All about car tuning

An entertainment program with faith, hope and love. School-family interaction program. "Plea" in Spanish. vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

"Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia in Russian families"

1st reader.

As a sign of a creative meeting and as a sign of the prosperity of the school union, please accept the greetings of the Blue Blouse propaganda team!

2nd reader. What are we campaigning for?

3rd reader. For my home school.

4th reader. For the revival of folk traditions.

5th reader. For the holiday of the name, as before, of Love, Faith and Hope.

6th reader.

No less wonderful holiday

We have to celebrate now.

It's not easy to live, it's impossible to live,

Not to love, hope and believe.

1st reader.

The thirtieth day of September -

The holiday of three wonderful names.

Find out their story

It will be interesting for all of us.

Against the background of the sound of spiritual chants, with lit candles, the children read a legend from the “Lives of the Saints”, translated into verse.

2nd reader.

In an ancient old church book,

Where is it written about God and the Saints,

A Life of Hope, Love and Faith

From their birth to death is described.

3rd reader.

In those centuries and years far from us

Emperor Hadrian ruled Rome.

There lived a widow named Sophia,

She greeted everyone with kindness and peace.

4th reader.

The Romans called the woman Sophia the Wise,

She raised three beautiful daughters,

By the names of Christian virtues -

Love, Faith and Hope - called.

5th reader.

She lived with faith in Christ the Savior,

This faith helped her survive.

And through prayer, fasting, righteous life

She gained people's respect.

6th reader.

As my daughters grew up, rumors spread throughout Rome:

“Sofia’s daughters are wise and beautiful!

And by faith they are Christians, not pagans!”

And paganism was in force at that time.

7th reader.

Emperor Hadrian learned about this,

He ordered them to be delivered to his palace,

I wanted to force them to renounce Christ

And leave the beauties at your palace.

1st reader.

Faith, Hope, Love and Sofia with children

They crossed the threshold and appeared before the throne.

The king did not see his head bowed before him,

He restrained his anger - he was

Like everyone else, captivated by beauty.

2nd reader.

“All of Rome worships Artemis the goddess.

It was in vain that your mother instilled faith in Christ from birth!

I promise you luxury, fun, wealth,

It’s not Christ for you - you just need to recognize Artemis!”

3rd reader.

“No, I am the daughter of Christ!” - Nadezhda answered proudly.

“I will never renounce! - Love whispered behind her sister, -

Not with Artemis, no, our Christ, I am with you..."

4th reader.

"Oh! Don't you want anything good?

I will force you! -

Adrian shouted menacingly, banging his staff,

You will renounce under the whip, pitch and rods,

They will torture you without mercy with a hot iron!”

5th reader.

But even under torture the sisters did not betray Christ,

They just prayed that their souls would be taken to heaven.

They died from the swords of the courtiers,

The king sent death from powerlessness, fear and anger.

6th reader.

People still honor Faith, Hope, and Love.

The Russian Church canonizes them as saints.

It's so true that Faith, Love and Hope

They help us live as a bright guiding star.

7th reader.

This is a legend, but its meaning is clearly deep,

Faith, Hope, Love - they will open the world to us.

Look how wonderful these people are

Those who bear such a wonderful name from birth.

1st reader.

And before we congratulate the birthday girls

Happy their wonderful holiday, happy name day,

Let's tell you about famous Russian women,

Glorified in their deeds by their good name.

2nd reader.

Sofia, Sonya, Sophia - this is the name

Worn by a wonderful woman.

Talented, persistent, smart,

She was a mathematician.

3rd reader.

This is Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya, the first female mathematician in Russia.

She was born in Moscow on January 15, 1850. Her father, artillery general Korovin-Krukovsky, gave his daughter an excellent education. The girl was most attracted to mathematics. But higher education In Russia at that time, women could not get it; the doors of universities were closed to them. It was possible to get an education and work in this field only abroad, and only married woman. In September 1868, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage with an unborn, but honest and considerate neighbor with the same name, Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky, also passionate about science, who later became a famous paleontologist. He wrote to his brother about her: “Despite her 18 years, she works like an ant, from morning to night, and with all this she is alive, sweet and damn pretty... Such happiness has fallen on me, in general it’s a small phenomenon...” In the future they will fall in love each other.

Abroad, in Germany, she was accepted into the university only when, in 7 days, she solved a selection of the most difficult problems with Professor Weierstraße, and later the council of the University of Göttingen, having considered three scientific works, performed by Kovalevskaya, awarded her the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics and Master of Fine Sciences “with the highest praise.” A Stockholm newspaper called her the "Princess of Science". The Swedes were proud that Sophie Kovalevskaya herself was giving lectures at their university, but she herself was very homesick for her homeland and dreamed of studying at Russian university, but the officials rudely stated that this business has always been done by men and they do not need innovations.

In February 1891, S. V. Kovalevskaya died, leaving behind brilliant works in the field of mathematics, good memory and magnificent poetry. Listen to one of them, which Sofya Vasilievna dedicated to her father.

My friend,

For three whole weeks, every hour,

I wait for you, and I suffer, and I wait in vain,

I’m calling, I’m writing folios, I’m angry,

But in response to me

Neither you nor the letters are there...

Forgetting the cookbook, Master's integrals

And Korkina differentials,

I, weaving rhymes, am furious and every hour

My soul is carried away ten times to Parnassus.

And now I submit to my Muse again

And Minerva is ready to exchange her for her.

The proverb is right, as you can see, even though it’s old,

Which reads: "qiarimera"

Qiarimera - translated from Latin means “Whoever wrote poetry will write.”

4th reader.

The name Lyuba is simply amazing,

It symbolizes love

Great, boundless love.

And those who bear this name,

Forgetting about personal interests,

Ready to give it all

For the sake of happiness for others.

The sad thing is that the name Lyuba is rare among us,

And that means there are no such contemporaries?

But everyone needs love so much,

It contains the meaning of life,

And it should be.

We will tell you about Lyubov now.

She died, it was during the war.

Lyubov Shevtsova, Lyuba, just Lyubka,

She is a hero, we should know about her.

She loved life, her city of Krasnodon.

And when the city was captured by the Nazis,

And salvation has not yet come - our army,

The Young Guard fought the enemy.

5th reader.

In the small mining town of Krasnodon lived a fighting, cheerful girl Lyubka Shevtsova, who was in love with her namesake, the famous actress Lyubov Orlova, and dreamed of the same bright artistic destiny. Lyuba was talented and artistic; it was not for nothing that everyone called her Lyubka the Artist. But the war destroyed the girls’ dreams and plans. In the fall of 1942, she became an underground fighter, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization “Young Guard”. And her ability to dance and stand freely on stage was very useful in underground work.

It so happened that in the lives of these young people love, faith and hope came together: true love for the Motherland, sincere faith in the victory of their people, hope for their happy future. It is no coincidence that on the memorial to the fallen Young Guards we read: “... and the dead we will live in a particle of your great happiness: after all, we have invested our lives in it.”

The events of those years are described in A. Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard”.

We bring to your attention a fragment of the film “The Young Guard”, in the role of Lyubov Shevtsova, the wonderful actress Inna Makarova.

6th reader.

And among those who bear the name Vera,

There are many bright and talented women.

And we will tell you about one of those

Which name, labor, talented hands

They brought fame and world success.

The screen shows the screensaver for the films of the Mosfilm studio: the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”.

7th reader.

Here is the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, familiar from childhood from the screensavers for the films of the Mosfilm studio. Its author is the wonderful Soviet monumental sculptor Vera Ignatievna Mukhina, the first and, perhaps, the only female sculptor to create sculptures.

Vera Mukhina created the sculpture “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris, its height is 24 meters, it is made of stainless steel. The sculpture symbolizes the unity and power of the people, as well as the union of city and countryside. Currently, it decorates the trade and exhibition center in Moscow, still causing surprise at its scale and admiring the fact that its author is a woman who believed in her people and worked for their good.

1st reader.

Now the story is about a woman

With the beautiful name Nadezhda,

She is a participant in the war with Napoleon.

Changed it to a hussar's uniform,

She wears the usual women's clothing.

2nd reader.

Cavalry maiden Nadezhda Durova was born in 1783 into the family of a hussar captain. Following her father's regiment, the dashing girl looked at the world from the height of the saddle. In 1801, Nadezhda was married off, and a measured existence as a wife, housewife, and mother awaited her, but, romantic in nature, she longed for achievement.

The entry into the army was prohibited for women.

And then, having changed into a man’s dress, leaving home, Nadezhda Durova joined the Cossack regiment, calling herself Alexander Durov. The soldiers who fought at Friedland, Smolensk, and Borodino became witnesses to her bravery. Nadezhda received several military awards, including George, and was promoted to officer for bravery and bravery.

When the secret was revealed and it turned out that the dashing warrior was a woman, the surprise and admiration of his colleagues knew no bounds. After this, with the personal permission of Emperor Alexander the First, Nadezhda Durova was named Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov and, to maintain incognito, was transferred to the Mariupol Hussar Regiment. Durova had a son, nephews, brothers. The famous Durov dynasty, not military, but the world famous Durov trainers, are the direct descendants of this woman.

We invite you to watch a fragment of the film “The Hussar Ballad”.

An excerpt from the film is shown.

3rd reader.

Celebration of Faith, Love and Hope

The month of September ends the reign.

Who bears these wonderful names,

Whoever is in the hall, please accept our congratulations!

4th reader.

You are the same as those we told you about,

You are smart, strong, brave, kind,

There will be a lot of good things ahead of you,

And we believe you will be able to handle a lot!

5th reader.

And let you have your names

Throughout life they will be a talisman,

Hope, Faith and Love

Let them be in your soul - this is the main thing.

6th reader.

And we will close the meeting with a Russian waltz,

Its melody is in tune with the mood.

May the motherland Russia prosper,

Let's live with hope and faith!

The song “Russian Waltz” by A. Pakhmutova and N. Dobronravov is played, and graduating class couples dance.

Appendix No. 4 Diagnostic materials


Listen to the questionnaire statements. If you generally agree with the statement, circle the statement number on the form. If your choice is difficult, put it on the number? sign.

  1. I know that my family members are often unhappy with me.

  2. I feel that no matter what I do, it will still be wrong.

  3. I don't have time to do a lot.

  4. It turns out that I am the one to blame for everything that happens in my family.

  5. I often feel helpless (helpless).

  6. At home I often get nervous.

  7. When I'm at home I feel clumsy (clumsy)

  8. Some family members think I'm clueless (clueless)

  9. When I'm at home, I worry about something all the time.

  10. I often feel the critical views of my family members.

  11. I go home and think with anxiety - what else happened at home in my

  1. At home I always have the feeling that there is still a lot to do. 13.I often feel superfluous (superfluous).
14. My situation at home is such that I just give up.

15. At home I constantly have to restrain myself.

16. It seems to me that if I disappeared (disappeared), no one would notice it.

17. You go home, you think that you will do one thing, but you have to do it

completely different.

18.As I think about family matters, I'm starting to worry.

19. Some members of my family feel uncomfortable with me in front of

friends and acquaintances.

20. It often happens: I want to do well, but it turns out that it turned out badly.

21. I don’t like a lot of things in our family, but I try not to show it.
Processing the results.

One circled answer is worth 1 point.

B - guilt, T - anxiety, N - neuropsychic tension, C -

general family anxiety.

D\Z – permissible value

The data from this technique allows you to determine the dominant style family relations determined by the child.

Instructions. Listen to the question carefully. Next to the question number

Just enter the answer number. For some questions you should select

answers indicating mother or father.

Possible answers:

5 - of course not; 4 - rather no than yes; 3 - I don’t know; 2 - more likely yes than no;

1 - of course yes.

Do your parents get angry if you argue with them?

  1. Do your parents often help you with your homework?
3. Who do you consult with more often - your mother or father when necessary?
make any decision?

  1. Do your parents often agree with you that the teacher was unfair to you?

  2. Do your parents often punish you?

  3. Is it true that your parents don’t always understand you and your condition?

  4. Is it true that you participate with your parents in solving economic issues?

  5. Is it true that your family has no common activities and hobbies?

  6. When you ask them to allow you to do something, do your parents often answer that it’s not allowed?
10.Does it happen that your parents insist that you not be friends with

any of your comrades?

11.Who is the head of your family - mother or father?

12.Do your parents laugh at any of your teachers?

13.Do your parents often talk to you in an irritable tone? 14.Do you feel like you have cold, unfriendly relationships in your family?

between parents?

15. Is it true that in your family they don’t help each other much at home?

16. Is it true that your parents don’t discuss the books they read with you?

TV shows and movies watched?

17.Do your parents consider you a capricious child?

18.Do your parents often insist that you act according to their

desires, saying that they know better than you?

19.Which parent do you communicate with most?

20.Do parents often disapprove and do not support activities

organized by the school?

21.Were you punished more severely than other children?

22. Do you often have heart-to-heart conversations with your parents?

personal problems?

23.Is it true that you have no daily household chores? 24. Is it true that your parents don’t go with you to museums, theaters,

exhibitions and concerts?

The degree of expression in family education is studied.

There are 8 factors:

  1. Strictness (flexibility) of educational guidelines (questions 1.9.17)

  2. Fostering independence and initiative (2.10.18)

  1. Dominance of mother, father or equal participation of both parents in upbringing (3,11,19)

  1. Attitude towards school, teachers (4,12,20)

  2. Rigidity (flexibility) of education methods (5,13,21)

  3. Family relationships: unfriendly or warm (6,14,22)

  4. Mutual assistance in the family, presence or absence of common affairs (7,15,23)

  5. Community of interests (8,16,24)
The answers “5”, “of course not” indicate the maximum positive manifestation factor. The maximum sum of points for one factor is 15. Answers “1”, “of course yes,” indicate a pedagogically negative manifestation of the factor. The minimum sum of points for a factor is 3. The maximum sum of points for all factors is 120, the minimum is 24.


Prosperous (high) - 120 -96. Less prosperous - 95 - 72. Satisfactory - 71 - 47. Disadvantaged - 46 - 24.

"Hello, school!" On the occasion of the Orthodox holiday "Faith, Hope and Love"

The festival is held in an open area with a large stage, which is well sounded...

Pupils of Sunday schools at Orthodox churches, orphanages, orphanages in the region.

The purpose of the holiday is to leave in the minds of children a feeling of an important, responsible moment - the beginning of the school year. But main task- this is to show those children who do not attend Sunday school its mission - the revival of Orthodoxy.

Creative groups from palaces of culture, schools, boarding schools and other children's institutions take part in the festival.


The backdrop is decorated with balloons, multi-colored flags, and in the center there is an emblem - a symbol of the beginning of the school year and the text: “Hello, school!”


For 30 minutes before the start of the holiday, children's favorite songs are played.

The formation is suggested by the letter “P”.

The school bell rings. This ringing turns into the ringing of the Temple bells, calling the children on the journey for knowledge.

(The presenters come on stage - TEACHER AND STUDENT.)


Hello, Vera Ivanovna! Why do the bells ring? (looks at the emblem) And what does “Hello, school!” have to do with it? We've been studying for three weeks already! At our school, back on September 1st, there was both a line and the first bell!


Everything is correct, Kolya. Only the bells that you just heard brought together the children and teachers for the festive assembly of the most important school in the children’s lives - Sunday.


What does “Sunday” mean? And where is this school?


Where? And the guys will tell you and me where! Come on, children of every Sunday school, name your city in unison! On my command, in order, from left to right!

(school students take turns naming their city)


Wow, so many! Vera Ivanovna, why didn’t some guys name their city?


And these, Kolya, are the guests of our holiday, guys from secular schools, like you...


And... what do they teach in Sunday school?


You know, Kolya, now ______________ will come up on stage. (Name) Listen to him carefully and you will understand everything.

(the presenter introduces the clergyman who greets and admonishes the children in connection with the beginning of the school year. The performance ends with the singing of a prayer, preferably performed by a children's choir.)


Vera Ivanovna, I understand everything! Will they enroll me in Sunday school?


Definitely, Kolya! The doors of Sunday school are open to all children, and anyone can come to it at any time of the year and will not feel left behind. There they will show you the path of Love and Goodness. Have a nice trip!

(A phonogram sounds. Large dolls-characters from a fairy tale run onto the stage: Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, Fox and other fairy-tale characters. Out of breath, they vying with each other to ask.)


Oh, here, guys! Here, here is the holiday!


Are we late?


Guys, look, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena... They're real! Where did you fall from?


Well, Kolya, don’t you understand? A holiday is always a fairy tale!


And where there is a fairy tale, there we are...


And we are your best friends!


Yes, only at a real holiday so many friends gather.


And so many welcome guests!


So let’s all greet our guests together and say “Hello” to them!


And we came to you with a gift.


That's great! Where is he? Guys, let's ask CHEBURASHKA with applause, let him show us his gift, well, very interesting!

(Children applaud)


Yes, there is no secret! Always at all holidays the most expensive gift is...


Festive concert!


Look how the guys are applauding so much, it's time to start!

(The concert program should not be long, 30-35 minutes. Creative groups of recreation centers and schools participate in it, i.e. at the discretion of the event organizers.
At the end of the concert program, three characters rise onto the stage - three Angels.)



We are Angels.


What's your name?


Faith, Hope, Love!


Why are you late, our holiday has been going on for a long time!


Well, Gena, we're not late, we're just on time.


Didn't understand...


We came to congratulate all the girls called Verochka, Nadenka, Lyubochka on Angel Day!


Do we have girls at the holiday whose names are Verochka, Nadenka, Lyubochka?

1st ANGEL:

Verochki, all Verochki, come up to my stage!

(The girls go up to the stage. They are lined up on the stage)

2nd ANGEL:

Nadya girls, I ask you to come on stage!

(Nadenek is lined up on stage)

3rd ANGEL:

I ask all Lyubochek to come to my stage!

(The Lyubochkas go up to the stage. All the girls are given gifts. The “Angels” tell everyone that September 30 is a special day for them, because it is their Angel Day. The choir performs “Many Years.”)

Many Summers. Options


I ask all the girls to come down to the guys, and Gena and I join in the congratulations and give you the brightest concert number.

(final number of the concert)

(The concert is hosted by fairy-tale characters, and ends with a mass song, which is sung by all concert participants and spectators.)


(This way you can move on to a dance marathon. These are children’s dances like “DUCKLES”, “LA-VA-TA”, “POLECHKA”, etc. A group of children on stage shows dance movements together with the LEADING CHARACTERS. Children dance and sing 15 -20 minutes.)

CHEURASHKA (wipes his forehead):

Wow, I don’t know about you, Gena, but I’m already tired...


Me too... I think it's time to go home...


How's it going home? I'm not tired, I want more... Are you guys tired?

(Children answer: “NO!”)

Have you heard? Here! We still want to play! All schools are preparing for a fun fairytale relay race! And if you are tired, here are the chairs for you, rest and watch the relay closely.


Do you hear, Cheburashka, we have been appointed judges...


Yeah, I like it, I'm staying.

(Merry marching music sounds. The organizer of the fairytale relay race lines up the children to play on the site, with a pre-prepared starting line, etc.)


(Popular games loved by children are offered for the relay race)

"Puss in Boots"

You need as many pairs of boots as there are teams participating in the game. Boots require a hat.

At the signal, a team member puts on boots and a hat, runs to the turning flag, bows there and returns to the starting line. The hat and boots are passed on to the next player. Who's faster?

"Frog Traveler"

Props: gymnastic stick.

The teams have two strong players - “ducks” and three “frogs”.

“Ducks” put a stick on their shoulders, and “frogs” cling to the stick with their hands, so that their feet do not touch the ground.

At the signal, the “ducks” run the distance, return and take the next “frog”.

"Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat"

Teams are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his friend, who must bend one leg at the knee and hold it with his hand (one is “blind”, the second is “lame”).

These pairs of teams move along the track, return to the start and pass the baton to the next pair.

During the break between games, fans can add points to their team in the following competitions:

1. “Throw a ring”;

2. “Little crows” (you need to throw a ball into the open beak of the “little crow”. Who is bigger?).

You can select other competitions for the relay, depending on the availability of equipment, etc.

Children should be offered songs about friendship, kindness, animals, etc.



Boys and girls! Did we like it?

(Children “YES!”)


We are very happy! But, unfortunately, the hour of fun is exhausted!


It's time to part with you,

Go home.


It's time to get down to business

To everyone: both us and you!


We wish everyone success

At school every day and hour,


May the school year be easy

This time it will be for you!


And in our Sunday school

Every hour is useful.

Come to us guys

School is waiting for everyone, guys!


We wish you goodbye

Take care of Faith and Love!

And with Nadezhda:





Scenario for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love”

O.I. Zdyumaeva – teacher of special disciplines
E.A. Malyshkina - English teacher
branch of GUPS itself in Alatyr
1. Introduce students to the traditions of celebrating summer holidays and universal Indian name days, which are celebrated on September 30.
2. Develop a sense of beauty and spirituality
Equipment: decorated stage (autumn landscape); baskets with apples, nuts, a barrel of honey, angel costumes, multimedia installation.
Venue: Assembly Hall of the ATZhT - chairs are arranged in a semicircle.

Video with the verse “3 candles”
Presenters (boy and girl) appear on stage

Dear guests! We are glad to see you in this hall!
Today is September 30th. In the folk calendar in Rus', this has always been a big autumn women's holiday. It was celebrated on the day of the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia.
We invited you to celebrate it together.
Every month of the year is rich in holidays. What did September give us?

Performance of the song “Autumn” - Lyceum group

Summer is over. The summer rescues have died down. Saved from the word Savior. The word saved refers to three summer holiday dedicated to Jesus Christ (Savior) They are celebrated in August: honey, apple, nut. It is nature that gives us its riches.

Student 1
The first one saved

Only in summer every year
Bees carry honey into the hive.
Golden, fragrant, sweet.
It contains medicines, vitamins
For colds and sore throats.
Do you want to be strong?
So we must love honey

Student 2
The second one saved

The apples are ripe in the garden,
People gathered in the temple
I will come to him today
With ripe fruits
And I will distribute them, like every year,
Never missed a beat
May happiness come to us today!
And Happy Apple Savior to you!

Student 3
The third one saved

Summer rolled by unnoticed
In trouble, and now the Third Savior.
The hot season gave me for this -
Bread, gifts of nature in reserve.

Between the oak groves the hazel tree ripens,
It weighs in clusters of yellow leaves.
Cold August beckons to the forest
He will bestow generous gifts.

(with background music - there is a treat with the gifts of autumn)

Autumn is the harvest of a new harvest, and of course, the holidays associated with it

September is the first month of autumn. People called him Veresen, because... at this time the heather blooms, and also the mountain ash because the rowan ripens

Q1: And this time is also called “Indian Summer.”
This is a time of special light,
Dim sun, gentle heat.
It's called Indian Summer
And in delight he argues with spring itself.
Already sitting on my face carefully
Flying soft web
How the belated birds sing loudly,
How loudly and tenderly the rowan trees burn

Performance of the song “Indian Summer Has Been Noisy” - N. Kadysheva

The blue evening has fallen again,
The wind cries and knocks on the window,
And in the soul, how fast, lonely and dark.
Apparently the Indian summer has died down
The nightingale whistled in the garden,
You left me without an answer
I won't come to you today

Dear wind, don’t cry, don’t,
I just wish I could survive the winter,
I will pass without lowering my gaze,
And I will never be sad.

I'm not expecting any answer
Stupid wind, I won't get lost
It's a pity that Indian summer has died down,
The nightingale whistled in the garden
Chorus -2 times

September 8 is the feast of the holy martyrs Andrian and Natalia. People call this day “Natalia – fescue”. We congratulated all Natalia!!!

September 27 is a big holiday - the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is also a serious date for Christianity.
It was believed that from this day autumn turned to winter. The bear settles into a den, ants clog the entrances and exits. And people begin to chop and pickle cabbage for the winter and stock up.
And in September, one berry ripens, and that bitter one is rowan. Our ancestors decorated the porch and windows with rowan. They squeezed the juice, which has miraculous powers - it preserved the entire supply of vitamins during the winter and helped with colds.
September 30 is the holiday of the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

(Video about the lives of the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia).

It is proposed to invite a priest to this event (to give a short sermon)

Dance of angels with candles – (under the video there is a video with poems and the song “Faith, Hope, Love”)

Name days have quietly entered our lives. What are name days and how do they differ from birthdays?
We are all waiting for Angel Day and do not skimp on congratulations.


Student 1
A person cannot live without faith,
Criteria and measures are collapsing
All the foundations of human existence
We cannot live without our Faith,
There is no one more tender, more intelligent, more beautiful,
With Vera, everything goes smoothly,
Everyone is happy to work with her.
Rowan berries burn in autumn
On the day when Vera has a name day,
Congratulations on her holiday,
Fun, heartfelt, hot!

Student 2
And again the Angels are trumpeting,
To remember three girls:
Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We served our Fatherland with faith!
Life begins in love,
Dreams are associated with hope.
And it’s impossible to live without a dream
It’s difficult for us to live without our Nadia
We love her, respect her,
We consider her the best friend.
Hope fills us again
Hope for the cherished hour.
Since Nadya lives among us
She will bring us happiness!
And we congratulate hope
And on her name day we wish her
To be our earthly compass
And a golden talisman!

Student 3
And again the Angels are trumpeting,
To remember three girls:
Nadezhda, Vera and Lyubasha -
We went to death for our faith!
Their names contain the basis of life:
We served our Fatherland with faith!
Life begins in love,
Dreams are associated with hope.
But still the main thing is Love!
What brings you back to life again
Where is Lyuba - wait for a miracle again
She has such power! And from where?
Then the Angel creates a name
Goodness inspires as it beckons,
People are attracted to Lyuba,
And she is sweet and loving to everyone.
So bright is the holiday - name day!
Be our Lyubochka beloved
And guarded by your Angel!

Student 4
All people know that Sophia is wisdom.
Sophia is revered and hearts are opened to her
Without hiding feelings, everything to the end.
Solve other people's problems
Changes scare us -
Sophia needs stability,
So that she is happy.
On her day we wish an angel
So that any issue can be resolved.
So that Sophia with her wisdom
Saved myself and people
So that the Angel protects Sonechka,
He gave her new strength,
And would strengthen Sonya’s spirit,
Saved me from troubles and mental anguish.

Performance of the song “Faith, Hope, Love” - D. Kharatyan
In conclusion:

In addition to good wishes, I would like to give gifts to our birthday people, those who are patronized by the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, and for whom today, September 30, is a great personal holiday!

ATZhT - branch of SamGUPS

Methodological development
Scenario for the holiday “Faith, Hope, Love”

Alatyr 2014


1.Online resources: [Download the file to view the link], [Download the file to view the link] [Download the file to view the link][Download the file to view the link],

2. Orthodox book “On the Lives of the Holy Martyrs”
3. [Download the file to view the link]

Municipal budget educational institution additional education children "Ilyinsk Children's Art School"

Concert script

sacred music


p. Ilyinsky.

Gulyaeva Sasha, Demeneva S.V. – Tchaikovsky “Waltz”

What's in my name?.. A.S. Pushkin

What's in my name?

It will die like a sad noise

Waves splashing onto the distant shore,

Like the sound of the night in a deep forest.

It's on the memorial sheet

Will leave a dead trail like

Tombstone inscription pattern

In an unknown language.

What's in it? Long forgotten

In new and rebellious unrest,

It won't give your soul

Memories pure, tender.

But on a day of sadness, in silence,

Say it in sadness;

Say: there is a memory of me,

There is a heart in the world where I live.

Hope, Faith and Love - these are the three mistresses in this world!

Without further ado, they are worthy of their mother, Sofia!

1. Sp. Kant "Faith, Hope, Love" - ​​wok. Ans. "Spiritual Garden"

Faith, Hope, Love

Music prot. Igor Lepeshinsky, lyrics. unknown Author

The lamp burns brightly
The children became quiet and again
The kind grandmother tells them
About Faith, Hope, Love.

At the age of teens
They suffered torment
Who has not seen these angelic faces -
Faith, Hope, Love.

Where did the strength come from?
Torture, threats and blood
Only they did not renounce the Lord
Faith, Hope, Love.

And at the children's grave
I heard my mother's call
I’m in a hurry to meet you as soon as possible
Faith, Hope, Love.

The winds will tear off your clothes
Snoozing under the warm cover
But they will never die
Faith, Hope, Love.

We need to cry out to sinners,
Lord bless
So that you never, never lose,
Faith, Hope, Love.

2. “Where does the Motherland begin?” - Spanish Vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

*** V. Afanasyev

Our path is through fields, forests...

All our sweet stuff is here:

We are both soul and eyes

Let's look at everything that is here.

What a miracle they will tell us:

Pines, spruces, and rye...

Is it really that beautiful?

Is your region really that good?

Instead of answering over rye

Blagovest suddenly sings:

Everything here is holy, everything is God-

Sky, nature, people!...

It stands in truth, not in strength

This prayed-for region;

Wonderful expanses of Russia:

This is where paradise begins. Dubravina, lyrics. Ruzhentsev “Native Land” Spanish. studying at Children's Art School. (director S.V. Demeneva, accompanist L.I. Permyakova)

“Spiritual Homeland” Patriarch Pimen.

The past flies by like a whirlwind before me,

And bright feelings are born in the chest.

Events and persons like a mighty wall

Grow before the eyes ahead!

O bright childhood and dear youth!

You brought me depth of happiness,

Not only in joy, but also in suffering

I feel the silence of my heart!

Hello, my wonderful memories!

Hello, dear corners of the heart!

Desires of ardent youth,

Spiritual regiments of friends!

I dedicate these lines to you,

Let everyone know your appearance

And he learns his own lessons,

Forgetting forever the evil bliss!

And that appearance, holy and good,

Until my death it is dear to me,

He carries with him a cheerful spirit

And warms the feelings in the depths.

When will the hour of separation come,

The soul will fly away from the body,

Then, having taken this story in hand,

And he will breathe with a pure soul

About my sins,

So that the Lord may lead radiant paths

In the radiance of the distance silvery

He brought his righteous into the kingdom!

4. “Temple” (Over my head...) Spanish. vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

5. “Church of the Annunciation” lyrics. and music T Gulyaeva. Spanish Demeneva S.V.

6. “I call upon you, most pure Virgin” Spanish. vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"


Handkerchief, skirt with lace,

If you look, you won’t be able to take your eyes off,

Little girl prays for mom

And whispers: “Lord, forgive me!

Save me from grief and illness,

Which presses with a hard hand,

You know what's best for her

Bring back health and peace.

It's very lonely without mom

Dad and brother are bored at home.

Don't let me deal cruelly

Destiny. You can do anything, You are holy!”

There is a flame in the eyes of ardent faith,

Hope to save you from trouble.

Little girl prays for mom

And whispers: “Lord, forgive me!”

7. “The gardens are quietly rustling” (about mother) - Spanish. "Spiritual Garden"

8. “Cross” - Spanish. "Spiritual Garden".

SAVE AND SAVE. Gulyaeva T.A.

“Lord, save and preserve!” –

Only three, but the most important words.

They are so needed in unbelief

In the race of life, tough and harsh.

Is it an ancient age? technological age -

We try to understand the words of the prayer,

Realizing sinful man

He is weak and cannot stand alone in battle.

“Save from anger and resentment,

You are our hope and support" -

The heart is crying, it hurts sadly,

But the dawn is not coming soon.

“Give me strength in my unbelief

Turn to the great truth,

Point out the treasured body of water,

Help me drink living water."

The bustle is gradually dying down

Restless days flying ahead.

Life goes on, clear and simple,

Among simple and real things.

“Lord, save and preserve!” –

Our life has an eternal basis.

“Lord, save and preserve!” –

We pray again in repentance.

9. “The Lord’s Prayer” (of all the prayers I know) Spanish. "Spiritual Garden".

Gulyaeva Sasha. Sigmeister "The evening has come"

10. “The ringing of bells floats over the river” Spanish. "Spiritual Garden".

The days of life fly by quickly. S. Eroshenko.

The days of life fly by quickly.

How, having walked along the roads of life,

Stay clean before people

Stay clean before God?

As in our soulless vanity

Do not mix the holy with the ugly,

Keeping your soul pure,

Don't succumb to the devil's temptations?

How to live without forgetting your loved ones,

How to live without betraying your friends?

Without causing harm to everyone who is nearby,

Giving everything you have to someone?

How to live without spreading lies around,

Not seduced by the luxury of a swamp?

How to live so that every penny is in the house

Was it earned with the mind and then?

How to be able to forgive your enemies,

How to live, forgetting grievances,

Keeping hope and love

At the moment when you almost reached the edge?

The days of life fly by quickly.

How, having walked along the roads of life,

Stay clean before people

Stay clean before God?

11. “Prayer” Spanish. vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

12. “Do you know why you were born?” Spanish vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

*** (?)

In my young years,

You have known death and blood.

Girls, sisters, saints -

Faith, Hope, Love.

All sorts of troubles happened

But in Rus' again and again

They called their daughters

Faith, Hope, Love.

If misfortune is at your doorstep,

Prepare your soul for the fight,

And call for help -

Faith, Hope, Love.

You won't find it in the human heart,

Live a century on earth

And more beautiful and higher

Faith, Hope, Love.

13. “Faith, Hope, Love” (I’m walking with an icon from the temple). Spanish vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

*** Schegumen SAVVA

The soul lives when it breathes in prayer,

Then everything earthly is so far away!

Then she hears the voice of God clearly,

And she is light, joyful and easy.

Then everything is clear in the mind and thoughts,

And in the heart there is peace, tranquility and warmth...

Then living like this seems wonderful,

And I would be ready to die for Christ!

The fire of love burns unquenchable,

Streams of tears flow from my eyes...

And I believe it: mysteriously, invisible

Christ speaks to your soul.

*** E. Kotlyar

Closest in the world

Children to God's throne.

Their souls are simple

They are clean.

Evening outside the window

Pray before going to bed:

Lord, it's time for me to sleep!

Angel, keep my sleep until the morning.

Golden-haired angel

Pure and wise


Messenger of God.

14. “House of Grace, Holy Mother of God in it..." Spanish vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

*** (???)

Faith, Hope, Love -

Three beautiful names!

There are no more beautiful words

The meaning is understandable, clear!

I want to wish

Sincere, strong faith!

And from the heart I will say -

Let the losses go away.

Let hope, love

Your life never ends

Only all the best again

It happens in your destiny.

15. “We congratulate you and the Angel” Spanish. vocal ensemble "Spiritual Garden"

Scenario of the autumn ball

“Faith, Hope. Love…"

1st class Good evening, dear adults!

Good evening, dear guys!

2nd led. Today is an unusual day for us:

Oh, Russian women's names are

Raging force.

What a bright country

She gave birth to them.

Both Lyudmila and Lyubov are here,

Svetlana, Vera, Olga.

What breadth, what newness,

What a spacious space!

The air of antiquity smells distant,

Warlike glory

From those named Volkhova,

Nadezhda and Lyubava.

They were given the clarity of our rivers,

The immensity of our power

Oh, Russian women's names,

You are the prophetic light of Russia!

1st Vedas Many beautiful words are dedicated to women, female names. But we would like to start our today’s holiday with 3 women’s names.

2nd led. ..And for the first time the sun rose over the new World...
- It’s a terrible world, a world of trials. People will live in it, but these living beings will not survive in such a world without you. They will live until you leave them. More precisely, until they themselves, with their own hands, force you to leave.
They were three sisters, born from the light of the eternal stars of the Universe, and Eternity itself waved its hand in the sleeve of starlight, sending them there, to a world called Earth...

Words (Ksyusha Petrova from behind the scenes) The first was Love. She was equated with Life itself and gave birth to new life, harmony and beauty She was crazy, sudden, burst into life, gave people wings and the happiness of unity of souls, and made people's eyes shine with pristine starlight, and their hearts beat like they had never beaten, and Her symbol was a beating heart - a heart -life. She was so beautiful that no one had ever been able to describe Her face in words, and few people really saw it - usually only light, not blinding, but a soft, warm light, an iridescent living radiance. No one but Her had such wonderful gifts for people, and there was nothing stronger, more cherished, more desirable for people than Her. She was multifaceted, but always bright. She demanded a lot from people, but she also gave a lot. She was beautiful and omnipotent, She could do no more and no less than EVERYTHING. And people worshiped Her, gave their lives for Her, without thinking for a second, committed madness, soared into the skies higher than the birds and themselves became Creators and givers of Harmony... They composed songs, lit the stars with the power of their Feelings, giving eternal Light, created Worlds and bestowed Life...

Words (by Yulia Myachina) The second was Vera. She grew into human hearts as if from nowhere and became their breath. Yes, She was the breath, the bright wind, She also gave people wings. She was strict, She was adamant and undeniable, She did not need evidence, reasons and reason, but She gave people strength, did not allow them to fall or give up in the middle of the Path, She led to the end, helped people withstand the suffering of the trials of the World. People believed earnestly, and what they believed in came to life and appeared before them, and the World was filled with miracles. She was grass growing through stone, grass and cleansing rain, cool light, wind, heaven, light... A bird soaring into the sky, and Her symbol was a bird.

Words (by Lera Sarkisyan) The third was Nadezhda. She was fire, a spark, a star, she shone before people like a star, unattainable - but ALWAYS present. She led people when, it would seem, there was not a single path left, she illuminated the road in the darkness, and at least a single ray of Her - but always, in spite of everything, penetrated into any darkness. She gave people the strength to live and go
forward, and in times of illness, wars, disasters, Her Light was stronger than ever, and - the sun rose, and dawn came after the most terrible night, new herbs and flowers grew from under a layer of snow, in the midst of death a spark of new life always shone, dispersed any clouds in the sky, revealing starry or blue heights, and the song flew again, breaking through any darkness and evil - while Hope was in people's hearts. And Her symbol was a star, the radiance of diverging rays - thin threads that were fragile, but along which people emerged from the darkness. She was elusive, but unchanging, She was closer to people than Her Sisters, She had wings to fly over the world, but She did not share these wings with people, people had to follow Her path themselves, and therefore sometimes it was the hardest Road of Hope...

Scene. The presenter comes out.

Ved1 During the reign of Emperor Hadrian, the pious widow Sophia lived in Rome. She was of Italian descent. The widow led a prudent Christian life, full of peace, purity, meekness and humility before the will of God, fully justifying her name Sophia, which means “wisdom.”

Vedas 2. Sophia means wisdom,
The Lord gives it to us.
I love any everyday difficulty
Maybe she can overcome it.

And our earthly life is short
Wisdom will help you live.
With a bright and meek soul
Love both God and loved ones!

Music is playing.

Vedas 1 A pious widow had three daughters who bore names meaning the most important Christian virtues. The eldest daughter's name was Vera, the middle one was Nadezhda, and the youngest one was Lyubov. The Lord sent the girls great talents, beauty, meekness and humility. They studied the books of sacred tradition, prayed, listened to the teachings of their mother.

Sofia (addressing her daughters) (Angelina Samoilova)

You bear names
Three important virtues,
And generous mercy is given
Lord God of everyone.

Holy Faith in Christ -
Light, merciful, pure!
Hope shines in the darkness
And the path to the Lord is illuminated!

Love is the light of truth,
and there is no truth higher than that!

Music is playing. The presenter comes to the forefront.

Ved 2 The pious family attracted attention, rumors about it spread throughout Rome and reached the head of the region, Antiochus. He ordered the widow and her daughters to come to him. When they arrived, Antiochus began to question Sophia about her faith, and the woman did not hide from him that she worshiped not pagan idols, but the true God, Jesus Christ, and was raising her daughters in the Christian faith.
Antiochus reported this to Emperor Hadrian, the persecutor of Christians. The emperor ordered Sophia and her daughters to be brought to him. After praying and making the sign of the cross, all four joined hands and headed towards the emperor. The Emperor was waiting for them, sitting on his throne.

Antioch (Andrey Gnidin) + scenery: slol, throne, cross, Bible.

Emperor Adrian (Pegov Vanya)

Tell me woman
What kind are you
And your daughters are lovely flowers,
What is your name, what are your names?

I heard there's a rumor going around about you
That your husband died, you have been a widow for a long time,
And you raise your daughters alone.

What kind of faith are you raising them in?
In pagan? Ile by example
Do you teach Christian commandments?

Answer me woman
and better not hide!
Your life depends on it.

Sofia (Angelina Samoilova) (bowing before the emperor)

Name is Sofia. Originally Italian.
And the holy name is precious to me,
Which I'm proud of. I am a Christian!
And Christians are my daughters.

Solemn music sounds.

Presenter. Adrian, not wanting to enter into a long conversation with Sophia, sent the Christians to the noble woman Palladia, whom he instructed to monitor the family. Three days later, Sofia and her daughters were to appear before him again for trial. In Palladia's house, Sophia confirmed her daughters in the faith day and night, teaching them with words inspired by God.

The scene represents the rich home of the noble Roman woman Palladia.
Sofia and her daughters are sitting at the table and talking.

My beloved daughters!
The earthly days will pass, as if in a dream,
Mortal life will dissipate like dust,
It will lie down and dry up like feather grass,
Will scatter in the wind like smoke
Over the dying golden fire.
And where youth bloomed wildly,
Only ashes and ash will remain.
All earthly flesh will turn to dust,
But the Lord gives you a different life.
When you accept suffering as faith,
You will be subjected to blasphemy and reproach,
When the moment of cruel death comes,
The Bridegroom will receive you into the heavenly palace.
He will give you endless life,
Heavenly beauty, imperishable, eternal!

O youth! Don't cry about her
Do not regret the life that is passing,
Drink the bitter cup of suffering
And love the Lord more!

Music is playing.

Presenter. The daughters listened to their mother with attention and tenderness, but the noble Roman Palladia told her.

Palladia (Violetta Kazakova)

Renounce the Christian faith,
And then the ruler will save your life,
He will give you both silver and gold,
And your daughters will be rich!

Palladia! Believe me! For Christians
Rich gifts have no meaning.
They will dissipate like a ghostly fog,
And they will become dust and decay in the earth.
Our wealth is love for the Lord.
And we will shed blood for him without fear!

Presenter. Having called Christian women to trial, Adrian began to seduce them with these words: “If you worship the goddess Artemis, I will call you my children, you will enjoy honor and wealth.” But the sisters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov refused.
Then Adrian asked Sofia what the names of her daughters were and how old they were. The mother replied that the eldest, Vera, was twelve, the middle, Nadezhda, ten, and the youngest, Lyubov, nine years old.
The king was surprised by the courage of such young girls and began to persuade them to renounce Christ. At first he ordered Vera to make a sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but, having received a refusal, he ordered the servants to torture her. The Lord kept her unharmed. Then the cruel Adrian ordered her head to be cut off.
Then he tortured his middle sister, Nadezhda, and his youngest, Lyubov. The ruler ordered Love to be thrown into the oven, but the martyr walked in it without suffering, singing hymns of praise to the Creator. Those present were amazed at the radiant young men in the oven who rejoiced with Love.

- Children! Who gave you strength
To endure the torment without tears,
Standing at the edge of the grave?
– The Lord sent us strength!
He sprinkled our wounds
He quenched our pain
Light angels protection
She protected us with herself!

Leading. Like the older sister martyrs, Love was beheaded by the sword on the orders of the cruel emperor.
The mother, taking the bodies of her beloved daughters, put them in an expensive coffin and buried them on a high hill. Sophia spent three days at the grave of her daughters, praying to the Lord, and on the third day she gave up her spirit to the Lord God, going to her daughters.
The Holy Church also honors Saint Sophia as a martyr, because with her heart she endured the most terrible torment for Christ, seeing the torture of her daughters.
The death of the entire pious family followed in 137. The holy relics of Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love have been resting in Alsace since 777.

After the scene.

Dasha (poem about Vera)

The sky is gloomy, the sky is gray,

A sky full of bitter troubles...

I'm not scared

Faith is with me

Faith in that there is light behind the clouds.

Faith in the sun, in the dawn, with trust,

Faith is good for years,

The belief that the hearts and doors of friends are always open.

Nazina Anya (poem about Nadezhda)

Hope is not a simple name,

Hope is a calling light,

Turquoise blue stars

Over the abyss of flying years.

She gives birth to ideas

And the tide gives strength,

While you live, hope

That means you live by Hope.

With Hope, Love is truer.

Nothing will cool her down

If you are with her

We are being tortured, worse

And trying to break.

But if I'm alive, I hope

As long as he and Nadezhda are alive.

Angelina Samoilova (poem about Love)

The nobles raged in Russian veins with young, intoxicated blood,
When this word came together, the sunny word was Love.
It was necessary to fuse light and warmth,
Everything that is sweet and loved, everything that is in our hearts.
With this word they began to affectionately call the beauty - the maiden,
With this word, the rays of lightning went to meet the outskirts.
And it merged with the human one with a reverently young feeling,
With a joyful feeling, an eternal feeling,
Without which life is like smoke.
This word flies like a song, like a Russian winged plow,
And everywhere everything becomes expensive - everything around is expensive.

Story with music + place video + story

I died almost 9 years ago. But I am not writing to you to tell you how I live here. I am writing to tell you my story. The story of my great love. And I also want to say that love never dies. Even in the next world. Even if they try to kill her, even if you want it. Love never dies. Never. We met. I was going to meet New Year with his third wife and his old friends. My life before her appearance was so worthless and unnecessary that very often I asked myself: “What am I living for?” Job? Yes, I liked what I did. Family? I really wanted to have children, but I didn't have them. Now I understand that the meaning of my life was in anticipation of this meeting. I don't want to describe it. Or rather, I simply cannot describe her so that you really understand what she is like. Because every letter, every line of my letter is saturated with love for her and for every eyelash that fell from her sad eyes, for every tear I was ready to give everything. So it was December 31st. I immediately realized that I was lost. If she had come alone, I would not have been ashamed of my third wife and would have approached her in the first minute of our meeting. But she was not alone. Next to her was my best friend. They only knew each other for a couple of weeks, but from his lips I heard a lot of interesting things about her. And now I saw her. When the chimes struck and toasts were made, I went to the window. My breath fogged up the window, and I wrote: “LOVE.” I walked away and the inscription in front of my eyes disappeared. Then there was another feast, toasts. I returned to the window an hour later. I breathed on it and saw the inscription “YOURS”. My legs gave way, my breathing stopped for a few seconds... Love comes only once. And a person understands this immediately. Everything that happened in my life before this day was tinsel, a dream, nonsense. There are a lot of words for this phenomenon. But my life began precisely on that New Year’s evening, because I realized, I saw in her eyes, that this day was also the first day in her life. On January 2, we moved into a hotel and planned to buy our own little corner. We got into the habit of writing notes on each other's windows. I wrote to her “You are my dream.” She answered, “Just don’t wake up!” We left our deepest desires on the windows of the hotel, in the car, at friends’ houses. We were together for exactly two months. Then I was gone. Now I only come to her when she is sleeping. I sit down on her bed, I inhale her scent. I can't cry. I can't. But I feel pain. Not physical, but mental. All these eight years she has been celebrating the New Year alone. She sits by the window, pours a glass of champagne and cries. I also know that she continues to write me notes on the windows. Every day. But I can't read them because my breath won't fog up the window. The last one was unusual. I don’t want to tell you the secrets of the afterlife, but I deserve one wish. I dreamed of reading her last inscription on the glass. And when she fell asleep, I sat by her bed for a long time, I stroked her hair, I kissed her hands... And then I went to the window. I knew I could do it, I knew I could see her message - and I did. She left one word for me: “LET GO.” This New Year will be the last she will spend alone. I received permission for my last wish, in exchange for the fact that I would never be able to come to her again and would never see her again. On this New Year's evening, when the clock strikes midnight, when everyone around is having fun and congratulating each other, when the whole universe is frozen in anticipation of the first breath, the first second of the new year, she will pour herself a glass of champagne, go to the window and see the inscription "LET GOING" .

Finale (Dasha and Vitalik)

The Lord created a picture in the hearts of people,
And he depicted it in the flesh of the canvas.
Opened the eyes of a blind world in the darkness,
He gave me Love, Hope, and Faith.
And contemplation of God's masterpiece,
Suddenly the circle of vicious life breaks.
Hope will look into the emptiness of the soul,
Unbelief and callousness will go away.
And Vera will give great patience,
And will cross out the vanity of the world.
The ghostly doubt will disappear like smoke,
Fate will find a reliable path.
And the heart will burst into flames like a bright star,
The rays of love will illuminate your entire being.
And dusty and unnecessary dust,
Lies, envy and betrayal will burn away.
Artist God, Great Heartbreaker,
He knows thoughts and dreams.
And leads to the souls of the thirsty and hungry,
Bridges to Hope, Faith and Love.
Beautiful Hope will not put you to shame,
Vera will pave the life route.
And the light of Love will remain in the heart forever,
Three faithful friends will not leave, will not leave.
May the sun shine brighter for you on this day,
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet,
We wish you health, happiness, light, everything that is called good.

Song "You know how you want to live"