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Fortune telling cat's house on the mirror. Online fortune telling on the mirror. Fortune telling in the mirror about future events

Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered a magical object that opens the entrance to the other world. Surely, you are familiar with the signs associated with this piece of furniture, which is found in every home. For example, it is customary to cover reflective surfaces in a house where a family member has died, so that his soul does not get lost in the mirrored corridor. Breaking a mirror is considered a bad omen, and you can bring even more serious trouble upon yourself by looking into its fragments. But, nevertheless, since ancient times, fortune telling on a mirror for one’s betrothed has been very popular. And today we will tell you about several ways to carry it out.

Why do they tell fortunes on mirrors?

As we have already said, mirrors have always been considered a magical object. They connect our reality with the other world. There is a belief that spirits and entities from the astral world can pass through a reflective surface into our world. That is why these items must be handled with extreme caution. People with extrasensory perception are able to read events of the past and future from mirrors, and black magicians and sorcerers often use them in their magical rituals, for example, when casting a love spell or casting spells. In most fortune telling, in addition to mirrors, candles are used - they are also considered a magical element belonging to the element of fire. A candle flame absorbs negative energy and also “illuminates” entities and spirits, thereby giving them a visible form.

In ancient times, to tell fortunes using mirrors and candles, girls went to deserted, dark places, for example, locked themselves in a bathhouse or barn. Today it is not at all necessary to look for abandoned or separate buildings, because you can tell fortunes inside your own apartment when no one is home, or simply by locking yourself in the bathroom. But, be that as it may, “mirror” fortune-telling is considered a rather dangerous ritual, in which a person comes into contact with the other world, looks into it, so you need to have enough fearlessness to decide to find out your future in this way.

Traditional ancient fortune telling for a betrothed “Mirror Corridor”

This predictive ritual is considered the most terrible and mystical. Even in ancient times, not every girl dared to carry out such a fortune-telling, and those who found the courage sometimes asked their girlfriends to stand nearby, for example, near a bathhouse or barn, so that if something went wrong, they could call them for help.

Fortune telling on the mirror for the betrothed is carried out as follows. The fortuneteller must be alone. She needs to prepare two mirrors and two candles. When midnight comes, she needs to turn off the lights in the entire apartment, place one mirror opposite the other, light two candles on both sides of them so that the reflection creates a mirrored corridor. If you have a large mirror hanging on the wall, you can put candles near it and simply approach it, holding a small one in your hands - you will get a large corridor illuminated with lights.

After the mirror passage is created, the girl must focus on its end, mentally or out loud call her betrothed three times, for example, “Betrothed-mummer, come and show yourself to me!” or “Betrothed-mummer, come to my place for dinner!”, and then silently and without moving contemplate the mirror space until the reflective surface begins to blur and become cloudy. After some time (it can take five minutes or half an hour), the fortuneteller will see the face or silhouette of her betrothed in the mirror. As soon as she quickly examines it, you need to cross yourself, say the phrase “mind me” or “mind this place” three times, then quickly put out the candles and turn on the light. It is believed that the devil himself actually comes along the mirrored corridor, taking on the image of the future groom, so you should not look at the image that appears for too long. And sometimes you can even see some strange or scary pictures, so such fortune telling is contraindicated for impressionable people.

This fortune-telling is carried out on the mirror for the betrothed at Christmas or Christmastide. It is, of course, less scary than the previous one, but it is also not for the faint of heart. On the night before Christmas or at any midnight of Christmastide, a girl should sit all alone at the table, placing a mirror and a candle in front of her, then peer into the reflective surface and invite her future lover to have dinner with the phrase “Mummer, come to me for dinner!” Next, you just need to look intently at the mirror, without being distracted by anything. After some time (after five or more minutes) she will see the face of the man who should become her husband. After this, as with the previous fortune telling, you need to cross yourself and say “out of this place!” three times.

However, if you are not afraid of the other world, you can wait a little and see what happens next. They say that the devil in the form of a lover can show brave girls some thing of their betrothed, for example, a ring, a handkerchief or a pocket knife. He will pull it out of the mirror and place it on the table in front of the fortuneteller. If you cross yourself and say a “dispelling” phrase after this, the devil will disappear, and the thing will remain in our world. It is believed that at this moment the man destined for the girl by fate actually loses this object, and when they meet, he will certainly recognize it.

Since ancient times, crossroads have been considered a mystical place. Standing at a crossroads, one could read conspiracies, perform magical rituals, and even summon the most evil spirit. At the crossroads you can see your future lover. To do this you need: on a clear night, when the Moon or the month is clearly visible in the sky, come to the crossroads of four roads with a small mirror in your pocket. Standing so that the crescent moon is behind you, you need to take out a mirror, look into it and say the phrase “My betrothed, show yourself in the mirror!” three times. They say that within a few minutes you can see the face of your future spouse.

The most suitable time for this prediction is Holy Week. One day you need to go into the forest and collect spruce branches. Before you go to bed, take out a small pocket mirror and write on it the name of the man you like or a question such as “Will I get married this year?” This is what fortune telling on a mirror for your betrothed looks like: place a mirror with an inscription under the pillow or under the bed, place fir branches around the sleeping bed and calmly go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, take out the mirror and look at it: if the inscription has disappeared, the answer to your question is “yes”, if it remains, “no”. If you simply wrote the man’s name, then the erased inscription will indicate that he is your future spouse, but if the letters remain, alas, this is not your chosen one.

You will need a candle, a mirror and regular salt. In the dead of night, turn off the lights, sit at the table, place a mirror and a flat plate in front of it. Place a handful of salt on a plate. Then light a candle, take it and start dripping melting wax onto the salt pile, while thinking about the person you feel sympathy for. Continue the procedure for about five minutes. Then look at the resulting reflection of the salt and wax. The shape of the shadow will tell you what to expect from this relationship.

The meaning of figures when divining on a mirror:

  • Ring - for marriage
  • Ship or boat - to parting
  • A flower or bouquet - to receive a gift from a loved one
  • Tree - you will become pregnant from this man
  • Clouds - your dreams of an affair with him will remain only dreams
  • Figure of a man - you will meet another
  • Female figure - he loves another woman
  • Dog - there will be only friendship between you
  • Snake - you have envious people who will interfere with the relationship

Other symbols can be read intuitively. Don't be afraid to use your own associations.
“Mirror” fortune telling has not lost its popularity for several centuries. Such a long period suggests that these predictions are indeed true. Try at least one of them to be sure!

Observing mirrors is one of the options for fortune telling. Long ago, in Ancient China, people used mirrors that were made of polishing bronze. Many claim that they can be seen as a reflection of the demon himself. In the 14th century, witches began using onyx mirrors. It was this that helped evil women keep in touch with the spirits.

At all times, the mirror was almost the most dangerous and mystical object that was used in fortune telling. Also, such fortune telling was considered the most accurate way to keep in touch with different “forces” during Christmas time.

All people who want to indulge in fortune telling or have fun should know that this can lead to serious consequences, because there are many examples when girls after such actions remained unconscious for a long time or suffered a mental disorder.

Therefore, such fortune telling is also not recommended for the faint of heart.

Since ancient times, a mirror has been considered a kind of border that separates the world of spirits, extraneous forces and our real world. Therefore, very often a large number of different customs or folk signs are associated with mirrors. For example, we all know that a mirror cannot be broken, otherwise disaster awaits. Or they say that you should not look at yourself during a thunderstorm. These are not all the signs that are some kind of “horror stories” for people. However, all this is not just made up, but passed down from ancestors, who probably had confirmation of these signs.

What types of fortune telling on a mirror are there?

There are several ways to look into the future using fortune telling on a mirror. For example, fortune telling with candles on a mirror. The girl must go into an empty room, taking with her a mirror and a candle. Having sat down more comfortably and having placed all the utensils in their places, the fortuneteller repeats the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.” After about five minutes, the surface of the glass gradually begins to fade, and the girl wipes it with a special towel until it returns to normal. After which, she should see the facial features of her groom, and then she should shout: “Cheer out of this place!” After this, the devil, who took on the image of his betrothed, will disappear.

If you don’t rush to shy away, then the groom or the devil who has taken on his appearance will stop looking and come out of the mirror. He will sit next to the girl, take out a knife or other item from his pocket and put it on the table. If in this case the bride enchants him and he disappears, the remaining thing will serve as proof of what happened.

If you believe popular superstitions, this loss will actually happen to the groom, whose image was seen in the mirror.

The second fortune telling with a mirror by candlelight is no less effective. In the case when fortune telling occurs on a mirror by candlelight, the girl must lock herself alone in the bathroom or bathhouse by 12 o'clock at night. For this ritual you will need two mirrors of equal size, which are installed opposite each other and illuminated with candles. Pre-reflective surfaces must be cleaned. After installing the “mirror corridor”, the woman should look into it, without looking away and, if possible, blink less. After some time, the same betrothed should appear, for whose sake these actions are taking place.

However, you can find out your fate without a mirror; fortune telling with a candle will help with this. On October 14, during the intercession, the girls ran to the church and lit a candle in honor of the holiday.

There is a superstition that whoever manages to light a candle first will get married first.

Afterwards, people recognized their fate by the flame of the candle. For example, if it is quiet, it means that life will be smooth, without any ups or downs. A white flame meant an interesting life, a red flame meant grief, a yellow flame meant joy, and if soot was present, then the girl had to expect some kind of misfortune.

Features of fortune telling on the mirror

When fortune telling on mirrors, it is worth knowing some rules. For example, if you read somewhere some method of fortune telling, then in no case should you do it “your way,” but you should strictly adhere to all the points. Otherwise, it can lead to bad and sometimes fatal consequences.

People have long endowed the mirror with witchcraft powers; it was a guide to another world, inaccessible to mere mortals. Fortune telling on a fateful mirror is a powerful type of witchcraft. With its help you can see the future, the image of your betrothed, get answers to important questions, etc.

However, magical rituals on the mirror are considered not only powerful, but also very scary, so in order to prevent the irreparable, you must follow the instructions.

Mostly, witchcraft with mirrors is performed by girls and women who want to find out what fate has in store for them.

Witchcraft on the mirror

Mandatory conditions that must be observed are privacy and a certain time of 12 o'clock at night. This kind of fortune telling using a magic mirror was most often carried out by village girls. They locked themselves in the bathhouse, took off all their clothes and placed 2 mirrors and 2 candlesticks with candles on both sides of the mirror on the table. One of the mirrors (the larger one) was installed with the reflective side towards itself, and the second (smaller) opposite the first, so that a long corridor was formed, going far into infinity.

The ritual could be performed in dim light, but always in complete silence and solitude. While the girl was aligning the mirrors, she had to say the magic words:

“My betrothed, mummer! Come, show yourself to me (your name) in this mirror.”

The betrothed could appear immediately, but sometimes you had to wait. It was believed that the young man stood behind the girl’s shoulders, and his reflection could be seen in the mirrored corridor.

If the girl was not frightened by his appearance, then she carefully examined all the facial features of her betrothed, as well as the color of his hair, clothes, etc., and then said loudly: “Never mind this place.” After the words were spoken, the vision should have disappeared. If the girl did not have time to say these words, then they said that otherworldly spirits could thus get into the world of the living and do all sorts of nasty things.

In the modern world, this fortune telling is also very popular, only now girls do not need to strip naked and lock themselves in a bathhouse. It is enough to wait until midnight and retire to an empty room.

There is an opinion that if you concentrate your attention very much on any fixed point, then many people experience signs of forgetting or sleep, during which they can faint, they also lose their hearing for a moment and their thoughts become confused.
In this regard, the fortuneteller may develop various images from his fantasies, in many cases the most unexpected. Therefore, impressionable girls are not recommended to perform the ritual with a mirror, since fright from what they see can harm the entire body.

Other methods of witchcraft with a mirror

Fortune telling with a wax candle

It is necessary to draw 13 small crosses on the mirror with a wax candle and place it on a clean table without oilcloth and tablecloth, and place one candle on both sides. Then put a pinch of salt and a container of water (glass or cup) on the table. Next, the girl needs to sit comfortably at the table, light the candles and say the following words 13 times:

“A mirror is like a lake, fire is a mighty force, salt is bitter tears, tell me what awaits me ahead.”

After the words have been spoken, the girl needs to eat salt, quickly wash it down with water and carefully peer into the depths of the mirror. Different visions may appear in it. If this does not happen within 15 minutes, then you need to turn it over with the reflective surface down and, without talking to anyone, go to bed. In a dream, the fortuneteller must see her future.

Read the spell, directing energy to the mirror

Fortune telling with incense

This fortune telling with incense and mirror should begin around 24.00. You need to cover the table with a clean (preferably new) tablecloth, close all the windows in the room with curtains. Place 2 shallow plates on the table, put a small piece of incense in them and light a candle. Next, you need to pronounce the spell words, and during the pronunciation, take incense from one plate, then from the other, and bring it to the candle flame, saying:

“They get along with sacred incense in the temple, but at home they are ruled by illness, and on the Nativity of Christ they are allowed to tell fortunes with it. Frankincense, sacred incense, it would be nice for you to tell fortunes, I would like to know the whole truth. Just as this incense is holy, pure and honest, so be honest with me. Amen".

Having said the last words of the spell, you need to leave one piece of incense on the table, and put the other at the head of your bed and then go to bed. In a dream, a girl must see her destiny. Thus, in ancient times, fortune telling was mainly done before moving to another place or weddings.

Fortune telling with a pocket mirror

On the surface of the pocket mirror you need to write what you want to see in your dream. For example, if a girl wants to know how the relationship with her loved one will develop further, then she needs to write the word “love”, but if she is interested in a financial issue, the word “money”, etc. After this, the mirror should be wrapped in clean cotton cloth and placed under the pillow overnight. You must dream of either a specific answer to the question posed, or it may appear in the form of some symbols, etc. You may also dream of a hint for solving the problem that has arisen.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

The girl needs to take a mirror and on a clear night go to the crossroads and stand so that the new moon is reflected in the mirror. Then say the words:

“My betrothed, my beloved, show yourself to me in my mirror.”

After the charming words, the girl’s future husband should appear in the mirror. You can look at it for no more than one minute, and then say “Forget me,” thank the month for its help and go home without looking back.

Basic rules of fortune telling

Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to obtain knowledge about the future. A type of magic. They include occult methods, techniques and rituals that exist in the cultures of many peoples and supposedly make it possible to find out future or simply unknown facts.

Ancient written sources about the Slavs preserve information about some types of fortune telling. Thus, Procopius of Caesarea (6th century) testified that the Sklavins and Antes performed fortune telling during sacrifices to the deities. The casting of lots before the start of responsible acts is spoken of in the chronicle of Thietmar (11th century) and in the writings of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (10th century). A wide variety of methods of fortune telling are mentioned in Western Slavic acts of processes of the 16th-17th centuries. about witchcraft: throwing bones, beans, casting wax or tin, fortune-telling by the entrails of animals, by shadows, by the Psalter, etc. These and other techniques of medieval fortune-telling were reflected in the monuments of Slavic literature, specifically intended for predicting the future.

Fortune telling allows a person to find out the future and adjust something in his destiny, to solve certain problems. In addition, fortune telling rituals, if performed regularly, develop intuition. But for them to be effective and at the same time safe, special rules must be followed.

Slavic fortune-telling is carried out on certain days, when a channel connecting the real world with the other world opens (on Christmastide, Epiphany, etc.). If you need to perform the fortune telling ritual at another time, you should keep in mind that it is best to do this during the full moon. Thanks to the influence of the moon, the energy on which magical actions depend is enhanced. During the full moon, intuition sharpens and a person’s connection with invisible spheres strengthens. During this period, the most effective rituals are aimed at increasing (attracting money, increasing attractiveness, etc.). It should be borne in mind that when the moon is full, the well-being of people suffering from hypertension, as well as those who react too strongly to stress, worsens.

Not all full moon days are good for fortune telling. Fortune telling rituals are best performed on the second, fifth, sixth, tenth, twelfth and thirteenth days of the lunar month. But even at this time, the effectiveness of the ritual will depend on the weather. It is better to tell fortunes on quiet, clear nights, and if the weather is rainy or just cloudy, the ritual should be postponed. Certain days of the week are also unlucky for fortune telling. It is not recommended to perform the ceremony on Friday or Saturday.

Not all months of the year are suitable for certain types of fortune telling. Thus, rituals for well-being and wealth are best carried out in October, November or February. January is the best month to determine life expectancy. Esotericists advise fortune telling about love and marriage in April, and for making decisions in July. It is undesirable to perform a fortune-telling ritual in the presence of people who regard magical actions with ridicule or distrust.

It is necessary to prepare for the ritual of fortune telling. To remove obstacles to the path of magical energy, you need to loosen your hair, untie the knots on your clothes, remove your belt, foreign jewelry (especially chains, bracelets, rings - amulets that close the energy and protect its owner from the invasion of foreign energy), as well as a pectoral cross and others Christian symbols. But pagan amulets that can protect against harmful influences, on the contrary, will come in handy. Candles provide additional energy protection, so they are recommended for use in all types of fortune telling.

Items used for fortune telling should not be in plain sight. You cannot borrow them and store them together with ordinary things. The fortune-telling ritual must be carried out in a room protected from extraneous sounds - the voices of people behind the wall, the sound of the TV on and the noise of traffic outside the window. Before starting the ritual, you must wash your hands with soap, since the attributes of fortune telling (mirrors, candles, rings, etc.) can only be touched with clean hands, so that energy dirt does not fall on these objects. During fortune telling, you cannot cross your arms or legs, which is a barrier to free movement, as a result of which the channel between reality and otherworldly spheres narrows.

Usually, fortune telling begins with special rituals that help you get in the right mood. This could be prayer, meditation, or some other action that has symbolic meaning for the one doing the fortune telling. In any type of fortune telling, the rule applies: during one session, each question can be asked only once. You also only need to make one wish per session. At the end of the ritual, you must definitely cleanse yourself of negative emotions and negative energy - take a shower or at least wash your face and wash your hands. The room where the fortune telling took place must be ventilated.

If you are performing the ceremony not for yourself, but for one of your friends or relatives, take a symbolic fee from this person (a small coin, candy, or any other not particularly valuable item). When reading the signs and determining the results of fortune telling, be objective and try not to give in to emotions. It happens that a person tries to “fit” the results of fortune telling to the existing realities. You shouldn't do this.

If the results of fortune telling are not pleasing, do not take this as a verdict. Keep in mind that people's fates are influenced by a huge number of different factors. In addition, there is a possibility of incorrect interpretation of the signs, so the fortune-telling ritual can be repeated, but not immediately, but after some time.

Scientists have found that a person can program himself, without anyone’s help, for success or failure, for a short or long life. That is why it is not recommended to go to professional fortune tellers: someone’s selfish interests can serve a person, especially an overly impressionable one, badly and have a fateful impact on his life. You don't need to trust strangers. But you won’t wish anything bad for yourself, so take good care of your health.

Just try to tune in to the positive before fortune telling, and then the results will definitely please you.

The mirror occupies a special place among objects that are used in ritual and ceremonial actions. In the mirror we have always seen not only a reflection, but also a kind of door behind which lies the unknown. The English mathematical writer L. Carroll sent the little girl Alice through the looking glass, apparently hoping to know the world “on the other side of the mirror.”

The ancient Chinese believed that with the help of two bronze mirrors, sometimes bringing them closer together, sometimes apart, the goddess Dian-mu carved out lightning. It was believed that the goddess Dian-mu illuminates with her mirror lightning the hearts of sinners who must be punished by the god of thunder. The ancient Greek hero Perseus managed to defeat the gorgon Medusa, from whose gaze all living things turned to stone, looking at her reflection in his copper shield polished to a mirror shine.

In the old days, not only girls, but also men and women of all ages used mirrors to tell fortunes on almost any day of the year. The most effective fortune telling in a mirror is performed in the open air under the moonlight. If necessary, you can tell fortunes in the house (midnight is considered the best time for this) in silence, twilight and solitude. In the distant past, girls told fortunes in attics and barns, with their hair down and their belts untied.

Fortune telling on mirrors was once considered quite dangerous, and even in our times there is still a warning: fortune telling with mirrors is suitable for people with a rich imagination, but is strictly contraindicated for those who are too nervous and impressionable. Mirrors intended for fortune telling should not be used for any other purpose. Therefore, they are stored separately from household items, wrapped in dark fabric (silk or velvet), with the mirror surface down. Never use cracked mirrors for fortune telling. A mirror on which a crack appears during fortune telling is unsuitable for further use for any purpose. Before using it for predictive purposes, it is recommended to fumigate a new mirror with incense. Saffron and orris root are considered the most suitable.

Fortune telling by mirror

Take a small mirror, stand towards the window and point the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Look closely.

After some time, several months should appear in the mirror. Count them. The number of months you count in the mirror, the number of children you will have.

Fortune telling in the mirror about future events

After midnight, pour water into a glass, place lighted candles on three sides of it, and a mirror behind the glass.

Look closely at the mirror through the glass. The mirror should show different visions regarding your future destiny.

It is best to tell fortunes at night, in a dark room. Prepare three mirrors and two church candles in advance.

Place two identical mirrors, one opposite the other, with lit candles in front of them, and place the third mirror so that it is behind you.

Draw a circle around yourself with chalk.

Peer carefully into the mirror - your betrothed should appear behind you, looking into the mirror over your shoulder.

Under no circumstances turn around!

Fortune telling in the mirror about the future

Before fortune telling, refrain from salty foods.

Prepare a large round mirror, a saucer of salt, a glass of water and two church candles.

After midnight, place the mirror on the table, not covered with a tablecloth, and draw 13 crosses on it with chalk. Place and light candles on both sides of it.

Sit at the table and repeat thirteen times: “Mirror is a lake, salt is tears, fire is strength, tell me what awaits me in the future.” Then eat some salt and drink a glass of water.

After this, peer closely at the mirror surface - there you will see your future.

Fortune telling by reflection in the mirror

Shortly before fortune telling, it is advisable to light aromatic substances (dry herbs or fragrant resin) in front of a vessel with water.

Place a mirror suspended on a metal chain into a wide flat vessel of water so that only its base touches the surface of the water. Bend over the mirror and carefully examine your reflection.

If in the mirror:

- the reflection of the face has acquired a greenish color - you will soon get sick;

- pink complexion - maintain health, vigor and vitality for a long time;

- the face seemed cloudy, almost black - to death;

-eyes seem cloudy - the future is foggy, everything depends only on you;

-eyes seem shiny and bright - signifies big changes in life;

- lips appear blue - to failure in matters of the heart;

- lips appear pink - for an imminent wedding or for a pleasant date with an interesting person;

- lips appear greenish - soon you will have to say unpleasant things about yourself.

Fortune telling by mirror and candle.

Take an oval mirror and place it in front of you. Light a candle. Write the name of your betrothed on a piece of paper and light it over the candle. Watch the paper burn in the mirror.

If paper:

- will flare up quickly and burn out just as quickly - your relationship can be described as passionate, but most likely quickly passing;

- smoldering slowly - your union will be harmonious for many years.

Fortune telling by candle, mirror and salt.

Sprinkle salt on a flat plate and place a mirror next to it.

Light a candle and drip wax onto the salt for about three minutes. After this, look at the shadow of the resulting figure, which will be reflected in the mirror.

If you see an image in the mirror:

-boats - a journey ahead;

-flower - you will be given a gift;

- ring - you will soon get married or get married;

- beds - you will get sick soon;

-tree - a child will be born;

-clouds - to dreams that are not destined to come true;

- person - to meet a stranger who will greatly influence you.

Fortune telling "Tunnel"

Prepare three mirrors of different sizes and twelve candles. Each mirror must be an order of magnitude larger than the next.

Place the smallest mirror opposite the middle one, and the largest behind the small one. Place six candles on either side of the mirrors.

Peer closely into the distance of the resulting tunnel. If at the end of the tunnel you see:

- light - in the near future fate will present an unexpected gift;

-woman's face - some woman is weaving intrigues against you;

-male face - some man is plotting evil against you;

- home - to long-awaited guests;

-tree - to big money;

-square - to long-term financial stability;

- triangle - to minor problems;

- circle - to a long period of instability, financial failures;

-cat - to loneliness, divorce, quarrel;

- a dog - to finding a new friend, acquaintance;

- a boy - to good luck in the financial sphere;

- a girl - to success in your personal life;

- old man - to large debts and poverty;

- old woman - to failures in your personal life;

-crow - to troubles at work and gossip;

- dove - to new love;

- yourself - to very good news;

- not seeing anything means death.

Fortune telling "Castle"

Before fortune telling, prepare seven candles and a mirror.

Sit at a table covered with a dark thick tablecloth. The room should be quiet and dark. Place a large oval mirror in front of you. Arrange the candles in the following order: place three candles in a row on both sides of the mirror, but so that the candles are reflected in the mirror. The seventh candle should form an angle with the six candles. Sit so that both you and the seven candles in the shape of a “castle” are reflected in the mirror.

Light the candles and look in the mirror.

If you see:

- your face with a cheerful expression - prosperity and success await you;

- your face with a sad expression - troubles await ahead;

- your face with an indifferent expression - nothing in life will change, everything will remain as it was;

- someone else’s face with a joyful expression - someone will give you an amazing gift, a very significant increase in salary is also possible;

- someone else’s face with a sad expression - someone is gossiping about you and weaving intrigues against you;

- someone else's face with an indifferent expression - all your attempts to change your life for the better are doomed to failure due to constant interference from someone else;

- If you don’t see anything, death awaits you in the near future.

Fortune telling by wish

Sit at a large, long table. Place two candles at the edges of the table. Take two mirrors - large and small. The back side of a small mirror should be matte.

On the back of a small mirror, draw the head of a horned devil and say: “Damn, damn, help - tell me what to do.” Then say your wish to yourself.

Place the mirror under your pillow and fall asleep immediately.

If you dream:

- what is planned means that the wish will come true;

- something else (not planned) - the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling by mirror and water

At midnight, sit at the table and place a glass of water in front of you. Take two small mirrors. The reverse side of one mirror should be black. Write your wish on it with white chalk, put it under your pillow and go to bed.

If the next morning there is water in a glass:

- decreases - the wish will come true;

- will not decrease - the wish will not come true.

Fortune telling in the mirror based on desire

Take a small mirror. Make a wish and look at the mirror surface for a long time. Then wrap the mirror in a handkerchief and throw it against the wall.

If the mirror:

- will break - the desire is unrealizable;

- remains intact - the wish will certainly come true.

Fortune telling in the mirror for your betrothed

Write your betrothed's name on the mirror. On the night of the full moon, place a mirror under your pillow. Before going to bed, repeat three times: “Dream, betrothed, come, mummer.”

Your betrothed will definitely come to you at night.

Fortune telling on mirrors is a very dangerous fortune telling for a person. We'll tell you why it's so risky. It is believed that sensible people have long rejected such incomprehensible and dubious “phenomena”, such as predictions, fortune telling, omens, signs and everything related to magic. Of course, this is not entirely true. Fortune telling, a kind of art, was widely developed in Ancient Greece, Rome, as well as Assyria, Babylon and Egypt. Today, in the 21st century, interest has not waned at all. Modern man often struggles with skepticism and natural curiosity - “What will happen to me tomorrow?” “Forecasting the future should be based not on predictions and omens, but on wisdom.” Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Predicting a mysterious future is the desire of those who want to win victory over time. This is impossible. Time will never be under man's control.

But how much do we all want to know what lies ahead, what to expect from this life, what to fear, and what to open our hearts to? Fortune telling on mirrors is one of the very powerful methods of fortune telling. Think carefully before you decide on it.

What types of fortune telling are there?

And yet, what is fortune telling - magic, science, culture or fiction? The Worldwide Information Network Internet allows you to find out absolutely everything related to predictions. What questions most often lead people to think about fortune telling? What fears drive a person? No matter what anyone said, everyone always wanted to know: what awaits me? How can I avoid misfortune? When can I expect good news? Will there be a salary this month? And everywhere there is only one way out: to look into “tomorrow.”

There are plenty of ways to look into the future:

  1. well-known Tarot cards;
  2. fortune telling with Lenormand cards;
  3. fortune telling by Pythagoras;
  4. on the bones;
  5. on coffee grounds;
  6. on tea;
  7. on wax;
  8. on the egg;
  9. with buttons and pearls;
  10. on a saucer with a call to the spirit;
  11. by the shadows of the paper;
  12. fortune telling with needles.

Of course, every woman has heard about coffee grounds, tea leaves, buttons, bones and cards. Such variants of fortune telling are considered the safest for a fortune teller - if, of course, the word “safe” is generally applicable in this matter. But the fact remains that people have been guessing, are guessing and will continue to guess. Indeed, why live for today if you can stick your nose into the foggy future.

However, attention should be paid to those fortune-telling that mothers and grandmothers always warned against: fortune-telling, fraught with sad consequences:

  • Eavesdropping.
  • Fortune telling on mirrors/on a mirror and candles.


It is believed that the best time to tell fortunes is on Epiphany, on the night of January 18-19.
The most terrible fortune telling on Epiphany night is considered to be fortune telling about death, that is, “Eavesdropping.” At night, the girl came to the church and eavesdropped behind closed doors. If she heard a wedding choir, then it was a sure harbinger of an imminent wedding, and if she imagined a funeral service, then it was a sign of imminent death.

Fortune telling on mirrors

Fortune telling on mirrors is also carried out on Epiphany night, and if Eavesdropping is considered the most terrible, then fortune telling on mirrors is rightly considered the most dangerous. You need to guess where the evil spirits live.

According to legends, fortune telling on mirrors was carried out in a cemetery, in a basement, in an abandoned house. And in order to avoid exposure to a dangerous entity, they took a knife, a poker, a frying pan with them - it was believed that iron repels evil spirits. Fortune telling on mirrors is always reliable, but also extremely risky!
There are two options:

At midnight, being completely alone, in the absolute confidence of the absence of any distractions - people, animals, sudden calls, and especially unexpected guests (who are very, very likely to come during fortune telling) - you need to close all windows, doors, turn off all light sources. Place candles on the sides of one mirror. Undress naked, unbraid your hair, take off all your jewelry and sit in front of this mirror and carefully peer into the reflection. Or you will see the silhouette of your future spouse coming closer from the mirror every minute - in no case should you wait until he is completely closer!

It is unknown what entity decided to reveal the image of the betrothed. Or, instead of seeing the face of the betrothed, you may encounter something that will make you experience horror, fear, or drive you into a stupor. In such a situation, under no circumstances should you run out of the room and leave this “something” behind your back! The only sure way out is to immediately put down/close/cover the mirror. And only after that you need to turn on the lights and extinguish the candles. You should not store things used in such a ritual at home. The next morning you need to plunge into the ice hole and wash off everything that remains after fortune telling on Epiphany night.

Now we can talk about the difference in the degrees of danger of the first method and the second. So, the second one (with two mirrors) is much more dangerous than the first one. If a fortune-telling girl decides to perform a ritual with two mirrors, you should be prepared for the fact that sticky fear will sneak behind your back from the very beginning. This is by no means a joke or fiction. The conditions for carrying out the sacrament are the same as with one mirror. Except that the fortune teller should have another mirror behind her back. Having placed a mirror, two candles, stripped naked and done everything as it was in the first case, you need to add a second mirror to the ritual. Thus, sitting facing the mirror, there will be a second one behind your back. A Mirror Corridor is formed - the most terrible thing in the whole ritual, an unhindered passage between two worlds, a reflection in a reflection. And the girl ends up exactly in the middle.

And so, intently peering into the mirror surface, fighting the desire to stop everything immediately, that turning point comes when you need to collect all your remnants of endurance (you could forget about courage even when the windows were curtained) and under no circumstances turn around, no matter what appears behind. And it will seem like someone’s breathing, steps and, sometimes, touches - someone’s hand on the shoulder or someone’s touch. Usually it is then that they make a terrible mistake: succumbing to panic (and the fact that panic and horror will completely take over a person is not even in doubt), the fortune-telling girl will certainly jump up, turn around, God forbid, so that she does not meet anyone, and jump out of the room , wanting to leave everything that scared her so much there. And so, all that was left there had complete freedom of action: an open door and the absence of anyone who could properly complete what they started. This must not be allowed!

If the fortune teller feels that she is about to lose control of the situation out of fear, she must immediately destroy the Mirror Corridor! Put it down (just don’t drop it and break it, no), or cover the first mirror, since turning around is still strictly prohibited! Only and only when the first mirror is covered, you need to turn on the light, immediately put in another mirror and blow out the candles.

It is worth remembering that what you see in the first mirror (not to mention what is behind your back and is terribly scary) does not always have the appearance of your betrothed. Very often, almost in most cases, what is seen turns out to be something that is very difficult to describe. Therefore, if it turns out to be exactly something, there is no need to wait until it gets closer. The creature that, having become carried away and succumbing to some inexplicable thirst to examine, may turn out to be an entity that is not just ominous and leading to the final stage of fear, but also aggressive, deadly. According to statistics, nine out of ten fortune telling on mirrors ends in failure, barely having time to begin. But even if everything went according to expectations, we must not forget that there will be consequences here too - contact with something that does not have an exact name never passes without a trace... We can come to the conclusion that Fortune telling on mirrors is really something that we are used to call it "magic".

It is difficult to understand what fortune telling women are trying to achieve, even if they are lucky. Having seen the image of the future spouse, what now, go around and look for familiar features in everyone?.. It is impossible to deny the existence of something that defies logical explanation and the perception of a common mind - accordingly, it is not worth interfering with it. Warnings are warnings, but such dangerous rituals will, of course, continue to be carried out. As they say, “at your own peril and insane risk.” If a girl shows remarkable courage and decides to do fortune-telling on mirrors, you need to adhere to simple rules.

If you are guessing, follow the rules!

  1. If before the start of the ritual the fortune-telling girl feels the slightest hint of fear or uncertainty, then you shouldn’t even start, because the main thing is self-control.
  2. If fortune telling does begin, you should remember: do not turn around, do not get distracted and do not panic.
  3. If the fortune teller has enviable willpower and wants to go to the end, you need to know: you managed to see the silhouette, and the mirror should be closed immediately, without waiting for the mirror guest to approach.
  4. Under no circumstances should you leave a mirror or a mirrored corridor unattended! The consequences can be very, very sad.
  5. You need to be aware: even in the most successful scenario, such a ritual should not be considered safe; fortune telling on mirrors always leaves “traces.”

Of course, everyone always wanted to know the future, but you can’t escape fate. What is destined for a person will happen in any case. And it is unknown what can be learned by looking into tomorrow. No one has ever managed to live in fear and be happy... Think about whether it’s worth the risk and whether it will bring you happiness.