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The newcomers took the side of the Russians. A British politician said that the Kremlin is being helped by aliens About the aliens who stood on the Kremlin

Astrakhan - city rich history, but the past is impossible without legends: ghosts of the Kremlin, mysterious shadows in the Old Cemetery, underground passages and anomalous zones. The most interesting of them for readers of AiF-Astrakhan were collected by Radmila Tarkova, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of ASU.

Anomalous zones

Rumor has it that Astrakhan and its environs are not among the last in terms of anomalous zones. Surely many have heard about “wormholes”: these, as physicists suggest, are places where spaces intersect. That is why all sorts of strange things happen in such places: strange plants grow, or, conversely, a hopeless desert, strange smells and sounds come from nowhere... According to the townspeople, there are several such wormholes in Astrakhan. For example, four Zelenginsky streets (not far, by the way, from the Old Cemetery). Quite often, time seems to slow down there: an ordinary pedestrian feels as if he is not moving anywhere.

There are other unusual places. It's about underground passages, which, according to Astrakhan residents, run along the former walls of the settlement - the White City, under the Kremlin and even under the Volga, connecting its banks. Their creators are called monks, and metropolitans, and Razin rebels, and even the very first builders of the Astrakhan fortress. These stories are fueled by fresh “eyewitness accounts”, who either discover an entrance to a dungeon somewhere in the basement of an old mansion in the center, or some kind of boarded up door leading to underground labyrinths, or some kind of hole in the ground that leads terribly deep. According to the laws of the genre, it is never possible to enter and examine, photograph, or take any artifact with you.

Haunted houses

Merchant mansions of Shelikhov and Budagov, built at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. on the Kutum embankment, they simply could not help but get the fame of haunted houses. The legend about Masha Shelikhova, who died of tuberculosis, became popular. After which the inconsolable father “relocated” the soul of the deceased into a marble statue, and bequeathed the mansion itself to a tuberculosis hospital. Almost the same story “happened” in the neighboring Budagov mansion, where other ghosts of the dead also registered. There must be witnesses who personally knew the owners and their, former servants and workers, relatives and acquaintances of these witnesses... And so a certain story is passed along the chain, in which grains of truth are thickly sprinkled with fiction and exaggeration. This is how we got the story of the astronomer's tower. Opposite the Volga publishing house across the Varvatsievsky Canal there is an old merchant mansion with an original tower and spire. And this is supposedly not just an element of architectural decor, but a real observatory. According to legend, it was added to the mansion by a merchant for his daughter, who was fond of astronomy and died early. After her death, the merchant lived in this observatory and, as “eyewitnesses said,” he talked with someone at night. The ghost of the merchant’s daughter still “lives” in the tower, and it is believed that whoever sees her will inevitably die. This story was allegedly told to her grandchildren by an old woman, a former servant of a merchant. And the day before her death, she saw the ghost of a merchant’s daughter.

In fact, the houses located here, since the end of the 19th century, belonged to large Armenian entrepreneurs of the city - the Agababovs and Burdzhalovs, Sarbekovs, Bogatovs, and the Tatar merchant Shakir Kazakov. It’s worth taking a closer look at the building: the tower was initially an organic part of the project. In addition, buildings of similar architecture have been preserved in abundance throughout the city - on the embankments of Kutum and the Varvatsievsky Canal, on the street. Chalabyan and Nogin, on the street. Sverdlov and Sovetskaya.

About the White Lady and the Black Monk

As in any self-respecting city, there are ghosts in Astrakhan, which are always registered in ancient beautiful buildings with a dark history.

They came up with a lot of nonsense about the buried woman, calling her either a 16-year-old girl who died of unhappy love, or a bride who died of illness before the wedding, or a patient miraculously revived by a certain doctor, or the terrible White Widow, whom it is not good to see. In fact, Maria Schmidt died at the age of 35, and her husband, the St. Petersburg tradesman Gustav Schmidt, who was engaged in the fish and caviar trade in the city, ordered such a beautiful tombstone for her. This death was even reported in Astrakhan newspapers in 1912. As you can see, there is no mysticism, just a lack of information.

Some people add that you can also meet the Black Monk in the Kremlin. Moreover, they may turn out to be three very real historical characters at once: Metropolitan Joseph, who suffered martyrdom from the Razinites, Saint Theodosius, who exposed False Dmitry during the time of troubles, and Cyril the Builder, sent to us by Ivan the Terrible himself at the end of the 16th century. The Cyril Chapel was erected over the grave of the latter, and miraculous healings of the sick constantly took place at the grave of Metropolitan Joseph. Now his relics, like the relics of Theodosius, rest in the lower church of the Assumption Cathedral.

Petra Oak or not Petra Oak?

No less rich in interesting stories 18 century. Since its beginning was marked by the visit of Astrakhan by Peter I himself.

The monarch, as an active person, not only prepared here for the Persian campaign, but did a lot of useful and interesting things. The oak tree is considered a living witness to his presence. A powerful tree grows near automotive bridge next to the railway station. Astrakhan residents are convinced that the king planted it with his own hands. “Official science” can neither confirm nor refute this. Botanists do not deny that the age of the tree can actually reach up to 300 years. Judging by old maps of the city, it was here that the so-called state gardens were located. Their creation is associated with Peter’s decree of October 16, 1720, sent to Governor Volynsky. In the decree, among other things, the monarch ordered “to establish a provincial vegetable garden in Astrakhan, also to make a greenhouse and keep trees and herbs exported from Persia... At Astrakhan and in other places where there are steppes, sow oak acorns for forests in the same way as forests are planted in Europe ..." So there seems to be every reason to consider this oak as a fragment of Peter the Great’s era.

Aliens in the Babaevsky microdistrict

Microdistrict named after Babaevsky is one of the young ones; it was built and occupied in the late 1980s. Seemingly ordinary high-rise buildings, streets, shops... However, the local residents talk about all sorts of devilry. Astrakhan researcher Valery Komissarov collected many such stories. For example, how people see luminous objects at night or giant human silhouettes flying into apartment windows. Sightings of luminous UFOs and aliens were reported by residents of the villages of Dzhamba, Karabulak, Borkino and Vostochnoye in the Ikryaninsky district, as well as residents of the village of Dzhanai in the Krasnoyarsk region. The UFO landing site is often called Devil's Settlement near the village of Mayachnoye.

The aliens side with the Kremlin and provide the Russians with advanced technology from space. This conclusion can be reached by reading the materials of other foreign experts.

Alien saucers near planet Earth

China and Russia will defeat the West: after all, “they are helped by aliens,” writes John Austin in the British newspaper Express.

The Chinese and Russians will “usurp the Western powers” ​​thanks to the “technology” that the “aliens” will provide them, the material notes.
Eastern superpower China is working with aliens on Earth. The aliens are helping the Chinese develop a technological advantage over the US and the rest of the Western world.

This hypothesis was expressed by the editor of the international magazine “Nexus Magazine”. The editor's name is Duncan Roads. Its publication is an “alternative news source.”
Appears in the east new power, says Mr. Rhodes. China has already demonstrated superiority over Western leaders. The Chinese just have to consolidate their success. And this is “happening now.”

According to a conspiracy theory, aliens are "secretly living" on Earth. They have been living for many years and working with world governments. However, the aliens are hiding “from the public”: it is difficult to imagine what will happen to religion and the rule of law if they are revealed.

Mr. Rhodes believes that aliens working with Chinese leaders have passed on far more "technological improvements" to them than to the West. He also said that the West knows that its time has passed. Now America is “desperately trying” to save its “petrodollar.”
An alternative news expert claims humans are a "hybrid breed" created by aliens who visited the planet thousands of years ago. Humans are simply “cattle” who serve the purposes of their alien creators.

In today's world, there are many incestuous or inbreeding families that own "intelligence, banking, weapons and media empires." These families "manage and control the international votes and military activities of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Japan and South Korea" As for China, it “acts as a bulwark for dissatisfied countries, which likely includes Russia, Malaysia and a number of other Asian, South American and African states.”

However, the expert denies the bright future of Russia and China: these states still will not rule the world. The "Creators" intend to "do one more thing," which Rhodes hopes will lead to world peace as so-called humanity is "modernized" by those who gave birth to it.
Let us remind you that supporters of the conspiracy theory, which grows with hypotheses like mushrooms after rain on alternative news sites or in paper magazines of “secrets and mysteries,” do not have a single piece of evidence in favor of the creation and improvement of the “breed” of earthlings by any aliens.

It's good to know that the aforementioned Mr. Rhodes still has hope for a bright future. In the finale, the “creators” will build a society on Earth that “will speak with one voice and recognize the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Aliens are “acting on the side of the Kremlin” and “providing Russia and China with advanced technologies” from deep space, Duncan Rhodes is convinced. His point of view is described in detail by journalist John Austin in the British newspaper Express.

Duncan Rhodes claims that due to his duty he knows absolutely everything about an alternative view of the world, because he edits Nexus Magazine. The expert explains with the help of aliens that “the Chinese and Russians are usurping the Western powers.”

Rhodes considers the conspiracy theory that aliens from outer space live on Earth among us and cooperate with world governments. The expert believes that guests from outer space supposedly trust Western civilization to a lesser extent, so all unique technologies end up in Russia and China, the expert continued his reasoning.

Rhodes became so carried away that he began to claim that people appeared on Earth when aliens came here a long time ago. The editor of “alternative news” is convinced that it was the guests from outer space who became the ancestors of humanity.

Despite his original view of reality, Duncan Rhodes sincerely believes in world peace. Summing up his emotional speech, he said that friendly aliens will help earthlings build a society that “speaks with one voice and recognizes the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

Nexus Magazine, edited by Duncan Rhodes, is published twice a week in Australia and is a colorful publication with good paper. Judging by the magazine's mentions in in social networks, among its regular readers and authors there are many creative people. These are directors, researchers. For example, a scientist from India boasted on Twitter that his material about a mysterious temple appeared on the pages of Nexus Magazine.

IN Lately More and more interesting statements from space researchers are appearing in the news, talking about new sensations. According to

The aliens side with the Kremlin and provide the Russians with advanced technology from space. This conclusion can be reached by reading the materials of other foreign experts.

Alien saucers near planet Earth

China and Russia will defeat the West: after all, “they are helped by aliens,” writes John Austin in the British newspaper.

The Chinese and Russians will “usurp the Western powers” ​​thanks to the “technology” that the “aliens” will provide them, the material notes.

Eastern superpower China is working with aliens on Earth. The aliens are helping the Chinese develop a technological advantage over the US and the rest of the Western world.

This hypothesis was expressed by the editor of the international magazine “Nexus Magazine”. The editor's name is Duncan Roads. Its publication is an “alternative news source.”

A new force is emerging in the east, says Mr. Rhodes. China has already demonstrated superiority over Western leaders. The Chinese just have to consolidate their success. And this is “happening now.”

According to a conspiracy theory, aliens are "secretly living" on Earth. They have been living for many years and working with world governments. However, the aliens are hiding “from the public”: it is difficult to imagine what will happen to religion and the rule of law if they are revealed.

Mr. Rhodes believes that aliens working with Chinese leaders have passed on far more "technological improvements" to them than to the West. He also said that the West knows that its time has passed. Now America is “desperately trying” to save its “petrodollar.”

An alternative news expert claims humans are a "hybrid breed" created by aliens who visited the planet thousands of years ago. Humans are simply “cattle” who serve the purposes of their alien creators.

In today's world, there are many incestuous or inbreeding families that own "intelligence, banking, weapons and media empires." These families "manage and control the international votes and military activities of the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Japan and South Korea." As for China, it “acts as a bulwark for dissatisfied countries, which likely includes Russia, Malaysia and a number of other Asian, South American and African states.”

However, the expert denies the bright future of Russia and China: these states still will not rule the world. The "Creators" intend to "do one more thing," which Rhodes hopes will lead to world peace as so-called humanity is "modernized" by those who gave birth to it.

Let us remind you that supporters of the conspiracy theory, which grows with hypotheses like mushrooms after rain on alternative news sites or in paper magazines of “secrets and mysteries,” do not have a single piece of evidence in favor of the creation and improvement of the “breed” of earthlings by any aliens.

It's good to know that the aforementioned Mr. Rhodes still has hope for a bright future. In the finale, the “creators” will build a society on Earth that “will speak with one voice and recognize the sovereignty of its neighbors in space, as well as in other dimensions.”

The most talked about video on the Internet

UFO over the Kremlin

A huge pyramid hung over the center of Moscow

Footage taken by as-yet unidentified amateur cameramen from Moscow, apparently through mobile phones, became a worldwide sensation. On December 18, many Western newspapers talked about them on their websites, and television also showed the story.

Actually, there are two stories. Night and day. One was shot from a car window, the other was just from a window. But both seem to show the same object. In the sky - almost above the Kremlin - something triangular hangs.

Interesting details appear in the night plot. Edges appear on the object. It starts to seem like it's a huge pyramid.

A little investigation showed that the event did not occur on December 18th. The filming was posted on the Internet on YouTube a week ago. And they attracted hundreds of thousands of spectators.

But here’s what’s strange: none of the eyewitnesses showed up. I didn’t call the radio or newspapers. Like, I see a huge thing above the Kremlin. Or saw it.

This happens, ufologists assure: some objects “appear” only, as they say, in in electronic format- being filmed. And this “pyramid” could be from the same series. And no one really saw her. Maybe. Or did someone notice? After all, judging by the footage, the “pyramid” hung for a very long time. It is possible that the whole day.

It is strange that none of the eyewitnesses to the mysterious event have yet come forward.

Ufologists also recall the invasion of quite visible triangular UFOs in Europe, which took place at the end of the last century. Then they were first noticed over Belgium, from which these UFO called "Belgian triangles". They were, however, black. And “Moscow” is gray.

After flying, the “triangles” disappeared. Maybe they came back, changing color?

Eyewitnesses and operators of the current event! Please respond. I would like to listen to you and try to understand what it was. People are intrigued.

Belgian triangle. Of course, it is similar to Moscow only in shape

By the way, UFO flew over the Kremlin 200 years ago. A description of an unidentified flying object from 1808 was found in the archives of the State Historical Museum. Then he appeared in the form of a fiery rectangle.

UFOs flew over the Kremlin 200 years ago

A description of an unidentified flying object from 1808 was found in the archives of the State Historical Museum

Andrey MOISEENKO, Photo by Ivan TIMOSHIN. - 02/07/2006

Have aliens been eyeing the white stone for a long time?

In our age, “flying saucers” will not surprise anyone - they are written about in newspapers, talked about on TV, and some lucky people even claim to have seen them themselves. True, in practice it often turns out that they did not see UFO at all, but meteorological probes, rockets, fancifully illuminated from the Earth or the sun's rays, airplanes or a trail from them. Skeptics point out that mass UFO sightings began with the Second World War, when battles began to flare up in the skies, as massive as the battle on Earth. They say that as soon as people mastered the airspace, uneducated weirdos immediately appeared who believed in UFO. It's hard to argue with this statement. However, what can be said about UFO sightings in the pre-aviation era?

Leading researcher at the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum (OPI GIM), Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexander AFANASYEV, has been specializing in the history of our Fatherland at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries for more than 30 years. He is the author of many works that have made him one of the greatest experts on this period.

Recently I was sorting through a collection of papers of a prominent Muscovite, senator and privy councilor Pyotr Poludensky, who died in the mid-19th century. The archive is small - memories of his years of study at Moscow University, from which he graduated with a gold medal, official documents and this curious manuscript, which obviously attracted his attention. I am not a great expert on modern ufological literature, but it seems to me that the document describes UFO.

Indeed, the behavior of the mysterious object is very reminiscent of current stories about UFO: the ability to stop abruptly and move quickly, instantly changing direction, bright light, correct geometric dimensions. Could this document be a fake from a later time?

It’s impossible,” says Afanasiev. — The entry was made on a sheet of notepaper folded in half with watermarks indicating that it was made in 1805 at the factory of Afanasy Goncharov in Kaluga. By the way, the granddaughter of this manufacturer, Natalya Goncharova, became Pushkin’s wife. The text, in terms of spelling, punctuation and presentation style, fully complies with the spelling rules of the early 19th century. It can be assumed that the author is an educated person. This follows from the clarity of the wording, the use of chemical and physical terms and the exact time, down to minutes, of the object’s appearance. Perhaps it was one of the teachers or students of Moscow University, because at that time it was located near the Kremlin, on Mokhovaya Street.

But why this recording was made, and the drawing itself is a mystery to me,” continues the historian Afanasyev. “At first I assumed that this was a draft of an article for a newspaper. But this information was never published either in the Moscow Gazette, which was published by the university, or in other metropolitan newspapers for 1808.

Master of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Adjunct in Chemistry...

Afanasyev became seriously interested in this manuscript and decided to consult astronomers about what the unknown author observed in the sky. But scientists unexpectedly helped establish the name of the observer.

In 1805, the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists was established in Belokamennaya, which still exists today, says a researcher in the history sector of the astronomical observatory of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg Galina PONOMAREVA. “And by a happy coincidence, handwritten minutes of the meetings of that time were preserved in his archive. And in the collection for 1808 we found an entry on French: “On September 23, Mr. Chebotarev made a report on his observation of a meteor on September 1.” Of course, it was not a meteor at all, but at that time all objects flying across the sky were called meteors - the term “UFO” was not even mentioned. And the author, as we later found out, turned out to be ignorant of astronomy.

In the lists of Moscow University employees for 1808, researchers found an employee named Chebotarev. It was 24-year-old Andrei Kharitonovich Chebotarev, Master of Science in Physics and Mathematics, adjunct (senior lecturer - Ed.) of chemistry and technology.

It is known that at the university at that time he gave lectures for young industrialists and manufacturers on the topics: “Foundations of bleaching, dyeing and printing arts” and “Chemical foundations of polytechnological sciences.”

Therefore, it is quite natural,” concludes Galina Ponomareva, “that adjunct Chebotarev, in describing a strange object, used “arshin” as a unit of length, and the color of the “flaming club” reminded him of the glow of burning phosphorus in oxygen.

In the archives of the State Historical Museum there are manuscripts, the author of which was definitely Andrei Chebotarev, continues Alexander Afanasyev. “And his handwriting was different from the way the document about the strange object in the sky was written.” This is the only thing that prevents us from declaring with absolute certainty that a witness UFO It was Chebotarev who was above the Kremlin. However, handwriting experts at the State Historical Museum believe that this mysterious document was written by a professional scribe. And Chebotarev could turn to the services of such a person. This was normal practice when a manuscript was submitted for printing. Chebotarev could prepare material for publication in the annual bulletin of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists. But for unknown reasons it was never published.



In the figure at the top left is the direction of the cardinal points. But why a certain inclined line is depicted is a mystery to historians.

1. On September 13, 1808, at 20:07, someone in a building on Mokhovaya Street heard a strong crash and, looking out the window, saw a certain rectangular object with apparent dimensions of 6.35 x 0.35 meters, rising in an arc into the sky.

2. At an altitude of 2 - 3 km, it froze above the Kremlin. And a bright fireball with a diameter of 1 - 1.5 meters flashed on the side. The glow lasted 5 seconds.

3. When the flame went out, the object began to smoothly rise vertically upward and was visible for another two minutes.

The drawing is also notable for the fact that you can see the Kremlin from the early 19th century.

According to Alexander Afanasyev, the Neglinnaya River flows in front of the Kremlin wall - now it is hidden underground, and the Alexander Garden is laid out in this place.

Buildings behind the wall (from left to right: Assumption Cathedral, Archangel Cathedral, Ivan the Great Bell Tower (the tallest building) and the Chudov Monastery (demolished in the 1930s).

However, Galina Ponomareva has a different version. The picture shows a view of the Kremlin from the Moskva River. And the drawing was not made by Chebotarev himself, but by the same unknown copyist.

Researcher of the OPI State Historical Museum Alexey Yushko shows the Tula diary of the tradesman Kazachikhin.

“An extraordinary phenomenon... never before seen”

The phenomenon was visible at Moscow University.

In 1808, on the 1st of September (September 13, new style. - Ed.) at 8 o'clock and 7 minutes in the afternoon, something extraordinary appeared in a clear sky strewn with stars, never before in its beauty and correctness or in its an unprecedented phenomenon, either in the light of a special bright light or in its terrible magnitude. As we noticed from its strong crackling sound in the sky, it rose in a basic arc-shaped line on the horizon from 55 [degrees] to almost 90 [degrees]. Which space, having run almost instantly, stopped in the height of the summer clouds on a clear day, as if above the Kremlin, and appeared in the form of a long straight plate of the color of phosphorescent radiance, nine arshins long (6.35 meters. - Ed.) and half-width. arshin (35 cm). Then, at its front end in its direction, that is, in the South-Western, an oval-shaped club, two arshins long (1.4 meters) and one and a half (1.05 meters) wide, suddenly flared with the brightest fire, which can only be compared with the radiance in oxygen gas of ignited phosphorus. Having floated without opening flames or sparks, but in a circular manner for five seconds, it illuminated all objects as on the brightest day; then the flame went out, the bright light disappeared, but the bright light plate remained and very smoothly went perpendicular to the top, reached the stars and was still visible in them, as if three arshins long (2.13 meters) for about two minutes, then without disappearing behind the extreme height became invisible.


White kite on blue sky

Employees of the State Historical Museum found another strange evidence.

Tula tradesman, member of the city duma Andrei Afanasyevich Kazachikhin wrote in his diary on February 24, 1875 that he saw a strange ball in the sky, which, having risen “very high,” with a crash transformed into something white, similar to a snake with a large round head and a long wriggling tail. A member of the city council observed this for “10 minutes or more.”

The tradesman Kazachikhin kept a diary “Monument of Past Events” for almost 32 years. And according to the rest of the records, he does not give the impression of a person capable of imagining God knows what, say employees of the OPI State Historical Museum. - He wrote about everything - about the passage of members of the imperial family through Tula, celebrity tours, elections to the Duma, housing military units, deaths of acquaintances. And he wrote about the mysterious phenomenon very casually, without attaching too much importance.