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How to make mushroom broth? Mushroom broth - calories, benefits and harms How to prepare mushroom broth

Mushroom broth is a real lifesaver for people for whom, for whatever reason, meat and fish soups are prohibited.

All Christians know that during Lent you can cook any first course with it: cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik, any mushroom soup.

For vegetarians, this is one of the first bases for soups; it is generally not clear what they would do without such a product. These people know exactly what mushrooms smell like. Oyster mushrooms, for example, don’t make much of an aromatic mushroom broth. It’s better with champignons, but the real forest aroma will be transferred to the broth, and ultimately to the soup, by the forest mushrooms. In first place, of course, is the white mushroom - the king among its relatives.

But soups are also cooked based on broths from chanterelles, boletuses, boletus, honey mushrooms, and extreme dishes even from russula. In a word, as long as it’s not made from fresh fly agarics or toadstools. Both newfangled shiitake and meitake are used.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler - wash the mushrooms properly, add water in a saucepan, put it on the fire - and now the broth is ready. And this is actually true, but you need to adhere to some rules. We are, of course, talking about extraction from the wild. “Store” mushrooms do not require much effort in preparation: washed, cut and boiled.

Rule No. 1. Clean and wash

Before cooking any mushrooms, they must be properly cleaned and washed. The volume that you brought from the forest in a basket already at this stage is reduced by about a third. Washing and processing take quite a lot of time, especially if it is rainy autumn, and along with mushrooms you have collected dirt, fallen leaves, blades of grass, and sand.

Rule No. 2. Soak

All this must be removed and the mushrooms should be left to soak. For what? The mushroom has a porous structure. A lot of things get clogged up in your pores, but you’re unlikely to want to eat them. Therefore, we cleaned, cut off all excess, washed - put the mushrooms in a sufficient amount of water, they should be completely covered with liquid. Leave them for 2 hours, no need to change the water. Some mushrooms have their own characteristics: milk mushrooms can be bitter, butter mushrooms themselves are slimy.

Rule No. 3. Boil first

So, if you are dealing with noble mushrooms - for example, porcini, boletus, boletus, then you can start cooking them immediately after soaking. If the mushrooms are capricious, then they should be boiled over a low simmer for at least an hour, and preferably two. The liquid that forms during the cooking process is not broth yet, it must be poured out! And after that you can use the mushrooms further: you can cook broth from them, and then soup; You can fry it, you can freeze it, or you can dry it.

Rule No. 4. Cook the broth

Now let’s actually cook the mushroom broth. The mass of mushrooms depends on the purposes for which you then want to use them. On average, 200 g of dried mushrooms are taken per 2 liters of water, and 500-700 g of fresh or frozen mushrooms. But if you are planning to prepare a luxurious puree soup, where mushrooms will be the main ingredient, then there should naturally be more of them.

If you take dry mushrooms, you must first soak and rinse them. It is better to defrost frozen ones, although this is not necessary.

When you start cooking, immediately add spices. Pairs well with mushrooms:

  • Onions (leeks or onions), 1 large one is enough for a two-liter saucepan;
  • Bay leaf, but it may interfere with the mushroom flavor;
  • Peppers of all types (black, white, red, sweet peas, paprika, chili);
  • Parsley - both root and green;
  • Celery;
  • Thyme;
  • Oregano;
  • Tarragon;
  • Caraway.

Choose a spice or combination of spices that you like. It is important that the spices are used in moderation - their aroma should emphasize the forest mushroom spirit, and not interrupt it.

Rule No. 5. How long to cook?

The preparation time for mushroom broth ranges from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours on average. It depends, again, on the mushrooms. You can easily prepare a broth from champignons in about 40 minutes. The rule is that wild mushrooms should be cooked longer. Determine readiness by consistency and smell. When the broth is ready, it is filtered, the mushrooms are chopped so that they can be used further.

How to use mushroom broth?

Its main purpose is to become the basis of the soup! If you don’t want the mushroom first course immediately, you can cool the broth and freeze it.

For main courses, mushroom broth will be a good basis for side dishes: buckwheat porridge cooked in it is already excellent. You can make excellent pasta if you boil the spaghetti in broth rather than water.

Mushroom broth is perfect as a base for julienne and all its varieties. You can stew meat, chicken, and vegetables in mushroom broth. As a result, they will all acquire a unique forest aroma!

How much does mushroom broth cost (average price for 1)?

Broth is a liquid broth or culinary semi-finished product that is obtained as a result of heat treatment of various types of animal and poultry meat, vegetables, fish, and mushrooms. It is noteworthy that the broth received its original name thanks to the French verb bouillir, which literally means “to boil.” As a rule, broths contain a fairly small amount of natural protein.

For this reason, broths are used as first courses, which are designed to stimulate the appetite before serving the main courses. The unique benefit of broths lies in the fact that this product is well, and most importantly, quickly absorbed by the human body. Thanks to such distinctive properties, broths are used in dietary and medicinal food menus.

Since the product is easily absorbed even by the human body weakened as a result of a serious illness. The most popular are meat, fish, chicken, vegetable, and mushroom broth. In Japan, broth is made from kombu seaweed. Mushroom broth, along with other varieties of the product, occupies not the last place in the Russian national culinary tradition.

Mushroom broth has long been used in the preparation of various culinary products. The popularity of mushroom broth is primarily due to the abundance of different varieties of mushrooms growing on the territory of the Russian Federation and suitable for making the product. To prepare mushroom broth, you can use both fresh and dried mushrooms.

Of course, the best taste and aroma characteristics are found in mushroom broth prepared with fresh forest mushrooms. This broth can be an excellent, tasty and healthy first course. It is noteworthy that in modern grocery stores you can buy mushroom broth in cubes. However, such a product should not even be compared with freshly brewed, tasty and aromatic mushroom broth.

In order to prepare mushroom broth, you will need the following ingredients: fresh or dried mushrooms, as well as onions, carrots, salt, spices and spices to taste. If fresh mushrooms are used to prepare mushroom broth, they must be thoroughly cleaned and washed, and then only boiled.

Before preparing mushroom broth, dried mushrooms should be rinsed with warm water and left to stand in cold water for several hours. Mushrooms cooked during the preparation of the broth can be finely chopped and used in the preparation of sauces or gravy.

Calorie content of mushroom broth 3 kcal

Energy value of mushroom broth (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Mushroom broth - general principles of preparation

You can prepare a lot of delicious first courses based on mushroom broth, and if you add vegetables, pearl barley, beans or lentils, you get a hearty mushroom soup. Often mushroom broths are combined with other types of broths (for example, meat or chicken). Mushroom broth is good on its own, but you can experiment a little and add cream cheese, green peas and other ingredients to the dish. For flavor and piquancy, you can add a missing clove of garlic and black peppercorns to the soup.

Mushroom broth can be made from fresh or dried mushrooms. The most affordable way is to use regular store-bought champignons; moreover, they do not require long cooking. With forest mushrooms the task becomes somewhat more complicated, since such mushrooms must be processed very carefully. If dried mushrooms are used, they are pre-soaked for several hours, then simmered over low heat for about an hour.

Mushroom broth - preparing food and dishes

To prepare mushroom broth, you don’t need a lot of dishes: you need a 2-3 liter saucepan, a frying pan for sautéing vegetables, a cutting board with a knife, a colander and a bowl for soaking dried mushrooms. You will also need gauze to strain the broth from sediment.

Fresh mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and chopped. Forest mushrooms must first be sorted out from debris and spoiled “specimens”. If dried mushrooms are used, they are washed and soaked in water for several hours (at least three to four).

Mushroom broth recipes:

Recipe 1: Mushroom broth

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to pick wild mushrooms, but still want aromatic mushroom broth, you can go to the store and buy regular champignons. These mushrooms are available all year round, so you can pamper your family with aromatic mushroom soup at any time. This mushroom broth recipe also uses carrots and onions along with mushrooms.

Required ingredients:

  • 15-20 pcs. champignons (depending on the desired volume of soup);
  • Bulb;
  • Carrot;
  • Potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms and cut into pieces. We don’t make it too small, since the champignons are boiled down during the cooking process. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and place it on the stove. Pour a spoonful of sunflower oil into a frying pan and add the champignons, fry over moderate heat, stirring constantly, for about five minutes. After the water boils, add the potatoes. After 20 minutes you can add mushrooms. Grate three carrots and chop the onion. Sauté the vegetables in oil (can be in the same frying pan where the mushrooms were cooked) for several minutes. Place vegetables in broth. Shortly before the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to the soup. We cook the broth until all the products are ready, first of all, we focus on potatoes, since mushrooms do not require long-term heat treatment. Let the mushroom broth sit for about 15 minutes and serve. You can add chopped herbs to the plate.

Recipe 2: Mushroom broth made from dried mushrooms

An easy way to make delicious mushroom broth from dried mushrooms. Those who make preparations will certainly like this recipe. Onions and carrots and parsley root are also used here. This broth can become the basis for a variety of first courses.

Required ingredients:

  • Dry mushrooms - 60 g;
  • Onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • Parsley root;
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms several times in water, then add two liters of water and leave for several hours. After the mushrooms have swollen, pour the soaking liquid into a separate container and strain, rinse the mushrooms themselves again. Pour strained water over the mushrooms and start cooking. Cut the onion into several parts, peel the carrots, rinse them and chop them coarsely. Cut the parsley root into 2-3 parts. Add roots with vegetables after boiling. Cook the mushroom broth over low heat for 45-60 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, it will be ready. It must be strained from all the products, then poured back into the pan. The resulting sediment must be drained. Select mushrooms from vegetables, rinse and chop. Throw them into the soup and boil a little more.

If the mushrooms were not soaked in advance, the soup should be cooked for at least three hours over low heat. Vegetables with roots can be placed in the broth an hour and a half after boiling.

Recipe 3: Mushroom broth with green peas

Another way to prepare mushroom broth, where the main “zest” lies in the presentation. Green peas are used for this purpose. Its delicate taste goes well with any boiled mushrooms. A dish prepared in this way is satisfying and nutritious.

Required ingredients:

  • Champignons;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Salt;
  • Roots;
  • Butter;
  • Green peas.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms, cut them into four parts, and fill them with water. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, then add the pepper, pieces of roots and the onion cut into pieces. Lightly add salt. Cook the broth until tender, then strain the spices, onions and roots and pour it back into the pan. Separate the champignons and cut into small pieces. Add butter, boil for three minutes and turn off the heat. Place the mushrooms and green peas on plates and pour in the broth.

Recipe 4: Mushroom broth with melted cheese

Despite the ease of preparation, this mushroom broth turns out very tasty, satisfying and nutritious. Processed cheese goes well with any mushrooms and gives the dish a delicate creamy taste. This recipe uses fresh mushrooms.

Required ingredients:

  • ½ kg of fresh champignons;
  • Processed cheese without flavoring additives - 300 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrot;
  • Garlic - two cloves.

Cooking method:

Peel the onion and chop it with a knife (or in a blender). Rinse and chop the mushrooms. We wash the carrots and three. Fry the onion in butter for about 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add carrots to it and fry for a few more minutes. Next, add the champignons to the vegetables, cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the mixture over low heat for 17 minutes. Place the vegetable and mushroom mixture in a saucepan and add one and a half liters of water. After boiling, boil for about 10 minutes, then add the processed cheese and garlic passed through a press (optional). Bring to a boil again and cook for 2-3 minutes until the cheese dissolves. Let the creamy mushroom broth sit and then serve.

Recipe 5: Mushroom broth with beans

It turns out that with just two ingredients you can prepare a hearty first course, which is also very tasty. Onions are also added to the mushroom broth for taste and aroma.

Required ingredients:

  • 160 g each of mushrooms and beans;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Salt;
  • Butter;
  • White bread.

Cooking method:

If dry mushrooms are used, they must be washed and soaked for 3-4 hours in water. Cook mushroom broth from the soaked mushrooms for about one hour, then strain it. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. The beans should also be pre-soaked for several hours, then boiled until tender. Place the boiled beans in a colander. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter, then add tomato paste to it and simmer for a few more minutes. Add onions, beans and chopped mushrooms to the soup. Cook the soup for 15-20 minutes, add salt to taste at the end of cooking. Cut the bread into small pieces and dry it in the oven. Serve mushroom broth with beans along with crispy croutons. If desired, you can also add chopped herbs to the plate.

Mushroom broth - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

— The champignons can be boiled immediately or pre-fried with onions or separately - with fried mushrooms the soup turns out much more flavorful;

— Mushrooms do not need a large amount of spices and seasonings, so it is recommended to limit yourself to salt, black pepper and garlic;

— Mushroom broth will become much more aromatic and richer if you add coarsely chopped roots and onions to it; the broth must be strained after cooking.

Recipes with mushrooms

  • Mushroom soup
  • Casserole with mushrooms
  • Julienne with mushrooms
  • Salads with mushrooms
  • Potatoes with mushrooms
  • Mushroom pate
  • Pickled mushrooms
  • Recipes with champignons
  • Soups with mushrooms
  • Mushrooms with cheese
  • Stuffed mushrooms
  • Fried mushrooms
  • Pasta with mushrooms
  • Potatoes with meat and mushrooms
  • Mushrooms in pots
  • Stewed mushrooms
  • Pizza with mushrooms
  • Creamy sauce with mushrooms
  • Mushrooms baked in the oven
  • Mushrooms with sour cream
  • Meat with mushrooms
  • Mushroom glade salads
  • Layered salad with mushrooms
  • Salad with fried mushrooms
  • Salad recipe with mushrooms and cheese
  • Mushroom sauce
  • Tartlets with mushrooms
  • Dried mushroom soup
  • Mushroom broth
  • Mushroom broth soup
  • Mushroom salad - recipe with photo
  • Mushroom soup - recipe with photo
  • Dumplings with mushrooms
  • Lasagna with mushrooms

You can find even more interesting recipes on the main page of the Cooking section

Greetings, my friends! Today our subject of interest is mushroom broth. Different cuisines of the world can boast of flavor options for soups, rich and lean broths made from these products, and sauces based on them. For some, this is an unpretentious food, the result of a “quiet hunt.” For others, a delicacy is that restaurants that are famous for their mushroom offerings are booked months in advance, families come from many countries and present visits as gifts.

Almost everything about mushroom broth

This is a decoction, for example, of mushrooms, meat and roots. Light, easily digestible. It is used as a dietary dish, medicinal, since the calorie content (3 kcal per 100 g of decoction) is unobtrusive. In addition, the protein content is low (0.5 g), even less fat (0.1 g) and no carbohydrates at all. Although as a protein product they are considered equal to meat.

The decoction is distinguished between white and yellow. White color is given by unfried roots and representatives of the kingdom of living nature, to which scientists include mushrooms, yellow - by fried ones. They are served as a separate dish, they are used to prepare puree soup, soups with filling (for example, noodles, croutons, boiled eggs), sauces for meat, pancakes, potatoes, and porridges. Prepared from frozen, dried and fresh.

For problems with the digestive system, liquid soup is a suitable food. Eukaryotic organisms, as mushrooms are scientifically called, are rich in minerals, enzymes, proteins, and vitamins. Excellent taste is complemented by potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and lipase. Despite the rich content of substances beneficial to the body, opinions differ as to whether children can include such a soup on the menu and at what age. Some say three years, others say six or seven years. In any case, this should be done infrequently - once every two to three weeks; for children, this broth is diluted with vegetable broth.

Regarding the dilemma, the benefits and harm that these half-plants, half-animals can bring to the body, let’s say so. You should be wary of inedible and poisonous forest specimens. Subject the forest harvest to careful processing. Forest products accumulate heavy metal salts, so they should be boiled in several waters, after which they are suitable for food. Boletuses and boletus mushrooms are not suitable for this first course, since the decoction from them looks unaesthetic.

And the last thing:

  • add separately cooked mushrooms to the soup 15 minutes before they are ready;
  • salted at the end of cooking (and fried - at the beginning);
  • champignon soup, from fresh forest specimens, cook over low heat for 2-2.5 hours, after an hour, add the roots;
  • dried ones are pre-soaked in hot water for an hour;
  • cook with spices (black pepper, cumin, basil, parsley, thyme, tarragon, rosemary), but in small doses so as not to clog the aroma;
  • At the end of cooking, turn the heat to high for 3 minutes. Then you need to let the broth brew for 20 minutes;
  • Store dried mushrooms in tightly sealed glass jars.

The best recipes from the chef

Try making soup according to our recipes, cooking cabbage soup with mushrooms. The proposed recipes with photos will take their rightful place in your practice and will bring a lot of positive emotions at the family table.

1. Dried soup

The most aromatic soups are made from white boletus, but you can also make it from chanterelles and others too. However, transparent and puree-like ones are made only from white ones.

Rinse the soaked dried preparations, pour in the strained water in which they were soaked, and set to cook. After boiling, add roots - carrots, parsley, celery, coarsely chopped. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes. Strain the cooled broth, rinse the cooked mushrooms and chop or mince. Place the boiled ones into the soup 15 minutes before removing.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 50 g of mushrooms, parsley root, celery, 2 carrots.

2.Frozen soup

Fill the champignons or wild mushrooms with water and let them cook. Add chopped potatoes, carrots and onions fried in butter to the boiling soup. Reduce heat to low and cook for 30 minutes until vegetables and mushrooms are cooked. Salt and pepper. We insist for 20 minutes.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of water, 500 g of mushrooms, 2 potatoes, carrots, onion, 20 g of butter, salt and pepper to taste.

3. Chicken soup

Cook the chicken broth, carefully removing the foam so that our soup is as clear as possible. Chicken legs or breasts are cooked for 40 minutes over low heat. We cut the potatoes into cubes and cubes, chop the mushrooms, chop the onions, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place carrots and onions in heated vegetable oil in a frying pan and sauté for two minutes over medium heat. Add flour and salt. Remove the cooked chicken meat, separate it from the bones, and strain the broth. We put potatoes and mushrooms in it. Cook for 20 minutes. Simmer for another five minutes, adding carrots and onions. Season with herbs, sour cream, green peas.

Ingredients: 1.5 liters of water, 2-3 chicken legs, 3 potatoes, 1 carrot, onion, 100 g mushrooms, 1 tsp. flour, bay leaf, butter, salt, herbs.

4. Beef soup

Cook in the same way as in the previous recipe. Instead of chicken - beef with bone. First, cook the broth (it needs more time than chicken), and then add the mushrooms.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 600 g of beef, 200 g of mushrooms, onion, carrot, salt, pepper, bay leaf, herbs.

5. Chicken and meat broth for soup

We cook it the same way as chicken and meat. Cook on pork ribs with chicken backs. Add mushrooms immediately. After half an hour, add cubes of potatoes, carrots, roots and onions (which we will remove after 25 minutes).

Ingredients: 300 g pork, 250 g mushrooms, 8 potatoes, carrots, onion, salt, herbs.

How many calories are in chicken soup with mushrooms? – In 100 g of chicken broth – 15 kcal, pork – 23.15 kcal, beef broth – 28.8 kcal.

Bon appetit everyone!

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Mushroom broth is an amazingly tasty and healthy decoction obtained by cooking mushrooms (see photo). As a rule, it has a rich consistency, expressive aroma and pleasant taste.

This valuable product can be prepared from absolutely any mushroom: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, etc. Moreover, for its preparation it is possible to use both fresh and dried mushroom ingredients. Keep in mind that the color of the broth directly depends on the type of mushroom used.

On sale, mushroom broth is often found in the form of a dry mixture, which usually includes not only mushrooms, but also spices. The latter can be salt, pepper and various spices. The main companies that produce this seasoning are Rollton, Knorr, Maggi and Galina Blanca. The latter manufacturer most often produces mushroom broth in the form of pressed cubes. It is recommended to use such dry mixtures called “broth” in cooking strictly according to the instructions indicated on the product packaging.

How to make mushroom broth at home?

Despite the fact that today the food industry offers a wide range of mushroom broths, most cooks prefer to make this product at home. First of all, this is due to the fact that a decoction prepared by yourself is many times healthier than the dry mixture sold in stores. The whole secret lies in natural ingredients, which manufacturers in most cases replace with artificial additives. In addition, homemade broth has a more pleasant taste, as well as a more pronounced mushroom aroma.

As previously mentioned, you can prepare a decoction from either fresh or dried mushrooms. In the first case, you need to be extremely careful, since fresh forest fruits can absorb heavy metal salts. To avoid this, mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned and processed before cooking. For dried mushroom ingredients, it is recommended to soak them in cold water for at least two hours before using. This procedure helps return the mushrooms to their original texture.

Cook homemade mushroom broth after boiling for at least sixty minutes over low heat. If necessary, the broth can be supplemented with fresh onions, garlic, as well as spices and spices. After preparation, the liquid must be filtered and used for its intended purpose. You can also freeze the broth and thereby prepare it for the winter. To do this, the product should be poured into portioned molds and placed in the freezer for further storage. It is noteworthy that during the freezing process the broth does not lose its properties.

You can store mushroom decoction in the freezer for up to three months, while its shelf life in the refrigerator is only one day!

Use in cooking

Using natural mushroom broth you can prepare a lot of tasty and nutritious dishes. First of all, this product is great as a base for soup. In this case, the broth needs to be supplemented with potatoes, some cereals and herbs, after which the dish can only be boiled until the ingredients soften and served. If the finished soup needs to be lightened, you can add sour cream or cream before serving.

You can also make the following dishes using broth:

  • sauces;
  • porridge;
  • gravies;
  • potatoes with meat;
  • stewed vegetables;
  • cabbage soup, etc.

There are many original and tasty recipes that require mushroom broth. And thanks to its low calorie content, effective diets for weight loss are even being developed based on this product.

Benefits and harms

Thanks to the unique chemical composition of wild mushrooms, broth prepared on their basis brings great benefits to the body. Natural mushroom broth contains a large amount of protein, as well as almost the entire list of amino acids and trace elements. This product is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Medical experts say that properly prepared wild mushroom broth has the following beneficial properties:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain;
  • prevents heart and vascular diseases;
  • cleanses the body of toxins and other dangerous substances;
  • protects the body from viruses.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that mushroom decoction is incredibly beneficial for skin, hair, and nails.

Harm from this product may occur if it is consumed excessively. The thing is that mushrooms contain chitin, which usually has a bad effect on the stomach. Mushroom decoction is especially dangerous for children under seven years of age.

Mushroom broth is an integral part of cooking. This product has a lot of advantages, as well as many ways to use it well.