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Composition of the executive documentation for the section “Gas supply. Internal devices" (FGP). Manual “Executive documentation in construction. Reference manual Construction passport of indoor gas-using equipment sample

built by ________________________________________________________________

(name of construction and installation organization)

and project number)

at: _________________________________________________________________

(city, street, start and end picket references)

1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

Indicate the length (for input - underground and above-ground sections), diameter, working pressure of the gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), the number of installed shut-off devices and other structures _____________________________________________



2. List of attached certificates, technical passports(or copies thereof) and other documents certifying the quality of materials and equipment




Note . It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from specified documents ,certified by a person,responsible for the construction of the facility and containing the necessary information (certificate number,brand (type),GOST (TU),dimensions,lot number,manufacturer,release date,test results).

3. Data on welding gas pipeline joints

Note . The diagram should be drawn up like this,so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, references must be made to permanent ground objects (buildings,structures) like the gas pipeline itself,and its characteristic points (end,rotary, etc.); distances between joints must be marked,as well as between joints and characteristic points,including intersecting communications. Strict adherence to the scale of the diagram is not necessary.

4. Checking the depth of the gas pipeline, slopes, beds, installation of cases, wells, carpets (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

It was established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the surface of the earth to the top of the pipe along its entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the installation of cases, wells, and carpets correspond to the design.

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Checking the quality of the protective coating of the underground gas pipeline (gas inlet)

1. * Before laying in the trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints was checked for mechanical damage and cracks - external inspection, thickness - measured according to GOST 9.602-89 mm: adhesion to steel according to GOST 9.602-89; continuity - flaw detector

2. * Joints isolated in a trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

Position 3 should be excluded

4. * Checking for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the soil was carried out after the trench “__” was completely backfilled __________________200_ g.

Note . * If the trench was filled when the soil freezing depth was more than 10 cm,then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil has thawed,what should be recorded in the acceptance certificate for the completed construction of a gas supply system facility.

When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found

Head of Laboratory ______________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

6. Purge of the gas pipeline, testing it for strength and tightness

Position 1 should be excluded.

2. “__” _______________ 200_ before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

3. * “__” ______________ 200_, a pneumatic (hydraulic) strength test of the gas pipeline was carried out at pressure ____ MPa (_____ kgf/cm 2) with exposure for ____ hours. The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

4. “__” ______________ 200_, a gas pipeline backfilled to design levels with fittings installed on it and branches to objects up to shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness within ____ hours.

Before the test underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ______ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the ground temperature.

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) in accordance with GOST ________, class.

Data from pressure measurements when testing an underground gas pipeline

Test date

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa (mm)





According to the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the leak test; no leaks or defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

“__” _____________ 200_ the above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness by pressure ____ MPa (____ kgf/cm 2) with holding for _____ hours, followed by external inspection and checking of all welded, threaded and flanged connections. No leaks or defects were found. The above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the leak test.

Work producer ______________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

7. Conclusion

The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by

(name of design organization


and project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to working drawings No. ____-__________

Construction started "__" _______________ 200_

Construction completed "__" _______________ 200_

Chief Engineer of SSMU _____________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)



R.4.1 "__" _____ 200_, the gas pipeline was tested for strength by air pressure __ MPa for 1 hour in the section from the disconnecting device at the inlet to the taps on the lowers to the equipment (devices).

The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

R.4.2 "__" _____ 200_, the gas pipeline is tested for tightness at a pressure of __ MPa for __ hours with gas appliances connected. The actual pressure drop is __ MPa with an allowable drop of __ MPa. No leaks or defects were found during an external inspection and checking all connections. The gas pipeline passed the leak test.

Operations representative


(position, signature, initials, surname) MP


In-house (intra-shop) gas equipment (including gas pipeline) was installed in accordance with the project developed by _________________

taking into account the agreed changes made to working drawings No. ____

Chief Engineer

construction and installation


(signature, initials, surname) MP

(position, signature, initials, surname) MP



(position, signature, initials, surname) MP

Note. If a workshop (boiler room) has a gas distribution system installed in a common room of the workshop and serving only this workshop, then it is allowed to draw up a common construction passport for the intra-shop gas pipeline and gas distribution system. In this case, the following changes must be made to the above passport form:

a) in R.1, the characteristics of the gas equipment of the workshop should be given in the following form (Table R.2):

Table R.2

b) in R.2, R.Z, R.4 it is necessary to take into account the GRU;

c) supplement the passport with the section “Testing the GRU for strength and tightness”;

d) in the “Conclusion”, instead of the words “(including the gas pipeline)” you should write: “(including the gas pipeline and GRU)”.

Appendix C



built by _______________________

(name of construction and installation organization,

project number)

at: __________________________

C.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF hydraulic fracturing (GRP)

The gas pressure (at inlet and outlet), the type and dimensions of installed equipment, the number and area of ​​premises, the heating and ventilation system, data on lighting, communications, and telecontrol are indicated.




(position, signature, initials, surname of the work producer)


C.4.1 "__" ______200_, the gas pipeline and equipment were tested for strength by pressure of __ MPa with exposure for 1 hour. The gas pipeline and equipment passed the strength test.

C.4.2 "__" ______200_ gas pipelines and equipment were tested for tightness with a pressure of __ MPa for __ hours. Pressure drop MPa with an allowable pressure drop of __ MPa. No leaks or defects were found during an external inspection and checking all connections. The gas pipeline and equipment passed the leak test.

Work producer _____________

(position, signature, initials, surname) MP


(position, signature, initials, surname) MP

Note. If testing of gas pipelines and equipment for strength and tightness is carried out separately for the high and low pressure sides, then two entries should be made in this section of the passport - one for testing on the high pressure side, the other on the low side.


GRP (GRPB) was built in accordance with the design developed by _____________________________________________


(name of the design organization and date of release of the project)

taking into account agreed design changes made to working drawings No. ____

Construction started "__" ______ 200_

Construction completed "__" ______ 200_

Chief Engineer

construction and installation

Page 11 of 19




(cross out what is not necessary)

built _____ ____

(name of construction and installation organization

and project number)

at: ___________________________________________________

(city, street, start and end picket references)


Indicate the length (for input - underground and above-ground sections), diameter, working pressure gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), number of installed shut-off devices and other structures.





Note. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility, and containing necessary information(certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, production date, test results).



(position, signature, initials, surname of the work producer)

An example of a plan (diagram) of welded joints

underground gas pipelines

Note. The diagram must be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, references must be made to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (end, turning, etc.), the distances between joints must be drawn, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including number of communications crossed. Strict adherence to the scale of the diagram is not necessary.

4. CHECKING THE DEPTH OF GAS PIPELINE LAYING, SLOPE, BED, CONSTRUCTION OF CASES, WELLS, CARPETS (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

It was established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the surface of the earth to the top of the pipe along its entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the installation of cases, wells, and carpets correspond to the design.


gas industry ______________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)


1.* Before laying in the trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints was checked:

for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external inspection: thickness - by measurement according to GOST 9.602-89 __ mm; adhesion to steel - according to GOST 9.602-89; continuity - with a flaw detector.

2. * The joints isolated in the trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

Position 3 exclude.

4.* A check for the absence of electrical contact between the pipe metal and the ground was carried out after the trench was completely backfilled “___” ______ ____ 19

Note. * If the trench was backfilled when the soil freezing depth was more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil has thawed, which must be recorded in the acceptance certificate for the completed construction of the gas supply system facility.

When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found.

Head of Laboratory__________________________________


gas industry ______________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)



Position 1 exclude.

2. “___” __________ 19__ before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

3.* “___” __________ 19__ a pneumatic (hydraulic) test of the gas pipeline for pressure strength was carried out ____ MPa (________ kgf/cm2) with exposure for ___ hours.

The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

4. “___” __________ 19__, a gas pipeline backfilled to design levels with fittings installed on it and branches to objects up to shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness for ___ hours.

Before the start of the test, the underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ___ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the ground temperature.

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) according to GOST _____, class ______.

Data from pressure measurements during underground testing

gas pipeline

Test date

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa









R 1

R 2

IN 1

IN 2



According to the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the leak test; no leaks or defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

“___” __________ 19__ the above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness by pressure ___ MPa (______ kgf/cm 2) with holding for ___ hours, followed by external inspection and checking of all welded, threaded and flanged connections. No leaks or defects were found. The above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the leak test.

Work producer ______________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)


gas industry ______________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)


The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by _____________________________________________

(name of design organization


And project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to working drawings No. __

Construction started "___" ___________ 19__

Construction completed "___" ___________ 19__

Chief Engineer SSMU ________________________________

(signature, initials, surname)


gas industry _____________________ _________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)



  • (SNiP 3.03.01-87)
  • Welding log of welded joints (STO Gazprom 2-2.2-136-2007)
  • Incoming inspection log
  • Author's supervision journal (to be filled out by the responsible person from the design organization)


  • Location of gas pipeline networks in plan
  • Longitudinal profile of the gas pipeline
  • Diagram of welded joints indicating the joints submitted for inspection


  • Preparing the surface of a gas pipeline for painting
  • Priming the surface of the gas pipeline
  • Painting the surface of the gas pipeline
  • Steel gas pipeline insulation

5. Test and acceptance certificates:

  • Acceptance certificate for the completed construction of a gas distribution system facility (an order to the commission on acceptance of the completed construction facility from the customer is attached to the act)
  • Gas pipeline leak test report
  • Gas pipeline purge report
  • Protocol for non-destructive testing and mechanical testing of the tolerance joint. If the welder has not had a break in work for more than a month, a certificate certified by the contractor’s HR department is attached.
  • Documents for certification of the contractor's welding production
  • Orders from the contractor to responsible persons for control welding work with a protocol for testing knowledge of specialists specified in the order
  • Order for a welder indicating the mark assigned to him
  • Certificate for checking electrodes indicating melting temperature
  • Protocols for measuring the resistance of grounding devices
  • Certificate for the installation of brackets and supports when performing work on the installation of an internal gas pipeline (download form) (download sample)
  • Certificate of completion of installation work
  • Mechanical test reports for welded joints
  • Ultrasonic testing protocols for welded joints. Attached is a certificate of certification of the non-destructive testing laboratory with certification of specialists from the non-destructive testing laboratory
  • Protocols of the results of radiographic inspection of welded joints. Attached is a certificate of certification of the non-destructive testing laboratory with certification of specialists from the non-destructive testing laboratory
  • Act of carrying out commissioning works GRPS
  • Permission from Gorgaz to operate the gas pipeline

6. Construction passport internal gas pipeline and gas-using equipment of a gas boiler house

7. Certificates and certification protocols for welders

8. Certificates of manufacturers (their copies, extracts from them, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility) for pipes, fittings, welding and insulating materials

9. Technical passports of manufacturing plants (procurement workshops) or copies thereof for equipment, components, connecting parts, insulating coatings, insulating flanges, fittings, as well as other documents certifying the quality of equipment (products)

10. A copy of the passport for the pressure gauge used when testing the gas pipeline for leaks

11. Copies of certificates of state verification of control pressure gauges used at the site, certified by the contractor’s seal (“the copy is correct”)

12. Manufacturers' instructions for use gas equipment and instruments

13. , fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions for building materials, products and designs. For all applicants construction site building materials, products, structures and equipment, an incoming inspection report must be drawn up and subsequently signed by the responsible persons

14. A set of working drawings for the construction of the facility presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them made by the persons responsible for the construction and installation work, agreed with the authors of the project.

15. Documents on approval of deviations from the project during construction

The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

  • Notice of the start of construction
  • Copy of the building permit
  • Copy state examination project documentation
  • Copy of industrial safety examination
  • A copy of the letter from Rostechnadzor “On approval of the industrial safety examination conclusion
  • A copy of the facility registration in Rostechnadzor
  • Order on the appointment of a person responsible for technical supervision
  • Copies of documents on testing the knowledge of the person responsible for technical supervision
  • Order on appointment of designer's supervision
  • Copies of documents on testing knowledge of architectural supervision
  • Installation organization information sheet
  • SRO of the installation organization
  • Order on the appointment of someone responsible for the construction of the facility
  • Copies of documents on testing the knowledge of the person responsible for the construction of the facility
  • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel, etc.)
  • Certificate of certification of welding technology of the installation organization
  • Certificate of certification of welding equipment of the installation organization
  • Certificate of certification of the non-destructive testing laboratory
  • Certification of non-destructive testing laboratory specialists
  • Order on the creation of an acceptance committee
  • Detailed documentation with the Customer’s stamp “In production of work”
  • Work production project (title page and familiarization sheet)

*Featured line-up executive documentation is approximate. Please check with the customer for the exact composition of the as-built documentation.


built by ________________________________________________________________

(name of construction and installation organization)

and project number)

at: ___________________________________________________________________

(city, street, start and end picket references)

1. Characteristics of the gas pipeline (gas inlet)

The length (for underground and above-ground sections), diameter, operating pressure of the gas pipeline, type of insulating coating of the linear part and welded joints (for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets), number of installed shut-off devices and other structures are indicated _____________________________________________



2. List of attached certificates, technical passports (or copies thereof) and other documents certifying the quality of materials and equipment

Notesf. It is allowed to attach (or place in this section) extracts from these documents, certified by the person responsible for the construction of the facility and containing the necessary information (certificate number, brand (type), GOST (TU), dimensions, batch number, manufacturer, release date, test results).

3. Data on welding gas pipeline joints

Notese. The diagram must be drawn up so that the location of each joint can be found from the surface of the earth. To do this, references must be made to permanent ground objects (buildings, structures) of both the gas pipeline itself and its characteristic points (ends, turning points, etc.); The distances between joints, as well as between joints and characteristic points, including intersecting communications, must be marked. Strict adherence to the scale of the diagram is not necessary.

4. Checking the depth of the gas pipeline, slopes, beds, installation of cases, wells, carpets (compiled for underground gas pipelines and gas inlets)

It was established that the depth of the gas pipeline from the surface of the earth to the top of the pipe along its entire length, the slopes of the gas pipeline, the bed under the pipes, as well as the installation of cases, wells, and carpets correspond to the design.

Work producer ______________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

5. Checking the quality of the protective coating of the underground gas pipeline (gas inlet)

1. * Before laying in the trench, the protective coating of pipes and joints was checked: for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks - by external inspection; thickness - measured according to GOST 9.602-89 mm: adhesion to steel according to GOST 9.602-89; continuity - with a flaw detector.

2. * Joints isolated in a trench are checked by external inspection for the absence of mechanical damage and cracks.

Position 3 should be excluded.

4. * Checking for the absence of electrical contact between the metal of the pipe and the soil was carried out after the trench was completely backfilled “___”_______________200 _ g.

Notese. * If the trench was backfilled when the soil freezing depth was more than 10 cm, then the construction and installation organization must carry out an inspection after the soil has thawed, which must be recorded in the acceptance certificate for the completed construction of the gas supply system facility.

When checking the quality of the protective coating, no defects were found.

Head of Laboratory ______________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

6. Purge of the gas pipeline, testing it for strength and tightness

Position 1 should be excluded.

2. “___”______________200__g. Before the strength test, the gas pipeline was purged with air.

3. * “___”____________200__g. A pneumatic (hydraulic) test of the gas pipeline was carried out for strength by pressure____MPa (_____kgf/cm2) with exposure for___hours.

The gas pipeline passed the strength test.

4. “___”____________200__g. a gas pipeline backfilled to design levels with fittings installed on it and branches to objects up to shut-off devices (or the underground part of the gas inlet) is tested for tightness within ___hours.

Before the start of the test, the underground gas pipeline was under air pressure for ____ hours to equalize the air temperature in the gas pipeline with the ground temperature.

Pressure measurements were made with a pressure gauge (differential pressure gauge) in accordance with GOST_______, class.

Data from pressure measurements when testing an underground gas pipeline

Test date

Pressure measurements, kPa (mm Hg)

Pressure drop, kPa (mm)












According to the above pressure measurements, the underground gas pipeline passed the leak test; no leaks or defects were found in places accessible for inspection;

"___"___________200__g. The above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) was tested for tightness by pressure____MPa (____kgf/cm2) with exposure for_____hours, followed by external inspection and checking of all welded, threaded and flanged connections. No leaks or defects were found. The above-ground gas pipeline (above-ground part of the gas inlet) passed the leak test.

Work producer ________________________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

7. Conclusion

The gas pipeline (gas inlet) was built in accordance with the project developed by


(name of design organization


and project release date)

taking into account the agreed changes made to working drawings No. ___-_________

Construction started "___"_____________200__

Construction completed "___"_____________200__

Chief Engineer of SSMU _____________________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)

Representative of the gas industry _____________________________________________

(position, signature, initials, surname)