My heroine’s name there is “Queen Tamara”, I can’t say anything more for now...