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Simoron for a man's love. Simoron rituals for a man’s love: methods and techniques

Every person is unique from birth and can control their own destiny. But getting more and more entangled in his problems, a person loses control and becomes dependent on circumstances. And if someone wants to throw off the burden of their problems, find a soul mate and live happily, then Simoron will help with this.

What are Simoron rituals?

Simoron is a technique that helps every person become a wizard and fulfill their desires.

The essence of the technique lies in rituals that are performed in a playful, funny, and often absurd form. Despite this, funny rituals are very effective. With their help, you can make any dreams and desires come true, even the most incredible ones.

The range of application of Simoron rituals is unlimited. This technique will teach you how to become a magician in your life. And if you practice it, you will be able to attract into your life:

  • money,
  • Love,
  • new job
  • lose weight,
  • and even get pregnant.

There are quite a lot of Simoron rituals, and their collection is constantly growing. You can come up with a technique yourself, the main thing is that the whole action takes place in a comic form.

Attracting the love of a specific person

Not every person manages to meet his one and only, with whom he can live his whole life, inspire him to great deeds and support him in any situation. Meeting with such a person is usually hindered by old relationships that have not lived up to expectations. A person wants to let them go, but cannot, clinging to old experiences and memories. In this case, you can perform a Simoron ritual for the love of a specific person.

When you want to meet the love of your life, you should not concentrate on one specific person, since love always comes unexpectedly. You can attract into your life that person with whom you want to constantly spend time with the help of a ritual.

But before you start performing the ritual, you need to learn how to let love into your inner world. When you feel ready for a new relationship, go to the store or market for carrots. In order for love to appear in your life, stock up on this vegetable and eat it every day, not only in its raw form, but in the form of pies or any other dish that you like.

In the morning, it is advisable to drink freshly squeezed carrot juice with cream, saying the magic words “love is carrots,” reminding yourself of your dreams and imagining how they come true. In a few days you will feel yourself filled with a very bright and pure feeling. This simple ritual to attract love into life will not only quickly give results, but will make you more beautiful and refreshed.

Techniques for attracting a certain man

If you want to have an affair with a certain person and fill your living space, simoron offers a very romantic ritual. Choose a novel or a book in any genre from your library, the main thing is that it contains lyrics. It is important that the book or love story has a happy ending and has been read several times. You can choose the plot that you want to implement in your life.

The chosen novel needs to be tied with a red ribbon, dance music turned on and the book twirled to the dance rhythms. The type of romantic relationship depends on the nature of the chosen music. If you want more passion, then Latin American music will do. And if you want a calm and long-term relationship, then a slow romantic melody will become the leitmotif of such a ritual.

This ritual of Simoron magic will give many new sensations not only to the heart, but also to the body. You must move, releasing energy, and the love of the best man in the world will certainly find you, in the very near future.

Simoron techniques for love

Simoron has many techniques for love. And each of these techniques is performed with love, humor and elements of the absurd.

Rite No. 1 “Slippers”

Buy good men's slippers that your future spouse will enjoy walking in. There is a sign that what kind of slippers you buy will be your future partner. Leave the slippers in the hallway for three days and make sure no one wears them.

After three days, it is advisable to perform the ritual before the new moon; you need to stand in the hallway with your back to the door and put your hands in your slippers. Then knock them on the threshold exactly 27 times and ask your chosen one to appear.

Have a list with you of the qualities that he should be endowed with. Place this piece of paper in your slippers. They will wait for their owner, and until he appears, you can walk them, talk to them, and if you have a car, take them for a ride around the city.

Rite No. 2 “Pink Leaf”

Focus on one side of the sheet. It is advisable to take a pink sheet and write down all the positive qualities that you want to see in your chosen one. On the other side are written all the negative qualities that you are willing to turn a blind eye to.

The paper then needs to be rolled up and put in a box, saying three times that you love your betrothed with all the advantages and negative qualities. The box should be tied with a red ribbon, and then it should be hidden in a secluded place for the appearance of your loved one. When he appears in this life, you will certainly feel it.

Rite No. 3 “Visualization”

To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare yourself for a significant meeting. In the first week of the ritual, when meeting any man, regardless of his age, you need to say that you love him. In the second week, you need to convince yourself that this man, and this one, and the next one loves you. This attitude will help you prepare for the meeting; the Universe will definitely hear your message.

Rite No. 4 “Red panties”

On the 11th of every month, a red panties ritual is performed. They don’t have to be new, wet them a little in water, say something about what kind of person you would like to meet on the way and throw your panties on the chandelier.

They should hang for three days. To enhance the effect, you can shout your desire, snap your fingers and stomp your feet. All movements are performed three times. The ritual can be repeated until the betrothed appears.

Rite No. 5 “For Valentine’s Day”

This ceremony takes place on February 14th. Take your favorite perfume, put it on the table and sit in front of them. Start looking at the bottle with a loving gaze. Say loudly: “from now on, love will always be with me.” Perfume charged with love should be used constantly and it will work for you.

Rite No. 6 “At the front door”

If the hour of marriage has struck, and the betrothed has not appeared on the path of life, then you can perform another proven Simoron rite. Write “Getting Married” on a piece of cardboard and hang it on the front door, on the hallway side. This way you will be able to get married several times a day.

Well, if it’s too early to get married or you don’t want to, then you need to make an inscription on the paper, for example, “Exit to a love relationship,” and on the other side write “Entrance.” The use of such a ritual will quickly bring changes to life.

Rite No. 7 “Ball”

Simoron - attracting love with a gel ball. Write a note on the balloon saying that you are urgently looking for a husband with the desired qualities. Be sure to indicate the address of the person to whom the letter is addressed - “office of the Universe.” Let the ball fly freely, it will definitely reach the addressee, and the letter will be read.

Rite No. 8 “Spring”

Ask spring to send you love. Go to the forest or take a walk in the park where many trees are planted. Take one leaf, place it between your palms and thank spring for its appearance, and then ask to charge it with love. Hold the leaf close to you, feel it and merge with it into a single whole. Then take this miracle of nature home and put it between the pages of a romance novel. Put the book in the closet and wait until spring, and you will definitely be lucky.

Magical ways of finding love will definitely help you cope with loneliness and find a worthy partner to live with.

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About love - everything about it! Songs are about her, poems are about her, and even statuses on social networks are exclusively about her! What if, as the folk song says, “all the girls are in pairs, only I am alone”? A stormy romance just ended unsuccessfully (or vice versa - an unsuccessful one ended violently), or maybe the relationship ended so long ago that it is no longer remembered? Well, dear, if there is a lack of love in your life right now, it’s time to remember your divine essence and urgently attract what you need into your life. And simoron for love will help with this.

But first, let’s be clear, love is not something external, love already exists, it belongs to you, and for this amazingly strong feeling to manifest itself in your life in the form of an ideal relationship, start showing it. When going out into the street, mentally declare your love to literally every pillar - trees, cats, benches, cars, and of course - to all the men you meet. And don’t forget about your reflection in the mirror, those who need to hear the magic words of the “I love you” spell more often. You will see how the world you love will begin to return Love to you. And in order to speed up the appearance of the One in your life, I offer, as promised, wonderful Simoron rituals to attract love.

Bathing in love

The ritual is simple, but incredibly pleasant and effective. We take our favorite bath foam, or salt, or special balls and write on them with a felt-tip pen what is required (Love, Happiness - optional). And now you are bathing in love, in suitors or admirers, beauty! And after taking such an amazing bath, you can use no less.

Change your name - change your life

One of my friends and part-time Fairy Marusya de La Mur (we will definitely talk about magical names later) began her path to great and bright love by changing her name. For perhaps a year now, her name has been listed on all social networks - Nastya Lyubimaya. And I haven’t seen or heard from her for a long time - for the last few months she has been constantly disappearing with her boyfriend, sometimes appearing on the air, purring that everything is fine - and disappearing again. So choose a good last name for yourself - Beloved, Happy, Married - and everything will work out.


It works very well, although you need to put a hand in it. First, we make a heart - from any material, a creative approach and invested emotion are important here. And we pin it with a boo-LOV-coy somewhere on the clothes, on the side that is invisible to prying eyes (possibly to the underwear). But the main thing is to read a cheerful mantra during the bonding process -

I love myself beloved

I will love you with my love

Beloved will admire

And he will cling with love!

However, you can come up with a magic spell yourself, and the good thing is that you can come up with anything - and it will work.


This common rhyme is a must use rituals to attract love into your life. So - we make a love salad, from carrots, of course. You can add it according to your taste and interests: pepper (for the sharpness of sensations), garlic (to keep everything “honest”), you can season it with may-on-ez (in the sense that “it’s mine”). And you can add some other significant ingredients, here love recipe everyone will have their own. We eat the finished salad with pleasure, setting a table for two, of course.

And the best love potion is, of course, carrot juice. Let's drink it with the intention, the effect is guaranteed, and at the same time your vision will improve, so as not to miss your betrothed.

Getting married

I want to tell you about another friend of mine - a real Fairy and guru of Simoron. Her name is Nadezhda and she got married not so long ago. This is an amazing story, the young people are happy, and just recently they gave birth to wonderful twins. Now there are four children in this family (it so happens that the parents had one each before they met). They live in a large and cheerful family: father, mother, two daughters, two sons, a cat and a dog. So, when about three years ago our Nadenka realized that the baby’s father would be of no use, she set the goal of creating the best family in the world: with children, cats, dogs and incredible personal happiness. As usual, she wrote down her preferences in great detail (necessarily in the present tense, as if this had already happened), and then hung signs on the door of her room - on the inside “Married”, and on the outside “Happy Family Life”. And now she went out several times a day - right! - got married and solemnly entered into a happy family life. And - it worked!

Slipper Ritual

Without this technique, a conversation about love would be incomplete. On the new moon we buy men's slippers for the house. Only good and high-quality ones, they say, are those who tried this ritual with Chinese consumer goods and then for a long time could not get rid of the annoying attention of some strange types. So good quality, beautiful slippers – no compromises. Take the time to walk around and choose until you understand that these are the ones. You need to let the slippers “infuse” in the hallway for three days, and then at midnight, opening the front door, put them on your hands and take a few “steps” in the direction of the house with the words “The betrothed, appear!” That's all, actually.

And one more thing - you should not use Simoron rituals to “confuse” a specific man. This is already violence against a free person, which is not at all like Simoron. Besides, perhaps the Universe has already prepared an ideal match for you, so what better way to trust it and simply “order” a meeting with The One?

P.S. There are many, many more Simoron rituals for love, but in order not to make this article dimensionless, the rest of the wonderful methods should be described separately. So, you can also:

Make your dream of a handsome prince come true with the help of.

Search for your betrothed in “”;

Attract love and harmony with the help.

Where to start if the presence of that one man is sorely lacking in your living space? Of course, from the most important thing - love. Love for yourself and the world. These are the main conditions for the success of using simoron magic, which has already gained popularity, which reliably controls the hearts of many women eager to find happiness.

We remove skepticism and seriousness to the distant shelves of consciousness, get inspired by our own dreams and... boldly begin to misbehave in Simoron style. It is important to do everything from the heart, any “independent activity” is welcome, because only you know what words, when and how to pronounce, what thoughts to formulate, and what to desire most.

Not focusing on failures and negativity, letting go of grievances, believing in yourself and in the inevitable successful outcome of all your endeavors means you are already half closer to your cherished goal. Simoron rituals for love and quick marriage are exciting, inventive and... fun! The main thing is to open your heart to hope and let into it the light of the happiness of mutual affection that is about to appear in your life. Your chosen one has been waiting for you for a long time. You just don’t know about it yet...

So, let’s clear our minds and hearts of negative emotions, tune in to the wave of romance, clearly formulate our desires, and go ahead and conjure the love of the best man in the world! And among the 12 rituals of Simoron’s magic collected below, there are sure to be several that will be the first step to realizing your wildest dreams.

100 days to find love

To begin with, we buy a beautiful thick notebook with a red cover, drawings of hearts or flowers, and a pen, also preferably in a red case. We count 100 pages from the beginning and it is on this hundredth page that we begin to write. The topic of our essay (certainly in the present tense!) is meeting the man of your dreams. That is, something like this: “Today it happened!! I met Him - my chosen one! He is exactly the same as I saw in my dreams and dreams...” And then you should describe in detail the man’s appearance, his height and build, eye and hair color. You can also fantasize about how the first meeting went and how promising it ended, and express all your hopes and dreams.

And from the next day we begin to move towards the event you described. You can start with a simple but important thing - changing your hairstyle, purchasing new interesting wardrobe items, etc. Every day should contain something that inexorably brings you closer to your cherished meeting and long-awaited love. Caring for your beloved self comes to the fore during this period. We do everything that is useful and that gives pleasure. We run in the morning or go to the fitness club, go to the spa, pamper ourselves with baths and don’t forget about the delicious...

On the last hundredth day we put on new underwear, apply new cosmetics and wait... The meeting must definitely happen. Fate itself will arrange everything and present you on a silver platter with what you have long dreamed of. This Simoron ritual is not only extremely effective, but also unusually positive, since it awakens, first of all, a woman’s love for herself.

Shouldn't we start an affair?

And really, why not! The most important thing is to choose a suitable novel or work in any other genre, but with a clear hint of lyrics. For these purposes, a romantic story with a happy ending is ideal, preferably one that has been read more than once, that you like and that evokes a certain response in your soul. It is also welcome to use a work with a plot that you would like to duplicate in your own destiny.

So, the selected book is tied with a red ribbon, dance music is turned on, and the dance begins with the novel in hand. Moreover, what the upcoming relationship will be like depends on the nature of the music. If you choose Latin American rhythms, you can hope for passion and ardor, a slow romantic melody will bring into life the charm of the long courtship of a caring man, etc. The positivity that this ritual from the magic of Simoron carries within itself benefits not only a tired, lonely heart, but also the body - move, releasing your energy, and the love of the best man in the world will not bypass you!

Ivan da Marya

This ritual of attracting a man’s love is effective, dating back to the distant past, but now almost forgotten. Its meaning is to collect a small bouquet of Ivan da Marya flowers in nature, in the forest. Tie them in a beautiful fabric and put them somewhere out of sight (for example, on top of a closet) so that you can soon forget about the flowers.

Changes in your personal life for the better will not keep you waiting - the amazing energy of a pair of flowers will do its job. This technique requires patience and deep dedication from the performer. Having done everything as prescribed, you need to try to remember your desire as little as possible, leaving everything to the will of higher powers.

Happy cup

This love ritual from Simoron’s arsenal is ideal for those who long to experience the joy of married life. The main attribute is a cup from the house of a close friend, relative, who is in a happy marriage with her loved one. Having borrowed this item, you will also need the following components, without which it will be impossible to perform the marriage ritual:

  • ring imitating a wedding ring. It is better to buy it in a store that sells jewelry;
  • 9 grains of rice;
  • red ribbon 18 cm long.

The numbers voiced here are not random; it is important to follow these instructions, since these numerical values ​​are directly related to love magic and the desire to build a life with the man you love. Once everything is assembled, the first thing to do is place the ring in the cup, then the rice and the ribbon. The Simoron ritual itself boils down to the fact that every night, when going to bed, the ring is taken from a cup, which is placed at the head of the bed, and put on the ring finger of the right hand.

Before going to bed, you need to clearly imagine your future family life, your chosen one, namely, as if you are in your common home, you are happy, your husband has a good job, the kids go to kindergarten or school, etc. In the morning, the ring is removed and put back in the cup. You need to repeat these steps every evening for a long time. This message, sent to higher powers, will not go unnoticed. This technique of Simoron, as it were, anticipates events, indicating to the universal forces who need the heartfelt feeling most now.

We are looking for a betrothed

Numerous Simoron rituals for the love of a man include one, the implementation of which requires minimal skills in working with a printer and computer and a well-meaning assistant. So, we print out a lot of photographs of some celebrity (film actor, singer, football player, deputy and others like them) who fits the role of the ideal man in the understanding of each individual girl.

Then these photographs, not without the assistance of a sympathetic friend, are hidden in various places (at home, or, if the situation allows, at work). That is, daily affairs will constantly involve the fact that the participant in such a magical ceremony, willy-nilly, will constantly “find her betrothed.” Such a game will definitely hint to fate that the time has come for the real chosen one to “be found” in reality, and that his ardent feeling will be very useful.

Where there is a horse, there is a prince

Catch the prince on a horse? With this Simoron rite this is quite feasible. First of all, we acquire, in fact, the legendary white horse. It doesn't matter in what form. It could be a reproduction, poster, toy, piggy bank, etc. We place this item in a prominent place, preferably, of course, in the southwestern zone of the apartment, which is responsible for personal happiness.

And then we begin to actively look for a prince for this horse. You can search everywhere - from the Internet to the nearest bus stop. Well, here’s what’s bad about the status on social networks: “A white horse has been found. Prince, respond!”, or an announcement of similar content, given in a newspaper or pasted on a lamppost, or maybe even announced on the radio? Whoever likes it, as long as that one man immediately understands that they are looking for him.

Let's remember our childhood

Sometimes children's fun can be based on a rather effective Simoron ritual that can help capture the man you love. We are talking about playing, no, not with dolls, but with... bears. These cute Teddy bears can be purchased at any toy store. The main thing is that they are paired (boy-girl) and preferably dressed as the bride and groom. If there are no wedding paraphernalia, it doesn’t matter, you can make the costumes yourself. It's even more interesting this way.

After the bears are dressed accordingly, a wedding ritual is arranged for them. With all its inherent signs - with inviting guests, a disco and cutting the cake. All the action takes place in our imagination. Then, when the celebration has died down, the bears are planted under a house flower in a pot with a woman’s name, and a vase with the most delicious sweets is certainly placed next to it. And that’s it, all that remains is to wait for the betrothed. And the result after such divination using Simoron’s method will appear quite quickly - your love will find you itself.

Cover yourself with love!

The essence of these magical Simoron actions comes down to charging... a blanket to attract love. The best thing is a new item that has never been used before, or even better, something specially purchased for this purpose. The color of the blanket and its size are absolutely not important.

So, in order to charge the blanket with love in Simoron style, you need to retire and tune in to a special mood - calm down, not think about the negative. Taking a blanket in your hands, you need to imagine yourself being fed by the energy flowing from the Portal of Love. The soft pink light should fill your entire being, soaking you through.

When this effect is achieved, you can begin to “charge” the blanket. The ritual is carried out by a simple touch, filling the blanket with the universal power of love until on the physical level we feel that love vibrations have completely permeated it. There may be sensations of tingling in your fingers, warmth and pulsation coming from the blanket - everyone is different.

Then, using this already magical bedding, you need to clearly imagine that the right feeling has arrived, and happiness in the form of a long-awaited ideal man has hugged you by the shoulders. When carrying out the Simoron ritual, you should not rush things; the result will not be long in coming. For some it takes 3 months, for others 2 weeks, the main thing is to believe in your happiness!

Flowers for you!

What does it feel like to suddenly receive a bouquet from your loved one, if the chosen one has not even appeared on the foreseeable horizon? You can find out this, and at the same time simulate such a desired situation, by giving flowers... to yourself.

It would be optimal to place an order through an online store, and be sure to include a note: “To the most beloved, gentle and charming. From the husband, groom, young man, the best man (leave the appropriate one).” Just be sure to discuss the condition of non-disclosure of information about the donor by the courier. The energy released from the action of this simoron technique has a powerful positive charge and will soon set into motion the desired processes. Believe me, personal happiness is on its way!

Peony magic

Attracting love is also possible with the help of a flower, which is credited with very special properties in terms of romantic relationships and finding a chosen one. The essence of the ritual is to quietly pick a peony from someone else’s flowerbed, brew it with boiling water, and make an infusion. You need to wash your hair with this warm infusion and wait for pleasant changes in your personal life over the next week. The delicate aroma of the flower will attract a feeling of love, be careful - your betrothed is already nearby!

Is every month a honey month? Easily!

This ritual is suitable for those who have already started a relationship, for married couples who are experiencing a cooling of feelings, feel that the ardor of feelings has begun to weaken, or who quarrel, make scandals, and do not find a common language. In addition, the magical effect that this Simoron ritual has allows you to realize a lot of any accompanying desires.

It's very simple. If you want each subsequent month to be as romantic and sweet as honey, feel free to smear its name on the wall calendar with a layer of honey. Well, if in the near future you really want to make, for example, a trip out of town, go to a resort, make a long-planned purchase - we draw all our ideas on a piece of paper, mark the dates under them and complete this whole action by applying honey to the name of the month. Whether this ritual works for you personally is quite easy to check. After all, the result should follow strictly within a month. Go for it!

Simple and effective

This is not even a ritual, but a Simoron guide to action for finding a betrothed. In order for attracting love to give quick results, it is very helpful to have objects with purely masculine energy, for example, a comb, a handkerchief, a business card holder, or even laces. In short, everything that seems appropriate. Moreover, it is necessary to correlate the magical Simoron accessories with the character of the man - the chosen one, who would be preferable.

That is, if you want drive and extreme sports, let it be a biker’s glove; if you want romance, inspired by examples from movies or books, a glasses case; if you are attracted by seriousness and a business-like attitude, then an expensive wallet is quite suitable. There are a lot of options, and which one is yours, you will definitely understand for yourself. Love is attentive to detail, look for it everywhere!

Simoron rituals for attracting love are fascinating, fun and always positive rituals that allow you to “conjure” your own happiness in a funny way.

Video - simoron technique to attract love

In this article:

Simoron is called a school of psychotraining. Simoron rituals are designed to attract reality that arises in our consciousness, for example, love, money, success.

Simoron rituals are varied, both in purpose and execution, sometimes strange, original or eccentric. Yes, there is little that is commonplace in this practice, but this is not the main thing, the main thing is efficiency and effectiveness, which are the best proof that simoron works.

These rituals use the already existing personal Power of a person, which allows him to operate with reality. If a person completely lacks Strength, then the ritual will not work or its effect will be very weak.

Attracting love

To attract new love, you first need to let go of the old one, or rather, its remnants in the form of unnecessary and outdated feelings and experiences. The Chinese sages explained this very beautifully when they said that if you want hot tea, first throw the cold one out of the cup! And this is true. You can enjoy new feelings to the maximum only in their pure form, undiluted by anything else, especially dirt.

Even before you begin the ritual, you must get the person who has become a fixed idea out of your head. You cannot wait for a specific person, you need to wait for Him, (Her).

Many people, when performing Simoron rituals aimed at attracting love, make one very serious mistake - they demand EXACTLY THAT PERSON or THAT OBJECT from the Matrix. This is not the goal.

The purpose of the ritual is to love and be loved, and not to get a specific person into your arms.

The Universe knows better what we need, and it has already prepared it for us, but the limited human brain cannot immediately understand what is best for its owner. He knows how to build from already familiar material, put together familiar puzzles, that is, draw castles with a specific person.

Looking for love!

All Simoron rituals created to build love allow you to look for it, but not take it from a specific shelf. We are creating an ad in the section: Looking for! And then, depending on the situation, write a text with a detailed listing of the desired qualities and inclinations of the person you are looking for, making sure to indicate what you are ready to offer him in exchange for his presence in your life.

Urgently looking for a Man!
Important qualities: wisdom, calmness, ability to earn a living, passion for your work, excellent health, initiative, desire to start a family with a bunch of children.
Height: from 175 cm.
Eyes: brown.
I promise to groom and cherish the owner of all the above listed qualities, feed him one to three times a day, depending on the accessibility of his body to the kitchen, walk him, create comfort, build a family nest, delight him with fashionable designer novelties, amuse him, entertain him, take him to resorts!


This advertisement must be pasted on the window on the side of the apartment, with the text facing the street.


The universal materializer will help give physical form to even the most arrogant intention.


  • I like any closed container.
  • New batteries that will power the materializer with energy, therefore they need to be secured in the container.
  • Main components. They vary depending on the purpose of materialization.
  • Sexual component - men's deodorant.
  • The smart component is a very smart book.
  • The sports component is model sports cars.
  • The aesthetic component is a photo of your favorite actor.
  • The monetary component is a couple thousand bucks.

Place all this in a container, dance a fiery dance with it, shout the intention spell (to meet a sexy, smart, athletic, rich prince) as many times as the age of this very prince should be and place the container in a prominent place.

Variety of Simoron rituals for love

Order for love

Another option for receiving love is to draw up an order, which states that the good girl Manechka should be given her Prince, corresponding to the following list of qualities: (hereinafter the list of qualities). Date. Signature. It is better to put the latter from a very important gentleman, for example, the Lord God, the President, etc.

Bathing in Love

Write “Love” or “Grooms” on the bath foam, then add it to the bath every time you bathe and enjoy the procedure with pleasure, preferably daily.

Hearts on the line of fate

Draw two hearts connected together on your hand, on the fate line. With the same pen, write on paper a fairy tale about love that is about to appear in your life. Describe the future groom, both in appearance and in character. Think of your first acquaintance, date, kiss, confession, marriage proposal.

Magic shoes

To attract love, buy yourself magic shoes like Cinderella's. You need to buy shoes with the intention of meeting your loved one in them. These should be very beautiful, comfortable and stylish shoes, in which you need to appear in public places.


Hearts with iodine

Another very simple, but very effective way to attract love is hearts on the fifth point, which must be drawn with iodine. You can add a mesh to the hearts, like setting a trap for your loved one so that he quickly ends up in your arms.

Catch the love!

Love can be caught. For these purposes, on the new moon, build a multi-colored network of ribbons. Each color of the ribbon represents the desired quality of the future groom. While weaving, say affectionate and kind words, addressing your future partner, tell how you will care for and cherish him, what kind words you will call him, who he will become for you. The net is hung outside at night and carried with you during the day. The ritual is repeated for 27 days in a row.

Growing Love

Buy any seeds or plant and plant them, imagining that you are planting with love, when what you planted grows, love will grow, the main thing is not to forget to take care of it. What can you plant? Asters “Bride” or “Dream”, which will grow perfectly in a pot on the windowsill. Add a couple of your own invented signs to the ritual and follow them regularly. What kind of signs could these be? For example, if someone stepped on your foot in public transport, you will soon have a fan. If you saw lovers kissing 10 times, it means love is waiting for you soon. We met three pregnant women in one day, which means that you too will soon get married and become mothers.

Ritual for husband with slippers

On the new moon, buy new men's slippers, and not the first ones you come across, but the best ones that you will really like, which means they will be in the heart of your future loved one. These slippers should stand in the hallway of your apartment for 3 days, and no one should wear them. After 3 days, get down on all fours in the hallway, opening the front door in advance. Place your hands in your slippers so that their toes point inside the house, then stamp your hands in the slippers three times and shout:

“The betrothed mummer, worthy and without bad habits, appear!”

Intention is very important in any ritual.

Drink of love

Take equal parts tea with bergamot and Sudanese rose petals (hibiscus), pour boiling water over it and let it brew. You should get a strong brew. Pour the tea leaves into a carafe, add sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, raisins, orange juice and orange slices, and then add boiling water. These spices can easily be replaced with a packet of seasoning called “For mulled wine.”
The drink should steep for more than an hour, after which it should be strained and sugar added to taste. Pre-prepare ice in the shape of hearts, which is thrown into a glass with the Drink of Love, imagining how your loved one’s heart melts from warm feelings for you. Drink your drink with the intention you know!

Marriage Ritual – Invitation Card

Take a wedding invitation, which you can buy at any bookstore, at the same time arm yourself with a magic pen and write a beautiful text in which you invite yourself to your own wedding. The text of the postcard should be as follows:

Dear__________ (your name)!

I sincerely invite you to my wedding, which will take place in 201! I am the happiest bride in the world, because on this day and from now on I will always have the best man next to me - the most ___ (qualities of a future husband), the most ___, the most___, the most ___, etc. etc.

Place the invitation in a self-addressed envelope and mail it. This is a very effective way to get married very quickly. When you receive the invitation, take it out and place it in the most visible place in your home, preferably in your room, where it will be in front of your eyes when you wake up and fall asleep.


To begin with, we let go of old, outdated and unnecessary relationships. As the Chinese sages said: if you want hot tea, pour the cold one out of the cup first!
It is very important, when wanting to find love, not to get hung up on a specific, specific person! The desire will certainly come true as soon as you stop waiting for Him, (Her).
It is a big mistake to demand EXACTLY THAT object, thing or person from the Matrix. What is the goal? To love and be loved. Create a family. Enjoy the company of the opposite sex, etc.
This is what you need to tune in to and be sympathetic to - to the Goal (relationships), and not to the means of achieving it (a specific person).
The Universe has prepared for you exactly the person you need, you just need to allow him to appear, and not stomp your feet and capriciously point your finger at a specific candidate.
Our Brain, limited by the Habitual Picture of the World, is not always able to immediately understand what will be best - it can only build from already familiar cubes! :)
Maybe this one will appear, or maybe another one, if this other one is much better than that one!
Or maybe you’ll have to do a little magic to change yourself (your inner qualities, style of behavior, attitude towards the opposite sex) and then, finally, This One or That One and exactly Those relationships will appear.
If you understand that you are fixated on a particular person and his face seems to you everywhere and you, like Margarita, are ready to strip naked and fly after him (her) on a broom to the ends of the earth, but for some reason your flights are not at all for him interesting, before you disrespect Love, it is important to “let go” of the one who holds you tightly in this reality and does not allow you to jump into another.

How to let go?
To be honest, you need an obsession with a specific person, or a certain type of relationship, for something!
For example, in a relationship with him you play role of the victim:“Oh, Me! Poor sheep! Wow, how my heart beats... Ah, this is Love... Alena Sviridova sings and you sing with her, hugging a pillow, pouring a glass of wine for yourself and your unfortunate friend, who has been listening for an hour to how it is to be unloved or lonely, or to endure His betrayal!
And in your suffering you are so unrealistically beautiful. These tears, and a cigarette, and a scoundrel-bastard-who-isn’t worthy of you suit you so well!
High? No?! Then tell yourself: I’ve played enough of this!! And choose another role!
How do you like it? the role of the creator? This is my favorite, for active girls!!:) He (a) does not reciprocate your feelings, well, or answers sluggishly. (or even married!), but you don’t give up, you come up with more and more new ways to win him (her).
First, a striptease on the table for his birthday, then fly to another city for a couple of hours with a bouquet of flowers to his mother, she should also be congratulated! Next - the musicians you hired under his windows with the song: “Where are you, my light, wandering...”. The main verse, naturally, is performed by you. A poster bought with the last money is displayed on the way to his work with a photo of him in swimming trunks and the inscription: “I liked it!:)
Darling, wait, where are you going, everything is just beginning! I haven’t climbed up the fire escape through your window yet. I didn’t have time to write on the wall opposite the window of your hotel room in Krasnaya Polyana (where you, naive, tried to hide from me and thought I wouldn’t find you! ha ha!) How lucky I am to have you!:))
Are you weak?
By the way, if you are a man and have done all of the above for Her, and she, not appreciating your appearance at her place at 5 in the morning with flowers and the stuffed face of her new boyfriend, handed you over to the police, you can be congratulated! You are actually a super hero!
And society greatly approves of your action! The country needs heroes!
Don't you want to try it on? the role of a caring mother? Wipe the drunken fool out of the car, throw some money at him, warm him up, caress him and put the little ones under his warm barrel? And how would he live without you, so wretched, no one needs him, he will disappear, right?: (Order of the Mother of the Heroine - to the studio!!!
And yours, young man, girl, a foolish fool, will disappear like that? And she has nothing to live on, and no one to go to, and her childhood was sooooo difficult! They didn’t teach her to love the poor thing, but that’s okay, after all, you met her and now everything will be fine with her! Will you save me? ;)
Don't like it? Ready to let go of this role or change?

Then thank her for the emotions and feelings that she gave you and change the rules of the game!
Also, if you are very fixated on a certain person or type of relationship, you can do the following:
In your imagination, put his (her) image in a balloon, preferably yellow, as if to indicate separation. Inflate, tie, let go from the balcony, mentally saying goodbye to him (her), your unrealized expectations, those good and bad moments that connected you. And tell yourself that now you are ready for new, positive changes in your life and will wait for a gift from Fate, because there is such a sign: “A holy place is never empty!”

Simoron rituals for love
Love is possible:


We print the ad: I'm looking!

For example:
Urgently Looking for a Man!
Wise. Calm. Knowing how to earn a living. Passionate about His Business. Healthy. Showing initiative in developing relationships. Passionately wanting to start a family with a bunch of children and carry his wife in his arms. He is over 180 tall, brown-eyed. Someone who shares my values ​​and hobbies. I undertake to care for and feed the owner of these qualities at least once a day. Wear high heels and elastic stockings at least once a week! About building up the family nest in accordance with fashionable design innovations, entertaining, making merry, taking them to seaside resorts!

We glue the advertisement to the window from the side of the apartment, with the text facing the street. Ladies or gentlemen who are more daring can fly airplanes with the text of an advertisement out of the window or hand them out on the street with a phone number to their favorite candidates


Universal materializer.

Purpose: Gives physical form to your most brazen intention.

1. Any closed container: mystery box, clay teapot.

2. Batteries, always new. They feed the materializer with energy. We fix it inside the teapot (or box).
3. The main components may change depending on what needs to be materialized.

For example:
A. Sexual component: men's shower gel,
b. Smart component: a book, terribly smart
V. Sports component: three small models of cars (one, however, will not be enough!). Racing cars to make the prince active and sporty.
d. Well, and an aesthetically attractive component: a photo of an elf of unearthly beauty from The Lord of the Rings...
d. Cash component: 2000 bucks is enough!
The whole thing is to put it in a teapot, a box, dance a “groovy” dance, pronounce a desire-intention in the present tense as many times as the prince must be old. And put the box in a visible place.

You can also make Order:
Give the good girl Mashenka her Prince, according to this list of qualities: (list the qualities further). And the signature at the bottom of the Super Important Guy. (Lord God, Medvedev, the head of your company or department for materialization of desires).

Okay, while drinking, keep offering toasts:"For love!" "Let everyone find their love!"

Bathing in Love.
Write “Love” on the bath foam, you can write “Grooms” or whatever you want, whatever purrs and bathe in it every day!

Drawing hearts on the fate line.
On your palm on the fate line, draw 2 hearts together with a Magic Pen!

Write a fairy tale about your future love, which led to the wedding. How did you meet the young man, how did you confess your love to each other? Describe in detail how your lover proposed

Attract, lure, lure...

Can I have some It’s tempting to come up with a little hook and attach it to yourself.
Recipe from Natasha: Take various purring keychains, keys, hearts, letters and make yourself a “For love” lure.
You just need to hold it up to the mirror and solemnly announce what it was made for!
For this purpose, I bought a magic set for children’s creativity and designed it myself with letters and hearts! I attached it to my bag! The child liked it, he asked me for a long time what I was doing and why, after which he asked and made an attractive keychain for himself on his phone to attract fives! They say it's good if it crumbles in some crowded place! Everyone immediately calls and introduces themselves. The main thing is that something remains from the old enticement, and based on the old one, we make a new enticement!
Or here’s another thing: take a small paper heart or a red ribbon, smear it with glue, sprinkle it with semolina and attach this simple device to the magic Boo LOVE Coy underwear!!! What does it mean - THERE WILL BE LOVE!!!

And we read the poems:
I am love for myself beloved,
I will love you with my love.
Beloved will admire
And cling to me with love!

Magic shoes

You need to buy yourself magic shoes like Cinderella’s to attract love!
Buy beautiful shoes for yourself with intention (to attract a loved one into your life). You have to wear them with intention too! Well, flaunt them wherever you want, it’s better in a crowded place so that you get noticed!

Hearts drawn on the fifth point with iodine.

Also a very magical technique!
You can draw hearts on your butt using iodine, or a mesh so that your loved one gets caught sooner!

At one of my trainings, the beautiful Angelica, in order to catch men from a luxury cottage village, decided to hang hooks from her bra on their notice board, for bait, we are waiting for the result)

Attracting Love on a New Moon(can be any other evening)

Put a saucepan on your head and 1 striped sock on your right foot. Take a fork in your hand: Jumping around the apartment saying: “I am a magnet for love in a striped sock and with a saucepan on my head, I am a magnet for love, for health and wealth and for (specify whom (several people are possible)). After the ritual dance, eat dinner with the same fork, silently repeating the spell.
To attract love When we go outside, we smear ourselves with honey. (lips possible)


You can catch Love in a multi-colored net of ribbons. Weave on the new moon, weaving into the network the desired qualities of your Beloved mixed with the affectionate words with which you will call HER, HIM.
We hang it outside at night and carry it with us during the day. AND SO 27 days.

You can use your red panties (if you want passionate love and a lot of sex), or you can use your pink ones if you are more focused on tender affection and serious relationships.

IN grow

Buy a seed or plant and plant your love. Flowers will grow - love and relationships will grow, and then they will bloom and smell!
And what a choice of seeds: Aster “Bride”, Aster “Princely Bride”, “Fountain of Wishes”, “Dream”, “Magic Ball”, all dwarf ones can be bred in pots!

Come up with a sign or several that indicate the arrival of love and carry them out regularly

If you step on your foot on the bus, a passionate admirer will appear.
10 times we saw couples kissing - for the imminent arrival of love.

If you lost your umbrella, your loved one will soon show up with a car and you won’t need an umbrella anymore!
Signs can also be composed as events unfold.

Once a knife flew onto the balcony of the famous simoron maker Lissy Moussa... She decided:
Let the sign be like this: a knife for a happy meeting with your betrothed!
A knife that has flown onto a balcony should be watered generously with rainwater, then left in the fresh air for several days. Early in the morning before sunrise, carefully take it with your right hand, wrap it in red silk, and bring it into the house! Cross the threshold only with your right foot!
Place the knife on a dish, light two candles on the sides, and pour sweet wine over it. Now this knife becomes magical! You can compose a verse (they composed this verse collectively on the forum, each wizard a line!)
If you can't bear to get married
You take the magic knife
Cut your own cake with it
Don't eat until midnight, At midnight, when the clock strikes...
Hang your panties on the balcony,
Cut them into ribbons
Weave a network and eat the cake,
Attach a lantern to the network
Look into the distance!
On the net, rustle with a knife and dance a square dance
Beat the beat with your foot
Count the chimes
Once I start dancing
Two - my head is spinning
Three - my lantern is burning!
Four - show up man in the apartment
Five - let's feast!
Six-cake is already there
Seven-happiness is enough for everyone!
We don’t ask for eight favors!
Nine - we can do it ourselves
Ten - the moon is shining in the sky
11,12 - it's time to get caught!
And I - the sun is clear - I’ll look out the window
Hey man caught in the net!
Sing a wedding song!
(Sing the final phrase loudly and solemnly. Gently wrap the caught husband, and before that the lantern (instead of the husband), in a net and put him to bed. Store the net carefully. If the knife itself does not want to fly onto the balcony, throw it in any convenient place for the ritual !

Ritual Red panties on a chandelier or on a window!
Buy beautiful red panties (can be with hearts, with beads, flowers), the main thing is that they purr, and hang them on the window with intention (to attract love into your life)! It's even better to hang them from the outside. Periodically put it on, wash it and hang it up to dry again! It really helps to put panties on your head and dance to good music! This is a proven technique! Even long-forgotten love awakens!
For online dating: - put it on the monitor and turn on the Internet!!! All!! The result is guaranteed :)))

P bring home

Simoronsky Slipper ritual for husband.

On the new moon you need to buy new men's slippers. Take your time when choosing - you should really like the slippers, you should see them and understand that this is exactly them. No compromises!
(They say that one woman, who wanted to get a husband, bought cheap Chinese slippers at the market, and then could not get rid of the attention of dubious-looking guys on the street. For better results, you can drive the slippers for several days in an expensive car).
The slippers must sit in the hallway for 3 days; do not allow anyone to wear them during this time.
After 3 days, at exactly midnight, get down on all fours in the corridor, having previously opened the door. Place your hands in your slippers, with the toes facing the inside of the house. Now you need to stomp your hands in slippers 3 times and shout: “Betrothed, mummer, without bad habits, show up!”
That's it, expect that someone will appear in your life soon.

Below is an example of the use of a ritual by one of the training participants:
It’s been two years since I’ve been in free flight! From the first days of my free life (after 9 years of marriage), I did everything - the first thing I did was buy slippers! She took them to exhibitions, cinemas, cafes, and clubs. My Fairy Godmother rolled them in her car for 3 weeks. Why, I celebrated the first New Year after the divorce alone with these slippers! They shared a bottle of champagne and sat them at the head of the table)))
After that, the suitors went in shoals! The first frame was caught right at the bus stop! I barely fought back.


You need to click on unknown handsome men on the street.
You need to click 10 people! Better - 11 (1 control).
Moreover, not just click unnoticed, but approach with a serious look and ask, “Man (woman), allow me to click near you?”
If the man agrees, gracefully click and say, “Congratulations, now we are sure to be lucky in love.” The options can be specified as “Me and you!”, “Me and you together”, “You and me”, or each individually! But you will definitely be lucky!
Calmly let go of all those who are cautious and doubtful and wait for the next one.
Only voluntary clicking counts.
Remember what those being clicked say.

Change your image

If, despite your active role in finding a marriage partner, you come across the wrong ones, perhaps it’s time to change yourself or your behavior towards the opposite sex in order to attract other partners!
You can analyze what qualities do you lack? And Add them with items. Next, carry with you objects that embody these qualities.
For example:
Magic Hat from Feni.
I decided to give a magic hat to my friend, a very businesslike girl, for her birthday.
Crocheted from pink threads, with frills and ribbons.
Since this is a gift option, the size is not large, doll size.
Rules of use: carry with you to attract men who are ready to carry a woman in their arms

Canplay a fairy tale: I am the one who.. (then we choose a role that compensates for those qualities that we lack in order to attract the desired partner, or the one that simply purrs)

For example, to attract enterprising suitors who want to get married.
You are the frog princess, he, as expected, is Ivanushka. You put on everything green: a green skirt, blouse, panties, hat, earrings, green boots or shoes. You travel like this on public transport for a couple of days, or just appear in public. Like, here I am, a frog-frog, waiting for my prince! On the 3rd day, you stage the arrival of the treasured arrow on your balcony. You can also compose a frog song and dance and perform it with intention!
You can take any fairy tale with a happy ending, any character and desired scenario.

To attract adult, responsible men with whom you can be a “little girl.” (good for changing the situation in cases where there are “little boys” in a relationship. Invented during a training for Natasha: We put on a short pink skirt, plastic pink earrings and " “we walk” a new image, singing Barbochka’s song.

Ritual with horseradish. For the ladies. (invented by participants in one of Pope and Beard’s trainings)
We find a large horseradish root, 2 kinder surprise eggs and decorations for the horseradish. We dress up the root and tie the kinders.
Dip it in water and splash it on yourself.
I sprinkle with worthless spirit,
I appoint you as the queen of life
I inseminate all desires,
I allow you to live as you want.
And to hell with it!

Pretending that everything already exists
Look and try on wedding dresses, call registry offices, choose limousines, buy rings (you can also buy jewelry)
Remember the “Runaway Brides” campaign of K Osmopolitan magazine? When girls all in white wedding dresses ran through the streets in the absence of grooms?

So, the action has become incredibly popular in all cities of Russia, because... Within a year, all the runaway brides turned out to be married ladies!
One of the training participants says:
This situation always happened. I was asked:
- When will you get married? I'm tired of it.
“Yes, in a year,” I answer, in the summer, and I didn’t even have anyone in mind.
Result: after 2 months I meet a man and marry him in the summer!

Visualize, meditate.

From Feng Shui - place images of peonies (for unmarried girls), images and figurines of paired animals, photographs of couples in love.

It is better to place it in the South-West of the apartment or your room.

Bed linen in pink and peach shades works great.

In general, paired items are always helpful (two toothbrushes, two towels, etc.)

The most Feng Shui talisman is a couple of mandarin ducks (carry it with you, place it in the southwest, communicate with them)

It is good to place it in the southwestern sector, and also to decorate the front door with the hieroglyph of double luck for love.

And we also know the universal law: what you give is what you receive. So if you want love, give love! You can draw many symbols of double luck and give it to your friends, as well as talismans of love: ducks, paired angels, hearts, etc.

Ritual to attract love on the Full Moon

When the Sun begins to set, stand by the window or on the balcony and practice a little in blowing beautiful soap bubbles.
When you start to get huge, rainbow-colored bubbles, mentally place yourself and your loved one, whom you don’t have yet, but whom you want to attract, into one of them. Visualize your images together. And release the bubble to the moon.
When the Sun sets, the wind and the forces of nature will do their job, your message will be delivered.
You can release not one, but several of these bubbles to be sure.

Techniques for attracting your soulmate from Vadim Zeland
For the ladies.

Write the thought form on a piece of paper:
I am a very charming person. The inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. I attract men to me. My man finds me.
Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot like a balloon between your palms. This is your energy. Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak this thought form consciously and with conviction, imagining its meaning in your imagination if possible. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized.
I have tested this technique many times with different thought forms. Works very hard.

Men should rewrite the text in their own way. Something like this:

I am a very charming person. The inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. Women like me, they want me. I find my soul mate.
And of course, you can use any thought forms. Make them yourself - about what you especially strive for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace “I attract…” with “people like me,” or “I have a good appearance, I look attractive, and I’m getting better and better every day.” You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts.
The particle “not” cannot be used. The thought form should be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and aimed at one goal. If you have several goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water. For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow with another. Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other.
Why does this technique work?
Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure - its molecules are combined into clusters - conglomerates of particles that change their shape depending on external influences. That is why information can be written into water, like on a magnetic tape - to “speak” it. Oddly enough, scientists learned about clusters much later than the first ships were launched into space. And the grandmothers were aware of this a long time ago and successfully applied it in practice.
And if the thought form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing - it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is sent straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar.
A piece of paper also has its own functions. Firstly, when you do not just pronounce a thought form, but write it down, it acquires additional power. Secondly, even just one word pasted on a container of water charges the water with information inherent in the meaning of this word. The clusters that form can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Famous experiments have shown that words such as “love you”, “thank you”, “hello” give rise to snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice. Why this happens, one can only wonder. You can’t call it anything other than God’s providence. Of course, the main role here is played by the intention of the person who is aware of the word when he writes and sticks it on the container.
Finally, the energy from your hands amplifies and localizes the intention, causing the water to be charged quickly and effectively. The recorded information will spread throughout the body and configure the morphological biofield to emit a given intention.

Feng Shui ritual to attract your soulmate

We take 4 peas, wrap them in paper and say the intention, put the bundle under the pillow. The next day, when it gets a little dark, we go outside and in any place you like (favorite park, favorite street, place) and scatter these peas on 4 sides


Rituals Gastronomic
Ritual for melt the heart of your loved one
It is addressed to those who are separated or in a quarrel with their loved one, if there is a chill between you. It is this chill that we will drown, in the sense of melting.

Drink of love.
Brew tea with bergamot half and half with Sudanese rose petals (trade name Kra Kade), let it brew - this will be tea leaves. Then pour this tea leaves into a carafe, add sugar, cinnamon (preferably in sticks, but you can also ground), cardamom (again, you can ground, but better in grains), ginger (dried or fresh, no matter), you can add raisins, then juice orange or lemon (lemon is harsher, so don’t pour too much), a piece of that same orange or lemon - and pour boiling boiling water over it all! All spices can be replaced with one packet of mulled wine seasoning.
Next, let the drink brew for an hour or more. If necessary, strain. Sugar to taste.
At the hour of the ritual, pour the Drink of Love into a glass and throw in one pre-made heart made of ice (there are such ice molds, they definitely sell them in Ikea. The heart can be made not just from water, but from some kind of red juice - grape juice is suitable (grapes are generally good for has a good effect on the cardiovascular system)
Throw in a heart and imagine that you are melting the icy heart of your loved one in the drink of your love. Drink with intention!

Love cocktail for girls (shared by The Princess and the Pea)

1. HONEY - to attract Love.
2.CARROT JUICE - "Love-Carrots!"
3. Raisins - for amazing relationships. (well, so that there is some kind of zest in me. So that they pay attention to me).
4. APPLE juice - for seduction, temptation, seduction, etc.
5.PERE pelin eggs (2 pcs)
I'll lay two eggs and I'll meet the fellow soon!
6. Add CARDAMON - its other name is “Magic Tree”.
7. PEPPER - for feather
8.accelerate SCORITZU - to speed up events
9. AND COGNAC. I like the military, so there must be stars. Stars are present in cognac (and indeed a noble drink)

Blend this whole potion for 27 seconds in a blender. And pour it into a plastic cup that says “Dreams Come True.”

You can sing a song:
In the heat and bitter cold,
A cocktail will help me
Find ebullient LOVE,
Become completely happy!

What are the ingredients in your recipe?
Create! Go for it! Love it!

While I was writing this article, 2 cabbage butterflies appeared in my kitchen. In the middle of winter:)

These are the same, only on the refrigerator!