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Ring symbols and their meanings. Rings: symbolism, meaning and meaning. Slavic ring and its cleaning

The ring as a closed circle symbolizes integrity and unity. It has neither beginning nor end, therefore it is often associated with eternity and infinity. Its central hole is the place of passage of heavenly power, divine breath. The ring symbolizes a bond, union or vow. That is why the wedding ring is used to symbolize the eternal union of two hearts, as a sign of marital fidelity, family balance.

Infinity wrapped around a finger has long been a symbol of power. This is a sign of belonging to a certain circle, a special position. The owner of the ring can be considered as the owner of his own universe, which he carries with him. Therefore, it served as an indispensable attribute of sorcerers, priests and kings. It is known that King Solomon had a magic ring with which he could command angels, demons, all the elements and spirits of nature.

IN Ancient Egypt the ring as a sign of eternity is similar to a cord laid in the form of a circle, the ends of which are tied in a knot. Often this symbol is present in images of gods; for example, the soaring falcon from the Temple of Horus in Edfu holds this symbol of eternity in its claws. The power of the ring to prevent disaster served as protection for the pharaoh. When written, the names of the rulers were enclosed in a royal ring, the so-called cartouche. Ordinary people used knot amulets in the form of a ring, which were supposed to protect against illnesses and other misfortunes.

IN China the circle is considered the basis of the universe. The ring is a symbol of eternity, as well as dignity and power. A whole ring means the favor of the emperor, an open ring means his anger towards his subordinates. In ancient China, there was a custom to send one of these rings to those in exile for some offense. If it was a whole ring, then the emperor intended to restore this person to a government post, maintaining his reputation and not reducing his rank. If it was open, it meant that the person was no longer allowed to participate in government affairs.

IN Hinduism the god Shiva, in a circle of flames, performs his cosmic dance, personifying the life cycle of both an individual being, a family, a planet, and the entire universe. It is the circular dance of nature in the eternal process of creation and destruction. At the same time, the light emitted by the ring of flame symbolizes eternal, deep wisdom.

U ancient Greeks and to the Romans, iron rings signified authority and respect: only very worthy citizens were allowed to wear them. But for the priests of Jupiter, gold rings were a mandatory element of clothing. Apparently, this is where the episcopal rings, denoting involvement in divine service, originate.

In the Greek myth of Prometheus, Hercules, with the permission of Zeus, frees the chained titan from the chains, but an iron ring with a fragment of the Caucasus rock remains on Prometheus’s hand. Since then, Prometheus was forced to wear this ring as a sign of obedience to the Thunderer.

IN Christianity Hierarchs wear a ring that symbolizes not only marriage with Christ, but also spiritual duties.

The papal ring is known as the "fisherman's ring" because it depicts St. Peter, busy fishing. The ring is put on the Pope at the time of his election, and since it is personal, after the Pope leaves, the ring is destroyed. At the time of election, the Cardinal receives from the Pope a ring with a sapphire, on the inside of which the coat of arms of that Pope is engraved. The bishop also wears a ring with a gemstone other than sapphire. Abbots and abbesses can also wear a very simple ring with a precious stone. A simple ring, which is an ordinary metal hoop or a hoop with a cross, can be worn by a nun, which symbolizes her marriage to Christ. In addition, the ring is used in worship and is called liturgical. This ring is usually set with a large stone and is large enough to fit on a gloved finger.

Two interconnected rings or two rings located one above the other are a symbolic image of heaven and earth in Christianity. Three rings tied together signify the Holy Trinity.

IN alchemy (and among the Gnostics) There is such a famous symbol as a snake biting its own tail. It is called Ouroboros. Its meaning is connected with the idea of ​​time - the passage of time is accompanied by destruction, since the past seems to be irretrievably lost, that is, time devours itself. As in Hinduism, the serpent is associated with cycles in human life, in nature and in the entire universe. In alchemical manuscripts there is also an emblem depicting a child whose hand rests on a skull. The child is surrounded by a snake, curled into a ring and biting its tail. Ouroboros encloses in a circle two symbols of the extreme polarities of the created world - a child - and a symbol of death - a skull. Taken as a whole, this emblem can be interpreted as follows: “In my beginning lies my end.”

IN Scandinavian mythology Dwarves and dwarfs are associated with the rings, who jealously guard them. Rings can not only bring help, but also conceal hidden dangerous power. Thus, in “The Ring of the Nibelungs” we are talking about a ring that gives the owner power over the world, untold riches, but brings misfortune and death to himself and his loved ones.

Magic rings, as well as talisman rings, are often attributes of fairy tales and legends. The hero of the fairy tale is given a magic ring, which, when put on his finger, makes a person invisible (like Plato’s Gyges ring) and fulfills his wishes.


You sleep in the ground, my beloved father,
You are sleeping, my dear, soundly.
and how life is often difficult for me without you,
At least I know a lot of hearts that are close to me.

I am at peace with you. Through you the singer.
Your truth shines emerald green for me.
Once the spirit merged with each other,
You dropped a ringing rain of rings.

They are burning. They have gold as a frame.
They sing. And from country to country
I’m walking, broadcasting the sun and spring.

But why do I need this glory without you?
I'm by the river. When is the crossing?
And I will return the rings to you with love.

K. Balmont

Ballad (excerpt)

My friend Lucifer gave me five horses
And one gold ring with a ruby,
So that I can descend into the depths of the caves
And see heaven's young face.

Many starry nights, many sunny days
I wandered without knowing the end of my wanderings.
I laughed at the impulses of mighty horses
And the game of my golden ring.

The horses snorted, hoofed, beckoning
To rush across the wide expanse of the earth.
And I believed that the sun was shining for me,
Shining like a ruby ​​on a gold ring...


ring; ring

Symbolically, it represents a combination of the meanings of a ring, a precious stone and an image applied to it.

Since ancient times, a ring with a stone, with a pearl, threaded into the edge of the nostril, into the earlobe of a child, has indicated that this child is dedicated to the deity and is under his patronage and protection. In South Asia, this custom has partially become a fashion tradition. Later adopted in some places in Europe and America.

Carrying poison in a capsule under a ring’s precious stone has been known since ancient times. As we know from history, it was used by the great Athenian orator Demosthenes and the great Carthaginian commander Hannibal - they were threatened with cruel torture at the hands of their pursuers, but they preferred a quick death from their own hands.

The Doge of Venice was ceremoniously married with a precious ring from a galley with the Adriatic as a sign of power over the sea until 1797, the time of the entry of Bonaparte’s revolutionary troops into Venice.

Fashionable in the 16th century “Memento mori”, that is, “remember death”, a proverb about the frailty of all things, hence the rings with the image of skulls.

Depending on its position on the hand, the ring symbolizes:

on the index finger - endurance, pride, arrogance;
on average - caution, prudence, dignity;
on the nameless - love, sensitivity;
on the little finger - disposition to power.
Diana's ring - Moon. The ring with wings is the emblem of the Swan Maiden, the gift of prophecy.

Basic values

The ring is like a closed ring - eternity, continuity; integrity, intactness; the eternal repetition of the cyclical nature of Time; a snake with its own tail in its mouth.

Continuity, permanence, infinity, eternity;
magic circle, magic, mystery, talisman, amulet;
poison, poison;
unknown, Moon;
the connection between the clergy and God;
connection between government and people;
seal, approval of a high-ranking person replacing his signature;
union, commonwealth, vow, matrimony, marital fidelity, fertility, reliability;
right, wisdom, justice, honor, honor, commanded (entrusted) work, rank, wealth;
freedom, bondage;
pledge, guarantee of love, magical return of memory.
Ring - authority: evidence of an important assignment on behalf of high power. Ring, “signum” - wisdom. In addition, the ring is strength, dignity, honor, honor, wealth, a sign of establishing and establishing order. For many other peoples, the ring had meaning when it was worn on the left hand, most often on the ring finger, which was believed to be connected to the “heart vein.” The ring is like a link in a chain - a memory of wine and repentance. The return of the sinner to the camp from which he was expelled. Ring of love pact, betrothal. Engagement ring - marriage, fidelity, continuity of life, fertility, love. Ring - authenticity; justice; confirmation of the child’s similarity;

An amulet ring with the words SALUS - health, and HIGIEIA - well-being inscribed in a pentagram. V. Cartari, 1647

The symbolism of the ring is determined by its round shape, without beginning or end, it is a symbol of eternity.

The Egyptian sign of “eternity” is a ring that has a certain resemblance to a cord laid in a circle, the ends of which are tied in a knot. Animal gods, such as the soaring falcon from the Temple of Horus at Edfu, often hold this symbol of eternity in their talons.

In popular superstitions, magic rings are supposed to protect against illness and other misfortunes; knotted amulets in the form of a ring - a bow of life, the “blood of Isis” and a scarf.

The apotropaic (disaster-preventing) power of the ring served as protection for the king. Both the most important names of the ruler (the throne name, which characterized him as the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the name given at birth, which stood together with the title “son of Ra”) are placed on the royal ring, the so-called cartouche; the expansion of the name led to the elongated form of the cartouche. Since the knitted bow was also a symbol of “that which is embraced by the sun” (which includes the universe), the royal ring could also be an allusion to the world domination of the pharaoh.


At first, such rings were made exclusively of iron, then gold. In late Roman antiquity, the ring could be replaced by any other value for the parents of the young, because they did not meet one-on-one until the wedding day.

In ancient Greece, a ring was a sign of a free citizen. In Rome, wearing a gold ring was the privilege of legates, then senators and other representatives of the state, and finally, all free people.

There is a legend about the ring of Polycrates, the tyrant of Samos (538 BC). He boasted so much about his happy life, his luck and his wealth that his friend, King Amasis of Egypt, warned: “It is dangerous to arouse the envy of the gods! You need to sacrifice something very, very valuable and beloved!..” Polycrates threw his into the sea favorite ring. And - oh wonder! The fisherman, who caught the fish and ripped open its belly, brought the king his ring. The gods refused to accept the sacrifice! The Egyptian king broke off relations with Polycrates, and soon Samos was attacked by enemies, and the arrogant tyrant was killed and his kingdom was ruined.

The signet ring, with the sign of the owner of the ring carved on it, served the Romans instead of a signature - it was placed at the end of the letter, and they also sealed the necks of amphorae and various vessels. Iron rings - in honor of Hephaestus, the husband of Aphrodite, the symbol of the phallus, the Romans and Greeks wore on the thumb - it was believed that such a ring increased male potency. Because he gave fire to people and thereby committed a crime before Olympus, Prometheus was chained to a rock for many years and suffered from an eagle's beak. Freed by order of Zeus, he had to wear on his finger a ring forged from a link from his chain - like a ring.

RING, ring - decoration, symbol of wedding and marriage, as well as an amulet and amulet against evil spirits. The semantics of K. is based on the protective properties of metal and the magic of the circle. In the wedding ceremony, K. is a symbol of the unity of the newlyweds, performs a protective function, and in some situations becomes a substitute for the bride and groom. During matchmaking, betrothal, conspiracy or wedding, the parties exchanged K. The acceptance or gift of K. served as a guarantee of the girl’s consent to get married. In a forced marriage, the girl sometimes resisted putting K. on her by her father (Russian). The Poles called betrothal “rings.” In the Bulgarian rite of sowing, when kneading the wedding roll, the groom's K. or the K. of both young people were thrown into the flour, sometimes water was poured through the K. as well. The Eastern Slavs exchanged stones by placing them in a glass of wine, which also had the meaning of a talisman. Wedding kalachi were also used in other rituals: it was believed that a woman who kneads bread for Christmas should have a kalach on her hand, otherwise the kalachi will turn out “unclean” (Serb.); K., along with other objects, was placed on a table taken out towards a hail cloud to protect the crop from hail (Serbian). Sometimes a deceased person was buried with a betrothed K. (Ukrainian, Poles., Bulgarian), believing that it would help on the way to the “other world” (Bulgarian). There are also known prohibitions against putting on jewelry and other jewelry for the deceased (Ukrainian, Poles). In folk medicine, for the treatment of stye on the eye and scrofula, sore spots were circled with a wedding ring (Russian); K. were worn so that their hands would not hurt; put a sick child in the font (Ukrainian). It was believed that the bleeding would quickly stop if a few drops of blood fell through the K., taken from the hand of the dead man (Serbian) - During difficult births, the midwife removed the K. and other jewelry from the woman in labor, gave water to drink, which she poured over the wedding K. (northern. -Russian). According to Macedonian beliefs, if two women in labor meet each other's eyes, their children will die; to prevent this from happening, the women had to exchange K. To protect the newborn, they placed a K. under his head (Serbian), bathed him in water with a silver K. or a coin (Russian, Bulgarian). K. should also be worn as a talisman during pregnancy (Russian North). The Macedonians believed that a mother’s curses on her children would not be fulfilled if she wore K on her hand. The closed circle of the ring was interpreted as a symbol of secrecy, of keeping one’s self to oneself. When the wedding procession followed the bride, she tried to be the first to see the groom through K. (Bulgarian, Serbian). If one of the spouses left the family, the abandoned person should have sneaked a look at him through the wedding K. For protection and for treating livestock, cows and sheep were milked through the K. , for example, when blood appears in milk or after calving; on Yuriev day, through K., the first sheep was milked (Bulgarian, Serb.), the sheep after the first lambing (Serb.). In Transcarpathia, during the first calving of a cow, the owner took off her K. and other decorations for fear of “spoiling” the cow. In agrarian magic, K. with a red thread tied on it was lowered into a vessel with grain intended for sowing; with a sentence-amulet they passed through K. the grain prepared for ritual sowing (Maced.). On the other hand, according to the beliefs of the Poles, the witch keeps evil spirits in her service. It was believed that beads or beads picked up by a girl on the road without K.’s blessing became the cause of amorous advances from the serpent, who lured the victim with these objects or turned himself into them (Bulgarian). In fortune-telling, K. symbolized marriage, less often - wealth and prosperity. In calendar maiden fortune-telling (such as Russian throw a ring), K. placed in a vessel with water symbolized the girls - K.'s mistresses, each of whom was assigned a “sub-watch” song, performed at the moment the K. was taken out. K. was also placed under the pillow, put on before going to bed on the toe of the right foot, expecting to see the groom in a dream (Russian). The housewife put K. in the porridge cooked for the New Year: if the owner got it, it promised prosperity for the house (white).

Shikuntala's ring is a pledge, a guarantee of love, a magical return of memory. The drama of the Indian poet Kalidasa was based on episodes from the epic “Mahabharata”: King Dushanta, in love with Shikuntala, left her a ring before separation as a pledge of love. However, as a result of the spell of the ascetic Durvasa, Shikuntala lost her memory of the king and his love. The ring, in the end, returned her memory and feeling. Shikuntala's ring is a pledge, a guarantee of love, a magical return of memory. The drama of the Indian poet Kalidasa was based on episodes from the epic “Mahabharata”: King Dushanta, in love with Shikuntala, left her a ring before separation as a pledge of love. However, as a result of the spell of the ascetic Durvasa, Shikuntala lost her memory of the king and his love. The ring, in the end, returned her memory and feeling.

Bible/Old Testament

“And Pharaoh said to Joseph, Behold, I have made you over all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put it on Joseph’s hand.”
“I will take you, Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, my servant says the Lord, and I will hold you as a seal.”
“And the father said to his servants: Bring the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet” - the parable of the prodigal son.

The ring in the Christian tradition is fidelity, heartfelt affection, first of all, connection with the church, with love for Christ: an attribute of the legendary St. Catherine of Alexandria and Catherine of Siena - both of them called themselves mystical "betrothed of Jesus." “Fisherman's Ring” is a symbolic ring of St. Peter with his image: the apostle pulls a net out of the water while in a boat. This is an attribute of papal power that the Pope puts on his finger immediately after he is elected by the conclave - after all, the Roman Church is considered the heir of St. Peter. There is also a “pastoral ring” - the insignia of a Catholic bishop. Four golden rings of Pope Innocent III, sent on May 29, 1205 to King John the Landless of England, their roundness is eternity, their number is four influences on the strength of spirit: justice, courage, boldness and moderation; gold - wisdom and greatness; green emerald (emerald) - faith; blue sapphire - hope; red garnet - mercy; light topaz - virtue...

Three intertwined rings - Trinity, brotherhood.

The ring has become a generally accepted symbol of eternity and unceasing existence.

It also serves as a symbol of eternal union.

The bishop's ring alludes to his union with Christ.

Wedding rings are a symbol of eternal union.

Two interconnected rings or two rings placed one above the other are a symbolic expression of earth and sky.

Three rings tied together signify the Holy Trinity.

The wedding ring is an attribute of St. Catherine of Siena, who devoted herself to religious life and prayed to become the bride of Christ.

Members of the hierarchy wear a ring that symbolizes not only their spiritual marriage to Christ, but also their spiritual responsibilities. The papal ring is known as the "fisherman's ring" because it features an image of St. Peter engaged in fishing. It is made of pure gold. It is placed on the finger of the new pope at the moment of his election. Since this is a personal ring, when dad dies, the ring is destroyed. The Pope also wears a cameo, for it is his privilege to wear a jewel carved from stone.

At the moment of his election, the cardinal receives a sapphire ring from the pope. The coat of arms of the pope who gave it to the cardinal is engraved on the inside of the ring.

The bishop also wears a ring with a precious stone, and for this he can choose any stone he wishes, with the exception of sapphire, which is reserved exclusively for cardinals.

Abbots and abbesses may also wear very simple rings with the gemstone. A simple ring, which is a simple metal hoop or hoop with a cross, may be worn by a nun as a symbol of her marriage to Christ. Such a ring is reflected in many masterpieces that depict the mystical marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria. "

In addition, the ring is used in worship and is called a liturgical ring. This type of ring usually features a large stone and is sized to fit easily onto a gloved finger.

According to Arab legend, King Suleiman (Solomon) possessed extraordinary wisdom precisely thanks to the magic ring. There is a legend that it was on Solomon’s ring that there was an inscription: “Everything passes, this too will pass.”

In magical symbolism, the value of a ring is a certain combination of the meaning of a ring and a belt.

The loss or destruction of a ring was usually perceived as an ominous omen.

The ring of Gyges - the king of Lydia, Renart - from “The Tale of Lysia”, Othnitus - the king of Lombardy, etc. - according to legend, magical rings that can make their owners invisible. “Take that ring and put it on your finger with the stone inside your palm, and clench your hand into a fist. And how long you hide the stone in your closed palm, the same amount of time you will remain invisible” (“The Lady of the Source”); after all, man has always dreamed of hiding his weaknesses, showing only his strengths, because the world has never been kind to him...

according to popular beliefs, a magic ring or bracelet made of copper that cures rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases, pain in the sacrum, etc. Oger the Dane's ring, which was given to him by the sorceress fairy Morgana: he treated all sorts of diseases, restored youth. “Whoever wears a ring,” said Mrs. Leones, “no matter how seriously wounded he is, will not lose blood,” as it was told in the book of the anonymous English medieval author “The Exploits of King Arthur” (about 1400).


A ring in folklore and fairy tales is a magical talisman that can protect from wounds, from the “evil eye”, protect the youth of the wearer of the ring, cast a spell on his castles, horses, property... For example, Aladdin’s ring from the tales of “A Thousand and One Nights”, as well , like the well-known Aladdin's Lamp. a sign of recognition in many fairy tales, legends, stories, theatrical plays, and songs.

The ring is responsibility. Greek proverb: “Never wear a ring that is too tight.” “A ring binds spouses - but doesn’t it look like shackles?” (“Mary Stuart” by F. Schiller).

“My honor, this is also my ring, but the best jewel in my house is my purity.”
W. Shakespeare “All’s well that ends well”
“Titus put a beautiful and expensive ring on Saphronia’s finger and said: But I wanted to be your husband. So how will we now complement our marital relationship?“
"The Decameron" by Boccaccio
Ad notanda

“To hit the ring” is a medieval knightly game, a combat test: on horseback, at a gallop, to hit the top of a ring attached to something with the end of a spear.

Draft materials

indissoluble unity, dominance, obedience

The ring is associated with the solar symbolism of the circle - a symbol of the supreme power of the solar deity and the divine power of pharaohs, kings, and church ministers. Dominion, mental and material, as well as spiritual superiority, is embodied by the circle. O The Ring is close in meaning to magical circles that have a feminine negative nature and the ability to exert harmful influences.

O The symbolism of the ring also stems from the symbolism of a strong knot, which limits, erects a barrier, means stopping, obstacle, dependence, coercion. In this reading, the ring symbolizes “immobility,” voluntary dependence (the bonds of marriage; the novice’s belt is a symbol of his submission). O The marriage union contains the idea of ​​​​recreating Unity in the image of the first married couple, as it was before the Fall; the idea of ​​a New World through acquired Unity. The origin of the ring goes back to the Chinese harem: a silver ring was placed on the finger of the courtesan's left hand as she approached the emperor's bed. After performing her duties, the courtesan put the ring on her right hand. The gold ring was intended for women in the last month of pregnancy. O In ancient culture, a ring, bracelet, ring, necklace played the role of stabilizers, cementing the connection between soul and body. They were worn to hold the soul in a bodily rim, and were removed to facilitate the separation of the soul from the body, for example, at the time of death or the performance of a mystical rite. (It is not surprising that the bracelet as a “amulet” has long been popular among soldiers from different countries.)

O The ring served as an identification mark for the first Christians.

O In China, the ring is a symbol of the endless cycle, corresponding to fire, the sun and the trigram li.

The Jade Pi Ring, a sacred sign of royal and imperial dignity, consisted of a flat jade disk with a hole in the middle; the dimensions of the latter varied, maintaining a constant proportion between it and the disk (the diameter of the disk was equal to two diameters of the central hole). Pi symbolizes the sky, and the central hole is the focus of celestial influences. During the solstices, a ritual was performed to bring Pi as a gift to the gods.

The same symbolic meaning is expressed by the bowl: the sculptural allegory on the capital of Louvier represents a man in whose hands is a bowl with a hole in the middle, denoting the bottomless “circle of the Universe,” incomprehensible” but subject to the one who, mastering the craft, can “hold it in his hands.”

O The dreamed ring is associated with the symbolism of the circle and reveals a thirst for power, domination, achieved in both righteous and tyrannical ways.

About The necklace corresponds to the symbolism of a ring, a vicious circle: in Egypt it was a symbol of dependence, enslavement (the wearer of the necklace was a slave of his master).

To some extent, it shares the symbolic meaning of the circle in the aspect of eternity, continuity, and the divinity of life. Means power, dignity, supreme power, strength, protection, delegated power, completeness, cyclicality of time. The ring is identified with a person. To bestow a ring means to impart power, to bind oneself with a word, to associate oneself with the qualities of a given person. In addition, the ring carries the symbolism of connection and bond: a wedding ring binds with the promise of a new union. The head of a beast or monster with a ring in its mouth represents the guard on the path: the open mouth is the gate of death, and the ring is the path, the “narrow gate” (see passage), or the “door of deliverance.” The door ring, the keystone of an arch, the handle of an urn are all symbols of entrance or passage. In China, the ring symbolizes eternity, the source of creation, power, and high position. The whole ring means acceptance, favor; broken is ambivalent and represents either rejection and unfavorability, or (for example, halves of the same ring kept in different places) a concluded contract or renewal of friendship. The ring sent by the emperor meant an order to return to court; half of the ring - exile and exile. In Christianity, the ring symbolizes eternity, union, spiritual marriage with the Church. The ring indicates the rank of its owner. A sapphire in the ring of a cardinal or bishop is the sign of the “groom of the Church.” The newly elected Pope wears the "Fisherman's Ring" - the emblem of the Apostle Peter. Coronation ring

tso in Great Britain is “a sign of royal dignity and protection of the Catholic faith.” Emblem of Saint Edward the Confessor. In Egypt the origin of the ring and staff symbolism is unknown, but it is believed to represent the axis mundi and the rotation of the universe; eternity. In Hinduism, the ring of fire around Shiva symbolizes the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, a ring, or more often three rings, is a divine attribute (all gods wear it) and a symbol of royal dignity along with the crown, scepter and sickle. A flaming ring surrounding the Indian god Shiva dancing a cosmic dance - the life cycle of the Universe in every living entity: the order of births and deaths; eternal, transcendental wisdom.

The symbol of power comes from the use of a signet ring, which was known back in ancient Greece; also a symbol of entrusted power, since such a ring could be transferred to another person (see Joseph).

The ring symbolizes union, as is the case in the rite of marriage.

The ring is also one of the church insignia. In the latter case, it can be considered both as a symbol of power and as a symbol of union. The "Fisherman's Ring" worn by the Pope is decorated with a carved image of St. Peter in a boat, pulling a net. Cardinals and priests of lesser rank wear rings appropriate to their rank.

Three rings connected together are a symbol of the Trinity.

Both Catherines of Alexandria and Siena are depicted as "Brides of Christ": a mystical betrothal to divinity, when Christ - either an adult or, more often, an infant sitting on the lap of the Virgin Mary - places a ring on the saint's finger.

Francis of Assisi is depicted becoming engaged through a ring to Lady Poverty.

Regarding the betrothal of the Virgin Mary and Joseph (other suitors for her hand are present, holding their wands), see Betrothal of the Virgin Mary.

The Doge of Venice receives a ring from a fisherman (Mark).

Three rings connected together, decorated with a precious stone (diamond) - the emblem (impresa) of Cosimo the Elder Medici (1389-1464); diamond ring in the claws of a falcon with the motto “Semper” [lat. - “Always”] - the emblem of his son Pierrot (1414-1469). Three feathers of Lorenzo de' Medici the Magnificent (1448-1492) can be threaded through the ring. The last two emblems were used by the Medici popes - Leo X and Clement VII. The Medici "balls" that appear on the coat of arms of the Medici dynasty are usually six or seven in number, but sometimes there are as many as eleven. They can be seen, for example, on the friezes of the Medici palaces.

Magic ring, see Angelica.

Like any closed circle, the ring is a symbol of continuity and wholeness. This is why the ring (or bracelet) is used both as a symbol of marriage and to signify the ever-repeating cycle of time. Sometimes it is found in the form of a snake or eel biting its tail (Ouroboros), and sometimes as a pure geometric form (8, 20, 32).

In some legends, the ring is seen as the only remaining link in the chain. So Jupiter allowed Hercules to free Prometheus so that he would henceforth wear an iron ring with a piece of Caucasian rock set into it as a symbol of submission to punishment (8).

Another type of ring is found in the circle of flames in which Shiva performs his cosmic dance; this “fiery” ring can also be attributed to the Zodiac. Like the Zodiac and Ouroboros among the Gnostics, it has active and passive halves (evolution, involution) and appears in the meaning of both the life cycle of the universe and the individual being: the circular dance of nature in the eternal process of creation and destruction. At the same time, the light emitted by the ring of flame symbolizes eternal wisdom and transcendental illumination (60).

The traditional symbol of infinity (eternity), the transformation of the circle of the symbol into the tangible reality of an actual object.

In Greek and especially Roman antiquity, the right to wear iron rings was granted as an honor to worthy citizens.

Priests of Jupiter were required to wear gold rings (the origins of the bishop's ring), as did knights and senators in later times.

Magical ideas were also associated with rings, such as the legendary signet ring of Solomon.

Aristotle (384-322 BC) mentions an oracle in which the joint sound of two rings suspended on threads was supposed to indicate readiness for the ritual.

The rings suspended above the alphabet board were supposed to. by touching certain letters, indicate the names of the conspirators against Emperor Valens (32S-378).

In early Christian times, Macrobius (c. 400) reports ring-shaped jewelry enriched with the symbols of fish, dove and anchor (see Cross).

The papal “fisherman’s ring,” which is always broken after the death of Peter’s successor, characterizes the image of the Apostle Peter as a fisherman with a net (Luke 5:4-6).

Since the Middle Ages, the ring has been a symbol of engagement (see Knots) and marriage.

Rings with precious stones (rings) were also worn as amulets against diseases, for example, with carnelian - against bleeding. “Spasmodic rings” served as protection against paralysis; amulet rings were supposed to protect against all kinds of temptations. The literature on magic, starting with Agrippa of Nettesheim (I486---1535), contains endless instructions for making all kinds of rings with secret powers.

Broken rings symbolize broken vows. Losing rings is believed to mean bad luck.

Documents were certified with a signet ring with heraldic type symbols (most often inherited). which from that moment received legal force and certified property claims.

The ring was removed from the dying person to facilitate liberation from earthly burdens: already in antiquity, during some cult rituals it was forbidden to wear rings. since they allegedly prevented contact with the other world.

Great importance was attributed to treasure rings (“Ring of the Nibelungs”) in the German early Middle Ages, since, in all likelihood, they were inextricably linked with a blessing or curse.

Fairy tales and folk legends have preserved the memory of wish rings and other magical jewelry.

Regarding the existence of rings in heraldry, G. A. Böckler (1688) writes:

Rings are repeatedly found in coats of arms, which indicate honor, loyalty and inviolable constancy. When a subject receives a ring from a ruler, this is a sign of special, high esteem: similarly, Aristotle says that the Carthaginian dedicates as many rings to his military leaders as the number of victories they win over their enemies, which, therefore, from ancient times to this day - a ring, to- apparently, is a distinctive sign of nobility.

Later heraldry associates rings as armorial figures with the episcopal rank, but gold and silver rings with precious stones are also found in city and family coats of arms.

The medieval collection of short stories "Gesta Romanorum" (c. 1300) contains a story about a king who had three sons: one of them was especially loved by his father. A ring with an expensive precious stone was to be inherited by him. However, the father ordered two duplicates of this ring to be made, which he bequeathed to his two other sons. “After the death of his father, each of the sons believed that he was the one who owned the best ring with a precious stone. And so one of them said: “Let's test which ring is capable of driving away diseases. It is the most valuable.” It turned out that two rings did not work the desired result, while the ring of the beloved son showed healing properties. Symbolically, this story is interpreted as follows: “The three brothers are the three races of humanity. Namely: the first (corresponding to the beloved son) is the sons of God due to his incarnation in Christ, the other two are the sons. these are Jews and Saracens (Muslims). But now it is obvious that God loves the Christian people more; therefore, he left behind him a ring that makes the blind see, heals from diseases, casts out demons and performs all other miracles. This ring is true faith... »

In the Jewish collection of legends “The Source of Judea” by E. bin Gorion there is a parable about two precious stones (religions) that look the same, it is said that only the “Heavenly Father” can decide which one is better. This plot seems to be a prototype of Lessing’s parable about the rings “Nathan the Wise”.

Rings with amulets functions. Blue ancient Egyptian ring with udshat-eye and bone ring with seven-point snake. Upper Bavaria. c.1800


Ring // MNME
- Valentsova M. M., Ring// SMES
Notes and comments

Go Genesis 41:41-42
Go to Haggai 2:23
Go to Luke 15:22

Sometimes one glance is enough to assess who is in front of you. In the history of culture, there have been thousands of years of traditions, rules, regulations, and restrictions in this regard. And in painting, jewelry was far from the main thing, but very eloquent details for revealing the image. Well, let's try to understand the symbols of rings, rings and signet rings.

Fragment of the painting “Portrait of Josephine Marie Pauline” by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

The discreet, modest rings of the inhabitants of the Ancient World carried important information about their owners and testified exclusively to their status, belonging to a certain circle, special position and were valued, first of all, for this.

In ancient Rome, only senators, later also equestrians, and later, from imperial times, all freeborns had the right to wear certain jewelry. For another thousand years, the transfer of the ring symbolized the legitimacy of power and victory over a rival. It was the ring and the severed head of Pompey that were presented to Julius Caesar as a sign of triumph. And the notorious ring of the Pope - the “fisherman’s ring”, which was destroyed after the death of the owner - became a symbol of unlimited power.

Filippo Bellini. Portrait of Pope Sixtus v
16th century, 110 cm

They started talking about faith, friendship and love much later in the late Middle Ages. The monarchs still tried to limit their vassals in luxury and the use of gold, like precious stones, was still regulated by edicts and laws.

However, over time, the rings acquired many additional meanings. For example, in the 16th-17th centuries, the theme of “memento mori” (“remember death”) penetrated into jewelry art. Decorated, as a rule, with black enamel, rings with images of a skull, skeleton, quotes from the Holy Scriptures or sorrowful sayings: “My hour has come,” “Pray for me, who has left you,” etc. These items were given in memory of a departed relative or friend, as a reminder of the frailty of existence. In this regard, it is worth taking a closer look at the portrait of Henry Risley by John de Crites. It was not without reason that the artist left one hand without a glove so that the viewer could see the ring with a black stone on his left little finger. This is not just jewelry: behind it there is a dramatic story of its owner.

As you know, Risley took part in the rebellion led by the Earl of Essex and was sentenced along with him. But given his young age (27 years), the execution was replaced with life imprisonment (this is evidenced by the image of the Tower hanging on the wall), and the dates of his stay in the Tower: 1601−1602−1603 behind his left shoulder. Evidence indicates that Henry Risley wore a mourning ring on his finger in memory of the Earl of Essex.

John DeCrits. Portrait of Henry Risley, Earl of Southampton The Earl of Southampton

A lot has been written about wedding, wedding and engagement rings. The custom of exchanging rings as a sign of strengthening the marriage union has its roots in the hot sands of Ancient Egypt. Each nation has developed its own traditions in this regard, knowing which, you can reveal the secrets of the past. This happened with Rembrandt’s painting, called “The Jewish Bride.” The canvas haunted art critics for a long time. Disputes about who is depicted in the paired portrait lasted for centuries. It was the ring on the index finger, which the girl diligently presents to the world, after a century and a half, that gave researchers grounds to claim that the bride is depicted on the canvas.

Rembrandt Van Rijn. Jewish bride

The Great French Revolution of 1789 and the events that followed it made adjustments to fashion trends. Revolutionary laws required men and women to renounce external adornment. Therefore, for some time the number of decorations was reduced to a minimum. In the early years, it was safe to wear only jewelry glorifying its heroes, or even even the edged stones of the destroyed Bastille. The era of the Directory eliminated the fear of owning luxury and marked the rise of the Empire style. As a tribute to antiquity, the Renaissance idea of ​​the beauty of the body came to the fore. The girlfriends of Napoleon's comrades no longer hesitated to wear jewelry, completely exposing their hands; the ladies began to actively decorate them: they wore bracelets just below the shoulder and on the wrist, rings covered all fingers. A woman has become a “showcase” of a man’s well-being and his position in society.

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Portrait of Marie Marcose (Mme de Sennon)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Portrait of Madame Rivière, née Marie Françoise Biben Blau de Beauregard
1806, 116×90 cm

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Philibert Riviere
1805, 89×116 cm

However, it is worth noting that in most cases, the characters - saints, ancient gods and goddesses, and those portrayed - depicted in paintings from various eras did not overuse rings. But they generously decorated themselves with pearls.

Joos van Cleve. Portrait of Eleanor Queen of France

Sandro Botticelli. Venus and Mars
1483, 17×69 cm

Most often, people in portraits wear rings on their little finger, or on their little finger and index finger. Rings are found almost equally on the ring and thumb fingers, but are extremely rare on the middle finger.

Hans Holbein the Younger. Portrait of Anna of Cleves

Lucas Cranach the Elder. Portrait of a young woman

There has never been a rigid set of rules (on which finger and on which hand to wear a ring), although in Ancient Rome there was a certain order for wearing rings, since in those days each finger had its own “meaning”. Well, let's try to understand the symbolism of the rings and count them on our fingers.

Archer's Ring or Mars Root

Decoration on the thumb is in most cases perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence. The thumb is also often associated with warlike Mars and masculine strength (after all, in ancient times, men wore a ring for archery). Therefore, in the old days, the presence of a ring on the thumb was associated with courage and the ability to wield weapons.

Lucas Cranach the Younger. Portrait of Elector Joachim of Brandenburg

During the time of George I in England, the wedding ring was moved to the thumb.

Bartholomeus van der Helst. Abraham del Court and Maria de Kaarsgieter

Pointing finger

Ever since the times when people exclusively from the upper classes wore stamps, a solid seal on a man’s index finger was considered the personification of power and privilege, testifying to leadership and ambition. Therefore, in some regions of Europe, decorating the “pointing finger” was prohibited for persons below a certain status.

Hans Holbein the Younger. Portrait of Henry VIII
75×88 cm

Large rings and rings adorned the index fingers of many famous rulers and commanders, such as Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Cardinal Richelieu, Ivan the Terrible. At the same time, it is believed that a ring on the index finger of the left hand indicates delusions of grandeur, and on the right - the prudence of its owner.

If you look closely at the historical portraits depicting King Henry VII, you can see large rings on the index fingers of both of his hands. History knows that the king became famous as a great monarch of his time, a reformer, but also as an unbalanced person.

Rings, usually oval in shape, symbolized belonging to some kind of fraternity, membership in an organization, etc. On the same finger they wore “kleinods”, which were reserved for those awarded a high order.

Quentin Masseys. Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam

Lucas Cranach the Elder. Portrait of Johann Cuspain

By the way, back in the first half of the 19th century, wedding rings - smooth, without stones (strictly speaking, this is a wedding ring, and the wedding ring, usually with a small stone, was given by the groom to the bride during the engagement) - were worn on the index finger. In Vasily Pukirev’s painting “Unequal Marriage” you can see how the girl extends the index finger of her right hand to the priest.

Vasily Vladimirovich Pukirev. Unequal marriage
1862, 173×136.5 cm

Safe Balance

Looking at the portraits, you can notice that rings were surprisingly rarely put on the middle finger, partly, apparently, because it is located next to the index finger, and two rings next to each other are an obstacle to various small actions. So there is no special symbolism in this arrangement, except that, thanks to the central location, the ring on the middle finger embodies balance.

Georges de Fur. Thoughts

Matters of the heart

It is believed that the blood in the veins from the ring finger of the left hand goes straight to the heart, and this is the reason why a wedding ring is worn on it in most countries.

In medieval Europe, wedding rings were generally worn on different fingers. At the same time, jewelry on this finger may mean that its owner is just about to get married (engagement ring). A promise ring (romantic promise) could be worn in the same way, despite the fact that this arrangement of the ring carries the status of a formal proposal.

Juan Pantoja de la Cruz. Isabel

For delicate natures

Wearing pinky rings is generally associated with intelligence and creativity. A ring on this finger is chosen by those who want to “make a statement” about themselves, since a little finger with a ring involuntarily attracts attention. In addition, he is less associated with any cultural and religious traditions than others and therefore speaks exclusively of remarkable individuality.

Rogier van der Weyden. Man holding a book

Right hand little finger: In the 19th and early 20th centuries, in a number of countries, two rings on the little finger showed that a person was married (divorce ring). The bottom ring was a wedding ring, and a ring was put on top. In Great Britain and other Western countries, men wore a signet ring on their left little finger, and in many families they were passed down from generation to generation.

With the emergence of exquisitely spicy Art Nouveau on the artistic scene, numerous decorations, as a rule, testified to the creative pursuits of their owners.

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov. Portrait of Ida Rubinstein
1910, 233×147 cm

Today, in most cases, the sacred meaning of jewelry has sunk into the realm of legend, and the rings on the fingers correspond, at best, to the situation: a party, an office, a walk... Our contemporaries have remained faithful exclusively to the tradition of exchanging wedding rings. For how long?

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. Josephine-Eleanor-Marie de Pauline de Galard Brassac de Béarn, Princesse de Broglier
1853, 121.3×90.8 cm

People have trusted talismans and amulets since ancient times. They helped protect themselves from troubles and attracted a lot of positive emotions. The fame of the magical properties of amulets has survived to this day; many fairy tales have been told about them. The ring was used not only as a beautiful accessory. The Slavs endowed this item with special magic, which would undoubtedly help in trouble.

The Slavic ring, like the cross, is a fairly common symbol. You can find a talisman ring not only among the Slavs, but also in other world cultures (in Egypt, the Far East, Greece).

The Slavs identified the circle with the infinity of the Universe, with the strong energy of the Sun, with the continuation of existence on Earth. The closedness of the circle emphasized the unity of all living things.

To protect someone, it is enough to circle him; this gesture did not allow negative energy to penetrate and affect objects and people.

Similar functions were attributed to the amulet ring; it was worn on the finger. This decoration protected the owner and gave him strength. The one who wore the sign was protected from disease and trouble.

The decoration changed the life of its owner, bringing good luck and fulfilling cherished dreams.

Individual approach

Much attention was paid to the manufacture of the item. It was made for everyone, then it needed to be charged with the energy of the new owner. If you follow these important recommendations, you can expect good results.

The character of the owner of the symbol, his name, date of birth and zodiac sign were of great importance. All this information was taken into account when choosing protection.

At birth, the child was given two names at once. The first name was kept secret, only the parents and the man himself knew it. The second name was revealed to others. Without knowing which name is real, otherworldly forces could not have an impact.

The letters of the secret name were written on the back of the ring. It was forbidden to give this amulet into the hands of strangers; you could attract big troubles into your life. The outside of the rings was decorated with protective symbols. Women depicted a sign of strengthening the family, war - a sign of struggle and glory.

What is the amulet made of?

Pay attention to all the details of the amulet. Materials affect the wearer in different ways, weakening or strengthening its protective properties.

Pay attention to the material from which the talisman is made. The ancient Slavs used the bones of predators for amulets. They believed that all the qualities of the animal would be transferred to the owner of the symbol, making him strong and courageous.

Symbols are made from both wood and precious metals.

Yellow metals are characterized by masculine energy; they are identified with solar energy. Light-colored metals are considered feminine. To ensure the circulation of energies, women could wear a gold or copper ring, and men could wear a silver one.

The signs on the rings also referred to male or female.

Usually the rings were decorated with stones. Each mineral had a special effect on a person, bringing him material well-being, restoring health and improving relationships with loved ones.

If existence is filled with melancholy and despondency, you should choose jewelry with an emerald. Agate helped to become self-confident. Pearls brought health. Aquamarine made family relationships friendly.

How to use the amulet correctly?

There are many ill-wishers and envious people around us. Every negative word addressed to a person leaves an indelible mark on his energy, leading to illness and failure in the future.

The Slavic ring will help protect against aggression.

There are amulets that are needed for a specific, specific occasion. Sometimes amulets require constant wearing, others are best worn when danger arises.

Often rings have very strong energy, so they are worn when absolutely necessary on very exciting days.

Talismans can absorb the energy of their owner. This is used for severe illnesses. The amulet ring must be without mineral. It is worn for a short time and after recovery is buried in the ground. This gives hope for complete relief from the disease.

Do I need to buy a ring?

You can buy a magical Slavic ring in a store or make it yourself. During the process, he begins to charge himself with positive energy long before finishing work on it. This makes him much stronger. In ancient times, everyone made a talisman for themselves with their own hands. A magical symbol could also be received from a sorcerer as a gift.

It is possible to make and give a talisman to your loved ones. While working, you need to think about the good, charging the ring with positivity.

Sorcerers helped to correctly activate the protection of the ring, casting mystical incantations and spells.

If you still decide to buy a talisman, put it in salt to protect against negativity.

Symbols for Slavic rings

The shape of the rings among the Slavs was different. Twisted and woven rings and jewelry in the form of seals are popular.

Usually the amulet depicted:

Symbolizes masculinity and can endow the owner with wisdom. For courage, women could also wear it.

Symbolizes the infinity of existence, the change of day and night.

He was revered by warriors because he gave them intelligence and prudence.

Created harmony in the family.

Could protect from damage and negativity from the outside.

Rodovik. He was considered a link with his ancestors.

They personified the energy of the Sun and fulfilled their innermost wishes.

Choosing a stone according to your zodiac sign

You need to be very careful when selecting a mineral for a talisman. You cannot buy any stone; you need to understand its properties and determine compatibility.

The stone for the ring is selected according to the zodiac sign, then it will benefit the owner.


Slavic rings made of wood

Trees played a special role in the life of the Slavs, connecting the underground, earthly and heavenly worlds, symbolizing the ancestral connection.

Touching the tree relieved illness and misfortune. A Slavic ring made of this material will relieve sadness, strengthen health and immunity, and give strength to overcome obstacles. Palms and eucalyptus were a curiosity for the Slavs, so they endowed the surrounding trees with unusual properties: birch, linden, oak, pine, etc.

To make yourself a talisman, you need to go to the forest and, listening to your subconscious, choose a tree.

It’s quite problematic to make a ring yourself, so it’s easier to turn to professionals who know the characteristics of each tree and can recommend the right one.

Slavic ring and its cleaning

With prolonged use, the rings accumulate negativity, so they require periodic cleaning. Also, urgent cleanup should be carried out after major shocks. Such cleaning activities are carried out at least once a year.

The amulet ring is sprinkled with coarse salt and left to cleanse for 5 days. Make sure your surroundings are quiet and away from sunlight. The salt is thrown away after the ritual. Wooden and stone talismans are cleansed in a similar way.

Silver and gold amulets are cleaned with water. After pouring running water into a container, keep the ring there for about a day. This is a great way to remove evil and negativity.

Rules for charging amulets

The main source of power for all living things is the Sun. The Sun is considered to be the most active from July 22 to September 22.

To cleanse, leave the talisman under the scorching rays of the Sun for one or several days. The energy of the luminary will cleanse and help it receive energy for the future. The object will give all the accumulated charge to its owner, making his life more positive.