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Until what date is the school year? Holidays in quarters. Autumn holiday period

According to modern Russian laws, there is no uniform schedule for school holidays in the country: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions have the right to independently establish children’s rest schedule, the number of short holidays and their duration. The only exception is Moscow, where all schoolchildren study and relax according to one of two schedules: traditional, when the school year is divided into four quarters, and modular (five weeks of study and one of rest), and for each option the same vacation dates are established.

In other regions of Russia, educational authorities usually issue recommendations in which they invite educational institutions to set start and end dates for vacations, leaving the final decision up to school administrations.

It is recommended to start the holidays on Monday (so that the weekend is “added” to them), which makes it possible to split the school week into parts and increase the duration of continuous rest for schoolchildren. The exact duration of the holidays is also not regulated - as a rule, 30-35 days are allotted for rest throughout the academic year, which allows you to fully complete the curriculum by the end of May.

Despite this freedom, most Russian schools take a conservative approach to the issue of determining the school holiday schedule - as a result, the majority of the country's schoolchildren rest on the same dates.

What will be the vacation dates in the 2016-2017 academic year in most schools in Russia?

Dates of autumn holidays in 2016

Autumn holidays are traditionally held in early November and fall during the week in which Russians celebrate National Unity Day (November 4).

In 2016 autumn holidays will begin on October 31(Monday) and will last until the end of the week, until November 6 (Sunday). The second academic quarter will begin on November 7. Thus, in schools where there is a school day, schoolchildren will rest for 8 days, and five-day students will have 9 days off.

However, National Unity Day falls on Friday this year. Therefore, in some schools, the start date of the 2016 autumn holidays may be set to November 7, which will increase the duration of the holidays by adding a holiday to them. In this case, schoolchildren will have a rest until November 13, and the duration of the rest will be 10 days.

Winter school holiday schedule 2016-2017

The winter school holidays, which fall on New Year's holidays and separate the second quarter from the third, are especially loved by schoolchildren - they are the longest of all intra-year holidays. In addition, they coincide with the nationwide holiday period for adults, which allows families to spend time together – including while traveling. Therefore, the timing of the winter holidays, as a rule, is of particular concern to parents of schoolchildren.

Winter holidays for schoolchildren begin on the last Monday of December. In 2016-2017, the “start” will be quite early - the last Monday of the month falls on 26th(that is, schoolchildren will start resting on Sunday, December 25th). Children will have time to properly prepare for the main winter holiday. True, the New Year's holiday will end earlier than usual - on January 8.

The third, longest academic quarter starts on January 9, Monday - it is on this day that schoolchildren will have to sit down at their desks again.

Dates of additional holidays for first-graders

The third quarter is especially difficult for first-graders - they are not yet accustomed to the traditional school schedule, and therefore in the middle of the third quarter a “special” vacation is arranged for them. To the envy of all other schoolchildren, they have a whole week off at the end of February.

In the 2016-2017 academic year additional holidays will begin on February 20 and will last until the 26th, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Pupils of correctional schools will also have a rest during the same period - they are also subject to the rule on additional holidays.

Spring school holiday dates – 2017

Spring break most often falls in the last week of March. The 2016-2017 academic year will be no exception.

Schoolchildren will be dismissed for vacation on Monday, March 27– and they will rest for one week, until April 2. Taking into account Sunday, the duration of the March holiday will be 8 days with a six-day period, and 9 with a five-day training regime.

The first day of school in the fourth quarter will be April 3. It will last until the end of May (depending on the school, the academic year in all grades except 9 and 11 ends between May 21 and 31), after which students will have three months of summer rest.

Vacation schedule in 2016-2017 with a modular training mode “5+1”

In those Moscow schools where parents of students chose not a classic teaching schedule dividing the school year into four quarters, but a modular scheme “five weeks of study - one week of rest,” the holidays in 2016-2017 will take place on the following dates:

  • from October 3 to October 9;

  • from November 14 to November 20;

  • from December 31 to January 8;

  • from February 20 to February 26;

  • from April 10 to April 16.

Holiday schedule for quarters in Moscow schools

Students of Moscow schools, where the educational process is organized according to the traditional “four quarters” scheme, will have a rest in the 2016-2017 academic year in the same way as the majority of schoolchildren in the country:

  • autumn holidays from October 31 to November 6;

  • winter holidays from December 26 to January 8;

  • spring break from March 27 to April 2;

  • extra holidays for first grades - from February 20 to 26.

How to find out holiday dates at your school

As already mentioned, the exact vacation schedule in each specific school in Russia (excluding Moscow) is determined by the administration of the educational institution and may differ from the generally accepted one.

Therefore, in order to accurately plan your child’s vacation, you need to check the dates with your school. This can be done in various ways:

  • Check with the class teacher or secretary. At the beginning of the school year, the vacation schedule has already been approved, and the exact dates are known to all school employees (teachers prepare work programs for subjects for the school year, taking this information into account).

  • View on the school website. Information about the start and end dates of the school year, as well as the vacation schedule, should be in the section devoted to the organization of the educational process.

  • If the school uses an electronic diary system– the school holiday schedule for 2016-2017 can also be found there. Even if the school administration does not inform parents about the start and end dates of school, by “flipping through” the magazine forward, you can see until what date classes are planned to be held.

The school traditionally begins the countdown of the new academic year (2016-2017) on September 1. This year this date falls on Thursday - quite a school day. The academic year will last until May 26, 2017 inclusive. May 29, 30 and 31, 2017, in accordance with the approved calendar, are already vacation days, on which we congratulate all students. Thus, we can calculate that the calendar for the 2016-2017 academic year with holidays and weekends has 268 days (157 days are school days, 105 days are weekends, holidays and vacations). Quite a good arrangement - there are only half as many school days as days on which you can rest.

- black- school days,
- red - weekends and holidays,
- green - holidays.

Calendar for the 2016-2017 academic year - monthly division into holidays and weekends

- September 2016: total days - 30, of which there are 22 training days, 8 days off,
- October 2016: total days - 31, of which 20 are training days, 11 days off,
- November 2016: total days - 30, of which school days - 18, weekends - 12,
- December 2016
- January 2017: total days - 31, of which school days - 16, weekends - 15,
- February 2017: total days - 28, of which 19 are school days, 9 days off,
- March 2017: total days - 31, of which school days - 17, weekends - 14,
- April 2017: total days - 30, of which 20 are training days, 10 days off,
- May 2017: total days - 31, of which 17 are school days, 14 days off.

December is a month in which everyone lives in anticipation of the most famous and popular New Year holiday. Cold snowstorms and snowdrifts alternate with winter charm and anticipation of the holidays and a wonderful New Year's holiday. How do we relax in December?

This month there are 9 traditional days off falling on the corresponding days - Saturdays and Sundays. Working days are presented in the number of 22.

Mon VT SR Thu PT SB Sun
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 1

December holidays 2016 official weekend calendar

Download production calendar December 2016

- Weekends and holidays
- Working day

How long do we rest in December?

These are traditional rest days in a regular work week. December 12 - Russian Constitution Day for a decade, from 1994 to 2004, was an official holiday and a day off, unfortunately, now it is a working day. How many days off are there in December 2016? This month has nine days.

Weekends in December 2016

How long do we rest in December?

Weekends in December 2016: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31.

These are traditional rest days in a regular work week. December 12 - Russian Constitution Day for a decade, from 1994 to 2004, was an official holiday and a day off, unfortunately, now it is a working day.
How many days off are there in December 2016? This month has nine days.

Working days in December 2016

How are we doing in December?

Working days: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

There are a total of 22 working days in this month. They will be diluted with many memorable calendar dates that are not considered official holidays in the Russian Federation. For example, Human Rights Day (an international holiday), Aviation Day (civil), Constitution Day of the Russian Federation and many other popular dates.

Holidays in December 2016

Until recently, holiday weekends in December, as already mentioned, were represented by Constitution Day, but now this day is a working day.

Holidays in December:

The 31st is the beginning of the New Year.

There are a lot of holiday dates in December. This month, supporters of the USSR, energy workers, rescuers, football players, realtors and people of many other professions and activities will celebrate their day. In December, on a separate date, the liquidators of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and even courier workers stationed at the state were mentioned. service, but most importantly - the onset of a magnificent holiday - the New Year.

December has long been considered by people as the gates of winter. At this time, the peasant must protect the accumulated harvest and goods from severe frosts, ensure that the grain does not freeze and other products do not run out.

December received its own name from the word “decem” (Latin) which means “10”, since it was the tenth month of the ancient Romans.

The ancient Rus called it “studen”, “winter road”, “stuzhailo”, etc.

Signs of December:

December is damp and warm - this means that winter will drag on, and spring will come late and be cold;

Dry December - spring and summer will also be dry.

December sun in the fog - there will be a snowstorm

Vacations are the most desired period of school life, and most students begin to look forward to it from the first days of school. In the 2016-2017 academic year, as in the previous one, the holiday period is chosen by the educational institution, guided by the recommendations of the Ministry of Education.

As practice has shown, many educational institutions adhere to these recommendations, since if schools have the same holiday periods, it becomes possible to hold a lot of urban entertainment events for children and teenagers: theatrical performances, themed parties and competitions.

Why do holiday periods vary from school to school?

The school holiday period in the 2016-2017 academic year is affected by the choice of teaching method in a particular educational institution:

  1. By quarters.
  2. By trimester.

If the school conducts training in quarters, then vacations are established for students:

  • 9 days in autumn: last week of October and first of November;
  • two weeks for the New Year: the last days of December and 10 days in January;
  • 7 days in spring: end of March;
  • additional holidays for first-graders and students in special classes: 7 days in winter;
  • three summer months.

If the school chooses a trimester schedule, then children will study for 5 weeks and rest for 1 week.

The exception is the winter holidays, which last 2 weeks for all schoolchildren in the 2016-2017 school year.

The sky was already breathing in autumn...

Golden autumn is a charm to the eyes; it gives children the first vacation of the 2016-2017 school year - autumn. Since this period covers a holiday - November 4, the first day of rest is set on October 31, the last - on November 6. Children will go to school on November 7.

When studying by trimester, children will be given 2 weeks of rest in the fall:

  • first week from 6 to 12 October 2016;
  • second week from November 17 to 24, 2016.

The most festive

It's the middle of the school year - time to take a big break! Winter holidays are the best time for a family vacation, because most parents also relax during these days. The most magical holidays fall during these holidays - New Year and Christmas! Well, how can you not make plans! It is customary in all schools, regardless of the teaching schedule, to rest for two weeks in the winter.

In the 2016-2017 school year, school holidays will begin on the last Monday of December - the 26th - and last until January 9. Schoolchildren will return to classes on January 10.

After the end of the New Year holidays, the children, rested and happy, will begin the assault on knowledge with renewed vigor.

First-graders will have an additional vacation in winter: the second winter holiday, which will begin on February 21 and end on February 28.

Spring is a time to relax

In the spring, it is especially difficult to concentrate on classes, so children are given the opportunity to relax before a busy period - the end of the school year, when they face many tests, exams and various competitive programs.

Spring holidays will begin on March 27 and will last until April 3. It's time to gain strength before the final stage of the school year.

Holidays for the 2016-2017 period in schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities can take place at different times, it depends on the choice of the school administration.

The long-awaited summer

With the onset of the first sunny days, studying is already difficult, but in the summer, in general, children need a long vacation. Summer holidays begin and the school year ends. This is the most favorite period in the life of all schoolchildren and students. It lasts from two months.

And finally, all students should be reminded that the holidays are a good thing, but do not forget that during this period you can replenish your knowledge of those sciences that are difficult to learn.

The production calendar will inform you about how many days off there are in December 2016, how we work and how we relax this month, and whether any public holidays are celebrated in it.

December 2016
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

How to relax in December

According to the working calendar of the Russian Federation, in the last month of 2016 the country has 9 days off (5 Saturdays and 4 Sundays): 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25 and 31. There are no public holidays or additional non-working days in December.

Working time standards

In accordance with the labor calendar of the Russian Federation, in December 2016 there are 22 working days and 9 weekends and holidays.

Working time standards are:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 176 hours (22 * 8, where 22 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours – 158.4 hours (22 * 7.2);
  • at 24-hour – 105.6 hours (22 * 4.8).