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Multiple entry visa to Poland. What documents are needed for a visa to Poland. Submission of documents for a Polish visa. How to apply for a Schengen visa yourself. Documents for a long-term visa

The term for obtaining a visa to Poland is from 5 to 10 working days, starting from the moment the documents are submitted for consideration at the consulate. The time spent collecting the required documents is not counted. In addition, there is such a thing as an urgent visa. In this case, the term for obtaining a visa to Poland will be about 3 working days, subject to fully collected and correctly completed documents. If you need a Polish visa, you need it to be issued as quickly as possible, and a refusal is unacceptable, contact Travelmart - we will provide you with a high level of service and everything that comes with it.

How much a Polish visa is made depends on its type, the set of documentation attached by the client and the urgency of the registration. What conditions can our company offer you? The most profitable and convenient for you. We will issue a single-entry tourist visa for 15 days for you in no more than 10 working days. If you need more urgent registration, this is also possible. A business visa will be issued in about 5 working days. Do not forget that for her it is necessary to provide an official business invitation to the country - to a conference, seminar, negotiations, etc. The procedure for obtaining a visa to Poland, the timing of the production of Polish visas - these are concepts of an individual nature. For a short-term tourist visa for a short period, a standard package of documents is required. For multivisa, as well as special visas - guest, children, student, etc., additional documents must be submitted to the consulate. It is better to do this in advance than at the request of the visa center, since in the latter case, the visa processing time will be much longer.

Stages of obtaining a visa:

  1. Collecting the necessary documents. The entire list can be obtained from the specialists of Travelmart.
  2. Registration in the queue for their submission. Registration is made on the website of the Consulate of Poland when filling out the application form. The registration usually goes 1-2 months in advance.
  3. Submission of documents. Usually done with the personal presence of the applicant. Tourist visas can be issued by tour operators for their clients.
  4. Issuance of a visa. Usually occurs on the 5th day after submission of documents. You can pick up your passport in person or through a trusted person.
Getting a Polish visa is not that difficult. But if there are moments that do not allow you to arrange it yourself, then you can always turn to Travelmart for help, whose specialists will always help you in resolving this issue. How much to make a visa to Poland, how to get it, what documents are needed, what to avoid - they will tell you all this during the consultation.
  • Experienced travelers and business people who constantly cross the border, it is possible to apply for a visa for 5 years. But if you are an inexperienced traveler and are applying for an entry permit for the first time, then there is a chance to get a short-stay visa - for one or more trips. We are ready to consider your conditions and intentions in order to offer the best!

Schengen visa to Poland, registration at the OEC Moscow

We are ready to provide you with a number of pleasant discounts (no summation):

  • children under 6 years old - 50%
  • persons of retirement age - 5%
  • tourist groups over 5 participants - 5%
Type of visa requested Length of stay
For citizens of the Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan
For citizens of Georgia and Ukraine (except for holders of biometric passports)
For citizens of all other countries
(type "C" visa)
30/90 days 1900 rbl 1900 rbl
(type "C" visa)
90/180 days 1900 rbl 1900 rbl
(type "C" visa)
90/360 days 1900 rbl 1900 rbl
(type "D" visa)
from 90 days 7500 rbl
Regardless of citizenship, a visa fee of 35 euros is paid for a visa type "C", Schengen

Visa to Poland - aspects of the procedure

It is permissible to come to Poland both directly on Polish and on other visas. The owner of the multishengen system has the right to visit other European states that have signed the Schengen agreement.

The Schengen visa to Poland for Russians in 2018 has a consistently approved uniform price, and production time is about 7 days.

Therefore, think about the procedure well in advance to meet your plans. Otherwise, you will have to pay twice as much for the urgency of the consideration.

Visa to Poland - cost and terms

Short-term visa permits are issued for a period of several days, as well as for 1 or 2 years - for a period of up to 5 years.

They are classified based on the purposes of those leaving:

  1. For medical treatment;
  2. Sports visas;
  3. Cultural character.

One-time is issued for the period of a specific trip or with a corridor of 1 month. Such a permit allows a single entry into the Schengen area, regardless of the presence / absence of unspent days on a visa. Single entry is allowed exclusively to the country that issued the visa.

Multishengen to Poland

Such visas can be

  • for the period of the trip,
  • for 15 days, with a 30-day corridor
  • for 30 days, with a 90-day corridor
  • for 45 days, with a 90-day corridor
  • for 90 days, with a 180-day corridor
  • for 90 days with 360-day corridor - for permits for 1 year to 5 years. At the same time, on the basis of such permits, it is allowed to be in Schengen for a maximum of 90 days - six months in advance.

How long to wait for a visa to Poland through the Embassy in Moscow?

  • The standard term, regulated by law, is from one day to 10 days.
  • For express review - 3-4 days.
  • Extra urgent orders - 1-2 days.

In any case, such information on the granting of a visa to Poland is given by the Moscow Visa Center, on the official website. Although the consular branch has the right to suspend the issuance of permits for a period of up to 3 months.

That is why it is always worthwhile to play it safe and submit the dossier a little earlier, or better - about 3 months before departure. However, in practice, a passport with a Schengen stamp is usually issued within 5-7 days.

Child visa to Poland - documents

Visas for children are issued approximately according to the same algorithm as for adults, but with a number of conditions. They relate to the circumstances of the child's departure and the legal consent of the parents and legal representatives.

  • Young up to 6 years of age we are ready to offer discounts up to 50%.
  • Faces under 12 are exempt from the delivery of biometric data.
  • Faces over 12 years old are required provide your biometric parameters.

There are conditions under which the presence of at least 1 adult is required when applying for a visa for a child.

Children's visas are usually affixed either for the period of departure, or until the end of the validity of parental visas.

Visa to Poland for representatives of the CIS and others

Foreigners have the right to apply for a visa to Poland through the Consulate in Moscow, subject to legalization. This is documented by registering a temporary stay, residence permit or business visa. Then the processing time for the request is up to 2 weeks.

Initially, a visa is given, most often, at the time of departure with the right to cross the border once.

Permission denied - your actions

Yes, this also happens, but there is no need to be upset. This is not a verdict yet. We are ready to assist you, even if your case is exceptional.

Our managers will help you enter all the data correctly, check all the papers in terms of compliance with the visa policy and will do everything so that you can still get the desired visa.

Result, which we are rightfully proud of - 90% of repeat approvals from among! Therefore, you can completely trust us! You just need to keep in mind that in case of refusal, you need to form a package of papers from scratch.

In addition, we guarantee the granting of a one-year Polish visa, subject to prior rejection of the application.

Package of documents for a Polish visa

This list for a visa to Poland can be clarified at the Moscow Visa Application Center, on the official website.

  1. International passport(valid during the 90-day period after the end of the trip). Plus a copy of the spread where the photograph is posted.
  2. Copy of passport pages, if there are any Schengen and (or) Polish entry stamps there.
  3. ... At the consular branch, you can register it and enter all the data online, then print and sign in the required fields. When contacting the VC, filling is done manually.
  4. pasted into the visa application form (photo printing standards are discussed below).
  5. Justification of the purpose of departure(voucher, certificate of paid tour, invitation letter of a corporate or private nature).
  6. Help from the workplace on a special form, which contains the position, period of work and the amount of income.
  7. Financial guarantees.
  8. Copies of tickets in two directions or a certificate of armor.
  9. Reservation with 50% hotel payment for the full time of stay (for tourists).
  10. Original and copy covering the entire Schengen area for the period of departure. The total coverage is at least 30 thousand euros.
  11. Resolution for employees of the Computing Center to operate with personal information.

Individual entrepreneurs traveling on business present a corporate invitation letter from Poles (from a legal entity, company) or a ticket to a business event (valid for a maximum of 3 months), a certificate of conducting business activities: certificate 2 (or 3) -NDFL, confirmation from tax authorities, a certificate of doing business, a bank statement for the expired 3-month period (valid for 30 days).

  • Students at school or universities attach a certificate from the educational institution of enrollment, student card, along with a receipt for payment of the course fee. Participants in world sports - letter from the inviting organization.
  • Outgoing with a guest visit to relatives submit a letter from the inviting party with a notary visa and providing personal and contact information of both parties, a certificate of legal residence on Polish soil, with a copy of the initial spread of the passport.

If it is impossible to present a certificate from work, it is allowed to present a bank statement for the past 3 months, a certificate of ownership of real estate in Russia.

  • Outgoing for medical treatment provide originals of papers from Polish clinics substantiating the need for such treatment, and financial guarantees.

Visa to Poland - do it yourself

What is important to consider if you decide to directly contact consular services

  • Resolution type(tied to your goals and terms of stay in the state).
  • Place to send your request: consular representation (you will save on service fees) or VC. They are located in almost every major city in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the amount of payment for mediation may differ (approximately from 19 to 23 euros). There is no need for a mandatory entry in the CC.

If you need a national visa to Poland, then, firstly, its price is higher, and, secondly, you need to apply to the Consulate General (in both capitals or Kaliningrad), after making an appointment.

In addition, the application for a national visa requires an extended applicant dossier:

  • 2 photos;
  • Confirmation of the purpose of departure: an original and a copy of the Pole's Card / work permit / certificate of study at an educational institution (students still have to present a certificate of payment for tuition and solvency: a bank statement or a guarantee from a sponsor).

Child visa

A border crossing permit is required for every minor, even if he does not have a separate passport. Visa stamping is done in the parent's passport.

An original and a copy of the birth certificate, copies of parental Schengens (when the dossier is not submitted simultaneously with them), the original and a copy of the notarized consent for the trip of a parent or two (when a minor leaves with an accompanying person or with one parent) are also attached to the standard package.

Photo printing standards for a visa to Poland

The most important thing is the clarity and quality of the photo.

  • Parameters - 35 by 45 mm.
  • White background.
  • The "age" of the photo is a maximum of six months.
  • Direct gaze, lack of emotional facial expressions, the frontal part and ears are as open as possible.
  • The facial area is 70-80%, with the neck and top of the shoulders visible.
  • No hats.
  • Glasses - if absolutely necessary, on the recommendation of doctors, without darkening and glare.
  • Lack of unnecessary items.
  • Retouching is not allowed.

It is important to consider! When in the picture in the passport, the applicant is filmed without glasses, then without them, you should be photographed for a visa!

Visa to Poland - validity period

This is directly related to the type of entry stamp. If the visa is class A, it is valid for only 5 days, with the right to stay exclusively in the transit area of ​​the Polish airport.

Visa C allows a 90-day stay once every six months if it is multiple-entry. A single entry visa is usually tied to exact dates of departure. Polish multiple-entry visa can be juice up to 2 years. It is allowed to travel with it to other Schengen countries, staying in them until the expiration of the visa, but the maximum is 90 days in 6 months.

National visa D has a time limit (usually 12 months), but it can be extended. Anyone who has it can freely stay in Poland until the agreed time.

Price and time of waiting for visas

One way or another, it is better to apply for a visa, regardless of its type, at least 14 days before the planned trip. The decision will be made in about 5-15 days. Why is there such a gap?

A check is carried out, and there are still clarifications from the consular services, and when additional documents are required, the consideration sometimes increases to 1 month. The worst moment for filing a request is Russian time, because then the period for making a decision is even longer - plus 1 or up to 4 days.

  • When submitting a request for an express review of the dossier, there are chances to obtain permission in 3-5 days, but then it is important to justify the urgency - documentary.

The highest price is express visa (70 euros), visa D - 60 EUR, regular Schengen - 35 EUR. Plus, you need to add the work of the VC to this amount, if you apply there, this is within 19 - 23 euros... When calculating at the Consulate, they accept the European currency, in the centers - in the equivalent of the Russian currency, at the current exchange rate.

To whom a visa to Poland is issued free of charge

  • For those under 6;
  • close relatives of Russians legally living in Poland;
  • delegates, representations of national and regional administrations and parliaments, courts;
  • studying in Poland and trainees;
  • individuals with disabilities and persons traveling with them for escort;
  • those leaving for urgent humanitarian purposes, for the burial procedure, or visiting seriously ill close relatives;
  • participating in world sports competitions for young people and those who accompany them;
  • participating in scientific, cultural and other exchange programs;
  • researchers conducting research work;
  • to members of NGOs traveling to special events in line with their activities.

Documents for a visa when traveling by personal transport

Traveling by car is the best solution that doesn't require excessive effort. It is important that you have an up-to-date passport and Schengen type C (better than a Polish one, although any other is also suitable).

Driving licenses are allowed to be granted both of a domestic model and an international one - the latter will be needed in an emergency, for example, an accident.

Every traveler must draw up a medical policy in his own name, and a Green Card for a car.

  • An indispensable condition is registration document and passport for the car, if required - a power of attorney, provided that the owner is in the car - it is also possible in the passenger seat. This is an opportunity for the Polish side to make sure that the car is not stolen.

Experienced tourists recommend having printed itineraries with you, copies of papers reflecting the intentions of visitors (hotel reservation, invitation letter from a person living in Poland), so that unnecessary misunderstandings do not arise at the border.

Therefore, to visit it, Russians should apply for a Schengen visa.

There is an opinion that a visa to Poland is not needed only for citizens of countries that are members of the EU. But this is not the case. The European Union has entered into a visa-free regime with many countries, which means that residents of many republics can enter Polish territory without first applying for a visa to Pozu.

Obtaining a Polish visa is not required for citizens of countries such as:

  • Japan,
  • El Salvador,
  • Ecuador,
  • Switzerland,
  • Chile,
  • Croatia,
  • Uruguay,
  • Ukraine,
  • United States of America,
  • Slovenia,
  • Singapore,
  • Serbia,
  • Saint Lucia,
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,
  • Seychelles,
  • San Marino,
  • Samoa,
  • Romania,
  • Paraguay,
  • Panama,
  • Islands: Trinidad and Tobago,
  • United Arab Emirates,
  • Norway,
  • New Zealand,
  • Nicaragua,
  • Monaco,
  • Moldova,
  • Mexico,
  • Malta,
  • Malaysia,
  • Macedonia,
  • Macau,
  • Mauritius,
  • Liechtenstein,
  • Costa Rica,
  • Korea,
  • Cyprus,
  • Canada,
  • Iceland,
  • Israel,
  • Dominica,
  • Georgia,
  • Grenada,
  • States of Bolivia,
  • Hong Kong,
  • Honduras,
  • Guatemala,
  • Venezuela,
  • Great Britain,
  • Vatican,
  • Vanuatu,
  • Brunei,
  • Brazil,
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Barbados,
  • Bahamas,
  • Argentina,
  • Antigua and Barbuda,
  • Andorra,
  • Albania,
  • Australia.

Residents of other countries need a Schengen visa to Poland.

There are various types of visas to Poland. They depend on the purpose of stay in the country and permits are also issued for different periods.

Classification by length of stay

  1. Transit. This type of permit is required when a person's path to the country of destination lies through Poland. Example: a person needs to fly to the United States of America on an airplane, he has a transfer scheduled at one of the airports in Poland. In this case, the country of destination is the United States, and the transit country is Poland.
    This means that the traveler also needs to open a transit visa to Poland.
    But it should also be borne in mind that a transit visa is required only if the time between transfers is more than 24 hours. If a person has connecting flights, and he does not intend to leave the transit zone of the airport, then he does not need such a visa.

In the column "Type of Visa" there will be a designation "A" or "B" depending on the type of transit

A transit visa is opened at the Polish embassy. It is valid for 5 days.

The Schengen visa, in turn, can be single, double and multiple.

Single entry allows you to cross the Polish border only once. If a person has a double entry, then he is allowed to visit Poland 2 times.

If you have multiple trips, the number of trips to the Polish Republic is not limited. But it is worth remembering that the total time spent in the country cannot exceed 90 days in half a year.

Classification by purpose of stay

  1. Tourist.
  2. (labor).
  3. Business.
  4. Visa for medical treatment.

You can learn more about each type of visa in the following video.

Documents and registration

Biometric data

From September 14, 2015, all Russian citizens wishing to apply for a visa to Poland are required, that is, to be fingerprinted.

Children under the age of 12 and persons who have injuries on their hands that do not allow the procedure are exempted from fingerprinting. If the applicant has minor wounds or cuts on his hands, the procedure is postponed until the injuries are completely healed.

Children between the ages of 12 and 18 are required to undergo the procedure under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

Fingerprinting is done when applying for a visa to Poland for the first time. Then the prints are entered into the database and stored in it for 5 years. After this time, you will need to re-take the prints.

The fingerprinting procedure is painless and free of charge. You can take it at the Embassy of the Polish Republic by appointment. If a person does not have the opportunity to get to Moscow for fingerprinting, then he can order this service for himself at home or in the office.

A house call is chargeable and costs 150 euros for fingerprinting per person. If 2 people are going to hand over prints, then the call will have to pay 270 euros. If 3 people intend to submit their prints, then the call will cost 383 euros.

Transit visa

To apply for a transit visa to Poland, you will need to provide a package of documents at the embassy:

  1. Application form.
  2. Two photos of the Schengen model.
  3. Hotel room reservation. This document will be required if the time between flights is more than 24 hours.
  4. A document confirming the booking of air tickets (or copies of tickets).
  5. A valid foreign passport and its photocopies.
  6. A copy of the visa to the country of destination (if a visa is required).

How to correctly understand the data indicated on the visa


A tourist visa to Poland is issued for the implementation of tourist trips to this country or for guest visits, in the absence of an invitation from the host side.

A tourist visa, as a rule, is a one-time visa, that is, it implies 1 entry into the territory of Poland.

Documents for a visa to Poland

  1. International passport.
  2. Civil passport (for Russians the passport of the Russian Federation).
  3. Two photographs.
  4. Proof of financial solvency. A person will need to present a document at the embassy, ​​which confirms that the traveler owns an amount of at least 30 euros for each day of stay in this country.
  5. Booking tickets (or the tickets themselves).
  6. A document confirming the booking of a hotel or lease of accommodation for the entire period of stay in the country.

A formalized insurance policy for staying in the Schengen area


A work visa to Poland for Russians is issued for the purpose of employment in the territory of this state.

There are two types of work visa to Poland:

  1. For 180 days. As a rule, initially the applicant is issued a six-month visa.
  2. For 360 days. A visa to Poland for a year is usually issued after receiving a six-month visa. It allows not only to be employed in the territory, but also to stay no more than 180 days a year in the countries of the European Union.

In order to obtain a work visa to the Republic of Poland, you first need to find an employer in this country. Unfortunately, if there is no employer, then the person will not be issued an entry permit.

Here you can download a sample in Polish for the employer's convenience.

Required documents for obtaining a work visa to Poland

  1. A copy of all pages of the passport.
  2. Passport.
  3. Two photographs.
  4. Application form.
  5. Labor contract.
  6. Work permit.
  7. An invitation from the employer.
  8. Medical insurance.

Job invitation to Poland

In what cases a work visa is subject to extension

  1. For health reasons, a person cannot return to his native state.
  2. The migrant intends to continue his labor activity in Poland. In this case, it is possible to extend a work visa only when the employer is ready to renew the employment contract.

It is worth remembering that to extend a work visa, a person must have very strong documented reasons.

In the application for a work visa in the application form in clause 21, you need to tick the box "other" and indicate Praca (in Polish - work)

In order to renew this type of permit, the employee will need to contact the Voivode. Recall that the voivode is the head of the united administration and the representative of the Council of Ministers in Poland.

Along with the application, a package of documents is submitted:

  1. Renewal application drawn up in Polish.
  2. Two color photographs.
  3. A valid international passport.

Usually, the renewal procedure does not take more than a week. In rare cases, it can take up to two months.

Detailed instructions on how to obtain a Polish work visa. We recommend to watch.

It is important to keep in mind that you need to apply for an extension when the work visa is still valid. If this is done after its completion, then the documents will not be accepted.

For the extension, a foreign resident will have to pay from 30 to 100 euros. If the decision regarding the extension is negative, the applicant will be refunded the money.

Business visa

A business visa to Poland (business visa of the C04 category) is required for those foreign residents who intend to stay in the country to conduct their own business or business negotiations. You can get a multiple-entry visa to Poland only with an invitation from the company. This Schengen visa to Poland is multiple-entry, that is, a person with such a permit can visit the Republic of Poland an unlimited number of times.

Required papers for opening a visa:

  1. Application form.
  2. A valid international passport.
  3. Original and photocopy of civil passport.
  4. Health insurance policy.
  5. Proof of financial solvency.
  6. Invitation.

If a person opens a visa not for negotiating, but for running his own business, then instead of an invitation, he submits such a list of documents as:

  1. Company registration certificate (original and photocopy).
  2. The latest declaration from the tax office, which confirms that the applicant in his home state has paid all the required tax payments.

Visa for medical treatment

A treatment visa (medical) is issued for those people who need to receive treatment in Polish medical institutions.

To open such a permit, you will need the following papers:

  1. Application form.
  2. Two photographs.
  3. Internal passport.
  4. Insurance policy.
  5. Proof of financial solvency.
  6. A document confirming that a person needs to undergo treatment in a Polish clinic. This document is issued by a medical institution. It prescribes the diagnosis of the person and his estimated duration of the treatment period.

Voivodship visa

A voivodeship visa to Poland allows you to stay in this country for a year without leaving. She also allows you to stay in other countries of the European Union for 90 days a year. This visa is issued for a period of 1 to 3 years, but in total a person cannot spend more than 365 days on the territory of the Polish Republic.

A voivodeship visa is often opened for employment. The basis for its opening is an invitation from the Polish side, which is certified by the Voivodeship.

This visa differs from the work visa in that the invitation is registered at the place of residence of the host person in a certain region.

Who has the right to issue an invitation from the governor:

  1. Polish enterprises that are in need of foreign labor.
  2. Residents of the Republic of Poland or the European Union who permanently reside in Poland.
  3. Foreign nationals who have been living in Poland for a residence permit for more than 5 years.

Poland more often than other states opens multi-entry visas for foreigners

An invitation from the governor is drawn up by the employer. To obtain it, he must submit documents such as:

  1. Photocopies of passport pages (foreign and civil).
  2. A document with such information: personal data, date of birth, place of birth, contact phone number, registration address and actual residence address).

An application for a voivodship work permit in Polish is possible.

An invitation from the governor is drawn up within 3-4 weeks. After registration, the employer sends it to a potential employee. A foreign resident must submit an invitation to the embassy along with such papers as:

  1. Application form.
  2. Photograph.
  3. International passport.
  4. Copy of a civil passport.
  5. Medical insurance policy for a year.
  6. A receipt confirming payment of the consular fee.

It looks like an invitation from the governor


A visitor visa is a visa at the invitation of relatives or friends living in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Only a resident of Poland or a person who has had a residence permit in this country for at least 5 years has the right to issue an invitation. Also, the inviting person must have a living space (own or rented) and a fixed income.

Typically, a visitor visa is issued when the host party acts as a sponsor, that is, pays for the trip and maintenance of a person in Poland.

To obtain a visa to Poland, it is worth submitting such papers as:

  1. International passport.
  2. Internal passport and its photocopy.
  3. Invitation letter.
  4. Health insurance policy.
  5. Tickets.
  6. Application form.
  7. Two photographs.

Note! There are new invitations in 2020. More details in the next video.

The invitation must be approved by the local authorities.


A study visa to Poland is intended for foreign residents who intend to study at Polish educational institutions.

List of documents for a visa:

  1. Invitation. This document is issued by the educational institution where the foreign resident plans to study.
  2. A valid international passport.
  3. Application for a visa to Poland.
  4. Receipts confirming payment. The receipt must be 2. The first receipt is the payment of a consular fee of 35 euros. The second receipt is payment for 1 semester of study at a Polish educational institution.
  5. Health insurance policy.
  6. A document confirming financial reliability.
  7. Two photos.

Visa to study in Poland


An urgent visa to Poland is made within 3 days. This service is paid and costs 2 times more than a Schengen visa.

MPP for residents of Kaliningrad

LBT is local border traffic. Previously, it was possible to travel from Kaliningrad and the Kaliningrad region to the territory of the Polish Republic without first obtaining a visa permit. To do this, residents of Kaliningrad only needed to obtain an LBP card in Poland.

But since 2014, such a trip has become impossible.... It was in this year that both political and economic relations between the Russian Federation and the EU worsened, so the Polish government decided to suspend the LBT.

An agreement between the two countries was signed in 2012. According to the agreement, residents of Kaliningrad could only visit the border areas of Poland without a visa:

  1. Lutsk.
  2. Gdynia.
  3. Gdansk.
  4. Pruszcz Gdanski.
  5. Malbork.
  6. Elblag.
  7. Bartoszyc.
  8. Olsztyn.
  9. Kentshin.
  10. Gondap.
  11. Gizhytsko and others.

Requirements for documents


Basic requirements for photographs:

  1. A photo for a visa to Poland must be 3.5 * 4.5 cm in size.

Size parameters:

  • The head in the picture must fit completely and occupy 70 to 80% of the entire picture space.
  • The distance from the back of the head to the chin is 32–36 millimeters.
  1. The photograph must be taken no later than 6 months before the date of submission of the papers.
  2. A person is photographed strictly in the frontal zone.
  3. It is forbidden to take pictures with glasses or hats. The exception applies only to persons with vision problems and women who, due to their Islamic religion, are not allowed to be photographed without a hijab.
  4. The face should not be covered with hair, glasses or hats.
  5. Lack of shadows.
  6. Lack of red eye.

Photo requirements for a Schengen visa


An invitation from a potential employer must be drawn up on the letterhead of the company that will provide a place for employment to a foreign resident.

This document should contain such information as:

  1. Full name of the company.
  2. His requisites.
  3. Date when the invitation was drawn up.
  4. The purpose of the arrival of a foreign resident.
  5. The exact duration of a person's stay on the territory of the Polish Republic.

Also, the invitation must indicate which party is sponsoring the trip. The invitation must have a seal from the Voivodship Office.

The likelihood of running into scammers who offer to issue invitations to work in Poland is high. Therefore, you need to check all received documents. The next video is about this.

In the invitation from the company for opening a business visa to Poland, the document must contain the following data:

  1. Applicant's passport number.
  2. Applicant's initials.
  3. Date of his birth.
  4. Country of citizenship.

An invitation from an educational institution must be issued on the letterhead of the university. It must have all the details and seals of the institution.

International passport


  1. The passport must be valid for at least 3 months from the date of the end of the trip to the Republic of Poland.
  2. The passport must have 2 blank pages.
  3. Health insurance policy

    Primary requirements:

    1. The policy must cover all costs associated with the treatment or repatriation of a foreign national in the event of his death in Poland.
    2. The insurance must be valid on the territory of all Schengen countries and the European Union.
    3. The minimum insurance limit is EUR 30,000.
    4. The policy is issued in printed form. Handwritten insurance will not be accepted at the diplomatic mission.
    5. Insurance is issued for the entire period of the trip + 10 days after its end.
    6. The deductible cannot be more than 100 euros.

    Medical insurance policy with a coverage amount of USD 30,000

    Proof of financial soundness

    A document confirming financial well-being may be a bank statement on a current account. Traveler's checks can replace the certificate.

    Important! A deposit account statement is not accepted.

    If a foreign resident goes to study in Poland, then instead of him financial well-being is provided by the parents as a sponsorship letter.

    Application form

    Before submitting documents, you should familiarize yourself in detail with a sample of filling out an application for a visa to Poland, because an incorrectly completed form may cause a refusal to accept documents.

    Rules for filling out an application for a visa to Poland:

    1. All information entered must be true.
    2. An application for a visa to Poland is filled in both by hand and in electronic form.
    3. In the finished questionnaire, corrections and strikethrough are not allowed.
    4. The questionnaire is filled out in Polish or English.

    Table: an example of filling out a questionnaire

    You can fill out the form electronically

    In the electronic version, the questionnaire can be filled in by the link

    Paragraph Input information
    1 Surname
    2 Former surname
    3 Name
    4 Date of Birth
    5 Place where the applicant was born
    6 Country
    7 Current citizenship
    8 Nationality at the time of birth
    9 Floor
    10 Family status
    11 Inn
    12 Type of travel document
    13 room
    14 date of issue
    15 Validity
    16 Issuing authority
    17 Address of the actual residence
    18 It is worth indicating whether the host country is the country of citizenship
    19 Specialty
    20 Employment data
    21 Purpose of the trip
    22 Republic of destination
    23 State of first entry
    24 Type of visa
    25 duration of stay
    26 Past Schengen visas
    27 Submission of biometric data
    28 Having a visa to the country of destination
    29 arrival date

Poland is an interesting country with a rich history and culture. Russians are attracted by reasonable prices of tours and good service. Many people go not for the sake of a tourist trip, but for shopping.

People who dream of living in Europe are attracted by the possibility of obtaining a work permit, and to work they need a visa to Poland.

Whatever goals you pursue for the trip, it will begin with the opening of a Schengen visa. The article discusses in detail the independent steps that need to be taken, what documents to collect, how much it costs to get a Schengen, and how to fill out a questionnaire.

Types of visas for Russians

Poland is part of the Schengen agreement, to visit, make a visa of this union accordingly. For Russians, it has a visa corridor, which is the time of stay multiplied by 2: 15/30, 90/180, 180/360 days.

For example, you received a visa for 15 days with a corridor of 30 days, that is, you have the right to live within the corridor in the territory of the country for the permitted number of days. Let us consider in detail in what cases, for which visa you need to do.


A long-awaited vacation is approaching, are you planning to visit Poland? It's time to get a tourist visa: one-time or multiple-entry visa.

Apply for a one-time visa if you plan to travel once. It is valid for 1 to 30 days, there is a restriction on dates according to tickets and hotel reservations.

If you intend to visit the country several times over a certain period of time, then apply for a multiple-entry Schengen visa, valid for up to a year.

A tourist visa implies a visit to Poland in order to get acquainted with the sights, architecture, life and culture of the Poles, as well as to travel to buy any goods.

Important! When the passport has expired, and the visa is not yet valid, it will be invalid. Apply for a new permit to visit the country.


A visitor visa will be received by those to whom a Polish citizen has sent an invitation: a relative, a friend, an acquaintance. If you received this invitation and issued all the documents for entry, then you can freely move around the Schengen countries for the duration of the visa. Do not forget the country of entry, the one from where you received it.

A document is drawn up in the prescribed form. The address of registration and residence of the person inviting you, the address of residence of the invitee must be indicated. Stay in Poland is allowed for no more than 3 months.

Sample visa to Poland


A business visa is intended for business trips to the country in order to establish business relations, solve problems and business issues and participate in negotiations and conferences.

It is allowed to enter and leave Poland several times within the specified period. The minimum stay is 5-10 days with a corridor from 20 days to a month.

The maximum time is 360/90 + 90, that is, the visa is valid for a year, you can stay in the country for 3 months in each half of the year. The review takes 7 days, it can be extended up to a month, if additional verification is necessary. When preparing documents, you must present an official invitation.

Registration rules:

  • On the letterhead of the organization, when the initiator of the invitation is a legal entity.
  • It must contain your personal data, goals, duration of stay and passport number, foreign or domestic.
  • Provide the original with a registered invitation. If the purpose of the trip is a solution to current issues you can provide a fax.

Important! With 2 or more valid business visas, you can apply for a visa for 2 years. You are not entitled to work in Poland on a business visa, for this purpose you need to obtain a national visa.


Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to obtain a national visa for multiple visits to Poland. It is long lasting. Having received this document, you can stay in the country without leaving the country and visit the countries of the Schengen agreement for the entire period of its validity.

The main conditions for obtaining the need to stay on the territory of the Polish state longer than the maximum time allowed by a tourist visa.

You have the right to receive it if:

  • You are a student at a Polish university. Provide an enrollment order and confirm financial viability. This can be a sponsorship letter from a parent or guardian, a bank account statement.
  • You have a long business trip. Confirm with a work permit and a letter from the employer.
  • Reuniting with family. At the consulate, present a copy of the host's document and a document confirming family ties.
  • Pole cardholders.

Important! Having received this visa, you can apply for a residence permit.

Russians eligible for visa-free entry

Citizens with visa-free entry:

Features of entry for residents of the Kaliningrad region

Residents of Kaliningrad have the right to preferential travel to Poland

In 2014, an agreement was signed on the procedure for local border traffic by the governments of the Russian Federation and Poland.

According to it, residents of the Kaliningrad region and border regions of Poland have the right to preferential movement. They need to obtain permission from the consulates of both countries.

Border control officers are presented with a foreign passport along with him.

Initially, you will receive a permit for 2 years, the next time for five. On it, you can live without a break for 30 days. Limited to 90 days within 6 months.

The Polish border areas include the following voivodeships:

  • Pomeranian.
  • Warmia and Mazury.

The cost of this document:

  • Consular fee - 20 euros.
  • Service fee - 10 euros.

The following categories of the population are exempt from fees:

  • Pensioners.
  • Children under the age of 18.
  • Disabled children after 18 years of age.
  • Disabled people.
  • Citizens with a Pole card.

Important! Only residents of the Kaliningrad region with a permanent residence permit receive permission.

The consulate is provided with:

  • Application form.
  • A valid passport.
  • Identity document confirming residence in Kaliningrad and the region for the last 3 years.
  • A letter explaining the need for frequent travel.
  • Photo - 3.5 x 4.5.

List of documents for opening a visa

Adult citizens:


  1. Application form.
  2. Birth certificate, its photocopy.
  3. Children over 14 years of age must submit a copy of the Russian passport.
  4. Copy of the parents' Schengen visa.
  5. 2 photos.
  6. Power of attorney from parents or guardians, if the child is traveling alone, that they are allowed to leave the territory of Russia.

Additional documents based on the objectives of the trip:

  1. For a business visa to Poland, an official letter is required - an invitation from a Polish partner, personal details of the inviter, a certificate of taxes 3NDFL.
  2. If you are retired, show your pension certificate.
  3. To open a visitor visa, provide an invitation from a relative legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Important! At the discretion of the consular staff, you may be asked to provide additional information, or be invited for an interview.

Requirements for documents

A visa application form is required when submitting a package of documents

A visa application form is required when submitting a package of documents, it greatly influences whether your application will be approved or rejected. You will find a sample of its filling on the consulate portal.

Filling rules:

  • Fill out the questionnaire in block letters.
  • It should be written neatly and without blots.
  • Please enter only valid information.
  • Sign in the right places - paragraphs 37 and 38.

Important! The questionnaire completed in Polish will increase the chances of obtaining a visa, if you have friends and acquaintances who speak the language, contact them for help. Time to fill out the online questionnaire is limited, be careful. Write on the draft first, otherwise you may not be in time.

You need color photographs on a white background - 2 pieces, measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters. Let's also assume a blue and light gray background.

Glare, including from lenses and glasses, is not allowed, only transparent ones are allowed. Her face should be serious, without pronounced emotions, her mouth is closed, there is no need to smile for a photo for a visa.

The size of the face is required 32 - 35 millimeters. A prerequisite, it must be done in the last 6 months, not earlier.

Sample filling out an application for a Schengen visa

Ways of obtaining a visa to Poland

You can open a visa in various ways on your own through the Embassy or Consulate, a visa center, or use the help of specialists - intermediaries.

Independently through the Embassy or Consulate

A prerequisite for obtaining a visa is biometric data

Instructions for self-registration of a visa:

  • Step 1. Make an appointment at the Consulate or Embassy.
  • Step 2: pay the fee. Pay at the consulate or embassy at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Step 3. Submit the collected package of documents.
  • Step 4. Wait for your application to be reviewed.
  • Step 5. Get a visa.

Through the visa center

Instructions for obtaining a visa through the visa center:

  • Step 1. Collect documents and print the questionnaire. In the questionnaire, fill in points 37 and 38 with blue pen and in the note on page 3 for multivisa. These are the columns where you need to sign. The rest of the items will be filled in by the visa officer.
  • Step 2. You pay the fee and services of the visa service.
  • Step 3. Fill out the questionnaire.
  • Step 4. Submit a package of documents and write your consent to the processing of personal data.
  • Step 5. Wait for the documents to be reviewed.

Through an intermediary

Instructions for applying for a visa through an intermediary:

  • Step 1. Choose an intermediary company.
  • Step 2. Bring your documents and pay for services, often the price includes a visa fee. You just have to wait for the documents to be reviewed and pick up the visa if approved.


Online visa instructions:

  • Step 1. Fill out the form at home online.
  • Step 2. Register the questionnaire and make an appointment via the Internet by following the link.
  • Step 3. By the date of the appointment, come to the consulate, hand over the package of documents and pay the fee. You just have to wait for a decision.

Important! Biometric data is a prerequisite for obtaining a visa. Regardless of the method of submitting the package of documents, they must be handed over in person at the official representative of Poland.

Validity and cost

The table shows the prices and validity of the visa:

Visa type Minimum validity period Maximum validity period The cost
1 Tourist1 dayUp to 1 year35 euros
2 Guest Up to 90 days35 euros
3 Business5-10 days360/90+90 35 euros + 18.5 euros in PPVA *
4 National 1 year60 euros

* PPVA - visa center, checks documents

How long to wait for a decision?

The documents are considered for a tourist visa within approximately two weeks. Possibly urgent review 3 days in advance. In this case, you will have to pay extra for the urgency.

When opening a national visa, the waiting time can take up to 18 days, and a tourist visa, on the contrary, can be reduced to 5 - 8 days.

Refusal to issue

Holidaymakers are profitable for the state, embassies and consulates are usually happy to give visas. Nevertheless, in the presence of suspicious facts, they refuse, thereby defending their republic.

Visa to Poland
How to get a Polish visa in Moscow, the order of times and prices for visas to Poland urgent visa to Poland

The Moscow Visa Center "MSK" provides services for obtaining a visa to Poland. We mainly specialize in remote visa processing and obtaining urgent passports. You can order a visa from us, starting with filling out an application form and ending with "turnkey" visas, and there are also opportunities for obtaining visas in 24 hours (a full list of services and costs can be found below). We have been on the visa services market since 2009. You can see the work we have done: where a 1 year visa has been put in a blank passport, our famous visitors and reviews from them, on our instagram page. In our visa center you can apply for a visa to other countries of the world.

To apply for a visa to Poland, you can call or immediately leave an application on the page. Our courier will come to you for the documents at a convenient time for you, we will prepare them and submit them to the consulate without your personal presence, then we will independently receive, bring the finished passport with a visa home or any convenient place. The Polish visa for Moscow is considered to be in demand. You can enter Poland with any Schengen visa.

Our visa center offers additional services for visa processing: Making an insurance policy, urgent photo for documents, booking hotels, air, train and bus tickets, car rental in any country, assists in issuing invitations. Contacting our visa center will save you the need to personally visit our office, and, if you wish, the consulate, which is especially important for Moscow residents, since it allows you to avoid unnecessary costs and time wasted. By calling the company "MoskovskyVisa Center MSK ”you will receive professional advice. If you need a visa, contact the professionals - it will save you time, money and nerves!Some visa applicants may be invited by the Consular Section of the Embassybe for an interview with the consul. When applying at our visa center, the probability of obtaining a visa is95% - am.

How to get a visa in Poland at the Moscow Visa Application Center MSC
Three easy steps to get a visa for Poland

Call or you can leave a request on our website at a convenient time and place for you.

The courier will come to your home or work free of charge for the documents and the conclusion of the contract

Then we will prepare and submit documents to the consulate

And after 5-15 days
Your visa is ready for at least a year. The courier will bring to your home or work


Poland is located in the heart of Europe - the geometrical center of the continent is located here. Warsaw is close to other European cities: Paris and London are 2 hours away by plane, Vienna and Berlin are less than an hour away. You can quickly get here by international roads and rail links. Half a million places to stay, thousands of restaurants, hundreds of forms of leisure and entertainment - they all await visitors. Poland is a country that is safe and friendly for visitors from abroad, as evidenced by official international statistics. For example, in terms of access to ATMs, Poland ranks eighth in Europe. Mobile phone networks cover 94% of the country. You can find more or less everything in Poland: alpine mountains, wide beaches, clear lakes, deep forests, world-class historical sites, and friendly people. The climate is temperate and the people are warm and welcoming. The cities of Poland with a thousand-year history invite their visitors to encounters with culture, while Polish villages and small towns offer an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. And all this takes place against the backdrop of breathtaking natural landscapes, because Poland's greatest attraction is nature. Wild, untouched, more diverse than most countries, both in Europe and the world, and moreover, readily available. Tourists appreciate this very much, and their number is constantly growing. and small towns offer an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. And all this takes place against the backdrop of breathtaking natural landscapes, because Poland's greatest attraction is nature. Wild, untouched, more diverse than most countries, both in Europe and the world, and moreover, readily available. Tourists appreciate this very much, and their number is constantly growing. and small towns offer an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. And all this takes place against the backdrop of breathtaking natural landscapes, because Poland's greatest attraction is nature. Wild, unspoiled, more diverse than most countries, both in Europe and in the world, and moreover, readily available. Tourists appreciate this very much, and their number is constantly growing.

You can also apply for a visa to Poland with two documents


Visa for1 yearas a gift

Free courier checkout only for Moscow

Discount for children under 7 years old35%

For pensioners a discount to the specified price10%


ATTENTION! Discounts and promotions are not cumulative and are issued on demand


"Economy" tariff

Filling out the Questionnaire
Appointment for filing doc.
Verification of documents

1 400 RUB


1 800 RUB

The specialist checks all your documents, correctly fills out the application form, records for submission to the consulate and assists in obtaining a visa for the maximum period.

Tariff "Favorable"

Filling out the Questionnaire
Appointment for filing doc.
Hotel reservation
Booking a ticket
Verification of documents
Translation of documents

RUB 3,700

We save your time, prepare a full set of documents. You will only have to submit documents to the consulates and submit your fingerprints, if you have not submitted them before.

Tariff "Maximum"

Filling out the Questionnaire
Submission of documents
Hotel reservation
Booking a ticket
Verification of documents
Translation of documents

Receipt and delivery

documents to you

6 900 RUB

We draw up (on a turnkey basis) all the necessary documents for a visa for the maximum possible period and we ourselves submit to the consulate, when ready, we will deliver a passport with a ready visa to your home.



25,000 RUB.






800 EU






1100 EU






1500 EU



We take prepayment to obtain a guaranteed EU visa


    Foreign passport signed by the owner, which must contain at least two blank pages. Its validity must end no earlier than 3 months after the planned date of departure from the Schengen area. (If you have a second foreign passport, you must provide both passports); Old passport, copies of pages with marks (if any);

    Help from the place of work. (Issue on letterhead and write the size of the salary, work phone number, position, work experience, vacation period, and the fact that the place of work will be retained, certified by the head of the organization with a seal);

    Documents confirming the availability of funds in the amount of 60 euros per day per person (bank statement);

    2 color photographs (for children and adults) 3.5 x 4.5 cm on a white background, without ovals and corners.

    Copies of documents for property, cars, apartments, land and so on (if any).


    If only one of the parents travels to Polandwith a child - a notarized consent for the departure of a minor child to the Schengen countries from the second parent.

    Copy of birth certificate.

    Certificate from the place of study.
    Children under 6 years of age are exempt from paying the consular fee.


To avoid getting short-stay visas, check the validity of your passport.

If you find an insufficient period of a passport for a trip, you can register with us for this, see the page


Foreign passport signed by the owner,which must have at least two blank pages. Its validity must end no earlier than 3 months after the planned date of departure from the Schengen area. (If you have a second foreign passport, you must provide both passports); Old passport, copies of pages with marks (if any);

Our courier will come to you for documents at a convenient time for you, we will prepare them and submit them to the consulate without your personal presence, then we will independently receive and bring the finished passport with a visa to your home.

For just 6 900 rubles.


The above list of documents is basic, but does not reveal many nuances.

Based on the specific situation, for each client, we draw up a detailed list of necessary documents to facilitate the process of obtaining a visa to Poland.


How much does a visa cost?

When submitting documents to the Norwegian embassy or consulate, you pay the consular fee. Its size according to the tariff is 35 eurosat an equivalent amount in Russian rubles.... If you are applying through a Visa Application Center, which is an external service provider, you also pay a service fee.

How long does it take to process a visa?

The decision on the application is considered within 10 calendar days from the moment of receiving the application. In some cases, the deadline for making a decision on the application may be extended to a maximum of 30 calendar days, in particular, if there is a need for additional consideration.


There are certain requirements for a photo for a Polish visa:

    Photo size 35 * 45 mm. at least 400 dpi;

    The background in the photo should be light, solid and without patterns;

    Editing is not allowed in any programs;

    And also there should be no glasses, wigs, bright makeup, hairstyles that cover part of the face, and so on;

    In the photo - a face (from 72 to 78% of the image);

    Full face photo;

    Snapshot - no more than six months (preferably fresh).


This is a permit issued by one of the Schengen countries to stay in the Schengen countries or transit through their territory for no more than 90 days within 180 days from the date of entry into the Schengen area.


Citizens of Russia and third countries legally staying in Russia.


The country that must consider the application for a Schengen visa and make a decision on it is: a) the country of the Schengen zone to which you intend to travel (if you plan to visit only one country). b) if the route includes several countries of the Schengen area, then the country of the main stay in terms of duration or purpose of stay. c) if the country of main residence cannot be determined, then the country whose border the applicant intends to cross when entering the Schengen area. Please make sure that you have correctly identified the country you will be applying to, otherwise you risk being denied a visa or being refused to cross the border when entering the Schengen area.


The application can be submitted either to an external service provider, such as an authorized visa application center, or directly to the consulate of the country of destination.


Applicants pay a visa fee of 35 euros or the equivalent in Russian rubles, depending on the rules of the particular consulate. If the application is submitted three days or less before the required decision to issue a visa, the consular fee may be 70 euros or the equivalent in Russian rubles. The visa fee does not depend on the duration of the visa.


The following categories of citizens are exempt from paying the visa fee: 2 a) close relatives - spouses, children (including adoptive ones), parents (including guardians and trustees), grandparents, grandchildren - citizens of the Russian Federation legally residing in the countries Schengen area; b) members of official delegations who, on the basis of an official invitation, take part in meetings, consultations, negotiations or exchange programs, as well as in events held in one of the Schengen countries by intergovernmental organizations; c) members of national and regional governments and parliaments, constitutional and supreme courts; d) schoolchildren, students, graduate students and accompanying teachers heading for training or internship; e) disabled people and persons who accompany them, if necessary; f) persons who have submitted documents confirming the need for a humanitarian trip, including for urgent medical assistance, and their accompanying persons, as well as to attend the funeral of a close relative or visit a seriously ill close relative; g) participants of youth international sports events and persons accompanying them; h) persons participating in scientific, cultural or creative activities, including university and other exchange programs; i) participants in official exchange programs between twin cities; j) children under six years of age; k) researchers traveling to carry out scientific research; 1 l) representatives of non-profit organizations under the age of 25 who participate in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations. If the application is submitted three days or less before the intended trip, the exemption from the visa fee is valid only for citizens of categories b, e and f. Please note that some countries of the Schengen area additionally exempt other categories of applicants from the visa fee.


An additional service charge is levied by external service providers such as authorized visa centers.


Visa applications can be submitted no earlier than three months before the start of the planned trip. 1 Pursuant to Recommendation 2005/761 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 on the facilitation of the issuance of unified short-stay visas by Schengen countries for scientists from third countries traveling through the Community for the purpose of carrying out research activities. 3 If you have a multiple entry visa valid for at least six months, you can apply for a new visa before it expires.


It is advisable to submit an application at least 15 calendar days before the planned trip. It is also recommended to take into account the national holidays of the country of destination and Russia when calculating the application time. On holidays, the working hours of consular offices may be reduced.


Prior registration may be required to apply.


When accepting an application for a visa, the relevant consulate puts a stamp in the applicant's passport indicating the Schengen country that is considering your application (for example, FR - France), the date of receipt of the application (for example, 22.4.2010), the name of the institution considering the application (for example, Consulate of France in Yekaterinburg - Consulate of France in Yekaterinburg) and the type of visa for which the applicant is applying (for example, C). The stamp does not entail legal consequences and will be sealed with a visa sticker when issuing a visa. Diplomatic and service passports are not stamped.


The required documents can be found in the unified list of documents on our website. In the process of considering the application, the consulate may request additional documents.


In the process of considering the application, the consulate may invite you for an interview.


The decision on the application must be made within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application. In some cases, the term for making a decision on an application may be extended up to a maximum of 30 calendar days, in particular if there is a need for additional consideration.


Applicants who have been refused a visa will be notified of the refusal by official letter and they can exercise the right to appeal in accordance with the national law of the respective Schengen country. The appeal must be addressed to the country of the Schengen area that made the final decision on the application and in the manner prescribed by the national legislation of that country. In the form notifying the applicant of the refusal and justifying the refusal, the relevant Schengen country shall indicate the national legislation and procedures regarding the right to appeal, including the competent organization to which an appeal can be made and the time frame for filing an appeal. 4 The applicant may also decide to re-apply for a visa, especially if the reasons for the refusal received are eliminated. National laws and regulations may restrict this right if an appeal of the denial received is pending.


The presence of a Schengen visa does not automatically mean the right to enter the Schengen area, and a border control procedure will be carried out on the outer border of the Schengen area. At the outer border of the Schengen area, the visa holder may be required to present documents confirming the purposes and conditions of stay; the availability of sufficient funds for living for the entire period of stay and for returning to their country, or, with the appropriate entry permit, for moving to a third country, or the legal possibility of obtaining such funds.


If you are a family member of a citizen of a country of the European Union / European Economic Area or Switzerland, you may be eligible for an accelerated procedure for issuing a free visa if a) you are a family member (including spouse, registered partner, child under 21 or a dependent) of a citizen of an EU / EEA country or Switzerland (or his / her spouse / registered partner); And b) this citizen of the European Union / European Economic Area or Switzerland resides in a Schengen country of which he is not a citizen or moves to such a country for his place of residence; And c) you are accompanying or planning to join this citizen of the European Union / EEA or Switzerland. You should apply for a visa at the embassy of the country of the future residence of the citizen of the European Union / European Economic Area or Switzerland, and not the country of his / her citizenship. If you believe that you may be eligible for a simplified visa procedure, you will need to provide justification for meeting the above criteria when submitting your application.


Third-country nationals permanently residing in Russia can apply for a Schengen visa in Russia. Third-country nationals legally residing in Russia, but not residing permanently, can apply for a Schengen visa in Russia if they provide grounds for filing an application in Russia.

Since 5 April 2010, Regulation (EC) 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing the Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) is the directly applicable European legal basis for the issuance of visas for transit through the Schengen area or for short-term stay in ( Poland) Schengen area up to 90 days in a period of 180 days.

The Visa Code governs visa issuance procedures, which must be confirmed by submission during the visa process. The competent representation makes a decision on each application individually, taking into account the circumstances of a particular case.

There is no legal basis for issuing a Schengen visa. The following conditions must be confirmed by the submission:

Reliability and traceability of the purpose of the trip to Poland

Accommodation financing and travel expenses of own income or assets

Willingness of the visa holder to leave the Schengen area before the expiration of the visa

Submission of medical insurance with a liability limit of at least 30,000 euros and which is valid for the entire European Union and throughout the entire stay

If it is not possible to provide proof for self-financing, funding can be verified by emailing a letter of guarantee from the resident to Polandand.

For details of the Letter of Guarantee Email, please see the consulate page

Persons whose entry into the Schengen area could be dangerous to public order in Polandand cannot get a visa. And also that do not meet one or more of the established requirements for issuing visas.

Please note that all accompanying documents must be submitted to the embassy in original and copy, except for your application.

List of supporting documents provided by applicants for short-term visas in the Russian Federation.

Important: additional documents may be required in each specific case. Please keep in mind that if not all documents have been submitted, consideration of the application will be postponed

D visa to Poland

D visa is a national visa, are subject to national law and entitles you to stay in Polandand for a period from 91 days to six months. They can be issued for one or several entries.
Visa d entitles you to travel within the territory of other states that are a member of the Schengen Agreement for up to 90 days within each period of 180 days, given that the holder has a valid travel document and meets the requirements according to the Schengen Border Code.
Purpose of issuing visa D:
Specific long-term stays (up to 6 months), i.e. research work, seasonal work, internship, student (one semester), work on vacation, with regard to residence permits, issued by the relevant authorities Polandand(temporary residence permit, permanent residence permit)
Please note that in this case, the D Visa entitles you to enter Poland... The issued residence permit must be obtained from the competent authorities within the validity period of the visa. The embassy will directly inform the applicant about the required documents.
All visas must be submitted to the embassy Polandand in Moscow. Please send an email to make an appointment at the embassy. D visa applications can only be submitted three months before the departure date.
Fingerprints will be collected from every applicant over 12 years of age (see relevant articles: VIS Visa Information System).
Requirements of documents for a visa (only for long-term stay Visa D):

    Your passport, copy of your passport, residence permit and previous Schengen visas for the last 3 years

    One photo must be in accordance with international standards, and not older than 6 months

    Acceptance letter or agreement or confirmation from the labor market of Financial funds, for the last 3 months, etc.