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What are the responsibilities of an economist at an enterprise? What does an economist do? The most in-demand professions Where economists work

The ideas of the greatest economist Karl Marx formed the basis of the idea of ​​the Russian revolution. Vladimir Lenin found in them the truth of a new world, a new order. The scientist’s works changed not only Russian, but also world history. It was on their basis that communism in the Soviet interpretation was built. Joseph Stiglitz criticized the policies of the World Bank even as the organization's chief economist. He literally forced the world's attention to the obstacles that free markets create in developing countries.Paul Krugman even seemed like a soothsayer, because throughout the entire presidency of George Bush he predicted the economic consequences of every decision of the first person of the state and turned out to be right.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of leading specialists in the global economy. But is it really possible to achieve such heights by graduating from one of the provincial Russian universities? Who is an economist, what should a specialist know and what can a specialist count on? Let's talk about this further.

Who is an economist

An economist is a specialist in the field of economic sciences. His professional activities are based on research, planning and management of activities (primarily economic ones). Contrary to popular belief, economics is a humanities science, not a technical one. The profession should not be confused with the specialty of an accountant or financier. This is an independent industry, and the work of specialists is aimed specifically at analysis, planning, and research into consequences and risks. An economist can be a scientist (theorist) or a manager (practitioner). The list of responsibilities and tasks depends on the position.

What does a practicing economist do:

  • Plans the company's activities.
  • Analyzes processes, develops strategies to improve economic efficiency.
  • Determines the system of remuneration of personnel and their financial motivation.
  • Calculates the costs and profits of an enterprise in the short and long term.
  • Controls financial processes in the enterprise.

A practical economist can also hold positions in government agencies - for example, be the Minister of Economic Development. However, more often such positions go to theorists - scientists who are able to look at things more broadly and work with the larger economies of cities, regions and countries. Practitioners are often in demand at enterprises, banks and other financial institutions, in the hotel and restaurant business. Depending on qualifications, a specialist can occupy different positions in the company structure.

Key features of the profession

The main task of a specialist in an enterprise is to organize activities in such a way that it is profitable and profits constantly grow. Knowledge of economics alone is not enough for a company to achieve high profits.

Therefore, it is important to ensure interaction with engineers, marketers, HR managers, senior management and other parts of the organization.

Example : The economist considers it necessary to purchase inexpensive Chinese equipment during the crisis and reduce this cost item by 30%. But production engineers know that this particular technique will not ensure production at standard levels and product quality. If a decision is made based on the economic component alone, it will lead to collapse. That’s why contact with the company’s personnel and its management is so important.

Accordingly, we can highlight the basic features of the profession:

  1. The need to build contact with company personnel, collect information from experts on each specific issue.
  2. Participation in the construction of large-scale strategies, the ability to ensure their implementation in the short and long term.
  3. The relevance of constantly analyzing the market situation and improving your own qualifications - the market is changing too quickly.

In addition, each enterprise may require a specialist to perform a different range of tasks. So a small company cannot afford to maintain a large staff in the field of economics and finance. Accordingly, an economist can take on the functions of an accountant, financier, auditor and other specialties that are indirectly related to his main job responsibilities. Practice shows that economists, in the original understanding of the meaning of this profession, are mainly scientists and officials who are abstracted from the realities of modern production.

Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online English language school, which provides the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What an economist should know

First of all, theory. In practice, managers, finance and credit specialists can work in this position. But in comparison with narrow specialists in the industry, they have a key disadvantage - the lack of specialized higher education. During this process, the most powerful theoretical foundation is laid, which is important to be able to apply in practice.

What an economist should know first:

  • Theory of economic sciences.
  • Accounting.
  • Precedents from world experience.
  • Algorithms for overcoming the crisis.
  • Investments and management.

Many specialists receive a second education after employment. For example, when working in a company specializing in food production, they receive the additional profession of production technologist. This helps to increase operational efficiency and understanding of the key features of the enterprise. The economy in this case is inextricably linked with production. And ensuring maximum profit for the company, the least painful way out of the crisis and labor efficiency is possible only with expert knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise.

What personal qualities should a specialist have?

Analytic mind. An economist is, first of all, a strategist and an excellent manager. In this situation, he needs to analyze a lot, to see what even the senior management of the company does not see.

Market research, monitoring the dynamics of the company’s economic development, building a strategy for increasing profits and reducing operating costs are the basic tasks of a specialist.

An analytical mind and the ability to see the market picture in nuances are the key qualities that a specialist must have.

Perfectionism. Psychologists call the constant pursuit of ideals a deviation from the norm, but for an economist it is to some extent necessary. One missed nuance can make the entire economic picture of an enterprise incorrect. In this situation, dedication and the willingness to repeatedly retest strategies and ideas are especially important. Constant development, the desire for self-education and studying world experience also play an important role. The market does not stand still, and the economist needs to constantly analyze the situation.

Communication skills. A practitioner needs to contact employees of enterprises, organizations, establishments and institutions. He cannot be an expert on all issues, so the ability to obtain a professional opinion from a person who has a better understanding of any issue is especially important. It is equally important to find a common language with management and convince them of the correctness of the proposed strategy for economic development or overcoming the crisis - in practice, bosses rarely trust their subordinates, regardless of the employee’s qualifications and achievements.

Where is the best place to study to become an economist?

The presentation of the educational institution should not confuse you. Non-state universities, online universities - all this is good, but not for first education. It is best to obtain it at a classical state university or institute. And the more prestigious the educational institution you choose, the better.

  • Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.
  • High School of Economics.
  • MGIMO.
  • Economic University named after. Plekhanov
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.

The leadership of these universities is ambiguous. In various rankings, the TOP 5 includes St. Petersburg State University, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and other higher educational institutions.

Pay attention not so much to statistical, but to real indicators. Find out from the admissions office what percentage of graduates work in their specialty. Check average salary data. Pay attention to reviews from students and graduates - this information is constantly changing and will only be relevant at the time of search. Don't be lazy to find and analyze it.

Do graduates of regional, less prestigious universities have a chance for a successful career? Undoubtedly. Graduates of prestigious universities have advantages at the start, but as they work, all preferences dissolve. Whether you can make a dizzying career or be content with an average salary depends only on you. 90% of the world's best economists graduated from prestigious universities. But getting into the remaining 10% is quite possible if you really want it.

Pros and cons of the profession

When talking about advantages and disadvantages, it is important to keep their conventions in mind. In different companies and organizations, economists may be given different powers, and different requirements may be placed on them. Therefore, we note only those advantages and disadvantages that are the most common and claim to be objective.

Advantages of being an economist:

  • A chance to make a dizzying career.
  • On average high wages.
  • Prestigious profession.
  • Opportunity to take up leadership positions.
  • An interesting job for people with an analytical mind.
  • Significant impact.

The influence of a specialist is expressed in his professional role: the fate of the enterprise, and sometimes of the region, country, and world economy will depend on the correctness of the chosen economic development strategy. When schoolchildren write an essay on the topic “My future profession is an economist,” they do not always realize the importance of this specialty. But just as often they forget about significant shortcomings.

Disadvantages of being an economist:

  • Difficulty of learning.
  • Minimum budget places.
  • Preferences for graduates of prestigious universities.
  • Complex work without instructions and algorithms.
  • The need to constantly improve.

Lack of instructions is one of the key drawbacks. If at school you are used to learning formulas, theorems and solving formulaic problems based on the knowledge you have acquired, then everything will be completely different here. You know how the head of a large company dealt with the crisis. But you don’t know what to do when your company suffers losses due to the failure of an advertising campaign. Therefore, there can be no talk of any instructions or guarantees of the correctness of the decision you made.

How much does an economist earn?

Wages vary not only in regions - there is a significant difference between the maximum and minimum wages.

The average salary of an economist in Russia is 42 thousand rubles. But obviously this is the “average temperature in the hospital.” About 70% of specialists work in the regions and receive no more than 25-27 thousand rubles. Here the gap is significant even in comparison with the national average.

In the capital, the average salary of an economist is 90 thousand rubles. But even here there are specialists who work for the notorious 30 thousand. The gap between the maximum and minimum wages is significant. According to statistics, the best specialists in Russia in the field of economics receive over 450 thousand rubles per month. Naturally, their share of the total number is extremely small. The size of your salary will depend only on you - no one can guarantee the maximum.


If you decide to choose economics as the area of ​​your professional development, then try to choose a state and the most prestigious university for studying. Remember that this is not the easiest profession; it is suitable only for very responsible, developed people with an analytical mind. You will have to work hard and take risks to have a great career. You shouldn’t expect huge salaries immediately after graduating from university.

Economist is a specialist in the field of economics, an expert on economic issues. Economists are called both scientists (that is, specialists in the field of economic science) and practitioners who work in the field of research, planning and management of the economic activities of an enterprise. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in mathematics and economics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

An economist is one of the most important specialists in an enterprise. The job of an economist is to correctly set priorities and goals to obtain maximum profits with minimal losses.

Features of the profession

The responsibilities of an economist include: conducting an economic analysis of the organization’s work to improve the efficiency of its activities.


  • plans and improves the activities of the enterprise;
  • participates in determining the system of remuneration and incentives for all categories of employees, calculates the organization’s need for personnel;
  • plans costs, use of resources, expenses and profits of the enterprise;
  • exercises control over the process of performing financial and economic activities.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession: The profession of “economist” is in high demand in the labor market. The versatility of the profession allows you to find work in any sector of the economy. Having special economic knowledge, you can safely open your own business without the risk of becoming unprofitable.
Disadvantages of the profession: High responsibility: the success of the enterprise depends on the work of an economist. Quite a lot of competition in the labor market due to an overabundance of specialists. Painstaking work with numbers.

Place of work

The profession of “economist” is in demand in almost all areas:

  • Government institutions dealing with economic issues (Ministry of Finance, Central Bank);
  • industrial and agricultural enterprises;
  • educational institutions (teaching activities);
  • Hotel and restaurant business;
  • organizations and enterprises of small, medium and large businesses;
  • financial organizations (banks, tax inspectorates, pension funds, insurance agencies);
  • research institutes, Academy of Sciences.

Important qualities

High intellectual performance, developed logical memory, high concentration, ability to work with large amounts of information, ability to competently express and prove one’s point of view (orally and in writing), responsibility, organization, self-confidence. Active life position, penchant for research activities.

Training to become an economist

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to obtain a profession within the framework of additional education. In addition to retraining programs, the Academy offers advanced training courses in the main areas and specializations within this professional field. Distance learning is possible.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

In this course you can get a profession as an economist in 6 months and 10,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.


Salary as of 08/05/2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 35000—100000 ₽

Career steps and prospects

To gain extensive experience, it is better for a novice economist to start working in a small enterprise. Here he will quickly become acquainted with the real state of affairs in the Russian economy and organization in particular. From the first days he will have to solve a whole range of problems, and not work in one direction. The career growth of an economist is to achieve the position of chief economist, and subsequently, financial director, subject to a high level of development of management competencies.

Famous Economists

Historians consider Aristotle to be the first economist, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their value and utility.

Bukharin Nikolai Ivanovich, Gaidar Egor Timurovich, Gromyko Andrei Andreevich, Keynes John Maynard, Marx Karl Heinrich, Ricardo David, Smith Adam, Struve Petr Berngardovich.

Will the accounting profession disappear, how to choose a management profile and not be left without a job after four years of study, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Anatolyevna Gorbashko, Vice-Rector for Quality, Head of the Department of Economics and Quality Management at St. Petersburg State Economic University (SPbSUE), told us.

- “Economists are not needed” is almost an axiom. But graduates still choose and enroll. So, are they in demand or not?

Economists will always be in demand. Industry, construction, banks, social sphere - specialists will always be needed here. Accounting, finance, services related to planning economic activities, and payroll departments exist and will exist everywhere. Another thing is that economists need good, professional economists who know the modern aspects of their work. This is the main problem of universities - it is necessary to train personnel in accordance with modern requirements. That’s why it’s a paradox: there are a lot of economists being produced, but good ones are hard to find. So universities are now solving the problem of creating educational programs that will be in demand by employers. When harmony is achieved between educational and professional standards, then universities will produce specialists, including in the field of economics, who are in demand.

- How are your graduates doing with employment?

We have basic departments - these are departments that are formed on the basis of a specific organization. They provide an approach to the real sector of the economy, provide internship bases for students and further employment. For example, we have a base department at the Federal Budgetary Institution “TEST-St. Petersburg”, this is a state regional center for standardization, metrology and testing in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, providing. a wide range of services for measurements, testing, certification, development and application of quality methods. The center is known not only in Russia, but also abroad, as the largest center of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. This basic department is headed by the General Director of the Federal Budgetary Institution “TEST-St. Petersburg”, Academician Okrepilov. This department is more than 25 years old, its employees give lectures, supervise theses, students undergo internships, graduates get jobs in the institution.

Also, a new format was launched at St. Petersburg State Economic University - a specialized department. We have created such a department on the basis of PJSC Gazprom. She is engaged in master's training for the energy sector, conducts and finances various competitions for students, and participates in organizing internships and employment for students. Another specialized department was recently created in the Administration of St. Petersburg. It is expected that specialists from relevant city committees will participate in the educational process, joint research work with university departments, etc.

Every university has the opportunity to create basic and specialized departments that facilitate employment and provide a practical component of educational programs, and, as the experience of our university shows, a competent choice of partners for the creation of such departments provides significant opportunities for improving the quality of educational and research activities in university

- By the way, about choice. What should an applicant focus on when there are so many specializations and directions?

First of all, attend open days at universities. Usually they provide comprehensive information about the directions and how they prepare. For example, at our university there are interactive activities and games with applicants, we work with sponsored schools, and conduct elective courses on introduction to the specialty. And schoolchildren need to take an active position and attend events. It is worth starting this work at least two years before admission.

Of course, look at websites, now everything is in the public domain, there is a lot of information. How to choose more specifically - look at what you are striving for. For example, there are economics departments in technical universities, just as there can be engineering departments in economics universities. For example: the direction “Quality Management” is located in the enlarged group of specialties “Automation and Control”, and this future profession largely depends on the specifics of the university. For example, an engineering university graduates in the profile “Quality Management of Technical and Technological Systems”, and an economic university graduates in “Quality Management in Socio-Economic Systems”. Both types of specialists are now in demand.

A student, having chosen a direction, chooses a profile two years later, and this happens more consciously. For example, in the direction of management you can choose project, innovation, financial management and other profiles.

Another guideline, in addition to one’s own aspirations, is the university’s performance indicators. For example, employment of graduates, university rating with employers, etc. Also, the reputation of the university is very important, the recognition of its brand.

But will those who now choose economics universities remain unemployed in 2020? For example, the “Atlas of Professions of the Future” from Skolkovo predicts that accountants and analysts will very soon not be needed, they will be replaced by machines.

Will accountants or analysts disappear? Of course not. Moreover, the transition to international accounting makes them necessary. This is a theme that is eternal in history, and certainly in the coming years. And without analytics, nothing at all is possible - not a single strategic plan, not a single operational report. Good analysts will always be in demand. They are required to develop strategic plans, justifications for market conditions, and reports on a particular area of ​​activity. This is a very elite profession; you cannot become a good analyst right after university; you need experience.

Of course, the profession is transforming. For example, how has management developed over the course of a hundred years? General management branched out into industry areas - investment, personnel management, production management, etc. Quality management is now actively developing - this direction is very promising, people will always be interested in the quality of life, the quality of products and services. To be in demand after graduating from university, you need to know the leading computer science programs and master information databases. Separately, I would like to note your knowledge of a foreign language, not only in general, but also in the area in which you will be studying. And, of course, possession of cross-industry knowledge, now the intersection of directions is a developing trend.

Finding a job without any experience is difficult in any field, economists are no exception. According to statistics from the HeadHunter portal, out of more than two thousand vacancies presented in Russia, only 155 employers are ready to accept novice specialists. Competition is also high: the number of applicants exceeds 500 thousand, most of them (approximately 60%) have work experience, and the majority have more than six years of work experience. Approximately a quarter of all vacancies and applicants are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

How to find a job for a novice economist?

There is an opinion that you can get a job as an economist without experience only if you have the “necessary” connections or if a happy and extremely rare opportunity presents itself. However, there is always a place for a really good specialist, especially a person with ambitions; in addition, there are opportunities to get a job abroad or work remotely.

A diploma from a prestigious university with a good reputation will double your chances of getting a good job. The profession of economist is popular among applicants, and once there was demand, supply followed suit - many educational institutions have been opened that specialize in training economists. Unfortunately, the quality of education often leaves much to be desired. The work of an economist at an enterprise is extremely responsible; an incompetent specialist can cause significant damage to the company, and therefore special attention is paid to the quality of the diploma and the reputation of the university.

To increase your chances of finding a job, before enrolling, you should carefully consider your choice of specialty and pay attention to the most in demand.

Participation in various additional university programs, experience studying abroad, diplomas and certificates will increase the applicant’s chances. Good knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be a big plus; in enterprises operating internationally, this may be a mandatory requirement.

It is better to get your first experience during your studies, choose a good place for practical training and try to prove yourself; in this case, students often find their first job even before graduation.

Basic requirements for a novice economist:

When hiring specialists without experience, managers usually do not make special demands during the interview. The main ones are an appropriate diploma, goodwill, good speech delivery, perhaps they will ask about the education received, and ask a couple of questions to know the specifics of the future job. The final decision on whether to hire you or not will be based on the results of the probationary period. Here you need to show learning ability, interest in work and special diligence.

Economists are in demand where it is necessary to calculate and plan finances, analyze the results of an enterprise’s work, economic profitability, control the expenditure of funds, prepare settlement documentation, etc. This is often routine work, so great importance is placed on such character traits as attention to detail, accuracy, literacy and perseverance. For an assistant economist, and it is precisely this position that a newbie will most likely be hired for, it is learning ability.

The position of an economist involves, first of all, working with numbers, various ratios and formulas, hence the high requirements for knowledge of mathematics. In addition, the work requires excellent computer knowledge, in particular Microsoft Office programs and 1C products.

An economist must navigate laws, regulations, orders and other regulations relating to his activities, and be knowledgeable in certain aspects of jurisprudence.

The economist is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties, abuse of his position and causing material losses to the enterprise.

How much do aspiring economists earn?

The salary of a novice economist is relatively low: in the regions it ranges from 12-20 thousand rubles, in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) - from 25 to 35 thousand. This level approximately corresponds to the earnings of specialists without experience in any other field, so these modest figures do not yet give reason to despair. The salaries of experienced economists with experience are much more attractive: from 25-30 thousand in the regions, from 40 to 80 thousand in large cities.

Despite all the difficulties, the novice economist has good prospects. A university diploma allows you to start working at the level of an assistant and then an ordinary economist. In the foreseeable future - the position of manager, and the crown will be the position of financial or managing director, responsible for all the activities of the company. Great prospects for career growth are the main reason for the popularity of the profession among applicants, and if you have enough ambition and will, this is an excellent choice.


What can an economist do in principle? Where do economists generally work, is it difficult, and where can a specialist with or without a higher education go to work? Let's figure it out.

The profession of economist, although not at the peak of its popularity, is still quite in demand. An economist is a specialist in the field of financial, industrial and economic relations who helps plan, develop and improve the activities of an enterprise.

Is it difficult to work as an economist? Let's be honest - it's not easy. After all, his job is to analyze the economic indicators of the enterprise, determine the preferred directions of its development, by calculating these same indicators. An economist determines the efficiency and profitability of an enterprise’s production projects, which is visually called the language of numbers. As a result of these studies and calculations, he issues an expert opinion that determines ways to improve the operation of the enterprise.

Where do economists work?

Economists are needed in any production, in any company. In practice, one can confidently answer “everywhere” to the question “where do economists work.”

An economist is engaged in the collection, reconciliation and comprehensive analysis of economic information, he plans and optimizes financial costs, labor costs, resource costs, in general, all aspects of economic activity are under his supervision and the focus of his attention. Also, his area of ​​activity includes drawing up and supporting business plans, calculating the cost of manufactured products, conducting marketing research, and analyzing the market situation. An economist is competent in monitoring the financial and economic activities of an enterprise and monitoring budget execution.

What can an economist do?

With such diverse areas of expertise, there is some choice as to who an economist can work as.

An economist can become a theoretical scientist and study the science of “economics” as a subject of academic research, and contribute to the development of the economy. Also, an economist can teach. But the majority, when choosing the economics department of a university, consider themselves as future practical economists. That is, applicants expect to work at enterprises in various sectors of the national economy and build their careers.

The work of an economist at an enterprise is to plan, research and manage economic activities. Increase profits, reduce costs, plan development - these are the responsibilities of an economist in a nutshell.

Where should an economist go to work?

There are many options for where to work as an economist. Economists are needed by government agencies, absolutely all commercial organizations, both manufacturing and trading, research institutes, small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, financial organizations such as banks, tax services, social funds, insurance and leasing companies.

In most cases, getting hired at a reputable institution requires sufficient work experience, so it is better for university graduates to start a career in small organizations, where they have the opportunity to gain the necessary work experience, since the economist in such organizations deals with all the processes that take place.

The average salary for a beginner specialist is 20,000–35,000 rubles, for an experienced specialist - from 40,000 rubles. There is quite high competition among applicants, which allows the employer to select among candidates.

Where and how can an economist with a higher education work?

Economic education can be obtained not only at a university, but also at a secondary educational institution - college or technical school. Moreover, if you get a higher education, an economist with a higher education can work in almost all areas of activity.

An economist with a university diploma will be able to find a job in his field. In government agencies (Ministry of Finance, Central Bank), in industrial or agricultural enterprises, in financial organizations, in the hotel and restaurant business, in educational institutions, in large, medium and small businesses, in research institutes.

Is it difficult to work as an economist?

Finding a job as an economist is quite easy, since the profession is in demand. But is it difficult to work as an economist? The requirements for specialists are quite high. In addition to deep knowledge in the field of economics, additional requirements are often put forward for job applicants. This is a confident knowledge of the English language, since many large enterprises work closely with foreign companies.

With excellent computer skills, including specialized programs, many companies positively note the economist’s programming skills. This is due to the widespread introduction of IT technologies in the management of the economic activities of Russian companies and institutions. In this case, you will need personal qualities - organization, communication skills, responsibility, initiative, stress resistance.

The profession of economist is still one of the most promising and promising. At the same time, what kind of work an economist can do depends on the person personally - the industries and places where there are many waiting for him.

And if you consider that there are many specializations in this profile, then there are so many options where an economist can work that only your choice is the limitation. The labor market will accept everyone.