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Althea medicinal use. Infusion of marshmallow root, tincture, decoction - recipe and application. Canned corn: composition, how to choose and diet

100 grams of syrup contains 2 g marshmallow root extract .

Release form

The syrup is a thickish transparent liquid, color from yellowish-brown to reddish-brown, has its own special smell and sweet taste. Marshmallow root syrup is available in bottles or jars of dark glass, 125-200 g. Each bottle is packed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Expectorant and local anti-inflammatory .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

A phytopreparation with an expectorant effect, capable of reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions.

Indications for use

Such diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a cough and difficult sputum, such as:,.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the syrup;
  • deficiency of frements - sucrase or isomaltase ;
  • intolerance fructose ;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption .

Side effects

Therapy may be accompanied by the development allergic reactions .

Althea syrup, application instruction (Way and dosage)

Instructions for the use of Althea Syrup for children under 12 years of age: take orally, after meals 4-5 times a day, 1 tsp. spoon, having previously diluted in 0.25 tbsp. thermal water. Usually, the duration of treatment ranges from 10 to 15 days.

Instructions for children over 12 years old and for adults: 1 table each. spoon, diluted in 0.5 tbsp. warm water, take after meals 4-5 times during the day.

To increase the duration of the course or to repeat it, you need to consult a doctor.


Symptoms: vomiting and nausea. Treatment: immediate drug withdrawal and gastric lavage .


Do not use with codeine-containing and others antitussive drugs due to the possible difficulty in coughing up liquefied sputum.

Terms of sale

No prescription is required to purchase from a pharmacy.

Storage conditions

Protected from light place, temperature 15-25 ° C.

Restrict access to children!

Shelf life

Do not use after 18 months.

special instructions

Patients who are sick or observing hypocarbohydrate , prescribe and use the drug with caution. In 1 tea. a spoonful of syrup (corresponds to 5 ml) contains 0.4 bread units, in 1 table. spoon (15 ml) - 1.2 bread units.

Althea Syrup during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but the potential risks to the fetus or child should be taken into account in relation to the expected benefit to the mother. For this, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Matching ATX level 4 code:
  • Marshmallow syrup
  • Marshmallow syrup

Reviews of Altea Syrup

Reviews about Althea Syrup for children and adults are positive. Among the advantages of the drug, buyers note: naturalness, pleasant taste, efficiency and affordability.

Althea syrup helps with coughs and can be used during pregnancy. There are practically no negative reviews, however, some are worried about the presence of contraindications and a list of adverse reactions.

Althea syrup price, where to buy

The average price of Althea syrup for a bottle of 125 g is 45 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies of Ukraine Ukraine

It has long been known that marshmallow root forms mucus when ingested or in contact with water. Because of these properties, marshmallows are even popularly called mucus grass.

Thanks to them, the plant is used in medicine as an enveloping agent that promotes rapid tissue healing, relieves local inflammatory processes.

Preparations from the marshmallow root also have a pronounced expectorant effect, which determines the main indications for their appointment.

The medicinal properties of the plant became widely known in the 10th century and were mentioned in their writings by the great physician Avicenna.

Instructions for use

The active substances contained in the roots of marshmallow envelop the mucous membranes, thus protecting them from irritation and additional damage.

This property allows marshmallow to be used to relieve dry, irritating coughs that are common in conditions such as whooping cough or laryngitis.

At the same time, this medicinal raw material is capable of thinning viscous phlegm and reflexively promoting its expectoration. This allows it to be used for diseases that are accompanied by a wet cough.

Other parts of the plant, such as leaves, flowers, and seeds, are also used in folk and official medicine. But the roots of marshmallow were the most widely used.

Mucous substances are able to retain microbial and viral products, as well as other toxins, preventing their contact with mucous membranes and thus providing a kind of antibacterial effect.

In addition, the roots contain pectin, many starchy compounds and other biologically active components.

Indications for use

Marshmallow roots and preparations from it have a wide range of purposes due to the various effects that it can provide.

Inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, respiratory tract and oral cavity:

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • glossitis;

Digestive diseases. Moreover, the more acidic the environment in the stomach or duodenum, the higher the viscosity of the mucus and, therefore, the more pronounced the effect:

  • esophagitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • dysentery.

Diseases of the bronchi and lungs:

Metabolic disorders as:

  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • candidiasis.

Mode of application

An aqueous infusion of marshmallow roots is used in the form of rinsing, douching, inside or outwardly, in the form of lotions. Gargling is used for diseases of the oral cavity, douching - for the treatment of candidiasis.

Syrups based on this raw material are used internally, tablets are absorbed. Duration of treatment is 1 - 2 weeks.

Infusions are prepared independently from raw materials purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. To prepare the infusion you need:

  1. Prepare a water bath and enamel dishes.
  2. Place 1 tablespoon of roots and a glass of boiled cool water in an enamel bowl.
  3. Put in a water bath and heat for 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Cool for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  5. Squeeze the concentrated infusion through cheesecloth.
  6. Bring the resulting volume of infusion to 200 ml with boiled water.
  7. Store the finished infusion in a cool place for no more than two days.

Due to the fact that marshmallow contains a lot of starch, then for diarrhea it is used not only as a therapeutic, but also as a nutritious agent.

If you add an extract of marshmallow root to the barium powder, then such a mixture, in preparation for an X-ray examination, helps to reveal a clearer relief of the intestine.

Release form, composition

Altai root can be found in pharmacies in the following dosage forms:

Interaction with other drugs

This section is not well understood regarding the roots of marshmallow. However, due to the enveloping properties, the absorption of any other drugs from the digestive tract is reduced.

Therefore, if necessary, other medicinal substances should be taken with an interval of at least two hours from taking marshmallow roots.

Simultaneous reception with sodium bicarbonate enhances the expectorant effect and accelerates recovery.

Side effects

The drug can cause individual allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching and rash. If they appear, you must stop taking the drug and take an antiallergic agent.

Otherwise, marshmallow roots are well tolerated and do not cause specific side effects. Including do not affect the control of mechanisms and concentration of attention.


Reception is not recommended if reactions to this component have been previously noted. Cannot be used in children under three years of age. Althea tincture is prohibited for use in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in children due to the content of alcohol in its composition.

During pregnancy

The use of the above drugs during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied enough. Therefore, the potential risk and benefit of taking it should be assessed.

Marshmallow root in these cases is prescribed only by a doctor. During application, careful monitoring of the condition is required.

Storage conditions and periods

The product is stored from a year (raw materials) to three years (syrup) in a dark, dry place at room temperature. The storage location must be out of reach of children.


Average price in Russia

The cost of "Mukaltin" is from 14 rubles, marshmallow syrup - 46 rubles, crushed marshmallow roots - 90 rubles.

Marshmallow roots -RadicesAlthaeae

Marshmallow herb -HerbaAlthaeae

Marshmallow officinalis - Althaea officinalis L.

Altay Armenian - Althaea armeniaca Ten.

Semactiono mallow - Malvaceae

Other names:

- Proskurnyak

- Prosvirnyak

Botanical characteristics. Perennial herb. Rhizome multi-headed, short, woody, with branched, fleshy, whitish roots. Stems up to 150 cm high, slightly branched, erect. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, simple, usually three-, five-lobed, simpler at the apex. The flowers are pink, large, collected in the upper part of the stem in a spike-shaped inflorescence. Corolla five-part, rounded petals. The pistil has an upper ovary and is enclosed in a tube of accrete filaments. The stamens are purple. The calyx is double, 5 inner petals, 9-12 outer petals. The fruit is fractional, disintegrating into separate single-seeded fruits. The whole plant has a soft velvety pubescence. Blossoms in June-July; bears fruit in September-October. Allowed for use is Armenian marshmallow. The flowers are pale pink. Grows in the Caucasus, in the foothills of Central Asia.

Spreading. In the forest-steppe and steppe zones, in the Caucasus, in the south of Western Siberia. A commercial crop in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Ukraine, is cultivated on the personal plots of pharmacies, schools, on worked-out and moist soils. Fertilize with humus, phosphate and potassium fertilizers. Seeds are propagated by row spacing 70 cm (sowing depth 1.5-2 cm), seedlings, dividing perennial rhizomes. The soil is shaken, thinned up to 8-10 plants per linear meter, weeds are carefully weeded out. Biennial plants are fed with ammonium nitrate, the grass is mowed and burned before winter. The roots of plants are harvested at the age of 2-3 years, the yield is up to 10-20 c / ha.

Distinctive features of marshmallow medicinal and related plants

Diagnostic signs

Marshmallow officinalis - Althaea officinalis L.

Hutma Thuringian -Lavatera thuringiaca L.

Forest mallow - Malva sylvestris L.

Growing places

Meadows, banks of reservoirs

Dry slopes, edges

Wastes, yards, gardens




Tough, sometimes the plants are bare

Ovate, 3-5-lobed

Broadly ovate, 5-lobed with stipules

Rounded, 5-7-lobed, membranous stipules

Cup, whisk

8-12 blades, pale pink

3-blade; hot pink

3-blade; pink with dark stripes

Habitat. In the valleys of rivers, lakes, in wet meadows, among bushes, in swamps.

Procurement of raw materials, primary processing, drying. The roots are harvested in the fall, after the death of the aboveground parts of the plants (September-October), or in the spring, before regrowth (April-early May). After digging with shovels or plows, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of the ground, cut off the rhizomes and small roots, remove the lignified upper part of the main root; non-lignified roots are dried for 2-3 days in the air, then the cork is removed. Large roots are cut transversely into pieces up to 35 cm long, thick ones - lengthwise into 2-4 parts.

To obtain unrefined raw materials, after digging up and shaking off the ground, the roots are placed in baskets and quickly washed in cold running water. Otherwise, processing is carried out in the same way as for raw materials cleared of cork.

Marshmallow grass is harvested during flowering (within a month from the beginning of flowering), mowing in a mechanized way, yellowed leaves and admixture of other plants are removed.

Marshmallow roots and grass are dried either in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 0 С, or in well-ventilated rooms. In the southern regions of the country, the roots are also dried in the sun, covering them at night. When drying this raw material, it is necessary to take into account its hygroscopicity. They are laid out in a thin layer, loosely, on nets or frames covered with fabric. After drying, impurities, moldy and discolored roots and parts of the grass are removed from the raw materials.

Security measures. The thickets are easily depleted, therefore, during the collection process, seeds are sown, falling asleep in the holes from under the root, and developed specimens are left for seeding. They preserve young growth.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by the requirements of GF XI (marshmallow roots), FS 42-812-73 (unrefined marshmallow root), VFS 42-1696-87 (marshmallow herb).

External signs. Marshmallow roots. Whole raw materials represents almost cylindrical roots cleared of cork or split lengthwise into 2-4 parts 10-35 cm long, up to 2 cm thick, longitudinally grooved with peeling long, soft bast fibers and dark dots - traces of fallen or cut off small roots. Fracture in the central part is granular-rough, fibrous on the outside. The color of the root outside and at the break is white, yellowish-white, grayish. The smell is weak, peculiar. The taste is sweet with a slimy sensation.

Shredded raw materials. A mixture of pieces of roots of various shapes, ranging in size from 1 to 7 mm. The color is yellowish white or grayish white.

Powder. Has a white, yellowish-white or grayish color, passes through a sieve with apertures of 0.31 mm.

Marshmallow root, unpeeled. Whole raw material is almost cylindrical roots, not peeled from cork, or split lengthwise into 2-4 parts, branched, of various lengths, up to 2 cm thick. The surface is longitudinally wrinkled, grayish-brown.

Marshmallow herb. Raw materials are non-lignified shoots with partially crumbling whole or crushed, broken leaves, flowers, buds and fruits of varying degrees of maturity. Stems are rounded, longitudinally intermittently furrowed, pubescent, up to 120 cm long, up to 8 mm thick, grayish-green. The smell is weak. The taste is slightly slimy.

Qualitative reactions. When the cut or root powder is moistened with a solution of ammonia or sodium hydroxide, a yellow coloration (mucus) appears.

Microscopy. In the anatomical study of the marshmallow root, the following are of diagnostic value: the secondary structure of the root with a predominance of thin-walled parenchymal tissue in the xylem; numerous with slightly thickened, non-lignified or slightly lignified walls of fiber groups located in discontinuous concentric belts in the phloem and in smaller groups in the xylem; small groups of vessels and tracheids; one-, rarely two-row medullary rays; large cells with mucus; parenchyma cells with starch grains; small druses of calcium oxalate. When microscopic examination of the untreated marshmallow root, in addition to the indicated signs, it should be noted the presence of a thin layer of cork.

When examining the powder, parenchymal cells with starch grains and individual starch grains of a round, oval or ovoid shape, 3-27 microns in size, fragments of reticular and scalene vessels, fibers, druses of calcium oxalate are visible. The mucus is found when examined in a diluted carcass.

Grass microdiagnostics is carried out on the basis of the leaves. In the anatomical examination of the leaves, the following are of diagnostic value: weakly sinuous, sometimes clearly thickened cells of the upper and highly sinuous cells of the lower epidermis; stomata of an anocytic type with 2-4 peri-stomatal cells; hairs of two types (stellate of 1-8 thick-walled rays, often lignified at the base, and glandular on a one- and two-celled stalk with a multicellular head of 2-12 excretory cells arranged in several tiers of 2-4 cells in each); the cells of the epidermis form rosettes at the points of attachment of the hairs; numerous druses of calcium oxalate in the leaf mesophyll and along the veins.

Numerical indicators. Marshmallow roots. Whole raw materials. Moisture not more than 14%; total ash no more than 8%; ash insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid solution, no more than 0.5%; woody roots no more than 3%; roots poorly cleared of cork, no more than 3%; organic impurity no more than 0.5%, mineral - no more than 0.5%.

Shredded raw materials... Particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes of 7 mm diameter, no more than 15%; particles passing through a sieve with holes 1 mm in diameter, no more than 3%; organic impurities no more than 0.5%, mineral - no more than 0.5%.

Powder. Particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes of 0.31 mm, no more than 1%.

Marshmallow root, unpeeled. Whole raw materials... Numerical metrics are similar to Radices Althaeae.

Shredded raw materials... Particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes of 8 mm diameter, no more than 10%; particles passing through a sieve with holes 1 mm in diameter, no more than 3%.

Marshmallow herb. Polysaccharide content not less than 5% (determined gravimetrically), moisture not more than 13%, total ash not more than 18%, stems not more than 60%, fruits not more than 10%; organic impurity no more than 3%, mineral - no more than 1.5%.

Microbiological purity. Marshmallow roots. In accordance with GF XI, no. 2, p. 187 and Amendment to GF XI dated 28.12.95, category 5.2.

Chemical composition. The dry roots of marshmallow contain up to 35% of mucous substances, the main ingredients of which are polysaccharides - pentosans and hexosans, which give pentose, galactose and dextrose during hydrolysis. The roots also contain up to 37% starch, 2% l-asparagine, 8% sugars, 11-16% pectin, 1.7% fatty oil, betaine, carotene, phytosterols, minerals, a lot of starch, uronic acids, mineral salts. The herb is also rich in polysaccharides.

Storage. Only in a dry place, packed in bales or bags with a hygroscopicity mark. Shelf life up to 3 years.

Pharmacological properties. Marshmallow has anti-inflammatory, enveloping, expectorant, antitussive effect.

The healing properties of marshmallow are due to the high content of polysaccharides, which can swell in aqueous infusions, increase in volume and cover the mucous membranes and skin with a thin layer. This layer protects the mucous membranes from harmful factors (cold or dry air; irritating effect of food components, drying out). In addition, the mucous-polysaccharide complex absorbs, adsorbs microbial, viral and toxic products secreted by the affected epithelial cells, inactivates, prevents contact of toxins with the mucous membrane.

Under such a mucous layer, the activity of the inflammatory process decreases, dense cells and crusts soften, erosion and ulcers heal more quickly. Marshmallow preparations have mucolytic properties.

Medicines. Marshmallow root, mucus in the form of an aqueous infusion in cold water, dry extract, syrup, breast fees. The extract is obtained from the herb in tablets "Mukaltin".

Application. Althea was known under the name "alcea" (Greek - healing). It has been used since the 9th century BC. Instructions on his prescription are found in Theophrastus, Dioscorides and Pliny.

Marshmallow is used as an anti-inflammatory and enveloping agent for diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs. Water infusion of marshmallow inside, for rinsing is used for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and pharynx, accompanied by difficult coughing up phlegm, tonsillitis, tracheitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, glossitis. Althea preparations reduce cough, increase mucus production and facilitate the evacuation of sputum in acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema, acute respiratory diseases.

With esophagitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, with enterocolitis, food toxicoinfections and dysentery, marshmallow root is used as an adjuvant. In acute gastrointestinal diseases, especially those accompanied by diarrhea, the mucous infusion of marshmallow, containing a large amount of starch, is used not only as a therapeutic, but also as a nutritious agent. In X-ray practice, to better identify the relief of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, an extract from the marshmallow root is added to the barium powder.

Althea infusion is prescribed internally for eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis to normalize metabolism.

Outwardly, in the collections, the marshmallow root is used as an emollient in the form of a poultice.

The medical industry produces the drug Mucaltinum, which is a mixture of polysaccharides from the herb marshmallow. Greenish tablets contain 0.05 g of mucaltin, 0.087 g of sodium bicarbonate and 0.16 g of tartaric acid. Prescribe 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day before meals for respiratory diseases as an expectorant.

Dry marshmallow root extract (Extractum Althaeae siccum) is a dark amber powder. Often used in fees.

The infusion of marshmallow root (Infusum radicis Althaeae) is a transparent yellowish, slimy, sweet taste, liquid with a slight peculiar smell. A finely cut root with particles of no more than 3 mm in an amount of 6.5 g is poured with 100 ml of water at room temperature, infused for 1 hour, 1 tablespoon is taken after 2 hours.

Altea syrup (Sirupus Althaeae) is a thickish transparent liquid, in a thin layer of yellowish color, in a thick layer - reddish-brown, with a peculiar smell, sweet in taste. The syrup contains 2 g of dry extract of marshmallow root and 98 g of sugar syrup. Add to mixtures of 20-30 ml.

Collecting chest No. 1: marshmallow roots and leaves of coltsfoot in 2 parts, oregano herb 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 200 ml of water. It is taken warm, 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Collection of chest No. 2: marshmallow roots 1 part, licorice roots 1 part, elecampane roots 1 part. A decoction is prepared from 2 teaspoons of the mixture per 200 ml of water. Take 1/2 cup warm every 3 hours.

Potions with marshmallow are also prepared.

Chest fees of the following composition are also issued:

1. Marshmallow roots 1 part, licorice roots 1 part, fruits of anise 1 part, sage leaves 1 part, pine buds 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 200 ml of water. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

2. Marshmallow roots 2 parts, licorice roots 2 parts, fennel fruits 1 part. Prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 200 ml of water. Take 1/4 cup every 3 hours.

Marshmallow is a perennial herb belonging to the Malvov family. Its other names are marshmallow, mallow, dog's erysipelas, mucus grass, kalachiki, etc. It has been used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases since ancient times due to its safe and effective action. All parts of the plant are used - roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. They are included in many preparations, cosmetics for skin and hair care, and even consumed in food.

Where grows

The area of ​​growth of marshmallow officinalis is the Middle zone and the South of Russia, the North Caucasus, Ukraine, Europe and Central Asia. Prefers floodplains of rivers and lakes, meadows and thickets of bushes.

Description of marshmallow officinalis

Photo of marshmallow officinalis

The marshmallow plant has one or more erect stems, which branch out in the upper part, reaching half a meter in height. The leaves, drooping down, are green, ovoid, toothed at the edges. The root has the appearance of a fleshy, beige rhizome with small branches. Blooms in the second year of life, blooms in early summer to mid-July, the fruits ripen by early autumn. The marshmallow flower is large, pale pink in color, forming a spike-shaped inflorescence in the upper part of the stem. The fruit is a kidney-shaped, many achene of brown color.


The roots are harvested in early spring or late autumn, when the aerial part is absent. They are dug up, washed and dried a little. Then the cork is removed from the roots and crushed. Dried by spreading out in a thin layer in a well-ventilated and dark place or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Store in a closed container for 3 years.

For medicinal purposes, young roots are used - the first or second year of life, in older plants the roots are stiff

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Chemical composition

The plant has included in its composition a huge amount of substances healing for humans:

  • Mucus;
  • Starch and sugar;
  • Carotene and Pectin;
  • Betaine and Lecithin;
  • Phytosterol and flavonoids;
  • Mineral salts and organic acids;
  • Fatty oils and polysaccharides;
  • Vitamins C and A;
  • Tannins;
  • Minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, selenium, iodine).

Beneficial features

Althea officinalis has medicinal properties:

  • Antitussive;
  • Expectorant;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Emollient;
  • Enveloping;
  • Astringents;
  • Pain relievers;
  • Immunostimulating.

Therapeutic action

The plant has beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Treats diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Helps fight diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • It activates the intestines, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • Reduces the increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Eases joint pain;
  • Has an antiviral effect;
  • Stimulates protective functions;
  • Heals skin diseases;
  • Regenerates the tissues of the mucous membrane;
  • Promotes the removal of stones from the bladder;
  • Heals the genitourinary system;
  • Helps with heart disease;
  • Effectively cares for skin and hair;
  • Stabilizes hormones.

Dried marshmallow root is used in the preparation of medicinal products for the treatment of many diseases.

What heals

  • Catarrhal condition of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Cough and whooping cough;
  • Influenza, respiratory illness and sore throat;
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia and bronchial asthma;
  • Gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • Ulcerative processes of the stomach and intestines;
  • Genital infection, cystitis, prostatitis;
  • Leucorrhoea and urinary incontinence;
  • Diarrhea and dysentery;
  • Inflammation of the gums, throat, eyes, and skin;
  • Purulent wounds, burns, eczema, psoriasis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pustular skin diseases;
  • Allergic dermatitis;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Jaundice.


  • Lung problems (breathing problems);
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • The presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • Chronic constipation
  • 1st stage of pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to components.

Plant based remedies

The plant is used for the preparation of decoctions, infusions, alcoholic tinctures, syrups, and is added to medical masks for the face and hair.

Broth - 20 gr. roots are placed in a container with 250 ml. boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.

A decoction can cure angina, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchopneumonia

Tincture - two tablespoons of roots are poured with half a liter of alcohol or vodka, closed and placed in a darkened place for infusion for 2 weeks. Then filter and take 15 drops, diluted with water, in three doses before meals. Helps to cope with colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea, dysentery.

Althea infusion - take roots in the amount of 4 teaspoons and two glasses of boiled cold water. Withstand 8 hours, filter and drink 1/2 cup three times a day. Treats influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throat, stomach ulcers, jaundice, eczema, psoriasis. Infusion is used for douching for candidiasis.

Infusion of leaves - crushed leaves in the amount of a tablespoon are placed in a container with 250 ml. boiling water, insist and filter. Drink in 4 doses per day, 100 ml.

The tool has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, treats diseases of the respiratory system, inflammation of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract

Marshmallow juice - fresh leaves and stems are passed through a juicer or meat grinder. The resulting mixture is filtered through cheesecloth. Take with honey (1: 1) in a tablespoon in 4 doses per day. The remedy relieves coughing attacks, treats bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchial asthma.

The syrup can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

The syrup is an effective anti-inflammatory and antitussive agent for the treatment of adults and children. It activates the process of sputum formation, liquefies and accelerates the process of its discharge. Stimulates the immune system, activates the protective functions of organs and cells.

What cough helps - syrup is effective for wet (wet) and dry coughs. The mucus contained in the marshmallow envelops the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieves irritation, enhances the process of expectoration and cleansing of phlegm.

Instructions for use - for children under 12 years old, take a teaspoon three times a day. Children over 12 years old and adults take a tablespoon 4 times a day.

How to take - taken after meals. The course of treatment is up to two weeks. If necessary, after consultation with the doctor, the appointment can be extended.

Storage conditions of the drug - marshmallow syrup is stored in a dark and cool place (at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees) for one and a half years.

Althea syrup during pregnancy

It is not contraindicated to use marshmallow products during pregnancy and lactation. However, one should refrain from using in the first half of pregnancy, since the effect of marshmallow on the formation of the fetus has not been studied and the risk of developing pathologies is not excluded. In the second half of pregnancy, after consulting with your doctor, marshmallow syrup can be used for treatment.

Althea syrup during pregnancy will help relieve the symptoms of colds, flu, SARS, cure cough and other respiratory diseases

For children under one year old, when the baby's immune and digestive system is not working at full strength, taking the syrup without the recommendation of a pediatrician is not recommended, since an allergic reaction may occur.

After a year and at an older age, you can give the child a drug to treat cough without much fear.

Side effects

You can not take the syrup in combination with other drugs that suppress cough (for example, codeine) - it may be difficult to separate sputum and mucus from the lungs. An overdose of the drug can cause undesirable effects in the form of nausea and vomiting.

Medicinal preparations containing marshmallow

Root syrup is a herbal preparation that envelops and softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, and reduces the viscosity of bronchial secretions. It is indicated for diseases of the respiratory system with difficult to separate sputum (with bronchitis, tracheitis). Syrup release form - bottles of 100 ml. cost from 60 rubles.

Althea syrup with vitamin C - the drug is used as an additional source of vitamin C and flavonoids. Dosage 150 ml. costs about 105 rubles.

Vitamin C increases the effectiveness of the syrup in the treatment of diseases

Cough syrup is a herbal powder made from marshmallow roots, licorice, anise oil. It is prescribed for children over a year old to treat cough and facilitate the coughing process. Pharmacological action - separation and excretion of mucus and sputum from the respiratory system. A single sachet of the product, previously diluted with a spoonful of water, is drunk three times a day. The cost of a bag is from 10 rubles.

Mukaltin tablets are marshmallow extract in the form of tablets. Take one or two pieces three times a day before meals. Tablets are used as an antitussive and expectorant agent in complex therapy. Taking the drug helps in the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. The price of the medicine per package is about 50 rubles.

Breast collection No. 1 - contains herbal ingredients: marshmallow root, coltsfoot and oregano leaves (in proportions 2: 2: 1). An infusion is prepared from a mixture of herbs (a tablespoon per glass of boiling water). They drink 100 ml. three times a day. The price for a pack (50 grams) is about 65 rubles.

Breast collection number 2 - contains in equal parts the root of marshmallow, licorice and elecampane. A decoction is prepared from a tablespoon of the mixture and a glass of boiling water. They drink 100 ml. 4 times a day. The cost of the phyto mixture is from 80 rubles.

Gastric herbal tea with marshmallow - a component of the drug are herbs: bergenia, flax seed, chicory, mint, chamomile, angelica roots, marshmallow and licorice. The tea blend replenishes the body with flavonoids, glycyrrhizic acid and arbutin. Available in the form of granules, herbal teas and briquettes. Price from 80 rubles.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine widely uses various plant-based recipes to maintain health and beauty.

Altay in cosmetology

Marshmallow relieves irritation and inflammation on the skin, moisturizes and cleanses it, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, treats acne and acne, and cares for hair

For dry skin - prepare an infusion of 20 gr. roots and 200 ml. boiling water. Filter and rub the skin with a soaked cotton pad or make lotions for the face.

Honey mask - marshmallow flowers are infused in hot water with the addition of honey. It is filtered and applied to the skin, after 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. The procedure helps to accelerate skin microcirculation, tones, relieves puffiness and fatigue.

Cubes with marshmallow - prepare a cold infusion of 20 gr. roots and a glass of boiled chilled water. Insist for half an hour, filter and pour into ice molds. Put away in the freezer and moisturize and tone the skin of the face every morning.

Hair mask - prepare marshmallow oil: a teaspoon of seeds and 400 ml. vegetable oil is heated for an hour in a water bath. Strain and rub into the hair roots, hold for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The course of treatment is 2 procedures per week for 30 days. Helps with dry hair, relieves seborrhea and itching.

Rinsing after washing hair with a decoction of marshmallow roots gives a good effect for the health of hair. Hair becomes silky smooth

Healing recipes

With sore throat - rinse the throat with infusion from the roots: a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 1 \ 4 hours and filtered. It is recommended to take 20 ml of the infusion inside. 4-5 times a day, you can add a spoonful of honey to the drink.

With bronchitis, it is effective to take syrup from the roots of marshmallow: for adults, a tablespoon of the product diluted with water, for children under 12 years of age - a teaspoon.

With eczema and psoriasis - drink a tablespoon three times a day before meals, an infusion of marshmallow for 3 weeks. Condition, sleep, mood improves, appetite appears, irritability disappears, stool normalizes.

In case of ulcerative processes, an infusion is prepared from the roots of marshmallow, licorice (licorice) and comfrey - all in equal quantities and tea is brewed (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water), taken at night. Mucus envelops the stomach, heals ulcers and erosion, helps to create a protective shell against irritating factors.

With tuberculosis:

  • First recipe: a tablespoon of roots is poured with a glass of milk and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Filter and take during the day;
  • The second recipe: take licorice root (licorice), marshmallow, thermopsis herb and coltsfoot. A tablespoon of the phyto mixture is placed in a container with a glass of boiling water, kept on low heat for 10-15 minutes, filtered and drunk several times a day.

With cystitis, this infectious and inflammatory disease is treated with marshmallow juice. Fresh leaves are passed through a meat grinder, filtered and drunk with 20 ml of juice with honey. in a day. It also cures bronchitis, cough, enterocolitis, gastritis, diarrhea.

With colpitis - this infection of the genitals is cured with a mixture of herbs: marshmallow roots, oregano, oak bark (in proportions 1: 4: 6). 50 gr. raw materials are placed in a container with a liter of boiling water, kept for 5 minutes and filtered. Douching is done with a warm solution twice a day.

People call marshmallow differently: marshmallow, wild rose, kalachiki, mucus-grass. This plant is distributed almost all over the planet, and there is nothing strange that in each region this medicinal herb is called differently. But the many names are not the only feature of marshmallow. Much more impressive is the list of beneficial properties attributed to this herb, dating back to the 9th century BC. This plant was cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who gave the plant its name - Althaea, which means "to heal".

Botanical characteristic

Marshmallow is a plant from the malvaceous family, that is, its closest relative is the same mallow that adorns flower beds and gardens.

In the wild, marshmallow is found, as a rule, in wet areas near swamps, lakes, on the banks of rivers and in meadows, although some herbalists have successfully accustomed this herb to their gardens and vegetable garden. Marshmallow is distributed practically throughout Europe and Asia, it grows in the American continent and in northern Africa. Experts have counted 12 varieties of marshmallow, but only three of them have medicinal properties: marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), marshmallow (Althaea armenica) and marshmallow (Althaea cannabina).

Marshmallow officinalis is a perennial herb with high (sometimes up to 2 meters) erect stems. Outwardly, the plant is very similar to ornamental mallow. The leaves of this herb are elliptical, cut into 5 or 3 segments, soft to the touch, as if covered with a felt layer. The stem is also fleecy. The rhizome consists of a woody main root and a large number of fleshy lateral roots.

Throughout most of the summer, this grass pleases the eye with rather large pale pink flowers, which are located in groups along the entire length of the stem. By the way, marshmallow begins to bloom only in the second year of life. In autumn, fruits appear: in one disc-shaped polysperm, there can be from 15 to 25 flat dark gray seeds.

The chemical composition and beneficial properties of the other two varieties of marshmallow (Armenian and hemp) are identical to marshmallow medicinal. Altay Armenian is distinguished by more fluffy leaves, and this herb grows mainly in the Crimea and the Azov region. Hemp marshmallow has narrower leaves and vibrant red flowers. And you can find this herb in the south of Ukraine and on rocky slopes among the bushes in the Crimea.

Chemical composition

Researchers find chemical elements useful for humans in all parts of the plant, but still their maximum concentration is concentrated in the roots, which are actually used by pharmacists and herbalists most often.

The roots of any marshmallow contain the most (almost 35% of the composition) and (approximately 37%). Mucous substances in a plant are, as a rule, polysaccharides, which, as a result of hydrolysis, are converted into galactose, dextrose, arabinose and pentose. By the way, in smaller quantities, but still quite a lot of mucus was found in the leaves of grass (within 12-13%) and in flowers (up to 6%).

In addition to starches and mucous substances, scientists have found a high content of betaine, lycetin, mineral salts and useful oils in the roots of marshmallow. The amount of micro- and macro-substances in this part of the plant is also impressive. Marshmallow roots are a treasure trove. In this part, the researchers found, as well as some reserves, nitrogen, lead and. The leaves of the herb are rich in essential oils, rubber-like substances, carotene, etc.

Why is marshmallow useful?

Marshmallow belongs to those plants about the beneficial properties of which you can write treatises. And all because it has a beneficial effect on almost all organs and systems. For example, marshmallow is useful for the digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary systems, it has good analgesic properties, copes with diseases of the oral cavity, eyes and skin, restores the integrity of the mucous membranes of the human body, helps to resist viral diseases, and strengthens the immune system. And recent research indicates that marshmallow may be beneficial for people with diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels.

The mucus contained in the marshmallow is unique in terms of its healing properties. Researchers often compare them to mucus from, since the chemical composition of both is almost identical. Marshmallow mucus is useful for tissue regeneration, reducing inflammation, they have mucolytic properties.

In addition, the root of marshmallow treats sore throat, jaundice, candidiasis, urinary problems, and removes stones from the bladder. Compresses from the decoction are useful for joint pain, tremors in the limbs, muscle pain, they relieve swelling, including in insect bites.

By the way, marshmallow extract is useful for overweight people, as it reduces appetite and creates a feeling of satiety. During diets, marshmallow is useful as a remedy that improves intestinal motility and removes toxins from the body.

On the Internet, there is information about another amazing ability of marshmallow - to increase the size of a woman's breast. They say that the miracle cure should be prepared from the crushed root part and (a glass of hot milk per tablespoon of dry root) and drunk twice a day. Researchers are in no hurry to ridicule this recipe, since marshmallow actually has the ability to regulate hormones in the human body. However, the result from taking such a natural medicine, if any, is not very noticeable and only after several months of regular use. But for women during PMS or menopause, this ability of marshmallow will come in handy.

Use in pharmacology

Marshmallow root has been known in medicine for more than a century. The healing properties of the herb were mentioned by Hippocrates, and in the Middle Ages this medicine was used by Paracelsus, Albertus Magnus, the Arab healer Avicenna, as well as Benedictine monks who specially cultivated marshmallow in the gardens.

Official pharmacology usually uses the roots and seeds of marshmallow as a remedy. By the way, the popular cough medicine "Mukaltin" is made from marshmallow. Preparations based on marshmallow extract for internal use have enveloping properties, due to which they are considered useful for damage to the gastric mucosa. Many remedies for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity basically contain marshmallow, since the mucus of this herb, reacting with HCl in the stomach, increases its viscosity and covers the walls of the digestive organ with a dense layer, protecting it from the effects of acid. In pharmacies, marshmallow products are presented in the form of infusions, syrups, mixtures, herbal preparations, and extracts.

Application in traditional medicine

As already mentioned, the roots of this herb have pronounced healing properties, although marshmallow greens are also used in many folk recipes.


Water infusions from the roots of marshmallow (1 tablespoon and a glass of boiling water, infused in a water bath for 20 minutes) are the most popular folk weapon against sore throat and other throat diseases. It is good to rinse the mouth with this medicine for inflammation of the gums or violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane. By the way, for the treatment of the throat, the infusion is suitable both as a gargle and for oral administration (10-20 ml every 2-3 hours, you can add a little).

With tracheitis, bronchitis and some other ailments of the respiratory tract in children, good results are obtained by taking syrup from the roots of marshmallow. This tool can be bought at any pharmacy, or you can do it yourself at home. Herbalists prepare this medicine as follows: powdered marshmallow roots are added to sugar syrup (in a ratio of 98: 2). When the powder is soaked, the mixture is stirred and heated well over low heat. After cooling, the medicine is ready for use.

The root part of marshmallow is often included in herbal teas intended to treat stomach or duodenal ulcers. The most popular recipe of this type includes the roots of marshmallow, comfrey (larkspur) and licorice () in equal shares. Tea is brewed from a tablespoon of the herbal mixture and a glass of hot water for 5 minutes, which is advised to drink before bedtime.

With a decoction of roots, traditional healers advise washing wounds, burns, pustules on the skin. This remedy is useful for external use for furunculosis and dermatomycosis. And for the treatment of tuberculosis, it is advised to drink a milk decoction of marshmallow root.


Juice from fresh marshmallow leaves (usually juicy greens harvested in early summer) is also a useful medicine. If you take 20 ml of marshmallow juice three times a day (sweeten a little with honey), you can cure bronchitis, prolonged cough, gastritis, enterocolitis, diarrhea, cystitis. This remedy is useful for asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and many other diseases. The herb juice is useful for external use. They are advised to wash their eyes, burns, pustules.

A decoction of a mixture of leaves and roots can be used as a mild laxative, medicine for enterocolitis, or to gargle a sore throat.

A decoction and infusions from the flowers of this herb have the same effect as preparations from the roots of marshmallow.

Use in cosmetology

In addition to all of the above, marshmallow is also useful in cosmetology. In particular, as a means to relieve irritations and inflammations on the skin, to accelerate cell regeneration and moisturize the skin, to treat acne and acne. For dry skin of the face, for example, lotions from an infusion made from a glass of boiling water and one and a half tablespoon of dry crushed roots will be useful. It is also useful to rinse the skin with the same tool after shaving, peeling or vacuum massage. Marshmallow leaves have antioxidant properties that prevent aging of the skin, restoring its healthy glow and beautiful color.

For hair, marshmallow is useful as a baldness remedy and stimulates the growth of new hair. As a means for restoring curls, a remedy made from marshmallow seeds and vegetable oil (1 tablespoon seeds per 150 ml of oil) has proven itself well. It is useful to rub this mixture into the scalp 1-2 times a week. The course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.

Contraindications and possible harm to marshmallow

The list of contraindications for taking marshmallow-based drugs is small, but still it exists. So, this herb should not be used for pulmonary diseases, accompanied by complications of respiratory function, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, chronic constipation, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to collect and procure correctly

Herbalists usually harvest marshmallow roots, which are considered the healthiest part of the plant. According to the rules, the roots should be dug out either in late autumn (after the aerial part dries up), or in early spring (until the grass has grown). Conscientious herbalists never take the entire root of the plant, and leave about a third of the rhizome so that the marshmallow can continue to grow and multiply. If you adhere to this rule, then after 3-4 years the plant will grow back to its previous size.

Marshmallow's roots are quite large and strong, so you need a shovel for harvesting. For medicinal purposes, only juicy lateral roots are taken, the central woody one is not suitable for use. Fresh roots should be slimy, with a faint odor and a sweetish aftertaste. The collected roots are cleaned from the ground, washed, divided into pieces of 25 cm, if they are very thick, then cut into several pieces along. Some herbalists also clean the roots from the gray rind before drying. The prepared raw materials are dried in the oven (at temperatures up to 50 degrees) or in well-ventilated rooms. However, when dried outdoors, the roots are prone to decay. Well dried raw materials can be stored in a linen bag or in sealed packaging for 3 years.

Flowers and leaves have less pronounced healing power. But if these parts of the plant are harvested, then it is advised to do this exclusively in the initial stage of the flowering of the grass.

It is interesting that in some regions marshmallow is used not only for treatment, but also for food. In particular, fresh young leaves are added to salads, older ones are boiled, stewed, added as a spicy herb to soups and stews. The roots, if added to dishes, are only boiled.

Altay is a delightful culture. Its stems are used for the production of paper and ropes, a natural dye obtained from flowers is used to dye wool, and oil from seeds is useful in the chemical industry (added to varnishes and paints). But besides this, marshmallow is the most useful medicinal herb, the correct use of which will help get rid of many diseases.