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The novel's birthday is in January. Personalized icons. Roman's name day according to the church calendar

Name Day or Angel Day is the day of remembrance of one or another saint who patronizes his namesake - a baptized person with the same name.

If your name is Roman and you want to know when Roman’s name day should be celebrated for you, then the answer to this question and another useful information You will find about your name in this article.

Roman's name day according to the church calendar

According to the calendar, Roman’s angel day falls on the following days of the calendar:

  • January 18 and February 11, 16;
  • March 2 and 29, as well as May 15;
  • June 5, 13, as well as August 1, 6, 11, 15, 23;
  • September 8, 16, 24, October 8, 14 and November 13, as well as in winter December 1, 10.

Roman's name day is celebrated either when the church honors the saint after whom the man was named, or on the nearest day following his birthday.

If, for example, Roman’s birthday is November 3, then the name day is celebrated on November 13, the day of remembrance of the righteous Roman.

Origin of the name

The name Roman is of Latin origin, it comes from the word romanus, which translates as “Roman” or “Roman”. Translated from Greek, Roman means “strong, strong.”

The name of the flower “daisy” is also associated with the name Roman: they are related in origin, because chamomile is a derivative of the word “Roman”.

Other languages ​​also have names similar to this name: Italian Romano, Spanish Roman, French Romain. It is also interesting that male name Roman has a female paired version of the name - Romana.

In Rus', the name became widespread after the adoption of Christianity, coming to us from Byzantium. This name was given at baptism to Saint Prince Boris, who, together with his brother Gleb, became the first Russian saint canonized by the Russian Church.

Patron saints of the Roman in Orthodoxy

Every Orthodox person at baptism receives a name that is borne by one or more of his heavenly patrons.

The patron saints of the Romanovs are:

  • Venerable Martyr Romanus of Karpenisia;
  • Hieromartyrs Roman of Lacedaemo, Roman of Paria, Roman of Kisaria;
  • Martyrs Roman of Rome, Roman of Samosat, Roman, Prince Roman of Ryazan, Roman of Nicomedia;
  • Roman Uglichsky, noble prince;
  • Reverends Roman Tarnovsky, Roman Kirzhachsky, Roman Sladkopevets, Roman Syrian; Passion-Bearer Roman (in the world - Prince Boris);
  • Righteous Roman;
  • New Martyrs Roman Marchenko, Roman Medved.

Good to know: if a person’s baptism occurred before the year 2000 (before the glorification of the new martyrs), then the new martyr bearing the name of this person is not considered his heavenly patron. The New Martyr can be considered the patron saint of a person baptized after 2000.

Information about some saints who bore the name Roman

The most famous and revered saints in Russia bearing this name are Roman of Kisariysky, Roman the Sweet Singer and the hermit Roman of Syria.

Roman of Kisaria served as a deacon in the church of Caesarea in Palestine. He lived in Antioch during the Christian persecution, where he was captured and hanged for his beliefs. According to tradition, they pray to the martyr Roman of Antioch in case of infertility and the inability to have children.

Roman the Sweet Singer, who lived in the second half of the 5th century, was a native of the city of Emesa (Syria). At one time he was a sexton in the city of Berita, then a cleric in the Church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Through prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, he received the gift of singing and composing church songs, which he had not previously had.

He is considered the first creator of kodaks and the author of the famous kodak for the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. Roman the Sweet Singer died peacefully in 556 in the rank of deacon, having taken monastic vows. Believers pray to this saint, asking for help in the art of singing and the development of creative abilities, as well as protection from ill-wishers and envious people.

The hermit Romanus the Syrian, like the previous saint, lived in the 5th century. He lived in Antioch, near the city of Ros, where he was born. He became famous as a recluse, strictly observing fasts and wearing heavy chains until his death at a very old age.

He had the gift of healing many diseases, especially revered by women who suffer from infertility, because to this day, through prayers to this saint, they are able to give birth to children.

Name day celebration

If the name day coincides with fasting, then the table should be fast, and if Angel Day falls on Lent, then from weekdays it is transferred to one of the weekends.

If you want to give the birthday person a gift, then it would be appropriate to present an icon of a saint, for example, Roman - the saint whom he honors on this day, spiritual literature - the life of a saint or a prayer book, with a prayer to Saint Roman, candles or a vessel for holy water.

Turn to your saints for help, asking for their intercession, and honor them not only on name day.

For men with the name Roman, the date of the angel's day is chosen independently. This is due to the fact that there are several revered days, and the choice should fall on the one located as close as possible to the birthday of the birthday person.

  • 18.01 – prmch. Novel.
  • 11.02. - torment. Roman Samosatsky.
  • 16.02. - book Roman Uglichsky.
  • 02.03. - Rev. Novel.
  • 29.03. - torment. Roman Pariysky.
  • 15.05. - passion-bearer Roman (book).
  • 05.06. - book Roman Uglichsky.
  • 13.06. - torment. Roman of Nicomedia.
  • 01.08. - martyr Prince Ryazan Roman Olegovich.
  • 03.08. - nmuch. Roman Bear.
  • 06.08. - book (Novel).
  • 11.08. - Rev. Roman Kirzhachsky.
  • 15.08. - Novel
  • 23.08 – pm. Roman Rimsky.
  • 08.09. – new. prot. Novel
  • 16.09. – new. Roman (Marchenko).
  • 24.09. — 08.10. - Roman, martyr.
  • 14.10. – Roman Sladkopevets.
  • 13.11. - Novel
  • 01.12– sschmch. Roman of Caesarea.
  • 10.12. - Wonderworker Roman of Antioch.

Catholics celebrate Angel Day

  • 07.02.
  • 28.02.
  • 09.08.
  • 18.11.

The word, according to one version, appeared in Latin. Translated it means Rome, sounds like Roma. Or by the name of the Roman goddess who was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Holy Empire. Another point of view is Greek origin. Interpreted as having strength, strong.

In Rus' it arose together with Orthodoxy, initially its bearers were exclusively noble persons. According to tradition, on the name day, the temple of God was visited, a prayer was said before Saint Roman, then the guests were called for a meal. They could simply treat all neighbors, passers-by, and children to pies. In the evening they went out into the street singing.

Characteristics of a man named Roman

From a young age the boy grows up sickly. Can't cope with curriculum due to omissions. She loves change in everything, gets tired of routine and monotony. In a hurry to become an adult, you can quickly complete your education. He prefers an ostrich policy in solving problems and hides from them. In a difficult situation, he may lose control and give up.

Talkative and sociable. With an abundance of friends, there are few true friends. Roman will not stress too much about money. He is often haunted by financial failures and meetings with dishonest people who harm him, but the guy is almost always reborn from the ashes.

In love he is fickle. Flashes quickly and can also cool down instantly. The ladies enjoy his company. He is looking for his one and only, if he thinks that he has found him, he will immediately marry. As a family man, he fully copes with his role. Strive for leadership in it.

History of the Saints

More than one saint Roman appears in the church calendar. There are several of them, each with their own difficult fate, which demonstrates their devotion to the Christian faith.

Roman Sladkopevets

In V, a Greek boy, a future saint, was born in the city of Emes. Having studied, he became a deacon in Beirut. Later he served as a cleric in the Constantinople Church of St. Sophia. For his sincere faith he was approached by Patriarch Euthymius. This did not please the other ministers, who began to harm him. Roman did not have a strong voice or good hearing, and his enemies pushed him into the pulpit during the service and forced him to sing.

The emperor himself and many nobles attended the pre-Christmas service. The saint's voice trembled; it was unclear what he was singing. Roman felt shame in front of everyone. Returning to his home, he devoted himself to prayer before the icon Mother of God. The Blessed Virgin appeared to him. She handed over the scroll and indicated that the offended person should chew it. After this night, Roman gained not only a wonderful voice, but also the gift of a poet.

Inspired, he composed the famous kontakion for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. He successfully sang his anthem the next day. He received gratitude from high-ranking persons and the nickname from the people, Sweet Singer. Wrote over 1000 prayers.

Holy Prince Roman Olegovich

During the time of the Golden Horde he defended the faith and the Fatherland. In battles with Batu, both grandfathers of the holy prince fell on the battlefield. The Orthodox ruler always took the side of his subjects, opposed the tax collectors, and did not allow them to ruin the people. The servants of Khan Mengu Timur reported Roman Olegovich to him. The prince was called to a conversation with the Tatars (1270). He was asked to choose: fierce death or their faith. The prince remained a Christian to the end, calling the khan’s faith false. For this he was torn to pieces, cut into pieces, and beheaded. They began to venerate the martyr Roman Ryazansky immediately after the incident.

By tradition, every year in his homeland they hold procession, a prayer service is served, and in 1861 the temple was consecrated.

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Roman Abramovich, billionaire

When is Roman's name day in 2019?

To prepare worthy congratulations for Roman’s name day, you need to know about his preferences and character traits that his name can tell about.

Its meaning can be interpreted in two ways: thus, from Latin this name is translated as Roman, and from ancient Greek it means “strong, strong.”

Despite this interpretation, Roma cannot boast of either good health or willpower. At the same time, he has a lively mind, perseverance and is an addicted person.

He is lucky in life, because he is open, generous, interesting and active, happy to communicate and always tuned in to a wave of optimism.

It is advisable to make wishes for Roman on the occasion of his name day in an original way; the gift should either be very bright or benefit his health.

You can deal with the name days of all the Romanovs by following the Orthodox Christmas calendar. So in 2019, owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day almost every month.

But the main date for each of them is determined relative to the birthday - you need to choose the nearest one and celebrate it as a name day.

The patron saint of men so named is the Reverend Cleric Roman, a Syrian of Greek origin. With his zeal in church service, kindness and humility, he won the sympathy of the Syrian ruler.

To save him from the machinations of envious people, Holy Mother of God, who appeared to him after long prayers, endowed him with an unusually beautiful voice. Thanks to this, he went down in history as the Sweet Singer.

If you know when Roman celebrates his name day, do not miss the opportunity to congratulate him on such a day. And you don’t have to look for grandiose gifts; a beautiful wish in poetry or prose sent by SMS will be a worthy sign of attention.

Moreover, these congratulations are unique and inimitable, they will help you make an unforgettable impression and will definitely cheer up the hero of the occasion.

Name days have a deep spiritual meaning, as they are associated with honoring the memory of the saint in whose honor the child is named. The meaning of the name should not be neglected, because it can tell a lot about the character and life path of a person. When is Roman's name day celebrated and what does this cute name mean?

Roman Sladkopevets

There are many dates in the church calendar when saints and great martyrs who bore the proud name Roman are venerated. However, the patron saint of men bearing this name is still considered Roman the Sweet Singer. It is on the day of his memory that Roman’s name day is celebrated. He was a Greek, born in Syria, and served in the Church of Hagia Sophia.

Because Patriarch Euthymius loved Roman, he was greatly oppressed and offended by other clergy. During one of the pre-Christmas services, Roman was pushed onto an elevated platform in front of the iconostasis and forced to sing. He had neither hearing nor voice, and he was greatly disgraced.

Arriving home, Roman the Sweet Singer began to continually pray to the Holy Mother of God, and she, in turn, gave him a magnificent gift. She gave him a scroll and ordered him to eat it. Of course, Roman could not disobey. At that same moment, he acquired a melodious voice and, in addition, a poetic gift. From then on, he wrote kontakia and performed them, and his singing made the heart skip a beat. According to the church calendar, Roman's name day is celebrated on October 14 and December 1 - the day of remembrance of the Venerable Roman the Sweet Singer.

Origin of the name

There are many legends about where this name came from. It is known for sure that it is quite ancient and widespread. Roman literally means “Roman” in Latin. However, if we look at history and remember the formation of the city of Rome, we can say that this name was previously a female name. It is known that the capital was founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus, and the city was named after their mother, whose name was Roma.

But in Ancient Greece the word “roma” meant strength. By the way, its modern female analogue is the name Romana.

When is the name day celebrated?

As mentioned earlier, Roman celebrates Angel Day on October 14 and December 1, but in addition to this, there are 20 more dates when you can also celebrate. This is explained by the fact that in history there are many people known who bore this name: Roman Olgovich (Ryazan prince) - July 19, Roman of Caesarea-Antioch (martyr) - November 18, Roman of Samosata (martyr) - January 29, Roman of Carpenisium (martyr) ) - January 5, etc.

In addition, December 1 is the veneration of the memory of the holy martyr who bore the name Roman (name day), the day when they look especially carefully at the weather outside the window. There is a belief that if it is warm on the martyr Roman, then the winter this year will be warm. Another sign is related to the fact that it is on this day that the fish prepare for winter sleep and hide in wintering pits and pools.

A strong character

We have already found out when Roman’s name day is celebrated, and now we will find out what character traits are characteristic of him. As a rule, little Roma is very active and inquisitive. He asks a lot of questions and always gets clear answers. Most often, Roman is stubborn and purposeful. No matter what happens, he always achieves his goals.

In adolescence, boys with this name continue to show their character. They try to distance themselves from their parents and show that they have already grown up. Roman is a strong and independent guy who always knows what he needs. In fact, he is very sincere and kind, but he rarely shows this to strangers.

From the outside, Roman may seem cruel and rude, but this is not so. He easily makes acquaintances, especially with the female half. It cannot be said that Roman is monogamous, but despite this, if he marries, he will be a wonderful father and faithful husband.

Since Roman's name day is celebrated 22 times a year, each sign zodiac will suit This name. A successful match for Roman would be girls named: Anna, Maria, Sofia, Alexandra, Elena.

Orthodox names. Choosing a name. Heavenly patrons. Saints Pecherskaya Anna Ivanovna


Meaning of the name: from lat. Romanus- “Roman, Roman.”

Main features: will, passion.

Character traits. This is a serious and inquisitive child. His family loves him very much, which is why problems begin in adolescence. He doesn’t want to look like a spoiled boy in front of his friends, so he is rude and harsh. Roman has a penchant for risk, extreme sports, and adventure in his blood. He is constantly drawn into some kind of story, he needs to test himself and the world for strength. Quite vindictive, cruel and vindictive.

Name day

February 16 (3) – Roman, Prince of Uglich, builder of churches and almshouses during the harsh times of the Mongol yoke.

December 10 (November 27)- Roman of Antioch (Syria), hermit, miracle worker, who performed miracles of healing.

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