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Protein shakes for weight loss. How to make a protein shake at home

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk to you about protein shakes at home for gaining muscle mass and losing weight. I have never posted any recipes for anything on my blog, although, as I understand from your comments, many would be interested in such articles. I really like to experiment and try something new, so I have prepared some interesting protein shake recipes for you.

To be honest, after reading what they write on the Internet about taking protein shakes at home, I felt a little uneasy...

I don’t understand how you can lose weight by drinking a cocktail with honey and kiwi, which has a calorie content of 850 kcal. And what kind of “lightness” we are talking about there also remains a mystery.

Today we will learn how to competently prepare a natural protein shake at home and administer (track) your results.

Protein shakes at home for gaining weight and losing weight

What is the difference between protein shakes that are designed for weight gain and those designed for weight loss? For some reason there is no clear answer anywhere.

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

Two points that play a DECISIVE role! If we can add 200-300 ml of milk (100-160 kcal + 10-15 g of carbohydrates), a banana (100 kcal + 23-25 ​​g of carbohydrates) and 100 g of ice cream (240 kcal) into a protein shake to gain muscle mass + 25 g of carbohydrates), then when it comes to losing weight and, for example, without carbohydrates AT ALL, we are unlikely to be able to do this.

Therefore, the CALORIES and CARBOHYDRATE CONTENT will be very different between those who drink a protein shake to gain some weight and those who are desperately trying to lose weight! Naturally, if both groups of these people are committed to results, and not just flattering themselves with hopes that after drinking some kind of protein shake, as if by magic, they will begin to lose weight. This is the first one.

Well, the second thing is that the TASTE of these cocktails will be completely different. Imagine if there are two cocktails in front of you:

  1. 200 ml milk, 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g strawberries, 1 banana, spoon of honey, coconut, cocoa, 4-5 mint leaves.
  2. 200 ml water, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk powder, 5-7 egg whites (or dry egg whites from egg whites), ice cubes from black coffee (or tablets), 4-5 mint leaves, 100 g strawberries.

Which one will you choose, if you ignore the issues of gaining weight and losing weight? If you don't lie to yourself, then most likely the first! Because it will be MUCH TASTIER (since there are more carbohydrates and sugar).

Our body really loves carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed (“fast” carbohydrates), because this is the EASIEST WAY TO GET ENERGY!!!

I took fast carbohydrates, and after 10-20 minutes they were in the system.

Honestly, I am not a supporter of any large variety of products when I am in the “cutting” (weight loss) phase for one simple reason - ADMINISTRATION OF INCOME NUTRIENTS!

When you begin to deviate from your diet plan during the “cutting” towards a wide variety of foods, then with a high degree of probability you will “fly out” of your calorie corridor (the number of calories that you need for daily life, which you gradually reduce to the body was in an ENERGY DEFICIT and used fats as an energy source).

When there is a phase of gaining muscle mass, then, by and large, you don’t care. I drank high-calorie protein sweet shakes for a couple of days, gained a little fat, reduced the calorie content a little, and the excess fat went away. Plus or minus 2-3 kg. No problem.

It’s a different matter when you reduce the amount of fat in your body and you need to carefully monitor your caloric intake, and also try to maintain your training volume so that the body does not start actively using muscle proteins as energy (muscle catabolism - “destruction”).

A high-calorie, sweet protein shake will easily raise your body's insulin levels and stop fat burning. No options.

Drank a sweet protein shake while losing weight = stopped losing weight (at least for 1-2 days).

This is why I believe that protein shakes prepared at home, in their classical sense, are NOT NEEDED!

It is better to strictly adhere to your nutrition plan, train competently and get results as quickly as possible.

In the phase of gaining muscle mass, at your discretion.

But for those who are currently losing weight or are simply trying to maintain their weight, I will, of course, also give a couple of recipes that, in my opinion, should not harm fat burning or, at least, not greatly “roll back” your progress.

As they say, we will choose the lesser of two evils.

People who want to lose weight understand the following simple points:

  • THERE ARE diets that allow you to periodically consume carbohydrate protein shakes in your diet (for example,).
  • There are NO protein shakes that will magically make you lose weight! Replenish the amount of protein and other nutrients and microelements in the body - YES! Lose weight without effort - NO!

This information is VERY UNFAVORABLE for sports nutrition manufacturers and fitness bars in fitness centers that sell their useless, incredibly working “oxygen cocktails” for weight loss, high-calorie“light” milkshakes with chocolate and ice cream, for obvious reasons, but I am sure that you are people who understand this and do not fall for such marketing “canards”.

Let's start with how to prepare a protein shake at home for muscle growth, i.e. for gaining weight, because there are a huge variety of different options, and then we’ll talk about protein shakes for weight loss.

To prepare homemade protein shakes for gaining muscle mass or for losing weight, we first need the following things:

  1. Blender (alternative: shaker, whisk).
  2. Container (to stir all the products there; blenders often come with a special glass).

This is necessary for preparing almost all protein shakes (both for weight gain and weight loss). True, it’s still better to use a blender rather than a whisk, because it’s hard for me to imagine how you’ll stir the second banana.

Homemade protein shakes for muscle gain may contain the following products:

  • Milk (any fat content);
  • Cottage cheese (any fat content);
  • Chicken or quail eggs (whole);
  • Any protein (complex, casein (long) or whey);
  • Boiled buckwheat (slowly digestible carbohydrate with a low glycemic index; for cocktails with lower calorie content);
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Boiled oatmeal (the glycemic index is higher than that of buckwheat, but is preferable to sugar or honey to increase caloric content due to carbohydrates);
  • Banana;
  • Yogurt;
  • Chocolate;
  • Strawberry;
  • Kiwi (however, in combination with milk it can give bitterness);
  • Nuts, including coconut flakes (coconut, by the way, is the largest nut in the world);
  • Honey (preferably liquid);
  • Sugar (add as a last resort, because it has a high glycemic index and there is a high probability of gaining excess fat);
  • And others.

You can combine them in almost any form, but there are recommendations that, in my opinion, are worth considering:

  • One serving of the cocktail SHOULD NOT HAVE more than 20-30 g of protein (there are experiments that say that 20 g of protein works the same as 30 g, although, if there is a need, the muscles can absorb 50 g, but, I think , that this is when training on steroids, and not when training naturally).
  • Stick to a moderate caloric content of one shake: 200-500 kcal (I don’t see any point anymore, because the body is unlikely to absorb that amount of nutrients at once, you’ll just end up in the toilet; it’s better to divide the protein shake into 2-3 parts and drink a little at a time - BETTER LESS BUT MORE OFTEN than everything in one fell swoop).
  • Fewer fast carbohydrates (if it is possible not to use sugar, honey, fruit, then do it; I understand that this is difficult, but it is better to eat less foods with a high glycemic index, because, most likely, you will gain excess fat, and we don’t want this No need).

This Homemade Banana Protein Shake is perhaps the most classic shake in today's selection because banana goes great with almost any smoothie.

That is why I decided to highlight for you several interesting recipes with banana separately.

Since almost all of our banana cocktails are weight gain cocktails, we have almost no restrictions (except for the recommendations that I indicated above).

Classic Protein Shake with Banana:

Beat the whole thing with a blender and divide into 2-3 doses.

  • Calories: 1000-1100.
  • Proteins: 70.
  • Fats: 45-50.
  • Carbohydrates: 100.

As you can see, the cocktail is very high in calories (about half the daily diet of a healthy man and almost the entire daily diet of an average girl). I think it’s clear that drinking such cocktails frequently will be a little harmful (especially for natural athletes, since most likely you will store quite a lot of fat over time).

There is still one problem - A LARGE AMOUNT OF MILK! Many people, after 18-20 years of age, begin to experience lactose indigestion, accompanied by flatulence, diarrhea, etc. This is a completely normal phenomenon. It so happened evolutionarily that we needed milk only in childhood, therefore, over time, the need for its digestion disappeared.

If you have problems digesting milk, then this cocktail will be too heavy for you.

For example, I can normally only absorb 150-200 ml of milk per day, then problems begin.

There is a way out of this situation. I discovered it for myself when I was receiving my first higher education.

Instead of 600 ml of milk, I poured 300-400 ml of kefir and diluted the whole thing with water so that it was not so thick. It turns out that the taste is commensurate with milk, only a little less sweet and is much easier to digest (since kefir is essentially a dairy product already digested by bacteria).

Protein shake with banana (kefir instead of milk):

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 900-1000.
  • Proteins: 60-70.
  • Fat: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 80-90.

The cocktail turned out to be a little less caloric, but I still advise you to divide it into at least 2-3 doses. Remember about protein digestibility.

You can slightly increase the protein component and add egg whites (although I don’t worry about this and eat whole eggs).

Here's what comes of it.

Protein shake with banana:

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 1200-1300.
  • Proteins: 90-100.
  • Fat: 60.
  • Carbohydrates: 83.

It turns out very tasty, but its calorie content is slightly higher.

WASH CHICKEN EGGS before adding them to a cocktail if you add them raw (salmonella “live” on the shell).

To slightly reduce the amount of fat in the cocktail, you can pre-boil the eggs, remove the yolk and add the white to the cocktail (then beat everything with a blender).

Our next cocktail will be orange-chocolate-banana.

Cocktail: “Orange-banana mood”

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 350-400.
  • Proteins: 20.
  • Fats: 5.
  • Carbohydrates: 65.

This is one serving. The combination of orange juice and cocoa is surprisingly delicious!

You can combine almost any of the ingredients that I indicated at the beginning. Lots of variations!

I also like this option.

Protein shake with banana and strawberries:

It turns out very tasty! If it is a little thick, you can add a little more milk or water.

You can also crush 4-5 mint leaves in a mortar and mix them with the cocktail in a blender. It turns out a specific, mint-strawberry, very pleasant taste.

Experiment, friends! I would also add coconut flakes here. The shredded coconut will of course also add a little flavor. You can put 10-30 g, if desired.

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 800-900.
  • Proteins: 40-45.
  • Fat: 40-45.
  • Carbohydrates: 60-70.

Student cocktail:

Now student memories come flooding back, when there was no money at all, and we tried to cook at least something protein after training. Then this cocktail was a great help))

  • Calories: 1080
  • Proteins: 70
  • Fat: 30
  • Carbohydrates: 130

I think that's enough banana smoothies. As I said, banana goes with almost any cocktail, so feel free to experiment.

You are unlikely to ruin your protein shake with a banana.

Let's look at other shakes for gaining muscle mass.

The following smoothies can be made with or without banana, up to your preference.

Let's look at some interesting protein shake recipes that I'm sure you'll like.

Chocolate cocktail with strawberries:

Coconut flakes, by the way, will also taste very good here.

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 440
  • Proteins: 30
  • Fat: 15
  • Carbohydrates: 50

Coffee-chocolate cocktail:

The cocktail has a pleasant coffee flavor with notes of almond.

Coffee ice cubes are prepared in advance, it turns out VERY TASTY! To prepare them, you need to brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker (quite strong), pour it all into silicone ice molds (sold at any hardware store) and put it in the freezer (the coffee must cool first). These ice cubes are then added to the cocktail.

Based on BZHU and kilocalories it turns out:

  • Calories: 970
  • Proteins: 53
  • Fat: 56
  • Carbohydrates: 68

Mint-cherry cocktail:

A very specific cocktail. Too sweet for me. I don’t really like cloying sweetness, so I diluted it in 100 ml of water.

But kiwi with mint gives some kind of awesomely pleasant “minty sourness”, I don’t know what to call it, but it tastes very cool.

This cocktail is different in that it doesn’t have much protein, but as an alternative for occasional use, it’s not bad at all.

Here's what you get in terms of BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 340
  • Proteins: 25
  • Fats: 3
  • Carbohydrates: 50

Cocktail: “Protein Monster”:

  • Powdered milk (5-6 tablespoons);
  • Water (400 ml);
  • Natural yogurt – 300 ml (or with the taste of strawberries, berries or something else; I advise you to pay attention to Valio yogurts);
  • Egg whites (6 pcs.);
  • Boiled buckwheat (50 g; weigh DRY);
  • Cold pressed olive oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Honey (1-2 teaspoons);

The cocktail, as we see, contains an increased amount of protein, a decent amount of carbohydrates (complex from buckwheat, simple from milk and honey) and even contains healthy unsaturated fats (from olive oil).

By BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 850
  • Proteins: 75
  • Fat: 10
  • Carbohydrates: 125

There are a LOT of variations!!! These are just some of the cocktails that can be prepared from these products to gain muscle mass.

The gist is this:

  1. We do not mix acidic foods with milk (for example, kiwi with milk), because There is a high chance that the milk will curdle.
  2. The calorie content is quite high, so distribute your cocktails into several doses (so that you get 20-30 g of protein per serving).
  3. We give preference to ANIMAL PROTEIN (cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs). It has a much higher value than plant-based, which has an incomplete amino acid composition.
  4. I don’t see much point in using such cocktails on an ongoing basis (they’re not cheap, and they’re high in calories, but as a treat, why not).

Now let's look at various protein shakes at home for weight loss.

First, I would like to clarify a little the situation with cocktails for weight loss, whether at home or not.

As I said, there are NO protein shakes (allowed, of course) that you drink and, as if by magic, begin to lose weight.

A few rules for making protein shakes for weight loss at home:

  • Calorie content should be as low as possible (less carbohydrates, more protein).
  • If possible, completely eliminate the presence of fast carbohydrates (fruits, sugar, honey, etc.) in them.
  • You can additionally use stimulating additives (caffeine, ) and others (L-carnitine, BCAA, protein, etc.)

Those. we MAXIMIZE THE PROBABILITY that the body will store energy from the protein shake into fat reserves. This is not important for a person who is gaining muscle mass, but it is very important for a person trying to lose weight.

Protein shake #1:

The simplest protein shake for those who are losing weight (0 sugar, 24-27 g of protein per scoop, about 100 kcal per scoop). As you can see, the cocktail is very simple, but nevertheless low in calories (especially since you can choose whey isolate with some flavor).

Protein shake "Energy":

I really like to prepare this cocktail dry before training in the gym (about 15 minutes before it) for several reasons:

  1. BCAAs are great for keeping muscles lean, and many experiments have long proven that BCAAs help make fat burning more effective.
  2. Whey isolate is perfectly digestible and contains an additional portion of BCAAs, of which there is never too much during drying.
  3. Coffee ice cubes (namely caffeine) stimulate the central nervous system. The fat-burning effect of coffee has long been proven, so it would be stupid not to use it.
  4. Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus. These drugs were called “weapons of Soviet athletes” and are sold in any pharmacy. The tinctures are alcohol based, so you don’t need to add a lot of them to the cocktail (it will be bitter), 15 drops is enough.

In terms of calories, it is also very low in calories (less than 150-200 kcal) + stimulants contribute to additional fat burning.

By the way, I wrote a detailed article about . Read it, there are many interesting points there.

Protein shake “Fat Burning Machine”:

Take 2-3 tablets of 5 mg of yohimbine hydrochloride with this cocktail (I gave a link to the article about it above) 30 minutes before training.

It’s like an “energy” cocktail, only L-carnitine is added here, which helps transport triglycerides into the mitochondria (energy stations) of cells during training, as well as yohimbine hydrochloride, which blocks alpha-2 adrenergic receptors and prevents you from becoming fatter.

Russian Standard Protein Shake:

This cocktail falls into the category of “I’m afraid to drink sports nutrition, it’s all harmful, I would like something made from real food.” The cocktail is slightly higher in calories than the ones above.

Bodybuilders of the 90s in our country loved this cocktail very much, because sports nutrition was practically impossible to get.

By BZHU and kilocalories:

  • Calories: 500
  • Proteins: 50
  • Fats: 5
  • Carbohydrates: 80

Again, I remind you that while cutting it is better not to abuse various cocktails at all, because this complicates monitoring progress (it is difficult to count calories).

But I wanted you to know these recipes, because... I understand perfectly well how much you sometimes want to diversify your diet.

Well, I couldn’t ignore standard protein shakes made from powder and how to prepare them, because since my student life I’ve probably tried almost all the protein brands available in Russia today.

Cooking them couldn't be easier. This is a classic of the genre, as they say.

By the way, I don’t throw away the protein cans, but take them to my parents (I just came to visit them for a couple of days). They use these jars to store spring water)))

Here is a photo (my favorite protein brands are on them, by the way):

First, briefly about the main forms of protein:

I have an article where I talked in great detail about this and all its forms. Read it. It is very detailed and understandable.

You can buy whey or any other protein for yourself at the CHEAPEST price available. via this link.

Each of these types of protein can be mixed either with water (less calorie, but, as a rule, less tasty) or with milk (more calorie, tastier, but not suitable for everyone, because some people are lactose indigestible).

Standard protein shake in the classic sense:

  1. Mix 1-2 scoops (a scoop is a measuring spoon that is in every pack of protein) of protein with 200-300 ml of water or milk.
  2. Then you stir the whole thing in a shaker (a jar with a mesh, very convenient for sports), or in a blender, or in a mixer.

ALL! The cocktail is ready. Nothing could be simpler. Some proteins are easier to mix (whey, egg), some are a little more complicated (beef, casein), but in general, this is a protein shake made from powder.

To this whole thing you can add 1-2 bananas, strawberries, chocolate or anything else at your discretion.

I do not recommend adding anything protein to a powdered protein shake for one simple reason.

1 scoop of protein powder contains 20-27 g of protein, which is more than enough for one dose (more is unlikely to be absorbed).

  • If calorie content is not particularly important to you, then you can drink complex protein, or indeed any protein.
  • If you are losing weight, then whey isolate.
  • At night you drink CASEIN (it takes 4-6 hours to digest, does not raise insulin levels much and supplies your muscles with amino acids almost all night).


Let's summarize a little what we learned today:

  • There are NO cocktails that will burn fat for you without your efforts.
  • One serving of the cocktail should not contain more than 20-30 g of protein. If it’s more, we break it down into several steps.
  • We eat less fast carbohydrates, because... they have a high insulin index and contribute to the accumulation of excess fat.
  • Do not mix sour fruits with milk (there is a high risk that it will curdle).

The difference between mass-gaining cocktails and those for weight loss:

  1. Calorie content.
  2. Carbohydrate content.
  3. Taste.

That's all, friends. Today we looked at a lot of interesting information about protein shakes at home for gaining weight and losing weight. I hope you found this article interesting and useful.

Experiment with the ingredients, I’m sure you will find a recipe that will not leave you indifferent.

I'm wondering if you've tried making your own protein shakes at home? Share the recipe in the comments.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

As you know, today you can buy protein (protein drink) or gainer (carbohydrate-protein drink) in a sports store. But not everyone wants to drink store-bought protein. The reasons here, as a rule, are ideological: from “it’s not clear what they mixed in there” to vegetarianism and all kinds of phobias. Almost always, they refer to the experience of athletes of the past, when there was no protein powder yet. True, the experience of the athletes themselves, who were referred to, speaks against this approach: almost all of them, as soon as protein powder appeared, gave preference to it, forgetting about cocktails made from a dozen eggs.

And today on the Internet you can find recipes for protein and protein-carbohydrate drinks, but they should always be carefully considered through the prism of critical thinking. Some contain about 100 g of protein - this is a rare digestive tract that can handle it. And others include purchased protein or BCAA. But these can only be considered as culinary delights. Therefore, we will talk about what can be built from simple products available to anyone, available in any grocery store (and, as a rule, for reasonable money).

Products for protein-carbohydrate cocktail

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of products. Dairy products (milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.), eggs, and nuts (in particular, peanut butter) are suitable for preparing a cocktail at home. Gelatin works well as a thickener. Gelatin, if anyone doesn’t know, is hydrolyzed collagen, also a protein, but not quite complete in terms of muscle growth (it has a reduced BCAA content), but it is very useful for ligaments, joints and skin. But let's return to dairy products.

It is advisable that they be low-fat. Otherwise, we will get a huge amount of fat and prohibitive calorie content. By the way, from this point of view, peanut butter is not a very successful component of a protein-carbohydrate cocktail - it contains about 50% fat, although it is also healthy: it contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids. Sour cream is sometimes found in recipes for protein-carbohydrate mixtures - this is also not the best component due to its high fat content.

By the way, today it is believed that fats are very healthy - without them, the production of testosterone and other hormones, as well as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, suffers. All this will harm the growth of muscle mass. There just shouldn’t be too much fat, and it’s advisable that about half of it be unsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6).

It would also be very useful to mention that, say, Arnold Schwarzenegger advised not to throw away the yolks from eggs, despite the fact that they contain a lot of fat. In addition to fat, the yolks also contain a lot of protein and vitamins, so it is better to sacrifice some other fat-containing foods.

The best ingredient for protein shakes, as has been noted many times, is low-fat cottage cheese. It contains 15-18% protein, so a pack of such cottage cheese is equivalent to a serving of store-bought protein.

Cottage cheese or milk?

The simplest option is to dilute the cottage cheese with water and mix in a blender. The result is a hardcore protein shake for cutting. For taste, you can add sweetener, cinnamon, etc. It is important to understand that the protein contained in cottage cheese is mainly casein, so any cocktail based on cottage cheese is good for a long break in nutrition - for example, before bed.

But if we talk about more gentle things, then it’s unlikely to be possible to prepare a pure protein cocktail from homemade ingredients - there will be carbohydrates and fats in there anyway. However, if you are not losing weight, but gaining weight, then this option can be very successful for you. In addition, protein is generally better absorbed in combination with carbohydrates. Therefore, cottage cheese can be mixed with juice, you can add a little honey.

Protein-carbohydrate cocktails from Schwarzenegger

A good cocktail recipe from Schwarzenegger includes a liter of milk, a couple of tablespoons of honey, 25 g of milk powder, a couple of eggs. This shake contains about 50 g of protein. And, as we see, it is almost identical to what was mentioned above. The difference, essentially, is that only cottage cheese was used there, but here Schwarzenegger recommends milk and eggs. It turns out that the version with cottage cheese is an analogue of casein, and the Schwarzenegger version is an analogue of a complex protein (milk contains whey and casein protein, and eggs contain egg protein), balanced in amino acid composition and absorbed evenly over a long time.

If you want to get a protein-carbohydrate cocktail with complex carbohydrates that are more healthy and do not cause sudden spikes in insulin, add ground oatmeal to the cocktail. You can also add a little rye or buckwheat flour.

Another recipe from Arnold just includes 100 g of cottage cheese, a glass of milk (200 ml), a tablespoon of honey, one banana and 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.

In principle, there remains a rich field for experimentation, especially since there are a lot of recipes on the Internet for lazy people, just pay attention to the composition - estimate the number of calories and the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates so as not to harm your health. And we will give a couple more recipes.

More recipes for protein-carbohydrate cocktails

No. 1. Orange morning

  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal
  • 0.5 cups low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 1 pack of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 glass orange juice
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey or vanilla sugar

No. 2. Coffee boost

  • 0.5 packs of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 cup strong hot coffee
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey

No. 3. Cocoa before bed

  • 1 pack of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 packet instant cocoa (often called hot chocolate)
  • 1 glass skim milk
  • Mix everything in a blender and sprinkle with chocolate chips

And in conclusion - advice. If you feel like you've gone overboard on calories with all these goodies, follow Arnold's recommendation: include an extra half hour to an hour of cardio in your workouts.

People involved in strength sports require higher amounts of protein and carbohydrates than the average person. Those. people engaged in physical labor (for example, bodybuilding) require 2-3 grams of protein and 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.

So, what am I talking about? As you already know from previous articles, this is (building material), (energy) and . So, a protein-carbohydrate cocktail contains both proteins and carbohydrates, hence the name - protein-carbohydrate cocktail! Fats can be obtained from regular foods, with water, I think everything is clear.

CONCLUSION: A protein-carbohydrate cocktail contains the necessary nutrients for people who are engaged in intense physical labor, and in order for muscle growth to be achieved, you need to gain the NORMAL OF PROTEINS AND CARBOHYDRATES, in our case, if you do not have the opportunity or desire to eat regular foods, then you can easily drink a protein drink -carbohydrate cocktail, charging the body with the necessary proportions. In addition to the above, the combination of regular food + sports supplements = accelerated muscle growth! So think about it.

In general, I recommend purchasing this supplement. It is very effective and also very convenient both in terms of absorption and storage. You can take it with you anywhere, to study, to work, on vacation, it’s easy to prepare and you can happily drink it (that is, they are very tasty). I wrote more about this, where you can find the answer to a popular question: Is sports nutrition beneficial or harmful?

Those. The sales system for sports nutrition is currently very developed, so finding and purchasing it will not be difficult. Usually sold in stores that sell sports. goods or in the gyms themselves (they also provide this opportunity), or simply place an order on the Internet!

Who, when and how should consume a carbohydrate-protein cocktail?

In addition to the fact that a carbohydrate-protein cocktail should be taken at the stage of gaining muscle mass, it can also be used by people who have health problems, those who simply want to gain body weight.

I recommend taking a carbohydrate-protein shake 20 minutes after finishing your workout. That is, by drinking a cocktail, firstly, you will replenish the energy that was spent during training, and secondly, you will start the process of muscle growth.

Why exactly 20 minutes after training, and not immediately?

Well, first of all, I want to explain why it is advisable to take it after finishing a workout, and not before a workout. After training, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window occurs, it is at this time that our body needs building materials and energy in order to suppress catabolism and restore energy in the body that was caused (catabolism) and spent (energy) by training. Secondly, after finishing the workout, 20 minutes later, but not immediately. Why not right away? After all, many bodybuilding gurus advise this, including sports nutrition manufacturers.

I'LL EXPLAIN: After physical activity, the digestive system is not yet ready to absorb nutrients, it takes time for the digestive system to recover and, accordingly, it becomes possible to absorb nutrients, which is why drinking a protein-carbohydrate shake after a workout is NOT CORRECT, because whole protein takes time to get in into the blood, which is why it should be drunk only 20 minutes after the end of the workout.

Recipes for protein-carbohydrate cocktails

Especially for those who do not want to buy in sports stores, do not trust, feel doubts or something else like that, we will provide you with a ready-made cocktail recipe that you can create at home. There is no need to invent a huge number of recipes (all sorts of gurus on the Internet have come up with a bunch of malas without even trying them ourselves, we have provided the very best recipe that is guaranteed to work, tasty and healthy).

My favorite recipe for gaining muscle mass (can’t help but like it + very effective)

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 100 grams of cottage cheese
  • 200 grams of milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 spoon peanut butter


Add 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal and 100 grams of cottage cheese, then pour it all with a glass of milk (200 grams), then cut 1 large banana into pieces, then add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and mix all this stuff in a blender and with drink with great pleasure.

Best regards, administrator.

Remember Herbalife protein shake? Don't worry, this is not an advertisement! Many of my friends actually lost weight on it. But!
To maintain weight, you need to constantly buy these cocktails, and this is an extra expense, plus it’s all the same hsomething like that an artificial, unnatural and, in addition, unpleasant feeling of affection (as if you are being held on a hook).
I offer an absolutely natural, 100% healthy alternative. Do it yourself protein shakes in at home for weight loss. Although it would be more accurate to call them protein-carbohydrate cocktails for weight loss.

I have already lost 3 kg in a week! Hooray!
It's very easy and fast. The main thing is to always have the necessary products in the refrigerator.
Moreover, they will be very tasty and different.
So, first First of all, our task is to purchase products for protein shake.
The basis of all protein shake recipes fermented milk product. Any! The main thing is that it is natural, with a short shelf life (from 3 to 10 days maximum).
And it was made by a local manufacturer, that is, in the area where you live.
This can be kefir, biokefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives, and milk (although this is not a lactic acid product, it is also suitable for variety)

A huge plus is that in a homemade protein shake for weight loss includes a dairy product, and this is calcium!

Scientists have found that the more calcium a person consumes, those He has less body fat. The fact is that if there is a lack of it in the body, hormones begin to be produced that stimulate the formation of fat and prevent its breakdown.
And if enough calcium is supplied, this triggers the reverse process. And as it turned out, the best way to reduce the percentage of fat in the body is calcium, which is found specifically in dairy products.

It is most effective to consume 1200-1600 mg of calcium per day.

Try to drink less coffee. Coffee is a diuretic, and all diuretics remove calcium from the body. True, one small cup in the morning will not harm you.

Benefit protein-vitamin cocktail:

Avocado is an incredibly healthy fruit. Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, potassium, copper, iron, vitamin B 12, vitamin E. Protects against heart attack, smoothes the skin (incredibly popular among Hollywood stars), helps cope with stress (and this is very important when losing weight).

Fermented milk products. Fermented milk products contain many beneficial living bifidobacteria. Regulates intestinal function, increases metabolism, due to this a person loses weight faster. Well, don’t forget about the benefits of calcium. It was mentioned above.
Banana contains potassium, magnesium, group vitamins IN, iron, natural sugar. After eating bananas, the body produces a happiness hormone that quickly energizes you.
Flower pollen is a natural concentrate of amino acids, restores tissue proteins. Pollen contains potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, chromium, iodine, copper and cobalt, vitamins A, E, WITH, D, P, PP, TO, Q. In short, it is easier to list what pollen is not rich in. So try not to ignore this ingredient.
Natural peanut butter- contains vitamins E, P, phosphorus, healthy unsaturated fatty acids. Improves motor activity, improves muscle tone. Very useful for those who are intensely involved in sports. It also promotes accelerated weight loss.
Honey is a storehouse of potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, and other vitamins IN, S. There is no point in talking about all the properties of honey; the entire article could be spent on this. Because it is an irreplaceable, most natural and healthy sweetener.
Berries are only beneficial for beauty and health. Lots of vitamins and microelements.
Tofu (bean curd) is a versatile and economical protein product. Tofu is rich in high-quality vegetable protein, it contains essential amino acids, a source of iron and calcium. Does not contain cholesterol. Very low calorie. Soft tofu is good for us.
Ginger is a well-known fat burner.

What can be included in a protein-carbohydrate cocktail for weight loss:

Main product: fermented milk (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt, milk)
Additives (can vary according to your taste):

  • tofu (50g)
  • cottage cheese (50g)
  • avocado (1/4 part)
  • banana (1 piece)
  • pollen (several grains)
  • natural peanut or sesame (high in calcium) oil (1 tbsp)
  • berries (raspberries, blueberries, pitted cherries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, strawberries, blueberries) (2 to 5 tablespoons)
  • persimmon without skin (1/2 part)
  • cinnamon (on the tip of a knife)
  • ground ginger (on the tip of a knife)
  • vanilla (on the tip of a knife)
  • natural cocoa (not Not squick!) (1-2 tablespoons)
  • 1 cube dark chocolate (Over 70%)
  • natural coconut milk (1/2 cup)

Natural sweeteners of your choice (1 tablespoon) (honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, crushed).

God forbid you from sugar! All your efforts will be in vain! . A cocktail that is too sweet will cause a surge of glucose in the blood and goodbye weight loss!
Now show your imagination, mix in a blender until smooth in different variations.

Recipes for protein shakes for weight loss:

If you add banana or honey, then it's already protein-carbohydrate cocktails for weight loss.

Kefir + avocado + banana + pollen + strawberries - a very tasty strawberry smoothie.
Milk + tofu + banana + cocoa + honey + 1 cube of dark chocolate - an awesome chocolate shake.
And also blueberry, raspberry, cherry, vanilla, coconut...

I'm just drooling. What space for imagination and creativity!

How to make a protein shake for weight loss:

Select the ingredients, beat everything with a blender. Drink right away. If left for later, it may darken, especially if banana is included. Drink slowly, savoring every sip. Feel free to replace homemade protein shake any meal. After it you don’t feel like eating for a very long time.

Benefits of homemade protein shakes for weight loss:

  1. Fast preparation. 5 - 10 minutes and you're done.
  2. No need to stand at the stove.
  3. As nutritionists advise, a cocktail contains 200-300 calories.
  4. It’s impossible to overeat, we drink 0.5 liters of cocktail and our stomach is full.
  5. Feeling completely full.
  6. A feeling of satisfaction, because it’s really tasty.
  7. This is very useful (remember how many vitamins and minerals it contains).

Well, where else can you find such an amazing combination of healthy proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats and lactic acid bacteria?
Not in store-bought powder, really?
If you find some amazing flavor combination of your own, write in the comments, I will be glad.

I've already drunk mine, and you?

If you want to lose weight, carbohydrate shakes are one of the best methods for quickly, low-calorie hunger satisfaction. You can choose the ingredients according to your taste to prepare smoothies rich in complex carbohydrates and other healthy elements, depending on your desire and mood. Such drinks will be a good alternative to high-calorie desserts and can replace a full afternoon snack.

To get the maximum benefit from the shake, you should drink it in the morning as breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. Many people make the mistake of eating breakfast with foods high in simple (fast) carbohydrates. This leads to feelings of hunger and snacking early in the day.

A carbohydrate cocktail for breakfast will allow you not to feel hungry for a long time, by providing the body with a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, fiber and carbohydrates.

Fiber from fruits and long-term carbohydrates form the basis of a proper breakfast. Fiber, increasing in size when it enters the stomach, promotes a prolonged feeling of fullness and limits the consumption of excess calories. Long-lasting carbohydrates, in turn, due to slow breakdown (about 4 hours), feed the body with energy throughout the first half of the day.

Following the same principle, unhealthy snacks during the day can be replaced with a carbohydrate cocktail and thereby provide the body with enough energy due to fewer calories.

How to cook

The first rule of making a carbohydrate shake is that it must be thick. If you want to lose weight, the main goal of your diet will be to consume fewer calories. But although you will have to eat less, this does not mean that you should constantly feel hungry, in which case sooner or later your willpower will give way and you will resort to unhealthy quick snacks.

Cocktails with a thicker consistency satisfy hunger much better than liquid cocktails with the same number of calories.

The scientists who conducted this study found that the participants in the experiment who drank cocktails with a thicker consistency remained full twice as long as those who drank thinner ones, although they had exactly the same weight.

Main ingredients:

  • Liquid foundation: Skim or 1% milk as a liquid base is an excellent option as it is rich in calcium. Other good options are soy or coconut water, or, as a last resort, the most common water, but always cold, or better yet ice-cold.
  • Foods high in fiber and complex carbohydrates: Any fruit is great, but raspberries and blue berries are preferable and contain the least amount of sugar. When it comes to vegetables, spinach and cucumber are the most common options. This also includes legumes and other food groups high in starch, glycogen, and other complex carbohydrates.
  • Healthy fats: The fats in such a cocktail are necessary for obtaining energy, absorbing a number of vitamins, and controlling appetite during the day. Add up to two tablespoons of a product that has healthy monounsaturated fats - such as avocados, various seeds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, etc.

Try not to overuse sweeteners; if possible, use only fruit, but in exceptional cases you can add a small amount of honey or natural syrups. You can experiment with the taste of cocktails without increasing calorie content with the help of spices and herbs.

It may be helpful to add natural ingredients that stimulate weight loss, such as green tea, cinnamon and ginger.

Easy-to-prepare drinks will help you not only lose weight, but also feel a surge of strength and energy for a long time. These cocktails are perfect for breakfast, lunch or a snack.

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  • Low-fat Greek yogurt – 170 grams;
  • Spinach leaves – 2 cups;
  • Ripe pears (chopped, peeled) – 1 piece;
  • Green or red grapes - 1/2 tbsp;
  • Ripe avocado - 2 tablespoons;
  • Freshly squeezed lime juice – 1-2 tablespoons.

Shake Nutrition Facts: 316 calories, 21 g protein, 52 g carbohydrates, 6 g fat (0.9 g saturated), 9 g fiber, 115 mg. sodium

Oatmeal with cinnamon


  • Ripe – 1 piece;
  • Oatmeal – 50 g;
  • Low-fat kefir – 300 g;
  • Cinnamon (for decoration).

Mix kefir, oatmeal and banana in a blender until smooth, pour into a tall glass, sprinkle with cinnamon. Nutritional value: 16 g protein, 70 g carbohydrates, 6 g fat.



  • Mango (pieces) – 1/4 cup;
  • Mashed ripe avocado (monounsaturated fatty acids) – 1 piece;
  • Low-fat vanilla yogurt - 1/4 cup;
  • Mango juice (natural) – 1/2 cup;
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l;
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon (optional: thanks to the mango, the cocktail will be quite sweet).

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Nutritional Information: 298 calories, 5 g protein, 55 g carbohydrates, 5 g fiber, 9 g fat, 1.5 g saturated fat, 54 mg. sodium

How to drink a cocktail

First, you need to decide what exactly you want to achieve. If it is important for you to lose a couple of extra pounds as soon as possible, arrange fasting days and a minimum of calories, drink several cocktails during the day and avoid acute feelings of hunger.

If your weight loss program is designed for a longer period, then drink a cocktail for breakfast and dinner, but lunch should consist mainly of protein (meat or steamed fish); a salad of fresh vegetables is also allowed. Finally, if you just want to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, drink the shake 30 minutes before meals and in between as a healthy snack.

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