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Common oryx, or oryx Oryx gazella. Oryx are skilled swordsmen Oryx animal

Oryx, or oryx (genus Oryx), are large antelopes, the number of which in the 20th century. decreased greatly. One of the species, the white oryx, was almost on the verge of extinction and was saved only thanks to special international programs and captive breeding. True, CIS zoos do not have sufficient experience in keeping these animals. Only in Kaliningrad and Nikolaev they keep base (one of the subspecies of the common oryx) for a long time - without much success, however, in their breeding. However, the author of this article managed to collect interesting material on the biology of oryxes in captivity during his work as director of the zoo in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1996–2001).

There are three types of oryx. Arabian, or white,oryx (Oryx leucoryx), formerly distributed throughout the Arabian Peninsula from Mesopotamia west to the Sinai Peninsula and north to the Syrian Deserts; saber-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), inhabiting the semi-desert regions of the edges of the Sahara, and was previously found in Africa from Senegal to the Red Sea (today only a few isolated populations survive in Chad, Niger, Mali and possibly Mauritania, Western Sahara and Sudan), and common oryx(Oryx gazella). The latter is divided into three subspecies: base (O. gazella beisa), inhabiting the semi-deserts and savannas of East Africa; brush-eared oryx(O. gazella callotis), living there; gemsbok, or South African oryx(O. gazella gazella), common in the South African region and geographically isolated from other oryxes.

Externally, all oryxes are similar. They have a compact body, a powerful neck of medium length, a slightly lowered head - in general, their appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the appearance of a reindeer. This similarity is complemented by a large head and wide hooves, adapted for movement on sandy soil. Oryx's legs are high, the front ones are slightly shorter than the back ones. The horns are long, almost straight, with transverse annular projections at the bottom. The horns of females are thinner, but longer. The oryx's tail is long, with a large brush of hair at the end. A short, erect mane runs down the middle of the neck from the scruff of the neck.

Riyadh Zoo has experience in keeping and breeding all living species of oryx and four of the five known taxonomy forms, except the raceme-eared oryx.

Riyadh is located in the subtropical arid zone, in a region with an average summer temperature of +35.5 °C and a humidity of 22%, and an average winter temperature of +16.2 °C and a humidity of 55%. This climate is perfectly suitable for oryxes, since it corresponds to the conditions in their natural habitats.

In nature, oryx eat many types of plants, including grasses and branches of shrubs. Using the moisture that accumulates in plants at night, they can go without drinking for a long time (several days).

At the Riyadh Zoo, oryxes are fed hay and fresh alfalfa grass, chopped carrots and apples, lettuce and mixed feed. All enclosures constantly contain mineral blocks and small flowing pools.

White, or Arabian,oryx has the smallest size compared to other oryxes. Males reach a height of 1 m at the withers; females can be slightly larger. The general body color is white with brown stripes and spots.

The Arabian oryx is the only species of the genus living in Asia, and the rarest of the oryxes: excessive and uncontrolled shooting led to its complete extinction in nature by 1972. However, back in 1962, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the World Wildlife Fund and other institutions proposed a scheme for saving this species. Nine oryxes captured in the Arabian Rub al-Khali desert, and several more individuals from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and London Zoo, arrived at the Phoenix Zoo in the US state of Arizona. In this and other US zoos, work began on intensive breeding of white oryxes, which gave rise to new breeding groups on the Arabian Peninsula.

In the 1980s In Saudi Arabia, two research centers with oryx nurseries were created under the patronage of the Nature Conservation Commission - near Taif and Thummam. In addition, Dr. Jammaz's private nursery was established near Al-Kharj, where over 100 animals are currently kept. These nurseries use semi-free keeping of animals in large fenced areas.

In the mid-1980s. White oryxes were reintroduced into the wild in the Mahazat Al-Said Nature Reserve in Saudi Arabia. The reintroduction of white oryxes also took place in Oman, where by 1995 there were already 315 wild individuals. There are now breeding groups of these antelopes in Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Israel. The total number of the species currently exceeds
2000 and the threat of extinction of the Arabian oryx as a species no longer exists. However, work to restore its populations in its former habitats is still far from complete.

A small breeding group of oryxes (up to 10 animals) now lives at the Riyadh Zoo. In 1989–1995 Three white oryx were acquired and sired seven calves between December 1994 and May 2000. Currently, the third generation of offspring has also been obtained. In the future, the Riyadh Zoo plans to keep no more than two adult males and three to four females, and transfer the remaining animals to other nurseries in the country. This will allow us to join the common cause of preserving the species and restoring its natural populations.

From various literary sources it is known that the gestation period for oryxes can range from 240 to 300 days. Two females kept at the zoo gave birth to calves - one after 277 and 254 days, and the other after 286 and 240 days. True, in the latter case, the cub was born small and weak, could not stand on its feet and, despite all the measures taken to save it, died three days later. However, in general, a monthly difference in the duration of pregnancy even in one animal is quite possible. Variation in the timing of embryonic development (and possibly the presence of embryonic diapause) may well be an adaptation to the arid climate of the Arabian Peninsula.

An interesting feature in the behavior of Arabian oryxes, which distinguishes them from other species of these antelopes, is the pronounced aggressiveness of adult males towards humans. In this regard, at the Riyadh Zoo, three adult males are kept in isolation in the internal premises and are released into the outdoor enclosure only during the mating season (selectively, taking into account the degree of relationship between the male and the female ready for mating). In order to clean the enclosure at this time and give the animals food, the male has to be isolated again each time. This is not difficult to do - it is enough for one of the employees to appear in the right place, and the male immediately heads there with clearly aggressive intentions. I had to watch how, seeing a man in his enclosure, the male took off and literally “without understanding the road” rushed towards him and immediately attacked the door where the employee was hiding.

Of course, this behavior of animals makes it difficult to keep large numbers of them in the limited space of a zoo. And keeping males indoors for most of the year, without direct sunlight, is not optimal for them. But this is a necessary measure. For these reasons, the nursery at the King Khalid Research Center in Thummam has refused to keep adult males at all and prefers to carry out artificial insemination of females.

At the same time, in large areas, males, staying with the herd, as a rule, do not attack people. We observed this in the private nursery of Dr. Jammaz, located 120 km from Riyadh - near the city of Al-Kharja, where the number of white oryxes already significantly exceeds a hundred. The fenced territory of the nursery - with ravines, transparent groves of umbrella acacias and low rocky hills - is approximately 50 km2 in area, that is, the conditions there are close to natural. Here, together with oryxes, several species of gazelles and mountain ungulates are kept.

Saber-horned oryx- another rare species in nature, which in the near future may be endangered. The total number of animals 15–20 years ago did not exceed 10 thousand, and now it is much less - as a result of poaching, as well as competition with livestock.

The saber-horned oryx is larger than the white one - males reach a height of 120 cm at the withers. The ends of the horns of this species are slightly curved back and are similar in shape to Turkish sabers - hence the name of the animal. The coat color of the saber oryx is light fawn, almost white, with a chestnut tint on the face, neck and upper parts of the limbs.

In 1986–1987 Riyadh Zoo acquired 3 males and 4 females of this species. Subsequently, 40 calves were born at the zoo, of which 30 were over a year old. Currently, there are 6 males and 8 females, including three calves of the last litter.

Saber-horned oryxes are easier to keep than Arabian oryxes. All animals are kept together in an outdoor enclosure - including several males, between whom a strict hierarchy is established. True, during the period of heat, one of the females was observed to have fights between males, which sometimes led to serious injuries. The very method of tournament fighting is interesting - the males kneel with their front legs and try to strike the enemy’s back with their horns from above - throwing their heads back. In adult males, the back is covered with healed scars. Once, in the back of one of the released oryxes, we found a fragment of the horn of his opponent, 4 cm long.

Oryx mating occurs during the first two weeks after birth, usually from the third day, when the dominant male begins to show interest in the female, releasing appropriate pheromones. Both animals stand sideways to each other - head to tail of the partner and make circular movements, like a dancing couple. Such “dances” can last for several days. When the female comes into estrus, she allows the male to come up behind her and the male touches her hind legs with his front legs, checking her readiness. Mating lasts 10–15 s and is repeated several times a day.

According to our observations (10 cases), the average duration of pregnancy in a saber-horned oryx in the zoo is 268 days, the minimum is 242, and the maximum is 293 days. The interval between births varies from 256–259 to more than 515 days. We determined the smallest age of the female at her first mating as 1 year and 6 months.

- one of the subspecies of the third species of the genus - the common oryx. Externally, bases are similar to other oryxes, but have a dark body color. Its main tone is gray-brown with a yellowish tint. The spots and stripes on the muzzle and on the sides of the body, back, and also on the forearms are black. The lower parts of the limbs and belly of the animals are light, almost white. Unlike the white and saber-horned oryx, the baze lives in more humid habitats.
The number of bases in nature has decreased everywhere. Some time ago, the Riyadh Zoo kept several breeding individuals of this form, but then they were replaced by gemsboks.

Externally, the gemsbok is very similar to the beiza, but the overall body color is pure gray, without brownish-yellow tones. In addition, all dark areas of the body are wider than those of the base and have a more intense contrasting color. The horns of gemsboks are almost straight (in bases they are slightly curved back), the neck, especially in males, is very powerful. And in general, their exterior is more “massive”.
The gemsbok lives in the Namib and Kalahari deserts, preferring to settle in their shrub-acacia parts, where they can find enough food.
At the Riyadh Zoo, gemsboks are kept in two groups - the first (1 male with 4 females) in the open enclosure of the zoo, and the second (1 male and 2 females) in a separate enclosure in the Riyadh Municipal Park (branch of the zoo). The animals reproduce well, and to date, like the Arabian and saber-horned oryx, descendants of the third generation have already been obtained.


Common Oryx, or oryx antelope, or oryx(Oryx gazella)

Class - mammals
Order - artiodactyls

Suborder - ruminants

Family - bovids

Genus - oryx


With a height at the withers of 1.20 m, the common oryx is the largest member of the oryx genus. Both sexes have a thick neck, long and sharp horns, sometimes reaching 1.5 m, and a tail resembling a horse. Cubs, like other oryxes, are born already horned. With the exception of the undersides of the body, their coloration is brownish-beige, with prominent black stripes on the sides and upper parts of the limbs. A characteristic feature of this species of oryx is its black and white mask-like muzzle.


Oryx usually live in arid regions (deserts and semi-deserts), but are also found in savannas. Their range stretches from Ethiopia and Somalia to Namibia and South Africa.


Common oryxes prefer to eat grasses, but can also dig up roots and also feed on wild fruits. Although they occasionally drink water, they can survive without bodies of water as they rely on food to make up their water supply.

Females live in groups of up to 40 animals. Males live alone and defend their territory and all the females on it from rivals. Fights between two males follow certain ritual movements and do not turn into uncontrolled confrontation, since this could cause serious injury to each other.


There is no specific period for animals to mate. Pregnancy in these antelopes lasts from 8.5 to 10 months. 3.5 months after birth, the cub begins to eat plant foods. Sexual maturity in females occurs at the age of 1.5 to 2 years, in males - at the age of 5 years

In captivity

In zoos, oryxes are fed hay and fresh alfalfa grass, cut carrots and apples, lettuce and mixed feed. All enclosures should always have mineral blocks and small flowing pools.

Life expectancy in captivity is up to 20 years.

External signs

With a height at the withers of 1.20 m, the common oryx is the largest representative of the genus oryx, also called oryx. Both sexes have a thick neck, long and sharp horns, sometimes reaching 1.5 m, and a tail that resembles a horse. Cubs, like other oryxes, are born already horned. With the exception of the underparts, their coloration is brownish-beige, with prominent black stripes on the sides and upper parts of the limbs. A characteristic feature of this species of oryx is its black and white mask-like muzzle.


Oryx usually live in arid regions (deserts and semi-deserts), but are also found in savannas. Their range stretches from Ethiopia and Somalia to Namibia and South Africa. Theoretically, they are more widespread than the Arabian and saber-horned oryx, and they are not in danger of extinction.


Common oryxes prefer to eat grasses, but can also dig up roots and also feed on wild fruits. Although they occasionally drink water, they can survive without bodies of water as they rely on their food for their water supply.

Females live in groups of up to forty animals. Males live alone and defend their territory and all the females on it from rivals. Fights between two males follow certain ritual movements and do not turn into uncontrolled confrontation, since this could cause serious injury to each other.


The East African oryx, or light-footed beisa, is sometimes considered a separate species Oryx beisa, but more often it is considered a subspecies of the oryx. It is distributed from Ethiopia to northern Kenya. Another subspecies, the South African oryx ( Oryx gazella callotis), found in southern Kenya and Tanzania. It differs from the base by wider black horizontal stripes on the sides (in the first subspecies they are narrow).

Common oryx and man

The oryx is the personification of endurance and unpretentiousness. Therefore, he is depicted on the coat of arms of Namibia. In many regions of Africa, these oryxes still exist in large numbers. From time immemorial, local residents hunted them and used their skins for clothing, as well as their horns as spear points. Today, a total of three hundred thousand oryxes live in Africa. A small semi-wild population introduced by humans lives in the southern part of the US state of New Mexico.

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  • Wozencraft, W.C./ Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (eds). - 3rd edition. “Mommy, don’t worry about me,” Anna whispered, as if reading my thoughts. - I'm not afraid of pain. But even if it was very painful, grandfather promised to pick me up. I spoke to him yesterday. He will wait for me if you and I fail... And dad too. They will both be there waiting for me. But it will be very painful to leave you... I love you so much, mommy!..
    Anna hid in my arms, as if seeking protection... But I couldn’t protect her... I couldn’t save her. I didn't find the "key" to Karaffa...
    - Forgive me, my sunshine, I let you down. I failed us both... I couldn't find a way to destroy him. Forgive me, Annushka...
    An hour passed unnoticed. We talked about different things, without returning to the murder of the Pope, since we both knew perfectly well that today we had lost... And it didn’t matter what we wanted... Caraffa lived, and that was the worst and most important thing. We have failed to free our world from it. Failed to save good people. He lived, despite any attempts, no desires. Despite everything...
    – Just don’t give in to him, mommy!.. I beg you, just don’t give up! I know how hard it is for you. But we will all be with you. He has no right to live long! He's a killer! And even if you agree to give him what he wants, he will still destroy us. Don't agree, mom!!!
    The door opened, and Karaffa stood on the threshold again. But now he seemed very unhappy about something. And I could roughly guess what... Caraffa was no longer confident in his victory. This worried him, since he only had this last chance left.
    - So, what have you decided, Madonna?
    I mustered all my courage not to show how my voice was trembling, and said quite calmly:
    – I have already answered this question to you so many times, Holiness! What could have changed in such a short time?
    There was a feeling of fainting, but, looking into Anna’s eyes shining with pride, all the bad things suddenly disappeared somewhere... How bright and beautiful my daughter was at that terrible moment!..
    -Are you crazy, Madonna! Can you really just send your daughter to the basement?.. You know perfectly well what awaits her there! Come to your senses, Isidora!..
    Suddenly, Anna came close to Karaffa and said in a clear, ringing voice:
    – You are not a judge and not God!.. You are just a sinner! That is why the Ring of Sinners burns your dirty fingers!.. I think it is not by chance that you are wearing it... For you are the most vile of them! You won't scare me, Caraffa. And my mother will never submit to you!
    Anna straightened up and... spat in Dad's face. Caraffa turned deathly pale. I've never seen anyone turn pale so quickly! His face literally turned ashen gray in a split second... and death flashed in his burning dark eyes. Still standing in a “tetanus” from Anna’s unexpected behavior, I suddenly understood everything - she was deliberately provoking Karaffa so as not to delay!.. In order to quickly decide something and not torment me. To go to her own death... My soul was wracked with pain - Anna reminded me of the girl Damiana... She decided her fate... and I could do nothing to help. I couldn't intervene.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Scientific classification
International scientific name

Oryx gazella (Linnaeus , 1758)

Security status
K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

External signs

With a height at the withers of 1.20 m, the common oryx is the largest representative of the genus oryx, also called oryx. Both sexes are thick neck, long and sharp horns, sometimes reaching 1.5 m, as well as a tail resembling a horse. Cubs, like other oryxes, are born already horned. With the exception of the undersides of the body, their coloration is brownish-beige, with prominent black stripes on the sides and upper parts of the limbs. A characteristic feature of this species of oryx is its black and white mask-like muzzle.


Oryx usually live in arid regions ( deserts And semi-deserts), but are also found in savannahs. Their range extends from Ethiopia And Somalia to Namibia And South Africa. Theoretically, they are more widespread than the Arabian and saber-horned oryx, and they are not in danger of extinction.


Common oryxes prefer to eat grass, but they can also dig up roots and also feed on wild fruits. Although they sometimes drink water, they can go without reservoirs, since they cover their water supply from food.

Females live in groups of up to forty animals. Males live alone and defend their territory and all the females on it from rivals. Fights between two males follow certain ritual movements and do not turn into uncontrolled confrontation, since this could cause serious injury to each other.


The East African oryx, or light-footed beisa, is sometimes considered a separate species Oryx beisa, but more often it is considered a subspecies of the oryx. It is distributed from Ethiopia to northern Kenya. Another subspecies, the South African oryx ( Oryx gazella callotis), found in southern Kenya and Tanzania. It differs from the base by wider black horizontal stripes on the sides (in the first subspecies they are narrow).

Common oryx and man

The oryx is the personification of endurance and unpretentiousness. That's why he is depicted in coat of arms of Namibia. In many regions Africa these oryxes still exist in large numbers today. From time immemorial, they were hunted by local residents and used their skins for clothing, as well as their horns as points. copies. Today, a total of three hundred thousand oryxes live in Africa. Small introduced semi-wild population lives in the southern part American state New Mexico.

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  • Wozencraft, W.C./ Wilson D. E. & Reeder D. M. (eds). - 3rd edition. - Johns Hopkins University Press, November 16, 2005. - ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC

Excerpt characterizing Oryx

– Aurait on livre mon ancienne capitale sans se battre? [Have they really betrayed my ancient capital without a battle?] - the sovereign suddenly flushed and said quickly.
Michaud respectfully conveyed what he was ordered to convey from Kutuzov - namely, that it was not possible to fight near Moscow and that, since there was only one choice left - to lose the army and Moscow or Moscow alone, the field marshal had to choose the latter.
The Emperor listened in silence, without looking at Michaud.
“L"ennemi est il en ville? [Has the enemy entered the city?],” he asked.
– Oui, sire, et elle est en cendres a l"heure qu"il est. Je l "ai laissee toute en flammes, [Yes, Your Majesty, and he is turned into a conflagration at the present time. I left him in the flames.] - Michaud said decisively; but, looking at the sovereign, Michaud was horrified by what he had done. The Emperor began to breathe heavily and quickly, his lower lip trembled, and his beautiful blue eyes instantly became wet with tears.
But this lasted only one minute. The Emperor suddenly frowned, as if condemning himself for his weakness. And, raising his head, he addressed Michaud in a firm voice.
“Je vois, colonel, par tout ce qui nous arrive,” he said, “que la providence exige de grands sacrifices de nous... Je suis pret a me soumettre a toutes ses volontes; mais dites moi, Michaud, comment avez vous laisse l"armee, en voyant ainsi, sans coup ferir abandonner mon ancienne capitale? N"avez vous pas apercu du decouragement?.. [I see, Colonel, in everything that is happening, that Providence requires great sacrifices from us... I am ready to submit to his will; but tell me, Michaud, how did you abandon the army that was leaving my ancient capital without a battle? Have you noticed any loss of spirit in her?]
Seeing the calmness of his tres gracieux souverain, Michaud also calmed down, but to the sovereign’s direct, essential question, which also required a direct answer, he had not yet had time to prepare an answer.
– Sire, me permettrez vous de vous parler franchement en loyal militaire? [Sir, will you allow me to speak frankly, as befits a real warrior?] - he said to gain time.
“Colonel, je l"exige toujours,” said the sovereign. “Ne me cachez rien, je veux savoir absolument ce qu”il en est.” [Colonel, I always demand this... Don’t hide anything, I definitely want to know the whole truth.]
- Sire! - said Michaud with a thin, barely noticeable smile on his lips, having managed to prepare his answer in the form of a light and respectful jeu de mots [play on words]. - Sire! j"ai laisse toute l"armee depuis les chefs jusqu"au dernier soldat, sans exception, dans une crinte epouvantable, effrayante... [Sire! I left the entire army, from the commanders to the last soldier, without exception, in great, desperate fear...]
– Comment ca? – the sovereign interrupted, frowning sternly. – Mes Russes se laisseront ils abattre par le malheur... Jamais!.. [How so? Can my Russians lose heart before failure... Never!..]
This was just what Michaud was waiting for to insert his play on words.
“Sire,” he said with a respectful playfulness of expression, “ils craignent seulement que Votre Majeste par bonte de céur ne se laisse persuader de faire la paix.” “Ils brulent de combattre,” said the representative of the Russian people, “et de prouver a Votre Majeste par le sacrifice de leur vie, combien ils lui sont devoues... [Sir, they are afraid only that your Majesty, out of the kindness of his soul, will not decide to make peace . They are eager to fight again and prove to Your Majesty by the sacrifice of their lives how devoted they are to you...]