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Disease codes on sick leave certificates. Disease codes on the sick leave certificate, certificate of incapacity for work, decoding of codes

People in many professions face a variety of problems that affect their health. Situations often arise when it worsens due to circumstances related or not related to work.

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In some of these situations, a person cannot go to work and is forced to receive treatment at home or in a hospital. At the end of the period, he is entitled to payments provided by law. These payments are made on the basis of sick leave, sometimes called sick leave.

The document is issued by doctors who have passed the FSS check. He needs to fill it out correctly and deliver it to the organization’s administration on time.

Codes are abbreviated digital designations of the causes of disability. Thus, two numbers in the document indicate the reason for absence from work and the legal, financial, social and other consequences arising from it.

Coding functions

Coding is used for different purposes. Its advantage lies in its simplicity and hiding personal information for the uninitiated.

Coding is used for the following purposes:

  • protection of personal and medical secrets;
  • saving space on forms;
  • facilitating the work of the HR department;
  • interaction with medical institutions of other countries;
  • reducing the number of errors.

Thanks to codes, strangers who are not familiar with coding are unlikely to be able to accidentally find out what a person was sick with and why he was not at work.

According to the rules for filling out a sick leave certificate, entries in its different parts must be made by doctors and employers. Doctors fill out some sections, and representatives of the organization fill out others.

The doctor must provide the following information:

  • information about the clinic and the specialist who provided the treatment;
  • information about the patient;
  • the time of his incapacity.

The management of the enterprise should know the following things:

  • how much money you need to pay;
  • what amount to request from the Social Insurance Fund;
  • employee experience;
  • average salary.

If you write everything in full, including the diagnosis and circumstances of the disability, you will need more than one sheet of paper.

Coding allows you to place information on a sheet.

Regarding work personnel services, then it is much easier for them to perceive two-digit codes than to understand handwritten text. The fact is that when doctors see many patients, they often write illegibly.

Interaction with foreign hospitals may be relevant if a person has already suffered from some disease in his homeland and this fact was recorded in sick leave. Then he fell ill again or had a complication while abroad.

Disease codes are universal, and foreign specialist will be able to figure it out.

In addition, they reduce the likelihood of error. With a small number of characters it is small.

Classification and decoding of disease codes on sick leave

Two classifications are used in sick leave - this is the classification of sick leave and the classification of diseases.

The first is used constantly, since it refers to the reasons why the employee was not at work and which are related to illness.

It means legal grounds for absence, calculation of benefits, etc.

The codes included in it are considered disability codes. They are assigned depending on the situation that led to the impossibility of performing work functions due to health conditions.

The assignment of codes is based on the circumstances of its deterioration.

An employee of the Malinovsky Klin organization, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was at home, moving furniture. This activity was not related to his work. While carrying it, he made a careless movement and fell. Then he was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a broken leg and was given prosthetics.

After discharge from medical institution the person continued to work in the organization and an entry was made on his certificate of incapacity for work with code No. 6 “Carrying out prosthetic surgery in a hospital.” If he had simply suffered an injury that prevented him from performing his duties, then code 02 would have been entered.

IN in this case the injury occurred outside of work.

Let's give another example:

The Transport company is engaged in the transportation of goods according to orders. She was tasked with transporting furniture from an old apartment to a new place of residence.

It was winter, and while carrying heavy cabinets into the entrance of a new house, one of the movers slipped on a slippery step. A joint in the leg was dislocated. The sick leave certificate contained code No. 4 “Incident at the workplace that led to a deterioration in the employee’s health.”

A description of all sick leave codes indicating the reasons why an employee is considered temporarily disabled is given in the table:

Digital code Decoding
01 Disease. Used when unable to work due to illness.
02 Injury.
03 Used during quarantine.
04 Placed in the event of an accident at work or its consequences.
05 Inability to perform duties due to pregnancy and childbirth.
06 A prosthetic operation was performed in the inpatient department of a medical institution.
07 This mark is made if there is occupational disease or its complications.
08 This code denotes after-care in a sanatorium setting.
09 Used if an employee is forced to care for a sick family member.
10 Placed in case of poisoning and manipulation.
11 This code is used if a person suffers from a socially significant disease from a special list adopted by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.12. 2004 No. 715.
12 This is given if the employee is caring for a child under 7 years of age who suffers from a disease on the list of the Ministry of Health and social development RF, provided for in paragraph 5 of Article 6.
13 Used when caring for disabled children.
14 This code means that the sick leave was issued due to a child’s illness, which is associated with a post-vaccination complication or a malignant neoplasm. The code cannot be specified without the employee’s consent.
15 If the child is HIV positive. Can only be specified with the consent of the employee.
17 Indicated for treatment in a specialized institution.
18 The code means that the employee was at a sanatorium-resort treatment related to an industrial accident.
19 These numbers indicate treatment in research institutions studying rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and balneology.
20 They bet if the woman went to additional leave on pregnancy and childbirth.
21 Indicates a disease or injury that results from drug, alcohol or toxic intoxication or activities related to it.

The second classification is used less frequently, since usually an employee’s illness is indicated by code 01 or 11.

Code 11 indicates that the employee has been ill with one of the list of socially significant diseases.

The development of these human diseases is sometimes caused by difficult working conditions. These include hepatitis, tuberculosis, and some mental disorders.

However, there are situations when the diagnosis is described in more detail.

Then the ICD-10 classifier is used.

Its codes indicate the diagnosis and consist of 2 parts. In the first part, write the name of the disease or other cause of disability. The second is a combination of letters and numbers that give a more accurate idea of ​​it.

Thus, disease codes on a sick leave certificate can be either generalized or detailed. Generalized codes 01 and 11 are used to indicate the reasons for the inability to perform work.

Codes are also used when sick leave is issued for caring for a sick family member (including children).

The features of this filling are shown in the figure:

Which ones does the employer fill out?

Mostly doctors provide information about codes. However, the calculation codes and subordination codes are indicated by the employer.

Calculus codes mean digital designations for calculus insurance period. Subordination codes are assigned to insurance organizations by the Fund social insurance.


The current form of the certificate of incapacity for work was approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Order No. 347n dated April 26, 2011. In order to simplify filling out the document, some columns are presented in encrypted form. In particular, this is a line indicating the type of disease. Let's look at what the codes for the cause of incapacity are on a sick leave certificate - the decoding is given in accordance with legislative norms.

The procedure for providing information in hospital bulletins is strictly regulated. The rules were approved on federal level in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 624n dated June 29, 2011. In particular, the certificate of incapacity for work should be filled out only in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, printed form. Ink color – specific (black). It is possible to generate a document using a computer.

All data is displayed in specially designated columns, from left to right, starting from the first cell. Some information is provided in encoded form. The indicator values ​​are uniform and are given strictly in accordance with regulatory requirements. Disease codes on sick leave certificates are filled in on the “Cause of disability” page. The indicator has 2 digital places.

For example, disease code 01 on a sick leave certificate means general disease the individual himself. According to such a bulletin, the employer is obliged to pay for the entire period of incapacity for work of the employee. And the reason for disability 09 on the sick leave implies caring for a sick relative. Calculation of benefits on this basis has its own calculation features. If sick leave code 04 is indicated, this means an accident that occurred with the employee at the enterprise. The benefit is subject to payment from Social Insurance. Next, we will take a closer look at what disease codes there are on sick leave certificates.

Sick leave codes and their interpretation

The mechanism for reflecting data on the certificate of incapacity for work is given in Section. IX Order No. 624n. Paragraph 58 lists all the current values ​​of the indicators of the reason codes for issuing a newsletter. In 2018, the encoding looks like this:

Two-digit code value on the certificate of incapacity for workWhat does the main code mean?
01 General illness - sick leave code 01 means that benefits are calculated and issued without any special features, in full and taking into account length of service. During illness, the employee is released from work labor responsibilities
02 Indicates a domestic injury. Such a newsletter is not related to the production activities of an individual
03 Issued when the employee or his children are in quarantine. When quarantine is officially established, attendance at work is prohibited.
04 Code 04 on sick leave – what does it mean? This value is used to confirm an accident in the organization. The benefit amount is issued entirely at the expense of Social Insurance, that is, from the 1st day of illness
05 Indicated in the newsletter upon registration maternity leave in the residential complex
06 Used to provide sick leave for prosthetics in inpatient settings
07 Indicated on the certificate of incapacity for work in case of exacerbation or primary manifestation of an occupational disease
08 Indicated by a doctor when sending an individual for further treatment in a sanatorium or rest home
09 They will indicate that a ballot is issued due to the need to care for a sick relative, for example, a child. How is code 09 paid on sick leave? Payment of the amount is carried out at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund, taking into account the maximum limits for the calendar year
10 Indicated in case of illness for other reasons. For example, this is poisoning, the need for various medical procedures, etc.
11 Code 11 on sick leave – what does it mean? This value is indicated if the patient has socially important diseases (the list is given in Government Decree No. 715 of December 1, 2004). For example, these are hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, STIs, tuberculosis, etc. Payment of benefits is carried out according to general rules
12 Indicated in case of illnesses of a child under 7 years of age with one of the diseases listed in accordance with clause 5 of the stat. 6 of Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006
13 Indicated if caring for a child with a disability
14 Indicated if children have post-vaccination complications or if malignant diseases are detected. This value can be given only with the consent of the individual
15 Indicated when caring for a child with HIV status. It is allowed to indicate only with the consent of the individual

The table above shows the main types of disability codes. In addition to these indicators, there are others. What do the additional codes on the sick leave mean? More on this in the next section.

Additional codes on sick leave certificates

On the “Reason of disability” page, immediately after the main code (consists of 2 cells) there is an additional code. This indicator has three-digit designations. The additional code allows you to more accurately identify the cause of the disease. Current values for 2018 they look like this:

  • 017 – when carrying out inpatient treatment in specialized sanatoriums.
  • 018 – when conducting sanitary-resort therapy for the treatment of a disease resulting from an industrial injury or an accident in the organization.
  • 019 – is indicated when referring for therapy to a clinic, including research institutes.
  • 020 – indicated when extending maternity leave and applying for additional permission.
  • 021 – indicates that the individual’s illness is caused by alcohol, toxic intoxication or drugs. This may result in a reduction in your benefit amount.

Pay attention! If there is no such data to be entered into the additional code, the corresponding cells are not filled in. And if the original cause of the disease changes, the indicator is entered in the “Change code” page. The values ​​are taken from the table. For example, the primary cause of disability 01 on a sick leave certificate can subsequently be replaced by code “05” when pregnancy is confirmed.

Other codes of reasons for disability on the new sick leave

Another type of code in the newsletter is used to indicate family relationships. The indicator values ​​are also strictly regulated. Coding is not entered in all cases of issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, but only when caring for a sick relative. The current code values ​​look like this:

  • 38 – indicated when filling out a ballot for the mother.
  • 39 – entered when drawing up a sheet for the father.
  • 40 – used in the process of filling out the form for a guardian.
  • 41 – intended for trustees.
  • 42 – indicated when other family members are caring for sick relatives.

A special two-digit code is intended to indicate violations of the regime. Since during the course of illness an individual is relieved of work duties, it is necessary to observe a certain observation regime in a medical institution. If the doctor finds any violations, this should be recorded in the bulletin. Indicator values ​​for 2018:

  • 23 – indicated for unauthorized departure from an inpatient facility; in case of non-compliance with the doctor’s instructions, including traveling to another area for treatment.
  • 24 – is entered in case of non-compliance with the appointed time of appearance at the medical institution.
  • 25 – given when going to work without issuing an extract.
  • 26 – indicated if the patient refuses to participate in the medical examination.
  • 27 – given in case of violation of the deadlines for appearing for the examination.
  • 28 – given for other violations.

Another code is given in the “Other” page. This indicator, for example, the value “31” is entered when the ballot is renewed. What does code 36 mean on a sick leave certificate? Full list values ​​for 2018:

  • 31 – indicates the extension of the previous ballot, that is, the issuance of a new form.
  • 32 – indicates the determination of the degree of disability of an individual.
  • 33 – given when the degree of disability changes.
  • 34 – indicated in case of death.
  • 35 – given if you refuse to participate in the medical examination.
  • 36 – indicates the individual’s ability to work.
  • 37 – is paid when a citizen is sent for further treatment immediately after hospitalization.

Finally, the last type of two-digit codes indicates the conditions for calculating the benefit amount. This line is filled out by the employer. Current values ​​for 2018:

  • 43 – indicated for those persons who were exposed to radiation and have benefits when assigning benefits.
  • 44 – given for individuals who started working in the Far North before 2007.
  • 45 – indicated if there is a disability.
  • 46 – is paid upon concluding a TD for a period of up to six months.
  • 47 – indicated when illness occurs within 30 days. (calendar) from the moment of completion of the TD.
  • 48 – given for violations of the hospital regime for good reasons.
  • 49 – indicated for diseases over 16 weeks.
  • 50 – indicated for diseases over 20 weeks.
  • 51 – is paid for individuals employed part-time.

Subordination code on sick leave

The value of the subordination code is assigned to the policyholder in territorial office FSS. This five-digit figure is given along with reg. employer number. You can clarify the CP in the Social Insurance notification.

Conclusion - in this article we looked at the rules by which disease codes are filled out in hospital bulletins. For example, we found out what code 02 on a sick leave certificate or code 09 means. The most common value is sick leave code 01. This value is indicated in general cases diseases of citizens. Separately, we explained how additional codes, regime violation codes, family ties, and others are filled out.

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Sick leave – document strict reporting. Its registration is strictly regulated by the relevant Rules and Law. The disease is not written in words in the document; it is indicated as a digital code. Is it possible to decipher it, where to find information, this will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

What does the disease code on a sick leave mean?

The disease code is deciphered as the reason for the employee being on sick leave. The code means not only the diagnosis of the disease, but also other circumstances - absence due to caring for a child or close relative, treatment in a sanatorium, etc. Coding information helps the HR department and accountant of the enterprise to reproduce it more accurately, for the correct recording of employee time and accrual disability payments.

The disease code has several levels:

  • Basic – the main cause of disability is indicated. It consists of two parts of digital values. First – national coding of the disease, written in the form of two Arabic numbers – 01, 02, 03, etc. Second part, represents an international system of records according to the accepted ICD-10 system. The inclusion and mandatory completion of the second part of the coding in the document makes it possible to submit it to international companies, and for a doctor to fill out only one form;
  • Additional cipher. It indicates designations if, for example, an injury was received by an employee in drunk. In this case, the benefit payable is reduced;
  • Family connection. Indicated if the sick leave was to care for a child or relative.

Other additional code values ​​carry information about the patient’s compliance with doctor’s visits, extension of sick leave and other information for the accounting department and human resources department of the enterprise.

Is it possible to recognize a disease by sick leave code?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees immunity personal life. Health information also relates to the privacy of citizens.

Coding of information about the disease was adopted with the aim of:

  • Ensure the inviolability of personal information about the health status of citizens. The code carries only general typical information, without specifying the type of illness, its form, etc. information;
  • For the convenience of tracking employee time. The doctor’s handwriting is difficult to decipher; encoding makes it easier for the HR and accounting departments to read the sheet and perceive the information;
  • Saves paper and time to fill out the sheet.

The code for the cause of illness on a sick leave certificate indicates a generalized type of reason for an employee’s absence from work. On the sheet, there is also space for an additional code, which indicates, for example, violation of the employee’s regime, injury in a condition alcohol intoxication and other points. The decoding can be found in the relevant Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

How to recognize a disease by code on a sick leave certificate - explanation

The decoding of the disease code is in the corresponding document. The code is entered by the attending physician; it is worth knowing that # 14 and 15 can only be entered with the written permission of the patient. Disease code 01 means Disease. This name hides the most common infectious diseases, colds, ARVI, etc.

What does disease code 01 mean on a sick leave certificate?

The diagnosis of the disease on the sick leave is coded according to national and international system. Disease code 01 refers to the national coding system. This code means Disease. This is the most common code; infectious colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and seasonal colds are encrypted under it.

How is sick leave paid for with disease code 01?

When calculating temporary disability benefits due to general illness, are guided Required condition is social insurance of employee health, since payments for temporary disability are provided from the compulsory insurance fund.

When calculating take:

  • Average earnings for the last two years, and the amount should not exceed the established insurance base. Its size must be checked as it changes every year. Based on average earnings for two years, average daily earnings are calculated to determine the amount of benefits;
  • When calculating the amount of daily benefits, the established percentage of average earnings is taken into account, depending on the employee’s length of insurance;
  • 100% - 8 or more years of experience;
  • 80% - from 5–8 years;
  • 60% - less than 5 years of experience.

The amount payable is calculated by multiplying the daily benefit by the number of days of incapacity. The amount to be paid is included in the document with personal income tax.

The disease code is incorrectly indicated on the sick leave certificate, what should I do?

According to the design rules for this type medical document, corrections of errors when filling out are possible only on the part of the employer. This means that if the doctor incorrectly indicated the disease code in the document, and this error was discovered, you need to contact the doctor to reissue the form . If the attending physician refuses to do this, you must contact the head physician. The old sheet must be returned to the doctor, so it is important to save it and provide it to the clinic. An incorrectly completed form on the part of the doctor is written off according to the rules of document flow.

Since 2011 all information about the causes of disability is contained in the disease codes on the sick leave certificate. They help determine the size due compensation. The ability to read codes will help the recipient of the certificate of incapacity to eliminate errors when filling out the document and receive money on time.

Code names

In total, there are 5 types of encoded information on the sick leave. The fields for codes are marked in red in the illustration of the document form.

The medical institution enters the following encrypted information:

    Reason for disability - this field must be filled in.

    Family connection - this column is filled in if the employee takes out a certificate of incapacity for work (LS) to care for a sick relative.

    Notes on violation of the regime - codes in this category can significantly reduce sick leave payments.

    Other - the encoding in this field reflects the reasons for continuing or closing the LN.

The employer codes the column “Calculation conditions” on the sick leave sheet. It contains information about benefits or reasons for reducing payments to a sick employee. Based on encrypted data, accounting calculates the amount of compensation due. Control over the payment of the certificate of incapacity for work is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) - it may not pay for the certificate if there are errors in it.


Calculation of compensation on a general basis has the following algorithm: average daily earnings (ADE) is multiplied by the length of service coefficient, and then by the number of days of illness. The length of service coefficient means that if an employee has been working at the company for more than 8 years, his compensation according to the bulletin is 100% of the SDZ. With 5 to 8 years of experience, he will receive 80% of earnings; from 1 year to 5 years - 50%, and if the length of service is less than 1 year, sick leave payment will be 30% of the average daily earnings.

Disease codes on sick leave certificates affect the calculation of compensation: in one case, instead of SDZ, the minimum wage (minimum wage) is taken as the basis for the calculation, in another, length of service is not taken into account, in the third, the number of paid days is limited.



How is it paid?

Main code (2 characters)

General malaise

Compensation on a general basis. Duration of one insured event– 15 days, paid period – no more than 10 months.

Domestic injury

Quarantine of an employee or his child under 7 years of age

Payment on a general basis is entirely from the Social Insurance Fund.

Inpatient surgery to install prostheses

Treatment in a sanatorium

Work injury

100% of SDZ is paid for the entire period of incapacity. Length of service and violation of treatment regimen are not taken into account. Payment is entirely at the expense of the employer.

Occupational disease

Maternity leave

100% of the average daily earnings for a period of 140 days are paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

Caring for a sick relative

To care for a child under 7 years of age, no more than 60 days are allowed; up to 15 years – 45 days; up to 18 years of age – 30 calendar days per year. No more than 30 days can be taken to care for an adult relative. The duration of one insured event is 7 calendar days.

Other (poisoning, medical procedures)

On a general basis. At the expense of the employer - 3 days, the rest - from the Social Insurance Fund.

Socially significant or dangerous disease

(RF Decree No. 715 of December 1, 2004)

Compensation on a general basis. The maximum paid period is 12 months.

Particularly serious illness of a child (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 84N of February 20, 2008).

Payment for sick leave is extended to 90 days a year without time limits for each insured event.

Caring for a disabled child

Paid for 120 days a year, the time period for each case of illness is not limited.

Caring for a child with complications after vaccination or cancer

An employee has the right to take out a certificate of incapacity for work at any time of the year without restrictions on the number of days.

Caring for a child with HIV infection

Additional code (3 characters)

Referral for treatment to a specialist. sanatorium

Payment by main code

Sanatorium treatment for work-related injuries

Treatment in research institute clinics

Additional leave for complicated births

Incapacity for work due to alcohol intoxication, drug addiction or substance abuse.

Sick leave payments are calculated based on the minimum wage, and not on the employee’s average salary.

Code "Violation of regime"

Unauthorized violation of the treatment regimen

Until the date of violation, sick leave is paid according to the main code. After noting a violation of the regime, compensation is calculated according to the minimum wage.

Showing up for an appointment with your doctor unscheduled

The employee started work without covering his sick leave

Refusal medical and social examination(ITU)

No-show at ITU

Other violations

Code "Calculation conditions"

Person exposed to radiation

Compensation is 100% of SDZ, regardless of length of service.

A person who worked in regions with complex natural conditions (Far North etc.)

Having a disability

One insured event for a disabled person can last 4 months. In total, 5 months of the year are subject to disability payments.

Work experience less than six months

The amount of disability benefits is calculated according to the minimum wage

The illness occurred within a month after dismissal

Compensation is calculated based on 60% of the employee’s SDZ.

There is a good reason for violating the treatment regimen

Compensation is paid according to the main cause of disability code.

The disease lasts more than 4 months

Filled out for disabled employees who are entitled to sick pay for 5 months a year.

Disability lasts more than 5 months

The employee is employed part-time in production

Calculation of sick leave payments is done according to SDZ in proportion to the time worked.

Column "Other"

The coding of the column “Other” reflects the change in the patient’s condition during his stay on sick leave:

    code 31 means that the employee needs a new sick leave, and the previous one is closed and must be paid;

    symbol 32 is associated with recognition of disability - the period of payment for sick leave increases;

    code 34 means the closure of the bulletin due to the death of the patient;

    code 36 indicates restoration of ability to work; on this basis, the LN is closed and the employee can begin work.

The decoding of all codes is given on the back of the document and is available to the owner of the certificate of incapacity for work who wants to check the correctness of its completion.

A sick leave certificate is the main document indicating that an employee has suffered an illness or been injured. Based on this document, the employee is accrued insurance payments. In order for an accountant to correctly calculate their size, it is necessary to know the sick leave codes and their interpretation. In particular, disability codes on sick leave.

The sick leave form was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n. The same document approves disease codes. The procedure for storing and providing forms is regulated special instructions, approved by Orders of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation No. 18, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 29 of January 29, 2004.

Cause of disability codes on sick leave: decoding

The cause of disability code on the sick leave is indicated in a special field consisting of two cells. Their values ​​range from 01 to 15. The form has three cells for specifying an additional code. It is intended to clarify the causes of injury or illness and some other details. Their values ​​range from 017 to 021.

Let's look at the most common values, and the remaining codes for the reasons for disability on the new sick leave can be seen on the sample back of this form.

Code 01 on sick leave: what does it mean?

Sickness code 01 on a sick leave certificate, which is deciphered as “illness,” is used if an employee becomes ill with any disease. For example, reason for disability 01 on a sick leave certificate may indicate that the employee had the flu. Disease code 01 on the sick leave means that the employee must receive insurance payments in in full, based on his experience.

Code 02 on sick leave: what does it mean?

This designation is used if an employee has been injured. At the same time, it is worth separating work injury from household, since value 02 applies only to injuries received outside of work. Benefits are paid in full. The first three days of sick leave are paid for by the employer, and the remaining payments fall on the Social Insurance Fund.

Code 04 on sick leave: what does it mean?

When an employee receives a work injury, code 04 is applied. In this case, the Social Insurance Fund pays benefits from the first day of illness.

Code 09 on sick leave: how is it paid?

Reason for disability 09 on the sick leave means that the employee took sick leave due to the need to care for a sick family member. In this case, the “Care” section must be completed. It contains the code family connection, full name family member and his age. In this case, the payment of benefits is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund in full, with the exception of cases of illness during the employee’s vacation.

Code 11 on sick leave: what does it mean?

This designation indicates that the employee has fallen ill with a socially significant disease, for example, tuberculosis or hepatitis. A complete list of such diseases can be found in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2004 No. 715. This code does not affect the payment procedure.

Code 31 on sick leave: what does it mean?

If after the deadline hospital doctor considers it necessary to extend it, then in the “Other” line he indicates the value 31 - “continues to be ill.”

Code 36 on sick leave: what does it mean?

If the doctor sees that the employee is already healthy and can begin to perform work duties, in the “Other” line he indicates the value 36 - “Apparently able to work.”