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Tarot is the way to yourself. “The Path” - Modern fortune-telling using tarot cards to identify the right path. Rules for performing the layout and interpretation of the arcana

1 – my current state
2 – how others perceive me
3 – what I forget about, what I push out of my life
4 – what flaw do I not notice in myself?
5 – what is my strength
6 – what I want
7 – what drives me
8 – what I really need
9 – what should I do

1 – 6 air
2 – 8 air
3 – servant of water
4 – queen of fire
5 – king of water
6 – chariot (7)
7 – water rider
8 – three of water
9 – emperor (4)

My current state: Elena is in a state of searching for herself. Image is the acquisition of your individuality. But Elena is already an individual, which is very rare. But she hides her true self from others. And only a few know the real Elena, only her closest friends, and even then not all of them. She demonstrates that part of herself that others need (remember the previous scenarios: everyone sees a strong business woman instead of a romantic and soft woman who loves walks under the moon and soft toys).
Now Elena is learning to behave according to her inner world and is working on her new, and in fact real, image.

How others perceive me: Elena is perceived as a person who does not let anyone near her because of fear of intimacy (both physically and psychologically).

What am I forgetting about, what am I pushing out of my life: a guy-friend whom you can rely on, whose help you can count on, whose sympathy you can count on, the one who will support and help both in word and deed - Elena has long displaced such an image from her thoughts and fantasies , as impractical (this is a friend, not a lover). And it’s quite in vain: friends are a very important part of our lives, and a guy friend is also significant support in a moment of disappointment and reliable protection in a moment of danger. Agree, if your romantic relationship has ended for some reason, then the words “You are too beautiful/smart/amazing/unique for him. You will find someone else, better and more worthy” sound more convincing from a friend than from a friend. Well, we should not forget that love can be born from friendship, and it can be very strong and passionate.

What flaw do I not notice in myself: Elena is waiting for her dormant sexuality to be revealed by someone else. She diligently avoids using it and generally demonstrating her sexuality to others.

What is my strength: Elena is able to understand someone else's condition and can use it to her advantage. Including winning men by picking up the key to their hearts.

What I want: Elena has her own scenario for her future: how the meeting will happen, what it will be like, how the relationship will develop, etc. And she wants her dream scenario to come true as accurately as possible.

What drives me: Elena is driven by uncontrollable emotions. She is so immersed in her love that she thinks about this person almost every minute, all her attention and her whole life are focused around him.

What I really need: Elena needs a feeling of harmony with the world around her, a feeling of inner freedom, peace and self-sufficiency. She needs to love herself, and not seek love for herself through the feelings of others. To live in the world around us, and not to be in a state of eternal struggle for a place in the sun.
It is quite possible that Elena really needs to be alone in order to sort out her feelings, cleanse herself of negative emotions and achieve peace, primarily internal.
“I am alone, and in order to love, I don’t need anyone. I love the whole world, I love you and myself in this world, my love is pure and boundless.”

What should I do: Subconsciously, Elena is determined that she is surrounded by “bad” people; her friends may betray her, forget about her, or take her lover away; the guys turn out to be scoundrels, parasites or tyrants. And she attracts precisely such people or makes them such with her expectations. She needs to control her thoughts and change their negative formulation to positive.

I present a small layout that has proven itself well in practice. This layout has a rather narrow range of action. It helps us to better see ourselves from the outside in cases where we have problems associated with misunderstanding and misperception of us by people around us. Be it colleagues, neighbors, relatives and other close people.

1. What kind of person do people around me think I am?
2. What is my peculiarity compared to other people? (The trait can be either good or bad, depending on the card drawn.)
3. How does it manifest itself and affect communication with people around me? (It is not necessary that the positive card drawn in the previous paragraph will have a good effect on communication with others. This is what I will show with an example).
4.What do you need to change in yourself immediately to harmonize your relationships with others?
5. What you should not change about yourself under any circumstances.
6. How will my relationships with people around me develop in the next 6 months, provided I work on myself?

Example. Tarot Universal Key.
The Querent has problems with his work colleagues, and they also had problems at his previous place of work. Relatives, according to the Querent, also do not understand him and do not treat him the way he wants.
1.6 Pentacles. If we talk about colleagues, they see the Querent as a person ready to provide various kinds of services, possibly to his superiors, thus he also receives various kinds of encouragement from his superiors. Relatives may consider him somewhat arrogant, generous with attention (including material), only when others ask for it. But in general, he is not a vile or bad person.
2. Justice. He is a very balanced person, perhaps with an exaggerated sense of justice. Considering the previous map, we can assume that he does not do anything for nothing. For any little thing, be it attention, borrowed money or something else, he wants to receive adequate attention. Which in itself can be problematic, since those around him are not like him.
3.6 swords. Not receiving the attention in return that the Querent is counting on, he withdraws and distances himself from those around him, thus trying to save peace of mind for himself. Those around him in response may consider him to be on his own, unsociable, withdrawn.
4. Star. Looking at this map, I want to remember the toast made in the film, "Prisoner of the Caucasus", about one small but proud bird (whom I feel sorry for:()). Naturally, being proud, she broke away from the group and flew towards the Sun. What happened then , you guessed it.
So is our Querent. He should not isolate himself from the team, should not consider himself special, not like everyone else, and dream that without working on himself, the situation will change for the better.
5. 4 of Pentacles. You shouldn’t bend yourself completely to someone else. The Querent has many basic, good traits; perhaps they were inherited from his father and grandfather. These are traits such as: frugality, slowness in action, traditions and foundations, not the desire to look at problems superficially, internal strength and resources, the ability to respect one’s rights and interests.
6. Hermit, 2 of Swords. The Querent may make his first friends, perhaps temporary, but his feeling of loneliness or isolation will not go away completely. Relatives and employees can turn to him for advice, as his advice will be correct and necessary at a critical moment. It is possible that the Querent will want to find like-minded people in a circle of people who are interested in some kind of non-traditional knowledge, will go to courses and he will have people who will share their interests with him.

The “Path of the Tarot” layout is practical and will help the fortuneteller find out whether he needs to make efforts in a particular area, opens up opportunities for seeing how best to act, as well as what should be changed in his situation.

At the same time, in fortune telling “The Way of the Tarot” one can consider almost any sphere of human activity: business, the sphere of relationships, work, education, and so on. In this material we will analyze in detail the features of this card layout.

You can use the “Way of the Tarot” fortune-telling in cases where you need advice or a hint on how best to act in the current circumstances.

You can ask the following types of questions:

  • “What is the best way to act in the current circumstances?”;
  • “What should be the tactics of my behavior to achieve some goal?”;
  • “What actions should I take to solve this problem?”

It is important to formulate your question as correctly as possible regarding a specific situation. After all, only then with the help of cards will you be able to understand the strategy of your future behavior.

With this wonderful layout, you can simultaneously receive information on three levels: mental (level of mind, consciousness), astral (spiritual-emotional) and physical (body, strategy of behavior in society). Thanks to this, it becomes possible to correctly analyze the situation on all three planes of existence.

Using card fortune-telling “The Way of Tarot” you will receive from the cards information about the possibilities that will help you achieve a goal, how successful (or unsuccessful) your previous line of behavior was and how you should act in the future to achieve your goals and improve past mistakes.

It is very simple to complete the layout, but the process of interpreting the dropped cards is more problematic. But we will tell you about everything sequentially.

Rules for performing the layout and interpretation of the arcana

For this fortune telling, you should stock up on seven arcana, each of which has its own meaning:

  • the first one will reveal the deep meaning hidden in your question and help protect yourself from various dangers;
  • three arcana in the left pile of cards will tell you about those actions and decisions that provoked the current state of affairs;
  • Using the three arcana in the right pile, you can get recommendations regarding your future behavior and learn how to protect yourself from making old mistakes.

You need to take a deep breath, exhale, calm down and ask a question to the deck of cards in your thoughts. The cards are laid out face down on the table. They must be carefully mixed, and then any seven cards must be removed from the deck at random and turned over.

Interpretation of cards in the “Path” layout

  • The first card is a significator; it will provide the answer to the question of whether the fortuneteller now needs to strive to achieve success on the issue that concerns him. If the lasso has a negative meaning, you should give up your attempts. Although, of course, this does not mean at all that you, in principle, will not be able to get what you want, it’s just that, most likely, the time has not yet come for this.
  • Along the left vertical line of fortune telling, which is formed by positions 2, 3 and 4, you will learn about the fortuneteller’s real attitude to the question and how the people around him now perceive him.
  • And along the right vertical line formed by the 7th, 6th and 5th cards, the questioner will understand how he should perceive his question and how other people will begin to perceive it if he can change himself by listening to the recommendations of the layout.

These two lines are symmetrical relative to each other. When interpreting the “Path” layout, you need to compare the arcana that are opposite.

  • Based on the second card, you will learn about the fortuneteller’s current conscious attitude towards his problem, his thoughts on this matter. The second card is compared with the seventh and tells how a person should approach his problem in order to achieve success.
  • Using the third card, you can find out about the fortuneteller’s current feelings regarding his problem, as well as his emotional perception of what is happening. The 3rd lasso is compared with the 6th, which in turn will tell about the feelings that the questioner must experience in relation to the question posed in order to successfully resolve it.
  • What remains are the 4th and 5th arcana, which reveal the peculiarities of the current perception of the fortuneteller by the people around him and what appearance he will have in their eyes if his attitude and actions change, if he listens to the recommendations of the alignment and begins to approach life differently. to another and act differently.

First, they always begin to interpret the main 1st card. It was already mentioned above that it is she who will tell you about future prospects, and will also tell you whether your enterprise will be successful. When this card appears in a not very favorable position, most likely it means that the goal cannot be achieved at all, or at least now. Then you need to postpone the fortune telling procedure until better times.

Drawing a successful 1st card indicates easy achievement of your goal or can tell you about the changes that will be required of you. At the same time, in the process of interpretation, special attention should be paid to the meaning of the sixth lasso, which will tell about the specific actions that a person will need to perform.

Example of the Path of Tarot layout

It should be noted that although only 7 cards are used in this fortune-telling, it is not quite simple, because both groups of arcana (Elders together with the Younger) should be used in it.

Now, using a specific example of a military man serving his Motherland, we will consider the implementation of the described scenario. It is likely that you may know such people among your acquaintances, and it is possible that you yourself are involved in military affairs. The only nuance that needs to be given special attention in this case is that the alignment is suitable exclusively for career military personnel, since privates and non-commissioned officers, if they quickly leave the army, do not have the psychology of military people.

Let's say you performed the “Path” layout on Tarot cards and you received the following cards in the following positions:

  • in 1st position - 9 Swords;
  • on the 2nd - the Devil;
  • on the 3rd - Jack of Coins;
  • on the 4th - the King of Wands;
  • on the 5th - Justice;
  • on the 6th - 4 Swords;
  • and on the last, 7th - 8 Cups.

Now let's look at the meaning of each of these cards in this specific example:

  • 9 of Swords - gives a recommendation to “not be active,” which means not to express everything you think to those who have a larger number of stars on their shoulder straps. Refuse any collective actions, as they will cause increased repression, which, however, will be ineffective. Another danger in this case is that you will charge your significant other with your nervousness, which in turn will lead to various family troubles. So for now, just calm down and look forward to a better future.
  • Devil - this lasso in the 2nd position will tell you that you have been pursuing some fixed idea until the last moment, and now you are faced with complete failure. The devil advises you to reconsider your position once again.
  • Jack of Coins - criticizes your passive behavior in the past when you could make changes in the situation. And now is the time for pause and delay, we need to wait it out.
  • The King of Wands characterizes a wonderful person, an optimist who evokes universal sympathy and hope in others. It is important for you not to deprive others of this hope and to provide them with all possible support.
  • Fairness - act fairly towards your subordinates, this will help you earn high authority with them. Always tell them the truth, unlike your bosses.
  • 4 of Swords - now you need to completely forget about your emotions! Give free rein to your logical mind and think carefully about what is happening. The best way to do this is to go out into nature, where you are more likely to receive the right hint from your subconscious.
  • 8 of Cups - gives the following advice to the fortuneteller: “You don’t need to look for happiness where there is none,” and more specifically, it advises under no circumstances to refuse to serve in the army, since only weak-willed people do this. It would be more correct to overcome yourself and endure, then the situation will sooner or later begin to change for the better.

It is believed that this layout is quite young, since its author is our contemporary, German Tarot card specialist Hayo Banzhav. According to the creator of the layout, the cards were supposed to answer one question: “What should I do next?” Moreover, this question could touch upon topics in any vital spheres of human existence. Today, with the help of the Path layout, you can answer three questions at once, which, however, are a specification of one initial one.

So, the questioner can receive the answer from the cards about what capabilities he has to achieve his goal, how successfully he has acted so far, what he needs to do in the future in order to achieve his goal, and even correct the mistakes of the past. The Path unfolds very simply. However, interpreting the drawn cards is much more difficult. But everything is in order.

Card meanings

1 - main. Its meaning is “the essence of the matter,” that is, the card shows the goal.

2, 3 and 4 (left column) - characterize the measures and steps that were taken to achieve the goal. These steps are specified as follows:

1) card 2 personifies the rational behavior of the questioner, his conscious motive. In other words, the map shows how the questioner understands the essence of the matter;

2) card 3 personifies the emotional component or unconscious motive of the questioner, which means all his aspirations, desires, fears and hopes. In other words, the card shows what the person asking the question felt or feels;

3) card 4 shows the public response to the questioner’s actions on this issue.

7, 6 and 5 (right column) are a reflection of what needs to be done in the future to achieve the goal set by the person. However, the cards in the right column have their own specification:

1) card 7 gives an indication of what should be followed in terms of rational thinking;

When interpreting the dropped cards of the layout, you need to start with the main card 1. Using its analysis, you need to understand what the prospects of your enterprise are, whether the business you have started will end in success. If the card in this position is unsuccessful, then, apparently, the goal is unattainable at all, or at least in the near future. In this case, it is necessary to postpone fortune telling on this issue until better times. If the card in the first position is successful and the goal is quite achievable, you should move on to analyzing the columns to determine whether you are moving correctly towards your goal or what adjustments need to be made. To do this, you need to consider the ratio of cards located in the same row: 2 and 7, 3 and 6, 4 and 5.