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Strict fire safety requirements. Access control and management systems (ACS). special fire safety requirements for the operation of emergency exits. Reliability requirements

Oleg Tikhonov - [email protected]

The issue of equipping evacuation and emergency exits is quite controversial. According to state standards, such exits should provide easy unblocking of the passage from the inside. However, the ability to easily open the door can lead to intruders using it to gain unauthorized access inside. At some sites the situation is different: the fire door must be closed during a fire to stop the flow of oxygen to the source of the fire. How to properly equip emergency and evacuation exits in order to effectively protect your property and the lives of your employees, while ensuring the possibility of unhindered evacuation?

The terrible tragedy that occurred in 1883 at the Victoria Hall concert hall in Great Britain led to the death of more than 180 children. As part of the charity event, the city municipality organized a festive theater show for children with the subsequent distribution of gifts. After the end of the event, little visitors, wanting to get free toys as quickly as possible, rushed en masse to the exit, but due to the fact that the doors were blocked at a small opening angle (it was planned to let children out one at a time), a deadly crush formed.

Following this shocking incident, the British government introduced legislation to create minimum building safety standards, leading to legally enforceable requirements. However, this practice did not spread globally, and in December 1903 in Chicago, 603 people died in the Iroquois Theater fire because the exits were blocked by iron gates.

These events served as an impetus for the invention and subsequent widespread distribution by the Von Duprin company (Ingersoll Rand) of an emergency opening device (pushbar, or panic-bar), the installation of which in public places today is mandatory. In addition to Von Duprin (Fig. 1), anti-panic devices are produced by such well-known manufacturers as ABLOY and DORMA.

Evacuation and emergency exits. What is what?

As throughout the world, in Russia every year more and more attention is paid to the issue of the protection of people while in public buildings and the requirements for fire safety. If earlier developers were lost in the abundance of standards and regulations, today there are clear rules regarding the organization of emergency and evacuation exits - in particular, GOST R 31471-2011, developed with the participation of leading manufacturers of anti-panic equipment.

According to current regulations, all evacuation and emergency exits must be equipped with emergency opening devices. Moreover, in the case of emergency exits, the doors must be opened by simply pressing the hand or pressing the body on a horizontal bar installed on the inner surface of the door, without a key or other special means and without prior familiarization with the operation of the device.

In the case of emergency (emergency) exits, the doors should also open easily by pressing the handle and/or button, without a key or other special means, but subject to familiarization with the operation of the device. As a rule, emergency exit doors are used by permanent and appropriately trained personnel of the organization located in a specific room or building. Moreover, according to current standards, such exits are not taken into account when calculating escape routes in case of fire and are considered only in order to increase safety in emergency.

Among other things, there is often confusion about what is meant by the term “fire door”. Let us clarify this issue: such a door can be described as fireproof and fire-resistant. Accordingly, not all emergency exit doors are fireproof, but very often both of these functions are combined in one door.

What are the requirements for an emergency exit door that is also fire resistant? Firstly, the sash must open freely, without the use of auxiliary means, in one movement - with mechanical equipment and in a maximum of two non-repeating movements - in the case of electromechanical equipment. Secondly, to perform the function of a fire barrier, the door must be fixed in the closed position (but not locked!) and held by the locking mechanism regardless of the incoming electrical control signal or power failure.

Allow exit for “friends” and prohibit entry for “strangers”

When organizing evacuation routes, facility owners often have a question: how to satisfy the requirements of fire and building regulatory authorities and at the same time reduce the risk of abuse of emergency exit doors? It is clear that when emergency situation all doors in the direction of escape routes must be unlocked. But how can you make a door that was originally designed for easy exit in an emergency impenetrable to people with dishonest intentions? What poses a greater danger, for example, for children in kindergarten: the impossibility of quick evacuation in case of fire or an easily opened emergency exit door leading to the street or roadway?

To increase the comfort of using the door for authorized persons and prevent uncontrolled exit, special actuators can be used. Electronic and electromechanical components installed on the doors make it possible to achieve maximum controllability and reliability of emergency and evacuation exits. At the same time, they provide mechanical unlocking and subsequent opening of the door from inside the room for unhindered evacuation of people. These components include closers, locks, latches and release devices.

Control of evacuation and emergency exits using the effeff system

An example is the solution from effeff, which is a modular system of equipment for evacuation and emergency exits (Fig. 2). A normally open latch paired with a latch lock keeps the door locked and prevents it from being opened by simply pressing the handle or panic bar. The door is unlocked only when the power supply to the latch is interrupted using the emergency exit button or after a signal is given by the access control system controller (ACS) or fire alarm.

You can also use a door terminal from effeff with a built-in exit button. In this case, the terminal is connected to the access control system, which immediately records any activation. It is worth noting that the effeff line contains special latches (series 332), which meet the main requirement for actuators for emergency exits: their unlocking occurs with a 100% guarantee even when strong pressure is applied to the door.

In addition, due to the modularity of this system, flexibility in its configuration is achieved, thanks to which, for example, instead of a latch and a door lock, an electromagnetic door device can be used.

effeff solution for heavy fire doors: reinforced door closer

Another solution from effeff for such cases is the heavy-duty door closer DC700G-FT with integrated latch, model 332, installed on fire doors. In order for the door to unlock, it is necessary to remove the supply voltage from the latch, which can be initiated by the ACS controller using the exit request button or when the building is “de-energized.”

It should be noted that in the “closed” position this latch is capable of holding fairly heavy doors with a leaf width from 850 to 1200 mm and a weight from 60 to 120 kg. However, for mounting the DC700G-FT on fire doors, the holes provided for the closer with which the door has been certified are used. The device can also be installed using special adapter plates - this eliminates the need to drill additional holes in the door leaf, thanks to which fire doors retain their status as smoke and fire barriers.

ABLOY, DORMA and Smartec equipment for the rapid closing of fire doors

Most often at sites there is a need for free movement of people and equipment through fire doors, and, accordingly, the door must be kept in place at all times. open position. However, if a fire breaks out in any part of the building, the fire door must be closed to stop the flow of oxygen. In this case, it is necessary that the doors can be unlocked mechanically at any time (by pressing the handle).

The companies ABLOY, DORMA and Smartec have a solution to this problem. The door automation they produce provides:

  • holding fire doors open during normal operation;
  • closing doors in case of fire;
  • synchronization of double-leaf doors;
  • creating a barrier to the spread of fire.

In particular, the FD4xx system, developed by ABLOY, works as follows. There are magnets on the wall that keep the door from closing at normal times. As soon as it fires fire protection system, the magnets release the door, the closer ensures the sash is completely closed and the lock located in the door latches. If there are people left in the fire zone or firefighters want to get to the source of the fire, then they can freely open the door, since the lock is unlocked by pressing the handle.

Sometimes a fire door has two leaves, which must be closed in the correct sequence. Thanks to the built-in door coordinator, the ABLOY system for double-leaf doors (Fig. 3) ensures the necessary closing order - the passive leaf is closed first, and then the active one.

We can find a similar solution from the Smartec brand. Electrically controlled clamps open doors ST-DH605U are mounted on a wall or floor, and their counterpart (magnet) is attached to the door. The devices hold the sash until the power supply is interrupted, which is done in one of two ways: manually - by pressing the release button located on the body, or remotely - by command from the fire alarm system.

DORMA engineers offer an original solution for equipping fire doors. The system for fixing the doors in the open position also contains a smoke detector, due to which, in the event of a fire danger, it ensures automatic closing of the doors. DORMA also implements the usual method of fixing open doors - using electromagnets.

Anti-panic devices from DORMA and ABLOY brands

For emergency and evacuation exits, DORMA offers a wide range of anti-panic devices that comply with European safety standards. For example, the PHA 2000, PHB 3000 and PHA 2500 systems (Fig. 4), which provide unobstructed egress, are recommended for use in public places where panic may occur. This “anti-panic” is equipped with a pressure bar or rail, and a lock or latch is used as a locking element (Fig. 5). If the exit is an emergency exit (only for trained personnel) and there is no threat of mass panic in emergency situations, then the DORMA Exit Pads solution, equipped with a small pressure plate for emergency door release, can be used.

Following modern architectural trends, DORMA creates anti-panic equipment for glass doors - for example, the PHA 2000 system with a special adapter.

Among the advantages of equipment from this German brand, one should also highlight a thoughtful design, which not only serves aesthetic purposes, but also increases safety of use due to rounded elements and the absence of sharp protruding corners.

As for specialized locks for installation on emergency exits, these devices can also be found in the ABLOY product line - for example, the PE580 electromechanical lock, to which an anti-panic bar is connected. The internal handle of this lock constantly ensures free exit from the premises, and the outdoor handle will be unlocked only after a control signal is given, for example, from an access control system, which provides controlled access to the building.

As we see, today the market offers a wide range of solutions for equipping both emergency and evacuation exits, which allow saving people’s lives in emergency situations. At the same time, it is quite possible to maintain freedom of movement around the facility, protect yourself and your property from people with dishonest intentions. As for the cost of such solutions, compared to the lives saved, it is very low and these costs serve a noble purpose.

The main task in the event of a fire is to evacuate people from the building. Therefore, the fire alarm system necessarily provides for the presence of a certain number of emergency exits. Emergency fire doors normally remain locked at all times. They open easily in case of an emergency. To do this, use the door opening buttons.

Operating principle

The emergency door open button, when pressed, breaks the electric lock circuit. Typically, a fire door cannot be opened from the outside because it is not designed to do so. Fire alarm maintenance requires that all emergency exits must be equipped with such unlocking devices.

To protect against inadvertent pressing, the button is covered with a plastic cover or glass insert. If a fire occurs, you need to lift the lid (this breaks the seal) or squeeze out the glass, then press the button. Depending on the operating principle of the electric lock, after the button is activated, voltage is either supplied to it or switched off. The glass plate must be replaced and the cover lowered and sealed again.

Using the unlock button is very simple and does not require any prior skills. Anyone can open the door this way.

As an alternative, automatic unlocking can be used when a signal is given from the central control panel, as well as using a special key.

Installation Features

The unlock button is installed in a mortise (in a recess in the wall) or overhead (using a mounting box) method. The first option is more preferable because it ensures better safety of the device. If installation using the mortise method is not possible, use the second option.

The button must be located in a visible, accessible, well-lit place. Such devices are designed to operate in different temperature ranges. Therefore, they can be installed in unheated rooms or near heat sources.

For better visibility, the devices are painted in bright colors: red, yellow, blue, green.

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IN lately It is customary to install access control and management systems (ACS) at security facilities.

First of all, ACS are designed to automatically provide authorized entry and exit, as well as prevent unauthorized access to buildings, premises and special zones, serving a limited circle of people.

The second important purpose of the access control system is to track the location and time of people and vehicles. In each specific case, the above tasks can be solved separately or in combination.

All this allows us to ensure safety material assets and information, safety of staff and visitors, increase the speed and quality of customer service.

In accordance with paragraph 35 of the Rules fire protection regime V Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 390 of 04/25/2012 - Locks on the doors of emergency exits must ensure the possibility of their free opening from the inside without a key, except in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

From the point of view of fire safety and other possible emergency situations in public buildings with large numbers of people (universities, department stores, supermarkets, shopping centers, waiting rooms, cinema and concert halls, sports and entertainment venues, etc.) doors of evacuation (emergency) exits equipped with access control systems must be mandatory equip with emergency opening devices.

escape doors must be carried out in one action by simply pressing with your hand on a horizontal bar installed on the inner surface of the door leaf, that is, opening without a key or other mechanisms by pressing on a bar located along the width of the door leaf, or on a bar-rail.

Emergency opening devices emergency doors, closed for electromechanical, electronic, etc. lock products, must be carried out in two steps:

  1. By pressing the emergency unlocking button located in the immediate vicinity of the door block in a visible place;
  2. Mechanically, by pressing the halyard handle or plate of the locking device.

Used electromechanical, electronic, etc. lock products must also have the following characteristics:

  • Compatible with sensors and fire alarm systems, where the door unit must be immediately unlocked when the fire alarm system is activated;
  • In the event of a power failure, the door unit must be immediately unlocked while remaining locked for entry from the outside.

Exit doors equipped with electromechanical, electronic, etc. lock products are not evacuation products.

Unlocking doors when the fire alarm system is activated or when the electrical power is turned off does not replace the installation of an emergency door opener (emergency unlocking button).

When installing emergency door opening devices on fire doors, the fire resistance class of such devices must be no lower than the fire resistance class of the fire door.

If emergency door opening devices have external access devices (i.e. mechanisms that provide unlocking and locking of door units from the outside), this should not affect the unhindered unlocking of the door unit from the inside with one movement for an emergency exit and two movements for emergency exit, regardless of whether the external access device is locked or unlocked.

In buildings and structures accessible to MGN (low mobility groups of the population) EEO (emergency unlocking button) and URD (door unlocking device) should be mounted at a height of 0.85 to 1.1 m from the floor and at a distance of at least 0.6 from the side walls of a room or other vertical plane.

In other buildings and structures, evacuation control devices, that is, EEO (emergency unlocking button) and URD (door unlocking device), should be placed in such a way that the height from the floor level to the operational controls meets ergonomic requirements.

Previously, paragraph 12.52 NPB-88-2001 “Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design Norms and Rules”, regulated the placement of devices in such a way that the height from the floor level to the operational controls of the specified equipment was 0.8-1.5 m. To date, NPB-88-2001 is not valid.

In front of emergency exits located in trading floor department stores, department stores, supermarkets that are not main entrances/exits, to prevent their use by people in normal situations, it is allowed to install a conditional easily folding barrier with the information “Use in case of fire” or “Use in emergency situation” 05 - 1 m. In any case, such an obstacle should not be heavy, flammable and visually block the evacuation route.

ACS is one of the important components of security, including anti-terrorism security, including the use of such systems as part of the implementation of federal and regional programs " Safe school". The active use of access control systems is also typical for business centers, administrative buildings of government bodies, sensitive facilities, etc.


Vice-President for Science of NPO "Pulse", Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences.


Project Manager of NPO "Pulse"

The greatest problems with installing access control systems arise in practice in buildings educational organizations(OO), especially in schools, when supervisory authorities, when checking readiness at the beginning of the school year, order the dismantling of already installed access control systems due to their non-compliance with fire safety requirements. In this article we will look at this problem using an example standard projects buildings of secondary schools.

The main purpose of using ACS is to control access to a building, structure as a whole or to a certain part of it ( office premises banking institutions, authorities social protection etc.), including regulation of access of visitors using guest (one-time) passes, as well as identification of a person with access to a given territory, recording of working and (or) study time, etc. To achieve these goals, access control systems are installed, as a rule, at the entrance node of the building (lobbies, foyers) at the level of the first floor, less often - on other floors if the requirements differ access control for organizations located in the same building.

Specifics of lobby equipment

According to construction and architectural terminology, the lobby is a room of a fairly large area as part of the entrance node to the internal parts of the building, intended for receiving and distributing the flow of employees (visitors). At the same time, for thermal protection, vestibules, including double ones, are usually installed at all external entrances to the lobby, both for direct (through) passage into the building, and sideways, that is, with a turn. Given such requirements, it is natural that ACS is installed not in the doorways of the entrance to the building, but in the entrance vestibule (foyer) with the installation, as a rule, of 1–2 turnstiles and using design solutions (removable or sliding fences) that prevent unauthorized entry of people into the building. It should be taken into account that there are no design standards for the area of ​​vestibules (foyers) in SP 118.13330, as well as requirements for their parameters in SP 1.13330.2009.

Conflicting regulatory requirements

In school buildings with no more than 3-4 floors, ACS is a way to control entry and exit while students are not only in the building, but also in the surrounding area, as well as for transmitting information to relatives after classes are completed. The schools educate three age groups of children: primary (grades 1–4), middle (grades 5–9) and senior (grades 10–11); at the same time, among the students there may also be children belonging to groups with limited mobility (MGN), the safety requirements for which are established by SP 59.13330.2012.

For such buildings, according to SP 1.13130.2009 and SP 118.13330, each floor must have at least two dispersed exits to the staircases, which at the level of the first floor have access, as a rule, directly outside or also through the corridor and vestibule (foyer), which require Part 3 of Art. 89 FZ-123 and the above-mentioned joint ventures. In many standard school designs, the number of staircases is 3–4, of which 1–2, in addition to directly exiting outside, have access through the corridor to the vestibule (foyer) and then outside through the entrance node.

The restriction on the use of access control systems in the lobbies (foyers, halls) of the first floors of educational organizations (schools, technical colleges, universities) is caused by a discrepancy (contradiction) in Part 7 of Art. 89 FZ-123 and clause 36 "a" of the "Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation" (PPR). It should be noted that the PPR is normative legal act, subject to mandatory application in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 4 FZ-123, but it does not fit into the system technical regulation according to Federal Law-184, since it contradicts Part 3 of Art. 7 of this Federal Law.

So, according to the requirements of Part 7 of Art. 89 FZ-123, “in the openings of emergency exits it is prohibited to install sliding and up-and-down doors, revolving doors, turnstiles and other objects that impede the free passage of people.”

The requirements of paragraph 36 "a" of the "Fire Regulations" (FPR) are set out in more general view and contradict the above, namely: “when operating evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits, it is prohibited to: install thresholds on evacuation routes (except for thresholds in doorways), sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors and turnstiles, as well as others devices that prevent the free evacuation of people." For buildings and structures in use, one should be guided by essentially similar requirements of clause 6.10 of SNiP 21-01-97: “Exits are not evacuation if sliding and up-and-down doors and gates are installed in their openings... revolving doors and turnstiles.” In this formulation, the concept of “escape route” is the main difference between PPR and FZ-123, which can practically make it impossible to use access control systems in buildings. This is confirmed by the concepts of Art. 2 FZ-123:

  • “Evacuation exit is an exit leading to an evacuation route, directly outside or to a safe zone” (for the first floor, according to clauses “c” and “e”, Part 3, Article 89 of the Federal Law-123, exits also include exits through the vestibule (foyer ), that is, through those premises where access control systems are most often installed);
  • "evacuation route (evacuation route) - a path of movement and (or) movement of people leading directly outside or to a safe area that meets the requirements safe evacuation people in case of fire", that is, the evacuation route in the form of a corresponding section may also include the vestibule (foyer), where the access control system is installed).

At the same time, for buildings with MGN locations, including schools, in accordance with the requirements of clause 5.1.4 of SP 59.13330, entrance doors must have a clear width of at least 1.2 m, and according to clause 6.1.8 of the same SP " if there is control at the entrance, access control devices and turnstiles with a clear width of at least 1.0 m, adapted for the passage of disabled people in wheelchairs, should be used (obviously, this means installing access control systems in the entrance doors! - author's note). In addition to the turnstiles, a side passage should be provided to ensure the evacuation of disabled people in wheelchairs and other categories of people with disabilities. The width of the passage should be taken as calculated." It must be taken into account that this requirement from 07/01/2015 is also subject to application on mandatory basis, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2014 No. 1521.

It can be concluded that with regard to the use of access control systems, a unique situation has arisen where the requirements of Federal Law-123, PPR, SNiP and SP 59.13330, which are subject to mandatory application, actually contradict each other.


To avoid controversial issues in the regions between public organizations and supervisory authorities, for operating school buildings, using the example of several standard building designs, draft solutions for installing access control systems (Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) were proposed, and corresponding requirements were developed, which can be considered as component a set of necessary engineering, technical and organizational measures to ensure fire safety (KMS), which allow the measures regarding, for example, dismantling of access control systems contained in the order based on the inspection results to be considered completed (clause 48.1 Administrative regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated June 28, 2012 No. 375 as amended by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 27, 2013 No. 844).

It was taken into account that the requirements of paragraphs. 4.2.1–4.2.7, 8.1.13, 8.1.20–8.1.22 SP 1.13130 ​​establish geometric parameters (dimensions, m) for: doorways (height and width), corridors (height and width), flights of stairs (width , height) and platforms (width); the distance from the doors of the most remote rooms to the exit outside or to the staircase; horizontal sections of the escape route (height and width).

Requirements for the geometric parameters (dimensions) of vestibules, halls and foyers relate only to clause 4.3.4, which establish its height of 2 m and width of at least 1 m, and also taking into account their geometry, it was possible to freely carry a stretcher with a person lying on them. them as a person.

Proper installation of an access control system

To organize an access control system in the vestibule, hall or foyer of the first floor of a school building, taking into account the requirements of Part 7 of Art. 89 FZ-123, clause 6.10 SNiP 21-01-97 and the conditions of clause 4.3.4, the following should be provided:

  • at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the doorway of the entrance to the lobby, parallel to the plane of these doors, there should be a swing gate or an easily removable fence with a width of at least the width of the doorway of the entrance to the lobby, but not less than 1.2 m;
  • In addition to the turnstiles, there is a side passage to ensure the evacuation of people with disabilities in wheelchairs and other categories of people with disabilities. The width of the passage should be taken according to calculation (recommended at least 1.2 m in clearance);
  • carrying out calculations to assess fire risk with modeling of at least three fire scenarios to select the most dangerous of them;
  • Algorithm of the APS operation, when the addressable fire detector detects the presence of a controlled fire in the protected premises dangerous factor fire (smoke) and transmits information to the system control panel, which generates a command signal for:
    • activation of the warning system and management of evacuation of people in case of fire (not lower than type 3);
    • turning on evacuation (emergency) lighting along evacuation routes;
    • automatic or manual unlocking technical means for the passage of people (turnstiles);
    • automatic or manual unlocking of electromagnetic locks of staircase doors at the exits from the building to the outside, swing gates and (or) fastening points of easily removable sections of technical means of prohibiting (restricting) the passage of people (fences), which ensures the unhindered passage of evacuees through emergency exit openings, including entrance node of the vestibule (hall, foyer).

Thus, the indicated technical requirements and draft solutions do not contradict the requirements of Federal Law-123 and regulatory documents on fire safety, do not worsen the conditions for evacuation of people from a building in case of fire (normative and calculated values ​​of the parameters are observed) and can be freely used in schools, which is confirmed by letters from the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the DND of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

The ST-ER115SL-GN door unlocking device (UDD) allows you to manually unlock electrically controlled door locks in the event of emergency situation. The URD is compatible with NO and NC type electric locks and is equipped with a plastic recoverable insert.

ST-ER115SL-GN has one group of contacts to control an electric lock. The new device is equipped with a red LED, which indicates the fact that the URD has been triggered or notifies about the status of any other ACS device to which it will be connected. For example, using this indicator you can monitor the presence of power supply to the lock or, by connecting an LED to the reed switch, monitor the status of the door.

The reusable plastic insert does not require replacement after operation, which allows you to quickly and without additional costs restore the normal operation of the electric lock. To prevent accidental unlocking of electrically controlled locks, Smartec URD is equipped with a transparent plastic cover with a hole for attaching a seal.

Smartec's assortment also includes a URD model - ST-ER115, which has 2 groups of contacts for controlling the lock and for signaling operation.

Also presented in a wide range on our website are: electromagnetic locks and electromechanical latches trademark Smartec. All equipment of this brand has affordable prices and is always available in our warehouse.