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07/20/2018 at 21:16:00

The confrontation between the residents of the hostel and the university is far from over.

For many years now, students of the Moscow Technological University (MIREA) have been fighting for their legal right to move into the university dormitory and continue their studies under normal conditions. However, they are opposed by the former residents of the building, who, despite court orders, refuse to leave their places. The “housing issue” that began several years ago has quarreled everyone around and turned into a kind of “civil war” that has no end or edge.

Earlier, Moskovskaya Gazeta carried out its investigation into this incident.

On Friday, July 20, university activists contacted the editorial office with a request to support them in the fight against the inaction of government authorities in solving the problems of Moscow students and the infringement of the legal rights of students.

Contacting the media for students tired of protracted strife is apparently the only way to attract the attention of the authorities to the unresolved issues of the university.

Until recently, according to the Moscow City Property Department, more than 200 people lived in the hostel building. Some of the residents are registered here on a permanent basis, while others are registered on the basis of commercial rental agreements. There are also those who have no reason to live in the building at all.

As the prefecture of the South-East Administrative District explained to Moskovskaya Gazeta, the dispute is over a five-story brick building of typical Khrushchev-era construction from the mid-50s. This is the building of the former workers' dormitory of JSC Centrostransstroy; employees of the organization and members of their families continue to live in the building. In the early 90s, the hostel was privatized and became part of the authorized capital of the company. However, at the end of the 2000s, work was underway to liquidate the dormitories in the district, at the same time the management of the organization changed, and no one needed the building. In 2010, JSC Centrostransstroy applied to the Department of Housing Policy and Housing Fund of Moscow to transfer the dormitory into city ownership. Later, the court found that the now disputed building on Stavropolskaya Street, 17 is federal property, this is confirmed by an extract from the register of federal property dated May 17, 2012.

Since 2016, based on the order of the territorial administration of the Federal Property Management Agency, the building has been assigned to the state university “Moscow Technological University”. Since that time, measures have been taken through the courts to evict tenants to accommodate non-resident students. Between 2015 and 2016, the Lyublinsky District Court issued decisions to evict about 120 people. This year, the university filed about 40 more lawsuits in court. More than half of them have already received a positive decision and entered into legal force.

However, students and university management claim that court decisions are not enforced by bailiffs.

“We are completely bewildered, how can it be that in our rule-of-law state, bailiffs do not execute court decisions? And why should we, the students who need this dormitory, who need this housing and which is rightfully and legally ours, suffer because of this?” the university students wrote to the editors of the Moskovskaya Gazeta.

However, citizens who have lived here for many years also claim that they have every right to be in the building and do not agree with the decisions taken to evict them. Less than a month ago, residents organized a spontaneous rally, making it clear that they had no plans to move here. Because before the hostel became owned by MIREA, the house was awaiting resettlement under the city’s Housing program.

Thus, the dilapidated dormitory building, long in need of major repairs, became a theater of military operations in which ordinary people were hostages of the situation - former residents who had nowhere to move, and out-of-town university students waiting to move in.

Last year, the university management, in order to create acceptable living conditions for students, planned to repair all the engineering systems of the building. Moreover, according to the leadership of the educational institution, no one was going to put citizens on the street for whom there had not yet been a court decision. Residents were asked to move to other university dormitories during the renovation. But almost no one agreed to the move.

As a result, the heated dispute, saturated with the emotions of people, each of whom defended their rights and interests, did not allow us to come to an acceptable solution to the issue. Instead, a protracted and meaningless confrontation began on the principle of “who will survive who.”

Since the end of August last year, the building has been repeatedly disconnected from utilities, as a result of which residents lost heating, water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity. Residents of a neighboring apartment building also suffered from such actions. As the hostel hostages reported, in November unknown persons broke into the building, tore out the electrical panel and dismantled the sewerage equipment in the basement of the house. Then, with the help of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhilischnik”, the sewerage system and electricity were restored.

The leadership of the Lyublino government, together with the district emergency service, appealed to the university management with a demand to restore vital communications. However, these requirements were not met. Moreover, at the end of June, MIREA turned to Mosgaz with a request to disconnect the hostel from gas supply, citing this decision as a transition to electricity supply. As a result, the gas pipeline pipe was cut. Due to the protest of residents and under the influence of the district executive authorities, gas supply to the hostel was restored.

“The pipe is being welded back! Now we will deal with the situation in which the owner of the building (MIREA) forces people onto the street using such methods,” wrote at the end of June, Moscow Yabloko member Sergei Mitrokhin, who had previously visited Stavropolskaya, 17 and talked with local residents, Facebooked.

Mitrokhin noted that gas sabotage is not the first in this series of events. Winter, for example, was “fecal”: “MIREA cut off the sewer pipe at night and the basement was knee-deep in feces.”

As sources familiar with the situation explained to Moskovskaya Gazeta, the university is clearly aggravating the situation. Thus, the university did not renew the contract for cold water supply. This service is not paid from the beginning of the year. In connection with the current situation, local authorities plan to send another appeal to the Lublin Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office, since the new heating season 2018-2019. the university may not be ready. In general, technical and emergency maintenance of the building is not carried out today. As the university says for its part, this is being prevented by the residents themselves, who illegally live in the dormitory.

In connection with numerous requests from residents and students, the district prefecture and the Lyublino district government assumed a number of obligations. Despite the fact that they do not have the authority to coordinate the activities of the hostel and resolve property disputes.

But, as the prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District explained to Moskovskaya Gazeta, they are not indifferent to the fate of the residents of the disputed building. Because we are talking about people who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Representatives of the prefecture have repeatedly visited the site, communicated with evicted residents and students, they saw the inhumane conditions people live in, but the only thing they can do in this case is to make sure that the building has working heating, sewerage and other things necessary for living conditions. And all other issues can only be resolved in court.

This, for their part, was repeatedly done by the district executive authorities, who turned to the prosecutor's office with a request to take prosecutorial response measures in relation to the actions of the university. Thus, due to delays in preparing the building for the last winter season, the Lyublin government sent an appeal to the Lyublin interdistrict prosecutor's office. A prosecutor's inspection was carried out against the Moscow Technological University and a protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up. The rector of the university was ordered to establish the identified violations. A letter was also sent to the management of MIREA with a request to inform district and district authorities about the progress of the work.

One of the key universities in Europe that trains highly qualified specialists in the field of technology is MIREA University. Reviews from students and graduates show that the old name does not want to give way to the new one: since 2014 it has been the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI). Apparently, for this reason, the abbreviation that belonged to the predecessors was retained. This university joined the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (Top Industrial Managers for Europe).


This wonderful university was founded in 1947 and was not the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, but the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute - VZEI - until 1967, after which it was renamed, and students began to study not only part-time, but also full-time. VZEI had powerful branches in Kyiv, Leningrad, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Novosibirsk and Tashkent, where they also trained highly qualified engineers and improved their knowledge through retraining.

In the image and likeness of VZEI, other technical universities of the USSR were formed: its educational and consulting departments and branches often became the basis for the creation of new polytechnic institutes in Kemerovo, Omsk, Kirov and some other cities. That is, VZEI was considered the leading institute in the entire system of training in radio engineering and energy, where there was a real forge of personnel for many of the newest sectors of the national economy, including the defense industry.

VZEI until 1963

MIREA, reviews of which are so favorable, began long before its birth. VZEI gradually changed in line with the needs of the development of science and technology. At the very beginning of the sixties, specialists in electronic engineering and radio electronics were already trained here. Even then, the institute began to reform and move away from clean energy to high-tech technologies. Therefore, some faculties went to MPEI (Moscow Energy Institute): hydropower, thermal power, electrical power and electromechanical.

Next to the radio engineering faculty, VZEI opens the faculties of automation, computer technology, measuring equipment and telemechanics, design and production of radio electronics equipment. At the same time, the evening radio engineering faculty opened. Since 1964, the institute has come close to training engineers for the defense industry in cybernetics, electronics, and computer technology.

MIREA (1967)

After the transformation of VZEI into MIREA, reviews of the institute began to note the training of extremely valuable engineering personnel for the radio and electronics industry, for the knowledge-intensive branches of mechanical engineering and instrument making, for control systems and automation equipment. At first, MIREA did not have its own space at all, since it was based on the territory of MPEI, in one of its buildings. Gradually, the institute received and expanded its own premises to six buildings: on Preobrazhenka and on Vernadsky Avenue. The MIREA educational and scientific complex, reviews of which are also positive, is located on Borovskoye Highway. The complex houses an information and computing center building and a scientific and technical library.

During the existence of MIREA, student reviews have not changed their tone: it is interesting to study there, the university cooperates with fifty enterprises from the field of high-tech production, which are the basis for the work of the departments. Educational programs are certified according to international standards, the latest scientific laboratories and student design bureaus have been created at MIREA. Student reviews cannot be negative about a university that has academies from such iconic manufacturers as Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others.

Military department

MIREA has basic departments at leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex, therefore one of the educational divisions is MIREA. Reviews of specialties very often mention this with gratitude.

Personnel are forged here for both law enforcement agencies and the reserves of the RF Armed Forces. This is a civilian university, but the military department has been retained, and reserve officers graduate from here. Here students are taught one day a week from the fourth to the eighth semester, classes last six hours, after which students are given two hours for self-study.


One of the first questions when entering MIREA is the dormitory. There are also plenty of reviews about it, but, unlike reviews about teaching and the quality of university training in general, opinions vary. First of all, because there is simply not enough of it: with a huge number of students, the number of places in the hostel is simply incomparable - there are only 297 of them. There is always competition for a place to live. Naturally, certain categories of students are excluded from the competition: orphans, low-income people, disabled people and others.

Nevertheless, students speak well of the hostel itself: good conditions have been created there for recreation, study, and sports. There is a library, Internet access in a computer lab, a dining room, a gym, a medical isolation ward and a storage room. Security is provided by access control and 24-hour video surveillance. All entrances have fire and alarm buttons, installed


MIREA includes ten institutes that implement higher education programs: master's, specialist's and bachelor's degrees. The Institute of High Technologies, as a structural unit of MIREA, trains bachelors, masters, specialists and graduate students. There is a long range of directions and specialties. Also here, engineering and technical and managerial employees improve their skills and undergo retraining. A lot of research work is being carried out. More than 75 percent of the institute's teaching staff have academic degrees and titles.

The faculty of cybernetics at MIREA University receives the most numerous responses. Reviews indicate that its graduates are in great demand. (To be precise, it is not a faculty, but an institute of cybernetics.) It is a unit in which there is an educational department, sixteen departments, educational and research centers and laboratories. Of all the areas and specializations at MIREA, software engineering is of particular interest to applicants. Reviews from masters who have received such an education indicate that this specialization is worth spending another two years after a bachelor’s degree for the pleasure of doing science.

Other institutes:

  • innovative technologies and public administration,
  • information technology,
  • integrated safety and special instrumentation,
  • radio engineering and telecommunication systems,
  • fine chemical technologies,
  • technical aesthetics and design,
  • management and economics,
  • electronics.


In the structure of MIREA there are three more institutes of a special warehouse in addition to the ten mentioned above. This is an international institute of computer science with training programs for foreigners, an institute of pre-university training with programs for college and school students, as well as an institute of additional education.

And a number of non-specialized faculties exist within MIREA. This is the faculty of general training (physics, chemistry, higher mathematics and much more), the evening faculty with the same higher education programs, the faculty of distance and correspondence education and the college of instrument engineering and information technology.

MIREA also has twelve branches, and the most favorable information about them is also there. Most of them are located near Moscow: in Sergiev Posad, Fryazino, Serpukhov and other cities.

Who writes reviews?

More than seven thousand students, both Russian and foreign, can write reviews at MSTU MIREA. Surely not everything was written, but it is simply impossible to read in full what students and graduates think or remember about MIREA. Because there are a lot, a lot of reviews. Both graduate students and doctoral students showed up there, of whom there are significantly more than two hundred and fifty at the university.

Future applicants who are undergoing pre-university training also write, and there are also many of them - more than a thousand. And there are especially many reviews from those receiving additional education, but this is understandable: far more than ten thousand people study at MIREA (MGUPI). There are also reviews about the training of Doctors of Science and Candidates of Science, who are trained and defended in twenty specialties. MIREA constantly operates six dissertation councils, where dissertations are defended and academic degrees are sought.


At MIREA, more than two thousand teachers and professors give their experience and knowledge to the younger generation. From this seemingly huge number, one can single out well over 1000 candidates of sciences and associate professors, plus about 3600 professors and doctors of sciences, 5 corresponding members and full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and about 100 members from other academies. There are also about 50 laureates of the State Prize and Government Prize in MIREA.

That's why there are such reviews about MIREA. Moscow, or rather its applicants, with all the abundance of options for obtaining higher education, very often chooses this particular university. There are many advantages and almost no disadvantages, judging by the reviews. There is a developed educational base and excellent technical facilities. Students undergo practical training in design bureaus. For example, in the Scientific and Technical Center "Electronics", the technology park, and the international laboratory LEMAC. The higher mathematics department of the Faculty of Cybernetics is highly praised: both because they teach very well and treat students with tireless attention.

International activities

Cooperation in science and education with foreign universities is the most important component of the university’s strategic development line, therefore ties with them are very close: joint research projects, practical seminars and conferences are carried out, teaching and student mobility is developed in the form of an exchange of leading teaching staff.

Now MIREA is in close contact with institutions in France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Japan, Taiwan, China, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Korea and many others. MIREA is also a member of many international associations and associations.

Academic mobility

Scientific cooperation with foreign countries involves joint scientific research, for which special joint units have been created. The key direction of such work is supporting academic mobility, that is, the implementation with preliminary development of educational programs, training and internships for students abroad, obtaining two diplomas - MIREA and a partner university, the exchange of leading teachers and professors for lecturing and conducting scientific research.

MIREA - Russian Technological University
International name Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "MIREA - Russian Technological University"
Former names VZEI
Moscow Technological University
Motto The best among equals is an equal among the best!
Optimus inter pares - par inter optimos!
Year founded
Reorganized MIREA
Year of reorganization
Type State
Rector Kudzh, Stanislav Alekseevich
President Sigov, Alexander Sergeevich
Students ±40000
International students 300
Doctors 360
Teachers 2000
Location Moscow, Russia Russia

01 South-West

01 Vernadsky Avenue
Legal address 119454, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, building 78

RTU MIREA(full name Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MIREA - Russian Technological University") is a higher educational institution in Moscow, which was formed in 2015 as a result of the merger of MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov and a number of educational, scientific, design and production organizations.

History of MIREA [ | ]

VZEI (1947-1967) [ | ]

VZEI was the leading institute in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, preparing engineers for the defense industry and many new energy sectors. Its branches and educational and consulting centers became the basis for technical universities that were later created in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and a number of other cities.

In preparation for transformation into an educational institution of a new type, a contingent of students from the thermal power, hydropower, electric power and electromechanical faculties is transferred to.

Along with the preservation of the radio engineering faculty that existed since the beginning of the VZEI, the following faculties began to function:

Automation, telemechanics and measuring equipment; computer technology; design and production of radio-electronic equipment.

In addition to distance learning, an evening radio engineering faculty is being created.

Large-scale modernization of VZEI began to be carried out after on December 19, 1964, a major organizer of higher education and science, N. N. Evtikhiev, a future academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of six orders of the USSR and Russia, was appointed rector of the institute.

In subsequent years, VZEI was transformed into a higher educational institution for training engineering personnel for defense industry enterprises in Moscow in the areas that began to rapidly develop in those years: radio engineering, electronics, cybernetics, computer technology.

Thus, in the process of VZEI’s activities, the modern profile of the university began to be determined, the structure, teaching staff, and traditions of training highly qualified specialists for the development of new technologies in radio engineering, electronics and computer technology began to take shape. Over the 20 years of its existence, the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute trained 7 thousand engineers.

Transformation of VZEI into MIREA (1967)[ | ]

By Government Decree of June 30, 1967, the All-Union Correspondence Energy Institute (VZEI) was transformed into the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) in order to train highly qualified engineering personnel for the knowledge-intensive branches of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Evtikhiev was appointed Rector of MIREA.

At the same time, construction of a modern educational and scientific complex with a total area of ​​100,000 square meters is underway. m. in the South-West of Moscow, on Borovskoye Highway near the village of Nikulino. The construction was carried out by the SU-210 Spetsstroy.

Merger of RosNII ITiAP and VNIITE (2013)[ | ]

On June 14, 2013, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 461, the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Design Systems (FGBU RosNII IT and AP) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE) joined the University as structural divisions. .

Joining MGUPI and IPAiKE (2014)[ | ]

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 9, 2014, the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI) and the Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency (IPAiE) with all their branches were merged with MSTU MIREA. The united university was named Moscow State University of Information Technologies, Radio Engineering and Electronics, but retained the abbreviation from its predecessors - MIREA, MGUPI.

The complex of buildings on the campus of the federal budgetary educational budgetary institution of higher education "MIREA - Russian Technological University" includes the following student dormitories, intended for accommodation of nonresident students, graduate students, doctoral students, and interns.

Dormitory No. 1, located at: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, building 86, building 1
(nearest metro station: Yugo-Zapadnaya).

The living area of ​​the dormitory is 8,359.0 m2.
The total number of places in the hostel is 1,320.

The dormitory is a 14-story panel building.

The hostel has double and triple rooms with all amenities (shower, toilet). Kitchens are located separately on each floor. There is a cafe in the lobby of the 1st floor.

The dormitory has reading rooms, a drawing room, a recreation room, a library, a storage room, an ironing room, an isolation ward and more. Students living in the dormitory have access to an art studio, a choir studio, dance and aerobics classes. Flowerbeds have been laid out and trees have been planted near the hostel building.

Bicycle parking and a basketball court are available for students.

Dormitory No. 2, located at the address: Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt, building 12, building 2
(nearest metro station: Lomonosovsky Prospekt).

The living area of ​​the dormitory is 2,400 m2.
The total number of places in the hostel is 297.

The dormitory is a 5-story apartment building.

The hostel has all the conditions for comfortable living and preparation for studies, sports, recreation and leisure.

There is a library, a computer class (with Internet access), a gym, as well as a dining room, laundries, a storage room and a medical isolation ward.

Dormitory No. 3, located at: Moscow, st. Studencheskaya, house 33, building 3.

The living area of ​​the dormitory is 2,681.0 m2.

Dormitory No. 4, located at: Moscow, st. Studencheskaya, house 33, building 4.
(nearest metro station: Studencheskaya).

The living area of ​​the dormitory is 2,690.0 m2.
The total number of places in the hostel is 290.

Both dormitories are 6-story corridor-type buildings and have rooms for two or three people.

All floors are equipped with showers and toilets. Kitchens are located separately on each floor.

The dormitories have study rooms with free Wi-Fi for students, a relaxation room, a gym, a room for dancing and gymnastics, and a laundry room.

For several years, the dormitories have been winners of hostel reviews and competitions in Moscow and district competitions and have 10 diplomas and certificates, valuable gifts (video camera, TV, sports equipment, and others) for the victory of the dormitories in various categories.

Dormitory No. 5, located at the address: Moscow, 11th Parkovaya Street, building 36
(nearest metro station: Pervomaiskaya).

The living area of ​​the dormitory is 6,433.1 m2.
The total number of places in the hostel is 1,100.

The dormitory is a block-type building. Separate rooms located in blocks (2 rooms each) with a separate bathroom and shower room. Kitchen on the floor.

On the territory of the hostel there is a recreation room, a room for independent study, a sports and gym, a storage room, a laundry room, an ironing room, a buffet and a dining room, a room for parents, a sports ground, and a mini-football field.

Dormitory No. 6, located at: Moscow, Narvskaya street, building 12
(nearest metro station: Vodny Stadion).

The total area of ​​the dormitory is 3,775.9 m2.
The total number of places in the dormitory is 300.

The dormitory is a 9-story corridor-type building. Shower rooms and toilets are located on the floor. Kitchen on the floor.

To ensure the safety of students, the dormitories have access control and 24-hour video surveillance.
The dormitories have automatic fire alarms.
All premises are equipped with fire extinguishers.
A new type of smoke removal system has been installed.
Access to the dormitories is carried out using passes.

Fees for students, employees and other persons for accommodation in dormitories of RTU MIREA from 02/01/2019*

Cost per 1 person, including VAT 20%, (RUB per month)

Dormitory No. 1

Dormitory No. 2

Dormitories No. 3 and No. 4

Dormitory No. 5

Dormitory No. 6

Orphans and children left without parental care, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, exposed to radiation as a result of nuclear disasters, as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site (and other categories specified in part 5 of article 36 of Federal Law-273)

For free

Full-time students receiving educational services at the expense of the federal budget (including foreign citizens)

Full-time students receiving educational services at the expense of legal entities or individuals (including foreign citizens)

RUB 3,559.00

Full-time students receiving educational services at the expense of the federal budget, who are recipients of state social assistance

Full-time students on academic leave

RUB 305.00 per day

Trainees receiving educational services at the expense of legal entities or individuals (including foreign citizens)

RUB 4,383.00

RUB 5,237.00

RUB 4,424.00

RUB 4,668.00

RUB 5,303.00

Students of the preparatory department who are foreign citizens enrolled in training in the direction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

Students of the preparatory department who are foreign citizens receiving educational services at the expense of legal entities or individuals

RUB 3,559.00

It is also possible to accommodate in the dormitories of other partner universities of RTU MIREA.

* Attention! The cost is indicated for the dormitories of MIREA - Russian Technological University. When staying in dormitories of partner universities, the cost of living may vary and amount to up to 1,000 rubles per month.

Data is current as of 2010


When it comes to choosing a university, applicants and their parents sometimes forget to take an interest in the geographical factor. This is especially true when the university consists of several academic buildings: the main building may be in the city center, but going to study (or going to the hostel) will have to be on the outskirts or even beyond the Moscow Ring Road.


To help future students avoid unpleasant surprises, we have compiled a rating of universities based on the convenience of the location of academic buildings and dormitories (how far are the academic buildings from the main building, is there a dormitory and where is it located).


    Many universities have signed agreements with the Unified Accommodation Center ( (UCR), which owns a network of student dormitories located throughout Moscow and beyond. We cannot say which dormitory the student will end up in.

We divided all universities into 6 categories:

  1. “Student campuses” (all university buildings are within walking distance from each other);
  2. “One building, dormitory closer than 5 km” (all educational buildings are concentrated in one place; own dormitories are located no further than 5 kilometers);
  3. “One building, a dormitory further than 5 km or UCR” (all educational buildings are concentrated in one place; the dormitories are located further than 5 kilometers, or students are accommodated through the Unified Accommodation Center);
  4. “Several buildings, a dormitory further than 5 km or UCR” (university buildings are distant from each other; dormitories are located further than 5 kilometers, or students are accommodated through a Unified Accommodation Center);
  5. “One building; there is no dormitory” (all academic buildings are located in one place, but the university does not provide a dormitory);
  6. “Several buildings; there is no dormitory” (the university buildings are located throughout Moscow, but the university does not provide dormitory facilities).

1st category. "Student Towns"

  • MIIT
  • Stankin
  • Moscow State University
  • RGUTiS
  • RUDN University
  • State University Higher School of Economics(although the buildings of the State University Higher School of Economics are scattered throughout Moscow, almost every department of this university is a campus)

State University Higher School of Economics (HSE) - on Myasnitskaya Street, 20 main building, Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, admissions committee, press service, on Pokrovsky Boulevard, 11 - Faculty of Economics, Mal. Trekhsvyatitelsky lane, 8/2, building 7 - Faculty of Philosophy, on Kochnovsky proezd, 3 - Faculty of Applied Political Science, Faculty of Sociology, on Kirpichnaya Street, 33 - Faculty of Business Informatics, Faculty of Management, on Varshavskoe Shosse, 44A - Faculty of Pre-University Training, on Vavilova Street, 7 - Faculty of Mathematics, on Volgogradsky Prospekt, 46b - Faculty of Psychology, on Malaya Ordynka, 17 - Faculty of Law, on Petrovka, 12, building 1 - Faculty of History, State University Higher School of Economics Administration, dormitories: st. Borisa Galushkina, 9, bldg. 2, st. Vilisa Latsis, 23, bldg. 1, st. Vorontsovo pole, 5a, st. Dobrolyubova, 9/11, st. Studencheskaya, 33/1, st. Elektrodnaya, 1, st. Energeticheskaya, 10, bldg. 2, Odintsovo, st. Komsomolskaya, 1, Odintsovo district, VNIISSOK village, st. Denisa Davydova, 1 (Dubki)

State University of Management (SUM)- Ryazansky Avenue, 99

Moscow University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)- st. Obraztsova, 9, building 9

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)- Volokolamskoe highway, 4

Moscow Technological University (Stankin)- Vadkovsky lane, 1

Moscow Humanitarian University (Moscow State University)- st. Yunosti, 5/1, building 11

Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RGUTiS)- Lyubertsy, Oktyabrsky Prospekt, 259B

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)- st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 6

2nd category. “One building, hostel closer than 5 km”

  • MSLU
  • RosNOU
  • MAEP(although the Academy has two academic buildings, they are very close)

Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU) - st. Ostozhenka, 38, hostel: Petroverigsky lane, 6/8, st. Usacheva, 62,

Russian New University (RosNOU) - st. Radio, 22, hostel: st. Aviamotornaya, 55, bldg. 5,

Moscow Academy of Economics and Law (MAEP)– Law Institute on Varshavskoe Shosse, 23, Institute of Economics - Novodanilovsky Prospect, 4, dormitory next to the academy

Category 3. “One building, hostel further than 5 km or ECR”

  • Institute of Business and Law
  • MGI im. Dashkova
  • RGSU

Institute of Business and Law- the main building of the institute is located at: st. Prospekt Mira, 81, building No. 2 - st. Prospekt Mira, 101,

dormitory (ECR)

MGI im. Dashkova- st. Leskova, house 6, building B, ECR dormitory

Moscow Institute of Jurisprudence (MIJ)- st. 14 Parkovaya, 6, hostel (“Labor Alliance”)

Russian Academy of Entrepreneurship- st. Radio, 14, ECR dormitory

Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI)- st. Aviamotornaya, 8a, hostel provided by housing and communal services

Moscow Independent Ecological and Pedagogical University (MNEPU)- st. Kosmonavta Volkova, 20, 100 places from the MATI dormitory (metro station Rechnoy Vokzal, Festivalnaya St., 4, building 2)

Russian State Social University (RGSU)- st. Wilhelm Pika, 4, dormitories: 1st Baltiysky Lane, 6-21, st. Pleshcheeva 15v, st. Losinoostrovskaya 24

this icon on the maps marks the buildings of dormitories provided by the Unified Student Accommodation Center (USC)

Category 4. “Several buildings, a hostel further than 5 km or ECR”

  • RSUH
  • Moscow Academy of Natalia Nesterova
  • MGUP
  • MPSI
  • MGOU (regional)

Moscow State University of Printing Arts (MSUP)- st. Pryanishnikova, 2A, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 7, st. Sadovo-Spasskaya, no. 6. Dormitories on Mikhalkovskaya street, no. 7, building 3 and on 800 Letiya Moskvy street, no. 28, building 1

Moscow State Regional University- Mytishchi district, Mytishchi, st. Vera Voloshina, 24, st. Radio 10A, dormitories: st. Vera Voloshina, 31, st. Lenskaya, 7

Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU) - st. Chayanova 15, Miusskaya Square 6, st. Nikolskaya, 15, 7/9. Student dormitory: st. Kirovogradskaya, 25 bldg. 1

Moscow Academy of Natalia Nesterova - Varshavskoe highway, 38, 3rd Grazhdanskaya st., no. 1, Law Institute - Strastnoy, 4, bldg. 1, hostel: st. Baumanskaya, 13, building 1, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 34

Moscow Psychological and Social Institute - 4th Roshchinsky proezd, 9A, Shelepikhinskaya embankment, 2A, hostel: MO Ivanteevka, st. Trudovaya, 14A

Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATISO) - main educational building on the street. Lobachevskogo, 90, on the street. Tikhaya, 30 and st. 3rd Mytishchinskaya, 8 - Faculty of Law, dormitory provided by the Labor Alliance,

Moscow Institute of Law (MIP) - st. Yablochkova, 8A, st. Poklonnaya, 11, building 1, st. Pervomaiskaya Nizh., 79, st. Pestelya, no. 6, Sosnovaya alley, no. 4, building 2, st. Fryazevskaya, 7. hostel from the “Labor Alliance”

5. “One body; no hostel"

  • MSPU
  • MGTA

Institute of Humanitarian Education (IGUMO) - st. Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 53

Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU) - 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, 4

Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (MIREA) - Vernadsky Avenue, 78

Moscow Humanitarian and Technical Academy (MGTA) - 1st Kotlyakovsky lane, 1

Moscow State Institute of Tourism Industry (MGIIT) - Kronstadt Boulevard, 43-a

6. “Several buildings; no hostel"

  • MOSA
  • MFUA
  • MFPA

Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU) - Sretenka st., no. 29, Shelepikhinskaya embankment, 2A, bldg. 3, pos. Rublevo, st. Vasily Botyleva, 31, Otkrytoe shosse, 24 bldg. 27

Moscow Open Social Academy (MOSA) - 2nd Baltiysky lane, 3A, building 1, Zelyev lane, building 11

Moscow Financial and Legal Academy (MFLA) - st. Malomoskovskaya, 18, Varshavskoe highway, 81, building 2, st. Vereyskaya, 29, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 4, building 4, st. Pleshcheeva, 16a, Aviation lane, 4a, st. Cable 3-ya, no. 1, Volgogradsky prosp., no. 32, Izmailovskoe highway, no. 3, building 1, st. Serpukhovsky Val, 17, building 1, st. Cheremushkinskaya Bolshaya, 17a

Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law (MIEPP) - Klimentovsky lane, 1, building 1, st. Taganskaya, 39

Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy (MFPA) - st. 2nd Chernogryazskaya, 7., Leningradsky Prospekt, 80, buildings E, ZH, G., st. Meshchanskaya, 9/14, st. Izmailovsky Val, 2

No one from the admissions committee was able to answer the question about the hostel within a week

Moscow International Business School (MIRBIS) - st. Marksistskaya, house 34, building 7, st. 1st Miusskaya, building 22, building 3, st. Leninsky Prospekt, building 131

We wish you the best luck with the university and a successful academic year!

Data is current as of 2010