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Badmaev Sanal Vasilievich Deputy Head of the Department. PFO received a new curator in the Russian Presidential Administration. Tungusov tried to disrupt the appointment of the speaker of the new Yekaterinburg Duma. Result - resignation from the AP

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research development

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study OR development

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study NOT development

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study *

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" research and development "

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Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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bromine ~

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You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

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To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

As Kommersant learned, on Monday the head of the presidential administration (AP) Anton Vaino signed a decree appointing Yaroslav Zamychkin, assistant head of the presidential administration for internal policy (DVP), as deputy head of the DVP. In his new position, he will continue to be responsible for interaction with the regions. The head of the department for interaction with the Federal Assembly, Denis Stepanyuk, will become the department’s assistant. The changes in the UVP were not limited to these appointments.

On Monday, several personnel changes took place at the UVP (the department is supervised by the first deputy head of the Administration, Sergei Kiriyenko). According to Kommersant's information, the head of the AP, Anton Vaino, signed a decree appointing Yaroslav Zamychkin as deputy head of the UVP. Before that, he held the position of management assistant and was responsible for relations with regions in the territorial block of the UVP (he will retain this functionality in the new position). After the transition to the State Duma in 2016 of the former first deputy head of the Administration Vyacheslav Volodin and the curator of regions in the UVP Igor Diveykin, Mr. Zamychkin actually acted as deputy. Later, this functionality was transferred to the head of the UVP Andrei Yarin, Mr. Zamychkin remained with him as a referent.

“Yaroslav Zamychkin has been working in the department for quite a long time, and this already speaks of its consistency and effectiveness,” notes a source close to the AP. “Since the time of Udovichenko (Igor Udovichenko was deputy head of the UVP until mid-2012.- “Kommersant”) Zamychkin provided communication between the curators of the territories and the leadership of the department, and recently he largely carried out the functions of the deputy head. So this appointment is quite logical,” notes Kommersant’s interlocutor. Political scientist Andrei Kolyadin emphasizes that “the territorial block is the most voluminous in terms of tasks, two-thirds of the department’s work is spent on it.” “At the beginning of the year, I expressed doubts whether it was worth loading Andrei Yarin with such a volume of work, since he has a lot of his own affairs as the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. Zamychkin’s appointment is correct and absolutely logical,” the political scientist told Kommersant.

By the same order, Denis Stepanyuk, who held the position of head of the department for interaction with the Federal Assembly, was appointed to the position of assistant of the UVP. For six and a half years of leading the department, he developed good relations with deputies of all factions. The first deputy chairman of the housing and communal services committee, Alexander Sidyakin (United Russia), calls Mr. Stepanyuk “a brilliant lawyer and a true professional.” “He seems to know all the legislation by heart and is always ready to suggest a competent legal solution to the problem,” says Mr. Sidyakin. The head of the Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy, Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR), recalls that in the sixth convocation, when he headed the Committee on Public Associations, he and Mr. Stepanyuk “sometimes argued on some positions, but the interaction was always constructive and productive, helping to solve priority issues.” issues that depend on the State Duma."

Alexey Semenov, who until recently worked as an assistant to the plenipotentiary representative in the North Caucasus Federal District (in 2012–2013, worked in the territorial block of the UVP), was appointed another UVP referent. According to Kommersant's information, he must first of all work in conjunction with the deputy head of the UVP, Alexander Kharichev, who is responsible for regional elections. The head of the department for interaction with the regions of the Urals and Volga region will be Sanal Badmaev, who also worked in the territorial block. The position became vacant after Konstantin Kadanin, together with Mr. Volodin, moved to the State Duma. Personnel moves within the UVP became possible after Anton Vaino signed a new staffing schedule for the UVP and the public projects department on March 4.

Sofia Samokhina, Maxim Ivanov

Tungusov tried to disrupt the appointment of the speaker of the new Yekaterinburg Duma. Result - resignation from the AP

Vladimir TungusovYaromir Romanov

The Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region postponed its extraordinary meeting from Tuesday, September 25, to Monday, September 24. Site sources claim that the meeting was initially supposed to be scheduled for Monday so that deputy Igor Volodin could calmly resign from the regional parliament, and on Tuesday take part in the first meeting of the new Yekaterinburg City Duma and, possibly, be elected its chairman. Insiders believe that the confusion in the dates occurred after the curator of the Sverdlovsk region in the presidential administration, Sanal Badmaev, who is associated with the former first vice-governor Vladimir Tungusov, intervened in the matter. After this, Badmaev was removed from office.

An assistant to one of the regional deputies told the site two weeks ago that an extraordinary meeting of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly should take place on Monday, September 24. Then parliamentarians were informed that they would have to return from recess early to consider bills on benefits related to pension reform. At the same meeting, deputy Igor Volodin, who was elected to the new convocation of the Yekaterinburg Duma, was supposed to officially resign. Volodin is called one of the main contenders for the post of chairman of the new City Duma, where he represents the “united opposition.” The candidacy of the former first vice-governor Vladimir Tungusov for the post of speaker is considered to be the vice-mayor of Yekaterinburg Mikhail Matveev, who was also elected to the new convocation.

However, on September 10, the day after the elections, it became known that the Legislative Assembly had scheduled a meeting for September 25. On the same day, the first meeting of the City Duma will take place, at which they will elect a chairman, his deputy, determine the structure of the commissions and, perhaps, even elect a new head of Yekaterinburg. A problem arose in which Volodin would not have time to relinquish his powers in the Legislative Assembly and make it to the City Duma.

After this, the City Duma began to look for a way to hold meetings at the same time, so that Volodin would have time for both. Deputy Konstantin Kiselev said that the deputies could recommend and. O. the head of the city, Viktor Testov, to move the first meeting by an hour or two. In addition, deputies could “delay” the City Duma meeting, alternately using the right to speak, and thus still wait for Volodin’s legitimation. However, all the methods seemed too far-fetched.

The Kremlin appointed a new temporary curator of the Sverdlovsk region

A version of why this situation with dates occurred was published by the telegram channel “Bazhov’s Tales”. Allegedly, Lyudmila Babushkina was asked to schedule a meeting on the 25th by Sanal Badmaev, curator of the Sverdlovsk region in the presidential administration. “This little trick is additional proof that Badmaev is playing on Tungusov’s side. There is other evidence of Badmaev’s interest in preserving Tungusov; they will be presented to the leadership of the Administration and will likely lead to a change in the curator of the region,” the insiders’ post says.

A source in the presidential administration told the site that Sanal Badmaev was removed today from his post as head of the Kremlin’s internal policy department. Sergei Starikov became the acting head of the department and temporary curator.

As a source in the governor’s administration told the site, the head of the region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, personally asked the Legislative Assembly to postpone the meeting to September 24. “He decided to separate these two events politically. It is unclear what they were guided by when scheduling the meeting on Tuesday. But after the election results were summed up, it became clear that this was inevitable, because Legislative Assembly deputy Igor Volodin was elected to the Duma and his powers must be terminated before the first meeting of the new convocation of Yekaterinburg deputies,” explained the publication’s interlocutor.

Today the Legislative Assembly held a meeting of the council, at which it was decided to schedule the meeting for Monday, September 24.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Lyudmila Babushkina said that there was no political subtext in postponing the meeting. “Additional bills were submitted to the extraordinary meeting - for example, on changing the charter of the Sverdlovsk region. According to the regulations, in order to put them on the agenda, we must first hold a council, which is what we did. At the same time, we decided to postpone the date,” she briefly commented. At the same time, according to her, this meeting did not affect Igor Volodin and his transition to the City Duma in any case. “He wrote a letter of resignation on September 12, we were going to accept it on September 25, now we will accept it on the 24th,” she explained.

23:26 — REGNUM

New appointment Sanala Badmaeva in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, whose spectrum now includes a wider range of regions, raises the question of supervision of the Sverdlovsk region itself, where a difficult gubernatorial campaign is expected. About it IA REGNUM said the APEC expert Mikhail Neizhmakov, commenting on new appointments in the Internal Policy Department (IDP).

Let us remind you that the head of the RF AP Anton Vaino On April 17 he appointed deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs Yaroslava Zamychkina, who previously held the position of management assistant and was responsible for relations with regions in the territorial block of the UVP. Head of the Department for Interaction with the Federal Assembly Denis Stepanyuk became a referent for the UVP. The department for interaction with the regions of the Urals and Volga region was headed by Sanal Badmaev.

“As far as we know, Sanal Badmaev worked as a curator, including a number of Ural regions (Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), in the Presidential Administration at approximately the same period when Evgeniy Kuyvashev first served as deputy plenipotentiary representative, and then as plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District. Some time ago, he began to directly supervise the Sverdlovsk region; the press received information about his visit to the region in March 2017. Thus, the new head of the Administration Department for interaction with the regions of the Urals and Volga region had experience working with the current head of the Sverdlovsk region, where one of the most difficult gubernatorial campaigns of this year is expected. This appointment, among other things, may indicate that Old Square pays special attention to the situation in this region,” says Neizhmakov.

At the same time, according to the political scientist, there is another side to this appointment: “After Sanal Badmaev began to deal with a wider range of regions, the question is which of his subordinates will directly oversee the Sverdlovsk region. This will also have an impact on the course of the election campaign.”

“The appointment to the post of acting governor strengthened the position of Evgeny Kuyvashev. But much will depend on the agreements that the regional administration reaches with key opposition politicians in the region. This will determine the format of the campaign. In these conditions, the question of who exactly supervises the region on the part of the Administration becomes all the more important,” Mikhail Neizhmakov emphasized.

“As far as I know, Sanal Badmaev cannot be called a fully human Sergei Kiriyenko. He has been working in the Presidential Administration for quite a long time and now, as they say, he has “sprouted” in the depths of this organization. Taking into account recent events (resignations and criminal cases against the heads of the regions of Udmurtia, Mari El, high-profile corruption scandals, protests), Kiriyenko’s priority attention to the regions of the Volga Federal District and Urals Federal District is obvious, so Badmaev has a lot of work to do in his new position,” the political scientist noted Dmitry Mikhailichenko, emphasizing that national republics have always been a “difficult area.”

As previously reported IA REGNUM On September 10, 2017, elections of regional heads will be held, according to preliminary data, in six subjects of the Volga Federal District (Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Kirov, Saratov regions, Perm Territory) and in the Urals Federal District - Sverdlovsk region.

People's Deputy, member of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation (1990-1993); born 1948; graduated from Kalmyk State University; was the Minister of Public Education of the Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (Elista); During his parliamentary activities, he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation Committee on Science and Public Education, a member of the Constitutional Commission of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, and was a member of the deputy group of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia.

  • - Specialist in the region Tibet. medicine. Nephew of P. A. Badmaev, who continued his work in the Soviet Union. time. He treated prominent owls. figures, including M. Gorky and A. N. Tolstoy...
  • - A major specialist in Tibet. medicine, theorist and practitioner; Mongolian scholar; total and watered. activist Genus. in the family of a nomadic cattle breeder, in the Aginsk steppe. OK. with a gold medal from Irkutsk gymnasium...

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  • - Japanologist; former Japanese officer army, co-workers from owls intelligence in China. In 1928, after a raid on the USSR Embassy in Shanghai, he was taken to the USSR. Lived in Vladivostok; Rev. Japanese language at FENU and for the military. courses...

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  • - cm....

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  • - Lama of the Aginsky datsan, a major expert in Tib. medicine...
  • - Orientalist scientist, doctor - specialist in Tibetan medicine. Nephew of A. A. and P. A. Badmaevs, who continued their work already in Soviet times. B. treated A. N. Tolstoy and A. M. Gorky...
  • - the younger brother of A. A. Badmaev, a major specialist in Tibetan medicine, who practiced medicine in St. Petersburg. Graduated from Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg University, then Medical-Surgical. academy...
  • - Tsarevich, son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his first marriage to Maria Miloslavskaya, born on February 5, 1654, d. January 17, 1670 According to the general review of our chroniclers and foreign writers, the prince was distinguished...
  • - lecturer of the Mongolian language at St. Petersburg University, Buryat from eastern Siberia, former senior lama of the Achinsk Steppe Duma, d. September 27, 1873 Since 1853, he became famous for his knowledge of Tibetan...

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  • - a major swindler, friend of Rasputin; Buryat origin...

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  • - Orientalist, specialist in Tibetan medicine, organizer of the study of Tibetan methods of healing and the foundations of Tibetan medicine. Nephew of P. A. Badmaev...

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  • - Genus. 1849, d. 1920. Doctor, graduate of the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg University, a prominent specialist in Tibetan medicine. He also graduated from the Medical-Surgical Academy. Practiced in China, Mongolia, Tibet...

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  • - Badmaev, Alexander Alexandrovich, lecturer of the Mongolian language at St. Petersburg University, a Buryat from eastern Siberia, former senior lama of the Achinsk Steppe Duma. Died in 1873. Since 1853, B. became famous...

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  • - doctor of Tibetan medicine. From 1875 he practiced medicine. He enjoyed great confidence from Emperor Alexander III and Nicholas II. He spoke out against G.E. Rasputin, but then went over to his side...

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"Badmaev, Sanal Alekseevich" in books


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NIKOLAI ALEXEEVICH Once, it was in 1929, in Leningrad (I was a student), the artist Berezhkov showed me a book of poems by some new poet Nikolai Zabolotsky. "Columns". I opened it and ran to the line: Straight bald husbands Sit like a shot from a gun... - What is this, -

Petr Badmaev. The Doctor's Case (Elena Ivanitskaya and Dm. Bykov under the pseudonym Andrey Gamalov)

From the book Articles from the weekly magazine “Profile” author Bykov Dmitry Lvovich

Petr Badmaev. The Doctor's Case (Elena Ivanitskaya and Dm. Bykov under the pseudonym Andrey Gamalov) He had two names. No one knew his age: in 1920 he himself claimed that he was 110 years old, his daughter that he was 112. He was baptized by Alexander III. They said that he had absolute power over himself

Tsyren-Bazar Badmaev

From the book Writers Club author Vanshenkin Konstantin Yakovlevich

Tsyren-Bazar Badmaev In our truly diverse institute, two Buryats studied with me on the course: Tsyden-Zhap Zhimbiev and Tsyren-Bazar Badmaev. Zhimbiev is the youngest: small, touching, naive. He immediately connected with literally everyone

Badmaev, P. A.

From the book The Fall of the Tsarist Regime. Volume 7 author Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich

Badmaev, P. A. BADMAEV, Peter Al-dr. (1851-1919), and before baptism Zhamsaran, Buryat, d.s. Sov., Tibetan doctor. med., b. in East Sib., until the age of 12 he grew up in the steppes, where his father had a large cattle breeding farm, teacher. to Irkutsk hymn., 1871 moved to St. Petersburg, to his senior. brother Siltim (Al-dru

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Ioann Alekseevich

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John Alekseevich the death of Tsar Feodor, who left no heirs, created significant difficulties in choosing a successor to the throne. The right to take the Russian throne had two half-brothers of the deceased tsar: the eldest, John, weak and sick, although he had achieved


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FEDOR ALEXEEVICH (b. 1662 - d. 1682) Russian Tsar (1776–1682). Son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife M.I. Miloslavskaya. Due to his youth and poor health, Fyodor Alekseevich was not capable of governing the state. At the beginning of his reign, the closest ones ruled instead of him


From the book Rus' and its Autocrats author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

IVAN V ALEXEEVICH (b. 1666 - d. 1696) Russian Tsar (1682–1696), son of Alexei Mikhailovich from his marriage to M.I. Miloslavskaya. During the Streltsy rebellion, Ivan V was placed on the throne on May 23, 1682 as the “first tsar” (his younger brother Peter (I) was considered the “second tsar”). Ivan’s reign


From the book Rus' and its Autocrats author Anishkin Valery Georgievich

PETER II ALEXEEVICH (b. 1715 - d. 1730) Russian Emperor (1727–1730). The son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and Princess Charlotte of Wolfenbüttel, the grandson of Peter I. Alexei Petrovich left behind two children: Natalia and Peter, who, although younger than his sister, was considered the heir. From

Fedor Alekseevich


Fyodor Alekseevich Fyodor Alekseevich was the son of Alexei Mikhailovich from his first wife Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya. He was declared heir to the Moscow throne, and on January 30, 1676, after the death of his father, he became king. He was a pupil of the Western Russian monk Simeon

Peter II Alekseevich

From the book Russian Royal and Imperial House author Butromeev Vladimir Vladimirovich

Peter II Alekseevich Peter Alekseevich was only 1 year old when his mother, Alexei’s wife, née Princess Charlotte of Wolfenbüttel, died. Raising the child was entrusted to two rude and uneducated women. One of them was a tailor's widow, and the other was a widow

Peter II Alekseevich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (P) author Brockhaus F.A.

Peter II Alekseevich Peter II Alekseevich - All-Russian Emperor, grandson of Peter I, son of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich and Princess Sophia - Charlotte of Blankinburg, b. October 12, 1715 His mother died shortly after his birth, his father died in 1718. P. Alekseevich’s chances of winning the throne