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Labor standardization technician job description. Job responsibilities of a labor standards engineer What are the requirements for a specialist?

Working in an enterprise requires employees to produce a certain result. It is the solution to the question of what this result should be that falls within the professional competence of the standardization engineer. He is tasked with determining what volume of products an employee should produce per unit of time or how many operations he should perform per unit of time.

What does a standards engineer do?

Standardization engineer sets the workload that should be assigned to various employees of the company. It determines how much labor is actually spent on a particular operation during the production process. After this, he establishes the volume of various operations that a particular employee of the enterprise must perform.

In particular, the standardization engineer has the following responsibilities:

The responsibilities of a labor standards engineer, among other things, also include instructing employees regarding the labor standards introduced at the enterprise.

What are the requirements for a specialist?

The requirements for a labor standards engineer depend on what category of employee we are talking about. If this is a specialist to whom the category is not assigned, then in this case the standardization engineer can become:

with the second category Only an applicant who has a higher education in one of the mentioned profiles can be appointed. Also he must have worked for three years or as a standardization engineer without a category, or in another place where employees who have graduated from a university have the right to work.

Labor standards engineer Only an applicant who has completed higher education can also be assigned to the first category according to one of the specified profiles. Moreover, he must have three years of work experience exclusively as a standardization engineer of the second category.

What an employee should know

The amount of knowledge required from a labor standards engineer is determined both by the profile of the enterprise and its category. The standard instructions establish that the applicant for this position must know the following:

For labor standardization engineers, there is also a desire to study the experience of other enterprises in the field of labor standardization, as well as the organization and payment of work. At the same time, it is recommended to get acquainted with the experience of not only domestic, but also foreign companies.

Basic provisions of the job description

The main provisions of the job description of a labor standards engineer include:

  • classifying this employee as a specialist;
  • the procedure for his appointment to a position and dismissal from it, it is established that the head of the department of organization and remuneration at the enterprise submits a representation to the head of the company, and the latter, by order, makes the appointment and dismissal;
  • subordination, it is determined that the standardization engineer also reports to the head of the organization and remuneration department;
  • replacement during absence, it is indicated that in this case another employee is appointed to the position of engineer by order of the director;
  • it is stipulated that this employee has all the rights of a labor standards engineer and bears all his responsibilities.

Pros and cons of the profession. Salary

The advantages of being a labor standards engineer include:

  • very wide demand for the profession, since there are currently not enough engineers;
  • predominantly office work, a standards engineer sets standards, he is not directly involved in anything on the shop floor;
  • the opportunity for professional development, determining labor standards for employees requires knowledge of many nuances; having mastered them, you can count on a career in this field.

Among the disadvantages of this specialty are:

  • The salaries of most representatives of this engineering specialty are not very high.

In 2018, the maximum amount of earnings received by labor standards engineers occurred in the summer months. During this period they received 30,000 rubles. In the fall their salary dropped to 26,000 rubles.

Here is some additional information about what a labor standards engineer does.

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DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 12/31/2003 94 ON THE APPROVAL OF THE QUALIFICATIONS REFERENCE POSITIONS OF SPECIALIST MANAGERS... Relevant in 2018


Job responsibilities. Under the guidance of a more qualified specialist, he develops technically sound standards for labor costs for simple types of work performed in the organization, using intersectoral, sectoral and other labor standards calculated on the basis of technical data on equipment productivity and the results of an analysis of working time costs. Participates in the preparation of draft calendar plans for the revision of standards based on the organizational and technical measures planned for implementation, ensuring the fulfillment of established tasks for increasing labor productivity. Participates in checking current labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established standards, in determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of technically sound labor cost standards. Participates in work to study labor processes and the cost of working time to perform operations, analyzes the most effective techniques and methods of work, and promotes their dissemination. Draws up notices of changes made to the approved standards of labor costs and prices. Participates in the verification in production conditions of projects of intersectoral, departmental and sectoral regulatory documents on labor standards and their implementation after approval. Compiles reports on the state of labor standards.

Must know: regulations, instructions, orders and other guidelines, methodological and regulatory documents on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor; labor standardization methods; intersectoral labor cost standards; technological processes and production modes; a unified system of technological documentation; the procedure for developing calendar plans for the revision of standards and organizational and technical measures to increase labor productivity and reduce the labor intensity of products; rules for operating computer equipment when calculating technically sound standards; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Labor standardization technician of category I: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a labor standardization technician of category II for at least 2 years.

Labor standardization technician of category II: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a labor standardization technician or in other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational (technical) education, at least 2 years.

Labor standardization technician: secondary vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience.

Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (USC), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Labor Standards Technician

Job responsibilities. Under the guidance of a more qualified specialist, he develops technically sound standards for labor costs for simple types of work performed in the organization, using intersectoral, sectoral and other labor standards calculated on the basis of technical data on equipment productivity and the results of an analysis of working time costs. Participates in the preparation of draft calendar plans for the revision of standards based on the organizational and technical measures planned for implementation, ensuring the fulfillment of established tasks for increasing labor productivity. Participates in checking current labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established standards, in determining the economic efficiency of the introduction of technically sound labor cost standards. Participates in work to study labor processes and the cost of working time to perform operations, analyzes the most effective techniques and methods of work, and promotes their dissemination. Draws up notices of changes made to the approved standards of labor costs and prices. Participates in the verification in production conditions of projects of intersectoral, departmental and sectoral regulatory documents on labor standards and their implementation after approval. Compiles reports on the state of labor standards.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor; labor standardization methods; intersectoral labor cost standards; technological processes and production modes; a unified system of technological documentation; the procedure for developing calendar plans for the revision of standards and organizational and technical measures to increase labor productivity and reduce the labor intensity of products; rules for operating computer equipment when calculating technically sound standards; fundamentals of economics and labor organization; basics of labor legislation; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements.

Labor standardization technician of category I: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a labor standardization technician of category II for at least 2 years.

Labor standardization technician of category II: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a labor standardization technician or in other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational (technical) education, at least 2 years.

Labor standardization technician: secondary vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience.

guidance materials and instructions on labor standards

and wages;

the policy of JSC "KnAAPO" in the field of quality;

general quality management;

the standards and technological standards in force at the association


tariff and qualification directory;

internal labor regulations of the association;

regulations on the Bureau of Labor and Economic Planning;

this job description. 1.6 A standardization technician of category II must have a secondary vocational (economic or technical) education and work experience as a standardization technician for at least 2 years.

2. Responsibilities

A standardization technician of category II is obliged to:

2.1. Perform calculations necessary to draw up current and long-term plans for labor and wages, determine the size of bonuses for workers and employees.

2.2. Accept accounting and reporting documentation received by the bureau, check the correctness of completion and completeness of the data presented in the accounting documents.

2.3. Keep records of the implementation of planned tasks for labor and wages, select material for preparing the necessary certificates, and compiling reports.

2.4. Participate in studies conducted by BTiEP on the state of labor organization and use of working time, in testing regulatory materials on labor.

DI 2-01-03-3152-2003 S.Z

2.5. Timely prepare and submit to the head of the bureau for verification and signature outgoing reports on the current labor intensity for products by units and types of work, on the number and composition of standards, on the level of their implementation.

2.6. Make calculations and determine the labor intensity of products by series and orders.

2.7. Establish time standards for performing aircraft repair work in accordance with the lists of mandatory work and OGT and OGK documents.

2.8. Compile summary data for the workshop and individual professions on the implementation of established standards.

2.9. Keep records of reporting data on compliance with standards, indicators of growth in labor productivity and average wages, and the number of workers fulfilling standards.

2.10. Keep records of the actual labor intensity of products by period.

2.11. Perform, at the request of the manager, other duties related to the type of work performed that do not contradict fundamental laws, the Labor Code, the “Qualification Directory of Positions” and other regulatory documents.

3. Rights

A standardization technician of category II has the right:

3.1. Require production site foremen to correctly fill out accounting and payment documents.

3.2. Require group foremen to provide timely data on compliance with standards, growth in labor productivity, and fulfillment of undertaken obligations.

3.3. Carry out periodic checks of incoming reporting for its compliance with actual data.

3.4. Make proposals to the head of the bureau to take action against persons who violate reporting deadlines and allow distortion of factual data in reports.

4. Responsibility

A category II standardization technician is responsible for:

4.1. Late submission of reports according to the reporting sheet.

4.2. Incorrect calculation of labor intensity by periods, series and orders.

4.3. Incorrect application of regulatory materials.

4.4. Failure to implement the approved work plan.

4.5. Failure to perform or improper performance of duties provided for in this job description.

4.6. Failure to comply with the provisions of the quality system.

Standardizer is one of key employees in production responsible for compliance with time standards for a particular production process. The responsibilities of a labor standards engineer include a wide range of different functions.

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What does the profession mean?

This specialist is engaged formation of labor cost standards under certain production conditions for different types of work. His colleagues often dislike him, despite the fact that he brings tangible benefits to the enterprise.

The rate adjuster has to deal with salary cuts due to the introduction of technical innovations in production, which have made it possible to automate some routine processes. He must also keep an eye on strict compliance with technical requirements in the manufacture of products. Piece workers often violate them in order to increase output.

A professional approach requires making the necessary calculations not using timing on a machine with a stopwatch, but on the basis own knowledge and experience.

The process of mastering new products requires special attention from the standard setter. His professionalism influences the correctness of production plans and forecasting profit volumes.


The main functions of labor standards engineers include:

  • Carrying out analysis based on the results of research and calculations and the creation of technically reasoned ones based on them.
  • Use of standards and norms, both industry and inter-industry.
  • Timing required to complete the entire order, and the time required for individual processes.
  • Creation of time standards on the work process as a whole and at its various stages using special formulas and tables.
  • Application of scientific methods assessments and comparisons, as well as standards adopted at the industry level, for the development of planned time in various types of production.
  • Database formation labor standards on computer equipment and introducing timely changes to it.
  • When introducing the latest technologies and equipment into the production process review of existing labor standards and carrying out organizational activities in this regard.
  • Participation in the preparation of events improvement of labor organization in production.
  • Finding reserves for increasing output in departments and workshops using observations, timing and others.
  • Detection of the most effective techniques and working methods and taking measures for their widespread implementation.
  • Using modern computer technology, the latest devices, information technologies and other innovations in one’s professional activities.
  • Analysis and evaluation of effectiveness rationalization ideas in all departments of both production and administrative purposes.

The presence of one or another of the listed functions in the job description of a particular specialist depends on the company, on which it works.

One of the main tasks of the standardizer is employee time tracking. Watch the video of how this happens:

Here you can find a sample job description for a standard setter.

Required knowledge

A standard setter requires systemic knowledge in order to fulfill his responsibilities for introducing labor standards into production processes most effectively.

Professional standard of leading specialist:

  1. He must have a general understanding of the organization's management system, its administrative structures, types of production processes and the interaction of all these elements.
  2. This specialization involves training in areas such as labor law, production technology, types and methods of rationing labor processes. When hiring a standardization engineer, in each specific case a decision is made about which of these areas is the most important for knowledge.
  3. This specialist must thoroughly study the practical side of individual production tasks. He also requires possession of the necessary equipment for the performance of his duties. technical means, instruments and software.
  4. Skills to use means of communication are especially useful for a labor standards engineer when performing duties outside the workplace. He must be aware of changes in the implementation of processes at the enterprise, as well as changes in the competencies and areas of responsibility of employees.
  5. The rater should be aware of methods of assessing labor results and the extent of their influence on its formation. The specialist will need all kinds of instructions, guides and standards from which he will receive new information. Therefore, he needs to be able to work with them competently.
  6. A labor standards engineer must be able to deal with problematic situations in order to minimize adverse consequences. To him Must have social interaction skills, since I have to communicate a lot with colleagues on work issues.

Rights and responsibilities

The rater has the following rights:

  1. Suggest management to consider issues of improving the efficiency of production processes in accordance with their job description; bonuses for employees subordinate to him; fining violators of labor discipline.
  2. Send inquiries to departments or individual employees to obtain the information necessary for the performance of his duties.
  3. Get access to the documentation that sets out its functions and rights.
  4. Be aware of about management's decisions and plans on issues within its area of ​​responsibility.
  5. Receive comprehensive support from management on the creation of organizational and technical conditions for the implementation of his job functions.

The responsibility of the standardization engineer occurs in the following situations:

  • for failure to fulfill their duties or performance in full;
  • for violations committed during the implementation of activities;
  • for material damage caused to the enterprise as a result of violation of job descriptions.

Compensation for losses should not exceed the limits established by existing norms of civil and labor law.