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Why does Allah send trials to good people? What is the meaning of tests from Allah. Allah sends problems to protect us


I have long been haunted by the question: why is there so much evil and sorrow on Earth, how does Allah allow all this, especially the suffering of innocent people?


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Thank you for your interesting question. To answer your question, we will quote an article by Dr. Muhammad H. Siddiq, President of the Islamic Society of North America:

“Verily, Allah is Almighty and He has power over everything. ('ala kulli sha'in kadir). The Koran repeats these words many times. It is also said that Allah is the Creator and the best Creator: "Blessed be Allah, the best of creators" (23, 14).

But then the question arises - why does pain and suffering exist in the world? We see that in this world there is illness, old age and death. We see ugly and ugly things, stupid and crazy people. We see storms, floods, earthquakes and famine. People who commit crimes, are greedy, evil, deceitful and unfaithful. There are murders, rapes and endless wars in the world. There is evil caused by people and natural disasters. Individual people, and sometimes entire nations, suffer from certain manifestations of evil.

But this is also an incomplete picture of the world. Besides these negative things, we also see beauty, health, prosperity, the birth of new people, wisdom, intelligence and progress. We see people displaying the best qualities of faith, sincerity, mercy, love and sacrifice. We see many examples of virtue and piety. So it is wrong to talk about only one – the bad – side of the coin.

It is also a fact that there is more good in the world than evil. Healthy people more than sick. There are more people living prosperous lives than suffering and unhappy people. There are more honest and decent people than criminals. Good is the rule and evil is the exception. Virtue is the norm, and sin is a deviation from the norm.

But then the question arises: Why does Allah allow this exception to the rule?

The Koran tells us that good and evil, everything that happens happens according to the will of Allah. Only the Almighty knows perfectly everything that happens in the world. We are finite beings and cannot fully understand His infinite will and wisdom. He arranges things in the universe in the way he sees fit. The Quran tells us that Allah is Wise and everything He does is right, good and just. We must rely on His Will. We are not given all the details of His decisions, but the Almighty has given us guidance for life that is sufficient for us. There are a few points that we need to keep in mind to understand this question:

1. First of all, we must keep in mind that Allah did not make this world eternal. This world is temporary, everything that is here has time limits and will someday come to an end. Neither the good nor the bad things of this world last forever. We live here for a short time and we are tested here. Those who pass this test will find a happy life in the future world, which will be eternal. Who doesn't will be tested, will see the consequences of his evil deeds and sins.

2. Allah has placed certain physical and moral laws in this world. Suffering and evil occur when one or more of these laws are violated. Physical laws based on cause and effect. Diseases happen most often if you do not take care of your health or if you are in the company of sick people. Road accidents happen if you don't follow the rules. traffic, do not repair or check vehicles, do not monitor the condition of the roads. Learning cause and effect is very important to live a safe life. Even here we must keep in mind that Allah often saves us even if we are careless and negligent. How many times has it happened that we are not careful enough when driving a car, but we safely reach our destination. If you look at how people move on the roads in our cities, it is surprising that quite a few accidents occur.

Allah said:

“The Merciful (to His servants) (Allah) taught (man) the Quran (making it easier for him to read, understand and memorize), (and He) created man, (and) taught him to express himself [express his thoughts] (thus distinguishing him from others ).
The sun and moon (move) according to (exact) timing, and the stars (in the sky) and the trees (on the earth) bow down (to their Lord). And He [Allah] raised the sky (above the earth) and established the scales [justice] (and commanded His creations to be fair), so that you would not transgress (the boundaries) in the scales (when weighing others).
And set the weight impartially [fairly] and do not reduce the weight (when weighing people)! And He laid out the earth for the creatures."(Ar-Rahman, 1-10).

If we violate the boundaries set by Allah, then we should not be surprised at the unpleasant consequences. It is only by the grace of Allah that we avoid troubles in most cases. Strictly speaking, what is surprising is not that Allah allows suffering in our lives, but how many times He protects and saves us when we sin.

The Koran says:

“And if Allah began to punish people for what they acquired [for the sins they commit] (only in this world), then He would not leave a single living creature on the surface of it [the earth]. But He gives them a respite until a certain limit (both in this world and until the Day of Judgment). And when their time comes, then truly Allah sees His servants (and will reward them for what they did)!” (35, 45)

But sometimes Allah still punishes people for violating His laws, physical or moral. The Koran says that many communities and entire nations were destroyed for their sinful lifestyle:

“And if they [your people] reject (O Muhammad), then the people of (the Prophet) Nuh, and the Adites [the people of the Prophet Hud], and the Thamudians [the people of the Prophet Salih], and the people of (the prophet) Ibrahim, and the people of (the prophet) Lut, and the people of Madyan [the people of the prophet Shuaib]; (the prophet) Musa was also rejected. And I gave the disbelievers a reprieve (of punishment) [I did not punish immediately], then I seized them (all) (with punishment). And what was My indignation! And how many villages [their inhabitants] We destroyed (by sending down punishment on them) when they [their inhabitants] were evildoers [disbelievers]! And so they [those cities and villages] (now) have been destroyed to the ground (and no one lives in them)! And how many wells have been abandoned (due to the death of village residents) and palaces erected!” (22, 42-45)

3. Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Allah allows suffering in people's lives to test their patience and devotion to Him. Even prophets and messengers experienced suffering in their lives. Ayyub, who is mentioned in the Qur'an as a prophet, had to endure many misfortunes, but he was patient. Good people suffer sometimes, but their suffering benefits others and teaches useful lessons to others. Martyrs die for their faith, soldiers give their lives for their homeland and their people, and people learn from these wonderful examples.

4. Sometimes Allah allows suffering in the lives of some people in order to test the people around them - how they will react to someone else's misfortune. When you see a sick person or a poor and needy person, you are being tested by Allah. The Almighty sends you a meeting with this person to test your faith and compassion. A very touching hadith-qudsi says:

“On the Day of Judgment, Allah will say to some people: “O son of Adam, I was sick and you did not visit Me.” A person will be surprised: “O my Lord, how could I visit You when You are the Lord of the worlds?” Allah will answer him: “Don’t you know that when My servant so-and-so was sick and you did not visit him? If you visited him, you would do it for Me.”

To another person Allah will say: “O son of Adam, I was hungry and you did not feed Me.” He will answer: “Oh, my Lord, how could I feed you, since You are the Lord of the worlds?” Allah will say: “Don’t you know that My servant so-and-so was hungry and you did not feed him? Don’t you know that if you had helped him, you would have done it for Me.”

To another it will be said: “O son of Adam, I asked for a drink, but you did not give me something to drink.” He will answer: “Oh, my Lord, how could I give You drink, since You are the Lord of the worlds?” Allah will say: “Don’t you know that My servant so-and-so asked you for water, but you did not give him something to drink? If you had helped him, you would have done it for Me."(Muslim, hadith 4661).

It is known that the prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him, also told people similar things (See Gospel of Matthew, 25: 35-45).

So, in summary, we can say that suffering occurs in our lives to teach us that we must adhere to the physical and moral laws of Allah. Suffering and misfortune are a test of our faith and morals. Whenever we encounter misfortune, we must ask ourselves: “Have we violated some law of Allah?” We should study the problem and correct our life: If this is a punishment, then we need to ask for forgiveness and correct our life. If this is a test, then you need to make an effort to pass it.

Believers meet suffering with prayers, repentance and good deeds. Non-believers fall into doubt and bewilderment. They blame the Almighty and are unhappy with His decision.

May Allah keep us on the right path, ameen!”

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed

A believer always understands with his mind who all the difficulties and problems he faces throughout his life come from. We should always remember the following verse of the Holy Quran:

مَا أَصَابَ مِن مُّصِيبَةٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ - “Any misfortune befalls only by the will of Allah” .

The hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) give us the good news that whoever overcomes the trials that befall him with patience will be rewarded and his sins will be forgiven by the Almighty. The Prophet (peace be upon him) in one of the hadiths says that even a thorn that digs into the leg of a believer will become a reason for the forgiveness of his sins.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

ما يصيب المؤمن من هم ولا غم ولا نصب ولا وصب ولا حزن ولا أذى حتى الشوكة يشاكها إلا كفر الله بها من خطاياه

“Anxiety, worry, sadness, problem, harm will not overtake the believer, and not even a thorn will pierce his body, except so that this becomes the reason for Allah to forgive his sins.” [Imam Bukhari].

On the contrary, if a person, in the face of problems and difficulties that arise, does not show his patience, but criticizes his fate and demonstrates his disagreement in every possible way, this will not only deprive him of his reward, but can also lead to sin.

Therefore, we must consider every problem as our test and understand that behind it lies the mercy of the Almighty. Thus, some things that seem to be harmful to us from the outside can be turned to our benefit. This question is best explained to us by the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him):

ما من عبد تصيبه مصيبة فيقول : إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون . اللهم أجرني في مصيبتي واخلف لي خيراً منها إلا أجره الله في مصيبته وأخلف له خيراً منها

“If misfortune befalls a slave, and he shows perseverance and says: “We are all from Allah, and to Him we will return. O Allah, grant me something good in this misfortune,” Allah will reward this slave.” [Muslim, Janaiz, 3].

Therefore, let the one who is overtaken by grief and sadness turn to the Almighty with the words given in this hadith, and He will reward him in full.

In everything that is sent down by the Almighty to His servant, there is benefit, for He is fair and does not oppress His servants. Allah sends down trials to forgive the sins of his slaves, and if the slaves are pure, then troubles are sent down to increase their degrees. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:

إن الرجل لتكون له المنزلة عند الله فما يبلغها بعمل ، فما يزال يبتليه بما يكره حتى يبلغه ذلك

“Verily, a person who is beset by adversity and perseveres will rise to levels that he cannot attain merely through good deeds.” [Ibn Habban, Sahih, no. 2896].

A person should not worry if troubles are often sent to him; on the contrary, the absence of them should cause concern, since the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said the following:

“There is no benefit for a slave if his property is not diminished and he does not experience bodily illnesses; truly, Allah loves the slave whom he tests if he shows patience during the test.” [Ibn Abi Dunya].

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said:

من يرد الله به خيراً يصب منه

“Whoever Allah wishes good, he sends disasters.”

Therefore, in order to receive sawab [reward] for the difficulties and problems that have fallen on your shoulders, you must comply with the following conditions:

1) Understand that everything comes from the Almighty, and only He will save you from troubles.

2) Do not complain, except to the Almighty.

3) To endure difficulties only by trusting in the Almighty and for His sake.

4) Understand that in everything there is the wisdom of the Almighty.

These are the main conditions that a believer must observe, for he will receive nothing but needless suffering - at best, and possibly a grave sin, if he complains about fate and does not thank the Almighty for His decision.

How often do we encounter deplorable situations in the whirlpool of life when we simply give up and don’t want to do anything! You hear similar stories literally at every step: someone has lost their breadwinner, someone has lost their children, someone has gone bankrupt and lost all their accumulated property, someone is suffering from a painful illness. As many people as there are on earth, there are so many problems in different variations. Despair, pain, melancholy are known, I think, to everyone. There is no such person who would not experience a feeling of disappointment at least once in his life.

Psychologists and even psychiatrists give a lot of different advice on overcoming life’s troubles. They help someone, and someone, having experienced severe pain, comes to Allah Almighty and gains faith in Him. Each of us has our own unique path, and each can give a lot of advice to the other if he feels bad at that moment. But, definitely, faith in Allah Almighty and trust in His will and help will be a priority. For a believer there is no other salvation except dissolution in the Divine will, mercy and help.

There are also some wise pieces of advice that older people especially like to give, because they have seen a lot in this life and know the right path to salvation. They are, of course, tested by life, and a person who follows them always finds happiness and peace of mind with Allah Almighty. Old people who have righteously walked their life’s path often gather their relatives around them and give valuable advice, among which are the following.

Never despair! If it’s hard and you can’t cope with the pain, turn to Allah Almighty - after all, only He sees all our mental suffering. At the same time, we should always believe that the Lord will definitely help and alleviate our suffering. Allah will never refuse His servant who believes in Him, sincerely needs Him and His help and turns to Him - after all, He is so Merciful! One should never doubt the infinite mercy of Allah. He is the most merciful, understanding. We just have to turn to Him, ask for forgiveness and help, and we will definitely receive an answer to our prayer. Allah does not refuse the one who asks; moreover, He loves when He is asked. But according to the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the most powerful weapon of a Muslim is dua. When we feel really bad, what else can we do? Break your forehead against the wall? But this will not help and may end in hospital. A Muslim who finds himself in difficult life circumstances only needs to make a dua, Allah hears us and will definitely answer us.

Our Creator always hears us and knows everything about us. We only need to be patient just a little bit, and Allah Almighty will ease the suffering and give us such happiness that later our pain will seem funny to us, worthless, and we are unlikely to ever remember it. The bad is always forgotten, only the good remains. Our memory, by the grace of Allah, erases the dark days of our life, and then we remember them only with a smile. And the black stripe is always replaced by a white one, which remains in our memory.

Our life is so short that it is unknown whether tomorrow will come for us, it is unknown whether we will breathe as deeply as yesterday. Everything is known only to Allah Almighty, so a Muslim should rejoice at every new morning that the Creator of the worlds gave us. A new day is another blank page in life, when you can write anything you want on it: some - good deeds, and others, alas, something bad. It all depends on ourselves, how ready we are to live life cleanly, without drafts and corrections. After all, in fact, life doesn’t have drafts, we live once, which means we have no right to make mistakes, and if we do, then every new day is an additional chance for correction. Maybe we will at least try to do something good today, for which Allah Almighty will make us happy both in this and in eternal life.

Another important point: whatever we receive from the Creator, we must thank Him. Everything we have belongs to Allah. If He gives us something, it is just a gift by His grace, for which we also have to answer. We should not be one of the ungrateful slaves who do not appreciate what the Lord has given them, constantly yearning for something even more. For everything we should be grateful to our Creator, because He knows what is best for us during this period of time.

Along with what we have at the moment, we should be happy with everything we have. If a neighbor has something, but we don’t, it means that we don’t need it at the moment, because everything is in the power of Allah and only He knows what we need and what is useful. The Almighty knows that when the time comes, He will give what is necessary, but for now we must be content with what we have and thank with all our hearts for the blessings that He has given us. Each of us loves our Creator and does not want to “upset” Him, therefore any obedience to the Lord is valued by Him, moreover, He rewards us for it. Could there be greater happiness?

It is not appropriate for a Muslim to think or speak ill of people. He should not even allow a bad thought, much less judge anyone, even if he has committed a reprehensible act or caused you pain and harm. Before making a verdict, you need to find the reasons why he did this and try to justify it. It’s easier to live this way; extra nerves have never brought health or peace to anyone. Forgive them for the sake of Allah, leave them to the most just Judge - best advice. This is what our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did. Moreover, he did this in cases where he had the opportunity to take revenge and punish. The righteous companions followed his example. This is what our ancestors did. We should follow this example, and perhaps Dear Lord will make us happy in ways we never imagined.

Islam directly calls us to help our brothers and sisters, starting with our family and right down to the stranger, the traveler. We should find pleasure in any help to another, since this is a godly act and Allah will reward it. How pleasant and joyful it is for the soul when you see the happy faces of your family, friends, and neighbors! If our loved ones are happy, we should try to rejoice in their happiness with them, to share their joy. If we manage to do this sincerely, then our soul is also filled with joy. Muslims are brothers to each other and should never leave anyone in need. Helping our neighbors is our duty, such is the mercy of the Almighty towards us, for all this is included in the category of divine service, which means that this is God’s pleasure.

One of the most important points in the life of a believer is that everything that has been experienced is from Allah Almighty. You need to take it for granted and never resist it. You need to be humble, and if it doesn’t work out, then ask the Merciful Allah to help you be humble and patient with the adversities prepared for you. At the same time, there must be a firm belief that the Creator will definitely help. You should never doubt His mercy, for doubt speaks of the weakness of faith, which needs to be strengthened. When there is complete trust in the Creator, it will be much easier to endure the hardships of life, and as a reward for your patience and trust, He will give you strength and relief.

A Muslim should strive to do something good every day out of godly deeds and try to increase their number every day. Any righteous deed must be done with the pure intention of doing it for the sake of Allah Almighty.

If there is a desire in your heart to do good or achieve something for the sake of Allah Almighty or pleasing to Him, you should not show weakness or put it off until tomorrow. You definitely need to ask for help from the Creator, and He will definitely help, His mercy is limitless.

A Muslim is not supposed to waste minutes in vain: whether in joy or in trouble, he should try to do something, and so that it is filled with meaning. Any act must be useful, done for a reason, out of idleness, but only with the goal of achieving the pleasure of Allah Almighty.

Any trouble, if it is correctly perceived, ultimately brings joy and happiness, and if it also pleases Allah, then this is double joy. When all the events of our life are perceived from these positions, then life itself begins to change, even if we do not immediately notice it. In any matter, if you consult with the Lord, you can always find the right path, you can always get out of the most difficult situations to your advantage, because He is the best adviser for people.

Sadness will certainly be followed by joy, sorrow will be followed by happiness, and patience will be rewarded with high reward from the Almighty. One should never doubt the boundless mercy of the Creator of the worlds, for whoever doubts His mercy does not know his Lord.

Allah Almighty is the best friend, advisor, helper. He never abandons His servants. Wherever we are, no matter what we do, He sees and hears us and will always help - you just have to ask Him about it.

Allah tests His best servants and rewards those who show patience. Our whole life should have only one meaning - to achieve the pleasure of Allah. How to do this? The Almighty Himself indicated the ways to achieve it. If you follow His instructions and commands, then happiness is not far off and the Lord’s pleasure is also around the corner.

I wish for myself and everyone to find the pleasure of Allah Almighty, and may He help us in this! Amine.

Praise be to Allah and blessings on His Messenger (peace be upon him), his family and companions! Allah Almighty said:

“We will certainly test you with minor fear, hunger, loss of property, people and fruits. Give joy to those who are patient, who, when trouble befalls them, say: “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we will return.” They receive the blessings of their Lord and mercy. They follow the straight path" (2:155-157).

Another verse says: “Or did you think that you would enter Paradise without experiencing what befell your predecessors? They were struck by poverty and disease. They experienced such shocks that the Messenger and those who believed with him said: “When will Allah’s help come?” Indeed, Allah’s help is near” (2:214).

This verse is proof that every person will be tested and no one will enter Paradise without being tested. When a person faces difficulties and trials, he, as a believer, is required to have faith in the purpose of Allah, that everything is according to the establishment of the Almighty, and that along with trials comes His mercy and relief. Everyone will be tested, even the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was subjected to many tests, and the level of testing depends on the level of iman of the believer.

The hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says: “The prophets are tested most of all people, then those who were closer to them (by their faith), then those who were closer to them. And a person is tested in accordance with the degree of his religion (faith). If he was steadfast in religion, then his trials increased. If there was weakness in his faith, then he was tested in accordance with the degree of his religion. And hardships and misfortunes do not cease to befall the slave until they leave him to walk the earth free from sins.”

One should not think that only the prophets passed the tests with dignity, becoming even stronger in their faith; every believer is given such an opportunity. Of course, in moments of misfortunes and troubles we are immersed in strong emotional experiences and cannot think about anything else, but in fact, trials and tribulations are a blessing for the believer, an opportunity to find the contentment and love of Allah Almighty, who sent the test to test behavior of his slave in this situation.

“Allah does not impose on a person beyond his capabilities. He will receive what he has acquired, and what he has acquired will be against him. Our Lord! Don't punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place on us the burden that You placed on our predecessors. Our Lord! Don't burden us with what we can't do. Forgive us, forgive us and have mercy! You are our Patron. Help us to prevail over the disbelieving people" (2:286).

When we lose hope and don’t believe that everything will be fine, we follow the lead of the shaitan, who incites us to do so. Despair and loss of hope in the Almighty are among the greatest sins. Ibn Abbas reported that one person asked the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) what sin is the most serious? To which the Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: “Equating anyone with Allah, losing hope in the mercy of Allah and despair.”

Patience is the mercy and blessing of the Almighty, given to people, which allows them to overcome life’s difficulties, troubles and sorrows. Allah sends down difficulties, but He also sent down patience as a means of overcoming them. Patience prevents a person from breaking down, makes him stronger and exalts him in the eyes of the Almighty. One day the prophet (peace be upon him) passed by a cemetery and saw a woman sitting there on her knees, who was crying near one grave, and the Messenger of Allah said to her: O slave of Allah, fear Allah and be patient. She answered: O servant of Allah, I lost my child. He told her: O slave of Allah, fear Allah and be patient. She says: O servant of Allah, if something befell me, you would have found an excuse for me. He told her: O slave of Allah, fear Allah and be patient. She answered: O servant of Allah, you heard me, so go away. The Messenger of Allah left. One of the Muslims saw this, he approached her and asked: What did this man tell you? And she told what the man said to her and what she answered him. He asked her: Do you know who it was? She replied: No, I swear by Allah. He said: Woe to you! This was the Messenger of Allah. And she hastily rushed after him until she caught up with him and said: O Messenger of Allah, I will endure. He said to her: Truly patience is at the first blow.

Patience eases the pain of suffering, therefore, Allah ordered man to be patient and not go to extremes, which will only escalate the situation. Allah Almighty loves the patient, so be one of those “who, when trouble befalls them, say: “Indeed, we belong to Allah, and to Him we will return” (2:156).

And do not lose hope in the mercy of the One who created you, the One who knows everything that happens in your soul. And if your soul is not calm, turn to the verses of the Koran, in which Allah promises His mercy to everyone. And His promise is true. Seek consolation in Him: “Say to My servants who have overindulged to their own detriment: “Do not despair of Allah’s mercy. Verily, Allah forgives sins completely, for He is Forgiving, Merciful.”
(39: 53).

“If My servants ask you about Me, then I am close and answer the call of the one who prays when he calls on Me. Let them answer Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will follow the right path” (2: 186).

“We created man and we know what his soul whispers to him. We are closer to him than the jugular vein" (50:16).

Saida Hayat

Interesting article? Please repost on social networks!

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful!

In previous articles, we have already touched upon the issue that Allah tests believing slaves with various troubles in this life. He Himself speaks directly about this:

“...We subject you to moderate trials of fear, hunger, loss of property, people and fruits (i.e. crops). Give joy to those who are patient, who, when misfortune befalls them, say: “Truly, we all belong to Allah and to Him we return!” They are the ones upon whom the blessings of their Lord and mercy descend, and they are guided to the right path” (Quran, 2:155-157).

From these noble verses we understand why Allah needs such tests. With their help, He accustoms Muslims to patience, which is one of the characteristic signs of a God-fearing person:

“Indeed, every person will suffer a loss (in the Hereafter) except those who believe, do righteous deeds, command one another with the Truth, and command one another with patience” (Quran, 103:2-3).

By filling the hearts of Muslims with patience, Allah prepares them for the great “test of the grave”, i.e. to a severe examination immediately after death, when people will be briefly questioned about who and how they worshiped. Only those whom Allah spoke about above - those with faith, knowledge, righteous deeds and patience - will be able to pass it successfully. In the same way, school spends 11 years preparing a person for final exams, on the results of which much in his future life depends.

Having understood this, we will understand the meaning of the prophetic hadith: “Whoever Allah wishes well, He tests him.”(al-Bukhari). Allah loves believers and slaves obedient to Him, wishing them eternal pleasures in Paradise, and therefore turns their earthly journey into many years of preparation for the test of the grave. This is similar to how parents send their child to school without allowing him to have fun outside all day in the company of friends, precisely because they love him and want him to succeed in adulthood.

The tests of Allah are not only the troubles experienced by a Muslim, but also the duties that He has assigned to him (for example, daily prayer five times a day). At the same time, Allah shows the highest wisdom - He knows perfectly well the capabilities of His slaves, and therefore does not confront them with unbearable problems:

“Allah does not burden the soul beyond its capabilities.”(Quran, 2:286);

“ not despair of the mercy of Allah! Indeed, only unbelievers despair of Allah’s mercy.”(Quran, 12:87);

“Truly, with every difficulty comes relief. Truly, behind every difficulty there is relief.”(Quran, 94:5-6).

Thus, the Almighty does not burden people with impossible orders and prohibitions and does not send righteous slaves such misfortunes that they cannot endure without becoming disappointed in Him and His religion. Allah completely leaves without help and support only those who deny His revelations and laws or grossly distort them:

“If the inhabitants of the villages believed and became God-fearing, We would open before them (the gates of) grace from heaven and earth. But they considered it a lie, and We seized (i.e. punished) them for those (sins) that they had accumulated. Were the inhabitants of the villages not afraid that Our punishment would overtake them at night when they were sleeping? Weren’t the residents of the villages afraid that Our punishment would overtake them in the morning while they were having fun?” (Quran, 7:96-98);

“How many generations before them We destroyed! Do you feel the presence of any of them or hear their whispers? (Quran, 19:98).

However, Allah can punish the infidels not only with disastrous disasters, but also with an extremely carefree and problem-free life in this world:

“Leave Me alone with those who consider this story to be a lie. We will entice them without them even realizing it” (Quran, 68:44);

“Never perform the (funeral) prayer for any of them (the hypocrites who pretended to be Muslims) and do not stand over his grave, because they did not believe in Allah and His Messenger and died as wicked people. Do not let their property and children admire you. Allah only wants to punish them in this way in this world so that they part with their souls, being disbelievers” (Quran, 9:84-85);

“Neither wealth nor children will help those who disbelieve in the sight of Allah. They will become the inhabitants of the Fire and will remain there forever” (Quran, 3:116).

And the Lord of the Worlds warned Muslims not to be overly carried away by the blessings and beauties of this world, forgetting about eternal life:

“O you who believe! Let your wealth and your children not distract you from the remembrance of Allah. And those who do this will be the losers” (Quran, 63:9);

“Truly, your wealth and your children are a temptation. Allah has a great reward in store for you. Therefore, fear Allah to the best of your ability, listen, obey and spend (property) for your own good (i.e. for righteous purposes). And those who protect themselves from their own stinginess are successful” (Quran, 64:15-16);

“Be patient with those who call on their Lord in the morning and before sunset and strive for His Face. Do not turn your gaze away from them, desiring the beauties of this world, and do not obey those whose hearts We have made negligent of Our Reminder, who indulge their passions and whose deeds (on the Day of Judgment) will be in vain” (Quran, 18:28);

“Give them a parable about worldly life. She is like the water that We send down from the sky. Earthly plants are filled with it, and then turn into dry blades of grass, scattered by the wind. Indeed, Allah is capable of anything. Wealth and sons are the adornment of this worldly life, but imperishable good deeds are better in reward before your Lord, and it is better to place your hopes on them” (Quran, 18:45-46).

So, we come to the conclusion that Allah tests His servants with both grief and joy. And only one who endures difficult moments of his life for the sake of Allah, without despairing of His mercy, and in moments of happiness thanks Him and remains internally prepared for new problems can be called a true believer:

“Truly, man was created impatient - restless when trouble touches him, and stingy (in gratitude) when good touches him. The exception is those who pray (Muslims) and perform their prayers regularly” (Quran, 70:19-23).

And therefore the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said great words:

“How amazing is the position of the believer! Verily, everything in his situation is good for him, and this is not given to anyone except the believer: if something pleases him, he thanks (Allah), and it becomes good for him, but if grief befalls him, he shows patience, and this also becomes a blessing for him.”(Muslim). (I note that he reported the verses of the Koran to people verbatim, while the prophetic hadiths are his retelling of the revelations of Allah in free form)

And may Allah bless our Prophet, his family and companions.