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How to peel porcini and boletus mushrooms. Harvesting mushrooms: pickling, freezing and drying boletus and boletus mushrooms. Dry method of processing mushrooms

Summer has not yet arrived, but mushroom pickers are already preparing baskets. And it’s not surprising, because quiet hunting can be done from May until late autumn. And if picking mushrooms at the beginning of May is for connoisseurs, then by the middle of the month you can find the well-known and beloved boletuses, and then, lo and behold, the aspen boletuses have ripened. These sponge mushrooms, along with porcini mushrooms, are considered elite. They are fried, made into soup, sauces are prepared, stewed, dried, pickled - mushrooms are suitable for any cooking method. But before that, the mushrooms need to be cleaned.

Without delaying

Mushroom pickers know that preliminary cleaning of mushrooms must be done in the forest. Even if you are a supporter of picking mushrooms by twisting them out of the mycelium, take a knife with you into the forest. It is useful for pre-processing the crop.

  1. Before putting the mushroom in the basket, remove any remaining soil, adhering twigs, leaves and needles from it.
  2. Remove the worm pulp, otherwise the worms will damage neighboring mushrooms.
  3. Get rid of poisonous and simply questionable mushrooms. It’s better to throw away ten dubious ones than to have one poisonous one end up in your trash.
  4. For mature mushrooms with a loose sponge, it is better to remove it on the spot; anyway, you will have to throw it away later. And once in the basket, the sponge tubes can tightly stick to the caps of neighboring mushrooms and will add problems to you during subsequent cleaning.
  5. It is better to throw away old and rotten mushrooms on the spot. Their taste and aroma leave much to be desired, and a shapeless, slippery mass instead of a mushroom can survive until processing.

Processing in the forest can be limited to this; the rest of the work is done at home.

Time to collect and time to clean

Unprocessed mushrooms are stored for only 6-8 hours from the moment of collection, so after a forest walk you will have to postpone rest.

The cleaning process is much less exciting than collecting, but it is not worth removing it from the mushroom processing process in order to preserve what you have collected and avoid getting food poisoning. If it is not possible to peel the mushrooms right away, place them in a cool place, maybe in the refrigerator. The optimal temperature for such storage is +2-+6 degrees.

Do not put mushrooms in bags or closed containers; air must have free access to them. Mushrooms intended for cooking can be filled with cold water.

Cleaning Instructions

Wet cleaning method

  1. First of all, the harvested crop must be sorted by type and size, and old mushrooms must be separated from young ones. Decide what the mushrooms will be used for; the processing method depends on this.
  2. The legs need to be separated from the caps, simultaneously checking for the presence of wormholes. Soak slightly wormy mushrooms in salted water - 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water. In such a font, uninvited guests will leave the mushrooms.
  3. Clean the legs from outer fibers by scraping them with a knife. Many people believe that there is no need to clean their feet.

    Yes, this does not affect the taste of the dish, but it should be remembered that mushrooms have the ability to absorb all contaminants and, first of all, they concentrate on the outer layer. In addition, when cooking unpeeled legs, the broth will begin to turn black.

  4. Remove wormy and darkened pulp.
  5. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove debris and dirt from the caps. The skin cannot be removed from them.
  6. The sponge of mature mushrooms is cut off. The fact is that fungus gnat larvae often lay in it. And the sponge of mature mushrooms itself accumulates spores that are poorly digested. And when cooked, the sponge becomes like mucus.
  7. Peeled mushrooms are cut into pieces and washed with running water.

Advice! Dirt from mushroom caps is easier to remove if you soak them in cold water. After 30 minutes or one hour, the stains will easily come off. Only young, strong mushrooms can be soaked; old ones absorb water strongly and become limp.

Video: how to properly peel mushrooms

Nuances of further processing for different cooking methods

  • Boletuses and boletuses intended for drying are processed in a dry way; they cannot be washed or soaked.
  • Mushrooms that have been saturated with water will be impossible to dry; they will become limp and spoiled. The hats and legs are thoroughly cleaned with a dry cloth or brush. Only young and non-wormy mushrooms with dense pulp are selected for drying. Before freezing fresh mushrooms
  • also do not wash or soak. When frozen, the absorbed water will break the mushroom fibers and their quality will deteriorate. If boiled mushrooms are frozen, they are processed as usual.
  • It is better to remove the skin from the cap of boletus intended for frying - it becomes tough when frying.

Dry method of processing mushrooms

This method is used for mushrooms intended for drying and freezing.

  1. Use a dry sponge or brush to remove small debris, lumps of earth, needles, and leaves.
  2. Clean off heavily adhered leaves and debris from the cap with a knife. It happens that a sponge cannot cope with this task.
  3. Scrape the leg to remove upper layer.
  4. Cut off parts that are damaged or eaten by insects and rodents.

After this, the mushrooms can be cut and dried or frozen.

This is interesting! There is an opinion that eating boletus helps cleanse the blood and reduce cholesterol levels. Boletus mushrooms are recommended to be consumed for kidney diseases.

Video: how to clean and prepare boletus and boletus mushrooms for pickling

When picking mushrooms, be careful. As tasty as these forest guests are, they are also insidious. Poisoning with mushrooms, even edible ones, is not uncommon. That is why it is so important not to bring a poisonous mushroom in a basket, and also to process the harvest correctly and on time.

Picking mushrooms is a favorite pastime of many people who prefer to enjoy the great taste of dishes prepared from them. Boiled, fried, canned, salted and pickled mushrooms will qualitatively diversify the menu and become a decoration for any table. Useful vitamins and microelements contained in this seasonal product will improve your health. However, before starting cooking, the mushrooms must be cleaned. You will learn how to do this correctly from this material.

Features of boletus and boletus

Among the wide variety of types of mushrooms, boletuses and boletuses, which grow mainly in deciduous forests, are held in particular esteem by mushroom pickers.

Boletus - tasty and healthy mushrooms

Their beautiful and neat caps, sticking out in the leaves and grass, instantly attract the attention of lovers of “quiet hunting”, eager to fill their baskets to the top with this valuable and useful product.

You can prepare many delicious dishes from boletus mushrooms.

Acting as a real storehouse of useful elements, boletus and boletus contain:

  • proteins - 36%;
  • fat -5%;
  • sugar –15%;
  • fiber - 23%.

As well as a number of vitamins belonging to group B and microelements, including:

  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

Being complete, the proteins of these mushrooms are easily broken down and absorbed in a short period of time. This is due to their special the nutritional value. In addition, by consuming boletus and boletus, you can effectively remove toxins from the body, as well as cure some kidney diseases.

How to clean boletus and boletus mushrooms

Traditionally, the caps and stems of these mushrooms are used in cooking. In this case, the mushrooms must first be washed and thoroughly cleaned, and then heat treated. Particular attention should be paid to the legs, since the caps, in most cases, are simply washed. Before cooking and frying, these mushrooms can be soaked in water for several hours. However, if you want to dry or freeze them, you should not do this. Thanks to careful pre-processing, a dish prepared from these products will have excellent taste.

Cleaning mushrooms is a mandatory procedure

It is for this reason that proper cleaning of boletuses and boletuses has special meaning. Some mushroom pickers prefer not to peel off the top layer from the stems of this type of mushroom, limiting themselves to only thorough washing. However, it is worth considering that the upper part that is not removed can cause a bitter taste.

Pre-cleaning of mushroom caps in the forest

There are several general rules cleaning mushrooms, regardless of their type. The first stage of cleaning takes place directly in the forest, before the handsome boletuses and boletuses end up in your basket. When carefully picking the mushroom, it is necessary to remove forest debris from it in the form of twigs, leaves and dried soil. Then, carefully inspect it for the presence of worms and damaged areas, which should be removed with a knife.

Primary cleaning of mushrooms is carried out directly in the forest

The process of washing caps and cleaning mushroom stems at home

The second stage of cleaning is usually started at home. It should be remembered that the collected mushrooms must be processed as soon as possible, otherwise, after six hours, they will begin to deteriorate.

Before starting cleaning, it is advisable to sort the mushrooms, and also carefully check again to see if there are any areas left infested with worms on each of them. Then you can begin the process of deeper and more thorough cleaning. Cleaning boletus and boletus has its own individual characteristics.

At home, mushrooms are cleaned more thoroughly

Cleaning boletus mushrooms

To clean boletus mushrooms you will need:

  • a sharp knife with a small blade;
  • Toothbrush.

    To clean boletus mushrooms you will need a knife and a toothbrush.

How else can you clean and cook boletus mushrooms - video

Cleaning the boletus

When cleaning boletus mushrooms you will need:

After completing the cleaning process, all mushrooms must be thoroughly washed. To do this, immerse them in cold salted water for about 30 minutes. This will protect the harvested crop from darkening. In this case, 1 tablespoon of salt is used per liter of water. Then rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in clean running water. This procedure is recommended if the harvested mushrooms are planned to be boiled, fried or pickled.

If you plan to dry or freeze boletus and boletus mushrooms, you should make do with dry cleaning. For this purpose, you can use a dry, clean cloth to wipe the mushroom caps, or a toothbrush.

Is it worth removing the bottom spongy layer of the fungus?

The spongy layer of the mushroom located under the cap is edible. Whether to remove it or not, everyone decides individually. However, very often traces of various insects may be found underneath it. For this reason, many believe that it is still necessary to remove it. After completing the cleaning, you should once again thoroughly rinse the mushrooms under running water and proceed to their heat treatment.

How to clean different types of mushrooms - video

Thanks to properly carried out cleaning, boletus and boletus collected in the forest will be completely ready for further processing. By performing this procedure efficiently, you will provide mushroom dishes with an exceptional taste and also prevent sand from getting into them. Tasty and healthy, these mushrooms will be a worthy decoration for the table, providing you with vitamins and nutrients.

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From mid-summer until late autumn, the quiet hunting season continues, when people with entire families flock to the forest not only to harvest mushrooms, but also to enjoy nature and breathe fresh air, see the amazing beauty of the autumn forest. But it’s still much more pleasant to leave the forest with baskets full of mushrooms, and then enjoy these amazing forest gifts all winter.

Boletus is a delicious and healthy mushroom that is worth tearing yourself away from your cozy sofa. It is equally good fried, dried or pickled.

How to distinguish boletus from false boletus

The forest is a big and wonderful world, fraught with a lot of beauty, but it also hides a lot of dangers. It is known that poisoning with poisonous mushrooms very often ends in death, therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine each collected specimen, and put in your basket only those that do not cause any suspicion.

The first boletus flowers appear in mid-summer and grow until late autumn. The very name of the mushroom suggests that it prefers to live under birch trees, but can also be found under aspen trees and in open meadows. In appearance, the boletus has a discreet grayish color; the cap can be from white to brown. The mushroom stem is usually white and is covered with longitudinal grayish scales - the coloring is somewhat reminiscent of birch bark.

In addition to true boletus, false boletus is also quite common; sometimes they are also called gall mushroom. This poisonous specimen successfully disguises itself as a real one and can easily deceive an inexperienced mushroom picker. Just one such mushroom is enough to give any prepared dish an unpleasant bitter taste.

Home distinctive feature The false boletus is that it is not eaten by worms, so it is always smooth and beautiful. If you come across an absolutely pure mushroom, take a closer look at it, perhaps it only looks like it’s edible.

Carefully inspect the leg - the false boletus does not have a speckled net, similar to the colors of the birch. The veins of the false mushroom are more like a blood artery. Now we carefully examine the cap - if its bottom is pink, then the mushroom can be safely thrown away. True boletus does not have pink tints. If the cap is broken off, the break will also be pink, but on a real mushroom the break should be white.

In addition, the cap of the false mushroom always has a greenish impurity, and it is somewhat velvety to the touch. The true boletus has a smooth cap of a brown or grayish tint.

If the picked mushroom is still in doubt, you can try to lick it - the gall mushroom will taste very bitter.

How to properly clean boletus mushrooms

When you come home tired after a “quiet hunt”, do not rush to your favorite sofa, because boletus mushrooms, like all fresh mushrooms, cannot be stored fresh for a long time - a maximum of 5-6 hours.

Boletus mushrooms brought home should be carefully inspected for worms and all damaged parts should be cut off. At the same time, we remove all stuck needles, moss and other forest debris. To dry clean mushrooms, you can use a dry, lint-free cloth or a regular toothbrush.

Further cleaning will depend on whether the mushrooms are planned to be dried or heat treated. If drying is planned, then we limit ourselves to dry cleaning., since soaked mushrooms will dry for a very long time and most likely will rot safely.

Video recipe for the occasion:

If mushrooms are consumed fresh or pickled, they pre-soak for half an hour in cold, lightly salted water- one tablespoon per liter of water is enough. After soaking, the mushrooms will be much easier to peel.

Just like some types of mushrooms, boletus mushrooms have a telling name. What does it mean? The fact that the name of the mushroom tells where it grows, where, accordingly, it is worth looking for and collecting, and also what is a 100% guideline that guarantees the presence of a truly rich mushroom place. For example, boletus is a mushroom that grows in the forest, aspen boletus grows near aspen trees, and birch groves are rich in the boletus mushrooms discussed in our case. This article will tell you what to do with boletus mushrooms after harvesting.

When going in search of these forest beauties, you should pay attention to shady places near the trees. It’s not for nothing that these gifts of the forest received such a name. As practice proves, in most cases it is simply impossible to find an impressive mushroom catch in sunny meadows and open areas.

In groves or deciduous forests, these mushrooms can be found in several types:

  • ordinary;
  • multi-colored;
  • ash gray;
  • blackening (chessboard);
  • white (swamp);
  • black.

All fruits, in addition to the color of the caps, which is already clear from the name of each species, also differ in their place of growth. Despite this, the method of cleaning and pre-preparing the collected fruits for further manipulation is the same for all varieties.

Collected fresh boletus mushrooms should be carefully removed from the basket or basket and laid out on a wide horizontal surface, having previously covered it with newspaper, oilcloth or a piece of dry cloth. Immediately after harvesting, even before you begin to process the forest crop, you should:

  1. carefully examine all the arranged boletus mushrooms;
  2. clean the caps from adhering cobwebs, leaves, forest debris and other contaminants;
  3. process the legs of the boletus mushrooms, carefully removing the remaining soil, dirt, foliage and the remaining part of the mycelium using a knife;
  4. It would be correct to once again inspect all the mushrooms and assess the degree of damage and the presence of putrefactive formations.

What to do if the mushrooms turn out to be wormy

After carefully examining the fruits, you need to make sure that they are not wormy. To do this, it is enough to either cut the mushroom or simply break it. It is very important to check for damage to both the cap and the stem of the boletus. Completely wormy mushrooms should not be subjected to further processing, much less cooking. The best solution in such a situation would be to get rid of them.

How to wash properly

Proper processing of boletus mushrooms also includes the second stage. Now you need to properly wash the boletus mushrooms in regular water. What recommendations are there in this regard? Use the following proven tips:

  • It is best to use running water (regular tap water) at a cool temperature;
  • During the washing process, additional cleaning of boletus mushrooms is carried out, where, using a small knife, a kitchen scraper or a hard foam sponge, small contaminants and adhering particles are removed from the surface of the mushroom.

After all the manipulations have been carried out, you can begin to further prepare the mushrooms.

Do I need to soak and how to do it?

Is it necessary to soak boletus mushrooms if they are not canned? The question is controversial. Experts in the mushroom business and preparations claim that almost any mushroom should be pre-soaked:

  • you can soak mushrooms in order to rid the fruits of the bitter taste;
  • since any mushroom, including boletus mushrooms, is a natural sponge that absorbs harmful substances found both in air environment, and in the soil, then the fruits should be soaked to avoid possible poisoning, harmful effects on the body, cleansing products from questionable components.

Such processing of boletus mushrooms requires special attention if you plan to prepare the fruit for long-term storage, that is, you have chosen one of various canning recipes.

Boletus can be grown in several accessible and relatively uncomplicated ways:

  • Preparing for the winter using the pickling method.
  • Preparations for lovers of savory appetizers and salads with the addition of herbs and spices.
  • Canning semi-finished products. In this case, clean and washed mushrooms are fried in oil with the addition of salt, spices and herbs (to taste) and then, when semi-prepared, they are rolled into jars and placed in the refrigerator or cellar.
  • You can simply peel and wash the boletus mushrooms, cut them into pieces of the desired size and freeze them raw.
  • A favorite preparation is the usual drying of fruits, which saves cooks from unnecessary hassle and long preparations.

What to do with mushrooms: processing

There are some tricks that allow you not only to prepare a mushroom dish correctly and tasty, but also to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. Such rules include the following:

  • If the mushroom is whole, undamaged, but still appears to be old, you should always completely remove the spore-bearing core, located at the very bottom of the stem of the fruit.
  • Old ripened boletus mushrooms are healthy and tasty, but if the cap of the mushroom is covered with mucus and is unnaturally soft, then this indicates a long period of ripening. In this case, it is better to completely remove such areas.
  • You can save yourself and your loved ones from intestinal disorders and possible poisoning by completely removing all ripe spores from mushrooms. As a rule, their increased content is observed in plates and sponges. The thing is that this part is practically not digested by the human body, and therefore can be harmful to health.
  • There is an opinion among experienced mushroom pickers that peeled, processed and washed boletus mushrooms should be immersed in ice water. It is enough to wait 30-40 minutes and continue cooking.
  • Regardless of the recipe, many experts still advise soaking the mushrooms in cold water. It is often recommended to soak the fruits even before cleaning, in order to facilitate the removal of leaves, sand, soil and remnants of forest herbs.
  • Before implementing any canning recipe, you can immerse boletus mushrooms in cold water, changing it 3-4 times.
  • When soaking, you can add a small amount of ordinary table salt, thereby providing basic measures for disinfecting the prepared products.

The secret that our grandmothers used was to add a regular onion while cooking the mushrooms. Excessive darkening or blackening of the bulb indicates unsafe use, maintenance harmful substances and possibly poisons. What to do with mushrooms that have such a “symptom”? It's better to throw it away so as not to endanger your family.

There are many options for preparing boletus mushrooms and various recipes. Among them, everyone will find something to their liking for themselves and their loved ones.

Mushrooms are a product that almost everyone loves to eat. Dishes prepared from boletus and any other mushrooms are very healthy, because they are rich in a large amount of vitamins and microelements, and a lot of easily digestible vegetable protein. When collecting boletus mushrooms, you should take into account that they will need to be properly processed and prepared. As practice shows, not every lover of the product knows how to clean boletus mushrooms quickly and efficiently.

The boletus mushroom is widespread in Russian territory. It has excellent taste and contains many useful substances. These are vitamins: B, D, E, C – and minerals (phosphorus).

In terms of its beneficial properties and nutritional merits, boletus is practically not inferior to porcini mushroom. Where does it grow? In birch forests, shelter belts, various soils, clearings, edges. Boletus mushrooms are collected from May to October.

There are many different types of mushrooms, but the boletus mushroom is the largest. It has a convex cushion-shaped cap of various colors: gray, brown, brown. The leg is often long, slightly thickened at the bottom, and its color is often white-gray. When cut, the pulp does not change color. It is white, dense structure.

The boletus is considered the most delicious mushroom. They are eaten fried, pickled, raw, and also used for drying.

Experienced mushroom pickers know that boletus is considered an elite species. Any dishes made from it are very tasty and aromatic. The skills of how to clean boletus mushrooms and knowledge of cooking recipes will help you make a good dish or prepare mushrooms for the winter.

Mushroom cleaning procedure

How to properly clean boletus mushrooms, should they be washed and is it necessary to do this at all? These questions are of interest to most housewives who like to add mushrooms to food and prepare them for the winter.

After picking or purchasing mushrooms, it is important to process them as quickly as possible. Such a product cannot be stored for a long time, so it is better to fry or dry them. This must be done to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties.

To properly clean mushrooms after picking, you should know where they grew.

Mushrooms from the forest should be cleared of debris, grass, and other elements. The specificity is that all dirt is removed quickly and easily. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning and washing the legs - dirt leaves the caps almost immediately. To make sure that there are no worms in the boletus, you need to make an incision into the pulp.

Cleaning the boletus mushrooms that were collected in the clearing is a little different. Due to the open area, there is mostly no dirt on the mushrooms, but despite this, there is dust and leaves. In this case, you need to scrape well with a knife to remove any stuck debris. All damaged areas, if present, are also removed.

Initially, before you start cleaning, you need to select mushrooms according to the following criteria:

  1. Size.
  2. Age.
  3. Quality.

How to clean boletus? The stages of cleansing are as follows:

  • you will need a knife, an unnecessary toothbrush;
  • needles, leaves, small forest debris are removed from the cap and stem with a brush;
  • the lower base needs to be cut off, then a little higher, go around with a knife in a circle, removing dirt;
  • clean the entire leg, removing the skin;
  • cut the cap and stem in half, checking for the presence of worms;
  • cut the peeled product into pieces of the required size.

If the boletus is young and strong, it is put aside, as it will quickly clear itself. But large, old mushrooms will need to be cleaned more carefully.

Do not forget about the possible presence of worms; they are often found in the leg. The wormy mushroom needs to be soaked in salted cold water (the solution will require a liter of water and 2 tablespoons of salt) or throw it away.

If the product is not to be fried, and the mushrooms will be dried, then you need to choose the strongest ones from the collected boletus mushrooms, without the worm. You cannot remove dirt by soaking, because then the mushrooms will not dry well and, most likely, will become unfit for consumption. Boletus mushrooms that will be dried are recommended to be cleaned of dirt using a dry cloth or scraped off with a knife.

Very dirty boletus mushrooms and those mushrooms that are to be boiled or fried must be soaked in water for an hour. Then rinse well and proceed to subsequent processing.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the product quickly absorbs any debris. Therefore, you should cast aside all doubts about whether it is necessary to clean the mushrooms or whether you can just wash them.

If boletus is not washed or poorly processed, the taste characteristics and quality of the prepared dish can be ruined. Problems with the stomach and intestines are also possible.

You can cook or fry boletus mushrooms only when they are completely peeled.

To preserve the product in the freezer, you need to cook it in salted water for 20 minutes twice.

Cooking Basics

This mushroom is a real find for those people who take care of their health, since the presence useful properties in boletus mushrooms is many times higher than the norm.

Fried, pickled, salted, dried, boiled mushrooms are used as food.

It is necessary to boil or fry the product immediately to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins. For cooking, you can use only the caps or mix them with the legs. They will be equally high in taste and value.

Boletus mushrooms should be cooked before salting, just as before using mushrooms for frying, so as not to encounter poisoning.

To dry the product for the winter, you will need to use an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Before cooking, the caps and legs are separated from each other and placed on a baking sheet. Drying lasts for an hour at a temperature of 120 degrees. The readiness of the boletus is determined by the cap: it should break.

In addition to drying, mushrooms are used to prepare soup, which turns out aromatic and tasty. They can also be roasted for the winter.

It is important to remember: the more thoroughly the product is cleaned, the tastier the prepared dish will be.