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What can you spend maternity capital on? Does maternity capital work in

Maternity capital for a second child in 2019 will be provided according to slightly different rules than previously. The main changes are additional opportunities for spending money. Already from January 1, you can receive monthly payments in the amount of the subsistence level from maternity capital. In addition, money can now be spent on paying for the services of nurseries and kindergartens, without waiting until the child turns 3 years old. The amount of maternity capital and the conditions for receiving it remained the same.

Who is entitled to receive maternity capital?

Maternity capital for the 2nd child (and not only) in 2019 can be received by:

  • women who gave birth/adopted a second child;
  • women who gave birth/adopted a third child or subsequent children, if they had not previously enjoyed the right to maternity capital;
  • men recognized as the sole adoptive parent of the second child or subsequent children.

Women have the priority right to maternity capital. If a woman cannot exercise such a right (deprived of parental rights, died, declared dead), then it passes to the male parent or adoptive parent. Finally, if such a man cannot take advantage of the right to maternal capital, then it passes to the child (children in equal shares). A child can apply for maternity capital both as a minor and as an adult, but only up to 23 years of age and subject to full-time education.

Amount of capital and options for spending it

The size of the capital is 453,026 rubles. The amount has remained the same since 2017, and so far there is no talk of indexation.

You can use funds for the following purposes (directions):

  1. Improving housing conditions (purchase of an apartment, house, its construction, including on bank lending terms).
  2. Payment for the education of the child(ren).
  3. Transfer to mother's funded pension.
  4. Purchasing goods and services for disabled children.
  5. Receiving a monthly payment in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum for an able-bodied citizen.

As a general rule, you can manage maternity capital funds only after the child turns 3 years old. However, legislation is gradually moving towards allowing the spending of money immediately after the birth or adoption of a baby. In 2019, it is only necessary to wait for a child to turn 3 years old for the purpose of forming a funded pension or buying an apartment or house without using credit funds.

Immediately after issuing the certificate, you are allowed to send money to:

  • for monthly payments (the specific expenditure of funds is not controlled, so the goals can be any);
  • to pay the down payment and repay a loan related to the purchase or construction of housing;
  • for preschool (nursery, kindergarten) education of the child;
  • for the purchase of goods and services for a disabled child.

It is permissible to spend maternity capital simultaneously on different purposes or change them as needed. There is only one important condition - to spend for permitted purposes and within the limits of available funds.

How to apply for maternity capital: where and how to apply

All issues related to the registration of maternal capital are dealt with by the Pension Fund (PFR). You must contact your local branch. Services can be obtained through the MFC or through the website (personal account) of the Pension Fund. But most citizens prefer a visit to the Pension Fund, believing that it will be more reliable and faster.

Until recently, the overwhelming number of people spent maternity capital funds on improving their living conditions - more than 90%. And the leader in this direction is mortgage lending. Due to the emergence of new opportunities from January 1, 2018, it is expected that the number of people wishing to receive monthly payments will increase sharply. However, this is unlikely to have a serious impact on other areas, given the permissibility of spending funds for different purposes.

Formally, participation in the maternity capital program involves going through two procedures: issuing a certificate and obtaining the right to spend funds in the chosen direction. However, the Pension Fund allows, if there is such an opportunity and desire, to combine these two procedures into one - to simultaneously submit applications and the entire necessary set of documents.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit to the Pension Fund:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport of the person for whom the certificate should be issued (hereinafter referred to as the applicant);
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • birth certificates of all existing children;
  • court decision(s) on adoption;
  • documents confirming the termination of rights to maternity capital of the mother (parents) - death certificate, court decision, etc. (to issue a certificate for a man or child(ren)).

It is possible that the Pension Fund will require additional documents. This is usually due to controversial situations or the need to document certain facts.

An application for a certificate is usually completed on site with the help of an employee of the Pension Fund of Russia or the MFC. After reviewing the documents, you will be notified when you will need to come to receive your certificate. The standard period is within a month.

If, at the same time as issuing the certificate, the issue of obtaining permission to spend funds is being decided, then it will be necessary to submit a corresponding application (the form is available in the Pension Fund and on the website) and additional documents. The list depends on the chosen direction and reflects its features.

When receiving funds, for example, for a down payment on a mortgage, loan repayment (payment and (or) interest), you will need a loan agreement, schedule, and a bank certificate in the established form. In addition, you will need title documents for housing (extract from the register of rights, agreement, acceptance certificate, etc., depending on the current status of the property).

To receive monthly payments you need:

  1. Documents evidencing family income - for each family member - for the 12 months preceding the submission of the application. The following are taken into account: wages and other remunerations at the place of work (certificate provided by the employer), income of individual entrepreneurs and other commercial income (declarations, certificates), pensions, benefits, scholarships and similar payments (certificates provided at the place of receipt of payments). The average per capita income, including the second child, should not exceed 1.5 times the regional subsistence minimum established for the working-age (adult working) population.
  2. Confirmation of Russian citizenship for the recipient of the payment and the child (passport, birth certificate).
  3. Documents with details or simply bank and account details where payments should be transferred.

Documents for payment can be submitted along with documents for issuing a certificate:

  • immediately after the birth of the child;
  • until the child is 6 months old - in this case you can receive the amount for the time elapsed since the birth of the baby;
  • after 6 months before the child turns 1.5 years old - payments will be assigned only from the date of application.

If a different direction for spending maternity capital funds is chosen, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the right to such targeted spending. For example, if you plan to spend money on the education of a child (children), an agreement with an educational institution is required.

Starting from January 1, 2018, a number of significant changes have occurred in the maternity capital program. Read our article about the latest news about maternity capital 2018.

On January 1, 2018, Federal Law No. 432-FZ of December 28, 2017 came into force, according to which the maternity capital program is extended until December 31, 2021. The same document is the basis for another area of ​​using the certificate - receiving monthly cash payments from maternity capital in the amount of one subsistence minimum upon the birth of a child after January 1, 2018. Payments can be received until the child reaches 1.5 years of age; the amount is set individually in each region (the average payment in Russia is 10 thousand rubles).

At the same time, the new law on maternity capital 2018 provides for the use of social support funds in one more area - the possibility of paying with a certificate for services for the supervision, care and maintenance of a child up to 3 years of age in a preschool educational organization. It is allowed to transfer state support funds to the current account of any educational institution, regardless of its accreditation.

Just like last year, the amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453,026 rubles. The certificate is issued once at the birth/adoption of a second or subsequent child.

Important! The established amount of maternity capital of 453,026 rubles will not be indexed until January 1, 2020 (in accordance with the provisions of the Law of December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ).

Today, the deadline for registering maternity capital is not defined by law; accordingly, parents have the right to receive a state certificate for its intended use even after the program expires, until the child reaches adulthood.

Maternity capital 2018: what you can spend state support funds on

In accordance with the Federal Law on Maternity Capital No. 256-FZ, state support funds can be used in the following areas:

  • Improving living conditions:
  1. home purchase
  2. construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project
  3. compensation of costs for repair and construction work
  4. as a down payment on the purchase of a home with a mortgage
  5. depositing funds under an equity participation agreement when purchasing residential real estate
  6. to repay the principal debt and pay interest on a mortgage loan or loan for the purchase of an individual housing construction project/

If the recipient of the certificate has several mortgage loans, the maternity capital funds can be used to pay off all of them at the same time.

If a positive decision is made on the use of maternity capital funds for a specific purpose, the funds must be transferred to the account of the certificate holder no later than 1 month.

  • Educational services:
  1. payment for paid educational services in institutions with state accreditation
  2. keeping children in any preschool educational organization, regardless of accreditation
  3. payment for accommodation in the dormitory of an educational organization
  • Mom's pension

Maternity capital funds can be used in three areas of pension payments:

  1. urgent, with a duration of at least 10 years;
  2. accumulative, with the transfer of funds to the Pension Fund branch;
  3. one-time, if the amount of the funded pension is 5% or less relative to the amount of the old-age insurance pension.

The child’s mother, who is the holder of a certificate for receiving maternity capital, has the right to independently choose an insurance company, as well as transfer investments from a non-state fund to a state institution.

  • For the social adaptation of disabled children in society

In order to use a certificate for maternal capital in this direction, you must complete the following steps:

  1. undergo examination by medical and social experts;
  2. submit an application to the ITU to enter evidence into the IPRA for the provision of goods or services (together with the application, the child’s personal document, a referral to the ITU, SNILS, a certificate confirming disability, the child’s IPRA are submitted);
  3. purchase the necessary goods or receive a service, all payment documents must be saved;
  4. contact the district social protection department with an application to receive an inspection report for the Pension Fund.

The list of goods and services that are intended for social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children, compensated from maternity capital, are prescribed in a separate section in the IPRA.

Maternity capital funds can be used to adapt any child in the family who is disabled. Maternity capital funds can be used as compensation for rehabilitation programs carried out for a disabled child, taking into account the following features:

  • payments are made after parents provide receipts confirming expenses for the purchase of goods and services;
  • compensation is paid in respect of the child to whom the IPRA is assigned;
  • maternity capital will not be able to compensate for funds that were spent on paid medical services, as well as other activities established by the List of Federal Law No. 181-FZ;
  • The certificate allows you to purchase technical means that facilitate the socialization of a disabled child in society (bed lifts, ramps, bathtubs, etc.) that are not provided under government programs.

Maternity Capital Law 2018: what cash payments you can count on

The recipient of a maternity capital certificate in 2018 has the right to receive monthly payments for the maintenance of a child up to one and a half years old, taking into account the following factors:

  • Parents can count on these payments if a child is born after January 1, 2018;
  • if the total income in the family is no more than 1.5 subsistence minimum per month per person;
  • the maximum amount of payments will be no higher than the subsistence level per child determined in each individual region.

It is worth noting the importance of parents’ timely application for monthly payments from maternity capital. So, if the recipient of the certificate applied before the child is 6 months old, the amount of payments is recalculated in full from the moment the baby is born. If you apply with this question after the child reaches six months of age, social benefits will be assigned directly from the date of application.

Maternity capital in 2018: what will remain unchanged

  • The amount of maternity capital this year will remain 453,026 rubles.
  • Parents will not be given the opportunity to receive a one-time payment of 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital funds, regardless of their financial situation.
  • The government of the Russian Federation rejected in the first reading a law allowing the use of state support funds for the purchase of a car.
  • The proposal that was so sensational in the spring of 2017 about the possibility of receiving an additional payment to maternity capital in the amount of 250 thousand rubles was not confirmed.
  • Also, the proposal to pay maternity capital in the amount of 1.5 million rubles at the birth of a third child remains unchanged.
  • The state support program in the form of a certificate for receiving maternity capital will not be replaced by monthly payments for children under the age of 18.

The Pension Fund reminds that since 2018, the maternity capital program has been expanded taking into account new demographic measures adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation to support Russian families with children. In accordance with the approved changes, families, in particular, are given greater opportunities to use maternity capital immediately after the birth or adoption of a second child.

Maternity capital, changes. Monthly payment from maternity capital

First of all, families with low incomes (less than 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population per person in the family) received the right to a monthly payment from maternity capital in the event of the birth of a second child from January 1, 2018. The payment is provided until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. For the convenience of families, you can submit an application for payment within 6 months from the birth of the child - the funds will be paid for all the time that has passed since that moment. When submitting an application after 6 months, the payment is assigned from the date of application.

The amount of payment from maternity capital depends on the region of residence of the family and is equal to the child’s minimum subsistence level established there for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. That is, for families who applied to the Pension Fund in 2018, the payment amount will be equal to the child’s subsistence level for the 2nd quarter of 2017. It should be remembered that the monthly payment is set for one year and after this time the family must re-apply to the Pension Fund client service or multifunctional center to submit a new application for funds.

Maternity capital, changes. Preschool education, child care and supervision

Maternity capital has always provided for the disposal of funds for educational services for children. Previously, it was possible to use money for these purposes only three years after the birth or adoption of a child for whom maternity capital was issued.

Starting in 2018, families receive financial support for preschool education almost immediately after the birth of a child, since now maternity capital can be used within two months from the date of acquiring the right to it. You can use the funds during this period to pay for kindergartens and nurseries, including private ones, as well as to pay for child care and supervision services. In both cases, a necessary condition is that the organization has a license to provide the relevant services.

Maternity capital. Preferential mortgages for families with two and three children

Russian families in which in 2018-2021 If a second or third child appears, they will be able to take advantage of preferential loan terms to improve their living conditions. Preferential mortgages can also be repaid using maternity capital. It is not necessary to wait until the third birthday of the child who gives the right to a certificate.

Despite the fact that preferential lending conditions are not directly related to the maternity capital program, this is, nevertheless, an important step by the state to support families with children. Loan funds are allocated to families with two and three children at a preferential rate of 6% per annum. They can be used to purchase an apartment or house, including a plot of land, as well as housing under construction under an agreement of participation in shared construction. Previously issued loans and loans for the purchase of housing can also be repaid using preferential mortgage funds.

It is also worth recalling that the opportunity to join the maternity capital program has been extended until December 31, 2021. That is, to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2021. At the same time, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453 thousand rubles.

What can you spend maternity capital on in 2018? Law

The entire procedure for the emergence of the right, by whom and in what case the certificate is issued, as well as the rules for the implementation and use of funds are fixed at the federal level in Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006.

The circle of persons who can qualify for the right to receive MSK:

  • a citizen of the Russian Federation who became a mother (or adoptive parent) after the birth of a second or any subsequent child in 2007;
  • the child’s natural father or his adoptive parent, if the mother has died, has been deprived of parental rights in relation to this child, and has also committed a crime against children. Here the man's nationality does not matter;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation, if he turned out to be the only person - the adoptive parent of the second or next child by court decision. The entry of the decision must be after the date of 01/01/2007;
  • under certain legal circumstances, a child who has not reached the age of majority (or several children in equal shares) can receive a certificate for MSK.

The right to issue, receive and use a certificate for family capital under the Law arises only once and its funds can only be spent on certain types. Initially, Law 256 provided such an opportunity in only three areas:

  1. Increasing living space or improving living conditions.
  2. To cover the educational expenses of any child in the family.
  3. In the form of funds being transferred to the personal account of the child’s mother as an increase in her funded portion for a pension.

Since the beginning of 2016, a new direction of funds has appeared, thanks to which it has become possible to carry out the adaptation of disabled children.

It is also noted that there is no deadline for applying for a certificate. This means that an applicant who has the right to assistance from the state in the form of family capital can apply for a document either immediately after the birth of a baby in the family or much later. He does not lose the right over time.

Until 2015, the amount was indexed annually. At the same time, previously received certificates with a printed amount do not require replacement. When applying for disposal of funds, the amount indicated as of the date of filing the application for disposal will be applied.

The law establishes that you can exercise your right to use maternity capital funds after the child, in connection with whose birth it appeared, turns 3 years old. But there are exceptions that most families take advantage of. This is a very successful rule for many young families, which makes it possible not to wait until the age of three.

These are the following cases:

  1. Repayment of a bank loan taken to improve housing, as well as interest on it.
  2. Purchasing services and goods for adaptation of a disabled child to society.

The certificate amount in these areas can be used at any time by writing an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or submitting it through the MFC.

If it happens that the original document is lost, the owner of the certificate can receive a duplicate. It is valid only upon presentation of a passport.

Since capital funds are transferred only by non-cash means, fraudulent schemes constantly arise that create dishonest ones.

Important! Certificate holders should be aware that these are illegal methods of cashing out and they become accomplices in criminal acts.

There is only one legal option for cashing a document, when a government decree makes it possible to receive part of the funds in the form of a lump sum payment. This means that a family can receive a certain amount of money into their bank account, subject to personal application within the time frame specified by the resolution. Funds can be spent anywhere.

A number of regions, in addition to maternity capital funds, provide families with regional capital. Procedure for issuance and disposal in the amount of 100 thousand rubles similar to maternity capital, but it is provided to the family at the birth of the third child. The regional authorities, however, themselves determine where this amount is allowed to be spent; for example, in a number of areas it can be added to the purchase of a car.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news

In the spring of 2017, information appeared in the media that legislators were instructed to work on the issue of issuing young women who gave birth to a second baby before the age of 35, in addition to a certificate for MSK, also 250 thousand rubles for any purpose. What was adopted in this regard?

As a result, this news turned out to be just a rumor, which the government did not confirm. However, it was decided to take other measures on issues of demographic development.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news. Monthly payments for a child.

With the onset of 2018, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation begins accepting applications from families with low incomes and in need of state support to receive monthly payments from MSC funds. This does not apply to all certificate holders, but only to those who have the right to receive it in connection with the birth or adoption of a baby after the new year 2018. Here you can submit 2 applications at the same time:

  • to receive an MSK certificate:
  • to set the monthly payment.

Need will be determined for the family based on the subsistence level. In each region its value is established quarterly. You can find out its size in the Social Protection Committee, as well as on the official websites of government bodies.

To calculate the amount of family income, all sources of income for each family member are taken and summed up. This includes wages, pensions, any social benefits, etc. Need is determined by calculating the total amount of income received on average for the year and dividing it among all family members. The size of the resulting value will become the starting point. If it does not exceed the subsistence minimum multiplied by 1.5, then this means that such a family has the right to apply for a monthly payment from MSC funds.

Maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news. Maternity capital size.

The size of maternal capital in 2018 amounts to 453,026 rubles.

Such monthly support will be provided to families only until the child turns one and a half years old. Initially, the payment is set for one year and can be extended upon application from the certificate holder.

Payment termination occurs in the following cases:

  • with full use of MSC funds;
  • when the family moves to another locality;
  • when the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Many were awaiting a government decision on extending the maternity capital program. And Law No. 433-FZ amended Article 13 of Law 256-FZ, which moved the deadline to the end of 2018. By doing this, the state makes it possible to receive a measure of support for families where children born throughout this year will be born.

Who has the right to maternity capital?

A woman, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who gave birth to or adopted a second and subsequent children after January 1, 2007.
A man, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who is the only parent or adoptive parent of two or more children after January 1, 2007.
A child under 18 years of age, born in 2007 or later, in the event of the death of parents or adoptive parents or deprivation of their parental rights.

What can you spend maternity capital on?

Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 provides for four opportunities to use state support:

Improving living conditions

Mother's funded pension

Education of a child in an educational or training institution

Adaptation and social integration of disabled children

You can also submit an application to the Pension Fund for payment of an amount for urgent needs on account of maternity capital and receive up to 25,000 rubles. This can only be done once a year.
Where and how can I get a certificate for maternity capital?

To obtain a certificate for maternity capital, you need to contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence or the MFC. You need to have a set of documents with you:

Application for receiving maternity capital (a sample application can be found on the Pension Fund website).

Passport or other identification document.

Birth certificates of all children (for adopted children - adoption certificates).

The same set of documents can be used when obtaining a certificate through the State Services website.

Expect that you will have to wait at least 30 days for a decision on providing government support (and therefore a certificate).

Maternity capital and mortgage in Sberbank

You can use maternity capital funds in whole or in part as a down payment when obtaining a mortgage. You can use only maternity capital or the sum of maternity capital and own funds. For the minimum down payment amount, we recommend using the DomClick calculator.

When using maternity capital funds, it is important to agree with the seller on the procedure and deadline for receiving maternity capital funds, since this amount is not transferred from the Pension Fund immediately.

Also, maternity capital funds can be used for early repayment of an existing loan.

The Pension Fund reminds that since 2018, the maternity capital program has been expanded taking into account new demographic measures adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation to support Russian families with children. In accordance with the approved changes, families, in particular, are given greater opportunities to use maternity capital immediately after the birth or adoption of a second child.

Monthly payment from maternity capital

First of all, families with low incomes (less than 1.5 times the subsistence level of the working-age population per person in the family) received the right to a monthly payment from maternity capital in the event of the birth of a second child from January 1, 2018. The payment is provided until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. For the convenience of families, you can submit an application for payment within 6 months from the birth of the child - the funds will be paid for all the time that has passed since that moment. When submitting an application after 6 months, the payment is assigned from the date of application.

The amount of payment from maternity capital depends on the region of residence of the family and is equal to the child’s minimum subsistence level established there for the 2nd quarter of the previous year. That is, for families who applied to the Pension Fund in 2018, the payment amount will be equal to the child’s subsistence level for the 2nd quarter of 2017. It should be remembered that the monthly payment is set for one year and after this time the family must re-apply to the Pension Fund client service or multifunctional center to submit a new application for funds.

Preschool education, child care and supervision

Maternity capital has always provided for the disposal of funds for educational services for children. Previously, it was possible to use money for these purposes only three years after the birth or adoption of a child for whom maternity capital was issued.

Starting in 2018, families receive financial support for preschool education almost immediately after the birth of a child, since now maternity capital can be used within two months from the date of acquiring the right to it. You can use the funds during this period to pay for kindergartens and nurseries, including private ones, as well as to pay for child care and supervision services. In both cases, a necessary condition is that the organization has a license to provide the relevant services.

Preferential mortgages for families with two and three children

Russian families in which in 2018-2022 If a second or third child appears, they will be able to take advantage of preferential loan terms to improve their living conditions. Preferential mortgages can also be repaid using maternity capital. It is not necessary to wait until the third birthday of the child who gives the right to a certificate.

Despite the fact that preferential lending conditions are not directly related to the maternity capital program, this is, nevertheless, an important step by the state to support families with children. Loan funds are allocated to families with two and three children at a preferential rate of 6% per annum. They can be used to purchase an apartment or house, including a plot of land, as well as housing under construction under an agreement of participation in shared construction. Previously issued loans and loans for the purchase of housing can also be repaid using preferential mortgage funds.

It is also worth recalling that the opportunity to join the maternity capital program has been extended until December 31, 2021. That is, to obtain the right to maternity capital, it is necessary that the child who gives the right to the certificate be born or adopted before December 31, 2021. At the same time, the receipt of the certificate and the disposal of its funds are not limited by time.

The amount of maternity capital in 2018 is 453 thousand rubles.